A week ago, Aaron Rodgers’ last remaining brain cells worked overtime to come up with a punchy nickname for Travis Kelce. Travis, you see, is a big, burly tight end who does Pfizer commercials reminding everyone to get their Covid boosters and flu shots. Aaron Rodgers is the dumbass who lied about getting Covid-vaccinated, got Covid, exposed countless people to the virus, and then mainlined and regurgitated the dumbest anti-vaxx conspiracies out there. In any case, Aaron sneeringly referred to Kelce as “Mr. Pfizer.” When Travis was asked about it days later, his response was a thing of beauty – he has the sheer confidence and BDE of a man who believes in science. He said: “I thought it was pretty good. With the ‘stache, I look like someone named Mr. Pfizer. Who knew I’d get into vax wars with Aaron Rodgers, man? Mr. Pfizer against the Johnson & Johnson family over there…I got it because keeping myself safe, my family safe, the people in this building. I stand by it 1,000%. Fully comfortable with him calling me Mr. Pfizer.” Predictably, Travis’s amazing response to dumbf–kery enraged you-know-who.
Aaron Rodgers was joking last week when he called Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce “Mr. Pfizer.” Rodgers also wasn’t joking. There was an edge of disdain and derision in the term that Rodgers used. When the subject came up during this week’s visit with Pat McAfee and company, it was clear that Rodgers had a strong anti-vaccine (or, as some — like me — would say, anti-science) viewpoint lurking behind the effort at levity. Rodgers started by responding to Kelce’s reference to Rodgers as being aligned with Johnson & Johnson in the “vaxx wars,” given that Rodgers plays for the team owned by J&J heir Woody Johnson.
“It’s fascinating,” Rodgers said of the reaction to his coining of the “Mr. Pfizer” moniker. “I mean, the triggering, though. Was that not incredible last week? People getting absolutely triggered? Listen, you know, like I saw some of it. I love — I mean, the Johnsons have been great to me. So I don’t mind you calling me ‘Mr. Johnson & Johnson.’ Woody and Christopher and their families, they’ve been great. I don’t play for the Johnson & Johnson corporation, I play for the New York Jets. So I mean, you know, I made a tiny little joke about a guy shilling for a, you know, potentially — it’s not potentially, but it’s a you know corrupt company and everybody kind of loses their minds over it.”
Later, Rodgers challenged Kelce to debate the subject of vaccines in a public setting.
“Well, there’s a lot of propaganda out there,” Rodgers said. “Lot of propaganda out there. Listen, you know, Mr. Pfizer said he didn’t think he’d be in a vaxx war with me. . . . This ain’t a war, homey, this is conversation. But if you wanna have some sort of duel, debate, have me on the podcast, come on the show. Let’s have a conversation. Let’s do it like in John Wick IV, right? So we both have a second, right? So somebody to help us out. I’m gonna take my man RFK, Jr. . . . And he can have, you know, Tony Fauci or some other Pharmacrat, and we can have a conversation about this.”
“LOOK WHO GOT TRIGGERED” cries the triggered man, ranting about “Pharmacrats” and wingnut ratf–ker Robert Kennedy Jr. “DEBATE ME, BRO,” sobs the insignificant dumbass. It really is a shocking turn of events that Aaron Rodgers turned into this complete f–king moron.
Aaron Rodgers is inviting Travis Kelce to have a vaccine debate.
Rodgers proposes that it be him and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. against Kelce and Anthony Fauci.
(via @PatMcAfeeShow)pic.twitter.com/tcqPmptGtB https://t.co/xvH9M5MlpR
— Ari Meirov (@MySportsUpdate) October 10, 2023
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- , Louisville, KY – 20190503 Celebrities pose for pictures as they arrive at the 2019 Barnstable Brown Kentucky Derby Eve Gala. -PICTURED: Aaron Rodgers -PHOTO by: Media Punch/INSTARimages.com This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- 176818, Aaron Rodgers at the 2018 ESPYS at Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles. Los Angeles, California – Wednesday July 18, 2018. Photograph: © Joe Sutter, PacificCoastNews. Los Angeles Office (PCN): +1 310.822.0419 UK Office (Avalon): +44 (0) 20 7421 6000,Image: 515661130, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS – DIRECT SALES ONLY – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon.red – sales@avalon.red London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Joe Sutter, PacificCoastNews / Avalon
- Aaron Rodgers, NFL Quarterback, attends The Barnstable-Brown Gala benefiting the Diabetes and Obesity Center on May 5, 2017 in Louisville, Kentucky.,Image: 563879000, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Steven Bullock / The Photo Access / Avalon
- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – JULY 18: American football tight end Travis Kelce arrives at The ‘Players Party’ 2022 Co-Hosted By Michael Rubin, MLBPA And Fanatics held at the City Market Social House on July 18, 2022 in Los Angeles, California, United States.,Image: 708357135, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Travis Kelce, Credit line: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon
- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – JULY 18: American football tight end Travis Kelce arrives at The ‘Players Party’ 2022 Co-Hosted By Michael Rubin, MLBPA And Fanatics held at the City Market Social House on July 18, 2022 in Los Angeles, California, United States.,Image: 708357138, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Travis Kelce, Credit line: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon
- THERMAL, COACHELLA VALLEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USA – APRIL 15: Travis Kelce arrives at the REVOLVE Festival 2023 celebrating the 20th Anniversary of REVOLVE in partnership with The h.wood Group on April 15, 2023 in Thermal, Coachella Valley, Riverside County, California, United States.,Image: 769978238, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Travis Kelce, Credit line: Image Press Agency / Image Press Agency / Avalon
- HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – JULY 11: American football tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League Travis Kelce arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere Of Netflix’s ‘Quarterback’ Season 1 held at the Netflix Tudum Theater on July 11, 2023 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States.,Image: 788661092, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Travis Kelce, Credit line: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon
- , Louisville, KY – 20190503 Celebrities pose for pictures as they arrive at the 2019 Barnstable Brown Kentucky Derby Eve Gala. -PICTURED: Aaron Rodgers -PHOTO by: Media Punch/INSTARimages.com This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
If he ever gets back out on the field, thin-skinned and simple Aaron just showed how dang easy if will be to trigger him and get him to melt down. Get your taunts ready, football stars, because this one will be easy pickings.
This is literally “Footbawl”.
Aaron, shut up and fumble
My goodness. This Rodgers guy needs to check his notes and do more research. And figure out how ONE MILLION people died within the past 3 years, many at the prime of their lives. A little over a million, Aaron. Probably more brain cells than you have, but I do hope you look at some numbers because you need “evidence” in your argument when you enter into a debate.
Aaron Rodgers is an angry turd.
Stick to throwing the ball sweetheart.
Edit: not sure why this posted to your comment. Sorry.
No worries. 🙂
LOL and yes.
Seems Green Bay quarterbacks always have a mess at the end of their careers.. must be playing in the cold to long🤷🏻♀️.
He’s trying to get some of that relevant shine from TK.
What a dumbass…
This is it- he is so fkn jealous of TK that he cannot stand it. Has to lash out publicly-such a tough guy 🙄.
Toxic dude. Ridiculously insecure. Threatened by men who are secure. Dude Douchebro.
He calls him homey. Cringe. He comes across like a pouty baby whereas Travis comes across as cool and concise. He got to the point whereas Aaron just keeps going and going. He needs an editor.
He’s captain of the Red Pill Society of Dumba** Losers JV team. Total trash.
Kevin Lanflisi dodged a bullet. Whether they were just good friends or the “more” many suspected, Lanflisi was devastated when Rogers sent him packing from the home they shared and cut him off entirely. But with the benefit of hindsight, it’s so clear everything worked out for the best. Rogers is a Grade A idiot.
@MoxyLady – I don’t remember how long ago it was, because time has no meaning since Covid, but yes. Rodger’s personal assistant who lived with him is gay, and was suddenly fired and kicked out of the house. It was in Green Bay. There were huge rumors that they were a couple, and within a year or so, Rodger’s started being public about what lady he was dating. I might have the timeline off, but he was playing at Green Bay then. I think the PA had been posting stuff that looked more and more couple esque?
What’s the PA?
Not @Lucy, but I assumed Personal Assistant?
Rodgers is so pathetic.
So true. He loses all composure when common sense enters the room. F*ck him.
“homey”??? Is he auditioning to run for political office in Texas or Florida? Hey dingbat – you’re playing for whoever is paying. Pharmaceutical money is paying your salary. Not some Jets logo.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and the man brought RFK Jr. into the conversation UNIRONICALLY like that was somehow supposed to bolster our confidence in his dumbassery. I want to have the confidence of Aaron Rodgers opening his mouth to speak 🥴🥴
Wow Aaron what a smart, big word using, not triggered thing to say (NOT). You used how many sentences to tell us you are not triggered and for all your infinite wisdom that is exactly what you told us. Not so smart now are you Aaron.
I think RFK Jr. found his VP, lol.
That’s a ticket straight out of cuckooland. 🤪😜
Would probably carry most of the south.
Let’em debate. Fauci can be the moderator instead of a participant since he is the only one mentioned with a scientific background. I think Aaron has had too many concussions.
They have all had too many concussions. I can’t believe FOOTBAWWW!!! is still a thing. It physically destroys the players, all for the entertainment of a bunch of people who couldn’t run 50 yards without someone chasing them with a weapon – and even then. It’s appalling. How anyone can enjoy football while knowing what it does to the players is beyond me.
That said, Rogers is an idiot and Travis just served the truth. I hope he gets out before his health and mind are destroyed in the quest to make billionaires and the No Freaking Life organization even richer. I feel for the players. Yeah, they’ve got “better helmets” now, but the whole thing is an abusive crock. Good luck, Travis.
Those “better helmets” are a whole 25% better at reducing concussions. Doesn’t sound like an improvement that makes it worth the risk to me, but I’ve never understood the allure of football either.
Bee- I agree so so so much.
I was never interested in the sport. But learning how it chews up and spits out men in their prime to limp through the remaining decades of their lives in debilitating physical pain and deteriorating neurological and mental faculties is just horrifying. And for what?!?
Love of the game? Money that won’t cover the care they are gonna need? (Not in the US of A baby)
It’s awful. I refuse to watch the Super Bowl and whatever else because I refuse to condone what it does.
And it doesn’t matter what kind of helmet you have. Your brain moves in your skull.
I used to LOVE watching football at all levels until I learned about the racist plantation aspect, head injuries/CTE, and the extremely high level of domestic violence in the industry. Now I can’t stomach it at all.
@Bee, ITA, and I’m appalled that given all we know about the brain injuries, there are still football teams for CHILDREN.
Maybe he should just ask RFK Jr. to lay on hands and heal him, too.
Just snorted coffee —- 🤣
Mr. “Look at my NON-COVID toe” Rogers and RFK, Jr. are a match made in not-heaven. I’d pay good money to see that debate with Kelce et al and these two loons.
Dude is so very deep in the MAGA. And the level of cognitive dissonance that needs to exist for him to be anti-vaxx yet playing for a franchise owned by folks who got rich(er) from the vaccine is just…whew.
He grew up Evangelical so him falling for this crap doesn’t surprise me. He has always thought he was the smartest guy in the room.
Yeah this is cope. He has baby brain. You make money for J&J and you get paid by them end of story, not hard to understand.
I despise this man now. He was so much easier to like when he kept his dumb assery to himself
Ayahuasca Aaron sure was the one who was triggered:
Aaron Rodgers Talks Participating in 3-Night Ayahuasca Event and His Love of Washing Dishes: It’s ‘Meditative’
Aaron Rodgers opened up about using the psychedelic drug in an interview with Men’s Health
For real. Those are bold words for a man who looks like he’s constantly high on peyote and smells like the ayahuasca sharts. Perhaps, he should have stayed longer in his darkness retreat to get a clue.
Ayahuasca sharts ! Bwahaha! Love it! I think his old cheese head melted in to his brain! What a doof !
yeah, he doesnt sound “triggered” at all.
What a fucking spiral lol! It’s basically incoherent by the end. What a loser.
I used to feel neutral to positive about Aaron Rodgers. Then he started talking. He should stop doing that.
💯 agree.
Clearly Qaaron has way too much time on his hands. The way Travis just laughed him off like “dude I can beat your ass, have a seat”. Like it or not, your money comes from the Johnsons. It will be interesting once he recovers whether or not he will get to play again.
I really hate this posturing “debate me, bro” rubbish. Urgh. Such a waste of oxygen & mental energy. Rodgers isn’t open to other opinions, he just wants to rattle someone’s cage for his knucklehead fans.
I know someone like this. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room but then he spouts off the usual garbage all the Qers vomit. Claims he’s a “critical thinker” and wants to “debate” but there’s no point because he almost immediately dissolves into logical fallacies. I wouldn’t care so much except he took my BFF, his wife down the rabbit hole with him. Of course they’re that kind of Xtian too. Just like Qaaron.
When he stopped talking to his family several years ago I thought it was them. He seemed so level headed after it all went down. He did an interview where talked about a letter he’d received from PBO and he was visibly hurt when Packers fans didn’t lock arms after George Floyd was murdered. He gave voice to The Enough Project, a nonprofit organization determined to raise awareness about conflict minerals from Congo used to create cellphone batteries.
And now he’s here. What the F!CK happended to him. It is so sad to see.
I was a hospice nurse for 8 years, and Aaron Rodgers sent a multi-page handwritten letter, along with a massive box of autographed Packers swag to one of my patients. He was supposed to go to a game at Lambeau and became too sick to travel. So, Aaron sent him this letter and all this stuff. The family was glowing when they told me this, and showed me the letter.
That was roughly 10 years ago, and I have a hard time reconciling that memory with the person he is now. All I can think is that he had too many concussions.
Also the way he speaks. It’s like a middle-aged dad trying to sound young and relevant.
he started in the NFL with a massive chip on his shoulder because of where he was drafted and I think he never achieved the level of fame or success that he thought he truly, truly deserved. he was a very solid, talented Q but I guess he needed to be the best, and that simply was not happening. i think he has always thought that there was a massive conspiracy against him so this behavior tracks for me.
Sometimes with those things. how much of it really was them, and how much if it is their PR staff. Like he’s talking now so we know who he really is, so back then, was that really him? or his staff?
It’s weird, right? But we’ve all seen it in our own lives the past few years, between the MAGA crap and the pandemic/vaccine, some people just straight up lost their minds. They fell into the conspiracy theory holes, the nonsense, and it took over their brain.
Aaron Rodgers is a dumbass.
Qaaron needs to donate his brain to CTE research because I believe he was rational at one point.
Also, Kelce is kinda busy preparing for games with his superbowl-winning team, dating a superstar, and filming endorsements …
“Come at me, bro, come at me…” HAHAHAHAAA
yes…he’s gonna go john wick on Travis with bilateral ankle injuries. LOL. focus on your rehab man before you break it permanently. although would love to see him hobble around in front of Travis in some vax war fight. also, Mr. Johnson and Johnson should know there’s plenty of corrupt dealings in his pharma co. he’s so happy to rep and get paid from.
“Let’s do it like in John Wick IV, right”
Maybe his handlers should send him to get assessed for likelihood of chronic traumatic encephalopathy?
It’s very alarming that he honestly thinks he and a conspiracy theorist can go toe to toe with a MEDICAL DOCTOR in a debate about vaccines.
@MOMMADAWNA – you’re killing me over here 😉
Was the pandemic not a prima fascia example of non-medical people by the millions thinking they knew better than a doctor about a medical condition?
There were politicians, random Facebook people, school boards, all coming up with their take and presenting it as medically valid. And don’t forget the unhinged persons that showed up at the homes of public health workers with guns.
I am sure Aaron Rogers and JFK Jr would feel quite confident mouthing off to an actual physician.
@MommaDawna — I came here to say the same!!! So this dummy and RFK Jr (🙄) want to debate science and medicine with THE Dr. Fauci and TK, a busy, charismatic, charming professional athlete?? It would almost be worth it to waste Dr. F’s time just to hear the conspiracy duo get humiliated. Too bad the guys who sold bleach injections as a Covid cure aren’t available to join — they just got sent to prison for 12 years.
My absolute favorite thing about Q-Aaron is that when his Achilles ripped- he gave up those “do your own research” “ethics” in a heartbeat.
He listened to his doctors, he took medical advice and followed medical procedure. He didn’t say no i am doing my own research, i don’t need surgery.
Funny how when the medical issue actually effects him- he is suddenly a traditional medicine guy. He is not up there trying to debate the surgeon who repaired his injury.
What a complete idiot.
Didn’t he used to do state farm ads?
I am thinking his lucrative commercial ventures- especially post football- take a hit, b/c he is a risk as a spokesman for ANYTHING.
I would be very surprised if there wasn’t a strict contractual obligation for Rogers to adhere to the medical advice of the team physician in the event of physical injury.
There was probably a significant amount of money on the line.
So I assume he also refused anesthesia or pain meds for his injury? Because you know, those meds are also made by “corrupt pharma.”
Nah, he just lined crystals up along his achilles tendon
Fun fact; if you look up small d**k energy in the Urban Dictionary it’s just a picture of Rodgers.
A bit rich of him to say he “plays” for the Jets. Shouldn’t he be a bit more worried about trying to get fit and actually finish a football game…or a first quarter…for them? Not sure how running around screeching “debate me bro!” helps that. What a loser.
Sorry, Aaron. Travis is a bit busy for your nonsense right now. He has a season to
A former Jets fan
I liked him a lot more before he started talking about anything outside of his work.
The other guy said to Aaron oh I thought you were going to pick “Dr. Joe Rogan” not RFK Jr. haha. Not sure if he meant to, but what an excellent burn. Dr. Joe and Dr. Aaron got their doctorates at the same place dumbass university
Probably T***P University, no doubt.
The idea that Travis Kelce would even give another thought to this dude’s chicanery while he’s very much otherwise occupied…hilarious. Aaron Rodgers clearly lost the cheese from his cracker on his way out of Wisconsin.
Also, this is all over a COMMERCIAL Travis did months ago.
Obviously you should stand behind the products you endorse, which he clearly does, but Travis doesn’t spend his days on the street demanding bros debate him about vaccines. It’s a paycheck. Just like the checks he took for the sandwiches, insurance, groceries, apps, etc. etc. etc.
Aaron Rodgers looks so pathetic in this whole (one-sided) fight. What a loser.
Not to mention all of the f*ckery when he quoted MLK to defend his criticism of NFL protocols, “I would add this to the mix as an aside, but the great MLK said you have a moral obligation to object to unjust rules and rules that make no sense.”
Yes, Mr. Rogers, MLK meant for his words to be twisted in a way to defend your anti-vax, anti-science views. Never mind when he said those words he was referring to rules and laws that were rooted in historic, systemic racism to oppress basic human rights for entire populations of people. Definitely the same thing…
If a while dude ever called me homey he’d be missing his teeth so fing fast….. Anyway AR is such a cornball loser.
You know it’s going badly when the dumb*ss “challenges” somebody to a debate.
Aaron Rodgers needs to keep Anthony Fauci’s name out of his dumb mouth. Dr. Fauci dedicated decades of his life to public service and public health. He’s retired now. He’s earned that retirement — and he should have earned the gratitude of a nation, but dumbasses like Rodgers continue to drag him through the mud.
And now because of conspiracy-minded idiots like Rogers, Dr, Fauci has to live out the rest of his life with security to keep him safe from the banshees they’ve unleashed.
Screw these people.
I don’t know if either of them are aware of this or not (Kelce might be), but the CDC revoked its approval of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine earlier this year. So “Mr. Pizer” v. “Mr. Johnson & Johnson” has an extra layer of shade.
Oh so this whole thing was just Rodgers angling to get on Kelce’s #1 podcast! What a tryhard.
Rogers just killed any endorsement/commercial opportunities with any reputable company.
MyPillow might hire him 🤷🏽♀️. So I love that he just shot himself in the foot.
I’m not for outing people, but the only more triggered this moron and his minions could be is if someone finally coughed up that’s he gay.
He replied, back when he was in Green Bay, that he wasn’t gay. The local reporter asked him straight out, and he said, ” I’m not gay, I really like women”
Any dude saying he ´triggered’ people is the triggered one. And now he just goes and tells on himself by basically endorsing JK jr. That NBC article is hilarious in how they just basically say how thin skinned he is. Side eyeing you Shaline for ever dating this tool. The ‘far left’ Jill Steins and fringe JK jrs have so much in common (and it’s not common sense).
His off-the-wall behavior started when he dated Shailene. I wonder if they dropped some hippie dippie drug and it damaged the part of his brain that controls logic and impulse control. I am super sensitive to all drugs/medications and he might be as well.
Regardless, something happened around that time to completely flip his ability to control his thought process and his personality.
Also, I’m not blaming Shailene, just noting the time frame.
Anyone who follows sports knows all about Aaron Rodgers and most dislike him besides the Jets fans now. Jets fans get ready, he’s going to do to you exactly what he did to GB and his talent isn’t there anymore. He’s an egomaniac, know it all baby, who constantly needs to get attention. He has no partner, no kids, and doesn’t get along with his own family. He has a spot on this frat boy show every week where they basically kiss his a##. He actually lied about getting the vaccine and got busted for lying. He’s a conspiracy theorist, a MAGA. I hope Travis Kelce doesn’t respond because that’s what he wants. He’s not playing right now because he’s hurt and when he went to the Jets game, all they talked about was Travis and Taylor. That’s what this is actually about. Someone else was getting more attention. Oh and don’t forget who pays his checks.
I saw this and Twitter last night and I had so much second-hand embarrassment for Rodgers. Not that he deserves it, but oh how the mighty have fallen.
Kelce was not the least bit “triggered” by what AR said. He laughed it off and gave a nice riposte and that was it. Now Rodgers just looks like a pathetic pouter. I’m just picturing him biting Kelce’s ankles while the bigger man (metaphorically and physically, I believe) shakes him off and just says “Bro, I’m not gonna fight you, sit down and shut up and let me play.”
This isn’t new – he’s like this every time he’s been challenged about anything.
Aaron Rosgers is a smug prick who still fancies himself as an “intellectual.”
I obviously don’t understand how ’triggered’ is being used these days because Travis’ response was relaxed, calm, short and sweet. It was delivered with humour and not at all obscene, insulting or emotional. It was an answer to a question. In our neighborhood Facebook group something similar happened during a vaccine debate. People were having a conversation back and forth and a poster kept saying ‘Wow y’all are triggered’ and I thought, but you started this conversation and people are answering you, giving their experience and information, not shrill or name calling but obviously not in agreement with the original poster. Anyway I only read celebitchy and I loved Travis’ response to Aaron. It’s right up there with Greta to that English douche
I think that people who don’t have well-reasoned arguments— and who may not value or even understand well-reasoned arguments— seem quite happy with their comments like “triggered” and even “ keep up”. It reassures them, somehow, that they’ve “owned the Libs”. I’ve stopped trying to make it make sense, because it doesn’t.
Imo, this also applies to the multiple comments here resorting to calling AR “dumbass.”
The part where Aaron called him a “pharmacrat” is the funniest part. YOU ARE EMPLOYED BY THE OWNERS OF JOHNSON & JOHNSON.
Aaron Rogers is only bringing up Travis Kelce to stay in the conversation. Since Aaron’s season ended with an injury he sustained in his first game as a Jet, he’s just trying to make a fight out of nothing so people can keep talking about him.
Hm. His medical expert doubles partner is RFK Jr? That would have been my second guess after Joe Rogan. Did something go wrong with the Ivermectin JR prescribed for AR’ that I don’t remember?
LOLLLL why do these types of dudes always want to have a debate?? Be quiet!! RFK?? hahah
Oh, Aaron. Grow up. Find something more constructive to do with your time. This issue has become more tedious every time you bring it up, and you are becoming more tedious. Just move on, bud.
Travis gave a really smart and witty response regarding the Mr Pfizer reference ..
It definitely triggered Aaron lolz.
My main takeaway from this mess is that Kelce is very charming and hot
@ A; agree.
It’s not shocking though. Rodger’s last gf, shailene woodley, is a leading Hollywood dumbasses. She literally nibbles clay! xx
Again, I say…
Qaaron Rodgers.
Rodgers says he and Kelce “both have a minute.” No, wrong. Rodgers has a minute, MANY minutes since he’s sidelined with his Achilles injury he sustained on the turf his first day as a Jet. If Rodgers really wants a debate, why not the turf vs. grass debate? Many players hate turf and have been hurt on it. Anyway, Kelce does NOT have a minute. He’s an active football player with a game a week or so. He’s also dating Taylor Swift (for real, Aaron, none of your fauxmances) and is deeply involved with his family. So Aaron, find another playmate or punching bag. What the hell is he so mad about? He makes multiple millions just sitting on the sidelines in wonderful New York City, NOT playing the boys’ game he got rich on. Do us ALL a favor, Aaron, just STFU. Stop. See a psychiatrist. Go to a Broadway show. You are on the wrong side of science, history, sanity and good sense. Get a job!
Also, is it just me or does RFK Jr.’s face seem to be turning to stone? I can’t explain it any better than that, I’m afraid. God knows why that nice actress, his third wife, puts up with him. He seems like a yeller and a petulant, aggressive person in general.
His estranged wife Mary hung herself over despair and depression because of the blatantly public affair he was having with that nice Cheryl Hines.
State Farm picked Travis over Rodgers. And he’s dating one of the most famous women on the planet. Aaron Rodgers is big mad.
Where’s the meltdown?
A lot of unhealthy people here with a strange love for big pharma…