Prince William & Kate are ‘savvy enough to know that times are changing’

It’s so funny to watch Kensington Palace try to go another keen blitz, where they’re briefing to their favorite outlets all about Prince William and Kate’s big, major, significant plans to be keen. There is never any pot of gold at the end of this keen rainbow, but I do enjoy watching KP staff try. If anything, William and Kate are doing less now that they have the Wales titles, and yet they need more staff and more hype to tread water and be completely unimaginative. Well, Victoria Ward at the Telegraph was tasked with writing yet another “no really, William and Kate are on the forefront of changing the monarchy” piece. The fact that the Caribbean Flop Tour is cited as the start of all of this “change” is amazing, as is the fact that the Telegraph used some of the worst photos from last year’s disastrous tour (so I’ll do the same!). Some highlights:

Will & Kate will not do traditional royal events: Rather than the traditional “away days” that for decades have involved members of the Royal family sweeping into towns and villages across the UK, greeting crowds and unveiling plaques before leaving, they instead launched a fundraising drive during a visit to Scarborough to galvanise long-term support for young residents’ mental health. It was a pilot project but one that has since been repeated in towns and cities across the UK and will continue to be rolled out.

Will & Kate have been working on these changes for years! Yet this was no knee jerk, last-minute change in tack; William and Catherine had been working up to this change in approach for years. Both laser-focused and determined to use their roles to instigate change, they recognise that today, we live in a different world to that of their predecessors. Their attitude is no comment on the approach taken by William’s grandmother, the late Queen, who successfully navigated 70 years on the throne by saying very little, acknowledging that she simply had to be seen. They understand, aides say, that times have changed. The public wants more from its figureheads-from the Royal family – and they believe they have more to give. They want to be more relatable. They want to use their time to create something more tangible, something that will actually change society for the better.

William is not like his father!! Of course, William’s approach is not wholly unique. His father spent decades as Prince of Wales campaigning on issues such as the environment, and continues to strive for change as King. But whereas Charles has often been criticised for his approach, his son and heir is savvy enough to know that times are changing.

The Caribbean Flop Tour haunts them: We only need to look back to the couple’s ill-fated Caribbean tour of March 2022 to see the origins of this approach. As William reacted to criticism that the tour, with its colonial overtones, was “tone deaf” and “out of touch”, he acknowledged that the royal world was shifting on its axis. With several Commonwealth realms demanding independence and slavery reparations, he made it clear he believed his family’s fabled “never complain, never explain” mantra was outdated. Aides said then that he had thought deeply about what kind of King he wanted to be when the time came, what needed to change and how certain protocols must evolve. That tour, he admitted, “brought into even sharper focus” questions about the past and the future and they are questions that William has mulled over ever since. He is keen to have his own voice.

The Kensington Palace CEO: Since the death of Queen Elizabeth II last September, his new model has been slowly unveiled. The Prince and Princess are recruiting a new chief executive that will answer directly to them, rather than their private secretaries. The message was clear. Kensington Palace was, if not reinventing the wheel, then certainly shaking things up.

No abrupt changes: The shift in tone is being introduced slowly and carefully. The couple cautioned their staff against abrupt change. They are determined to be perceived as authentic voices within the small number of key spaces in which they work; the early years, the environment, mental health and homelessness. These themes are the focus of long-term projects that will last years, if not decades, each rooted in their Royal Foundation. The Prince and Princess are absolutely hell bent on doing this their own way. And they have never felt more ambitious.

[From The Telegraph]

Kensington Palace sources insist that if everyone could go back in time, the Duchess of Sussex would have put William and Kate on the cover of the British Vogue “Forces for Change” issue she guest-edited. We are told that William and Kate came up with the word “change” themselves, that it is wholly their own initiative to say “change” endlessly, and that they needed a year and a half to mull over questions of whether the British commonwealth was ready for the British royals to stop with their colonialist and racist nonsense. William has insisted to sources that he must be referred to as handsome, single, and a change-making heartthrob who has his own voice and is keen to be a global statesman. Seriously though, I love how stupid this is.

Photos courtesy of Instar.

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109 Responses to “Prince William & Kate are ‘savvy enough to know that times are changing’”

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  1. Ronaldinhio says:

    They are a new type of Royalty. The don’t work aren’t committed type.
    I believe this will be the end of the British Royal Family. People are working harder than ever and there is a cost of living crisis.
    Prince William not wanting to work hard – it is not it and flames questions of why we pay billionaires to believe they are too good to put in the hours and escape taxation

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      All those words just to say that the lazies are lazying…..

      • aftershocks says:

        My God. 🙄 The envious grifting, clout-chasing, and copy-keening of the Sussexes will never cease! All of a sudden, being ‘ambititious’ is supposed to be a good thing, eh. As long as, it’s not Meghan professing to being ‘ambitious,’ while backing up her desires with hard work, and superior intelligence. Got it.

      • Louise says:

        For the love of pete, could someone please give these people a thesaurus? ‘Keen’ has lost all meaning. It is tired. Please find another word.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        The Keens’ are over the moon, glowing even, within their eggplant happiness and bewigged joy to announce that Will.I.Am and Kate.the.Grate, are positively giddy to announce the launch of their newest project….(right, after they cyber stalk H&M to see what they did two years ago) so they can do the same but less, just with more words, in five years. Long term projects are another way of saying: we’ll take your charitable donation…preferably in a suitcase…hehehe. My nonexistent secretary will get back to you sometime. Honestly, expecting these two to “do anything” is a bridge too far. The only thing I’ve see lately with any ambition is Kate’s wig! We should start a go fund me page to free Kate’s wig!

      • Carolind says:

        Yup. They should be out opening stuff. It is how they see all the people of Britain and their children do not come first. Their country does.

  2. Savvy? Do they know what that even is? These two are coming up with ways to not “work”. The change may be that Peg and Can’t will set fire to the monarchy and then blame everyone but themselves. Which is probably best but they will have done unintentionally lol.

    • Dutch says:

      Savvy enough to know, lazy enough to get steamrolled by it

      • Concern Fae says:

        Savvy enough to know, egotistical enough to think that if they stand for continuity, people will respect them for it, not find them lazy and out of touch.

      • Campbell says:

        Yes, their plan is to be lazy, but purposely so.

    • SarahCS says:

      There are many words that can be used to describe them, this is not one of them.

      • Louise says:

        For the love of pete, could someone please give these people a thesaurus? ‘Keen’ has lost all meaning. It is tired. Please find another word.

    • Lulu says:

      I’m sticking with dreadfully common and childish.

    • Dee says:

      Savvy is not the word. Harry used the word “space” to describe his relationship with Unwilling Will and that’s a great word for both of them. Kate is shallow as a saucer. There’s just no there there with either of them. Let’s find real jobs for those kids when they are old enough and end the charade.

    • ales says:

      Neither one is savy. K is always desperate to be the focus of attention, her party favor tiara at the coronation and evil queen expressions made sure she got attention. Lately looking a mess is getting her extra photos. The ridiculous tights she wore as Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards got her more attention. W seems to be trying to avoid her. K’s lack of class and very common behavior is an embarrassment. After 20 plus years K has learned nothing other than to make sure she is photographed. W has possibilities but from the beginning K has tried to dominate in trashy ways. What was he thinking when he brought the very common, classless, grifter Midds into the BRF. Savy is not a word that refers to W and his court, quite the opposite is the reality.

  3. Miranda says:

    1.) I am not at all convinced that they are savvy enough to know that times are changing.

    2.) Even if they did realize it, they would fight like hell to resist that change, because they love living in their antiquated, “anointed” little bubble where everyone constantly assures that them that they are special. They expected their own sister-in-law to curtsy to them in private, FFS.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Yes. And honestly, we all told WanK NOT to take their disastrous trip to the Caribbean! They bull-headedly decided to go anyway. And now, they’re lying about having learned something from having their racist, performative shit-show widely panned, and having cemented the resolve of many Commonwealth countries to divest themselves of British colonialism. 🙄🤥

    • The Old Chick says:

      They’ve spent 12 years praising Kate for never putting a foot wrong, never rocked the boat, concentrated on fitting in, was traditional. All code for no change. Now she’s all about power suits and change post M? These fvckrs.

  4. ThatsNotOkay says:

    “With several Commonwealth realms demanding independence and slavery reparations, he made it clear he believed his family’s fabled “never complain, never explain” mantra was outdated.” How does one thing relate to the other? ‘Well, people want us to pay them back for five hundred years of exploitation and forced free labor, so I guess the answer is to be freer with my words.’

    • Steph says:

      Yeah, that comment makes no sense.
      ETA: the quoted comment. You’re makes perfect sense.

    • Nic919 says:

      Someone savvy would understand that the request for reparations, especially from a family who directly profited from slavery in the empire, will be an issue he will face for the rest of his life. He won’t be able to ignore this, even if Charles tries to.

    • Becks1 says:

      oh, it makes sense, just not in the way you expect.

      During the tour, they were criticized for the colonial tone of that tour, and they were fired on camera, and there were demands for reparations, etc. And william basically came out at the end and was like “if you’re going to be mean to us WE’RE NOT GOING TO VISIT!!” I forget what he said exactly but basically there were a few stories after that tour about how W&K WOULD complain and explain and one of the things they were going to complain about was how poorly the press et al treated them during that tour.

      • Christine says:


        It’s been clear for a while that someone at KP is reading this site. We were all rolling from the first second of the tour, because there wasn’t one moment that was remotely respectful to any Caribbean country and/or flatly racist.

        They didn’t reverse course, and the petulant “statement” Willnot seethed from his private plane on the way back to England showed that he was pouting, like a toddler.

  5. Tessa says:

    This is so embarrassing an article. Charles worked on his projects. William is lazy. The keens are out of touch and those photos illustrate it. And Kate in her scarlett dress.

    • SarahCS says:


      “But whereas Charles has often been criticised for his approach” – yes, by the very people who now own William. Charles stood up for environmental causes he believed in and got flack for it. He has many faults but he stuck to his guns on that one.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Yes, and Charles was regarded as a crank in early days but he kept at it. Public opinion on a lot of the issues definitely came around.

      • kirk says:

        OOh let’s all bow down to Environmentalist Chuck da T’ird for all of his Initiatives. Like always flying private, but we never hear about his use of carbon offsets unless the payment is going to directly benefit one of his holdings that benefits his private purse. How many houses is the dude up to now 5? 6? 7? What’s the carbon footprint of all Chuck’s mansions? How fortunate for him that Betty got the Scottish property exempted from Scottish environmental regs. The dude who got the very first waiver of the ban on short in-country flights in France? Didn’t he fly a car into France? Arguably he took his own car for security purposes, but that begs a few explanations as to why? Ooh. Much Green.

  6. Geegee says:

    The press have been polishing this tyrd for so long. No wonder they are all full of crap

  7. Steph says:

    This is more of him trying to be Harry. Harry disappears from the public eye for months at a time any to resurface with full blown projects. William wants to do this too but doesn’t have the wok ethic to actually produce anything tangible or worthwhile. Meghan is just like Harry. Kate wants that too but had the same problem as William.

    • Eurydice says:

      Private citizens can get away with appearing in public whenever they want, but the RF depends on publicity. William could probably get something done, if he hired the right people – but, apart from his lack of work ethic, he has no organizational skills. He can’t even articulate his goals, let alone direct people to achieve them. As for Kate, she doesn’t want to achieve anything in particular – she just wants to hang onto William as long as she can.

    • Taytanish says:

      The Waleses just don’t have the brains to cook up any projects, they both are thicker than 2 short planks. They were and still are absolutely nothing without Harry, that’s why they are mad at Harry for leaving and exposing their daftness. Harry leaving exposed how much the Waleses suck b@*ls at anything and everything. Consider Heads Together, the mental health project that was touted as ” Kate came up with the idea” by derangers but in actuality, was Harry’s idea and the then Cambridges latched onto it to get credit for someone else’s work. Once Harry left the Royal Foundation, do you ever hear anyone mentioning Heads Together even remotely? Answer is no, and the reason its never mentioned is because it was never William and Kate’s project/idea to begin with, so it died with Harry leaving. Those two are the dumbest royals that ever walked this earth. In my opinion, William is even dumber that his great uncle Edward the VIII.

      • Dee says:

        There are plenty of ideas already. Will wants to be the idea guy, but he needs to be the one who makes sure the people with workable sustainable ideas have the resources they need. But that would involve work and giving up wealth, which Will is unwilling to do.

      • Surly Gale says:

        I thought it had been clarified that Kate came up with the wording “Heads Together” is all. Harry did everything else. William did nothing, except latch on.

        Harry leaving … did they for one second think it would expose the whole charade?
        So ensconced in their own cocoons, I don’t think so. I was raised to respect the Queen and hence the Crown and I did till I started following H&M’s love story and then OMG blinders OFF and disgust rolls in. In billowing waves of disbelief, I can no longer see these people as anything special. They make themselves smaller and smaller with every passing day. I don’t think it’s a case of abolish the monarchy, because First Nations’ treaties are with the Crown, so to get any truth, reconciliation and justice the Crown still needs to exist to be accountable to uphold those treaties. I think its a case of defund the monarchy.

      • kelleybelle says:

        I completely agree you here on everything. They truly are. Even Camilla said Kate was dim. Of course they never mention that anymore, do they?

  8. Eurydice says:

    Actually, it took them almost 4 years to realize times are changing – ever since H&M left that glue trap.

  9. Jais says:

    Well, one part that rings true is that they are still haunted by the Caribbean flop tour. And I love that for them. That was such a global embarrassment for our newly minted global social leader. Not sure the newspapers saying how ambitious they are is a good thing. It doesn’t feel like a compliment here but doubtful it will ever be used as harshly as it was against meghan. White royals are allowed ambition without getting smeared for it.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I mean, who’s the KP staff member with the responsibility of following everything that Harry and Meghan do? William and Kate were opposed to change until Harry and Meghan left.

  11. Maxine Branch says:

    Meanwhile. The Sussexes are being true to their purpose by helping as many communities as well as highlighting as many initiatives as they possibly can. While the so called change agents will mimic as many of their initiatives as possible without putting in an ounce of research or work. Worthless duo.

  12. Sophie says:

    Wow, how unimaginative and uninspiring this latest load of fanfiction is! Come on guys, you can find better at or archive of our own! Smh

  13. TigerMcQueen says:

    They’ve never really done things like “away days”. They’ve always done as little as possible. What bunk about being deliberately slow to roll out “change.”

    And the change from doing as little as possible because of the kids to doing as little as possible while also focusing on made-up-to-prop-up initiatives have a timeline alright. It wasn’t the flop tour.

    • SarahCS says:

      They’ll do an away hour here or there as long as there’s a place for the helicopter to land or Kate can get there in less than half an hour from her house.

  14. seaflower says:

    These two are a joke

  15. Krista says:

    OMG if I hear the word “keen” again I may just vomit.

    Also, the hyperbole in these articles is amazing. How does anyone take them seriously? The breathless reporting is just laughable.

  16. Mslove says:

    I would tell the Wails to “work smarter, not harder” but
    you gotta be smart to pull that off.

  17. 2cents says:

    “We are told that William and Kate came up with the word “change” themselves, that it is wholly their own initiative to say “change” endlessly”

    It’s obvious that this royal reporter doesn’t believe this nonsense. The problem is that Will and Kate use the word “change” without having a “PASSION for change”. Unlike the Sussexes who declared their passion for change during their engagement interview in November 2017 and have built a respected global Sussex empire as independent royals ever since.

    Will and Kate are six years behind the Sussexes with their claim for change. They may conclude in their endgame that the best change for Britain is to abolish the monarchy and the class system.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Exactly this, 2cents 👆. What is it they actually want to change? No one ever says. If they were determined to make big changes, they should start with the monarchy and class system because that’s where all the other rot begins. They want to be “relatable” while representing a social system based on the concept of inequality. Nothing in this puff piece makes any sense.

      • Couch Potato says:

        The only thing they want to change is their clothes.

        Yeah, the changes should start with abolishing the class system, but as an outsider looking in, I don’t know if it will happen in my life time. It’s astonishing to watch so many regular british people wote for the tories. People know what they’re like. More for the rich while tearing down the NHS, regulating strikers rights, partying at Downing street 10, while the “plebs” were locked inside their smal apartements not seeing other people for months, the gigantic fuck ups following Brexit. I think Britain has to hit rock bottom before anything is done. The majority doesn’t seem to care on way or the other about the monarchy, while some, like Beckham, are dying to get a title. I think deep down it’s the faint hope of being a sir or dame that keeps people accepting the status quo.

    • @BelizeEmpower says:

      Meghan coined the phrase “change makers” when she edited the Vogue piece now Wil & Kate are claiming the word “change”? They are so desperate. Pretty soon they’ll claim “Service is Universal” too.

  18. equality says:

    So instead of going to shake hands, they are coming with their hands out looking for donations? Nothing about bringing any donation. What difference is it if the CEO answers to them? Do the private secretaries not answer to them? The older people want the pomp and snobbery of the monarchy as it is; younger people and marginalized people are wanting reparations and to get back their looted belongings. That is the change. Is he willing to pay reparations and return jewels? I like how they caution against “abrupt change” though. That will be the continuing story; we can’t do it too abruptly.

  19. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    So, what I’m hearing is that William has no regard or respect for how his grandmother acted in her role as queen and head of state. William has no regard or respect for the work his father did for decades as PoW. William, of course, knows how to do both roles better because he knows that times are changing? Can you even imagine the uproar, the outrage that would come about if Harry expressed anything like this??

    • equality says:

      Well, wasn’t that one of the big complaints that H&M wanted to modernize the monarchy?

      • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

        Exactly! But can you imagine the reaction if Harry’s was as critical of the late queen or current king as his brother is on a near daily basis?

      • equality says:

        It would be a “slap in the face” to the monarch. Of course, KC’s problem is that not too many people would care if he were literally slapped.

      • Christine says:

        Yep, equality. Every other article about Harry and Meghan wants to talk about the gigantic slap in the face they are to the monarchy.

        The irony.

  20. Lulu says:

    Legacy; Charles – The Princes Trust, Harry – Sentable, Invictus, William – Very Keen.

  21. Cel2495 says:

    Do they though? That times are changing? They are pathetic

  22. Alicky says:

    I am continually astonished that there seems to be no other word in British English to denote passion, enthusiasm, or interest besides “keen.”

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      Well in WandK’s case, neither has “passion, enthusiasm or interest”, so “keen” is the only word to describe them (and even that is a stretch).

  23. Izzy says:

    Savvy enough to notice, too stupid to care about or act on it.

  24. The Duchess says:

    It’s been evident for years that Willy & Keen want all the privileges, but don’t want to put in any of the work. It’s getting beyond boring now.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      They want to do away with “away days”? Those two have been more ‘away’ than they’ve been present. Nonsensical article. I would love to have all their ‘away days’ or, as we call it in the US. vacation days. W&K are more often, not seen than ‘heard’.

  25. Cessily says:

    They are there own worst enemies.. the fact that his brother has a record breaking best selling book that millions have read should have been a huge clue to actually change their tactics.

  26. Jensa says:

    I do sometimes wonder what these journalists really feel about this stuff that they write. I know they have to toe the editorial line and all that, but there is no way that they don’t realise this is absolute crap.
    W+K are not “savvy”, they’re not “laser focused”, they’re not “ambitious”, they’re not “relatable”, and they’re not going to effect change. They’re so out of touch that they didn’t anticipate how disastrous that Caribbean tour would be (when it was painfully obvious to just about everyone else) – and that was only LAST YEAR. They’re chronically lazy, lack charisma and empathy, they have no vision and no work ethic. No amount of press is going to change that.

  27. Nic919 says:

    Lee Thompson is trying to polish a turd here. These two did the worst royal tour in modern history with the flop tour and that was done last year when they were 40 and a decade into the job ( well for Kate anyway). They wanted to be praised for existing and that’s not going to happen. They offer nothing in return. Kate’s pathetic fashion isn’t going to cut it anymore. It barely did before, but they had the kids with them to cover for it, or they were protected by the Uk media when the hate on for H and M was in full swing. This Caribbean flop tour was the first time they had no cover and it showed how out of touch they were. Especially on racial issues. We saw hints of their obliviousness when they were carried in on thrones in Vanuatu, but they got so much cover because it was their first tour and tradition was claimed. So they never learned. And then they played games during the India and Bhutan tour. But then more excuses were given. By the time they got to Belize, they just assumed they would get more cover, but this time there was more non UK media and the locals were not pleased and neither could read the room so they got fired on live tv.

    It is unlikely they will ever learn.

    • Becks1 says:

      Also, over the course of their marriage, the world has changed significantly – social media has just gotten bigger and bigger. Things CAN’T be hidden the way they were hidden a decade ago. And one of the things that has changed as Twitter, TikTok etc have gotten bigger is that minority voices have gotten bigger/louder as well. So now people are going to call out the racism when they see it and its going to get picked up and those call outs will gain traction in a way they might not have in 2011.

    • Nic919 says:

      I agree. They aren’t as protected by the establishment UK media for their ignorance as they were in 2011. And despite getting bots to try to counter it, they made a huge mistake attacking the only family members who had a better sense of what was really going on in the world.

      Not only can things be hidden, but receipts are kept forever. Being carried in those thrones shows up every time William or kate do something remotely racist or out of touch. And Kate’s vicious looks toward Meghan also show up when she pretends to care about anyone but herself.

      • AC says:

        I also agree with @becks1. SM has blown up and more people are getting savvy and are not afraid to call anyone out inc the BRF and the press. The traditional news outlets aren’t as powerful as they were 10 to 20 to 30+ years ago. The tabloids write negativity about HM but gets contradicted from people on the ground with SM accounts who are enthusiastic meeting HM. With that, so many people have called the press Bullsh&@t.
        Also the world has changed where many of Gen Y to Gen Z to Gen A are bi-racial. If we look at even the US , the demographic who is considered more than 1 race has the largest growth and will keep continuing to do so. gen z and gen a are the most accepting of diversity because they come from a diverse family/multi-cultural/multiracial backgrounds. Even my own extended family is diverse. Look at even the new Gen z celebs taking on HW , so many are of mixed race. (Not to mention very intelligent, ie love Yara Shahidi). How the BRF and the press treated Meghan, big and stupid mistake. That’s not going to win you the younger generations that they badly need.
        In summary, they did not want to adapt to a changing world. And that’s going to make anyone/anything obsolete.

  28. Sweetpeas says:

    @Sophie-Wow, how unimaginative and uninspiring this latest load of fanfiction is! Come on guys, you can find better at or archive of our own! Smh

    So True😂🤣😅

    She should have written it ,your Emperor and the misses “ain’t changing”. The plan was always to have my servant, I mean the Spare do all the heavy lifting. Unfortunately that has changed. Trust me when I say, I’m doing everything in my power to force his return. It’s just so far the stripping him of his military engagements, not allowing him to wear his uniform, buying bots to add to the online hate, attacking charities and friends, shaming and bullying him and mostly that woman with the help of my tabloid minions. Doesn’t seem to be working as we, I mean I had hope. Upon his exit, my true identity is being exposed. I and the misses are being criticized as being lazy, this may be true but it doesn’t make it fair. You can’t blame your Emperor for the abrupt exit of the Spare. I had him under my control until that woman came & showed him another way. She is to blame not I. Things were going accordingly until she that woman ran off with my Spare.

  29. sparrow says:

    I’d also say their fan base is changing. I don’t remember the Waity Katie years, largely because I didn’t pay her/them any attention. I do remember some of the Duke & Duchess Dolittle stuff. They seemed to go from tabloid dislike of their laziness to sudden maximum love for their opposition to Meghan. However in the past couple of years, since Harry and Meghan’s departure, the pendulum is swinging hard back towards indifference and outright dislike. The DM BTL comments on their articles are often scathing. Kate has become ridiculed as “Saint Kate”. People are bored of the propaganda, particularly at a time when the UK is in a state of flux. Turning up in trouser suits rather than coat dresses isn’t going to be enough. Talking about climate change while flying around in helicopters is never not going to annoy people.

    • Nic919 says:

      From comments made here, it seems as though the DM is not moderating comments that critique William and Kate as much as what happened post 2016.

      Also, what Harry revealed in Spare wasn’t much, but it will have an effect tarnishing the images of William and Kate forever. Kate in particular was rarely critiqued and although Harry didn’t say much, he did manage to paint her as a cold woman more concerned about status than family. And for a woman who pretends to be the ultimate mother, that is a fatal flaw.

      • sparrow says:

        Nic919. This is very interesting. I’ve noticed with some DM articles, such as when Kate claimed they had a marriage based on young love (some months back) and say the recent article with her in a tank (just writing that makes me squirm), the comments go wild with negative emotion. I wonder whether they are flooded with comments and the moderators can’t keep up, or whether they let some articles receive as much of the negative as possible. I say this because it could be 1) sometimes the DM wants to keep the BRF in check and remind them that their popularity isn’t a given and 2) perhaps the BRF itself wants an unadulterated feedback from tabloid readers, asking comments to be unmoderated as an informal polling system.

      • Jojo says:

        The DM are just pissed off because KC & Willy didn’t manage to stop Harry from pursuing his court actions like they were supposed to do. They were supposed to rein him in and get him back under control, they failed spectacularly. As far as the DM is concerned the invisible contract is now at absolute breaking point and imo it will soon be no holds barred for dishing out the dirt they hold over the RF.

  30. Latte says:

    Hilarious. ‘ Laser beam focused ‘ is the last thing this duo is!

    • Teagirl says:

      Indeed. I laughed so hard at “laser-focused and determined” that my jaw still hurts.
      I’m looking forward to Mary Pester’s take!

    • Jeanette says:

      I came to snark about the laser thing..i almost fell out of my chair. Who writes this crap??

      • CatMum says:

        sycophants write this crap. and spew it on tv.

        my housemate knows I’m a Sussex fan and put on a show he thought I’d enjoy. it was a “documentary” about Harry and Spare, and it featured the typical “royal expert” bobbleheads trashing him and his bestselling book.

        I just said “there’s a lot of misinformation in this show.” housemate: “I haven’t seen it.” me: “me neither but these people are full of it and I don’t watch this stuff because it’s stupid.” and then I just stopped paying it any attention at all. eventually housemate turned off the tv. really, please don’t fill your mind with garbage that you’re going to want to talk to me about later because I am not available for that!

  31. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    William has never thought deeply about anything except how to screw over his brother and sister-in-law. Otherwise, he pays people to do his thinking for him.

  32. Laura D says:

    I still believe William and Kate thought they could go to the Carribean and show the world that they were more popular than Harry. Harry went down a storm when he toured there and they were trying to show everyone how they were ‘better’ than him because they had the fancier titles. They weren’t ‘savvy’ enough to realise the world has moved on and optics which worked for QEII has absolutely no place in the modern world.

    I wonder if William’s so-called need for a ‘change’ has something to do with the strong possibility that there will be a change of government. If Labour win it will result in the majority of William’s Etonian allies being relegated to the backbenches after the next election. The new government would have a PM who has strongly suggested he will get rid of the House of Lords. If Starmer does start to make his changes,there’s a strong possibility the new government won’t be as protective towards the monarchy as this current crop of corrupt neer-do-wells.

    • Couch Potato says:

      I hope this will be the case, that my reply further up isn’t the reality for the next election as well. Having a monarch as a sybolic figure head, that doesn’t interfere with the governing, is one thing. Having a house of lords, mostly appointed for life, that can delay the enactment of bills is insane.

      • sparrow says:

        As they say, the UK is at heart a republic with a crown on top. I sometimes wonder why the monarchy therefore riles me so much, and it’s essentially because I see two idiots lined up who are so uninformed and lacking in purpose. I do sometimes consider the HoLs a check and balance, a sounding chamber for more insightful and experienced debate, but it is essentially out of touch.

    • Jaded says:

      Totally agree @Laura D. Keir Starmer may not be the most respected of party leaders but a switch to a Labour gov’t would be a slap in the face to the entrenched Tory nobs and snobs that are hand in glove with the BRF. Getting rid of the House of Lords could possibly start the ball rolling towards removing all but the senior-most members of the monarchy and focusing “laser-beams” on turning the recession around and looking after the very people who fund the luxe lifestyle of the BRF.

      • Nic919 says:

        Starmer is very establishment (he is a Sir after all) and so the monarchy is safe with him. He may actually work better with Charles because they are both elites who want to be seen as progressive.

        If anything a Labour government will have fewer insane ministers spouting racist dog whistles for fun. But it will be more centre than centre left, seeing as how the current Tories are very much right wing.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Under a Labour government, I can see the Duchy of Cornwall revenues being routed to the government and an annual salary being paid to the PoW instead.

      Let’s see them manage on that, and start hitting some hard productivity targets set for them

  33. B says:

    That’s funny.

  34. kelleybelle says:

    How do they write this utter rot with a straight face? That pair can barely find their way out of a paper bag and have literally nothing between their ears.

  35. fani says:

    I think it’s a hint.
    get savvy about how outdated you both appear.
    we (the press) haven’t been mean, but we could get mean as the prospect of covering you for decades (with the “single white female”-ing (of nearly everyone) and the male’s inability to figure out his trouser situation) becoming too much for us to bear.

  36. Isabella says:

    For me, this is the money quote, buried amidst the garbage: It means they are committed to working for only a few charities & as little as possible for each of them:

    “They are determined to be perceived as authentic voices within the small number of key spaces in which they work; the early years, the environment, mental health and homelessness. ”

    In their case, “slow” means lazy, not careful.

    • kelleybelle says:

      These two clowns have absolutely zero business going anywhere near mental health. They’re clueless about it and are cruel abusers besides.

  37. TheOriginalMia says:

    If they were savvy, they wouldn’t have cosplayed Colonial overlords in the Caribbean. If they were savvy, they’d be more personable and less stilted with “commoners”. If they were savvy, they’d bring donations to food banks and schools. But they aren’t savvy. They are elitist snobs who still believe the world revolves around them.

    • Jaded says:

      They couldn’t savvy themselves out of a wet paper bag. Every damn time they go out on tour or some visit to a charity they show up empty-handed with nothing but smiles and sympathy, and manage to show how little they know or care about their supposed “causes”. For the absolute minimum of *work* they get these fawning, sickening embiggening fluff pieces that fall utterly flat when you look at what the average Brit is going through — food insecurity, health services gutted, school funding gutted, food banks unable to keep up with the increased need, while these two faff around in unbelievable luxury. The tide is turning against them and they’ve only themselves to blame.

  38. QuiteContrary says:

    LOL at how everything is “slowly unveiled” by W&K.

    They are the laziest people ever.

  39. Mary Pester says:

    Buttons, buttons and bright sparkly jewels, THOSE are the only things keen is lazer focused on.
    And totty, very posh totty and Harry, those are the things the incandescent one is lazer focused on, and the only two things dumb and dumber focus on together (but for VERY different reasons) is Megan!! And the throne
    They have to be the two laziest members of the Royal family that have ever existed and they will never change! Every idea is someone else’s, every charity event is just a turn up turn of, they can have as many staff as they want, because it’s the staff that work while these two shirk. I would say the UK deserves better, but in all honesty, the way the UK treated Harry and Megan do they??, please can I be an honorary American or Canadian, because I’m so ashamed of this country for allowing this crap

    • Nunya says:

      Yes! I nominate you to be an honorary citizen of Huntington Beach, CA

      All in favor – say AYE

      • Beverley says:

        Mary Pester, you’re welcome to be an honorary Californian. Our state is the 5th largest economy in the world, a bastion of scenic beauty in our beaches, deserts, farmlands, and mountains, and a wide diversity of human cultures. You are most welcome to be counted among us. 😊😍

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      AYE, from me!
      Mary Pester, you would be a very, very fine addition as an honorary Californian. Although, I don’t live in that state, I think it’s a superior idea. I also have a feeling that you would be welcomed as an honorary Canadian, too.

      If they had staff that knew what they were doing and could do the work and then WanK could take all of the credit for it, they would be in a better place than they are now. Unfortunately, their staff don’t know what or how to do what needs to be done.

    • Jaded says:

      Mary Pester you are now officially an honorary Vancouver Islander! We don’t like those lazy wankers either!

  40. Mary Pester says:

    @BEVERLY & nunja, thank you my friends, I don’t feel so pointless now, because on the world stage, “pointless”, is what the UK and it’s Royal family is!

  41. Bumbles says:

    Savvy enough? These two morons could not find themselves out of a paper bag. All they think about is their racist thoughts and how to get out of doing anything since they’re hardest day of ‘work’ is an absolute joke to a regular person.

  42. SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

    William’s just a throwback to the ‘drunk whoremongering arrogant buffoon’ Prince of Wales model.

  43. Murphy says:

    Well at least they said something that’s accurate–they have been working on this “new royal strategy” for years! Lazy has always been their “thing”

  44. AC says:

    I remembered articles on the internet brainwashing people that Ks the perfect woman/the perfect saint. I was thinking to myself what other accomplishments did she do in her life except marrying W, try to be stylish, and is the mother of the future king. That she was the ideal mom etc- while there are so many other successful women in the world who has a career and raising their kids at the same time without nannies. During those gap years I didn’t pay much attention to the BRF esp after Diana was gone as she was the only one who was relatable.
    It was nice to have a blog (like here 😊)where people also felt the same about K not being the perfect/ideal person.
    When M arrived , that definitely changed the BRF narrative as she is the modern woman that everyone can relate to- intelligent, independent, successful in her career before marrying H and raising her children as well. That’s when I started following the BRF more closely and the fact she’s from my home state .
    To say that they are aware of the world Changing, that’s not enough. To this day, they have Not been able to adapt to changes at all.
    And that’s their biggest problem.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      AC, I agree. It’ like they have their playbook from 1850 or earlier and they have no idea how to update it. And if they did know how, I don’t know that they want to.

  45. J.Ferber says:

    I love the term “laser-focused” as applied to them. They are only laser-focused on their own wealth, privileges, real estate and outshining you-know-who. Bogus frauds as regards everything else.

  46. L4Frimaire says:

    What a completely empty and useless article to basically say what exactly? What we already see is a few self indulgent projects that are basically photo ops, the odd smile here and there and what else? There people are both lazy and incredibly annoying.

  47. Betsy says:

    Had they just done the bare minimum of work, there would be a modicum of respect for these two. But they couldn’t. Or wouldn’t I don’t really care which, they did not do the “work” of the Royals.

    And that was what the agreement was built upon in recent decades: royals show up and smile or cut ribbons or shake hands or inspect fruitcakes or whatever. That was the deal. It made people feel seen and respected, a part of the humming engine of the country.

    But these two felt that they were above that. And they’ll probably be the end of the monarchy because of it. Charles has so many negative points – but he did the royal “work.” These two… nope.

  48. J.Ferber says:

    What is the opposite of savvy? Clueless? ‘Cause that’s what they are: clueless.