Would Prince Harry have to renounce his titles if he applied for US citizenship?

If you ask me, the only questions which surprised Prince Harry in his Good Morning America interview were the ones about American citizenship. You could see him get thrown off and actually weigh what he wanted to say and how to say it. He was prepared for questions about his father and his family and Harry knew exactly what he wanted to say. But Will Reeves caught him off guard by asking him “Do you feel American?” and “Would you think about becoming a citizen?” Harry’s responses were that he loves his life in California but he doesn’t know if he feels American, and that “I have considered it” and “it’s a thought that has crossed my mind” when it comes to naturalizing. He also said that American citizenship is “not a high priority for me right now.”

In my coverage, I wondered if Harry had already begun the process of applying for citizenship. It takes years, even if you’re a wealthy white prince married to an American. Given the Heritage Foundation’s year-long endeavor to seek and publicize Harry’s visa application, it would make sense that Harry has already looked through all kinds of paperwork, including what it would take to get a green card. Incidentally, this week, Heritage’s lawyers are going back to court to try to force immigration to hand over Harry’s files. If Harry does apply for citizenship (or if he already has), you know the right-wing groups will target him for that too.

The coverage in the British media about the subject has been a bit weird, like they have also never considered the idea that Harry might one day become a naturalized American. The Telegraph suggested that Harry just said that because “he hoped to please the American audience watching.” They got a royal source to snipe: “Pity his immigration lawyers, they must be beside themselves.” The Telegraph also did this stand-alone story about how Harry would have to “renounce” his titles:

The Duke of Sussex has said he has “considered” becoming an American citizen, in a move that would appear to compel him to renounce his titles. According to policy published by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, any application would require him to renounce his title. It would be one resolution to the long-running criticism of the Sussexes, who continue to use their titles despite their public disparagement of the Royal family and institution.

Critics have called for the King to strip them of their titles, a move it is understood the palace has never considered. Others have argued they should drop them voluntarily. They have already put their HRH titles into abeyance under an agreement made when the late Queen Elizabeth II was alive.

The Duchess is understood to have begun the process of applying for UK citizenship during her short time in Britain, but she did not complete it. She remains a US citizen and the children are reported to have dual citizenship.

US immigration policy states that “any applicant who has any titles of heredity or positions of nobility in any foreign state must renounce the title or the position”. Part J of the USCIS policy manual, about the oath of allegiance, states: “The applicant must expressly renounce the title in a public ceremony and USCIS must record the renunciation as part of the proceedings. Failure to renounce the title of position shows a lack of attachment to the Constitution.”

In order to renounce a title, the applicant must say: “I further renounce the title of (give title or titles) which I have heretofore held” or “I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.”

The decision would also have implications for tax.

[From The Telegraph]

Yeah, the last sentence is more significant than everything that comes before it. Whatever Harry is considering or whatever applications he’s already put in, I would assume it’s more about taxes. And probably wanting to be a citizen of the same country as his wife and children too. The thing about titles… well, I don’t even know, I don’t know the ins and outs of immigration law when it comes to titled foreign nationals, but I would assume that IF Harry seeks American citizenship, he would want dual citizenship and as a British citizen (subject) he would still retain his titles.

Note by CB: Get the Top 8 stories about the Heritage Foundation targeting Prince Harry when you sign up for our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays.

Photos courtesy of Netflix, Instar.

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95 Responses to “Would Prince Harry have to renounce his titles if he applied for US citizenship?”

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  1. equality says:

    I’m sure that he has actual lawyers who can analyze his situation and give far better advice than the tabloids concerning his taxes and his titles. It’s just something else for the BM to fantasize about in having him lose the titles. I’m sure he would maintain dual citizenship and be still titled in the UK same as Archie and Lili. It’s not like anyone in the world would stop calling him Prince Harry except the BM and RF whatever he does. We may not officially give titles in the US, but many acknowledge them and even hand them out freely to celebs that they like. His answer to the question was at least partly to not be dismissive of the country he is residing in (unlike a lot of other Brits who work here).

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I suspect Harry would have to denounce his place in the line of succession but not any of his other titles, given other examples of titled Americans. I don’t think the Constitution considered having the King of Great Britain as a dual citizen, should something terrible happen to Wm and family.

      • equality says:

        It wouldn’t affect the line of succession. The requirement is for Brit citizenship. That would be accomplished with dual citizenship. If they could have excluded A&L for dual citizenship you know they would have since they waited so long to even put them on the website.

    • B says:

      Exactly @Equality. Dual citizenship just means Harry would have to pay taxes in both the UK and USA and obey the laws in both countries. On the plus side the flow of money and commerce between the 2 countries would be easier for him.

      In the USA we don’t have titles so his titles wouldn’t be acknowledged here and only in the UK. While America does not acknowledge titles Americans are allowed to inherit them so Archie inhering the Duke of Sussex title won’t be an issue. Ironically Archie is probably already a dual citizen because his mom is an American and his dad is a Brit.

      • ACB says:

        Also, Archie was born in the UK, which qualifies him as a dual citizen.

      • equality says:

        Archie and Lili are both dual citizens. PH being a British citizen qualifies Lili.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Pretty sure he has to pay American income tax on income earned in the US. I’m not a tax professional by any means, but I think that’s the case.

      • GrnieWnie says:

        No, dual citizenship doesn’t mean you pay taxes in two countries. You pay taxes in the country you reside in. You obey the laws of the country you reside in (you are subject to them).

        UNLESS you’re American, and then the government will require you to file an income tax return each year no matter where you live or earned it and if you happen to have paid less tax where you are than you would owe to the USG, you’ll then have to pay the IRS the difference.

        That’s a strictly American phenomenon. And it wasn’t one until relatively recently. And it’s a disgusting display of how the IRS will go after individuals for pennies no matter where they live, but let big American MNCs park themselves anywhere else and not pay a cent to anyone, really.

      • Lily says:

        Harry is already paying US income taxes.
        Any non-citizen who is here 183 days in a calendar year is classed as a “tax resident” and pays US taxes. Additionally, there’s a look back calculation for anyone who was also here in either of the two previous years.
        If the look back calculation for three consecutive years totals 183 days or more, congratulations you owe income tax.

        Here’s Harry’s look back calculation for tax year 2023.
        All days he was here in 2023.
        Plus one-third of the days he was here in the previous year, 2022.
        Plus one-sixth of the days he was here in the year before that, 2021.

        He’s presumably here on a J-2 (spousal) visa which would make him eligible for his work permit. Not relevant for tax purposes, but there’s no waiting period to apply for permanent residency (green card) so he may have already done so.

    • the Robinsons says:

      The BRF better hope Harry never looses his titles, because if he does the Monarchy is done for.

    • Pajala says:

      Living in the United States without being a citizen runs this risk: if you die, about 80% of the value of your estate (cash, investments, property values) is seized by the US government before it can go to a benefactor. This is why every year, tens of thousands of senior-citizen ‘resident aliens’ become naturalized US citizens. After 45 years of living in the US on green cards, my Canadian parents applied for American citizenship at age 75. When my mom was interviewed by immigration and asked ‘Why have you decided to apply for citizenship after so many decades?’ she replied ‘Oh for God’s sake, obviously for tax purposes.’ 😀😂🥹

      • GrnieWnie says:

        Plus the USG will hunt you down around the globe to double tax you.

        So careful, Harry. Boris Johnson found out the hard way that being American is costly (and promptly gave it up lol).

    • sophie says:

      Harry could have dual citizenship but it would affect his financial position! One does have to renounce all countries particular to the applicant when applying…whether that would affect his titles I don’t know but I’m guessing it would not. Why would the USA not want to keep a Prince of the Realm…good PR!

      • GrnieWnie says:

        No, no need to renounce anything. The US recognizes dual citizenship. I had it while serving in the US military, no less…which doesn’t make sense when you consider the oath you take to enlist, but that’s just a formality and you’re not required to give up your other nationality in practice.

  2. UnstrungPearl says:

    Harry will be known as Prince Harry for the rest of his life, regardless of his official titles. No one is going to drop the ‘Prince’ when talking or writing about him, no matter how much the rota cry about it!

    • Blithe says:

      Although in some circles, his formal title has now been updated to: Prince — Freakin’ — Harry! Lol

      • AD says:

        Harry will first get a green card then apply in 3 years. It doesn’t take years to apply for citizenship especially if you are married to one.
        He does not need to be a citizen. He could just be resident alien.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @AD: he may want to vote, though.

    • BW says:

      Exactly!!! Diana was never Princess Diana officially. She was Diana, Prince of Wales. But she was known as Princess Diana everywhere, including the USA. Harry will always be Prince Harry no matter what citizenship he has.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      And last week there were articles saying Archie and Lili are using Sussex as their last names. So even if he dropped the title. I would imaging he would go by the name Harold Sussex. So regardless he would be tied to them either way.

      • Jaded says:

        Harold is actually a pejorative nickname William gave him, his name is Henry Charles Albert David. He’s used Wales as his last name in the past, and he could start using Mountbatten-Windsor because he’s no longer an HRH, but I think Sussex is the best choice.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Harry still has his HRH @Jaded. He has, so far, only agreed not to use it.

  3. snappyfish says:

    The simple answer is Yes. In order to wed Elizabeth, Phillip had to renounce his title of Prince of Greece and whatever else it was. Yes, he married the woman who would be Queen who gave him British HRH titles. But to be a US citizen, a country that doesn’t recognize royal titles of any kind he would have to renounce his titles, all of them, including his Blood Prince title. Why would he do that? Why would he want to? I think Harry likes being a Prince. He may have misgiving about his family but I am sure he is quite proud of his title. If he weren’t, he and Meghan wouldn’t use the Sussex titles. He could retain his british citizenship but nothing else. I don’t see this happening. Just my opinion

    • anon says:

      That was in the UK though and a different issue and a different time. Would Prince Harry truly be the first person with a title to become a US citizen? I mean a good chunk of Europe seems to have some sort of title. There are monarchies around the world. Surely some of the people have moved to the US before. I only want him to do it because it would make the UK mad. I think its a bad call from a tax perspective though.

      • Lara (The Other) says:

        Most of the Titles on the continent have been abolished. If you hear e.g. a french or german Title its part of the name without a consitutional fuction and can be kept as a name.
        Hrrys titles have a constititutional fuction in UK and therefore have to be renounced.

      • Who’s s asking now says:

        So many people keep screaming dual citizenship. In order for him to have a dual citizenship he would have to be admitted as a citizen in the US. In order to be admitted as a citizen in the US he’d have to renounce his titles. End of. Also people are comparing him to Archie and Lili. He’s not Archie and Lili they have a different status than he does. They don’t have to apply for citizenship. They are naturalized citizens. Harry is not.

      • Nono says:

        Lee Radziwill, sister of the former US First Lady Jacky K was a princess by marriage. It never has been a matter of controversy

    • FHMom says:

      You are correct, Snappyfish. Harry loves being a prince. Plus, he would lose his place in the line of succession.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      Do Harry and Meghan use the Sussex titles. Or do the tabloids use them when they write about them? People are always saying Harry & Meghan do something. When it’s others doing it and saying H&M do it.

      • snappyfish says:

        @Robert Phillips…yes they use them. Their titles are in a place of prominence on their new website.

    • Nono says:

      Why people are bothered by a blood prince using a title conferred by birth but not by a non-royal divorcee using title decades after the divorce?

      H&M have done everything that was asked from them. Megxit was a campaign to ask Meghan to go back where she came from. It was used alongside pleasant nickname as « degree wife » since 2018. They payed back Frogmore….the list is long.

      Every compliance has been met with more abuse. The problem is not whatever they have done but who Harry is married to.

      Royal Suitor had a piece that explains the hysteria around that. It is about classism and race. They can’t un-Royal Harry and married Meghan. So U.K. society has been working diligently to remove Meghan from Harry. But they said it themselves « this couple will not be broken ».

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    Dual citizenship makes sense to me if for no other reason other than his mother’s heritage. Also, I would think Harry may wish to be a dual citizen because of his children status as well.

    • I think so too. Dual citizenship is most likely what he would go for.

      • AD says:

        Or he could just be a resident alien with a green card. That way he can keep his titles and still be a British citizen. I agree that Harry loves his title. I wouldn’t give that up. There are perks that comes with it and I am sure he would not want to lose that. Why be a citizen and renounce your titles when you can have a green card and enjoy the same perks. Come and go as you please. The only thing is you just cannot vote.

    • Guest says:

      @AD you also can’t be outside of the US for more than 180 days each calendar year which can be a major deterrent for some people who travel frequently or have family outside of the US.

      Regarding titles and dual citizenship, he would have to tick a box on the N-400 indicating a willingness to renounce both if asked but as the US allows dual citizenship he would most likely not be asked to renounce his British citizenship nor his titles. I wonder if he’s an LPR or just on a visa. Generally if you have a pending green card application you can’t leave the country unless you have permission for advanced parole which you need to apply for and the processing times in the last few years were lengthy, and AP is only good for one re entry. Who knows, honestly, and it’s no one’s business but his own anyway.

  5. Cate says:

    For someone who doesn’t have any major skeletons in the closet, from an uncomplicated country like the UK, it can be pretty quick. I got married to a UK citizen in 2014, he got his green card in under a year and was naturalized in 2017, so three years. If it was a priority, he could be naturalized by now.

    My guess is that he is still on some level leaving the door open for a “half-in” arrangement for himself and Meghan while Charles is still alive. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does pursue naturalization after Charles does b/c it’s pretty clear there will be NO going back with William.

    • Jais says:

      What would be the point of hoping for a half-in situation with Charles just to be kicked out again when William becomes king? There’s no benefit to that. I don’t think Harry wants that at all.

      • Ginger says:

        Yeah, the half in half out thing makes zero sense. Now would be the time to do it since his dad and Kate are sick but Harry said his life is in California. I think people desperately want Harry to go back and it’s weird. He has his own life and family. THAT is his priority. He offered the half in deal while the Queen was alive and now that she is gone there is no need.

    • Magdalena says:

      Why do people keep persisting with this fantasy that H wants a “half-in” arrangement? How many times and in how many different ways must the man say “NO he has no desire to go back” and “This is my home, it’s the only home my children have ever known, Archie was only in the UK for 6 months”. Asked and answered. He said, “my wife and I are moving on”. Why can’t we simply accept that? He said he’s seen behind the curtains and wants “no part of it”. Being on speaking terms with his father does not equal going back to become the scapegoat, because that’s what “half-in” means to those folks. And he has gained far too much freedom and independence to subject himself, his wife and his children to that.

      • Cat says:

        So I don’t think he “wants” it, but I think if the conditions were right he would be open to it. Of course, the odds of the right conditions occurring are incredibly, unbelievably low, but with Charles I think some small part of Harry probably does want to believe they are there…not because he wants back in but because of what saying there’s absolutely no chance ever says about Charles, and while Harry knows his family is very bad, maybe he doesn’t want to outright admit that his dad is THAT bad.

      • Kingston says:

        Thank you @Magdalena

        I wish (tho I doubt it will happen) tht one of these days, the Office of the Duke & Duchess of Sussex wd list all the ways (adding to the ones you’ve listed) in which H has said he’s done with the institution of the britush monarchy….has no interest in working with or for the british institution of monarchy….thinks the british institution of monarchy is in a corrupt relationship with the corrupt britush media and he wants no part of it.

  6. SussexWatcher says:

    Actual immigration lawyers can chime in here but I’m pretty sure as an adult, the US doesn’t allow dual citizenship. My niece was born in a different country and my brother was told by the US Embassy that she could keep dual citizenship until age 18 when she would then have to make a choice. The country where she was born would allow her to have both but the US would not. It seemed like something they wouldn’t necessarily enforce when it came down to it, but that’s what he was told (15 years ago).

    • Genevieve says:

      Maybe they were talking about the passport. But people can have dual citizenship with the US, indefinitely.

    • Valerie says:

      The Us allows dual citizenship. I was born in Canada of 2 US parents (one naturalized) and I could have kept my dual citizenship if I wanted. I chose to renounce my US citizenship for tax purposes and estate planning as I reside in Canada. My step daughter has dual citizenship with Britain having been been born of a British mother and Canadian father. There is no bar to having both. Alas, we had no titles to worry about or give up lol.

    • Lbesignano85@gmail.com says:

      It depends on the actual country in question. For example, Japan doesn’t allow dual citizenship for adults. I have a friend who is a Japanese citizen but holds permanent residency status in the USA. Her husband is an American. Their children hold dual citizenship, once the kids turn 18 they will have to decide if they want to keep their usa citizenship or their Japanese. That’s the Japanese law. The USA doesn’t care. I know plenty of people with dual citizenship including people in my own family, and they were never asked or told to revoke their USA citizenship.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Lbesignano85 and Greeneyedgirl – It actually was Japan lol! So it sounds like, based on yours and the number of other replies, that I had it backwards and it was Japan telling my brother that my niece would have to choose (and not the US).

    • Greeneyedgirl says:

      The USA allows dual citizenship. Now some countries, that allow dual citizenship for children don’t allow it for adults. For example, Japan makes children choose once they turn 18. I have a friend who is Japanese citizen. The father of the children is a USA citizen. The children are under 18, and have both now. Once they turn 18, they will have to choose. But many people hold dual citizenship. People in my own family hold dual citizenship with the USA and Italy, and were not asked to revoked their usa citizenship

    • Bings says:

      The answer is yes – you can have both US and British Citizenship. I do – and so does my mother and sister. All of us obtained US citizenship as adults. All of us were also British citizens first.

    • Roan Inish says:

      I’m an American and my daughter lives in the UK and has since 2015. She married last year and her UK citizenship was approved right before the wedding. She is retaining her US citizenship as well which is allowed. The only downside is she has tax obligations to both countries.

    • Popsicle W says:

      I am not an immigration lawyer but I am a dual citizen of the US and my children have 3.

    • Flamingo says:

      I looked into dual citizenship as an adult. As my Mom is from the UK – from what I read it didn’t give you much other than going through customs faster at the airport. And it was suggested not to have it as it could put your US citizenship at risk. This was in the late 90’s so I don’t know what has changed since then legally. If there is more benefit than risk.

      I just don’t see Harry doing this, the US isn’t going to kick him out and the UK media would be apoplectic if he renounces his titles even ceremonially. And they just launched the Sussex website. So clearly they are pretty attached to their current titles

    • LivingDesert says:

      “Does the United States allow dual citizenship?

      Yes, the U.S. allows dual citizenship by default. The government does not require naturalized U.S. citizens to give up their citizenship in their country of origin. Although the Oath of Allegiance to the United States speaks of renouncing “allegiance and fidelity” to other nations, U.S. immigration law does not explicitly address the topic of dual citizenship. The best summarization of the U.S. government’s position on dual citizenship lies in a U.S. Supreme Court opinion, which explains that “a person may have and exercise rights of nationality in two countries and be subject to the responsibilities of both.” The U.S. Department of State also has a more technical discussion of dual citizenship.

      Just because the United States allows dual citizenship, however, doesn’t necessarily mean your country of origin does, too. Some countries, such as China and India, will not recognize your status as a naturalized American on their soil. You may even lose your citizenship automatically in those countries upon becoming a U.S. citizen. It’s therefore important to understand the dual citizenship rules in your country of origin before pursuing U.S. citizenship.”
      Source: https://www.boundless.com/immigration-resources/dual-citizenship/

    • Jaded says:

      Mr. Jaded has dual American/Canadian citizenship and passports. From the Boundless Immigration Resources website:

      Yes, the U.S. allows dual citizenship by default. The government does not require naturalized U.S. citizens to give up their citizenship in their country of origin. Although the Oath of Allegiance to the United States speaks of renouncing “allegiance and fidelity” to other nations, U.S. immigration law does not explicitly address the topic of dual citizenship. The best summarization of the U.S. government’s position on dual citizenship lies in a U.S. Supreme Court opinion, which explains that “a person may have and exercise rights of nationality in two countries and be subject to the responsibilities of both.”

    • Pajala says:

      That’s correct. Many other countries recognize and honor dual citizenship, but the US does not. So to England Harry would be dual but to the US he would be American only. However, for estate tax purposes, as a US resident, he will have to become American or his estate will be seized (up to 80% of its value) when he dies.

  7. Celine says:

    I think Harry would take the American citizenship under one situation: if his children asked him in the future to do so. Because until then, he will have lived a very long time in the US and it will be the only home for his children, especially if the security issue is not resolved in the UK. Also, if the feud and the distance between the Sussexes and the Windsors continues in the future, that’s meant the children will grow up most of their time and years in the US.

  8. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    An impossible question to answer for an English prince living in US soil. Harry could never not be english. Maybe a dual citizenship if possible, but he’s gonna die an english man

  9. Chantal1 says:

    The mere fact that the BM’s favorite target is even considering applying for US citizenship should scare the h*ll out of them. They and their evil cohorts drove their hereditary prince and his family from his home country and have repeatedly and publicly told him they don’t want him and want to take his titles away yet are inexplicably shocked about this. These people need Logic 101 lessons. They refuse to comprehend that their actions have consequences, and some are unintended but definitely foreseeable. And they would only have themselves and the BRF to blame if this (hopefully) happens.

  10. Cessily says:

    I’m sure the subject has come up especially since Ashley, Meghans niece is an immigration attorney. If he ever chooses to become a citizen or not is a big decision, but I don’t seem him taking any action whatsoever while his father is alive. It will be a very different story when Peggy is King especially if there are still all these hate pieces being written. It would be a very bad look for a new king if the people’s Prince becomes American just when Peg gets crowned.

    • SARAH says:

      You were swearing and saying that it was impossible for Harry to leave while his grandmother was alive, and look what happened…

    • Jais says:

      @cessily, lol, yes, it was you and you alone who said such a thing at some point in the past that this person apparently remembers. Guessing she means “you” as in sussex supporters in general? And while people may have been surprised Harry and Meghan left, it’s not like people didn’t get why they did. But that has nothing to do with your post😂.

      • K8erade says:

        You sure it wasn’t me, Jais? Because I totally said that I did not believe Harry would even discuss US citizenship while his grandmother was alive when it came up. I’m pretty certain Harry will consider it more when Charles is gone. But I think he’s holding out a fool’s hope for reconciliation.

  11. Slush says:

    It seems the wording is pretty clear – even if he is a dual citizen he would have to renounce his titles. For that reason, I don’t think he’ll ever do it.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Slush, actually the wording asks if you’re willing to give up your titles. I find it interesting in context of the supreme court ruling, and I have to wonder if he would not have to renounce them. I don’t see how you renounce being the King’s son. He’ll always be that–or brother to the King.

      I find the comments interesting. I think that Harry needs to take a LONG, hard look at the tax consequences to being a dual citizen.

  12. Zen says:

    I agree with Snappyfish. I don’t think Harry will seek citizenship or renounce his titles. A green card yes, he may already have one. But he doesn’t need American citizenship to reside and raise his family in America.

  13. Chantal1 says:

    Came back to add:

    Is this the real reason that the BM, via the Heritage Foundation, is trying so hard to bully the US government into giving them harry’s immigration records – To see if he has applied for US citizenship and if so what stage the application is in? It would explain a lot because the whole “he used druuuggs” excuse never made a lot of sense to me

    • aquarius64 says:

      I also think it’s the reason for the lawsuit: it would be an embarrassment for the Crown and the UK. But if the Firm and Parliament makes noise they run the risk of insulting the US, a powerful ally to the UK.

    • kirk says:

      The reason Heritage Foundation is trying so hard to get Prince Harry’s immigration records, despite having been rebuffed multiple times, is they’ve got nothing else going on. They used to be an influential conservative policy shop.

      • Chantal1 says:

        @Kirk idk but I don’t think you pick a fight with the U.S. Dept Of Homeland Security just bc you have nothing else going on. Of all the federal agencies to bully, they decided on DHS? Besides the sheer stupidity of it all, the feds easily could drag this case out for years, making it very expensive to pursue. I’m surprised DHS hasn’t used the national security excuse, seeing that H is a very high profile son of a king of an allied country, and with him and his family having major security issues/threats. The BM/HF are looking for something specific in Harry’s records and I don’t think it’s drugs.

      • Korra says:

        Heritage Foundation is spearheading Project 2025, which is a frightening plan that will get enacted if Trump wins in November. They also have been behind voter suppression policies in states like Georgia since Biden’s victory in 2020. They absolutely have lots of influence still and should not be underestimated. Harassing DHS for Harry’s immigration status is simultaneously a stunt, but also a beta test to see how Republicans can weaponize the immigration status of people they perceive as enemies. Harry is arguably the most famous and high-profile immigrant living in the US right now + Heritage has connections in the British media, so it really helps them get the attention they want.

  14. Brassy Rebel says:

    Since he can live here indefinitely under the current arrangement, I think he will just continue on. And there is no need for him to have the same citizenship as his American family. I believe the only thing which could compel him to seek American citizenship is a desire to vote. If he wants to vote somewhere, then American citizenship is his only option. He’s probably been weighing all these factors which explains his ambiguous reply on GMA.

  15. Mary Pester says:

    Harry’s BIGGEST consideration after megs and the children is INVICTUS, Now what do you think would happen if Harry took American citizenship. It would be snatched by the incandescent one before the ink is dry.!!!

    • Kingston says:

      C’mom Mary you should know better than that.Invictus Games can not be “snatched” by anyone.

  16. Mary Pester says:

    Sorry, should have been clearer, the Royal BRITISH Legion is now the main sponsor for the BRITISH team, if Harry were to become an American citizen, they would threaten to withdraw backing from it unless he handed it to William. There are already idiots who think willy gave invictus money, when in fact it was harry’s half of the Endeavour fund

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Sadly there are muppets out there who think that Invictus was not only Peggy’s idea but he was involved in setting it up etc.. They think Harry ‘stole’ it from Prince Peg and refuse to believe what Harry said in Spare that he did it all on his own behind Peg’s back.

    • Kingston says:

      Country-involvement in the Invictus Games & Foundation is strictly voluntary and strictly for the veteran community of said countries.

      Britain’s involvement in the Invictus universe is no greater or lesser than any other country. They have NO LEVERAGE AND NO BARGAINING CHIPS.

      If their internal shenanigans compromise their participation in the Games, theyll simply fall by the wayside.

      IG is an independent organization. Its funding is through private-sector sponsorships. Sponsors come and go. Altho the leadership of IG, including H, has a vested interest in having mutually beneficial relations with the governments and military (particularly veterans affairs) of the participating countries and prospective participating countries, its NOT a prerequisite.

      A military veteran need only to be able to prove that he is a veteran of his country’s military to join and participate in the offerings of the Invictus Foundation, including the Invictus Games.

    • Chelsea says:

      No offense but some of yall are reaching deranger levels with these conspiracy theories. No one is ever taking Invictus from Harry and nothing has changed with the UK Invictus team since Help For Heroes(which turned out to be shady) left and they’ve been sponsored by the Royal British Legion. Spreading these rumors about team UK who are all so grateful to Harry for what he’s done for them is not helpful. At all. Please stop doing this.

  17. Just Jade says:

    Their hatred and racism blind them to no end.

  18. Lola says:

    There is no reason for Harry to become an American citizen. He can live for the rest of his life with a green card.

    However, if he does become a US citizen, his international bank accounts have to be reported to the US government and are subject to being taxed by the IRS.

    Additionally, there’s Prince Andrew. I can’t see Harry, a monarchist, completely removing himself from the line of succession before George is an adult. If anything happens to William, then Andrew would be regent if Harry were no longer in the succession.

    If it happens, which I think is doubtful, it wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

    • Kingston says:

      Regent, smegent. I wonder what part of: “I’ve seen behind the curtain, I’ve seen the business model and seen how this whole thing works, AND I DONT WANT TO BE PART OF THIS,” that Harry said from 2020, do some folks still not get?

      Until and if the moment comes when H is called on, based on the roles in theory that he still holds in the british monarchy, i:e:……………5th in the line of succession; regent-on-call; counselor of state……..to take up any of these duties, we dont know if H will use that moment to ditch it all, or if he will LEAVE HIS WIFE AND KIDS TO GO BE A FOOTSTOOL IN BRITAIN.

      Somewhow I dont think anyone with commonsense is in any doubt as to what H will do.

      • Rnot says:

        I dunno. In the case of a regency, it’d depend on what kind of obligations he feels toward his niblings and whether he’d be able to balance his obligations to his own family. He wrote about his brother scolding him for worrying about the Wales kids. Regardless of his feelings toward the institution, would he be willing to leave parentless children at the mercy of the men in grey and the left-behinds? (Just imagine Harry as regent with hiring and firing power.) It’s a very extreme and unlikely scenario, but it’s the only way I could envision him returning to royal life at all, short of the apology that’ll never come.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    As far as I’m aware as Harry won’t be expected to renounce his titles.

  20. tamsin says:

    I think if Harry were to acquire US citizenship, it would be dual with UK. I can’t see Harry doing this as long as his father is alive. There are scores of people who are not UK citizens and have foreign royal titles that are in line to the British Throne. Lili and Archie are listed in the line of succession and they are both dual citizens. Currently, I think people are allowed to be dual Canadian/US or British/US citizens. I have a number of friends who are dual citizens of US who are also Canadian or British. I think people can go by their titles in the US- they just don’t mean anything constitutionally. I imagine all the Sussex family passports will be in the name of Sussex because that is their name because Harry IS a royal duke.

  21. Lulu says:

    Even if Harry does not need to renounce his titles, I believe the UK would amend their constitution to remove his titles and remove him from the line of succession.

  22. StarWonderful says:

    bbcngnngvgc, WTF!

  23. ana says:

    of course he has to renounce his royal titles. but he will still be Prince Harry because that’s his name. it’s chapter 2 of oath of allegiance on the citizenship application. if he doesn’t have to renounce his titles, then that would be the pinnacle example of a white privileged man not having to follow rules every other immigrant has to. and as an immigrant, if that happens, i would be say this is a prime example of what’s wrong with our immigration in the US

  24. Thena says:

    Whenever the late queen awarded a knighthood to a prominent American, there was always the caveat that this person would not be able to use their new title in America. I expect it would be the same with titles. The current Duke of Manchester lives in the US (and served 5 years in a Nevada prison) and used the name Alex Montagu-Manchester in court documents.

  25. booboocita says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say: Harry will apply for US citizenship and renounce his titles the day after one or both of his kids get swarmed by the paparazzi. He’ll remove them, and himself, from the line of succession, and simultaneously remove any reason the tabloids have to cover Harry’s family. That won’t stop the tabloids, but it’ll give Harry the power to sue them out of existence.

    • sevenblue says:

      @booboocita, wow, the titles won’t change the behavior of tabloids. It is very naive thinking to say it will. When they were tax-paid members of the family, the tabloids were saying they had a right because of that. I see, the reason shifting every single day. On the contrary, the children’s titles will provide some kind of national security concern for any kind of threats against them. Meghan was told, they are not gonna get titles, so there won’t be an automatic protection for Archie. Why are people so concerned of the titles of the first biracial family members of BRF? Why would they be the first members who won’t have titles? When white members lose their titles, we can talk about Harry’s children’s.

  26. Chelsea says:

    Those comments about how Harry has been criticized for not giving up all his titles when he gave up use of his HRH is so dumb because they all know he offered to give up all of his titles. It was literally leaked to Dan Wootton back in 2020 and Harry has even said that it was that information in the article, that he’d be willing to give up his Sussex titles, that made him realize that the document he sent to his father had been leaked. Harry has never fought to keep his titles: the Queen didnt have to have parliament to ask them to make Harry stop using his HRH. She asked him and he (and Meghan) agreed to stop using it. If his grandmother wanted him to give up the titles that she gave him(sussex,dumbarton, etc) he would have but because she didn’t I dont think he will give it up unless asked by his father or his brother.

    The firm doesn’t want Harry to give up his remaining titles probably because if he gives up the ones the Queen gave him when he get married Meghan would still be Princess Henry of Wales which you know the US media would shorten to Princess Meghan unless they also stripped him of the title he was given at birth as well which would pretty much spell the end of the monarchy because if Parliament can take royal titles that had already been given at birth then the whole ‘divine’ right to lead thing gets exposed and you open the door to other royals who the public might not feel are worthy losing the titles that were their birthrights and it will snowball from there.