Cele|bitchy | Lindsay Lohan shows off her bruises & her breasts in St. Barth

Lindsay Lohan shows off her bruises & her breasts in St. Barth


Call me crazy, but for me, one of the saddest things about Lindsay’s neverending downward spiral is that no one tells her she looks like death warmed over, and that Lindsay struts around thinking she looks amazing. From the whatever she’s getting done to her face, to her orange, sun-damaged, bruised, battered and burned body, she looks rough, and she has looked rough for awhile. I find it sad because she used to be such a pretty little thing – and now she’s done so much to herself that even on her best day, she just looks like a 40-something plucked and Botoxed Hollywood escort.

Anyway, there’s not really any story here except that Lindsay is still partying in St. Barth, and she’s posing daily in swimsuits that extenuate her sketchiness. Fame Pictures notes that as Lindsay shows off her assets to the paparazzi, photographers are getting pictures of her bruised legs. They ask where the bruises come from, but that kind of seems like the least of Lindsay’s worries.


In addition to posing in her bathing suit (the same one two consecutive days… did she forget to bring enough costume changes?), Lindsay’s been crack-tweeting of course. Thankfully, no more “GO HARD” messages to Cash Warren. But she did let her fans and hecklers in on her New Year’s resolution: “To answer everybody’s question…My new years resolution is to stop letting the lucky few that have my heart, try2constantly tear me down.” I think “tear me down” means “try to force Lindsay into rehab or jail.” She also tweeted: “2010 is about moving forward, not backwards. Leaving the bad (people, habbits, and negative energy behind) time to make changes-right!?!? J”. Yes, she spelling “habits” with two Bs, like rabbits or Hobbits. For f-ck’s sake.

Lastly, she also sent out this sketchy photo of herself and two “friends” with the note “Theme party in St Barths on the boat J”. Um… it doesn’t look like a party, it looks like Lindsay and two other girls are dressed up like harem girls. I’m just putting this question out there… is Lindsay a prostitute now? I mean literally, a hooker. There’s always the question of how she finances her exploits, and I’m beginning to wonder if she’s in St. Barth as some kind of paid companion to someone with horrible taste in hookers.


Lindsay Lohan in St. Barth on January 1st and 2nd, 2010. Credit: Fame. Additional photo of Lindsay as a harem girl, via her Twitter.

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38 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan shows off her bruises & her breasts in St. Barth”

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  1. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Lol! It had (naively) never occurred to me that she could be paying for this as a ‘hooker’, but actually I wouldn’t be surprised.

    She gets to s*ag everyone and gets a fab hol from it…Excellent!!! [sic]

    BTW is the dark haired girl in the harem pic Ali?

    So Ali is learning the ropes from her fantastic role model older sis in the absence of any form of schooling and parenting – how proud I would be if she were mine!!

    Very sad!

  2. buellblaster says:

    “Theme party in St Barths on the boat J”…looks like she was auditioning for a remake of Harum Scarum.

  3. la chica says:

    what i find most offensive about these photos is their disrespect to the country this Ho is visiting. there is no way that Hohan would go to downtown LA in a bathing suit. you wear a bathing suit on the beach, not when you’re going shopping. and even if you elect to wear the suit while shopping, it is usually covered up with some kind of tasteful wrap. i don’t understand these Hos that think that they can parade themselves practically naked while shopping. it is disrespectful to the country, to its local people, and to its norms. it really irks me when people come to the Caribbean and do things that they would not do in their own country.

    more scary than the question if Hohan is a Ho [duh…yes], is the fact that she was accompanied on this exploit by her 16 year old sister who is i believe the harem girl on the left in the picture. where’s Child Protective and why have they not intervened? Hohan can barely take responsibility for herself. why is she allowed to be treating her sister as a Ho-in-training?

  4. Lway says:

    She’s Gross …. ugh.

  5. sasha says:

    “Lindsay struts around thinking she looks amazing”

    See also: Winehouse, Amy

  6. bella says:

    If Lindsay ever comes out of this drug-fueled fog, I hope she realises how ridiculous she looked, parading around like she’s the sh!t.

    It’s akin to looking back at yourself your frosh or sophomore year in high school and being embarrassed at how you thought you were so cool and realising (now) that you looked like an idiot.

  7. e-non says:

    take a look at the dudes surrounding her in some of those photos. scumbags — and you can bet they’re paying her way and will expect services in return.

  8. Pole says:

    Someone get Ali away from Lindsay STAT!

  9. Essie says:

    But, who on earth would PAY for her “services”??? She looks like she has every disease you can think of. Most prosties look way better than she does. But then, I’m also wondering how she manages to get to St. Barths.

  10. happymom says:

    And Dina continues her fabulous parenting by letting Ali travel and hang out with Lindsay!

  11. LolaBella says:

    I was on the ‘Poor Lindsay needs help’ bandwagon before, but no more. She’s a fucking adult if she wants help she should get it.

    It it sad however that her 16 year old sister is basically unsupervised and a part of Lindsay’s entourage. Where the hell is Dina Lohan as a mother ensuring that her young daughter is protected???

    I will not be in the least bit surprised if Lindsay doesn’t make it through 2010. Sad but this appears to be where her out of control living is headed.

    Then of course Dina will be on Larry King bemoaning the loss of ‘the great acting talent’ her daughter was while taking NO responsibility as to her own culpability.

  12. Kevin says:

    I think she’s talented. Not too many actors can hold a script with their ass flap!! I think she’s sexy if you want to get your freckle f*ck on!

  13. QB says:

    Probably ,is not a secret that a lot of hollywood actress become prostitutes or paid mistress to wealthy( saudi princes , sheikhs , rich men that no one knows where their money come from, and bored rich men who just want to bang that movie character, or just pervs who want to humiliated and use this women who believe they are the sh#t)

  14. Jazz says:

    LOL @Kevin!

  15. Dorothy says:

    her fake tan is sooooo gross!

  16. Firestarter says:

    I hate women who prance around in bathing suits and high heels/wedges.

    If you aren’t in a pageant, stick to flip flops.

  17. Frenchie says:

    Kaiser, you could have titled that
    ” a bikini wax gone wrong” or “violent attack of the wax strip on Lindsey’s bikini island”

  18. emz says:

    When I was really thin and not taking care of myself, I would get bruises all of the time, just from bumping into something or having someone squeeze me even just a little bit. The body bruises quite easily when it is malnourished, and it’s pretty evident that she is thin not because she exercises and eats well, but because she is unhealthy. That’s my guess on the bruises, anyway.

  19. kermit says:

    That is definitely not Lindsay or Ali dancing on the boat. I’ve seen many pics of these women and there are close ups and there’s even pictures of Ali and Lindsay taking pictures of these girls dancing. It’s a “themed” party. I agree about Lindsay and shopping in a bikini in town wearing stilts however there are other pics of her in town wearing a long scarf and a black short dress so I don’t know how long she was like this before she put the dress on. Bad idea to do it anyway. And agreed, Lindsay looks bloated and scarred, however she doesn’t look strung out on drugs in pics the last few months. As for Ali, well, she’s been hanging out with Lindsay for over a year and there’s no evidence that Ali is abusing substances, not even smoking cigarettes. She’s toned down since the Living Lohan days where she caked makeup on when going to the mailbox to get mail and wore outfits just as skimpy if not worse. Now she frequently goes out with no makeup on whatsoever. There are no good influences for her in her family, not her father, sister, or mother. I frankly think her mom is worse for Ali’s wellbeing than Lindsay is. At least with Lindsay, there’s more of a chance Ali can make connections with people who can access her talent and give her pointers. Both need strong, objective mentorship.

  20. ,,,, says:

    Personally, I don’t think that’s her in the “harem pics.” The only one that could possibly be her is the middle one and that girl has an even tan and different colored roots. I think those are hired entertainers at a themed party LL was at. It just doesn’t look enough like her and she never takes pictures of herself from that far away anyway. AND she always calls attention to herself, which she didn’t in that crack tweet leading me to ultimately believe, that’s not her.

  21. Lita says:

    I’d like to be on that Harum Scarum boat right now. Looks divine! Look at the pool .. the scenery! I’ll bet the day beds are plush and there are waiters serving drinks with little umbrellas in them. Sigh.

    Note: not as/with Lindsay Lohan .. a completely different cast of 3 dimensional real people.

  22. Ogechi says:

    ”From the whatever she’s getting done to her face, to her orange, sun-damaged, bruised, battered and burned body, she looks rough, and she has looked rough for awhile.”

  23. kellogg says:

    Girl needs to wash off the spray tanner. Notice that she is paste-white from the calves down and wrists down? As a former aficionado of spray and self tanner as opposed to crisping myself I have grown up and embraced guess what? I am pale. A fake tan makes you look ORANGE.

    I think she looks better sans makeup or spray tan or, for that matter, horrible bleached-blonde extensions. See also: Parent Trap.

    I swear if you took Lindsey to a car wash that fake tan would sheet off of her like dirt off a car.

  24. crash2GO2 says:

    I like the strategically placed long scarf to hide her bloated stomach. Actually, I don’t *like* it. She’s probably telling herself she’s making an incredible fashion statement. Denial is a wonderful thing.

  25. gg says:

    She needs to be covering up the seriously sagging arse instead of her face with that hat.

    I have never seen such a flabby ass on a youngster like this before.

  26. mollination says:

    What’s with the “J” at the end of all the tweets? Is this some kind of vague name-drop or shout-out that’s supposed to make me think she’s cool, or has some private deeper message layered in her crack-tweet? Cuz all I got was the crack.

  27. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “Cuz all I got was the crack.”

    OMG, that made me laugh so hard!

  28. kermit says:

    There are no “J”s at the end of Lindsay’s tweets. They are smiley faces “:)” Also “habbits” is just a typo, there are lots of them by various people on twitter. A lot of people tweet from blackberries or iphones on tiny thumb keyboards or on-screen displays.

  29. Emily says:

    God, that looks like really painful ingrowns to me! Maybe she got the bruises from wrestling with them?

    And I, too, didn’t think of her actually being a hooker, but fuck it makes sense.

    @Essie, some people go for weird things. You never know, there might be a huge demand for 20y olds who look like their mothers. And omg, now I have an image of her mother and her, er, “double dating”. My eyes!

  30. kellsbells says:

    Just so you know, I’m 40 (as are many of my friends) and I take offense to you saying LL looks 40.
    That’s a smack in the face to every 40 year old woman out there -we look MUCH better than her!
    Unfortunately, LL looks rode hard and put away wet – and not in a good way!

  31. snowball says:

    Well, I guess I’m the lone gunman here staking my flag on LiLo’s side. She doesn’t make me angry or want to make suggestions about her being a prostitute, she makes me sad. I still wonder if she had even barely competent parents, would she still have ended up here? I don’t care how old she is, you’re never too old to be effed up because of what your parents did or didn’t do and not everyone has the tools or support to handle it.

    She doesn’t look hard or even 40, she looks sick. I’m not arguing that she put herself there (but I’m sure she had some helping hands that put her on her way), but I still feel sorry for her.

    If she’s graduated to meth, then the last statistic I read about it is that only 6% of the people that get hooked on it ever get off of it permanently.

    I doubt she’s a whore, although if you want to call what Paris Hilton, those creepy Speidi people or any of the Kardassians do prostituting, then she is. She probably gets paid to go places. She’s a trainwreck, but one that brings lots of attention and probably money.

    None of those harem girls are a Lohan. The one with blonde hair (too blonde) looks more like Paris Hilton and the redhead is too “fat.” No way is the other one Ali either.

  32. WTF?!? says:

    That butt looks suspect. Aside from Coco, I never looked at anyone and thought “ass implant” before, but something just doesn’t look right about it….

    Maybe she’s still hanging out with Ali b/c sister looks just like Samantha Ronson in a bikini– anorexic and manly.

  33. dovesgate says:

    My first thought when I heard LL is in St Barths is that she’s on one of those “pleasure” boats. Snorting and screwing ones way through the carribean… Probably the ultimate lifestyle in her poor drug and drink soaked brain.

  34. ! says:

    Anyone else noticing the scars on her upper thigh in the top picture? While I’m sure they could have come from a drunken accident, I do remember the thigh being a favorite place for one of my cutter friends to slice herself with lame surface wounds.

  35. Lia says:

    Her body looks so old.

  36. Parental says:

    Is this news recent?

  37. PigskinMama says:

    For her age she has an old saggy ass and of course those high shoes aggravate her bad posture.

  38. wowza says:

    Wow, look at the bruises on the insides of her thighs in the first picture. Someone really pounded her hard.