It’s ‘bittersweet’ for King Charles that he doesn’t see his Sussex grandchildren

Today is Prince Archie’s fifth birthday, which means it’s also the anniversary of King Charles’s coronation. That’s right, Charles scheduled his coronation on his grandson’s birthday and then told Prince Harry to “choose” between his son and father. Charles didn’t even explicitly extend an invitation to Harry’s wife or children for the coronation. Don’t forget that Charles also evicted the Sussex family from their British home, Frogmore Cottage, several months before the coronation. Now on the one-year anniversary of the coronation, a royal expert claims that Charles is heartbroken over his lack of relationship with his Sussex grandchildren. Dear Chaz: you can’t sadistically punish your son and his family and then whine about how they don’t come to visit you. You made your priorities abundantly clear.

Today marks one year since Charles became King and his regal Coronation was televised around the world. While the day is undoubtedly a momentous memory in his mind, the anniversary will be “bittersweet” for King Charles, claims a royal author. Phil Dampier claims the monarch will not only be thinking about his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, but also his grandson Archie, who celebrates his fifth birthday today.

The royal expert told Fabulous: “It’s a bittersweet day for the King when he marks the anniversary of his Coronation as it’s also Archie’s birthday. I’m sure it breaks Charles’s heart that his grandchildren Archie and Lilibet are growing up on the West Coast with American accents and yet he hardly knows them. Harry and Meghan may arrange occasional zoom calls but it’s not the same as seeing them in person.”

Phil added that King Charles is a “doting grandad” to Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, nine, and Prince Louis, five, but added: “I’m sure he’d love to have the same relationship with his other two. It’s a very difficult situation. Charles probably compensates for not seeing them by showering love on George, Charlotte and Louis, but obviously it would be better for all concerned if the rifts were healed and some kind of normal family relations resumed.”

Phil claimed: “No-one knows if Harry is going to see his father [during his visit this week] but it wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t. It would surely be an opportunity for Meghan to also bring the children so they could see him, but I doubt it will happen. The King has only met Lilibet – who was named after his mother the late Queen – once, and Archie just two or three times. Of course we must not forget Meghan’s father Thomas Markle, who has never met either of them, or even his son in law Harry.”

[From The Sun]

“No-one knows if Harry is going to see his father [during his visit this week] but it wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t” – as soon as Harry confirmed his trip, Charles and the rest of the family ran around, telling everyone that they would be “too busy” to attend the Invictus service or meet with Harry. They’ve spent the past week scheduling all kinds of events so that they “look busy” for Harry’s visit. It’s hilarious and sad. The same thing would be happening on the off-chance that Meghan and the children visited too, only it would be a million times worse. Charles would make a POINT of snubbing Archie and Lili. Because let’s face it, he does not care. He isn’t feeling bittersweet about any of this.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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64 Responses to “It’s ‘bittersweet’ for King Charles that he doesn’t see his Sussex grandchildren”

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  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    “Bittersweet?” Sweet=there are grandchildren, bitter=Blackblood. Stop focusing on what you perceive to be bitter Charles.

    • Beverley says:

      Yaasss! You said it better than I did.🎯

    • Laura D says:

      Exactly @SCAR.
      This is the man (who along with his beloved daughter in-law) had concerns about the colour of his unborn grandson. I’m not giving him a pass because he had cancer. He’s never met Lili. He supported Prince Zoom’s veto on allowing her to be christened in a palace chapel. He declined an invitation to her christening in “Overseas.” There is not one picture of Charles with his granddaughter and only a few “official” pictures of him with Archie at his christening. Yet, he’s whining about how it’s “bittersweet” for him not to have the relationship he wants with them. Give me a F’ing break! He’s the KING. If he wanted a relationship with those children all he has to do is create a safe environment for them to visit the UK. This story is a BS nonsense. Charles has exactly the relationship he wants with those children.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      He misses his grandchildren and yet, he threw them out of their secured gifted home, and shipped them off without a care. I dont want to be missed like that. Imagine the kind of king if that’s the kind if father and grandfather – AND DOGsht husband! Lets not forget that one.

    • ales says:

      Really !! Definitely not trustworthy. H and M have protected their children from the BRF hate and the derangers as much as possible. “Private Photos” would be taken of the two children with Charles/Camilla, those photos would be circulated worldwide within an instant. Oops ? With no protection or security, It would be insane for Meghan and the two children to visit the UK. Too many chances for a unfortunate accident or a paid sniper terrorist to destoy them.

    • Cara says:

      He could hop on his plane and visit them anytime he chooses. He doesn’t have to save up enough money to do it. He’s filthy rich. He doesn’t need permission from his boss. He’s king. He can do what he wants whenever he wants. He is doing exactly what he wants every day (minus the unfortunate cancer treatments). People show you who they are by what they do. People show you they love you by showing up and spending time with you. What tangible proof exists that he loves them? There aren’t even any photos of him with Archie and Lili that could be submitted as evidence for that … unless he can get Kate to whip up a few sloppy ones. He’s hopeless.

  2. kirk says:

    Why would Chuck worry about anything other than having ConsortCamela by his side? Sounds like total horse doo-doo, Phil Dampier.

  3. He took away their place on salt isle and he ran them out of the country. He spreads horrible disinformation about their mother and father on a regular basis and now he is sad he doesn’t see Archie and Lilibet? Cry harder you miserable fool.

    • Agnes says:

      Such performative crap! Actions speak louder than rota rat words.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly. Except I don’t even think he is crying or feeling bittersweet about not knowing them. I don’t think Chuckles cares for them one iota, and probably doesn’t even care much for Charlotte and Louis. He only cares for Camzilla and making her happy (while she makes off with the silver).

      The people who want Prince Archie and Princess Lili Diana to come back are the rota rats. They’re all broke, jobless, homeless, eyelashless, and desperate for pictures of those two Sussex babies. But, as you said, cry harder!

  4. Yvette says:

    Right, King Charles. I’ve got one word for you … Eviction.

  5. Jais says:

    I still don’t believe Charles has met Lili even once. Sources say so but I’m not convinced. However, I do agree that it’s possible Charles will not see Harry at all. They very well might meet but the chances are not a 100% certainty. So basically I know about as much as these royal reporters do.

    Anyways, Happy Birthday, Archie 🥳

    • Nerd says:

      I also don’t believe that he’s ever met Lilibet. There is no confirmation from Harry or Meghan even though Harry has made it clear several times that the Queen has met her and seen both of the children prior to her death at her Jubbly. They were prevented from bringing them just prior to her death and I think that is because Charles had total control at that time and prevented it from happening. It’s disgusting that they have chosen this day of all days to try and use the children to garner sympathy for the cowardly weak man who took their only UK home and security away from them. All while he pays for the security of a paedophile.

      Happy Birthday Archie ,
      May your day be filled with lots of love and happiness.

  6. Beverley says:

    Dogsh*t Carlies is feeling “bittersweet” about Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet? Maybe “sweet” because he doesn’t see these two mixed race children as his blood relations and he’s delighted that he drove them away. But “bitter” because deep down he knows how bad the optics are and he’s pissed at any criticism of his abuse.

  7. Latine says:

    I just want to know if Charles is playing hardball or if he really doesn’t care to see them. We know QE2 visited Lili at frogmore but did Charles really stop through or did the press say he did so he wouldn’t look bad. William should demand to take a picture with the kids so he doesn’t look bad. Just had a thought is there any pictures of Harry holding Charlotte? William leads a weird life.

  8. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Can someone help me find my eyeballs? They just rolled so hard they popped out of their sockets.

  9. Dee(2) says:

    What’s wrong with growing up on the west coast with an American accent? Their anti-American bias is just so strong. Archie and Lili aren’t missing out or ” lesser” because they are growing up in the U.S. And this sad grandpa has done everything he could to make sure those kids and their parents aren’t safe so spare me the lamentations. Now it’s don’t forget his granddaughter is named after his dear mother and his grandson has only met him a few times, when last year it was we don’t want to meet Archie and how dare you trick the Queen into letting you use that name. Shambles.

    • yupyup says:

      @Dee and tomorrow it will be William is more popular in America and the he will conquer this hearts and minds with his charm offensive.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Phil Dampier believes that the children should be living the UK.

      • Nerd says:

        So basically he believes that these biracial children who have been attacked and threatened since before they were even born should live in a country where people are in jail for making threats against them and their parents lives? So essentially he is okay if the biracial royal children are abused, threatened and live miserable lives in the UK to the benefit of the white royal family.

      • Amy Bee says:

        The answer to your question is yes he does.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      There is a German company using the name Lilibet.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    So we are on the “poor sad grandpa” narrative I see.🙄 guess I can cover that square on my BRF propaganda bingo card.

  11. equality says:

    Hard to feel bad for KC. He can afford to fly to California as often as he wishes, he could afford to provide security, flights and accommodations for the grandchildren he supposedly wishes to see, he could provide protection and pushback to the media for the terrible things they print about these grandchildren, he could have let H&M continue to lease FC so the children could visit the UK, he could have used influence with RAVEC to get them the security they were willing to pay themselves. He has all kinds of options.

  12. NotSoSocialB says:

    “I’m sure he’d love to have the same relationship with his other two.”

    “Other two.”

    The CHILDREN *have* given names.
    If this doesn’t sum the brf’s treatment of the Sussexes, I don’t know what does.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Yup, that jumped out at me too. It’s giving John McCain “that one” *points at Obama* vibes.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    This is Charles’ own choice. The Sun has placed all responsibility for this separation on the Sussexes when it’s actually all on Charles who has never shown any interest in Harry’s kids. Instead, he’s gone out of his way to insult and isolate their mother. He can see his biracial grandchildren at any time. He doesn’t want to. End of story.

  14. Chelsea says:

    Re that dumb last line we “must not forget” that Thomas has no relationship with ANY of his grandchildren because he is an abusive deadbeat that had made no effort to get to know most of his grandkids and only cares about getting access to Doria’s grandkids so that he can sell more stories to the press and cause more distress for the one good child he has.

    • molly says:

      “Thomas Markle and I are being frozen out!” isn’t the winning alliance they think it is. If you find yourself on the same side as that abusive deadbeat, you’ve completely lost the plot.

  15. Mimi says:

    Nobody believes that headline.

  16. Angied says:

    Prince Archie turns5 is trending not so much Charles.🤣🤣

  17. Lili says:

    does anyone know how to make Pink lemonade? LOL Harry and Megan were given a bunch of lemons and have made Lemonade

  18. Amy Bee says:

    Charles doesn’t give a damn about Harry and Meghan’s children.

  19. Cathy says:

    Another raggity royal rota rat making stuff up about things a person he doesn’t know and what they are thinking.

    How about doing some real work Phil and discover for us why the courtiers, and other grey men, wanted Harry to remove Christian Jones name from Harry’s legal documents and court case? What was so important to hide that Harry was told if he didn’t do so his security would be taken away? This was the boys in the back room doing and I want to know why?

  20. square2 says:

    The black Duchess/Princess, the black prince & the black princess are FOREVER in the British Royal Family history book. The BRF & BM can never erase that.

    BTW, did Charles see the 3 Wails children “recently”? Where are they?

  21. Mel says:

    The tell that they have NO IDEA what they’re talking about “I’m sure he feels…” I don’t believe he cares and if he does, it’s not as deep as they try to make it. Thomas Markle is not the flex that they think it is.

  22. B says:

    Sigh… chuckie & co. insists on believing his presence is a present and that its a victory when he with holds himself. To anyone paying attention he just looks like an ass who literally runs from his son. What an embarrassment he is, I can’t believe that after 70+ years of training, this is the kind of King he is and this is his reign.

    With every passing year I understood why Betty knew had to die on that throne and wouldn’t be able to abdicate and rest.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    Happy birthday to Archie.

    And the rest of this is nonsense. Actions speak louder than words, Charlie.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      At least Archie and Lilibet will not miss what they have never had, both their grandfathers are a waste of space.

  24. Nerd says:

    They don’t realize how bad it looks that he cares so little about his biracial grandchildren that he took their security and UK home away from them. He cared so little that he didn’t even consider that they wouldn’t have a place to call home while in the UK and it’s all because he is petty and racist. There was no reason to take away their only home in the UK that Harry and Meghan were paying for. He is okay to pay for the security of his paedophile brother but not for his youngest son, biracial DIL and biracial grandchildren who only left the UK because of being abused and bullied by him, his horse face wife, his egghead oldest, his racist white DIL and his friends in the media. These are children and it is disgusting how the media and royal family keep trying to use them in their sick and depraved game of hate. They made it clear that they don’t give a damn about either of those children when they abused their mother during her pregnancies and allowed and participated in the racists attacks towards them.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      To be fair, Meghan was driven out according to Meghan by the racist media as well.

  25. Eurydice says:

    Oh, and of course, let us not forget Terrible Tom. How did he slither into this article? I’m sure Phil is trying to tell a story of two snubbed grandfathers, but instead it just highlights that both Harry and Meghan have horrible fathers.

    • Tessa says:

      Tom sees none of his grandchildren. If he had wanted to see them he should never have publicly made scathing comments about meghan

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      They said that it was the passion for charity work that drew them together, but having bad fathers is something else that they had in common.

  26. Lady Digby says:

    If Charles has received a second chance with a full recovery from cancer then he has the chance to make amends to Harry, Meghan and Archie and Lili. I’d like him to visit them in the US , apologise and then call all the attack dogs off. He could really help them just by behaving decently as a father, FIL and grandfather ànd “putting them under his protection.” A public statement of love and pride by attending the IG service would be a welcome start.

    • Tessa says:

      It would be just a respite because William is next in line. I doubt charles will try to make amends

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Actually it was arranged at the same time as a Palace garden party, I have no idea which was arranged first but as the King can’t go William as the next CIC of the armed forces could go instead, his MIL could always do the school run or there’s the nanny….

  27. sparrow says:

    I really don’t understand why he doesn’t go and visit them. Also, if my father in law kept on and on about how much he loves his other grandchildren and their mother, well, it’d be upsetting. And weird. These things are really sad. It’s happened in our family and has taken years to sort out.

  28. Lala11_7 says:

    Both of Meghan & Harry’s Children grandfathers are less than zero & I APPLAUD them for protecting their children health & well-being by NOT having them exposed to those toxic MALES than pushing some “blood is thicker than water” bullshit 😡 Besides…we’ve NEVA seen King Charles with W&K Children either…Hell it seems like HARRY has seen his Father…MORE THAN WILLIAM in the last 90 days…Omid was right…this is the #EndGame…The grandchildren that King Charles has had consistent input in were featured prominently in his Coronation & those are Queen Camilla’s Grandchildren

    • Tessa says:

      And Camilla grandsons and her sister got to stand on the balcony which is for the scaled down monarchy

  29. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “It’s a bittersweet day for the King when he marks the anniversary of his Coronation as it’s also Archie’s birthday.”

    That’s why KFC chose that date for the coronation. He’s hanging onto Archie’s coat tails so that people remember his coronation date. Oh yes, nothing says love like that. /s

  30. Normandes says:

    Pfff he doesn’t see any of his grandchildren Will’s included. Just an absent grandfather who dgaf

  31. DeeSea says:

    All bitter, no sweet.

  32. The Queen says:

    He got nobody to blame but himself!

  33. Rosi says:

    Let’s not forget that he could have flew down to California when they were doing their Canadian tour back in 2022.

  34. Tessa says:

    I remember how Charles had the two eldest male children near him in the family portrait with George on his lap and Charlotte awkwardly placed all the way on the other side.