Andersen: Prince William won’t ‘allow’ Prince Harry ‘anywhere near’ Princess Kate

The British media is soft-launching the idea that no one will see the Princess of Wales for a while. We went from “Kate is speed-walking at the Windsor Farm Store and she’ll be out on Easter Sunday” to “Kate has cancer and no one can ask any questions about her, nor should anyone expect to see her for months.” Since I know the Derangers have their talking points, let me say this: if Kate is in genuinely poor health, no one expects Kate to trot out for walkabouts and Early Years busywork. But the fact that there has been zero credible photographic evidence of Kate since Christmas last year is deeply unsettling. What’s even crazier about this situation is how desperately they’re trying to twist it into something which involves Prince Harry. Harry is in London for two days for the Invictus Games. He has made absolutely zero moves to see or speak to his brother or his brother’s wife. So wtf is this story??

Prince Harry is back in his home country, and drama has seemingly followed the Duke of Sussex. The younger son of King Charles III arrived in London without wife Meghan Markle by his side. The prince joined a panel on Tuesday for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games. The discussion, “The IGF Conversation: Realizing a Global Community,” aimed to highlight service personnel and their families.

While the event celebrated the 39-year-old’s cause, royal watchers told Fox News Digital Harry’s visit to the U.K. won’t spark a reconciliation with his family as the House of Windsor is rocked by health woes.

“Harry would love to reconnect with Kate [Middleton],” Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” claimed to Fox News Digital. “They were once extremely close, and Harry was hit hard by the news of her cancer diagnosis, which he learned about just the way the rest of us did, via Kate’s shocking video. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear [Prince] William is willing to let his brother anywhere near his ailing wife.

“There was just too much drama between the brothers and their wives, and there is lingering bitterness on everyone’s part,” Andersen continued. “So, the chances of even a meeting between Harry and the rest of the royal family, much less some sort of reconciliation, seem extremely slim.”

[From Fox News]

“It doesn’t appear [Prince] William is willing to let his brother anywhere near his ailing wife…” But… is William allowed anywhere near his ailing wife? That’s the question. There are so many disturbing layers to this. Even if you take this at face value, Andersen is saying that William is literally gatekeeping who speaks to or sees Kate? Yikes. Imagine thinking this makes Harry look bad – “Harry isn’t allowed to see Kate because William controls every part of Kate’s life and William won’t let his brother do a wellness check on the woman no one has seen for months!” Anyway, as I said, I doubt Harry even contacted William or Kate or anyone at Kensington Palace.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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163 Responses to “Andersen: Prince William won’t ‘allow’ Prince Harry ‘anywhere near’ Princess Kate”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    So does Peggy think leaking stories like this makes him look like a “real man”?

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Genuinely curious.

      Can someone call for a welfare check on the princess of wales? On Charlotte and Louis?

      The three of them have not been seen in anything other than highly suspect or straight up faked pictures since December.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        🦴 and her children all have Royal police protection 24/7 they know exactly where she and the kids are. Just like they know exactly what the nonce was doing for all those years with Epstein.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Kate cantor even make that decision for herself she needs willie to gatekeep who she sees? Ok… anyway either that or she got no car keys, passport and cannot get out of there or like the Spanish papers was saying, she’s really in bad shape. Did she blink twice in ther video.

      Harry doesnt care about seeing kate and they NEVER were close like theyre trying to say. Harry said it himself in the book.

  2. Bad Janet says:

    What did I just read? They’re really over there writing fanfic.

    Meanwhile, I doubt Harry has much desire to see Kate, unless they stop being a**holes, which clearly is not happening.

    • acha says:

      Yeah, I highly doubt Harry even mentioned that he wants to see the person who threw his wife under a bus with her white tears, cancer or not. He has been perfectly respectful from a distance. All his immediate family are terrible people, and I’m glad he has nothing to do with them.

      • Jacqueline Thurman says:

        Kate was foolish. Harry and Meg would of been a great support to her. But she rather smooze with people like Rose !! For her kids sake I hope she is ok.

    • Anna says:

      As usual, they are projecting and reversing, because I am
      Sure H wouldn’t let W anywhere near Meg. And that would be with her approval.

      Also, H showed he is very good and distancing himself from his wife’s bully.

      I wish Kate health, but the crap she is in now she created herself.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        That’s really interesting Anna, because we keep hearing that Kate is upset Will didn’t “defend” her from H and M (from them telling the truth).

        So she really wants to be protected the way Harry protects M. That’s sad, but William isn’t that guy.

  3. Eurydice says:

    Wow, scraping for a story. Let’s make a list of all the many, many things Harry won’t do while he’s in the UK.

    • Barbara says:

      Really! I’m waiting for a, “Prince Andrew won’t meet with Harry in yet another royal snub!” headline. They really are ridiculous.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Harry will NOT be doing the school run while he is in England.

      Harry will NOT create a photoshopped photo or AI video during this trip.

      Harry will NOT be dropping off fresh baked cookie for the Windsors/Waleses.

      Harry will NOT be touring London in the royal carriage.

      Harry will NOT appear on the balcony at Buckingham Palace to throw Mardi Gras beads to the public. (dammit. how hilarious would that be?)

      (@SarahCS Haha, you know those good doggos get especially waggy when Harry enters the room. 🐶 )

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Harry will NOT be dropping off fresh baked cookie for the Windsors/Waleses.”

        Not even a plate with three ANZAC biscuits?😢


    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Harry will NOT scream and throw things at Kate.

  4. Royal Downfall Watcher says:

    Super duper sus. I mean, I am sure Harry and Meagan sent their well wishes to Kate. They are just those kind of people who can be kind even to people who were cruel to them. BUT I doubt Harry was ringing up Kate and William asking for an audience. The fact that they had to preemptively put it out there that NO WAY can Harry see Kate is creepy. William is a liability to the royal family.

    • Underhill says:

      Everything they have put out about Kate since after Christmas, has been creepy, and getting into deeply creepy territory now.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      It makes William sound like an abuser. Or a control freak.

      • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

        It does doesn’t it? Not sure how they thought this was gonna make him sound good…

      • Drama llama says:

        Am I the only one who thinks it could be a punishment w is banning Kate from seeing H??

      • Feeshalori says:

        Or anyone else William deems unsafe in case the truth gets revealed, whatever that may be?

  5. Jais says:

    Anderson’s claim that Harry would love to reconnect with Kate is pure speculation. He has no clue and is just making it up. Harry wished her a healthy recovery. He has never said he wanted to see her or reconnect. This person is spinning stories.

    • sparrow says:

      It’s a boring and weirdly juvenile narrative. The idea that Harry had/has a crush of sorts on Kate is just crap. Keep keeping warm by that non existent fire, Kate.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jais, it flies in the face of Harry’s book. What I found most interesting in the article is that he states it as a fact. There is no qualifier to

      ‘“Harry would love to reconnect with Kate [Middleton],” Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” claimed to Fox News Digital. “They were once extremely close, and Harry was hit hard by the news of her cancer diagnosis, which he learned about just the way the rest of us did, via Kate’s shocking video.”

      That’s IMO the only interesting item in the article. Recently, there has been an effort to frame “Harry LOVES Bone Idle”. I think they should tread very lightly.

    • Jais says:

      Right @saucy and sassy? It’s just stated as fact. When it’s made up! Harry has written so much and the rota is truly on pretend it never happened mode. But like, we’ve read the book, my dude, we know you’re lying. And yes @sparrow, it’s juvenile AF. Theses people really want Harry to have some sort of a crush on Kate. Like maybe if Harry likes her then other people would too. Especially since her husband refuses to act like he likes her in public. Its soooo weird and this is just papering over the true dysfunction.

      • Pork Belly says:

        I was going to say that this can’ t be true because Baldy doesn’t care who his boring non-event of a wife sees as long as he’s able to keep seeing who he wants to keep seeing.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        There’s no drama following Harry other than the fiction coming from the British media.

    • Tessa says:

      Why would he reconnect with keen there was never a connection

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Their relationship is S P A C E, we were told.
        If only AO3 writers got paid as much as the tabloids for their fanfic.

  6. ariel says:

    How does the palace pr and the rota (palace stenographers and bonus pr) not understand that this sounds like an abusive husband isolating his wife?
    Because, that is how it sounds.
    They could have still been mean spirited and nasty and weird by saying- Kate does not ever want to see Harry and/or finds dealing with the Harry situation taxing and exhausting, and since she is going through preventative chemo, she is skipping all the drama.

    It gets the -we hate him and this is all his fault!!- energy they strive for, without making it seem like the next king of england is isolating his wife and controlling every aspect of her life.

    Why are they so bad at this?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Yeah, I don’t think Harry is interested in doing a wellness check on his sister in law, as he did with his grandmother. But someone probably should, now that we know William is controlling access to her. They think this makes William look good which shows just how out of touch they are. As a grown woman, Kate should be able to see whomever, whenever.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      From the first, this has been centered around William -he won’t work until she’s better, he needs to be satisfied she’s ‘settled’, the press isn’t at the clinic and he visits her everyday… until Cam kept popping in and out of the London Clinic like a Jack in the Box and proved those stories The Sun and NY Daily News tried to float were false. The only photo of William ‘visiting Kate’ was him driving a posh car with his posse of enforcers warning off the media who could read that image for what it was to back off. KP has removed Princess Catherine from her own health crisis and centered it around William -his need to move on, his valiant school runs, his manipulated old photos for both his children’s birthdays that no one takes him to task for ‘because cancer’.

      No one knows if Princess Catherine is in the position to be making these decisions for herself. No one has seen her since Christmas of 2023 and the suggestion that ‘she wants’ privacy/must want time with her kids/might be more seriously ill/might not want to be in public wearing a medical device/might have a roulette wheel of different body parts effected by illness/should be left in peace, left alone, stop ‘bullying’ her, how dare you… is unproven conjecture and quite frankly whistling past the cemetery while her husband, the literal heir to the throne with more political power and influence than his spouse keeps his wife under his thumb and silenced.

      Proof of life has been established for the heir, George.
      Proof of life should be established for the POW.

      • DetachedObserver says:

        Brilliant post, @InterestedGawker. You hit it right on the target with “might have a roulette wheel of different body parts effected by illness.” I laughed so hard coffee came out of my nose. Why are they so bad at this, and where is Kate?

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Oh man. That gave me chills. All excellent points. He has made it all about Will.

      • ales says:

        She is not entitled to be called Princess Catherine because she has no royal blood. She is the Princess of Wales only because of William, if there is a divorce the title is removed. She could be called Princess William of Wales calling her Princess is incorrect.

      • Tessa says:

        What about Charlotte and louis

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Having all three children and their mother verified to be well in public is a good thing, but depending on Kate’s condition it might not be good to have them all at the same event together though…

      • Interested Gawker says:


        I am aware that ‘Princess Catherine’ is a colloquialism. Seeing how she is also routinely referred to as Kate, Katie, Kathy, Kitty, Khate, K8, Kkkate, Kant, Waity, Waity Katie, Unable, Bone, Bones, Huesa, Buttons as well as Top CEO and that I readily concede and agree with your point that her correct title/is not actually ‘Princess Catherine’ my continued use of it in perpetuity should no longer be problematic.

      • aftershocks says:

        Also, @Ales, after Chuck’s divorce from Diana was finalized in August 1996, she was allowed to retain her Princess of Wales title, but not the HRH courtesy. So apparently, whether or not a married-in’s title is removed post divorce is a matter of negotiation.

    • EasternViolet says:

      100% this. The comms people at KP are SO BAD at this… to think that these statements paint Harry in any sort of bad light. It comes off as misogynistic, abusive, petty, small minded and immature.

      • Christine says:


      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Exactly. The rota are such liars. 🤥 🤡 💩

        As we all know, Harry was never ‘close to Kate.’ Forget about him being ‘extremely close to Kate.’ Harry is just a sweet, caring guy. He was kind and accommodating to his family, even as they used, abused, and took him for granted. Sadly, as it turns out, the principal royals never truly loved him. Neither did they understand or care about his passions and interests. His brother told him when they were at Eton to “pretend we don’t know each other.”

        As we can surmise from old photos, Kate was seemingly infatuated with Harry. She clearly loved having both brothers at her side during public events. But she mostly had her eyes locked on Harry. We have seen Kate puffing herself up and being flirty whenever she’s around handsome men. Remember her flirty antics in the stands at Wimbledon when she sat next to Roger Federer during the tribute to him!

        Let’s remember what Harry said in Spare regarding W&K. Also, let’s not forget that Harry blanked Kate during the Queen’s funeral service, as she attempted to get a reaction from him when Willy had to tell her to let Harry and Meghan pass by them to be seated.

  7. Liz says:

    Hard to be around someone who’s no longer here

    • Agnes says:

      Yes, she may be at the bottom of a KP pond or underneath a newly planted bush at Amner or … I dunno seeing that Katy Perry AI gown gave new life to the speculation that the Bench Announcement video was pure fakery, and she is gone for good.

    • K-Peace says:

      It’s looking more & more likely that we “conspiracy theorists” who have been saying that Kate is either deceased or incapacitated, were right. This is so sinister. When are people going to realize that they’ve been blatantly lied to and that there’s no “cancer”, and start demanding to know where Kate is & what happened to her?? It makes me sick to think about how William might’ve done something to her and that (if so) he’ll probably get away with it!

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I give it until Trooping before it all starts to pop off.
        The wave of dissent against the KP line is already rising on social media.
        Trooping was one of those milestones (like Easter) that, once passed, it’s all gonna hit the fan.

        Courtiers and Rota rats hiding the truth are just building their own tomb at this point.

    • Ana Maria says:

      I just came here to see if someone was brave enough to say it, and you did…what other reason could there be for no sightings since December 2023 of Kate, her children, her family???

      • Becks1 says:

        So we have seen George. And absent Easter, we usually don’t see the Wales children from Christmas until Trooping. So there was really only one event where we missed them – Easter. and James middleton has been doing his thing as has Pippa, and Carole has been back to her PR games somewhat, although not as much as one would expect (let’s not forget that we did see Carole in that car photo, wherever it might have been taken.)

      • Underhill says:

        I am along those conspiracy theorists, see below, but I admit to other possiblities. I am wondering recently if she didn’t get treated last year for, say, ovarian cancer, and now its back. Others have pointed out how ill and thin she looked. If it is a reoccurence, then I would want to spend all my time with my children. Maybe that’s whats going on. Doesn’t explain why she hasn’t been seen at all though. Still not my top intuition. But possible.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Kate left the London Clinic ‘because’ her assistant was photographed driving artistically arranged twigs in a van.

        Kate is fine ‘because Pippa would never galavant in a bikini if something was really wrong.

        Kate is fine ‘because’ her uncle was a contestant on Big Brother.

        Kate is fine ‘because’ William ‘would never’ take George to a football game if something was wrong.

        Kate’s disgruntled looking mother was in a five wheeled car with a ‘Kate’ that didn’t look at all fine, but ‘that means’ Kate is fine.

        Setting aside the weirdnesses of this situation the fact remains that we have not had direct, vetted and unambiguous sighting of Princess Catherine since December of the previous year. The only way we the public will know her condition and that the statements provided on her behalf by KP were actually from her and she is in a position to make her own decisions regarding her privacy and right to show herself is by


        A divorce arrangement should not put her under a situation of ‘house arrest’ and if her health situation is either more serious or less serious than KP has suggested the public has a right to know this. Established proof of life, confirmed by international media with a vetted witnesses in agreed upon venue, in real time, protects her as well since her husband clearly maintains an outsized capability of manipulating international media to his own ends.

      • Katy says:

        @Underhill The only reason I don’t think she was already being treated for illness last fall is because there’s no way she would work while sick. She hates the work too much to be that dedicated to it.

        And if I were gravely sick, I’d drop all my work, pull my kid out of school, and spend every second I could making memories with my family. And that’s with far less resources than they have. I hope that’s not the case here, but I don’t begrudge it if it is.

      • EasternViolet says:

        As each week passes, it looks weirder and weirder. It looks as if William and the KP team do not have access to Charlotte and Louis. Why else would their photos need to be recycled and then told it was a recent photo taken by Kate? The video of George at the game made me deeply uncomfortable. I don’t know if it was just my photo assumption but he looked so unhappy. If Kate were no longer with us, and all children were in William’s custody – I don’t think anyone would be photoshopping old photos of Charlotte and Louis.

      • Becks1 says:

        I don’t think she was sick last fall. She might have been sick and didn’t know it, but no way did she have any kind of diagnosis like ovarian cancer. She would have stopped working immediately. She does not need an excuse to not work, she hates working, so if she could have sat out for months, she would have.

      • Nic919 says:

        Seeing as how it would be a crime for anyone to help conceal a death, there is no way the staff would keep quiet for William’s ego. She is not dead.

        Even the Spanish reporter hasn’t gone there.

        But a lot of other things could still be possible.

      • Gennessee says:

        I will jump in with a half-baked whacko conspiracy idea:

        Kate is fine. She does not have cancer. She is not under “house arrest” or in a tower until Will decides what to do with her. She is not in rehab. She is not in a coma. She is not dead. She is not buried in the backyard or in the KP pond.

        She is waiting things out…because she is pregnant and NOT with Willy’s child. The father…that friend of Will that “shot himself” in the garden a few weeks ago.

        She will reappear once the baby is born. That’s why, even though she is Missing In Action, her brother and sister are vacationing and partying away without a care in the world. If Kate’s condition were actually serious, the Middletons would be publically grieving or causing more drama than necessary. After all, who are they without Kate??? The Crown will keep the kids if she’s gone. Full-stop.

      • Lemons says:

        @Gennessee, this is one of the more out there conspiracy theories to me…I don’t think anyone is killing themselves over illegitimate children, and I think Kate would abort before confronting anyone about possible pregnancies that would ruin her standing in the royal family and her chance at being Queen.

        I can’t wait to see the next balcony appearance. If she doesn’t appear, we’ll know something is gravely wrong.

      • Gennessee says:

        @ Lemons – yes. I know it’s out there. Hence, the whacko conspiracy theory reference. lol

        I also don’t think anyone would kill THEMSELVES over an illegitimate pregnancy. Someone else might do the job. It’s why I used air quotes. And Kate with an abortion? Nah. She’d give the baby up for a family adoption first. Too many would be able to access her medical records and see/recognize her at a clinic or something.

        But, like I said, it’s a whacko conspiracy theory. And a wee bit more positive than the “she’s at the bottom of the pond” theories. lol

    • Underhill says:

      Life support, IMO…or, if she is recuperating, receiving therapy for something, its far from the madding crowd…maybe the swiss clinic idea, or mustique.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Yes. The theory that she’s out of the country has never been far from my mind, the article about remodeling Adelaide specifically for her convalescent needs -some months after the Adelaide is too small and cold(?) article, makes it feel like they can’t transfer her from wherever she is before that happens, but the ongoing situation of not being able to produce recent photos of the family while insisting ‘Kate took them a couple days ago’ make the darker possibilities seem more likely, unfortunately.

      • Harper says:

        The idea of Kate putting herself on lockdown and quitting life, not just royal duities, is totally weird and unbelieveable. She is wealthy, she loves the camera, and why would any divorce negotiations require her to avoid being seen in public?

        If she is well and protesting, I do believe she is hiding in Mustique in one of the private homes there and the children are with her. I would actually laugh and have a little respect for her if that were true. If she is convalescing and doing rehab for coma related impairments or a different cancer scenario than we have been told, then I suspect she is out of the country. I have heard France and the Swiss clinic as possible locations.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Harper if this is about divorce negotiation (which I am not sure about, but lets say IF), then my thinking would be that she’s staying out of the spotlight so that William realizes how much the public loves her and misses her and that he can’t just divorce her, she’s worth too much to the monarchy.

        But if that was her thinking, then she clearly overplayed her hand b/c people don’t really care about her. There was some speculation obviously before the cancer video, but now no one is really talking about her besides random gossip sites like this one. The front of KP or Windsor wasn’t full of flowers or notes wishing her well, she wasn’t sent videos wishing a speedy recovery, etc. i think she thought this would prove she was indispensable and instead it proved….she’s entirely dispensable.

        I don’t know. I am all over the place some days here. Honestly the most logical answer to me is that she is a lot sicker than they told us and that this is about her spending what could be her last months with her kids and family. and they lied about her condition to prevent a death watch.

        But this also could be about a tumor found, one round of chemo, and now she’s healthy as ever and just hiding out wherever – Bucklebury, Mustique, etc.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      ariel, I think we should consider that SHE is the one who won’t talk to anyone or be seen. If she has drawn a deep line in the sand and said she’s not doing any public appearances, etc., and she won’t talk to members of the brf, what can they do?

  8. TigerMcQueen says:

    The lies.

    We know from Harry’s own mouth that he and Kate were never close. We also know that Harry hasn’t made any attempts to contact Will or Kate, so this “article” is fanfiction.

    Though I’ll say Will probably doesn’t want Harry to see Kate. But Will isn’t being protective, he’s trying to save his own hide IMO.

  9. Lise says:

    Every time they try to shade Harry or explain themselves, they just make William and the whole family sound more sinister.

  10. 😂😂😂😂 I serious doubt that Harry wants to visit Can’t wherever she has been hidden. This just makes it more suspicious with Peg saying this. More little bread crumbs.

  11. Em says:

    The worst thing that happened to this family is the royal rota, they’re literally the ones causing all the drama.

    I hate that Harry can’t even step foot into the UK without it being tied to the royals.
    How long with this continue ffs.

    • Eurydice says:

      Seriously, they don’t want to accept that neither side wants anything to do with each other.

    • Jais says:

      The rota is terrible. But even before the rota, the RF’s relationship with the press has been toxic. I can’t say what it was like pre-Diana but a precedent was set during the Diana years. Camilla and Charles would call their favorite tabloid editors and feed them negative stories to malign Diana in the press. Nothing has changed since then. So yes, the rota is causing drama but so are the RF members that are feeding into it.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The rota is part of the problem but the blame for this situation lies solely with the Palace. The Royal Family has capitulated to all the press’ demands and can’t do anything to change the relationship it has with the press.

  12. Tina says:

    These pictures always remind me that we haven’t seen Kate look that happy and positively joyful in years. Now she just has that maniacal open mouth smile (it’s not really a smile but not sure how to describe it). It’s like a whole different person.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      There were times last year where her maniacal look was off, because she was overly smiley but she also looked medicated. Specifically, the second half of last year she looked like she dressed in a hurry, her wig game was especially bad, and she just looked out of it sometimes. Remember the visit with the navy where she blew up that life vest?

    • Steph says:

      Have you ever seen that smile in real life? It’s very disconcerting. My aunt was severely abused by my grandmother. She’s in her sixties now and I’ve never seen her without a smile plastered to her face. No matter the situation. A funeral. An argument. Sitting by herself. We asked our mom about it when we were kids and she tried to explain that it was a trauma response. It really freaked us out as kids. Her facial expression never matched the situation. (Her genuine smile and laugh is completely different). Now it just makes us really sad.

      • Liz says:

        I’ve actually been looking back and seeing her public behaviour differently. I think she was dealing with dv in private.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      I noticed that they were showing photos of her, to me, looking cross about something, Either cross or that broad grin, nothing in between. I just put it down to her not wearing well.

  13. WiththeAmerican says:

    Thank you for addressing the baloney talking points that no one should question anything because to do so is to expert her to work. Literally proof of life is easy, all people in public funded roles have to do it, it’s one photo by credentialed international news agency.

    As for this story, lol. it’s Kate who is obsessed with Harry, and that is why William doesn’t want her around his little brother of whom he is so jealous.

    And no, Harry doesn’t want to see the woman who bullied his own wife before their wedding and while his wife was pregnant.

    • Becks1 says:

      For KP though, this is pretty par for the course. They’ve always thrown out these excuses for why Kate doesn’t work more and if you expect her to do so, then the issue is you, not her. Right now they think they’re untouchable because she’s said she’s going through chemotherapy, but I think that’s only going to hold so long.

      We’ve heard she can’t work because she’s a hands on mother, we’ve heard she can’t work because something something school run, we’ve heard she can’t work because she’s “adjusting” (the infamous Malta lie), we’ve heard she can’t work because she’s pregnant, we’ve heard she can’t work because she’s taking a 6 month maternity leave (from what, we are not supposed to ask).

      All of these things are presented as sacrosanct and the general public is not supposed to question it. This is just another level.

      • K-Peace says:

        There’s something much more going on this time though, IMO. William is letting Harry know ahead of time that he will NOT be allowed to see Kate and to not even ask/make an attempt. Which tells me that maybe Harry has, privately/behind the scenes, been asking questions about what’s going on with Kate. This is very sinister.

        I know i’m like a broken record but, at this point, i would bet a lot of money that something terrible has happened to Kate. It’s so obvious, IMO, that she’s either dead or incapacitated. People need to start asking some serious questions.

      • Jais says:

        Hmm @k-peace. Nah, I don’t think that Harry has been asking questions about what’s going on with Kate. Why would he? He wished her a healthy recovery and that he hopes she would have the privacy to heal. Everything about this feels like made-up filler. It leans into the Kate as a vulnerable victim who needs to be protected. It leans into Kate being something desirable, as if Harry wants to reconnect with her. When he has shown zero evidence of that in public or in anything he has said. It bolsters the image of William as the protective husband. It just feels like a cute story this journalist came up with that aligns with palace propaganda. Now, is William worried that the wider family members are gossiping and Harry’s possibly hearing it. That, I could believe. But that’s not the same as Harry seeking out information about Kate or some sort of reconnection, which is what this story is propagating. At most, he might ask if she’s okay but I’m not seeing him as tracking down information.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Becks1: Agree for sure, it’s gone to a ridiculous level in terms of demands to be obsequious.

        Sadly those talking points seem to work on the target audience enough that we even see some of the talking points repeated here, as if to ask a “mother” to give proof of life is reprehensible, even though any public figure would have at least done a waving from the car photo for legit news agencies.

        I have no idea what’s going on, but I know this isn’t normal and I know we are all being gaslit with lies.

        Jais: agree Harry isn’t asking about Kate. Even if he wanted to, and I don’t think he does, he would know that wasn’t going to get past his brother, the jealous rage monster.

        KPeace: I agree that people need to start asking questions, we are so far past that moment it’s really quite scary. Maybe the sway this seems like more this time to you has something to Dow other William’s increasing desperation to appear a certain way rather than something H is actually doing. Idk, the press briefings are becoming increasingly unhinged for sure.

  14. Vader says:

    Yes, harry and kHate were so close that he never saw the inside of wank and kHates home until he was with Meghan. What would harry and kHate even talk about? I guess they could dicuss her concerns about his Archie’s skin color… Or why she let the lies about meghan stay in the papers.
    I am pretty sure Harry does not care about his brother and sil at all. I think he at one point was hopeful about reconciliation with Tampon but no longer.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      “I am pretty sure Harry does not care about his brother and sil at all.”

      Same. It’s why I find it funny that even some commenters here insist that Harry actively cares (or should care) about Kate’s vanishing act. He completely ignored her during Elizabeth’s funeral…why would he have more than a passing ‘that’s unfortunate’ sentiment about someone he barely knows and who made every effort to ostracize his wife?

  15. equality says:

    That’s good. If there is something weird going on with Kate, PH needs to have no association with the situation. They can keep shouting this out and stop with the articles about W&K wanting the cousins to meet.

  16. Becks1 says:

    Well, we know so much of this is a lie, because we know Harry and Kate were never that close and I don’t think Harry is trying to reconnect with her at all.

    do I think William is gatekeeping who is allowed to see Kate? yes….that’s if William is anywhere near Kate right now, and I kind of doubt that. Even just taking what KP has put out there at face value – without getting into conspiracy theories or anything like that – we have been told Kate was well enough to skip jauntily through a farm stand, but also has cancer and is going through preventative chemo, and we have been told that William did not want Kate to put out that cancer video and was not with her when she did so (I think there are a few reasons for this, but I think one of them is that the contrast between Kate in that video and Kate in the farm stand video is very striking and just confirms that the farm stand one was a fake). We know that William wasn’t around Kate for the UK Mother’s Day because he couldn’t even use a semi recent picture of her for the Frankenphoto. We know that William only visited Kate in the London Clinic for 15 minutes once. We have seen one photo of Kate in a car with her mother.

    It just seems that taking everything at face value, William isn’t anywhere near Kate. Is she at Bucklebury Manor with her parents and the kids? Is she at Adelaide while William is in London? Is she staying at Anmer as some have suggested? No idea at this point. But I think it seems pretty clear William isn’t near her.

    And then again, at face value – let’s say he IS near her but is gatekeeping who can and can’t see her to this extent. how sick is she? The Kate we saw in the video looked frail and tired but seemed she was capable of saying who she did and didn’t want to see. This feels like William is keeping all outsiders from Kate – why?

    Neither of these scenarios is a good look for William.

    • M says:

      This is basically my thoughts on all of it. They can’t let anyone see her because the truth would come out. Either she’s sicker than they claim, she’s not sick at all, or she’s nowhere to be found. Would Harry talk? Probably not. But Huevo is paranoid.

      • Iolanthe says:

        Exactly this ..they can’t risk Harry finding out the truth and probably blowing the whistle. Not that he would but after Spare , they are not taking any chances

    • equality says:

      Except we don’t know that he visited Kate in the hospital. We know that pictures were taken of him at the hospital.

      • Becks1 says:

        Well, true, but like I said, I’m just taking it all at face value here. We were told he visited her in the hospital so I’m just going along with that for this exercise of sorts.

    • Eurydice says:

      The main problem with the gatekeeping scenario is that it doesn’t make sense. What, do people think Harry’s going to scale a fence and do a Spiderman up the walls just to get a glimpse of Kate? Is Kate waiting anxiously in her Rapunzel tower to be rescued by her secret love? Kate isn’t some wilting maiden. She’s a mean girl of the first order and she and William have been partners in crime for 13 years. The fact that they can’t stand each other anymore doesn’t have anything to do with Harry.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “do people think Harry’s going to scale a fence and do a Spiderman up the walls just to get a glimpse of Kate?”

        The way I laughed imagining this just now was so undignified!


    • Katy says:

      Will not being allowed within 200ft of Kate or to speak to her directly would explain almost all of this clownery.

    • First comment says:

      @Becks1, I would like to add to your comment, another one article where it was stated that the whole Wales family was practically isolated during Easter break! I found it rather peculiar at the time…I think it was mentioned that there were only a few only servants around them…

  17. kirk says:

    “Harry would love to reconnect with Kate,” ???????
    The last time they were all sitting at church, Harry brushed right past her with nary a glance. There was zero interaction between Harry and her at that QEII death walk about.
    Eh. Faux News.

    • Theresa says:

      More like Kate would love to reconnect with Harry. Look at the way she looks at him in the pictures above. She is one smitten kitten…she only married Willy boy so that she could be queen…but I am sure she is not above trying to have her cake and eat it to…that is until Megs came along.

  18. Nubia says:

    Is William scared that Kate might signal a sign for help!?

  19. Hopey says:

    It’s also projection. Writing that William wont let Harry anywhere near his wife, when in reality it’s actually Harry who wont let William anywhere near Meghan because he’s a frigging psycho.

    • Jais says:

      Ha, that’s true. And also projection in that it’s the press that would like to reconnect with Kate. They want details and stories, not Harry.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Very good point.

    • Liz says:

      That’s so true Hopey. Narcissists always project their own traits onto others.

  20. garrity says:

    DARVO. The reality is that Harry won’t let these abusive monsters anywhere near Meghan (with her fervent agreement) so now they have to attribute this kind of care and solidarity to hateful, worthless, William and his loveless marriage to Kate.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Except they don’t understand the kind of solidarity that Meghan and Harry share, so it comes across as control on William’s part.

      And that’s probably a true picture: William is controlling access to Kate because he’s an abusive control freak, who only cares about how Kate makes him look.

      Harry and Meghan, meanwhile, genuinely love and respect each other, so they work together to protect one another.

  21. lanne says:

    Considering she hasn’t been seen since Christmas–yikes. It gives me “Porphyria’s Lover” vibes–a poem by Robert Browning about a man who “fixes it” so that his beautiful wife will never ever leave her side ever ever (after he strangles her with her own hair).

    For someone who can’t seem to stand the presence of his wife in public (put the Charles and Diana in a strained relationship photo side by side with Kate and William), that’s a really creepy take. It’s also an unwelcome reminder that Kate is completely dependent in the Windsors–she has no money, no influence, no friends, no career, nothing of her own without the titles.

    With William it’s all projective: “You can’t have what’s mine!” the article suggests, when other writers are openly stating the truth is “you have something that I don’t and I hate it!”

    Really, the palaces need to stop these ratchets from speaking for them. The royals are looking deranged, not strong. Possessive, not steadfast.

    Where IS Kate, anyway?

    • Underhill says:

      Well that’s it, isn’t it? She, like the old queen, has to be seen to be believed. There are still several possibilities, but the number is narrowing as time goes on, and none of the remaining possibilties are good ones. After trooping of the colour we will see more clearly I think…

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Death by wiglet was not on my Where’s Kate Bingo Card.

      Strong analysis, @LANNE.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Ianne, everything could be answered if it’s Bone Idle who refuses to talk to anyone or do anything public. I haven’t ruled that out, and it could be that she’s finished with the brf, bm and Billy Idle. Time will tell.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        That’s an angle to consider but feel ‘Kate on strike’ would be supported with the usual Middleton embiggening. That’s what has made this feel ‘off’ from the beginning, the apparatus around William isn’t pretending to conduct this ‘the Ma Midds’ way and Kate’s rapacious need to ‘be seen’ is part of her whole mode of being. KP starting to attribute statements to her, ‘C’, after studiously avoid that at the beginning felt creepy rather than a sign the POW was on the mend.

  22. Harper says:

    William and Kate snub Harry by refusing his olive-branch gift of a healing jar of American Riveria Orchard jam number 25/50. The number is understood to be a sweet nod to Dec. 25, the last day Kate was seen alive in public.

  23. Beach Dreams says:

    LOL please. William himself probably isn’t allowed near Kate. If Wimbledon comes and goes without an appearance from her, then it’s safe to say that things are REALLY bad, be it with her health or with whatever level of messiness her relationship with William is currently in.

  24. Molly says:

    Well, sure, that makes sense.

    “If I can’t see Kate, you can’t either!”

  25. aquarius64 says:

    I think, if true, William is blocking Harry from seeing Kate because Harry would see or figure out what’s really wrong with Kate and William and KP fear Haeey won’t keep quiet. The Firm well not want Harry to have something powerful to hold over William’s head.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @aquarius64: Why are we even considering this as a possibility? Harry said in his book that though he liked Kate they didn’t have much of a relationship so why would he be clamouring to see her now just because she has cancer? Christopher Andersen is charlatan.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah, the idea that Harry is going to try to beat down the door of Adelaide Cottage to figure out what’s going on with Kate is just…..not why Harry is in England. At all.

    • Lady D says:

      With 400 pages being cut from SPARE, I think there’s lots Harry can hold over William’s head.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        And there must have been unseen footage from the Oprah interview in reserve too. They left William’s text in the H&M doc as well, I think that was intentional sunlight on their part, he said something foul. The ghostwriter, editors, counselors, therapists, and even the camera crews who shot the footage may have hippa and legal NDAs binding them but there’s a host of non royal people unknown to the firm that know A LOT about H&M’s time before and during Sussexit. That’s insurance over the entire firm.

    • Tessa says:

      I don’t think harry wants to go near William and kate

  26. Amy Bee says:

    Christopher Andersen knows as much as I do about this situation and he’s still pushing the myth that Harry and Kate were close.

  27. Lili says:

    LOL ! these guys really live in a Fantasy world, If it was me, and i saw said video, i would call around all the family to get more info even call Kates parents. so i reckon Harry has the lay of the land of whats going on. so this is pure fanfiction

  28. Maxine Branch says:

    I doubt seriously if Harry is even thinking about that woman. He is far too busy exalting in his amazing achievement with the veterans and the folks who helped him get if from an idea to an international event. This is just another form of projection from those miserable folks.

  29. sparrow says:

    As if he cares! I was thinking about the article yesterday, the one where William’s friend said how ridiculed Kate had been. The lambasting of her and her husband was a huge surprise to them, and for people in the UK who are into their late middle age and older who’d never think to criticise anyone in the BRF, particularly their beloved princess. But these people aren’t what William and Kate want; they are trying to appeal to a younger generation. The shock was, it was this exact age group who were pushing the laughter and the conspiracies. All of this has shown how lightweight Kate is and has been; she and William didn’t expect it, because their heavyweight impact is minimal, to non existent, with upcoming generations. It was no time at all before people were having a field day with the memes and the theories, and this was across the board and across continents. She and William want to break America, and yet the American public and celebrities were posting all sorts. The Rose Hanbury story resurfaced incredibly quickly, making prime time US TV. Comments such as, “how does it feel, getting back what you did to Meghan” were everywhere. The authenticity of the Mother’s Day photo and garden centre video were shredded to pieces within minutes. All this has shown that they are running to keep up with huge numbers of people who don’t sincerely care, and, if they do, it’s only when it’s a laugh or a fun water cooler moment.

    • MsIam says:

      The ridiculing and such were what they hoped people would do to Harry and Meghan and instead they got it thrown in their faces in spades, lol.

  30. TN Democrat says:

    The royals are spooked because Harry said something to the effect that he wanted to check on the queen before she died because the people around her didn’t have her best interest at heart. A similar situation seems to be playing out in real time with Charles (probably willingly) being cuckolded by Baldimort and Camel-a. Something is not right with the keen situation and revealing the truth will make the William look bad. At this point the family have no leverage over Harry and know that Harry is no fool. Harry has a leak proof social circle and they don’t really have a way of damaging him. The stories on repeat (incandescent, never forgiven, refuse to see him) make them look petty. Is William going to be 70 complaining incandescent with rage that Harry left?

  31. kelleybelle says:

    Good headline for a morning laugh. William is losing this shit if he is calling things like this into the tabloids. What a joke he is.

  32. Underhill says:

    William won’t let Harry anywhere near Kate?

    Ha. That’s a real shocker…. Seriously, It’s Just as well that Harry know nothing about this entire sordid affair.

  33. Lulu says:

    To be fair, Willy hasn’t allowed anyone to see Kate this year. The whole world has been snubbed.

    • sparrow says:

      That made me smile! True, though. Thing is, Kate doesn’t need any protecting, she’s a woman with “ice” running through her veins. Makes him sound manly, I suppose.

    • Underhill says:

      methinks he doth protest entirely, suspiciously, too too much.

  34. Ennie says:

    As if!

  35. MsIam says:

    The media always wants to paint Harry as desperate and groveling to see that family. They need to realize that story has lost it’s legs, if it even had any to begin with. I think anyone who’s been paying attention over the last couple of years can clearly see Harry and Meghan have moved on and they are not crying themselves to sleep over the Left-behinds. Christopher Anderson knows as much as Angela Levin and Lady C about what Harry or Meghan thinks or does. None of them knew about the Nigeria trip which is huge, but yeah they know all about how much Harry would “love” to reconnect with Kate (?!).

  36. Chelsea says:

    No one can convince me that woman has cancer. The timeline doesn’t work. They found out 2 months *after* she had surgery? Bollocks. Something else is going on. They saw that the media was leaving Charles alone and were copykeening his cancer because 1. they’re incapable of producing original stories and 2. Wanted a way to make the media to shut up right quick. It worked. But there’s no way. No way on earth.

    • sophie says:

      I think we tend to miss the idea of what royalty is…to us and to them. We would wish to have a clear idea that Kate is recuperating or isn’t. They are ‘royals’ with no compunction to explain anything. They live in their clouded universe where what they want is what will happen. It’s been the same scenario for hundreds of years. Today is no different.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “They saw that the media was leaving Charles alone”

      And the joke of that is CIII fulfilled the contract between the public and the BRF, he was shown entering and leaving, thanked the medical team, showed himself reading cards that were sent to him on video and conducted public events with other people who now can vouch they’d seen him post op. He has greeted the public and attended church. Charles did not disclose the specific nature of his illness but he satisfied the public and the press as to his condition in a general sense so the need to smoke out what’s wrong with him isn’t a priority. KP will learn it was the King’s transparency that gave him space, not his disease, particularly when the POW still has not been seen by anyone but William swears up and down “We’re all fine.”

  37. Rapunzel says:

    William blocking Harry from Kate? But…what if he’s got an Easter present for her?

  38. Kateee says:

    Boo, my comment didn’t post! But I think the projection here is that William has any control whatsoever over Kate; he does not, but he is desperate to convince everyone and himself that he does, that he can protect her. See all that other big strong husband fanfic.

    I think most likely the original Spanish reporting was correct (coma, stroke). But whatever the reason, William simply does not have a Kate to produce. The best he can do is digital renderings of her likeness with improved speech patterns and clarity. And he cannot in good conscience continue to push narratives that she’s healing but needs privacy because he does not know whether or if she will improve. So, yes, he needs to assert his control over the situation because he knows he has none. I hope I am wrong for her children’s sake because it’s a terribly sad situation otherwise.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Kateee, I think she’s was quite ill, but is now better. I’m thinking she is refusing to talk to the members of the brf (including Billy Idle), and she’s refusing to do any public appearances. There is nothing that they can do about that. They haven’t any way to force her to do differently. She’s probably not seeing anyone except the middletons and her kids.

  39. Lau says:

    Perhaps somebody finally showed some of these photos to William and he realized that his wife was crushing like a schoolgirl on his brother. Anyway, tomorrow they’ll be back to “why won’t Harry visit poor sweet sick Kate ?” as usual.

  40. VilleRose says:

    I doubt Kate wants to see Harry and vice versa. I’m sure Harry hopes she’s ok and wishes her well and hopes the kids are ok. But I doubt his concerns extends much further. William is just using Kate’s cancer as a convenient tool in his reasons of why he doesn’t want to see his brother and using Harry’s visit to distract from whatever is really going on. I do believe Kate is getting chemo and that cancer cells were found. I don’t think she’s dead. I also think Kate and William are in the process of getting divorced and I don’t think we’ll ever see her return to public life as the Princess of Wales.

    • Liz says:

      It’s projection too – that she could come to some kind of harm seeing Harry. It’s not him she was at risk from.

      • Julianna says:

        I’m late reading this article but yes @Liz. It’s projection. William is the one doing the harm, not Harry.

  41. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    These types of stories from the royal sycophants regarding William/Kate and Harry/Meghan always take place in Opposite World. So . . . what I’ve learned today is that William wanted to see Meghan at some point, and Harry blocked it. And Kate really wanted to reconnect with Harry, and William blocked it and/or Harry wasn’t interested. Got it.

  42. JJ says:

    This insane narrative that happens when the Sussexes either both or just Harry come to London since 2020 of “come you have to come because so and so is sick or dying or your brother is struggling with the weight of the monarchy (see People magazine)” and then once they get there. “No one wants to see you. You’re not welcome”. It’s just abusive gaslighting. They are abusers. And if William isn’t letting Harry near Kate… I mean, Wills is the one who is always incandescent with rage so maybe he should stay away from Kate.

  43. Vanessa says:

    This narrative of Harry desperate to see Kate is straight out of the Karen’s fanfics Harry is busy living his own life with his wife and children. Harry and Meghan wish kate well and it was made with such nastiest .

    • Tessa says:

      It seems derangers want harry to be more interested in Kate than his own wife. I always found the photos of kate flirting with harry on the weird side.

  44. Proud Mary says:

    They talk about Kate like she’s an invalid: ‘William won’t let??”

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s the thing, if Kate ‘is fine’ but recuperating why can’t she conduct herself in public like Charles? If she was happy go lucky at the farm shop then why weren’t they with the Irish Guards that weekend? If she’s taking all these family photos at Windsor ‘recently’ why haven’t the KP staff heard any directions or even a ‘hello’ from her? If she ‘isn’t fine’ why are they hiding this by insisting to the public she is? What about the children? The truth about their birthday photos could spill out at anytime, even years from now. Why put them in that situation? Why can’t we hear her tell us ‘we’re all well’? Why is William the only gatekeeper this entire time and shutting down any direct explanation by throwing out these media stories but refusing to go on the record about anything?

    • Liz says:

      Proud Mary – they’re trying to portray William as the protective husband. When in fact he’s the opposite.

  45. Tessa says:

    No christopher . Harry made it clear he was not close to Kate. Why would he be extremely close to his sister in law. I doubt he appreciated how Kate treated meghan

  46. HuffnPuff says:

    I think that whatever cancer was found has a high rate of recurrence. I think the reason we haven’t seen Kate is that she’s undergoing some serious chemo. She has probably lost her hair which would track with the always moving timeline they are giving. Even if she can wear wigs, it will be a while before she looks like herself again. That we aren’t hearing about her working from bed anymore is a tell. William is probably hiding all of this from the public because he’s scared. He’s probably promised to keep adding logs to the “I hate Harry” fire and whatever else his PR people can think of in return for the British press staying silent. He’s a troubled man and that only got worse with the death of his mom. He hates how he was dragged into his parents’ stories and he doesn’t want that for his kids. I think that’s why he minimizes what’s going on whenever people ask. He thinks they can have a life of privacy. It’s a terrible strategy and why he sticks with it even though it continues to blow up in his face is beyond me. I don’t believe the divorce rumors but I also don’t think they have a great loving relationship. Theirs is a marriage of convenience.

  47. Nic919 says:

    Harry DGAF about Kate. He’s openly blown her off at every public appearance they have had in the last 4 years.

    Wishing her recovery through the media is the only message she is getting. Meghan is more likely to make efforts to contact her, which I doubt, but Harry has massively disliked her for years now. Check the ANZAC event, his look of death toward her at the commonwealth service, his blow off at Philip’s funeral and how he cut her at the queens funeral. He’s a Virgo and keeping grudges until Kate apologizes for bullying his wife.

    Let’s not forget he linked her to the Nazi costume, which was not originally reported at the time, the Easter gift bs, the coldness toward Meghan and the fits over hormones and lipgloss. Harry would have focused on his brother if that’s what he wanted to do. But he was fine with exposing Kate for the mean girl many of us suspected she was for decades.

  48. phlyfiremama says:

    Umm, William is the one she is unsafe with. 🤷

  49. Liz says:

    With hindsight I wonder if Meghan alluding on the Oprah show to Kate ‘going through something’ was a reference to dv behind the scenes.

    Also when Meghan first joined them and talked about women needing to be empowered to use their voice.

    If Kate had been smart she could have found a strong female ally in her. And if William was smart he’d have appreciated his brother.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ No, that’s not it. Too many speculative scenarios are abounding. The “what Kate was going through” was more likely postpartum depression and trying to recover from Peg’s rose-gardening betrayal.

      Plus, maybe we can stop please with the wishing Kate had been decent enough to be nice to Meghan, and thus have her as ‘an ally.’ That was never in the cards. Anyway, it was Kate who should have been the one to embrace Meg and be her ally within that rotten institution. But once again, that was never going to happen. Mean girl Kate and Bully boy Peg are not who we thought they were. They have certainly always been boring and lazy, but selfish, petty, and cruel was unexpected.

  50. Mads says:

    I’ve read more plausible fan fiction on AO3 than the nonsense these royal sycophants spout. I’d like to force them to sit and rewatch the video of the Windsor Chapel burial service for Queen Elizabeth where Harry clearly and very deliberately cuts Kate, he avoids any sort of acknowledgment, not even eye contact, and you can see her devastated look once she realises he chooses to ignore her so completely.
    Is he sad she is very ill?: yes. Is he clamouring to reconnect with her?: no.