Peter Phillips hard-launched a new girlfriend, one month after his split was revealed

Peter Phillips also attended the Badminton Horse Trials in Gloucestershire over the weekend. His sister Zara was doing some equestrian events (show jumping?) and Peter brought his daughters out to support their aunt. He came on multiple days, and he seemingly hard-launched his new relationship. In the photo above, check out the attractive woman with the blowout and blue patterned dress. That’s Peter’s new girlfriend, Harriet Sperling.

The King’s nephew Peter Phillips is dating again — just one month after The Sun revealed he had ended his previous three-year romance. The King’s nephew and Harriet Sperling spent all weekend at Badminton, strolling hand-in-hand among crowds and rarely leaving each other’s side.

Harriet, a paediatric specialist nurse and freelance writer in her 40s, beamed in a pink maxi dress and shades on Saturday. The couple watched the cross-country horse riding from a sponsor’s tent before leaving in a vehicle with Peter’s daughters Savannah, 13, and Isla, 12. Yesterday they were back at the swish Gloucestershire event, where Peter shared a warm greeting with Queen Camilla. The two royals chatted briefly as glam mum Harriet looked on.

It is unclear whether she has been ­formally introduced to the Queen, or Peter’s mum Princess Anne and stepdad Sir Tim Laurence.

[From The Sun]

“Glam mum” – oh so she’s a mother? It doesn’t look like her kids were there, but she was hanging out with Peter’s daughters. That’s pretty early in the relationship to introduce your kids to your girlfriend, right? Peter’s split with Lindsay Wallace was basically only announced one month ago. Granted, Peter could have started up with Harriet months ago, as he and Lindsay were winding down. Also: I know the bar is in hell, but I really do appreciate the fact that Peter dates women in his age bracket. Lindsay Wallace was a mother in her 40s, and Harriet is the same. Anyway, divorced man dates a series of attractive, age-appropriate blondes, news at seven. But it’s interesting, especially given the big rollout Peter has gotten this year.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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21 Responses to “Peter Phillips hard-launched a new girlfriend, one month after his split was revealed”

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  1. Dandelion2 says:

    I see 3 young girls. Maybe her kids were there.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    All those kids seem like they have grown fast, you can sure see which ones are tindalls. The one looks so much like her dad there is no doubt.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    Hmm… for Peter to do the new girlfriend roll out so soon after the announcement of his break up tells me that he was probably stepping out on Lindsay or they were broken up for longer than has been reported and were pretending to still be together.

    • Lorelei says:

      Yeah, and it’s a lot for his kids to deal with, especially if they’d liked and/or been close to Lindsay. But from what we know of him, Peter’s always seemed like kind of an asshole, so.

      I’m jealous of his new GF’s gorgeous hair.

  4. goofpuff says:

    Where’s all the screaming from the rota about Peter Phillips dating someone who’s been married before? or Charles with Camilla? No comparisons to Wallis Simpson for those women? Only for Meghan? Shocking…I wonder why. (sarcasm)

    • Christine says:


    • BQM says:

      Meghan was a divorced American who “stole” a charming, popular prince and caused him to “abdicate”. The comparison to Wallis is stupid but it’s clear why this particular insult would only be leveled at Meghan.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      Not to mention brazenly holding hands in public!

  5. fanzea says:

    I feel like he’s aged the best of all that generation of cousins.

  6. Lau says:

    As they keep saying that Peter was QEII’s favourite grandson, I’m actually surprised that they’ve never tried to say that William was her favourite.

    • May says:

      This does have to grate on William. Years ago I read an article where it said that all of the Royals would try to jockey for favor with the Queen and they all wanted to be deemed her “favorite.”. And, that this fostered quite a bit of animosity amongst the Queen’s children and grandchildren. Who would be deemed the Queen’s favorite also would change from time to time. For a long time it was said that the Wessex children were the Queen’s favorite grandchildren because she simply spent more time with them. It was said that she would stop by their home for afternoon tea quite a bit. Are the tabloids trying to stir up problems between the family members?

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        Remember that it was Harry too, for the longest. I think she took that bit of intel with her. And it will eat all of them up inside until they join her.

  7. Aimee says:

    Why would she be introduced to the Queen? She died two years ago.

  8. Anita says:

    He looks really unappealing in the photos with Camilla.
    The Queen EII’s favourite grandson, my arse.