Kate Moss skipped King Charles’s garden party last week & the palace is furious

Here are some photos of Kate Moss on May 2, where she attended the New York fundraising event for The King’s Trust, formerly The Prince’s Trust. Kate is actually somewhat friendly with the Windsors and she turns up to royal events sometimes, especially fundraisers. I remember, years ago, Moss came out for some royal-adjacent fundraiser which was supposed to be attended by Prince William and then-Duchess Kate. Keen ended up skipping and Moss greeted William with “where’s your wife?” Moss was a #WhereIsKate Truther before any of us! Well, last Wednesday, Buckingham Palace hosted its second garden party of the season. The focus for the party was supposed to be “the creative arts,” so it was an excuse for King Charles and Queen Camilla to mingle with celebrities. Kate Moss was supposed to go to the party, but she skipped and no one knows why. It sounds like the palace is pissed about it!

She is an ever-present fixture at A-list parties around the world. But Kate Moss failed to turn up to a star-studded Buckingham Palace garden party hosted by King Charles and Queen Camilla last week – leaving organisers flummoxed and put-out. The 50-year-old supermodel had been among more than 4,000 guests from the worlds of showbusiness and fashion invited to celebrate Britain’s creative arts industry.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that officials were particularly exasperated because Ms Moss had asked for her ticket back after initially declining the invitation – only then not to show up at all. The British Fashion Council had been forced to intervene on her behalf just a few days before the event to ensure her a spot.

A source said: ‘After all the wrangling, Kate was a no-show on the day. She made her decision so late that briefing notes were sent out ahead of the event which listed her as a guest. Even now there are articles online which say she was attending, even though she was nowhere to be seen.’

Designer Stella McCartney – Kate’s best friend and fellow fashion wild child – was also invited but did not attend, citing ‘work commitments’.

Last night, a friend of Kate, who is a keen smoker, quipped that the model’s absence may have had something to do with the fact that cigarettes were not allowed at the garden party. Another source said: ‘Everyone behind the scenes was desperate to see Kate and were so disappointed she didn’t come. Staff were wandering around looking for her.’

The source said it had been a surprise that Ms Moss had not turned up. ‘It’s a money-can’t-buy event so there are very few people in the world who would not take up their place on the Buckingham Palace lawn to see the King and Queen, and even fewer who would be so impolite about it,’ they added.

The model’s no-show comes after she was seen clambering on to the stage at a Skip Marley concert in Turkey last weekend and had to be ushered away by guards. Later, she was seen holding hands with Skip, the 27-year-old grandson of the late reggae superstar Bob Marley.

[From The Daily Mail]

Perhaps Moss was too busy partying or recovering from partying to make it to the palace on time. Or perhaps, given the behind-the-scenes wrangling, Moss’s snub was rather pointed. Like, it sounds as if there was some chaos about whether or not she would even get an invitation, and she was just like, “who needs this drama?” Also: “It’s a money-can’t-buy event so there are very few people in the world who would not take up their place on the Buckingham Palace lawn to see the King and Queen…” Charles was literally making small-talk with C-list reality stars, let’s not pretend this was the classiest, most A-list event ever. It sounds like the palace had high hopes that A-listers like Kate Moss and Stella McCartney would turn up and they’re mad that their garden party looked so unremarkable.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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47 Responses to “Kate Moss skipped King Charles’s garden party last week & the palace is furious”

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  1. Jes says:

    Maybe kate moss realizes brf us racist? Not to give her too much credit. But spending time w marleys who are friendly w meghan and harry??

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Oh my god! She had the indecency to CANCEL THE DAY OF?!? After her name was printed in the commencement pages?

      Who the heck does she think she is? WILLIAM???

      Cuz that bloke bailed on his godfathers memorial that was twenty feet from his front door less than 45 minutes before hand – didn’t care that he was supposed to do a reading and his name was in the memorial pages 1 and then broke the media embargo on a friend’s tragic death to take the attention off of him when he was called out.

      Seems Kate has behaved like a royal. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?

  2. Maybe Kate sees the writing on the wall and doesn’t want anything to do with the evil institution or maybe she was just busy.

    • Nutella toast says:

      Yep – this is giving Donald Trump Inauguration Ball vibes. No one wants to be associated with this trash. They shoulda called Scott Baio.

  3. Interested Gawker says:

    Kate Moss has been so capricious over the years it’s a wonder they chose to highlight her no show now. She’s also godmother to one of Rose Hanbury’s children, isn’t she? Maybe she didn’t want the drama.

  4. Lady D says:

    “there are very few people in the world who would not take up their place on the Buckingham Palace lawn” Oh you sweet summer child.

  5. LadyE says:

    A-list British celebrities who do *not* mingle at garden parties with the RF, let’s go!! I’ll start:

    Elton John
    Ed Shereen
    Harry Styles

  6. Nubia says:

    Why didnt they invite Posh and Becks ,they want a knighthood like their lives depended on it.

  7. Snaggletooth says:

    Why are they highlighting this. This article is so messy and no one looks great the palace is the bigger loser. 4000+ hardly sounds that exclusive especially if this is just British celebs who aren’t too republican to turn down an invite. The article really gives the impression that Kate was the only A lister they could get.

    • SarahCS says:

      Quite, it does seem to be another of those where on the surface the bRF are being ‘treated badly’ but in the end just sound pathetic.

  8. Miranda says:

    Yeah, it’s super rude and annoying when an important guest decides at the very last moment to skip an event, like a garden party or a memorial service for one’s godparent, isn’t it? Maybe she had to do a school run?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      And William had a reading to perform in the service! Not just being an attendee!

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I truly do think the media is trolling William here. They cannot be this dense. You cannot survive with petrified brain matter.

  9. OriginalLeigh says:

    Yeah, I guess it’s impolite but definitely not as bad as being a last minute no show at your Godfather’s memorial service at which you were supposed to give a reading….

  10. Mslove says:

    I can imagine the pearl-clutching going on behind the scenes, lol. How dare Kate Moss make a public exhibition of snubbing the king! I love this for Chuck and his hoe.

  11. Jais says:

    Side note. Kate Moss has been great friends with David Rocksavage since she was 19. I always reference this fantastic Financial Times article about the chumleys. In it, Kate Moss talks about staying at Houghton Hall with Rose and David.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    The palace is packed with idiots who don’t see how easy it is to compare Kate Moss’ no-show to William’s last-minute no-show at his godfather’s memorial service.

    I mean, to point out that her name was listed on briefing notes — almost like it was printed on a church program or something.

  13. Dee(2) says:

    This article is hilarious to read. I’m just imagining people wandering around at a party with thousands of people wondering where one person is. It’s not like Charles didn’t show up. And then the whining about how they’re articles showing that she was coming and she didn’t show up? Sounds more like people behind the scenes are upset because more and more people are turning down invites to things associated with the Windsor’s than in the past. They have to keep telling everyone about how getting acknowledged by that family, or being invited to some event with them is the height of privilege but it just doesn’t seem like it’s bearing out anymore, or is it just me? You have Lionel Richie and Katy Perry performing it the coronation, Kate Moss blowing them off for a garden party after initially declining it? That’s the pattern that I’m actually paying attention to.

    • sevenblue says:

      Also, pretty sure Katy and Lionel went to the coronation in exchange of C&C’s appearance on American Idol. The new King & Queen of UK literally appeared in American Idol. It was hilarious.

      • kirk says:

        “You say
        The price of my love’s not a price you’re willing to pay…”

      • Debbie says:

        You think it was embarrassing that Charles and his side piece appeared on American Idol? I hear that they initially volunteered to sing, but the producers relented and said that Lionel Ritchie and Katy Perry would go to their coronation if only they didn’t sing. True story.

    • booboocita says:

      I can still remember all of the British celebrities and performers who declined their invitations to perform at the Coronation concert, citing scheduling conflicts: Elton John, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Harry Styles … Landing on Katy Perry and Lionel Richie, two performers whose heydays were behind them and who weren’t even British, was a real embarrassment to BP.

  14. Wagiman says:

    Now we know what these incompetent fools who work for the palace do, they wander around aimlessly looking for Kate Moss. Is that meant to make them look good?

    ETA I’d like to know who the stars were if Kate is getting this write up.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    I had the same thought as Kaiser when I heard of this event. The King and Queen wanted to have a garden party with celebrities. Usually these garden parties are for charities and people who did good deeds. It looks like only C-list celebrities attended the event and the Palace was desperate for any A-list celebrity to be there. I seem to remember 2017-2020 when the Royal Family were against celebrities and especially actresses, what’s changed?

  16. Lili says:

    4000 guests you’ll never have the time to give each attention, so why are they making a big deal about this, she’s not going to be willy’s next wife. or maybe she didn’t bring the coca cola with her since she is the face of the drink

  17. L4Frimaire says:

    Who was even at this event? Is this the one that took place while Harry was in London or another one after it? So weird to make this into an article and single her out like that. Stuff happens and not everyone can make it to these fossilized events where they have to stand around to admire Chuck and Cams.

  18. Chaine says:

    Maybe having to mix with 4000 much less important celebrities turned her off from the event! Plus, it doesn’t even look from the photos I’ve seen like there are tables or a place to sit down or shade. They have to stand around on a lawn in the sun all afternoon.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      So. A garden party is just roasting on an open field? Where is the garden? The shaded paths? The benches and small cafe tables and whimsical statues and topiaries?

      Is this the same garden party that smelled of open sewage? Really doing a call back to the Victorian era there. Very accurate.

      And I can stand outside and roast in the sun all on my own, thank you very much.

  19. Kkat says:

    Was she at Harry’s event going on at the same time maybe 🤔😂

  20. blue says:

    With 4000 invited guests, this hardly sounds like a very exclusive gathering. Who’d notice or care if there were a few dozen no-shows? Maybe only the brf. If the event lasted 4 hours, that would allow each of 4000 guests 3.6 seconds of time with the host(s). Not worth the effort for some.

  21. Flower says:

    I don’t think Kate Moss is picking any sides, rather I suspect she was just busy with something else.

    But her not turning up shows the lack of gravitas that Charles and Camilla have, this is what the Palace worry about.

    Once a few celebs start no-showing then it will become fashionable to no-show and that is where the Palace start to have problems.

    Another possibility is that Kate Moss is a Kate fan and so has decided to stay away because she may be privy to what is going on with Kate behind the scenes.

    It will be interesting to see which celebs stay away out of some sort of loyalty/ friendship to Kate….

  22. Mel says:

    Seriously, it’s an invitation not a subpoena, people get to say no or sometimes *gasp* stuff happens and they just can’t go. Do they not see how pathetic this is?

  23. Rnot says:

    Wow. I don’t know that I’ve every heard anyone described as a “keen smoker” before. This is one of those stories where I think there are several layers of meaning for several different audiences.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      It also seems as though they are trying to make the case for Kate somehow being influenced by H&M because of the Marley connection. Super weird.

  24. Gisby says:

    Perhaps she showed up, and had to be taken away for ‘scheduled abdominal surgery.’ Now we have another ‘Where’s Kate?’ to come up when you google it.

  25. Debbie says:

    The palace was “flummoxed”? Wake me up when they’re “blindsided.”

  26. JFerber says:

    Let them kick rocks.