Mail: The Sussexes & their children should attend Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding

It took months for the British media to acknowledge it, but here we are: they are all in agreement that Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster, did invite the Sussexes to his June wedding. Alongside that acknowledgement, that fact, surely the British media would like to admit that Kensington Palace blatantly lied last December, when they claimed that Grosvenor “chose” to invite Prince William but not Harry, that Hugh’s wedding is all about William? Of course not. These people have just effortlessly segued to “why is Harry snubbing Hugh” and “Harry is so jealous that William will be a wedding usher!” And don’t forget this Daily Mail column, written by Liz Jones: “​Why Britain’s poshest wedding is the perfect time for William to make amends with Harry.” How absolutely embarrassing. Some highlights:

An acknowledgement that the Sussexes were invited to the wedding: The only sad note is that Prince Harry, one of Hugh’s oldest friends, won’t be there grinning, hugging and blowing kisses. Harry and Meghan were sent a ‘save the date’ but have since declined. Not a decision they’d make lightly. Hugh, after all, is Prince Archie’s godfather. Whatever the Duke of Westminster made of it in private, it seems he’s not insisted that his mate, the prince, attend.

Sadness over the wedding: As a friend of Harry told The Times: ‘It’s incredibly sad it has come to this. Hugh is one of the very few close friends of William and Harry who has maintained strong bonds… with both. He wishes they could put their heads together and patch things up but realises it’s unlikely to happen before the wedding. He wanted to avoid anything overshadowing the day, especially for Olivia, and doesn’t want any awkwardness.’

Weddings should be about family, including the Sussex children: Weddings are when family and friends should put aside any differences, any squabbles, and turn up with a smile on their faces (wedding gifts are, understandably, banned on this occasion). It is not about YOU, it is about the happy couple. I, for one, would love to see little Archie and sister Lili all dressed up and would happily spend hours dissecting Meghan’s outfit. I can only imagine she’s gagging to attend: who wouldn’t want to see inside Eaton Hall?

Hugh was worried about the Sussexes’ star power? Perhaps the Duke of Westminster is worried the star power of Harry and Meghan will cause a distraction, a media circus. He has always protected his privacy. But I doubt a young man with several hundred years of inherited wealth and privilege in his back pocket possesses such a fragile ego. It’s such a shame, a lost opportunity. Front page photographs of William and Harry suited and booted, slapping each other on the back would have brought about a national sigh of relief after so many difficult years. Forget the Euros, Wimbledon, the Olympic Games in Paris: that would have been the spirit-lifting image of the summer. If even they can bury the hatchet, then so can we heal the rifts in our own lives. But no.

Would William throw a hissy fit if Harry attended? Weddings and funerals are when you grow up and show up. Would William really throw a hissy fit if Harry came along? I doubt it, he’s much stronger than that. Any serious illness lends perspective. You hug everyone closer. William knows he has bigger worries in his personal life right now.

[From The Daily Mail]

This is the whole point of it: “I, for one, would love to see little Archie and sister Lili all dressed up and would happily spend hours dissecting Meghan’s outfit. I can only imagine she’s gagging to attend: who wouldn’t want to see inside Eaton Hall?” They’re mad that they can’t see, photograph and abuse the Sussexes. They’re mad that Harry and Meghan don’t give a f–k about their grand society weddings and the Sussexes would rather protect their peace. They’re mad that they can’t use the Sussexes as scapegoats and shields for whatever is happening with William and the Princess of Wales. Kate will not attend the wedding either, and the Wales kids will likely be missing from the wedding too. That’s what so much of this is about – it looks increasingly stark for William to go solo for months on end.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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96 Responses to “Mail: The Sussexes & their children should attend Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding”

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  1. Sydneygirl says:

    These ridiculous opinion pieces by the rota are giving me whiplash!

    • Joy says:

      My sentiments are the same. Day after day, these rota rats come up with ridiculous stories about the Sussex’s, to the point it is beyond ridiculous now. The UK media have become the laughing stock around the world. 🌍

    • swaz says:

      Do Meghan and Harry sell that many papers ??? THE REPETITION IS OFF THE CHARTS 🙄🙄🙄

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    The leftovers are looking a little moldy… (they should just come out and say it)

    • swaz says:

      And this is exactly why they make Meghan and Harry centerstage. I’ve read so many articles about this wedding and I couldn’t even tell you the name of the bride.

    • Elizabeth says:

      “I doubt a young man with several hundred years of inherited wealth and privilege in his back pocket possesses such a fragile ego.”

      Whyever not? William has more than a thousand years of inherited wealth and privilege in HIS back pocket and HE has a fragile ego.

      • Emily b says:

        William has a thousand years of inherited wealth in his back pocket….. yet Hugh, Britain’s wealthiest man has more. If your comment is accurate then why is Harry’s ego so fragile? Is it just the ginger hair or is it more than that?

  3. I’m dizzy from it all. Meg will not be bring the children anywhere near salt isle. She has moved on. Let it go.

    • Chloe says:

      Archie and Lili won’t step foot on that Island until the security issue has been resolved. And the way that is looking right now that won’t ever be resolved. This is also the first tike i am hearing that Hugh is Archie’s godfather. I think the author is confusing archie with one of the wales’ kids

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Hugh is *rumored* to be Archie’s godfather but it has never been confirmed.

  4. BeyondTheFringe says:

    Jesus, these people are unhinged.

    Like…I *logically* already know this. I think have a firm grasp on their nuttiness. Then one of them says something gross and batsh*t about tacitly demanding to see children and dissect a woman’s clothing and it just refreshes my horror all anew.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      A public outing by the Sussex’s on that day would turn this wedding and Peggy into a footnote in the media. The only reason anyone beyond their aristocratic bubble knows anything about this wedding in the first place is because they dragged prince Harry into this Peggy/Rota created drama. What a hate filled mess Peggy has turned his life into.

      • Jais says:

        I’m betting there are currently photographers staking out montecito for one specific purpose. So they can photograph Meghan on some random day and then wait to release the picture on the wedding day. All so they can claim that Meghan is trying to pull focus from the wedding. It’s their usual trick.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Jais: I’m sure the British press are in possession of those photos waiting to release them next week.

    • Shawna says:

      Tacitly? I think you’re being too generous here. It’s pretty explicit!

  5. Pinkosaurus says:

    The royal commentators are really starving these days, huh? No doubt Vogue is going to get the photos and Tatler will have the gossip. Nothing for the Rota except “exclusives” from William that he still really hates his brother and why isn’t anyone jealous of him? Yawn.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      The desperation is palpable. It oozes off the page.

      • MsIam says:

        I thought William was the “star” of the show? Pictures of him in his usher getup not enough for the rota? No Kate, no Harry and Meghan? Too bad so sad, cry more!

    • Snaggletooth says:

      I glanced at the comments on the DM (I know, I know) and 99% are so confused lol.

      The 200 elderly Brits who still comment on the DM are all so perplexed about why oh why the DM keeps insisting HM come back lmao! And begging the DM to start highlighting everything wonderful about William?

      • Lucky Charm says:

        “highlighting everything wonderful about William?”

        OK, I’ll start with a few suggestions.
        1. He has blue eyes.
        Oh. Ummmm, I guess that is everything wonderful about him!

    • Cj says:

      The bit about Hugh not having such a fragile ego is a subtle dig at William no? Who has the same historic roots and generational wealth and yet sees people overshadowing him at every turn and breath…

      • Monc says:


      • Christine says:

        It’s not even subtle.

      • GTWiecz says:

        Furthermore, some guests may eye William with some reservation because Kate disappeared 100%. It’s not normal. Aside from some snotty guests, they would be enchanted in seeing the happy couple. On the other hand, they would take attention from the bride and groom.

  6. equality says:

    Why would the children attend even if H&M did? IF Hugh and PH really are such great friends and IF he is Archie’s godfather, Meghan has already seen Eaton Hall. And the emphasis with her is on Harry and Will reuniting. Nothing at all about PW making amends to Meghan or acknowledging his niece and nephew.

  7. Becks1 says:

    Well at least they’re finally saying it! They want Harry there bc they want Meghan and the children there (Lili is turning 3 the first week of June, that’s a great age for a big society wedding, I’m sure.) They want to pick apart what Meghan is wearing because you know they will deem it “wrong” or that she’s breaking “protocol” or SOMETHING.

    I have a feeling Meghan is going to be just fine missing this one.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah I’m confused. Why would a 3 yr old go to a big wedding like this? Guess it could be kid friendly. Depends on the what the couple wants. Either way, the press really wants to see the kids.

      • GTWiecz says:

        Three years old is toddlerhood. Toddlers have tantrums. I can’t imagine the criticism that would get (“Meghan can’t control her child!”). Nah.

    • Joanne says:

      There is nothing about expecting to see William’s children. If William the world’s most perfect dad can do all the school runs while still spending all his time taking care of his sick wife, why can’t he take his children to the wedding? Why is always the Sussex children they are demanding to see?

      • Shawna says:

        Partly because they don’t want us talking about how the Waleses’ two youngest haven’t been seen. Partly out of racist gawking.

      • Dot Gingell says:

        We’ve seen too much of the Wales children. They’ve become boring and uninteresting because their parents overexposed the poor things.

      • Mel says:

        They always want to see them because they can’t see them.

  8. GoldenMom says:

    ‘I can only imagine she’s gagging to attend”….in what world? This restructuring of basic reality is so casual and common with these idiots. Like Susan said, M is done with Salt Isle, now they need to move on. Only ones gagging are these delusional dipshits.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      How can the aristocracy be better than everyone if the mixed race American woman is not begging to please please please be allowed to enter their homes? Honestly, other than stealing their prince with her seductive temptress ways, I think the thing they hate most about Meghan is that she is not groveling. She can take it or leave it and it drives them absolutely crazy.

    • LurkingWriter says:

      I mean, maybe Meghan could be mildly interested in seeing Eaton Hall or whatever to see how many bathrooms it has to compare it to the number of bathrooms in her home in Montecito? (sarcasm) Hahahaha.

    • Shawna says:

      Do they not think H&M are regularly invited to equivalent estates in California (not in terms of age but showiness)?

    • GTWiecz says:

      They’re in total denial. That island must give Meghan PTSD. And having to see the family that treated her so badly.

  9. Agnes says:

    Egg is incapable of growing up and showing up. The photos from the last wedding William attended, where he publicly humiliated his wife who has now been missing for over five months, is chef’s kiss.

    • Shawna says:

      I can still see William’s “move on” gesture in my head. And it looks like that was just a symbol for his greater campaign to make her “move on” permanently.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Looks to me that Liz Jones is the one “gagging” to see the inside of Eaton Hall. Also, gagging to see Archie and Lili and whatever Meghan would chose to wear – not to mention any images of Harry and William together, whether they’re slapping each other on the back or across the face.

  11. Afken says:

    Exactly. This is what I was about to say. If he’s their son’s godfather meghans already likely seen it. Also it’s hilarious how they think Meghan is enamoured of the aristocracy and their properties. They want her to be impressed by them so badly. Meghan didn’t even come to the shiny hat party! Who cares about a society wedding? Also whoever wrote this needs to keep the Sussex children out of their mouth. The way they talk about them, as though they are objects for their amusement. No one cares what you ‘would love to see”!

    • sevenblue says:

      The plan was to abuse Sussex’s children just like how they abused Harry when he was just a child. I am sure that was what K&W were planning, sacrificing H&M’s children, so their children (even the spares) would get protected. They were very angry when they left because now they had to present their own children to the press, as they said in Tatler’s infamous article.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      M and H’s children aren’t safe there, and everyone including these tabloid losers know it.

      So my question is, why are they urging for these kids to be in harms way? What sick sick sick people.

      • Shawna says:

        It’s evident they don’t consider mixed-race children to be real human beings. Nasty pieces of work.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Seriously. The projection in this story is hilarious. Meghan is an American and has her own famous friends who actually did things to earn their money. She doesn’t care about being photographed with aristocrats in their stately homes, built by oppression. That’s a desire belonging to a distinctly British sub type.

      This is delulu to a wild degree.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It is so delulu. From accounts I’ve read about Hugh Grosvenor, he’s supposed to be a decent sort. Don’t see him being part of this funky narrative. As others have said, if Hugh is a godfather to Archie, Meghan has most likely been to Eaton Hall-especially if Harry & Hugh were close. His being a godfather is unconfirmed.

        Meghan isn’t ‘gagging to attend’ such events. She’s attended greater events. Her wedding to her love Harry, the birth of her children, Invictus Games and being named a Nigerian Princess(to name a few-there’s more). I’m not going to minimize Hugh’s & Olivia’s wedding like the BM/BRF seem to want to do. It’s a big day for the couple.

        Liz Jonesing is being exceptionally gross. Thanks beyotch for saying exactly what a lot of us know. Meghan( and her children with Harry) only live for you to potentially abuse them. Read SPARE. Harry knew what you all were about. The sign to urinalist hell points to you. Keep A & L out of your mouth.

  12. EasternViolet says:

    In reality, Hugh extended an invite out of politeness to Harry and Meghan (and out of love, if the friendship is still there), and Harry declined – knowing full well that the British press would ruin Hugh’s special day with their unhinged reporting. If I had a friend in Harry’s position, I would get that.. and I am sure the couple have sent their private and thoughtful sentiments to the Bride and Groom anyway. What bride would want the press making her day all about Meghan? They are already doing this anyway.

    • nutella toast says:

      @EasternViolet Exactly. It’s loving for Harry and Meg to politely decline – no matter how lovely they behaved or how quietly they attended, it would be about them – buzzing with paparazzi’s and people trying to grab cellphone pics and not focusing on the bride and groom. They are not inviters of chaos, so I know they would not want this for their friends. It’s not fair that they can’t attend a wedding just as dear friends, but that’s where we are (in large part because of the brother who most assuredly would not slap Harry good-naturedly on the back – more likely into another dog bowl). If William was capable of growing up in crisis, then he would have behaved differently at Philip’s funeral, QEII funeral, his Dad’s coronation, his Dad’s illness, etc. I can’t believe William is putting so much press out about the wedding – I’d be livid if I were the bride and groom. Just let them have their day. Dang.

      • EasternViolet says:

        I betcha no one at the core of that wedding wants William and his “me me me” there — but they sort of have to put up with it because “aristocracy”.

    • Shawna says:

      Everyone’s head would explode if the Grosvenors find their way to Montecito this summer.

      • Isabella says:

        I’m thinking it’s possible to see the Sussexes under the radar. The press doesn’t actually know who they see or don’t see. That’s why reporters are surprised when they show up with big executives etc.

  13. Lau says:

    The fact that Grosvenor is fine with his name being used for this hate campaign is really telling. They can keep saying that he is a friend of Harry’s all they want but it’s becoming clear that he is not.

    • Joanne says:

      What makes you think that’s he’s ok with it? He’s used to tabloid lies and ignores it. None of us have any way of knowing what the relationship between Harry and Hugh is really like. I would presume that as close friends, they’ve discussed the situation and both are fine with Harry not attending. No one would want the circus that would come with Harry attending with or without Meghan.

      • Lau says:

        He could just publicly diffuse the situation or do like the RF and send some “friend” to tell the truth. I just find hit really weird that anybody would allow their name to be used every week like that just because an overgrown child wants to be petty to his brother.
        They keep saying he’s one of the richest man in England, surely he can afford to pay a PR firm to do a bit of pushback.

    • Sue says:

      I’m not sure what you would expect him to do.

    • Mel says:

      Why would he feed these beasts? Responding will lead to more carrying on from the ROTA this his wedding is about the feud between the brothers. I bet his fiancee would just LOVE that.

  14. Proud Mary says:

    I’m done with this silly story. I’m just here to comment on the photo of William and Kate at the Jordanian wedding last summer. Someone asked that CB conduct a timeline of Kate’s troubles. I’m suggesting that William’s abominable treatment of Kate at that wedding be added to the timeline. From the “chop, chop” gesture, to his standing with his back to her in a crowd, to his yamming it up with Donald Trump’s daughter, while ignoring Kate, and William seemingly demanding that Kate walk behind him in the wedding reception rope line, it was all a sight to see. It must have been very hurtful for Kate to witness Harry’s public displays of affection towards Meghan, juxtaposed against William’s poor treatment.

    On another subject, I wonder, with all the speculation surrounding Kate’s disappearance, what that Jordanian couple must be thinking now after all they had witnessed between William and Kate?

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      That was me who wanted the TL, and you’re right that chop chop should be added to the list.

      Being married to William has to be its own special hell, and I feel bad for Kate on that issue even though I’m sure she’d sign up for it all over again if given the choice.

      I agree, I’m done with this story too. The lies and clowning are becoming too much. Kate’s ugly racism against a baby should really be the subject of more discussion, seems like that got erased from the conversation as soon as she and Charles went into hospital.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Proud Mary has Will always treated her with snotty arrogance or have things have deteriorated over time? Charles adores Camilla but obviously he and Diana had a fractious marriage so the sons grew up in a fraught situation. Diana advised them to marry their best friend and be sure they loved each other. Harry adores Meghan and is so proud of her as a person; not jealous or threatened of her success. They are a team and they bring out the best in one another. Will never provided his wife with an umbrella in the rain. Now she is I’ll and he is still not protecting her?

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m pretty sure he’s always treated her this way.

        There’s a video from their wedding, where they are going to the evening reception. William walks ahead of Kate to get into the car. Like, she’s left behind and its so obvious. She goes over to a photographer to look at a picture on his camera but you can tell she was thrown off by William just ditching her to get into the car and was trying to make it look less obvious by delaying with the photographer.

        Compare that to Harry and Meghan going to their evening reception with Harry clutching Meghan’s hand like he never plans to let her go.

      • Tessa says:

        The fractious marriage was caused by charles wanting to have legitimate heirs with a suitable girl. Diana was a teenager and thought he married her because he fell in love with her. I doubt charles knows whatever love means considering how he treats harry Meghan and their children. Kate was not even treated by William as a friend .

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Walking behind him in the “line” is pretty much standard protocol but boy is he working hard to stride far away from her.

      And the “chop chop” was super rude. Functional couples have ways to signal each other “it’s time to go”. The same event had a clip I saw of Victoria of Sweden gently moving her husband along.

      • Proud Mary says:

        The word “protocol” is so malleable in that family. It just seems they use it to get away with bad behavior, or to flog Meghan. Kate’s his wife, no one will file a lawsuit if she walks alongside him. As for the “chop chop”, a gentle hand on the waist moving her towards him, would have worked, that is, without notice by the public, from a loving husband. Which William clearly is not.

  15. Dee(2) says:

    If they’re such great friends with strong bonds who is to say that Meghan hasn’t already seen Eaton Hall? For all we know they have come and spent time there, or Olivia and Hugh have been to California or anywhere on the planet. He’s a billionaire with a private jet. Seeing his friends who live elsewhere isn’t an issue. This is what you wanted though press. You wanted William (and Kate) to be the only ones showing up because of HiErArChy. You just realize now they are boring, and not anymore willing to let you in than Harry was, and you’re gagging for ANYTHING to write about.

  16. Bad Janet says:

    I’m sure they’d love to dissect Meghan for hours.

    It’s quite kind of Harry to decline the invite and not overshadow his friend’s wedding, actually, especially since the press has promised to make it all about Wales v. Sussex if he did. And his future wife might care about the diversion even if Hugh didn’t, which is absurd speculation anyway.

  17. Oh come on. says:

    Those creeps are gagging to pick apart Meghan and Harry’s children. M&H have made clear that never going to happen. What part of “No” don’t the royal rots understand?

  18. Monika says:

    I’ll bet she wants to see Archie, Lili and Meghan. Liz Jones definitely would love to dissect every single bit about Meghan, Archie and Lili, from clothes to gestures and interactions, twisting and turning everything into a negative.

    Nothing about seeing Kate, George, Charlotte or Louis.

    Harry had the decency and empathy to decline Hugh’s invite, knowing very well the BM would turn it into a circus if Harry and Meghan would attend. Look what they do even without them attending

  19. Oh come on. says:

    Let’s be real, the royal rota are gagging to dissect the racial features of Archie and Lili 😡

    • GTWiecz says:

      Absolutely! That’s what they’re curious about even though the kids do appear in their Netflix documentary. And a photo of Lily in the UK.

  20. Beverley says:

    The focus on wanting to see the Sussex children is giving runaway slaves. They think of Meghan as property and in the tradition of chattel slavery, her children would also be considered property. The BM feels a sense of ownership of Prince Archie and Princess Lili and want to use/abuse/belittle/destroy them as they’ve tried with their parents. The racism is off the charts!

    I hope H&M never again bring them to that viper pit.

  21. bisynaptic says:

    “I can only imagine she’s gagging to attend: who wouldn’t want to see inside Eaton Hall?l
    — Try imagining, harder. If Hugh is her son’s godfather, it’s a fair bet Meghan has already seen the inside of Eaton Hall.

    • Shawna says:

      Exactly. Meghan is a Duchess, not some random tourist.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      I don’t care about seeing Eaton Hall and I AM some random tourist.

      Frankly, if you’ve seen more than a few of these estates, they all blur together.

      • Shawna says:

        If I were in England, I probably would spend a lot of time on the weekend in fancy manor house gardens, to be honest!

      • Sue says:

        Yep! I lived in England for almost 10 years and we visited tons of places and they are definitely all blurred together in my mind now. I have to admit I never heard of Eaton Hall. I’m off to google now to find out what’s so special about it that Meghan would be “gagging” to see it.

  22. Joanne says:

    Memo to the royal rota. Meghan left your country after so much tabloid abuse and the emotional abuse from the dysfunctional left behinds. She left, she’s not coming back, that was made clear when she did not attend the clowning of bad dad. She’s never, ever coming back. You will never get the opportunity to abuse her children the way you abused her.
    You are now left only with the boring, dysfunctional group of misfits. This is all your doing. It’s too late to cry that you’re entitled to Meghan waving at you. You will never see her again.
    This is the part where we all laugh at your sad, pathetic whining that you think Meghan is “gagging’ to see anything in your country of sick rota rats.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Queen Elizabeth’s funeral and the way the family isolated her was the last drop. If she ever goes back to the UK, it will be for a reason no royals are involved. This wedding will have many of them.

  23. Feebee says:

    No care or thought to how disruptive dragging the kids across the pond would be for them. No, only how good it would be for the desperate media crowd. They still don’t get it. H&M will never do that to A&L.

    As for the visual of William and Harry whooping it up and slapping each other on the back, and how pleased that would make the people… I mean, what world are they living in?!

    The best bit though had to be the reference to Hugh with all his inherited wealth and privilege surely not having a fragile ego… LOL was that a dig at William or are they that oblivious?

  24. Boxy Lady says:

    “Front page photographs of William and Harry suited and booted, slapping each other on the back would have brought about a national sigh of relief after so many difficult years.”

    Let’s be real about this. The only way William is slapping Harry on the back is if William is also pushing Harry down some stairs.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    The projection, desperation and fantasizing that’s going on this piece. Plus, if Meghan didn’t want to the coronation why would she be gagging to an aristo’s wedding?

  26. Quara says:

    They really are desperate to have Meghan and the kids back in their clutches. It’s honestly scary.

  27. Shawna says:

    She’s admonishing H&M that “The wedding isn’t about YOU,” yet she wants to spend “hours dissecting” Meghan’s clothes?!

    And you expect Harry and William to make amends so YOU can heal rifts with people in your life? News flash, you can do that all on your own.

    Yet another instance of the *tabloids* centering H&M, not H&M centering themselves. God, how can these “journalists” sleep at night?

  28. Pebbles says:

    Can you imagine the snobbery Meghan and her kids would have to endure if they were to show up?! We’d have weeks and months of press dissecting everything she did or said and who snubbed her and who didn’t speak. Not to mention the endless ‘sources from the wedding say, xyz’

    I don’t see how anyone can stomach the tabloid press and royal rota.

  29. Isabella says:

    These reporters think it’s normal to freeze out Meghan at a funeral; to tell her she can’t be with her husband after his grandmother died. Now, they want her to make nice at a wedding, just so they can get clicks. I hope she avoids the UK until she gets an apology.

  30. Ben says:

    It seems like the rats 🐀 of the British press got a call from the Groom to put an end to all this speculation and maybe even William. Let’s don’t forget that family didn’t want Camilla siting in the same row as the late Queen for one of their weddings. Whether that was requested by the late Queen or not the point is they are not afraid of being upfront with the future King which was Charles position back then. They are confirming H&M were invited, had a conversation with the groom and he’s not disclosing the details of it. They even said that declining must have not been easy for H given his years long relationship with the groom. Like what?! . Also there was a shade towards huevo 🥚. They used the groom as proxy when asserting in the lines that of course a man with hundreds of years of pedigree, privilege and fortune will not feel jealous of Harry. Well that doesn’t apply to William.

  31. Mel says:

    Harry is acutely aware that he does NOT want to draw attention away from his friend and his fiancee, William is not. Please lets stop with what “friends” are saying when they have repeatedly said that their friends do not speak to the press and IF they have something to say it goes through their spokes people. A wedding invite is not a subpoena, you don’t have to show up if you don’t want to. What makes them think that Meghan hasn’t been inside Eaton hall? Why would they bring their kids to a wedding to parade them in front of people? The tiresome insanity. All just because they can’t accept that they backed the wrong horse and they can’t let go of the “meal tickets” that moved away.

  32. Lucky Charm says:

    “Front page photographs of William and Harry suited and booted, slapping each other on the back”

    These people are so ridiculous. Shouldn’t the front page photographs be of the BRIDE & GROOM? I would be livid with the BM if my wedding was being hijacked like this.

  33. Kathalea says:

    The bm can keep on dreaming 😂🤣😁

  34. phlyfiremama says:

    Wow, the rota roaches really hit the bottom of the sewer with this article. You know they won’t be happy until H&M are in chains in London Tower. 😂 I say let the British people have a say in if they want to have a King or not. Put it to a vote by the people, and SEE what happens. Prince Harry will ALWAYS be Prince Harry, people will delightfully ignore the dullard who brings NOTHING to the people and celebrate the one who does. #AbolishTheMonarchy

  35. Kit says:

    Well it’s the same news sewer that hired women to sleep with celebrities so the so call journalists can write about their sex lives. The same news executive, when this was happening, is head of Murdoch’s UK News of the World empire And one of those senior executives, William Lewis, is now CEO of the Washington Post. Rupert Murdoch’s tentacle is far and deep.

    You know the Murdochs and these billionaire owned media outlets would do snuff videos if they could get away with it. In a way they tried to do just that by illegally hacking phones of families of people who were murdered or traumatized and hounding celebrities till they kill themselves.

    In the case of Harry and Meghan and their children, if they hound them to death, these so call journalists and media barons will get an atta boy OBE/knighood on top of their monetization.

  36. Wesley says:

    Yesterday they were saying William should never speak to Harry again & Meghan should never set foot in England again. Today they want Meghan & the kids – frocking fabulous – & William slapping Harry onthe back, BFF, all’s forgiven.
    Tomorrow normal service will resume – the Sussex hate-train will be back on track.

  37. samipup says:

    A question: Do people actually read all these”Royal Tea” books where it is heard, said, thought, and/or believed that someone something someone else?