“Oh, now they’re saying Natalie Portman & Paul Mescal are just friends” links

Natalie Portman & Paul Mescal are “just friends” okay?? [Just Jared]
The Bear Season 3 trailer – more kitchen stress! [Socialite Life]
Selena Gomez is having a very good week! [LaineyGossip]
I just think the whole tour/concert model needs to be changed – there are too few medium-sized venues and too many “arena-only” tours. [Pajiba]
Aidan Shaw & Carrie Bradshaw, still dealing with each other in 2024. [Go Fug Yourself]
I am super-old but I love Tate McRae’s voice & music. [OMG Blog]
Will Smith & his whole fam came out for the Bad Boys premiere. [RCFA]
Bradley Whitford was in Adventures in Babysitting! [Seriously OMG]
One of the Duggar sons is courting. [Starcasm]
Taylor Swift gave Blake Lively’s kids a shout-out. [Hollywood Life]
I get why people are mad but I bet Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian’s Actors-on-Actors discussion will be iconic. [Buzzfeed]

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26 Responses to ““Oh, now they’re saying Natalie Portman & Paul Mescal are just friends” links”

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  1. Ameerah M says:

    It would be weird if Natalie dated the dude her ex directed in a film – but stranger things have happened. Their body language looked familiar but not at all romantic. They weren’t even standing close together.

  2. Jes says:

    Agree. Looked like good friends.

  3. EM says:

    We should all have young, hot, popular friends. Good for her!


    To be fair, nothing about those pictures suggested they were anything other than friends.

  5. Chaine says:

    The Duggar sons are all uniquely unattractive, like they sprung from the womb with receding hairlines, paunch, and 42-year old faces. They are lucky that they are part of a prominent family in a religion where parents force their daughters to marry them…

    • Bumblebee says:

      True, but they all still seem to be under the control of the father, financially and emotionally. Those Duggar parents are insidiously abusive.

    • Josephine says:

      in-breeding? those cults don’t get a lot of new dna.

  6. Mireille says:

    OK, I’m going to reveal my Gen Xness by saying YES I REMEMBER BRADLEY WHITFORD in Adventures in Babysitting! I loved that film. He played Elisabeth Shue’s jerk boyfriend driving a car with the license plates “Too Cool” while cheating on her. I love that movie and I love Whitford. He can do anything, drama or comedy.

    • bettyrose says:

      I definitely did not remember that was Bradley Whitford, but he is an amazing actor. He was so good on West Wing, pivoting between comedy and drama on a dime.

    • Danbury says:

      I remember that too! The scene in the restaurant!!

  7. Mireille says:

    I get why people are mad but I bet Chloe Sevigny & Kim Kardashian’s Actors-on-Actors discussion will be iconic
    –Yeah, but no. I can’t. I just came here to say I just can’t with this.

    • Josephine says:

      I don’t think Kim has ever said anything remotely interesting. Her interviews are notoriously dull. So many worthy actors and they pick Kim for clicks. Disgusting.

  8. Barbara says:

    Kim Kardashian is an actor now?

  9. Mel says:

    Let Natalie have fun and leave her alone. Her husband was a jerk, she’s free. Have fun Natalie, have fun!

    • bettyrose says:

      So much this. I bet they are “just friends” in the sense that they aren’t interested in a committed relationship, but they’re single adults and friendship can take many forms.

    • Caliblues says:

      I liked Kim in the last AHS, she’s been growing on me.

  10. bettyrose says:

    Word on small-medium sized music venues. We’re blessed to be drowning in venues in the Bay Area, especially in the era of 80s legacy acts, which keep those venues hopping.

  11. Chaine says:

    I just saw that too… feels like a lot of things are happening very quickly… I know it’s trendy to hate on her right now but I feel bad for her to have everything collapsing in such a public way.

  12. Elle says:

    I’m glad to read that article about music venues, and I’m glad it mentioned DOJ investigating Ticketmaster. While we have a lot of small venues where I live, we saw Elton John at the one large venue where the college basketball team plays (D1, often top 20, in the ACC). The ticket price was expensive but it was Elton, so that didn’t really bother me. What bothered me was the 15 dollar processing fee, the 10 dollar blah blah fee, this tax, that tax. So our 300 dollar tickets were in reality 375 dollars each. Granted, I think the nosebleed seats were around 150, so maybe 200 with all of the taxes. And this is in Louisville, KY. Not LA or NYC.

    It’s the same with the music festivals. We have one here that lasts three days. Its like 250/day which is I guess fair if you want to go all day. There is some deal if you buy all three days. Like maybe 650 for all three (opposed to 750 if you bought each individual day). It might even be more, I’m not interested in going so I haven’t looked closely at prices. But then after the ticket price, it’s this tax and that fee. I actually understand that a lot more for a festival where they have to build the stage, cleanup is harder, security is different.

    Don’t get me started on people that max out how many presale tickets they can buy to then sell them for an outrageous profit. I have so much respect for the people that have to resell for whatever reason and sell it for face value plus their taxes and fees. Meaning not trying to make a buck.

    • Bettyrose says:

      One thing we need to keep repeating is that the Cure, who has sold out arenas for decades, was able to take on Ticketmaster, demand lower fees, and keep their tickets off the predatory resale market. Granted that not all musicians have their level of influence, but someone like Elton John absolutely does. The curtain has been pulled back. Ticketmaster is evil but the music industry is not advocating for fans.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    Missing the Saturday podcasts 🥺

  14. hh says:

    I support Will Smith’s comeback. Was the slap bad? Yes. Was the reaction to it wholly out of proportion? YES. Roman Polanski gets a standing ovation, a First Nations woman has to be escorted out before John Wayne beats her for speaking of Native America rights, but sure… the slap was the worst thing that ever happened in an Academy Award ceremony 🙄

    • Aurora says:

      I like Will as a serious actor, but imo his schtick as action figure is extremely dated.
      Tbh, most of us had already forgotten the slap when Jada felt the need to try to make it relevant again. For me, it’s not about him slapping someone on live tv or even about making Jada as uncomfortable as Chris Rock might have. It’s about both of them, and their embarrassing public personas. I particularly feel for their children, who’re not at all untalented and by all accounts are very artsy. Their parents’ clownery and oversharing -which included allowing for a grown adult to sleep with their daughter and letting it known to the world- is a nasty counterweight to their birth privileges.

  15. AC says:

    Out of all the Gen Z artists, I don’t know I’m not really into Tate McRaes music (compared to Olivia, Sabrina , Gracie, Madison and Raye). But Tate is a great dancer.