Princess Kate ‘may never come back in the role that people saw her in before’

The Princess of Wales has been “sighted” repeatedly over the past week by people who have never heard or seen a camera or a smartphone. She reportedly even popped into a fancy grocery store in Norfolk just long enough for Prince William to buy some chocolate, but not long enough for any bystander to see her or take a photo or video. On the same day last week, royal insiders insisted to multiple American publications that Kate has been out and about, running errands and spending time outdoors with her family. Personally, it felt like all of that was in reaction to a curious exclusive in the Daily Beast the previous week, in which “royal sources” fully admitted that Kate probably would not be seen publicly for the whole year. Well, after last week’s insistent briefings of Kate’s errand-running, Us Weekly’s cover story this week is all about how… Kate probably will never come back to the “royal role” in the same way. Some highlights:

They’re still insisting that Kate is on the road to recovery. During recent weeks, she’s been spotted running errands with family members and by herself. “Kate’s feeling strong enough to be very involved with the kids,” an insider exclusively shares in the latest issue of Us Weekly. “She’s been an active parent.” Adds a second source: “Kate’s recovery is going well. She’s not able to see many people because she is susceptible to getting sick and they don’t want her compromised, but she’s up and about.”

A return to royal work? Still, questions about her return to royal duty remain in the air, with the latest reports claiming she won’t resume work until the fall or even next year. “We have been really clear that [Kate] needs the space and the privacy to recover right now,” said the Palace, adding, “She will return to work when she has had the green light from doctors.”

A different kind of role: According to the second source, Kate’s team is “reevaluating what she’s going to be able to take on when she comes back,” noting, “She may never come back in the role that people saw her in before.”

The “lucky break” of the general election: The reprieve is a welcome one for the couple. “The announcement that the royals won’t be able to work as much has been unexpected, but it will allow Kate and William to spend more time together,” says the second source. “They’ve been reconnecting and are closer than ever.”

The Waleses are spending time at Anmer Hall: “They’re spending a lot of time as a family there,” the second source says. George, Charlotte and Louis will soon be off school for half term, “and they have lots of fun things” in the works, says the first source. When she’s not on mom duty, Kate’s been keeping busy cooking and baking. Adds the second source: “It’s one of her [favorite] activities.”

The Middletons are a constant presence: Their inner circle is small and tight. Kate’s mom, Carole Middleton, and her sister, Pippa, “are a constant presence,” says the second source. (Kate was spotted driving with her mother in early March.) “The Middletons have always been very close,” adds royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams. “The royal family has to be terribly careful about [who they let in], but Kate knows who to trust.”

Fitzwilliams on whether KP will release another video: Fitzwilliams believes that the public will likely be updated on her return date if she remains sidelined into the fall. “I hope [by then we] would have heard when it is appropriate from Kensington Palace because lessons should’ve been learned from what happened earlier,” he explains of the conspiracy theories that arose in the lead-up to Kate’s video message. “If you’re not told at all, and months pass, there’s clearly speculation, and that could happen again. So I’m sure that it will be handled differently.”

Kate must consider how much she wants to take on once she’s fully recovered. “Her role may look very different,” says the second source. “She’s looking at what it will shape into.”

[From Us Weekly]

“If you’re not told at all, and months pass, there’s clearly speculation, and that could happen again.” It’s already happening again. The past two weeks have felt like we’re right back to where we were in early March, with ridiculous “sightings” of Kate and crazy claims about when and where she might turn up. The public has not had a credible sighting of Kate in public since CHRISTMAS. And all of the palace briefings about “she’ll be out until autumn” and “actually she might never come back” have not inspired a lot of confidence. It feels likes the seasoned pros of Buckingham Palace took over in mid-March and currently, Kensington Palace’s clowns are trying to wrest the narrative back. All of which to say… it’s concerning.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, screencaps courtesy of KP/BBC and cover courtesy of Us Weekly.

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378 Responses to “Princess Kate ‘may never come back in the role that people saw her in before’”

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  1. Lauren says:

    This is the divorce, maybe?

    • That’s what it sounds like. She won’t come back to the same role but she will always be the mother of an heir and two spares and that is all.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I was thinking it meant she’d drop the charade of being an early childhood expert. Maybe someone with some intelligence finally got through to her, it wasn’t really helping her image.

      • Annalise says:

        This sounds like they are slowly preparing the public for the inevitable announcement that she’s passed.

        I think that KP knows that telling us that she passed right now, would be way too much of a shock to the public, especially those who believe the video where she announces her cancer is legit.

        Every time there is a significant update, the outlook for Kate will be a bit dire than the last. Until, they finally announce that she is no longer with us.

      • bluhare says:

        If she is truly dead, then they’re guilty of so much it’s not even funny. She’s not dead. She’d have “died in surgery” if that were the case.

      • Lily Sykes says:

        @bluhare, not actually passed, but terminal. How would one of the most famous women in the world spend her remaining time on Earth? If it were me, I’d head for the hills and do what I wish.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        I did some research after seeing a video.

        They said that Carole Middleton was in a car crash in March. And hasn’t been seen since.

        Is that accurate????

      • Christine says:

        This is the only site that gives accurate royal news, and there was never anything involving a car and Carole Middleton in a crash. That was a tweet that didn’t amount to anything, as your research proved.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      The divorce or the she’s taken a turn for the worse and we’re sad to report she’s passed away.

      I am convinced (if she’s still alive) that she is in a vegetative state because there is just no way she’d be able to keep quiet this long. There has never been a time in her history of being able to keep out of the press for this long. She would make herself known either through leaks to her favorite paparazzi (Tanna!), Middleton-friendly rota rats, or through shopping trips (whenever Meghan was getting good press), or out dancing (when she was dumped by Willy). She and her mother would always brief the press in some way or she’d arrange to be papped.

      The fact that there is nothing but crickets coming from her and MaMidds makes me think she’s unable to fall back on those old ‘notice me’ tactics. So this article stating she’ll never be back makes me think it’s the final rollout.

      • Milas says:

        But sharing that she’s so unwell would score PR points for the royals, right? This sounds like a case of that missing woman, married to Scientology mastermind. Shelby, Shelly…

        And divorce? Well, Charles is divorced. This is insane. And I don’t even care about any royals.

      • Ginger says:

        Agreed. And the fact that Camilla Tominey is very quiet ( and is moving on to politics) is very telling.

      • Serena says:

        Yeah, I agree..

      • Proud Mary says:

        OMG! Ginger, how the heck did you manage to read my mind? I was about to ask if I was the only one who’ve noticed just how quiet #camillatomineyisaliar has been. Not one peep out of her during the Sussexes Nigeria tour. I recall some rumor a long time ago about KittyKat having regular meetings with Tominey, prior to all her outings. And who can forget the “Meghan made Kate Cry” lie that I believe was a collab between her and MaMidd. The plot thickens.

      • ML says:

        The Frankenphoto was published for the UK’s Mother’s Day, which was 10 March of this year. Then US Weekly (same publication as above) informed us that K hadn’t been seen or heard from by her own staff:

        US Weekly has to have sources at KP, and that they’re indicating that K is not expected to return to her role (in the same way as in the past) is grim.

      • Julianna says:

        I agree with you @SussexWatcher. I have felt it all wasn’t right so many months ago. Red flags were up quickly for me obviously for so many, many reasons. But there is just absolutely no way Kate (wigleted and all) would not have popped up during Meghans ARO launching and especially during Invictus when she was made Princess. Everything from the get go has been weird and nothing but lies.

      • Colleen says:

        I too believe, if she is alive, that she is wholly incapacitated. In this day and age, she would have been seen. If she’s recovering, she would have waved from a balcony. She’s gone. One way or another.

      • Nic919 says:

        I stand by the photo with Carole being her but fuzzy because she was bloated from surgery. I don’t think George would be doing public anything if his mother was still in a coma.

        But yes this is either a set up for a divorce or her health is way worse than they have admitted. Either way William is going to footie matches not looking too concerned.

      • Annalise says:


        I think William has been trotting out George for the specific purpose of distracting from Kate’s disappearance, as well as attempting to look like things are normal, nothing to see here!

        But if you look at photos of the soccer game that William took him to that was his first outing since Xmas, George looks ACUTELY DISTRESSED. I don’t think he smiled once, and his eyes looked haunted.

        Shame on William for putting George on display when the boy was CLEARLY going through something. Reminds me of how Charles made him and Harry walk behind Diana’s coffin, on display for the whole world during the most devastating time of their lives.
        Like father like son.

      • Jeannine says:

        What I am saying is conjecture, but based on being professionally connected to families in the world of hospice and oncology for 15 years as a chaplain. I have been privy to a lot of moving timelines when you think someone is getting better, then they are not. Every time I read these stories my intuition says that she has died. So much arranging of deck chairs. If not, her treatment plan has changed and it is drastically worse than the video portrayed.

      • 1960tlm says:

        I agree, they are preparing the world for the worse then they will say she passed. When in actuality, she has already passed and has been gone since December.

      • Feeshalori says:

        But why conceal her death unless it was due to nefarious reasons? By getting out of this marriage, this works to William’s advantage, again, if this was due to cancer or another condition that he didn’t cause.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Jeannine: you may not see this comment, but I thank you for your service. When my mother was on the oncology wing, or in the infusion room, and later in hospice, so many of the healthcare professionals–doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, etc.–were so patient & kind & caring & helpful. It meant so much to my mother, to me, and the rest of our family.

      • Julianna says:


        George did look physically distressed. A clip of him was making the rounds with him clapping on Twitter and it abruptly out off but you could see him begin to inhale a huge breath to exhale. I saw the whole video footage before it was difficult to find and he looked super stressed.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Feeshalori the answer is that there is no reason for the royals to conceal Kate’s death. People keep insisting she died in December or January and there is just zero reason for the royal family to hide her death. Hide the cause of death? Maybe. But it would be a lot easier to hide the cause of death at the time of death than it would be to perpetuate a 6 months long cover up when at the end they still have to hide the cause of death anyway.

        Do I think she may be terminal? Yes, and I think that would explain the lack of appearances etc. So we may get an announcement that she has passed. But no way did she die in January.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, this is weird phrasing. There’s a difference between “role” and “work.” Kate’s work is visiting various charities and attending royal events. Kate’s role is Princess of Wales. If she’s not coming back in her role, what does that mean?

      • Jais says:

        Ohh interesting. I didn’t even catch that. Could be a redefining of the POW role to mean no work? Bc even if there were a divorce, she’d still be the POW right?

      • Eurydice says:

        @Jais – if it follows the way Diana’s divorce did, she’d be styled PoW, but that would be a title, not her role. But maybe I’m just being nitpicky, sometimes I get overly fixated on the meaning of words.

      • Jais says:

        Nothing wrong with being precise @eurydice! Work v role v title is an interesting way to look at it. I’m not sure usweekly would be that precise but I can absolutely see courtiers getting just as nitpicky about those things.

      • Nic919 says:

        Diana once divorced kept PoW but not HRH. And her charity work was her own doing. She didn’t do any royal appearances once divorced.

      • SarahLee says:

        Oh wow! @Eurydice that’s a really good point!

    • Lacey says:

      If I am not mistaken, Willy and Kate moved to Adelaide Cottage in the fall of 2022. I believe this is Kate’s separation house. Maybe they were always going to announce the divorce in the fall, having been separated for 2 years, but this medical issue came about at Christmas. (if it is a cancer issue or something else).

      Eggplant would look extra shady divorcing his sick wife. I think they are negotiating the settlement. I think he has custody of George and she has the spares.

      That would make sense that the frankenphoto on mothers day showed George with his arms around someone with Kate’s face superimposed and the spares are photo shopped in.

      • Magdalena says:

        Well, at the time, many did regard the sudden surgery announcement in January as a Hail Mary to stave off a divorce announcement… and this very timeline was discussed. We shall see. The rota are starving. Perhaps one of them will break cover and earn some serious coins telling what they know.

      • Christine says:

        That is for sure the truth, Magdalena. I was absolutely convinced the surgery announcement in January was Kate panicking that William was pulling the plug on their marriage, and came up with a medical emergency so he would look like an utter POS if he went through with it.

        There was that gossip late last year that a high profile couple in the British royal family was separating, and the next thing we knew, Kate was having a quiet birthday at her parents’ house, followed by surgery.

        This has now dragged on so long with lies piling on top of lies, I have no idea what is happening.

      • Vik says:

        The blind gossip was about a royal couple divorcing, not about a royal British couple. Most just assumed it was the Windsors, but the Albanian de-throned “heir” announced divorce and there was some drama between them.

      • Christine says:

        Not sure which one you are remembering, Vik, but I’m thinking of this tweet.

      • Vik says:

        My bad, Christine!! Thank you for the refresher! Well, now I’m (re-)intrigued!!

    • Shanta says:

      That was my first thought…… Maybe not divorce.. But Prince Philip type of separation?

      • Monlette says:

        Sounds plausible. They could say that his work duties and their desire to provide stability for their children force them into separate households, and the royals have a history of “Daddy special friend” types the British accept were strictly platonic, since it is obvious Philip/Charles/William have only ever had eyes for one woman.

    • Becks1 says:

      this sure sounds like the lead up to a divorce announcement. We’ll get an announcement in a few months that they have separated because Kate can’t be a public royal anymore because of her health and she wants William to have freedom to find a partner who can be there for him or something like that. And then divorce will follow after.

      • Nic919 says:

        It takes 2 years for someone in the UK to file for a divorce if the other side does not consent to it. 2 years from moving to Adelaide is August 2024.

      • Shawna says:

        “In light of her recent health crisis, Kate has decided to focus on her children and family life moving forward.” Add some lies about contributing to her “ongoing” charity work continuing “in a private capacity.” Wait six months, announce a separation, natural now that Kate’s in the country permanently. Wait six more months, announce the divorce, as William needs a right-hand woman supporting him in his duties. Coparenting is going well, happy blended family, bing bang boom.

        Or she’s (and I very much hope this isn’t the case) dead/dying.

        Route A or B will become clear very soon. I think I’ve almost reached my limit of giving a f*ck. Not quite yet, but I feel the narrative exhaustion coming on.

      • Magdalena says:

        William seems like the sort who would want to announce the divorce as a fait accompli, rather than announce a separation first. This would clamp down on the pre-divorce “will they, won’t they” speculation – especially if it neutralises the Middleton camp’s attempts to put their own versions of “what happened” out there.

      • esquire says:

        The BRF will never mention anything about William having another partner/wife at the same time as an announcement that Kate is stepping back. It will be one step at a time, should that be the case at all; in the same way that Camilla’s integration as his formal consort was percolating slowly since Diana and Charles’ separated.

      • nic919 says:

        I agree that William wouldn’t do what his parents did and announce only a separation which dragged out way too long. He will announce a divorce if / when the negotiations are finalized. And it is quite likely the media know about this but are kept quiet through a super injunction. But once a they can’t keep a divorce quiet. It has to be filed in open court. Prior to that, sure it can be kept quiet.

    • Jane says:

      Well the truth will out. I think Peg the Petty wants out of the marriage.

      • Lorelei says:

        I’m so torn on the divorce issue. On so many levels, it obviously makes a lot of sense. There are a ton of signs that they’re separated, and William seems miserable in Kate’s company. He hasn’t even been able to fake looking happy or even content for the past couple of years.

        YET. His current situation is perfect for him. Kate has known since before they were married that he cheats. He can do whateverTF he wants as long as he’s discreet, and he knows that Kate will keep her mouth shut because she’s there for the titles and status.

        He appears to be able to treat her like an object— if he wants a plus-one for something, like the wedding in Jordan, he takes Kate off her shelf and brings her along. If he doesn’t want her accompanying him someplace, whether it’s NYC or Singapore or Diana’s statue unveiling, he benches her. No matter what, William basically gets what he wants, and there’s nothing she can do.

        His, “I’m a happy family man, I’m not like MY crappy dad!” image is his *entire brand*. Why would he divorce her? Especially because the way it is now, he basically lives like a single dad and has his freedom to helicopter around and do whatever he wants anyway, while Kate’s stuck at Adelaide.

        The only way I see him pushing for a divorce is if he has his own Camilla waiting in the wings, someone he knows for sure wants to marry him, and someone who, in his eyes, is “better” than Meghan. But what are the odds of that being the case?

        There is no benefit to William divorcing Kate, unless he wants to play the field, but again, that blows up his “happy family” brand he’s been building for over a decade. And it shouldn’t be underestimated that Kate is a known quantity— the BRF is satisfied that Kate would never get fed up and “pull a Diana” —she’ll do what she’s told— and any possible dirt to be dug up about her family already has been, and it’s all been out there since 2007-ish. Uncle Gary and the Middleton finances are pretty much the worst they’ve been able to find…does the RF really want to sign up for the tabloids digging into the backgrounds of every new woman William decides to date? How would rage-filled, privacy-obsessed William handle that sh!tshow?

        They’ve been lying for so long that I have no idea what’s going on, but I think I’m leaning more toward Kate being terminal or incapacitated. And if she is in fact incapacitated, I hope it’s something that she can come back from, even if it takes a long time and a lot of therapy.

        I sincerely hope I’m wrong about the state of her health, but I have such a bad feeling about it. If it was “only” divorce negotiations going on, it makes zero sense that we wouldn’t have seen her for months and months like this.

  2. Royal Downfall Watcher says:

    Nothing to see here folks! Just a normal occurrence of a grown woman whose role is to be in the public eye, going missing completely. Definitely nothing shady! We promise! 🙄

    What is that line in Macbeth? “The lady doth protest too much methinks”?

    They are up a creek and I believe the creek’s contents are brown.

    • Minnieder says:

      She is very active with the kids, cooking, baking, and running errands in PUBLIC, but she also has to be careful about who she’s around because immune system blah blah but per other reports she’s casually chocolate shopping in a crowded store, no mask. Piece this mess together so it makes sense!!!

      • The Duchess says:

        Exactly! Not one person has managed to take a sneaky picture of her in this grand technological age? Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining…

        If she can go hobnobing around Norfolk as the press are so desperately proclaiming, she can hop on a few zoom meetings for her patronages. I don’t buy it either way. This woman is so far gone, I’m getting Michael Schumacher vegetive state vibes.

      • Agnes says:

        Cooking and baking! HA! She can’t even make pancakes! She doesn’t eat anything but unseasoned chicken breasts and lettuce!

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        I laughed when I read that quote. The RR are so inept and arrogant.

      • Drama llama says:

        Am I the only one who thinks the “cooking and baking” Is a slight at Meghan?
        Meghan is getting a cooking show, she turned up at an event in Australia with home made banana bread baked herself… Cant has never shown an interest in anything other than being thin when it comes to food

    • CC says:

      That’s in “Hamlet.”

    • Annalise says:

      Royal Downfall Watcher,

      I TOTALLY agree with you. The number of commenters here who seriously think that Kate’s inexplicable disappearance is due to an impending DIVORCE, boggles my mind. As if a divorce explains the Franken-photos, or the ambulances and police cars at Sandringham on 12/28, or the fact that Kate’s own MOTHER admitted that she didn’t know Kate’s location, while Kate was supposedly undergoing cancer treatment, or why George has been trotted out several times now, but Charlotte and Louis have been as MIA as Kate! Why would a divorce or Kates cancer keep them out of school for six months??? If it’s a simple matter of “the kids are upset right now, dealing with their mother’s illness”, then why has George been out and about with William??

      I sincerely hope people are able to pull their heads out of the sand.

      • Jais says:

        So I don’t think Kate’s mom has ever said she didn’t known where Kate is. I don’t think even sources have said that. Kate’s mom is not on the record having said anything.

      • Sobiewski says:

        @ Jais There was an article where Kate’s mom was quoted as stating that she had not been in touch with Kate and had not heard from her in weeks. This was a lot earlier on in this debacle but I recall reading it as well. Not sure which tabloid printed it though.

      • Becks1 says:

        Again, though – the ambulances and police car were in LONDON. Not Sandringham. The person who tweeted the picture made a reference to Sandringham which makes zero sense – if something happened to Kate that was that significant that she had to be rushed to a London hospital from Sandringham, she would have been airlifted, or just treated at a Norfolk hospital if possible.

        I find it fascinating how one person tweeted the picture/video, said the convoy was from Sandringham, and now everyone accepts that as fact.

        I don’t remember Carole ever saying that she didn’t know where Kate was.

  3. Eyeroll says:

    That headline is concerning. What is really going on over there? Is the cancer more advanced than they said? Or chemo is really doing a number on her? It’s just odd to say she’s recovering well and doing all these errands, baking, etc. but can’t be seen by the public at all.

    • Somebody Nobody says:

      Makes me suspect it’s all about her hair, or lack thereof due to chemo.

      • Ginger says:

        They make caps that freeze your hair follicles when you have chemo and your hair doesn’t fall out. Plus, she is known to wear extensions.

      • Serena says:

        With all the resources she has, she could wear a good quality wig and few would be able to tell.
        @ginger that cap doesn’t fully work, at least not for everybody. It still makes people lose hair, just probably ‘not as much’.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        But someone during chemo can lose *all* their hair: eyebrows, nosehairs, all the little hairs on your skin. Plus it does a real number on your skin texture. It’s all for the purpose of saving your life, so yay, but you certainly don’t look good during it, and if your entire “job” is to be photographed looking good, that’s a problem.

        She also had severe morning sickness while pregnant. If she has the same experience during chemo…. Yikes.

        I’d have more respect for the PR machine if they were just a little more honest: Chemo is major and chemo sucks. Not this “oh don’t worry, it’s just a little ‘preventative’ chemo. She’s fine, just not going to be in public for the foreseeable future.”

      • Layday says:

        @Ginger. These cold caps are not 100% and they don’t always work. In even the best of scenarios, people can still see their hair significantly thin out as a result of the chemo even when cold capping “works”. I found the idea to cost prohibitive so I opted not to do it (that wouldn’t be a factor for Kate). Of course my caveat is that my my chemo was years ago so maybe they have gotten better at preventing hair loss. I will also say that either way wigs exist as well and some are quite good. I wore one throughout my entire treatment because I was so self-conscious about being bald and looking like I was sick. In fact I wore one and worked throughout my treatment and one lady I worked with said she had no idea I even had cancer when I told her, which tickled me.

      • Proud Mary says:

        You guys, please stop with the lies about everyone who undergo chemo will loss all or most of their hair. It’s not true anymore. The occurrences of cancer is so ubiquitous now that not many of us can say that we don’t know people who have experienced chemotherapy. And I am here to guarantee you that it is not true that everyone will loss hair.

        But assuming it’s true, are you seriously kidding me that if people with far fewer resources than Kate can overcome that outcome, that she can’t? She was already well known to be sporting wigs and extensions in public, FFS, why wouldn’t she continue that? Clearly, this is about more than hair. Please, stop!

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        The cap works for some, but not everyone. And even in the best circumstances it is far from perfect. Plenty of people skip it for that reason.

      • Ladidah says:

        Not every chemotherapy agent involves complete loss of hair. Many only cause a slight thinning, or not even that. I had six rounds of chemo and didn’t lose any hair. My chemo could have caused severe to complete and permanent loss of hearing. Thankfully my hearing is okay ish.

      • Jaded says:

        Depends entirely on the type of chemo you get. I’ll be getting it in a couple of months once I’m fully healed from surgery and it’s definitely the type of chemo where I will be bald as a billiard ball. Someone asked if I’d consider the cap but the $400+ monthly cost is way out of my financial ballpark. Obviously if Kate actually had chemo and it’s not just a lie from KP, she can afford the cap treatment but her hair was thinning long before that, no doubt due to restrictive eating, too much processing, stress, whatever.

      • blueberry says:

        She looked fine in the video and their lies started before that announcement so this can’t be just vanity. If her appearance could easily be fixed up with makeup/wig/whatever filters on the video then WHY release the frankenphoto a couple of weeks before?

      • Somebody Nobody says:

        I’m just saying, she’s one of the most heavily scrutinized women in the world. I could totally see her waiting it out until she looks how she wants to look, rather than taking it as an opportunity to gain sympathy and connect with other cancer survivors (assuming it’s really cancer).

    • Wagiman says:

      Is it cancer? Even if you believe ai Kate, they found some cancer cells and they were removed, so she had the mop up chemo. But she said she didn’t *have * cancer.

      I don’t believe the cancer story. Kate isn’t in the UK. She’s in some kind of treatment for what I don’t kmow. But look at the comments from that red monstrosity flashing story. Kate has looked out of it /high /inappropriate for a couple of years. Something is going on.

      • SueBarbri33 says:

        This is what I’ve been thinking for a long while. I never did buy the cancer story. I think she either split with the two younger kids and took off to Switzerland (do rich people still go for treatment in Switzerland?) or she’s been put away somewhere for what they will eventually call “mental health issues,” but I’ll never trust anything I hear from any of these people ever again. What a strange situation. I am still literally beside myself with the idea that the Princess of Wales has disappeared into thin air in the year 2024–and we’re not supposed to ask questions. Just…wow. Has anybody checked Westminster Abby? Are they still offering sanctuary for royalty these days, or did that go out with the Tudors? I’m only kind of joking.

      • Proud Mary says:

        It’s possible that it’s multiple things, but I’m now leaning towards believing that cancer is a smaller factor than the palace has led the public to believe.

      • Stringy says:

        I agree. I think she’s in in-patient treatment for an eating disorder.

      • Duchess of Corolla says:

        Stringy, you could be right. An eating disorder often means a long, long recovery. My daughter nearly died from anorexia in 2021, and she is still living with the mental impact of the disease. She spent 2 months as an inpatient, and she wasn’t fully weight restored for almost a year. It is a long, draining battle that we still struggle with. So, maybe Kate is facing a similar situation?

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      But doesn’t know if she can stand on the balcony for a short while. It makes no sense

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s a really odd story – she’s healthy enough to run errands, to bake and cook, to plan fun activities with her kids – but can’t hop on a zoom call with a local charity? Imagine a video of Kate talking to young children with cancer or caregivers etc. That would be a huge success and instead…..nothing. She can’t stand on the balcony during Trooping but again with the errands etc?

      It’s all just very weird and I think there are competing PR teams at play here and I also think that there are a few things going – potential divorce, mental health treatment, chemo, etc.

      • The part where they haven’t done a video on the cards she’s received or messaging about cancer support for others is starting to suggest they don’t want to touch “cancer” with any official announcement.

        And of course Kate didn’t say she had cancer, but it had been present and preventative chemo.

        This messaging reads a lot more like a mental health crisis than cancer, except for the other source who said she can’t be around people, but of course, we are being told she is around people at the shops and her “blood” family. This also tracks with never coming back to her role. It’s a bit chilling, actually.

      • Becks1 says:

        @WithTheAmerican agree with your comments, a mental health crisis would actually explain a lot of the weirdness here because the royal family can’t afford another royal woman suffering mentally. And there still could have been the surgery, and maybe even cancer was found – but a MH crisis as the overarching issue here fits with a lot of this.

        And if we look back over the timeline of maybe the past 3 or 4 years, we can see a downward spiral of sorts in her behavior and her physical health (her extreme thinness.)

        @TheHench speculated below that maybe this is why she’s not being seen in public – because her public behavior is deteriorating, and they can’t manage it. And I’m starting to think it fits. Kate is never coming back in the role people saw her in before because she can’t from a mental perspective.

        There has to be a reason why KP is being wishy-washy about whether she’s going to return to public duties at all in 2024 and its not just chemotherapy.

      • Jay says:

        Yes, she could certainly get on a zoom call with child cancer survivors and their caregivers, but that would require her to WANT to do that work – and history has shown us that she doesn’t.

        Being ill is the perfect excuse to never do anything she doesn’t want to do ever again. I think she will stay away as long as she can get away with it. And who’s going to call her out on it? Not her spouse, who doesn’t want to do events with her and gets sympathy because she’s ill. Not Charles and Camilla, who would probably be happy that Kate won’t be stealing their headlines with impromptu events. Not the press, so long as they are fed with “sources” that claim Kate is on the mend, no really this time, and looking forward to someday, in the next decade maybe, taking on more engagements. Her office will continue to do very little without her at the helm, so that at least will be consistent.

  4. seaflower says:

    Considering she rarely worked before hand, will we notice any change.

    Seems QEII was on the money with her views on K

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Exactly my thoughts. Even if she came back to work full time again, how is it that attending state dinners, tea parties, garden parties, fundraising events, ribbon-cutting events, tours all over the place paid by the British taxpayers is regarded as “work”? Since when dressing up to the nines and wearing fancy jewelry that only billionaires can afford is such yoke? Give me a break.

    • esquire says:

      Anyone who followed the royals during the dating years and had a functioning brain could see that this woman is lazy and has no work ethic. Excuse after excuse was trotted out and I suppose the chickens were coming home to roost now that the kids are all in school.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. Our expectations for Kate to ever be a royal that was remotely full-time were already in the toilet, before whatever all of this is. They can’t possibly lower them more. If it’s her choice to never be seen in public again, given how much she really seemed to like swanning about, something is severely wrong with her health, and they will never want to label it anything pertaining to mental health, even if it is, and even if she and William have been pretending to give a shit about mental health since Meghan came along.

    • Anna says:

      I don’t wish cancer on anyone, but now she definitely has the official free pass to not do any work (= same as before) for the rest of her life.

  5. equality says:

    Once she is done with the chemo what is the necessity for a change in her “role”? She wouldn’t have to avoid contact with people once she is not on chemo. And George and Will have been out around others with no mask, are they wearing one around her if she is that vulnerable to germs? I can buy that Carole is “constantly” with her, but Pippa has her own family. Do they want to make Pippa into the new Harry-someone who is supposed to sacrifice her own family for W&K’s benefit or just a truth stretch here?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      She’s so vulnerable to germs that she’s out running errands. And no mask has been mentioned in the errand running stories, even here. None of this makes any sense at all.

      • Layday says:

        @Brassy Rebel Thank-you. I’m glad it’s not just me. When I went through chemo I was told about the importance of washing my hands and masking up, but I was also given Neulasta which helps build up your white blood cells, which get decimated during chemo. I wasn’t given this because I was insanely wealthy, it was just where treatment was in 2016. I still worked and took DC public transportation while going to my job during treatment because I had no choice. Of course the chemo made me insanely tired and anemic and destroyed my red blood cells, and I had to get blood transfusions, but I could be around people, I just took precautions. As I said, I worked and had no choice. There was no need to be like here I am running errands, baking, etc. because newsflash people know chemo does a number on the body and no one expects you to be 100%.

        I guess these types of updates is them trying to say she is fine going through treatment, but it’s weird that they still trot out this she’s just like a regular person going though cancer treatment. As someone who did go through chemo, everyone’s body reacts to cancer differently and they battle cancer differently. I don’t believe she owes anyone constant updates. I certainly wasn’t one who felt the need to broadcast every aspect of my treatment (I get that’s how some people roll and that’s cool too). I honestly just wanted to get to the other side of it, but it’s silly to be like one of the most privileged women in the world is not availing herself of the myriad of resources available to her, including cooks and nannies. As well as under the watchful eye of a horde of doctors who will ensure she gets the very best of everything. Such silly and lazy messaging. If her prognosis is one that terminal, I would be horrified that this is the messaging they are going with. That would make this a million times worst.

      • Turledove says:

        “She’s so vulnerable to germs that she’s out running errands. And no mask has been mentioned in the errand running stories, even here. None of this makes any sense at all.”

        Yes, and this is not a woman that would HAVE to run errands if she couldn’t. There are probably lots of cancer patients that shouldn’t run errands and do because they have no options. She has staff that can do anything she needs.

    • Becks1 says:

      Also – Kate is spending lots of time at Anmer according to this but she’s also with Pippa constantly who lives in Berkshire with her small children and is running a business.

      • Nic919 says:

        Becky English needs to stop with her lies about errands. If chemo is such an issue then she’s not exposing herself unnecessarily to germs from strangers. The woman has full time staff for all that anyway. Of course Becky is William’s handmaiden to repeat his PR lies but it’s only making things worse when she’s not attending events like the state visit or trooping.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        @Nic919-Based on your response, I feel like you may have some significant things to say.

  6. LoryD75 says:

    This is all feeling very Shelly Miscavige.

    • Danbury says:

      Very much so! And while I was loath to believe any conspiracy theories, now I do wonder about the coma theory as well …

    • Danbury says:

      Maybe this is why Wills has been spending so much time with Tom Cruise

    • Milas says:

      Yes, i did not see your comment, my mind went blank. This is so concerning, regardless of what we think of Kate. She has kids, and siblings and parents. And no one is saying anything. This is a can of worms, and i hate hateee conspiracy theories. But, Im ready for my first tinfoil hat.

  7. Miranda says:

    FFS, just rip off the bandaid and announce the divorce already. This is beyond asinine.

    • SarahCS says:

      Same, I’m back to thinking that illness is being used as a cover for the divorce (whether or not there was anything medical earlier in the year).

      • Genevieve says:

        I just can’t imagine her and Carole going silently into a divorce, though. Surely they’d be out there, trying to hype up how important she is, not just disappearing for MONTHS. I don’t know what this is, but it’s super weird.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Exactly, Genevieve! We went from her and MaMidds leaking about how she’s the Top CEO, she’s the lynchpin to the monarchy, she’s the wind beneath Willy’s wings, she’s raising the next heir to the throne…to dead silence. Not a papped photo anywhere. Not a chirp about how important she is. Not a whisper about mother to the heir to the heir. Just…nothing. This is not how the Middletons roll.

      • Nic919 says:

        Carole was neutralized with the bankruptcy stories. She won’t be public if that affects what her daughter can get in a settlement.

    • Persephone says:

      Miranda, something happened to that woman that cannot be explained away by the couple getting a divorce. It’s beyond that now.

      • JT says:

        The Middletons wouldn’t have a choice but be silent if they are told to. William has the BM on lock down. That car photo of Kate was complete ignored by the press in the UK, never to be spoken of again except on social media. You can’t sell your own hype if the press refused to engage with you. William has all of the power in that marriage and with the press.

      • Miranda says:

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s JUST a divorce. I do believe that she probably had some sort of health issue late last year/earlier this year. It may even be ongoing to some extent. But numerous people who’ve experienced the issues we were told that Kate had or has (abdominal surgery, possible resulting complications, cancer, chemo) have been calling BS on the recovery time and just how much work she could manage during recovery. And we also have eyes and have seen where the marriage was headed long before the health issues emerged. My current thinking is that she may be prolonging the recovery to stall any official separation or divorce, possibly because this is the only real power she’s ever had in the relationship. (I think this is also one of the only explanations for her mother’s silence: Kate WANTS Carole to keep quiet. Another possibility, as I said below, is that if Kate is truly incapacitated, her family is being kept out of the loop. Though I tend to think that even a mother as grasping as Carole would speak up if she were being prevented from seeing her apparently seriously ill daughter altogether.) If this is the case, I do sympathize with her somewhat, but I think the strategy is actively making things worse.

        That said, if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I was going to say that I’d be happy to admit it if I’m wrong, but there’s no way to be happy about anything surrounding this whole saga. Literally every explanation is sad and troubling for one reason or another.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @JT, the car photo wasn’t mentioned by the UK press, but it sure as hell was all over social there and definitely impacted KP’s actions. It was impactful enough that KP shortly thereafter tried to change the narrative by releasing the Frankenphoto, the fallout of which led to the other car/back of the head photo, farm stand video, etc.

        The Middletons have more power than you’re giving them credit for. If they’re being this quiet, it’s because 1) the car photo worked and they’re getting paid for staying out of sight, or 2) Khate is indeed really, really ill (physically and mentally) with little likelihood of recovery, and CarolE is concentrating on taking care of her daughter.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Maybe that’s the rub though, she got served divorce papers when Kate was a person in functional health but now she’s incapacitated. Maybe William can’t announce a divorce because there’s a legal limbo with Kate being in an unconscious state.

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree that Carole is quiet because it benefits Kate. The car photo is real though. Carole was trying to shut down the “Kate is dead” story. But William asserted his power and got the UK media to ignore the photo. His response was the Franken photo. Which was a mess. Same with the farmers market thing.

        The bench video is probably real. I think Charles backed her on that because it got the full UK press treatment with pre announcements of its release.

        The lack of any real return timeline doesn’t make sense though.

      • Lacey says:

        Maybe she is in Montecito….laying low…. lol… writing a book.

      • Ripley says:

        Agreed. I hate that this is turning me into a conspiracy theorist, and yet, here we are. My tinfoil theory is that the “planned abdominal surgery” was a D&C after she tried to more natural methods to miscarry in December (as it wasn’t Will’s). While they were in there, perhaps they tied her tubes to prevent future pregnancies. This is where they caught the pre-cancerous cells ala the preventative chemo. I don’t know when, but believe the Spanish journalist that she was (maybe still is?) in a coma. Whatever is going on, I hope the kids are okay — as well as they can be in that family.

      • JT says:

        @Tiger The car photo worked temporarily. We’re nearly back at square one with the Middletons being locked down regarding the press. If anything were to go down, like a divorce, William would be calling the shots. Kate does not have much to bargain with. She has no money, no friends, no support network other than her parents, who were exposed as bankrupt grifters. William can and will turn the BM on her if things dont go his way. Kate is at William’s mercy financially and in regards to her kids. She has nothing.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Persephone, ITA

  8. Hannah says:

    My comment might get me a lifetime ban. I’ve not weighed in on the Kate situation. I do realise the “where is Kate” narrative is fantastic clickbait. But I think it’s time that people consider that she is seriously, seriously ill and will either not ever return to public life or is terminally ill. It’s one or the other. In which case, my gentle thoughts and prayers are with her children, her parents and her brother and sister

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      You do not have to be a fan of Kate or agree with her behavior to feel concern for a woman with limited agency that is almost completely under the control of her toxic husband and his historically terrible family with the complicity of the British trash tabloids and government. I doubt Kate has much say in what KP is saying about her and, as many have said, her change in behavior from her past history of attention seeking seems to indicate she’s in very poor condition.

      I miss the days when I could criticize her odd fitting pants and copy catting, and speculate what Crown Jewels Camzilla was going to let her access (none, is my guess). This is very sad and no woman should ever marry into this family.

      • Agnes says:

        This is all so true. It’s creepy that everyone is buying what the palaces are selling, despite their track record of lying and gaslighting. We don’t know what is going on with a woman it used to be fun to make fun of. She could be dead, vegetative, mentally broken instead of bopping in and out of gourmet delis. I’ll never believe she’s cooking and baking, that’s for damn sure.

      • esquire says:

        Oh please, spare me. She put every fibre of her being into chasing this life, for almost 10 years. She knew how badly William treated her and still, she wasn’t dissuaded. Kate is no victim. She and at least her mother, are at best, opportunists, and deserve no sympathy.

        It’s freezing cold in Australia right now and there are families sleeping rough in our wealthy country. That is where my sympathies shall lie.

    • Eyeroll says:

      Why would speculating she’s seriously or terminally ill get you a lifetime ban? At this point, that’s not an unusual suspicion.

      Unless that was an obvious hyperbole that I missed.

    • Nlopez says:

      I agree Hannah. My mom has no interest in the royals, but when I asked her about it she gasped and said “she must be really sick”.

    • Wagiman says:

      Why would you get banned? It suggests you think only other theories are posted about here when thats just not true, as if only conspiracy allowed.

      Most people believe the cancer story. Even though video ai Kate said she didn’t *have* cancer. Personally, I don’t believe anything kp says because they have consistently and obviously lied for at least 6 years. I don’t believe the cancer story. But people have been concerned she’s much more ill, as you suggested. But we’ll never know so in the meantime, why not believe their stories.. She’s exercising, she’s shopping! She’s doing the school run! She’s doing everything except being seen (since Christmas). Maybe ask your friends at kp?

    • Lulu says:

      I’m genuinely curious from those who have dealt with serious illness: if you’re that sick, could you also be baking, cooking, and hanging with the kids? They make it seem like she’s carrying on as usual behind the scenes but is too sick to be seen. It’s all very gaslights, smoke, and mirrors. She’s either perfectly fine and being steamrolled by her husband or gravely ill and being steamrolled.

    • K-Peace says:

      Why do you actually believe she’s seriously ill, when the palace is literally telling you that she’s out running errands, baking, and doing fun things with the kids??

      There’s something MUCH MORE nefarious going on here than her being “ill”. As i’ve been saying for a long time, I honestly don’t think she’s alive and it didn’t result from her being “ill”. The palace will of course use that as the excuse though, when they eventually announce that she took a turn for the worse and died.

      • Persephone says:


      • SussexWatcher says:

        K-peace 💯

      • Liz says:

        Spot on k-peace

      • Layday says:

        @Lulu Absolutely not. When I went through chemo every three weeks for a 5 month period, I was exhausted. I would pretty much sleep all day and then wake up still tired. I would set my chemo on Thur, then take the day off Friday to try and recover over the weekend before going to work on Monday. I had no kids, so I can’t imagine what people who had kids did while going through treatment. I had friends and family who were amazing in cooking for me because that was not something I was able to do. My running errands was going to the pharmacy for medicine and that was pretty much it, though I would start to feel better at the end of my regimen (I even when an saw the DC cherry blossoms, which was a HUGE excursion for me at that time. This mythical you go through treatment and you have all the energy to be out and about is overkill. I mean I guess it depends on the chemo regimen, but I was told by doctors I handled it well and had more energy than most given that I was going through it as a 28 year lol.

      • Julianna says:

        Cosign K-Peace. They are going to use this as an excuse later. Despite the fact they were telling everyone she was running around buying chocolates and baking.

        They know the narrative behind the scenes is everybody making assumptions that she is sicker than what they have let on. That’s the narrative they have been pushing.

        Kate’s working from bed.. wait no she isn’t. But she read the report. Kate’s doing the school runs. Kate’s buying chocolates. Kate’s baking and being a “normal” mom. But Kate can’t even face the camera and wave because she is to sick and needs “privacy” to heal. But continuously drop fake AI pics/videos and report on fake sightings.

        They are absolutely lying about that cancer story and are going to claim it for the excuse later.

      • 1960tlm says:

        @K-Peace, Exactly 💯 % !

    • Feeshalori says:

      You’re not theorizing anything differently than what a lot of commenters have done here, so how would you get a lifetime ban? I personally believe this is more than cancer, I mean, come on, so many people here have spoken about their own experiences with cancer or their families’ experiences and none of what the palaces are telling us about Kate just doesn’t wash.
      And hand to heart, before I got my coffee in me, my eye saw suicidal into the fall instead of sidelined into the fall.

      • That’s what this messaging is giving, a mental health crisis. That is the only explanation for why she can’t be seen, photographed opening a card, or anything else.

        It doesn’t explain 5 wheel Audi, though Kate could have been drugged in a way that I have seen before in people released from in patient testament for mental health crisis.

        As for the original comment, why would they claim they’ll get a lifetime ban for saying something others are saying? Idk, but the commenter insults this site as doing “clickbait” over Kate missing, which is code for ‘how dare anyone ask’.

        I read that comment as bait. Just my opinion.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @WithTheAmerican: I agree, that commenter was baiting us. Why would sympathy for Kate bring you a lifetime ban?

      • Nic919 says:

        That picture was very fuzzed out but what looks like an extra wheel could also be a tree trunk / as the car passes by . Carole looks too real for that one to be faked. She didn’t even photo shop herself.

        I agree something serious happened, but I don’t think she’s unconscious.

      • @BeanieBean thanks 🙂 and right? It’s pretty obvious given the insult and then stance of being morally superior.

        People here have expressed way more concern for Kate than I ever see expressed for Meghan on pro Kate forums, where they claim M’s mental health crisis was a lie and say her kids are fake. Absolutely zero empathy for Meghan.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @WithTheAmerican. Expressing sympathy or concern (as has been done by a lot of regular posters and CB writers) wouldn’t be cause for a lifetime ban.imo

        Yeah, something curious. The Kate situation isn’t an either this or that. There are other options. One would make William look very bad.

        Still go back to the article(s) before Kate’s birthday and it was expected SHE would be spending it with her parents. Not her husband. Especially after all the sycophantic articles towards the end of the year and how much the WanK’s supported each other. The rewriting of everything is amazing.
        “(Kate was spotted driving with her mother in early March.)”

        No, Kate was seen riding in a rental car that her mother was driving. It’s the one sighting of Kate I believe.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      If they expect her not to go back to what she was doing before it certainly points to them making light about what is really wrong with her.

    • DetachedObserver says:

      I hope not, Hannah, because I’m with you. I’m thinking that for WHATEVER reason, Kate is terminal and they don’t want to subject the kids to the trauma of her death watch splashed all over the media.

      Everything is still hinky as shite, and Will is acting fishy and weird. I hope we someday learn everything that really happened, but like the princes in the tower, I don’t know that we will. Lots of prayers for those poor kids,

    • Sera Quell says:

      @Esquire – my comment might also get me a lifetime ban (I sincerely hope not, I Love Celebitchy). I am truly amazed at the care & concern expressed towards Kate by fellow readers. Yes, we loved making fun of her single white-female-ing of MM, but everything Kate (and the stupid RF & BM) did was to try eradicate MM’s existence, both literally and figuratively. Kate is a woman who used another woman’s funeral as a photo op. She picks up and puts down ‘concern for mental health’ as it suits her agenda. Yes, I get she has children, parent, siblings. But I am a strong believer of karma. I have zero sympathy for her. I’m curious as to what happened to her. But I think of how she ignored MM and baby Archie at that polo match, wore ‘off white / yellow’ to another woman’s (MM) wedding, shot daggers at functions, and how willingly and repeatedly she sold her soul to and for this institution (ie. titles, status, fame, money, easy lifestyle), I do not frankly care what happened to the moron. And there, I said it. As much as it makes me feels like a cold cold b*tch, I have my own reasons for being this jaded, so please do respect my (and Esquire’s) views, as much as I respect and accept yours, thank you

  9. Julia says:

    So the woman who couldn’t even flip a pancake has been doing a lot of cooking and baking? While she was having chemotherapy? This is one of her favourite activities? Does any of this make sense? The messaging is all over the place.

    • Wagiman says:

      William has said she can’t cook. Her baking has always been fiction. That’s why they have cooks. They like to pretend she does domestic stuff because she won’t work.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      How, this much later, can they still be throwing stuff at the wall to see if it sticks about this woman?

      They need to stop f***ing around and provide proof of life, the BRF need to have a formal press event on the record. This he said, she said unnamed sources and propaganda has to stop.

      Now people should just shrug and accept the idea we’ll never see Kate again?! WTF?

      Proof of life for Kate and proof that all three children are sound and still in England. MaMidds must be fit to be tied! If she doesn’t come out guns ablazing with some pushback talking points then we need proof of life for Kate’s mother too! William probably has Carole strapped and bound like Hannibal Lecter!

      • Wagiman says:

        Because people are trained not to question. I’m 72 and I question everything.. I know 40 year olds who believe this rubbish. There’s not a lot of critical thinking and paying attention to the opposite narratives they spin. People don’t have time, they have busy lives and royals are a fun side line. and they likely don’t remember last week’s fiction.. We do because we parse this stuff.

      • Seraphina says:

        I agree, at this point they have lied and continue to lie and yet we have no idea if we have really seen the real Kate. Last sighting was Christmas I believe. And where is Ma Midds???? One of the strongest players in this story and she was conveniently torn down financially and we have not seen her either (only the staged car pic with “Kate” beside her.
        They want people to get bored and drop this subject – that’s what they are hoping for because otherwise they would come clean.

      • equality says:

        Because most people aren’t that interested in the RF, despite what the BM want you to think. And because Kate doesn’t have a real fan base. Most of her “fans” are Meghan-haters. They don’t really care about Kate except as a symbol. Can you imagine if this were Diana or Britney or Beyonce or Taylor?

      • Harper says:

        We are being fed that Kate is both better and unable to come back because they want both ideas to take root in the mind of the peasants. Everything is couched “don’t expect to see Kate at ____” so that the peasants blame themselves for wondering where she is or how she is doing. WE TOLD YOU NOT TO EXPECT HER.

        KP is playing a long game this year. We predicted Kate would have to get better so that when the worst is announced everything is so far removed from whatever happened at Christmas 2023 that no questions are ever asked.

      • Rnot says:

        I’ve seen a few reports that Carole was injured in a car accident back in the beginning of March. I was only able to find a few mentions, so I have no idea if it’s true. The whole situation is so squirrely. If it is true, then it’s a bit ominous considering all the other context.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Rnot someone brought that up the other day. The only links I could find about it were from very suspicious websites (one website I couldn’t even access from my work laptop even though it was allegedly a “news” site) and the articles themselves were weird – no mention of Kate’s illness but talking about how close Kate and her mom were and how Kate would be by her mother’s side. One article said she was airlifted to a hospital and was in critical care but another one said it was just a fender bender and she just went to the hospital to make sure she was all right, which is pretty typical.

        So bottom line – I don’t think the car accident story is true and if it is, it was pretty minor.

      • nic919 says:

        if the car accident was true or serious, James Middleton would have provided more free kibble to Richard Eden for a story on this. He hasn’t.

    • SarahCS says:

      Much the same as her being out at the shops all the time but can’t have many people around her because of infection risks.

  10. Tina says:

    I saw a headline from Page Six on my Twitter timeline with a similar story. At this point I just don’t know. Is this people using the American media to try to get a reaction (maybe another video) or something from the RF. Or is this a trial balloon from KP to set the stage for Kate’s longterm absence. Honestly this is feeling very grim.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      And why use American media at all?! They play games like this foisting their narrative on people in an entirely different country, flooding SM with their bots and then wonder why there’s ’conspiracy theories’ ?
      KP wanted attention and now they have the nerve to be dissatisfied people are demanding proper answers?

      • Athena says:

        Perhaps they’re coming to the American media because where is Kate is mostly being asked by American women.

  11. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Lolol, cooking and baking but can’t do a Zoom or wave from a balcony for 2 mins, sure.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Right?! And wasn’t there some other story that she’s been seen out running and swimming?

      It’s so bizarre to me that they can’t pick one story and stick with it. She’s either too sick to work – and then shouldn’t be able to cook and bake and swim and run and do school runs and attend kids’ sporting events and go to chocolate shops and skip through farm stands. Or she’s well enough to do all those activities in private and therefore able to do some small amount of royal work.

      How can they not pick a narrative and stick with it?! Do they not recognize they’re making it all worse?? Damn, Willy must be the most difficult, mercurial dictator behind the scenes. His mood and instructions to staff changing on a whim.

      • Julianna says:

        The cover up is how the criminals usually get caught…

        And at this point. I think they are doing it on purpose. She can’t be seen because she isn’t physically able to but they literally want everyone to think she is ok at the same time. Nothing to see here! She’s still cooking and cold water night swimming 🤡

      • TurquoiseTexan says:

        I’m here for the comments! I love reading everyone’s ideas. I have some questions too. Has anyone thought about the images released or taken of Kate (crazy walking video with William excluded which may have been fake)? Kate was photographed sitting in the passenger seat while Carol drove the car. Kate was seated in the stitched together photo of her and the children. Kate was seated on a bench during the announcement video. I read somewhere the surgery was botched. What if all this obviously confusing PR from the palaces is because they don’t have any idea how to announce that Kate was paralyzed from waist down and she won’t ever be able to return to her “role” like she did before? This makes sense to me. She probably is embarrassed and upset by this new way of life. Also it’s well established after surgeries like these the likelihood of depression increases. I think multiple things can be true. She doesn’t seem to realize how powerful a role she could have, like becoming an advocate for handicapped people. These royals have always been pretty tone deaf. It doesn’t surprise me they don’t have a lick of sense how to announce this. Vulnerability is what makes people relatable. The whole never complain never explain is outdated. The world has moved on from that but the Royal establishment is too disconnected to realize it.

    • Roop says:

      Right? That’s what I thought, too.

      She can’t record a quick “thank you for the good wishes, my recovery is going well” video, but she can cook and bake?

      I had major abdominal surgery a few years ago (no cancer, though) and I was back to work well before I was cooking and baking. The rest of the world has to just carry on when times get tough.

      • H says:

        There are many different types of chemos some more devastating than others. Some people cannot function on some of the cocktails. Also patients may switch types of chemo multiple times depending on the needs or allergies developed to the treatments (happened to my family). I cannot judge anything Kate does at this stage in her life. We have no idea what her actual experience is

    • MinnieMouse says:

      THIS. She’s avoiding people to avoid contact with germs, but staying a hands-on mom to three kids going to school, aka germ factories. She’s unable or unwilling to post a photo or video or even voice memo, but she’s running around chocolate shops and doing the errands and being willingly seen by a conveniently phone-less public – a public who will allow themselves to be referenced as having seen her, but is somehow not offering a single quote of their own, or posting a mention on social media, or in any way acting like actual humans.

  12. Alex Can says:

    I honestly think she must have had an emotional breakdown, plus the health issues. People recover from health problems and return to their busy lives but ongoing mental health problems can have a deeper impact. I’m starting to feel sorry for her.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I sort of question the mental health theory. Because a) what mental health condition would cause someone to need to disappear for an entire year? And b) if this were the case, wouldn’t you – if you were her birth family – be leaking to the media about the tyrant Willy, causing his wife to ‘go crazy?’

      I just cannot believe that MaMidds would remain completely silent if Willy or the stress of her royal role led to such a severe mental health breakdown that she had to permanently – as we’re now starting to be told – disappear from public life.

      • Becks1 says:

        What mental health condition? Depression, anxiety, severe OCD – I can absolutely see a mental breakdown being part of this and it would explain why the messaging has been so off kilter, at least in part. If she is suffering from severe depression and is in treatment and is trying to get on a medication regime, she might have good days or even weeks (so errand running) and then really bad weeks or even months. Or she might be in patient somewhere so can’t leave (and the errands are just a lie.)

        I don’t think that’s the only thing going on, but I think its certainly plausible.

      • Shawna says:

        If her mental illness is caused by her role in the Royal Family, a doctor might reasonably say, “You can’t do this anymore.”

      • Jaded says:

        I have a good friend who had a nervous breakdown many years ago and has basically *retired* from public life. He’s on disability, has ADHD, severe anxiety, OCD, C-PTSD and a host of other issues. He’s on a number of meds and supplements to help him cope but I’ve had nothing but phone conversations with him even though he lives only a couple of hours from me. It happens. Sometimes emotional/mental breakdowns are so severe that you can’t show a public face for a year, several years or the rest of your life. It seems like the Midds and BaRF are sitting on a powder keg and that powder keg is William. We know Charles et al will do everything to protect the heir even if he is, in large part, responsible for what appears to be Kate’s mental/emotional health problems.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        I see one glaring reason why they absolutely will not mention mental illness- it would prove what Meghan said right. They can still gaslight and point fingers if there’s only one married-in on record claiming the family situation was so bad that they wanted to unalive themselves. The unwanted married-in, at that. With the more accepted married-in future queen having mental illness, it’s no longer deniable. It’s hamfisted as hell. With Kate having made motions about mental health awareness, this could give them major sympathy points and reinforce the “just like you” narrative they so desperately push. But it’ll make them look horrible and we can’t have that. Their image always counts above all else.

    • Jais says:

      I don’t know what’s going on. So much weirdness and KP lies. But I can absolutely believe that there are some mental and emotional issues happening along with the physical issues. And that those issues have been present for a while but came to a head this year. I always think back to Tina Brown, who I don’t much like, but she alluded to as much and she does have sources close to the RF. Although who knows? Maybe she’s been fed red herrings too.

      • Alex Can says:

        Yeah wasn’t it Tina Brown (I also don’t like her) who said both Kate and William couldn’t handle the tremendous pressure and were twisting in the wind, or something like that. My reaction to her comments was “what pressure??” They barely do anything and are pampered beyond belief. But Kate has always seemed odd to me, isolated and unfriendly, and I just wonder if she’s always been struggling, possibly because of what seems like a very unhappy marriage, to a man who also seems to have pretty big issues.

      • Jais says:

        She’s been struggling since Meghan arrived. There was the high of being elevated in the press as perfect in comparison to her sil. But being touted as never putting a foot wrong is a double-edged sword. Especially if the marriage is not as it seems and yet they’re supposed to seem as in love as the Sussexes. That’s a lot to maintain. Not saying she wasn’t possibly struggling pre-Meghan but I think everything got amplified. I don’t know that this has anything to do with why she’s staying out of the public eye, despite it being claimed she’s okay enough to run for errands. just another theory to throw in the ring.

      • Dilettante says:

        @Alex Can, it seems Kate is one of those women who is only “on” when there’s a man around she wants to flirt with. I think that’s why she appears odd, isolated and unfriendly. It’s a mystery to me how this personality type develops.

    • The Hench says:

      You know that I have been batting on about the fact that KP can’t have it both ways – if Kate is able to be out and about now then she is able to work sooner than 2025. But – I take that back – the mental health thing is one aspect that makes sense to her being phased out of Royal duties. If there is one thing their ‘work’ always entails it is being in the public eye. If there is a danger that they cannot rely on Kate to be mentally or emotionally stable enough to appear in front of many eyes and cameras without behaving oddly/flashing someone/groping William/gurning weirdly/being as high as a kite on meds – or all of the above – then that is the ONLY explanation that makes sense to her being able to physically ‘out and about’ right now privately but not cleared by doctors to be able to appear publicly until 2025/never.

      It also fits the uncertain timeline. Mental/emotional issues are far harder to give a recovery timeline to. I think they are looking at her and going ‘we have no idea if she is going to be ever able to pull this together”

      Physically she is able. Mentally/emotionally she is not. Right now cancer is what they are hiding behind but my money is now on a breakdown of some kind.

      • Eurydice says:

        This makes sense. William doesn’t look all that steady, either. It’s fortunate that Harry’s lesser position allowed H&M to escape.

      • The Hench says:

        It also makes sense of why we are not hearing from her either – no sm posts or update videos. They wouldn’t want to put her under pressure.

        And what if William’s expressions of distaste around her in public are not so much of a sign of their relationship breakdown as of a genuine concern about what she might do or say next? Her role is hugely public – they can’t have a mentally unstable Princess of Wales – for either the institution’s sake or for hers.

      • Becks1 says:

        Honestly this makes a lot of sense. We arent’ seeing her in public because she can’t be seen in public – if her seemingly manic behavior has increased and can no longer be managed, or there are other things going on where she can’t be seen by large crowds, can’t be trusted to meet heads of state at state visits, etc. Hmmm.

      • S808 says:

        That makes a lot of sense. I always thought MH issues were the cause for her disappearance before cancer ever entered the conversation. She looked out of it during her last few engagements, like she was on medication or mood stabilizers. It’d 100% why she can be “seen” by people with no photos but not perform her duties as POW.

      • Eurydice says:

        @The Hench – yikes, just yikes. With the rumors of William’s philandering, I don’t know that he was ever the model husband, but I can totally see this scenario. What a dilemma.

      • The Hench says:

        I’ve gone back through the search engine specifically looking at Kate+mental health though this period. There are a couple of references – one from Jennie Bond for example, about her suffering mentally as a result of her health crisis. Jennie said she was suffering from ‘depression’ as a result of the surgery/cancer and another ‘palace insider’ also talked of her ‘struggling’. There are a few breadcrumbs around.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        We know from what Meghan went through that in this family mental health issues won’t be addressed until it’s too late, if at all. No matter how much they yammer on about the importance of getting help in a mental health crisis, they mean it for ordinary mortals, not royals who must keep up appearances of being super human.

      • Jais says:

        You’re right about the breadcrumbs @hench. And I do think that the palace would want to cover up any mental and emotional issues around the POW. Despite their advocacy on mental health. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t have other health problems but there’s a lot of talking around what might be the bigger issue at play.

      • Mrs. Smith says:

        I can see this being a mental health situation for all the reasons noted above. Forgive me if this is an unfair comparison, but we’ve seen what happened to Britney Spears. It’s hard to imagine someone famous being well and then very unwell. Meghan has been very open about how she was driven to the brink by the palace machine and media. K has suffered in many of the same ways, but also with a philandering husband who is rude to her in public. It’s not a far leap to make that she may have cracked under such enormous pressure.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I could buy that except arranging a photo would still probably be possible under a mental health issue and just one well timed, soft focus photo could have avoided the Mothering Sunday debacle all together. Even if KP took a sneaky one in her sleep it could have been spun like a Disney cartoon still of ‘valiant recovering Kate’ to their advantage.

      • Shawna says:

        William could be taking a page out of the Queen’s book by refusing to let Kate be in public in a wheelchair or using other mobility aids. But yeah, on balance, if she’s not in a hospital bed, then there’s a mental health component. I’m still on team “William asked for a divorce after Christmas and Kate did something desperate.” That explanation easily fits ongoing psychological issues.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is definitely a mental health aspect to all this. Look at what Meghan endured and she came into the family with Harry’s full support.

        If this was just a physical issue there would have been a more precise timeline for her return. The vague comments are because they just don’t know when or if she will recover.

      • The Hench says:

        I am spending WAY too much time thinking about this but it occurs to me that this also could explain the weird shot of her and William in the car when he was supposedly ‘dropping her off for a medical appointment’ on his way to the Commonwealth service. We know from the photographers being tipped to go and stand in Datchet that this was a set up pap shot so we were puzzled as to why Kate turned her head deliberately away when a shot of her face was what was so needed to quiet the rumours at that point. However if she is suffering from MH issues then she could be being erratic or not co-operating with things that the staff thought they’d agreed.

        It also explains the silence from the Middletons. CarolE would not want the story to be that perfect Kate has had a breakdown and they can’t say she’s fine – because she isn’t.

        Last point for this comment (!) Kate’s brother James has also been candid about his own mental health struggles so this is not unknown in the family.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Yeah, I think there’s definitely a mental health component to what’s going on. That would explain the excessive secrecy, because heaven forbid another Princess of Wales experience mental health issues.

      For all their blather about mental health, the monarchy has been cruel to those who actually have experienced issues (notably Diana and then Harry and Meghan). I can see Charles and William not wanting any of this to be revealed because it makes clear the toxicity of the institution.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Just saw this now, Quitecontrary. You said it better than me. 😉

      • Feeshalori says:

        Yes, and they also said don’t want to prove Meghan right with her struggles with her MH issues and neglect of the RF in addressing them.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    How different can her role be when she doesn’t work as much as the others? Is only going to come out for special occasions? If she’s cooking and baking then she’s capable of doing one or two engagements.

    • equality says:

      She could at least zoom so she wouldn’t be exposed to people in person.

    • MaryContrary says:

      And all the more bizarre when no one in the rota compares her with the King, who announced he has an active cancer that he’s treating, and yet has managed to keep working . . .

    • Shawna says:

      Could be that “doesn’t do much work” will turn into “doesn’t do any work.”

  14. JD says:

    This doesn’t make sense – either there are sightings of her in public, like a chocolate shop or farm shop, or “She’s not able to see many people because she is susceptible to getting sick and they don’t want her compromised” – if she is not able to see many people for fear of catching something, then she is not going to be about and about.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, there’s so much weirdness but that detail stuck out. Why is she doing errands if she’s susceptible to getting sick? Unless she’s going to places with very very little people but if you’re that sick why chance it? Makes no sense.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        They are imprinting that idea so when they announce ‘Kate’s turn for the worse’ they can tut tut and lament she was doing so much to keep her life and her children’s routine normal she pushed herself ‘too hard’ and succumbed to illness, compelled to ‘put herself out there because the criticism of her online was so relentless and vicious’, etc…

        That’s my take on it.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        If she really needed to get out of he house for a little while and go somewhere like the chocolate shop, It wouldn’t have been that difficult for the Palace to get the shop to open to just her and William half an hour earlier. I can’t see them refusing.

    • BeyondTheFringe says:

      This is a really great point.

      They are just throwing sh*t at the wall and seeing what sticks.

  15. Helgecko says:

    “Running errands”, “very active with the kids”, and “cooking and baking”, but also “re-evaluating what she’ll be able to take on when she comes back”.

    They might just be trying to reassure people, but what it ends up sounding like is she’s physically fine, so we can only assume it’s psychological issues she’s dealing with.
    It sounds very much like she’s had a breakdown and they don’t know how to handle it.

    • Lucy says:

      I agree. The fact that the palace sources always lie is what’s obscuring this reading. Mental breakdown is the only thing that fits with most of the information, as far as them being able to give such conflicting updates, test tip toeing around almost any specifics. They won’t talk about health stuff because they’re lying liars who lie, but also because it might get blown up if/when she’s able to speak publicly. All it takes is one medicated “cancer? I didn’t have cancer” and they’ll never recover. She’s in a state that’s so erratic (or perceived that way) that they genuinely don’t know how to react or what to tell ppl.

      • Nordic girl says:

        I have been lurking on this site for some time (with the Where is Kate? conversations) and this is very much my take on the situation as well.
        I would even guess there might have been a psychotic episode and now the family and the most important courtiers are trying to figure out how to move on.
        After a psychotic episode there is always the danger of relapse (up untill two years after) and the comeback from the episode itself is a rough one.
        In my opinion the “little everyday chores” are part of the treatment (together with some heavy medication) but she certainly is not up to full on duties with foreign dignitaries and/or even conversations with strangers “live”.
        I sincerily hope I’m wrong, but at the moment this seems the most plausible explanation.

      • I had a close male friend who had a breakdown. He was wailing constantly, so loudly it was deafening. He had to be majorly drugged and went into after care treatment, day treatment, once out of a 2 week hospital stay.

        He couldn’t work or anything because he as so drugged, when we visited him, he sat around drooling from the psych meds and staring off into space. It was honestly scary and heartbreaking. If he managed to do an errand it was celebrated.

        I never put that together with Kates situation until now, as I assumed she’d have more access to long term on hospital care were that the case.

        But it would explain everything. And while not the fault of her loved ones, she does always seem isolated and used by her family and William. So, not a lot of genuine support for the human being inside.

      • The Hench says:

        @WithTheAmerican – and it might also explain why we didn’t get photos of Kate entering and leaving hospital waving like Charles did. If she was in a similar state to your poor friend then they would not want or be able to show her in public.

        We’ve been saying that she still could have waved from a car seat as she was leaving etc but we were only taking into account her physical status.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think there was a breakdown on Dec 28 hence the escort to the hospital. It wouldn’t need ambulances per se.

        This video came from a royalist and they were pretty confident it was someone from Sandringham.

      • @TheHench yup. We were going off of what KP said, so of course we weren’t looking for signs of a mental breakdown. But even the weird hospital timelines and no one visiting makes sense from mental health perspective.

        While I suspect she wasn’t there during the time they said she was, no matter when she was there, visits from people who might trigger a mental health patient are carefully controlled.

        But then, did the King lie when he said they visited in hospital? Lots of other lies are betrayed if this is the case.

      • Jais says:

        Well, that’s the thing. She is possibly sicker than we know. Or if that’s not the case, a MH issue makes a lot of sense. But to your question of what’s the end game. Idk, that’s a good question. Bc ideally, Kate will get better from whatever the health issue is. I hope she does! Whether this ends in divorce or not. And I cannot see a healed Kate just never being in public again. She will want to be seen in some capacity. Not saying she wants to work all the time but she has shown she is okay being photographed throughout her entire public life.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Becks1 – I think that up until now, the end game has been “let’s hide and wait to see if she gets better.” But now that the conversation’s turned to “2025 or never,” they have to come up with a strategy. I really don’t see how they can combine divorce with mental health issues and/or cancer. I can’t imagine the public looking positively on a man who abandons his wife when she’s in distress, especially the future king and head of the church. Unless Kate “decides on her own” to ask for a divorce (or she dies), I’m afraid William will be stuck for quite a while.

      • nic919 says:

        I think we can trace her mental health issues from very early on. The entire not wanting to work thing was more than likely some sort of undiagnosed depression that was written off as being lazy. She clearly felt pressure with the extreme dieting and William being difficult and not the supportive husband would add to it.

        Things seem to escalate after Charlotte was born, in particular when William was skipping her first Easter to go to Jecca’s wedding and then going to Verbier where it was clear he was not going to let a marriage interfere with his escapades.

        This was also around the time that Philip announced he would retire and William and Kate were supposed to step up. They never really did and Kate was pregnant by Sept 2017 (Philip announced his retirement a few months before). Also let us not forget that weeks before we are told she is pregnant again, there is the trip to Poland and the photos which show her angry at William and in full view of the public.

        Harry and Meghan get targeted with a lot of press attention around this time too and we learn later on that Kate finds out around the time Louis is to be born that William had been carrying on with Rose for a few years. – Hence crygate etc,

        Following Louis birth, Kate is noticeably sour faced at H and M’s wedding and then the Oceania tour triggers all the attacks on Meghan, with the false crying story. By the time Eugenie is married a few months after H and M, Kate is already dieted down to her pre baby weight and perhaps even thinner. And while the media psychotically praises her for this, Kate is as thin as she has ever been.

        In spring 2019, the Rose story comes out and then Kate disappears from public view for many weeks. She only reappears when we are told she will get a RCVO sash. Also the attacks on Meghan have grown and she has allied with William after her brief disappearance. But lets be real, she clearly had some kind of issue right after the Rose story was made public.

        And until Jan 2020 when Harry and Meghan officially leave, Kate is praised for being the good wife.

        But after the Oprah interview in March 2021, there is a turn with William and that is when they are both distant with each other in public which was not usual, especially for Kate. (the ass grabs don’t show up until later). We also know they arrived separately for the commonwealth games in BIrmingham in summer 2022 as well as WImbledon.

        Once the Adelaide Cottage move happens, it seems like the clock has started for the separation to be made public. and while she had fun icing Meghan out at the Queen’s funeral, she seems to have done downhill after that. Even the victorian ghost photos seem like a cry for help, especially when William did not do anything similar for his own 40th. (or even a party).

        This has been ongoing for a while. so it would not be a surprise at all if a lot of this is related to a mental health issue.

      • AllyM says:

        It sounds as though there could have been some crisis after Christmas and I very much hope the children came to no harm. We really do need sight of the younger two children. I would be concerned for the youngest particularly, since his behaviour several times in public has been challenging and inappropriate, unlike the older two at his age. If they are with Kate, they’re probably ok. If they’re not, either she’s too ill physically to care for them or there could be a safety issue.

      • Great input from everyone on this thread and it makes a lot of sense. If there is a super injunction against reporting on Kate’s health issue, it makes even more sense that it would be to protect MH issues rather than anything relating to what they’ve told already us has happened. And likely to be a combo of challenges she’s facing, medically and MH.

        Williams inability to cope with not getting what he wants is causing a problem for the end game. But then again, Williams ideal end game would be neither he nor Kate work, but they get all of the power and spoils. So maybe that’s the end game. He’ll claim family needs him because his wife is sick and we will never see them except at sporting events or celeb occasions or Wimbledon.

        Quiet quitting, but keeping the pay, housing, stolen jewels, vacations, helicopters, etc.

      • Dilettante says:

        @nic99 – great time line. Question: when did the Mary Berry (sp?) cooking show brush-off happen? And, any hypothesis on why Huevo has been persona non grata since Xmas?

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Or it could mean that she is stuck in a wheelchair and has to rethink what she can do, because of the restrictions it creates.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Good timeline of Kate’s decline, Nic19. For me, the most egregious of Kate’s MH examples is the SK state visit when she wore that OTT red outfit and practically flashed her thigh up to her crotch in that deliberately staged exit from the car. That is not normal behavior under any circumstances, let alone in front of world leaders. That, along with the ass, grabbing, may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as the palaces’ realization that she can’t handle herself in public any longe. Who knows at this point?

      • Agnes says:

        The “decline” scenario fits the instance of William rushing her through the reception line at Prince Hussein of Jordan’s wedding last June, too. Perhaps she rambles on and on in word salads as a symptom. That beggars the question of why she was allowed out in public at all though, but maybe back then it was just seen as embarrassing instead of a real mental health issue. Yeah, and Bald Bill is the last person to deal compassionately with flailing wife.

  16. SussexWatcher says:

    As I say every time we get one of these propaganda articles, lies, lies and more lies.

    She’s too immunocompromised to do any work but she’s out and about running errands and mingling with random chocolate shop managers. She’s too unwell to do zoom/phone calls but she’s been cooking and baking up a storm and, apparently, going jogging and swimming. And, oh, but she’s also feeling well and getting better everyday but also don’t expect to see her for an entire year. She and Will are closer than ever but also her role will never be the same. The kids are all doing great and they’re doing lots of fun things as a family but also there’s been no verifiable sightings of Charlotte or Louis (or Kate or her parents) since Christmas.

    Nothing these people say makes any sense or is consistent in any way. All they’re doing is digging themselves a bigger and bigger hole by lying and making shit up.

    I don’t know what’s going on but the fact they are starting to officially roll out the she will never return narrative should have the Kate fans really worried.

    I don’t think anything is going to happen to take any attention away from Chuckles’s big day next week. But after that? All bets are off and I think we’ll start seeing articles saying that she’s taken a turn for the worse. And then…

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      After the trooping, particularly if the kids or Charlotte and Louis are not on the balcony, I think the next wave of Kate speculation will be triggered by Wimbledon since that’s such signature event for her. Wonder who will hand out the trophies? After that, I think KP can breathe easy until fall since W&K never did much for the rest of the summer anyway.

      • Elizabeth says:

        If Kate doesn’t turn up at Wimbledon, the Duke of Kent will probably be trotted out to hand out the trophies. Kate took over Wimbledon from him as a patronage.

    • ML says:

      Your entire 2nd paragraph is such a succinct description of how messed up their communication about K and her illness has been from “She’s too immunocompromised to do any work but …” all the way to “…no verifiable sightings of Charlotte or Louis (or Kate or her parents) since Christmas.”

      • SussexWatcher says:

        ML – it’s just wild! It’s like they have a bunch of monkeys hopped up on caffeine behind the scenes just pushing random ‘this week’s Where is Kate story’ buttons. What is happening?!?!

        And shame on the British press (such as it is) for just sitting quietly by and not asking any questions. The 4th highest ranking member of the British royal family – and 2 of her 3 children!! – have vanished off the face of the earth and all the rota rats (and real journalists!) just sit by lapping up whatever bullshit is tossed their way. It’s crazy-making.

      • Eurydice says:

        @SussexWatcher – I’m sure members of the British press are in agony, just dying to ask questions, but they’re not allowed.

    • María says:

      Lol you summed it up perfectly

    • Agnes says:

      I’m not a Kate fan but I do follow the BRF as a diversion from the absolute horror of current wars and politics, and I’ve been concerned since March, especially when forensic social media analysis showed that KP had done NOTHING to commemorate her birthday. No over-the-top floaty Miss Havisham shots, not even a simple birthday cake emoji. Where IS Kate?

  17. Monika says:

    It looks like KP is using Kate’s cancer diagnosis to re-calibrate her role, also getting the focus solely onto Willi and George. It always looked like Kate was not comfortable with the glaring light on her and using this to step back into her comfort zone. You see Willi and George at times, the heirs to the crown. It seems that they want to push Willi and George into the centre of attention, not being overshadowed by anybody. We have not seen Louis or Charlotte in public since Kate’s cancer diagnosis. It might be to protect Charlotte and Louis and gives them freedom to develop outside of the public eye but it also puts the attention back onto George as the heir.
    I am wondering if this is just opportunistic or much more sinister behind it.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Kate may have been anxious but girl LOVED the cameras and publicly wearing clothes and jewelry. She didn’t do a lot of small engagements but she never missed a big fancy event. No way she’s decided to retire completely from public view and cede it to the “lesser” royal ladies just because she loves her AGA in the country.

    • Jais says:

      So, there are times when Kate is very comfortable with the light and actively seeks it out. In fact, there are times when she clearly didn’t want to share it. Meghan’s first balcony when she wouldn’t move over is one. But I do think the past few years of trying to compete and be seen as someone who seriously works could’ve done a number on her. For someone so reliant on the superficial, aging in the public eye is also unpleasant. Which all added stress to her these past few years.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Errr…Kate was absolutely comfortable with the glaring spotlight of being a royal. She loved smirking for the cameras and flirting with men at her engagements. She loved flashing her bare ass on multiple occasions. She loved draping herself in Diana’s jewels or whatever other diamonds she was loaned and making eyes at the camera. She loved stealing the spotlight at charity events like her Christmas concert until they became all about herself and her fake piano playing. She loved the spotlight, fullstop! She loved it before Meghan came into the picture; she loved it while Meghan was there (and she could troll her by stealing her style or wearing the exact same type of outfit, like a one-shouldered dress, that Meghan was previously slaughtered for by the British media); and she loved it after she drove Meghan out of the family.

      • First comment says:

        The woman who turned a funeral to a fashion photo op was definitely enjoying the spotlight…but her rapid aging and the need to be more substantial could make her life very stressful.

      • Harper says:

        Kate made sure she got papped making the school run the day the Queen died.

      • Julianna says:

        The last day Kate was seen (Christmas 2023) she pranced out in full Meghan cosplay gurning and smirking at the cameras for “Kates” special Christmas concert that was all about herself.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    To have been raised during the War of the Wales and experienced true press intrusion/paparazzi from birth until the press backed off into the current controlled leak pattern after his Mom’s ttragic passing, Will-not is truly terrible at PR. Don’t blame staff. It is allllllll willy. He is obsessed with social media or he wouldn’t have a bot farm. No one really cares about Keen. KP is fueling public interest and social media speculation because the inconsistencies fuel interest. And. The royals aren’t supposed to be polical on any level. There really was no excuse for another 2 month vacation when they always skip town after Wimbleton in July and avoid work until September. It really is shocking how many huge blocks of the year they take off.

  19. Murphy says:

    Yep, she’s done.

    • First comment says:

      Yeah, whatever happened to her, it’s obvious that she’s incapacitated in one way or another. She would never fully return to the public scene.

      • Popsicle says:

        How about that Radar Online that came out yesterday that said she had ovarian cancer. It would explain a lot. I wonder if she’s dying of it and KP doesn’t know how to deal with the whole situation.

    • SunnyDays says:

      I don’t want to threadjack in case there will be another post about this, but People has a new article up. William was asked today if Kate is “getting better” by someone at his event and he replied “she’d have loved to be here” …….um WHAT. If she was getting better, if things were moving towards recovery, that is NOT how one would answer that question.

      I understand he’s fiercely private but he has to know that completely dodging the question is not the way to go right now. For one reason or another, she ain’t coming back.

  20. Joanne says:

    She has a staff including hair and make up people who I’m sure could make her look as beautiful as she usually is so she could manage a quick wave to everyone to show she is fighting this cancer battle unless she is completely bed ridden. Understandably this is a private personal matter however her role in the monarchy would need to let the public know something about what’s happening with her progress/non progress as they have had with Charles and previously the Queen. It would put an end to all the supposition and nasty comments

    • equality says:

      Yes. A good wig, if needed, and a hat to cover it up and she would look fine.

    • It would be easy to do a photo proof of life if she had cancer. Between make up artists and wigs and fake eyebrows and hair, a soft focused photo would be easy.

    • Magdalena says:

      She is usually “as beautiful as she usually is” due to heavy duty photoshop from her favourite photographer and some of the UK media editors. However, their sudden move towards printing non-photoshopped photographs of her from public events may also have played a part in her deteriorating condition.

  21. Cassie says:

    Don’t they get sick of making up these ridiculous stories .

    I have no idea what has happened to Kate ,or where she is ,or what she is doing .
    Doubt anyone does except her closest family .
    It’s just all so weird .

    They are just writing bullshit .

    • Miranda says:

      Honestly, if something is truly wrong, I wonder if even her close family know the whole of it. Carole has been eerily quiet.

  22. First comment says:

    “The announcement (of the elections)that the royals won’t be able to work as much has been unexpected, but it will allow Kate and William to spend more time together,” says the second source. “They’ve been reconnecting and are closer than ever.” Firstly, I thought they were spending time together all those last 6 months (not to mention the 20+ weeks they are on vacations). Secondly, to reconnect, there
    must have been a disconnection..just saying 😉. I don’t know why but I have an image of William visiting Kate wherever she’s getting treatment. Is that what they call reconnection? However, I don’t see a divorce, not that I’ve ever believed in a divorce between them: they have the means and the way to have completely separated lives (as I’m sure they do at least for the last 2-3 years). Why take a divorce and ruin the image of the perfect family for William.? It’s the only thing he has..

    • Tessa says:

      Perfect fathers don’t play favorites and take only one places. If William met someone and wants out he will get out. With the keens sharing custody

      • First comment says:

        I agree @Tessa. He’s not a perfect father but he cultivates this image through the media.

      • seaflower says:

        Chuckles also cultivated the image of the perfect father, and we now know what was happening behind the scenes at the time.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It feels like KP is trying to make lemonade out of whatever lemon William’s behaviour post Christmas gave them over Kate but what IS that situation? What actually happened? Kate may be physically ill but something else they all refuse to explain or admit to is definitely going on. How do they expect to put Kate away like a doll on a shelf and have nobody ask questions about this?

      • what's inside says:

        Christmas seems to have been the deal-breaker. Perhaps he announced that he would be spending his time with the woman he loved and broached a divorce? Maybe she had a melt-down on top of having medical issues that led to the surgery, cancer, and then postop complications?

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I believe a mixture of all these things is possible, on top of that Margrethe II announced her abdication on New Year’s Eve and handed over the reins to Frederik and Mary on 14 January, two days before Kate was announced to be at the London Clinic. That might have made for more of a poisonous atmosphere between them -Kate losing her royal role as Mary up and became Queen of Denmark out of the blue? You know that had to sting! The BM was bringing greater English language attention to F&M’s marital troubles and comparing Kate and Mary more frequently in the run up to Christmas and there was gossip that a royal divorce would be announced in January. For F&M to come out smelling like a rose and WanK’s marriage about to be ended probably made things worse in Kate and William’s minds.

      • esquire says:

        Margrethe II didn’t hand anything over to Mary, as that is impossible. If you listen to her abdication speech, she makes it clear that her son, Frederik, will be her successor as King.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I was suggesting ‘Kate’s attitude’ about this compared to her own situation.

  23. BeyondTheFringe says:

    I ultimately have no idea what is really going on but it is all suss as hell and I don’t believe a word that KP says.

    That is my motto when it comes to all this.

  24. Lady Digby says:

    Amanda Platell did a speculation piece on Kate maybe giving up public life to become a SATHM on Saturday in the Fail. She even cheekily noted that she just did 132 royal engagements last year but didn’t add so she’s not a big hitter in terms of output. Maybe that is an option? Is Will going to just have him and George appear in public and the rest of the family just do big occasions? Are things really just up in the air as regards health, future royal work and/ or divorce?

    • Tessa says:

      It doesn’t look good for William to not do appearances with his younger children

  25. Cerys says:

    A soft launch for an upcoming separation and divorce?

    • ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

      With a promise from the Royals, if she cooperates and keeps silent, her parents debts will be paid and she will get a nice divorce or separation settlement.

      • Jaded says:

        Yeah, this all seems to hinge around what she and Ma Midd get to keep them schtum.

  26. JanetDR says:

    I am sort of hoping that during whatever the crisis was that Kate decided she didn’t want to return to her life as it was and is negotiating.

  27. bisynaptic says:

    How long can they keep this up?

  28. Tessa says:

    Keens are closer than ever .sure j a n

  29. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    No camera present? The FAB FOUR photo of William, Kate, Meghan Harry went for approximately £40,0000/$51,000. The woman who took it claimed she was able to completely redo her kitchen with monies left over for a trip (if I’m remembering correctly.)

    So until Kate takes a clear photo with no touch ups, holding todays paper with Charlotte & Louis sitting on either side of her, I will not believe these sightings are real.

  30. Mrs. Smith says:

    Whether Concha Calleja has it 100% correct or not, I think her reporting on K’s condition is at least the ballpark of what’s really going on. It lines up with her latest reporting from last week or so when she says the situation is dire. It also tracks with the Spanish clothing store owner interview that the family is going through hell right now. All of that to say, since KP/BP have not really pushed back on any of this in any meaningful way (except to issue a haughty denial), I think this is what is really happening. This seems to be the roll-out of the news she is not coming back. Maybe there will be more news after Trooping.

  31. Serena says:

    Yeah I’m fully believing she won’t come back at all, all these stories, fake photos and the video.. I don’t know but it’s like they’re trying to get people used to not seeing her. First it was “she’ll come back in in April, then for June, then for fall, then the entire year and now they’re saying she won’t have the same role ? Next will be the news that she won’t come back to royal life, either because of a terminal illness or Willnot wants her out of the picture (but is too coward to divorce). Anyway, this is creepy as hell.

  32. Laura says:

    So Bill and Cathy are “reconnecting”? After being disconnected?

  33. julie jules says:

    I see Derren Brown’s old post is making the rounds. The one where he *jokes* of having just met Kate who slipped a folded note reading “help” into his hand. Dated 12/14/23

    He did meet Kate ofc. At the Royal Variety. But wow that post hits different now.

  34. LadyUltimate says:

    Unfortunately she now can’t work as hard as she has before and she believes the monarchy and her husband, the heir to the throne and future king, need and deserve more. So therefore, with great sadness she has asked her beloved husband for a divorce. Of course he declined at first but she insists that is is the right way so that he can focus on his job and the future of the monarchy. Let’s all have great sympathy with him for he is willing to sacrifice his love for what the country needs,

    Or maybe she’s dead, or something in between, IDK.

  35. Lady Digby says:

    I would expect an official update next month if she doesn’t attend Wimbledon. Is Will going to stand in for her at Wimbledon? Good comms is about regular updates and providing reassurance. Here silence isn’t golden because it creates doubt and suspicion after previous bungling around photographs and videos.

    • Harper says:

      I bet there are hard negotiations going on right now for Willy to bring Charlotte to Wimbledon. She has already gone in the past, and having her appear now in this summer of their discontent will delight the masses. Using this child to deflect, which William did with the Lioness mess, is not beyond him. Having Charlotte with William as he presents the trophy would fix a lot of things right before they disappear again for another two months of summer break.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think the Duke of Kent will attend for the trophies. He was the patron until fairly recently and would actually watch a lot of the matches before kate decided Wimbledon was her thing.

  36. Tessa says:

    Kate would feel exhausted from illness and not be in kitchen cooking. She can order her meals and tell chef on duty what she would like.

  37. Pebbles says:

    I still think she had something done to her stomach or intestines and has a colostomy bag and they’re trying to figure out if it will be permanent or if she’ll be able to get rid of it with time and she does not want to be seen with it as it would be ‘undignified’ as princess of wales in their eyes. If it is permanent then that would explain why we wouldn’t see her do the same things she used to do like physical activity on engagements and up close hugs with children.

    • First comment says:

      We shouldn’t confuse “being seen ” and “doing physical activity “. The problem is that there’s no pic of Kate doing anything at all, or just her face. Nobody is asking for Kate to do anything. I could understand this kind of dilemma if she ever returns. But she could been seen in other ways, especially after all the speculation going on..

    • SussexWatcher says:

      But that wouldn’t explain why she couldn’t stand on the balcony (hidden by other people or a loose coat) or do zoom calls from the shoulders up. Or phone calls, for that matter. They could easily find ways to hide that while providing proof of life engagements.

    • SAS says:

      @pebbles, but you can still do physical activity and hug children and wear slim-fitting clothing with an ostomy bag (ask me how!).

      If that was the case, I’ll give her that recovery is difficult and there is a significant adjustment period, but the *extremely generous* 16-week recovery period they announced in Dec or Jan whenever it was would have been more than enough to get back to her very light schedule and custom-fit wardrobe even with a stoma bag.

    • Jaded says:

      I have a urostomy bag and it’s undetectable under clothing. You can also buy these stretchy bands that smooth out any bulges, so that excuse doesn’t hold water (sorry for the pun).

  38. Jais says:

    Random. But does anyone know from what event the Kate on the cover is from? It looks from quite a few years back bc her hair is shorter but I can’t place it.

    • Tina says:

      I didn’t recognize it either so I tried to find. No luck but I’ve now seen about 200 different blue outfits that Kate has worn in the last decade. Thats definitely an older photo.

    • Jais says:

      Okay, I’ve been looking off and on all day and I still can’t find😂

  39. esquire says:

    I’m waiting for the litmus test of Wimbledon now because this entire state of affairs is so strange. It was obvious to me that the grifting Middletons considered invitations to the Royal Box their greatest perk from the royal marriage.

    I doubt they cared about being in the company of the BRF, they were likely too intimidated. Also, they can gloat with impunity at Wimbledon, not to mention that Carole could smuggle in her special hip flask.

  40. Mslove says:

    I feel the US weekly article is clickbait nonsense. Perhaps KP is trying to make it more dramatic than it is, because they need to justify Keen’s lack of work. Never underestimate the laziness of the Wales fam.

  41. CatJ says:

    I am heading for London tomorrow, I will have a look around.
    I am interested in speaking to a “royalist” friend of mine to glean her perspective on what is happening. This friend lives in a little rural village, so, it will be interesting to get the scoop on what they are hearing/speculating about the PoW disappearance…,,,,,,,,,,

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Oh interesting! We hear so often that regular British citizens don’t care or think much about the royals so it will be interesting to hear the opinion of Kate’s absence and the random leaks from someone who is interested in the royals.

      • sparrow says:

        It can depend on the age. My older friends tend to care more for the BRF than my younger ones. The older ones largely hate M&H and have great sympathy for W&K. Rural friends tend to be more conservative and traditional, so they think of the BRF as a benign force. They admire Kate at the moment. This has certainly got their attention.

  42. San Diego says:

    They are NOT divorcing!! They will never divorce. They may live separate lives but will be joined together in public for the rest of their lives. I always go back to KC speech… with Catherine by his side..what ever arrangement they have, included NO Divorce.

    • Wagiman says:

      They will divorce if Willy wants to. There’s no reason to be adamant they won’t when the king is divorced.. No one cares about divorce these days. It’s not the 1980s.

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, this. It’s certainly true that the Prince of Wales, with a cancer stricken father for a king, cannot divorce Kate. This is why I still circle back around to Kate freaking out about a divorce, and having a well-timed medical emergency that makes it impossible for Will to divorce her. Even if that is true, currently, it’s only stalled the divorce until someone tells William a decent amount of time between illness and divorce has passed. If he wants her out, she’s out.

  43. The Hench says:

    There is one other example of a Royal who stepped back from all of their official duties due to poor mental health – Katharine, Duchess of Kent, formerly a glamorous member of the working royals withdrew from public life around 2002.

    • Ennie says:

      And they would not let Harry and Meghan work without catering to the rota.
      Kate IS protected by the rota and has been for quite a while, especially after the appearance of Meghan. The conflict was not the press scrutinizing or attacking her, as it was with Meghan. They are well protected. My bet is a different thing. If it is not cancer, and a stoma, I would bet on something that affected her looks.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Kate’s protection in the press is solely predicated on being OfWill- and made from his rib. They protect William and if it suits him the BM and rota don’t mind giving Kate and the Middletons a slapping from time to time. If William wants the press to annihilate Kate and her family they will do, at a snap of his fingers.

      • Jais says:

        So I agree with you @IG in that if William wanted to annihilate her in the press he could. If push comes to shove. But it could be he doesn’t want to unless he has too. Not that I have that much faith in William but going after her in the press would ultimately devastate the kids. And if he wants a divorce, it could be they are trying to find ways that do not mean a full character assassination if possible. As conflicting as the messages have been, they haven’t been negative towards Kate. Minus throwing her under the bus for the frankenphoto anyways. which was likely done out of idiocy and desperation.

    • Nic919 says:

      Didn’t she step back because they essentially separated? I don’t think they can keep that quiet with the heir and his spouse. The Kents are cousins of the Queen, even further away for Charles, so most people wouldn’t have been concerned.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Not British royalty but Princess Charlene was in South Africa with an illness for quite a while however she was seen and didn’t disappear. When she did return she did go somewhere to rest can’t remember the details but there was definitely more than just a physical illness and they appear to have some kind of agreement without a divorce. I’m not saying that Kate and Will are the same but I don’t think they will divorce and at some point they will bring Kate out with an explanation that she won’t be working. It won’t make sense but people will just be happy she is ok so won’t question it.

  44. SAS says:

    @CatJ I’m pretty sure you’re going to be met with “how insensitive to ask, they requested privacy for her treatment, and that’s what’s happening! She’s a very private person! Anyone asking for her private medical information is a vulture!”

    By what I see on other gossip sites lol.

  45. Lucky Charm says:

    “She may never come back in the role that people saw her in before.”

    Such as wife of the Prince of Wales? Sounds like confirmation of the divorce.

    As for the “lucky break” of the general election, I don’t think it’s any coincidence it’s happening at that particular time. I’m sure King Charles was behind that. The right word in the right ear, and presto!

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Rishi called the election because he has a new job in Silicon Valley and needs to get his kids settled in their new schools in California by August, and because the Tories benefit from a summer election and an election sooner rather than later. They know they’re going to get wiped out, they’re just trying to ameliorate the disaster somewhat.

      The idea that Charles asked for it doesn’t make any sense, royals really aren’t at all important in the UK, and Charles would have absolutely no reason to want a summer election since the royals rarely work in the summer anyway, and Kate’s video is still fresh enough in people’s minds that questions are only just starting. A traditional November election would benefit the royals much more, first because it would give them actual time off during the time they normally are expected to work, and second if Kate is still missing in autumn(which I strongly believe she will be) then an election would be far more useful then to detract attention than it is now.

    • Jais says:

      So, in regards to that phrasing, could it mean that she’s taking a break for health reasons and will wait to return to public life once she’s the queen. That would be a change in role😂. Clearly, I’m just in a throwing spaghetti at the wall mode today.

  46. aquarius64 says:

    I think it’s in the track to divorce. The long negotiations is to prevent War of the Waleses 2.0 especially if there is a third person in the marriage (from either side). The Middletons are quiet because they know they are not a powerful enough family to fend off a Windsor onslaught without having the family name damaged. I also think Kate’s title will be negotiated as well. As a divorced woman Kate loses her HRH just like Diana and Fergie did. I can see Kate fighting to keep that because Meghan, although she doesn’t use it, she has hers. Meghan would outrank Kate.

    • Magdalena says:

      I think William may be pushing behind the scenes for her to revert to being called The Duchess of Cambridge post-divorce, because one of the tabloids called her that on their FRONT page last year, well after she had become POW. I’m convinced that they knew something and were trolling her. That wasn’t the only tabloid which called her duchess after the “elevation” either. The rota clearly know what’s up as far as the divorce/separation proceedings are concerned.

      • Lorelei says:

        I don’t think William would ever allow Meghan to outrank Kate, no matter how much he cannot stand Kate. He’d ensure that Kate kept her HRH. William sees Kate as a reflection of himself, and could NOT stand for her to be outranked by M, even if they do divorce.

  47. Ennie says:

    Why? Because it’s hard?

    On a s erious nite, really what was what they do? Just show off and get pics taken, she only went on a slide once, and laughed her way while playing a few times, it is mostly parading around in gowns and not making real work.
    She’ll go the way of Anne, probably, but at a 1/5 of the intensity.

  48. s808 says:

    I don’t think she’s dearly departed by anything means but I don’t not think we’ll see her in any significant way ever again. Not even like Princess Charlene. I think she’ll be shuffled off (or confined to her wing of RL if W has his way) and that’ll be the end of that. Eventually down the road they’ll quietly divorce with Kate’s “blessing” for W to find someone who can do the job. They’ll remain devoted as ever to their children. In exchange for her silence and cooperation, she’ll be allowed to remain in Adelaide or her wing of the RL. Carol Jenner will get a nice chunk of change.

  49. Truthsyrup says:

    Seems her parents are either being paid off, or they don’t want t to humiliate their daughter if she does has mental health issues and/or serious physical limitations.
    Kate’s brother put up a post that he will ‘climb this mountain’ with her. So based on that it seems she is alive. I am leaning toward the mental breakdown.

  50. Liz says:

    All these puff pieces are to create the illusion that Kate is mobile and capable of thinking for herself.

    I very much doubt she is. Or will be again.

    • esquire says:

      William spoke of his ‘wife’s grandmother’ today and that ‘she is better’ … so they are keeping up the ruse. IMO all rumours, speculation, theories etc will be resolved to some extent during Wimbledon. If she doesn’t attend, something very serious is happening.

  51. Kim says:

    So we went from saying she’ll be back at Easter to summer to sometime next year to … never? And we’re not supposed to speculate? Yeah they’re covering up something major and I hope some journalists will do some serious investigating. The rota’s silence on this whole thing is actually very loud and telling.

  52. DeltaJuliet says:

    She’s not working because she doesn’t want to. She barely did anything before this mystery.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Only photographed “learning” about food banks, pretending to be on the phone, and choosing “board members” for Early Years. Total bollocks.

  53. BeanieBean says:

    ‘She’s not able to see many people because she is susceptible to getting sick and they don’t want her compromised, …’ ???? Then maybe don’t run around popping into the shops? Not that I ever believed it.

    ‘“The announcement that the royals won’t be able to work as much has been unexpected, but it will allow Kate and William to spend more time together,” says the second source. “They’ve been reconnecting and are closer than ever.” Oh, bull pucky. William had retired from ‘working’ because of Kate, remember? His time hasn’t been suddenly freed up, he’s always had lots of spare time. Outside of the school run, of course.

    • Unblinkered says:

      “They’ve been reconnecting and are closer than ever.”
      And I’m the Queen of Sheba

      • blacktoypoodle says:

        What? I’M The Queen of Sheba!
        Credentials: When I was very young and acting out my mother would say “Who do you think you are? The Queen of Sheba?”. So I must be. HRH The Queen of Sheba.
        And I definitely outranked the cat.

      • CatMum says:

        It is an honor to have you here in the comments, Your Maj! hahaha.

        If nothing else, there must have been some sort of disconnect if they need to reconnct now.

  54. Shawna says:

    Here it is, the soft launch of the inevitable truth. Kate isn’t coming back.

    Going to need a new celebrity conundrum to replace this one. What in the world am I going to do during my morning coffee?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Not sure we’re out of the woods yet with Kategate, William will have to keep looking over his shoulder, even after he’s king…

  55. Over it says:

    I can bake , shop, cook get out and about but work , I draw the line at work. Seems about right minus the fact that she cooks or bakes. Or goes anywhere running errands with or without wank .

  56. Lady Digby says:

    Is Will also going to semi retire to look after 3 children and wifey for the rest of KC’s reign only popping out for glittering premieres with celebs?

    • Lorelei says:

      Well, he’s already announced he wants to be a work-from-home King, so, possibly?

  57. Jay says:

    It sounds more and more like Kate won’t be back to public life, ever. Picture this:

    Kate will be deemed too frail and delicate to risk any kind of full- time schedule, even though she “wishes” she could. She’ll be keen to be keen forever, basically.

    She won’t ever confirm appearances, everyone will have to wait with bated breath to see if she will deign to appear. You know how the rota can spend weeks speculating on whether or not Meghan will come to an event? Yeah, that will be the new norm for Kate, even for events which she usually attends, like Wimbledon. Cuz now that she has an excuse to not work? Damn straight she’s not going to!

    This arrangement would solve the increasing optics problems of WanK’s joint appearances, where it was increasingly obvious that they were living separately and cannot stand each other. Kate just won’t do those anymore, she will still have the title and a clothing allowance, but she’ll be paid to stay away and stay quiet.

    As for William? He gets something from this arrangement, too! He will be able to avoid doing appearances with his spouse, for one, but also he’ll continue to get sympathy for working “when he can” and “holding down the fort” at home. Poor William, he couldn’t possibly be expected to take on a full-time role when his wife is ill- who would do the school run? I’m sure that his father and wife being ill has made him realize that family should come first – he’s been working too hard, don’t you know. He’ll maybe think about taking on full-time duties once all of the children are at boarding school/ university. Maybe.

    All in all, Kate’s illness gives both of the Wales the perfect get out of jail free card for the parts of the job they don’t want to do (you know, the work part). It allows them to come to an arrangement about their marriage and allows them to put off assuming full-time roles pretty much indefinitely, assuming the press cooperates.

    • Shawna says:

      Keen Forever, indeed. This article under discussion even uses that tired language about continuing to “shape” her role.

    • Christine says:

      That should be on a t-shirt with Kate’s face on it. “Keen Forever”.

  58. Sugary says:

    Wasn’t US Weekly Jennifer Garner’s go to? Hmmm…

  59. Andrea says:

    Something feels so “princes in the tower” about this.

  60. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Sooo . . . It’s either her cancer is stage IV, or I’m back to my original guess of a stroke (and the physical and speech therapy haven’t gone as well as they hoped, hence she is unable to be seen or heard without it being obvious). The only reason I can see for the palace lying is that whatever happened to her (cancer, stroke, brain damage) is something the palace *thought* she could overcome eventually and they were just buying time, but it didn’t work out that way. At this point I don’t expect official updates from them — Kate has reached her maximum recovery, and will be stabilized at this level or eventually go downhill. It’s sad, but I hate the lying even more, and the lies have overshadowed my sympathy.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mrs.Krabapple, I think at this point I agree that it could be stage IV cancer. It could be that she’ll be it back for a while, but I have a feeling it will get the best of her in the end. Alternatively, she could have had a stroke, which she’s not going to recover completely from. Either way, I suspect she’ll be making no ( or very few) public appearances in future. I would not be at all surprised if mental health has a component, too. I’m in the camp that there was a divorce looming–it might have started with an official separation first, but I’m sure neither would be palatable to her.

      For everyone’s sake, I hope that she will recover fully. She’s a mother and her children are young. I’m starting to think everyone should just stop asking about her. I don’t think they realize that out of sight out, of mind might be more than they wished for. Unless they truly want her to disappear, they might not be happy with the outcome.

  61. kelleybelle says:

    What “role” was that? And … I didn’t know Kate could even cook, or bake. There is more BS in this article than I’ve seen in a while.

    • Blujfly says:

      She took a 3000 pound cooking course with “Leith’s” – Prue Leith’a company – and allegedly got sick and needed someone who ended up on a reality show to fake notes for her. Both she and the Palace have claims she baked all her children’s birthday cakes and is up unti midnight “making too much frosting!” Anything upper middle class froo froo, they claim she does.

  62. Mel says:

    I think they’re getting divorced. I think she did get the diagnosis and let it out so he would look like a heel if he left her. I think she’s at home with the kids and REFUSING to play ball unless she’s given what she wants. She might be trying to force him to return and he’s digging in.

  63. bluhare says:

    I wish no ill will or anything else on Kate. I hope she’s recovering from whatever it is.

    That said, I don’t miss her at all.

    • Blujfly says:

      Exactly. She works so little with such limited impact, I don’t see much of a difference . How many hour long appearances how we missed? 5? If anything, I am exhausted by the decade and half of narrative surrounding “protecting” this middle aged woman.

      • Jaded says:

        @H — none of us are gleeful about this, we are just pissed that KP and the Rota are feeding everyone a very transparent pack of lies.

  64. RoyalBlue says:

    Waity should play ball and hurry up and sign the non-disclosure agreement so they can release her from her prison.

  65. JEB says:

    My comment got erased in a page reload so I’ll try again quickly:
    I agreed with everyone and observed myself that in most of 2023, Kate looked ill/off/drugged/messy. BUT the last 2 times we saw her independently verifiable – the Xmas concert and Xmas church walk – I thought she looked great, like whatever had been wrong had maybe resolved itself. Then the “planned” surgery announcement and she vanishes into thin air with fake photos and video(s?) as follow up. From looks good and fine to just, gone? I think something sudden and incapacitating must have happened. I don’t think divorce negotiations would keep her from getting photographed (especially w/all the coverage of M) or her mother from leaking to the tabloids. So, what did William do to her? I don’t think she’s dead-too much of a cover up in today’s world, imho, even for the BRF. But sadly, perhaps she is dying or never recovering given all the different timelines being pushed back indefinitely for her recovery.

  66. sparrow says:

    I think this was always the plan, for years now. William has wanted to pull right back on the engagements and patronages, and so has she, even more so in my opinion. The cancer has reinforced their mindset. In a way, good for them. And in a way, this type of approach is what I suspect she imagined royal life would be like before she married into the BRF; she’s seemed totally floored by the expectations of a modern working royal. Much better to be a royal on high days and holidays only. And let’s face it: the royal family’s work is limited in reach, especially W&K’s. This whole thing is an admission of their failure to have a real terms impact beyond turning up and effectively cutting ribbons. They’ll commit to ceremonial stuff only pretty soon.

  67. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    I’ve mentioned this before, but I think it bears repeating. The easiest way to make all of this go away is for the Firm to post weekly/regular SM messages signed, C. Kate has no power, so this isn’t her refusing to cooperate. The Firm doesn’t need her cooperation; they would simply post updates from “her.” But they aren’t because they know that it’s very possible that whatever is really going on will be found out, and it will be revealed that she couldn’t have been giving updates herself, verbally or otherwise. If she were in any way able to post the occasional update on SM, it would be ordered to be done. All of this is hugely embarrassing for the RF, so they would do this to slow the conspiracy theories if they could. They are not.

    I would also state that she nor her parents are in possession of the children’s passports, so the idea that the younger two might be off in another country with her is illogical. The BRF would never let any of the three in Middleton control. They are not being seen because they might be just a little too young not to let something slip.

    Also, if it were related to mental health, posts could be made, photos could be taken, etc. She doesn’t have to actually speak, or even be seen. A quick snapshot, SM posts, etc. They aren’t doing even the most basic of PR 101 to shut down rumors/theories. Why not? Again, Kate has zero power, even in perfect health, so the Firm can call all the shots. And yet, no SM posts thanking everyone for their concerns, but “I’m recovering, perhaps a bit slower than I’d hoped, but please know I continue to be moved by all of your well wishes. I promise they are contributing to my healing. Thank you all so very much. C.” See how easy that was?

    True, all of us here would still not be convinced (nor should we), but the majority of people would be. That’s why I just can’t entertain this having anything to do with her/Midds holding out for better divorce terms. Both Courts would just post updates whether she liked it or not. The Firm is not employing its own power. Again, why not?

    • Snuffles says:

      Wild theory: What if Thomas Kingston used his connections to get Kate and the kids to get replacement passports and facilitated an escape for Kate?

      • Henny Penny says:

        This is my new working theory too when I’m not convinced something really awful has happened to her.

        Maybe Kate realized William’s plans to discard her so she escaped with Charlotte and Louis (the kids William didn’t want anyway) and is hiding out somewhere their long arms can’t reach. Maybe that ambulance thing on December 28th was all a ruse and that’s how she escaped. Maybe instead of them pulling a Shelly Miscavaige on her she’s pulled a Katie Holmes on them.

        I do hope she’s alive at least. She’s loathsome, but my god, what does it mean if they can essentially disappear a very prominent member of that horrid family right before our eyes?

      • Alice B. Tokeless says:

        Thomas Kingston was also a married-in; ergo, no power. There is no way those children are ever out of the control of the BRF. Any suggestion otherwise is fantasy.

    • ML says:

      Alice, One interesting question about releasing a message signed C: This happened after the Frankenphoto. It’s the only time (and since the last time we can 100% verify seeing and hearing from K is Christmas, perhaps this note should be taken with a grain of salt) that K has supposedly directly responded to anything. Given her illness or whatever is going on, it’s weird that this specific statement was made. I’m also wondering why.

      • Alice B. Tokeless says:


      • Feeshalori says:

        Anyone could have posted a message with her typewritten initial and claim it’s her. I never trusted that message to start with since it was to William’s advantage that she take the fall for the Frankenphoto and he can do anything he wants if she’s incapacitated.

  68. Lily Sykes says:

    I think they’re telling us that Mom is on the roof.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      They have sectioned her.

    • Snuffles says:

      – “Hey, you know how Mom loved to climb onto the roof to fix things, right?”

      – “Well, she went up there again today to fix that loose shingle.”

      – “While she was up there, she got a bit too adventurous.”

      – “And, well, let’s just say she took an unexpected flight lesson.”

      – “But don’t worry, she doesn’t need to come down now. She’s found a permanent place in the great rooftop in the sky.”

    • May says:

      “Mom is on the roof”! LOL, I had never heard that one before 😂

      • Alice B. Tokeless says:

        It’s an old Bob Newhart comedy routine from the 60s/70s. It’s very funny.

      • Jaded says:

        I’m old so I remember the routine “The Cat’s on the Roof”, also known as “Your Mother’s On the Roof.” It’s a long joke, but essentially, this guy’s cat dies while he’s away, and he wishes his cat caretaker hadn’t blurted it out instead of breaking the news to him gently and gradually by saying, “The cat’s on the roof, it fell, it got hurt, I took him to the vet” then finally, “sorry it died.” The guy then asks how his mother is and the answer is “She’s on the roof.”

      • CatMum says:

        Yes, first day he was supposed to say “the cat’s on the roof and we can’t get him down.”
        next day, “the cat fell off the roof and the Dr is trying to patch him up”
        day after that, “so sorry but the cat died.”

        “oh btw how’s mom?”

        “mom’s on the roof and we can’t get her down.”

        this classic has been repeated by my family for years. nice to see it live on!

  69. Lisa says:

    I doubt highly we’ll ever see her again. I feel like she’s been in a coma this whole time and something has happened. I feel like if it was a divorce shed be seen.

    • Liz says:

      I agree Lisa. If it was a divorce she’d really want to be seen with her kids – staking her claim and showing her involvement.

      She’s not able to be seen and she won’t be again.

  70. Tara says:

    At this point I believe they are testing the waters with all those announcements. Earthshot worked with IDEO, so they are familiar with user research by now. Wouldn’t be the first client to get a little obsessed with it. And I agree, Kate is not able to do / sit / speak / think anything or they would have went there and used it. How long will they try to play hide and seek?

  71. RoyalBlue says:

    Waity is on her way out of the family, and the palace is trying hard for her not to be Martyred like Diana. They need more time to smear her and her family’s name so the public is not as sympathetic. The same headline in 4 different news outlets, all referring to her as Kate Middleton, when we know the derangers can’t stand when she is called that. It’s been a couple years since we heard not to expect to see her until the kids were out of school as she wanted to focus on being a SAHM. Non-replacement of her private secretary….lots of clues pointing to her exit a while now.

  72. Snuffles says:

    I’m seeing two possible outcomes.

    1. If she’s still alive, they will announce a divorce in August. Apparently 2 years after the separation.

    2. If she’s dead, they will say she went in for more surgery but didn’t make it.

  73. Beff says:

    Just bc we haven’t seen the other 2 children doesn’t mean anything nefarious is happening. If they weren’t in school, wouldn’t we have heard about it? Reading through the comments has been interesting, needless to say.

    • Claire says:

      I tend to agree, I don’t understand the obsession with the two youngest kids. I don’t think it’s weird at all that we haven’t seen them – we never see leaked pictures of them from school, I imagine that any parents who took pictures of them at school would be kicked out of the school. We only ever see them in birthday or first day of school pictures or on infrequent engagements with their parents. Their parents haven’t done as many engagements lately, so of course we haven’t seen them as much. I do wonder if we might see William taking Charlotte to one of the Taylor Swift concerts in London coming up soon however (or the one in Wales would be even more appropriate, but I think that’s on a weekday when school is still in session, so I’m guessing we’ll see her at a weekend London show if at all).

    • May says:

      LOL we are all just here spouting theories. For my part, I don’t think that there is anything nefarious happening with the kids right now other than maybe they are not deemed old enough to be able to go to an event and not turn to somebody and say: do you know where my mummy is?!

      As far as the kids attending school and they’re being no leaks, Harry’s classmates and the parents had been ordered to not approach Harry about his mother after her death, so I see the same thing happening here.

    • Flower says:

      I think they’re just setting the scene for what is to come, George is firmly the child of the Firm, whereas the other two will primarily be the wards of their mother until such time they need Charlotte and then Louis to step forward.

  74. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    If that were the case, what would stop KP or BP from posting regular SM updates signed “C,” in an attempt to quell the gossip/conspiracy theories? The fact that these rumors and theories go unchecked by the easiest means available speaks volumes. They aren’t because she can’t. It’s that simple. This isn’t about a divorce; this is nefarious manipulation. Their backs are against the wall, and as many have suggested, they’re throwing absolutely everything they can to see what sticks. Except…posting SM updates from C!!! Again, when the simplest solution is not being employed, it’s because they can’t. I’m semi retired from PR, but I still consult in the industry, and this is not a question of amateur hour, this is desperate scrambling. My colleagues and I are certain she’s more or less “gone.” Vegetative is our guess. I’m sorry to say that. I don’t care for her at all, but I’d go to the wall to give her back her voice from that horrid family. Yes, she courted it, and yes she was awful to her SIL, but what is being done here is beyond the pale. Again, I’m speaking from a professional standpoint, not personal. These are not unforced errors; it’s all they have because something horrific has happened. The two younger children being MIA solidifies it for my colleagues and me.

  75. Claire says:

    So, for all the talk about how Kate is lazy as a royal, etc. I don’t think that her preference would be to drop out of royal life entirely. The amount of royal work that she was doing previously – which yes, wasn’t a lot – was probably the amount that she liked doing. This tells me that if there is to be an announcement that she’s essentially never coming back to royal life, it’s because she has terminal cancer and/or because there’s going to be a divorce and William doesn’t want her to continue to be a working royal. I think if it was up to her and if she had a cancer that was treatable and with a favorable outlook, that she would eventually want to do some engagements again at some point. This is a woman that really did want to be queen and probably put up with a lot from William over the years because of it. I don’t buy into any of the conspiracy theories that she’s currently dead or vegetative at all, and I absolutely believe that the cancer announcement video was actually her and recorded when the bbc said that it was. I think if she has something like ovarian cancer and doesn’t have a great outlook, I could see her dropping out of engagements just to spend her remaining time/years with her kids as much as possible and so she’s not having to worry about how she looks at appearances and/or cancelling appearances last minute if health flares come up etc. Or there’s a divorce and William won’t let her continue to do any appearances in an official role. I think it’s as simple as that.

    • Lulu says:

      Kate tries to avoid work because she is abysmal at it. She isn’t lazy though. She must spend hours and hours each day exercising.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I just think that if Kate knew she was on borrowed time BUT was also still physically capable of making appearances, she would. Kate always seemed like a self-centered, insecure and competitive person. My guess is that Kate would panic and go overboard in making appearances, and statements, and meeting “important” people, etc., to cement herself in history as William’s “real” wife. She would not want to take the chance that William’s eventual second wife overshadows her memory.

  76. Kathalea says:

    Yes, the title of divorcee is a whole other role

  77. AC says:

    Was suspecting this mths ago, that we prob won’t see her back in public life anymore.
    I think a really bad health breakdown or she’s a vegetable.
    I’m surprised none of her subjects are asking any questions. If it’s in the US this story would have been all over the place. They can’t manipulate the public in the states.
    Even a public official (in the US) who was in a hospital bed, still went out of his way to vote.

    • AC says:

      Meant to say bad mental health breakdown

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      I honestly think most British people are just brainwashed by the tabloids.

      Or rather, that British people fall into two categories: royalists and right wingers (who believe everything the tabloids tell them, and have swallowed the whole “leave poor sick Kate alone!” thing), and non-royalists/left wingers, who regard the Royals as the UK version of the Kardashians and make a point to avoid reading anything about them.

      Having said that, this is exploding and will continue to explode as tons of people who normally never think about or pay any attention to royals are following the WhereIsKate thing and asking questions.

      But the right wing press don’t rock the boat except in subtle ways, and the left wing press regard themselves as being above royal stories because in the UK that’s just regarded as celeb gossip (unless it’s royal stories with a political dimension, like Andrew, or the news the Queen influenced passing of laws, or Charles and his bags of cash).

  78. Gisby says:

    I am still convinced that the day she ‘disappeared’ she probably ‘Walked into a door’ that was in a rage, and was either in a coma, or required reconstructive surgery. Or both.

    They had to disappear her until she looked normal again and/or woke up. And she passed away.

  79. 411fromdownunder says:

    No way a divorce. Im not sure why people keep writing that in their comments. Kate is unable to be seen and this is a massive coverup and gaslight real time.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      I agree. There Middleton clan are British Kardashians. No way they let their hooks out of the royal family. This is their meal ticket. They are nothing without their connections. I also agree that they are covering something up and doing a bad job of it.

  80. AllyM says:

    A lot hinges on where the children are. If some or all of them are with Kate, then she’s probably in reasonable shape physically and mentally. If they’re not with her, that would suggest a much more serious scenario of her being too ill or unsafe to care for them. I could be completely wrong, but one possible explanation for the silence from her family could be that she did something damaging that caused a crisis.

  81. NotSoSocialB says:

    I think the scenario has to be one of two things:
    Either KW is terminal, or her marriage is.