Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez ‘are still friendly & see each other every few days’

This post includes two sets of photos: Jennifer Lopez and Emme out and about in LA on June 8th, and pics of Ben Affleck, his mother and Jennifer Garner in Brentwood on Tuesday (June 11), which was apparently Samuel Affleck’s last day of school. I’ve seen people making a big deal about Ben and Jen Garner being seen together… but they’re seen together all the time. They’re always seen together, chatting and picking up their kids and coparenting like adults. I think it’s interesting that Ben’s mom Chris Anne Boldt is in town and she and Garner greeted each other warmly. I wonder if she has any kind of friendly relationship with Jennifer Lopez. We saw that Ben and J.Lo spent four hours together on Sunday, and they seem to be hanging out frequently during their trial separation or whatever it is. People Mag had a story about that:

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck remain on good terms despite the strain in their marriage, a source tells PEOPLE.

“They’re still friendly and see each other every few days,” the source close to Lopez says.

The pair were last spotted together publicly on June 2 when they were photographed attending Affleck’s 12-year-old son Samuel’s basketball game in Santa Monica, Calif. The couple were pictured sharing a kiss on the cheek as they greeted one another outside the YMCA, before heading inside with Affleck’s mother Chris Anne Boldt.

“It’s a good sign they were at the game together,” another source told PEOPLE of Affleck and Lopez’s attendance at the sporting event, which was also attended by Affleck’s ex-wife and Samuel’s mom, Jennifer Garner.

[From People]

While Ben and J.Lo were last seen together on June 2, they’ve reportedly spent time together since then (like when he visited her on Sunday). As I said, the vibe I’m getting is NOT “imminent divorce” or whatever TMZ is pushing. The vibe is… working on it, figuring it out, and they still have a lot of love for each other. People Magazine also has an explanation for why they’re selling that giant mansion:

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have quietly put the Beverly Hills mansion they have shared together since June 2023 on the market, according to a source — and the source adds that neither of them have been happy with the $61 million house.

“Ben never liked the house. It’s too far away from his kids,” says a source close to Lopez. As for the singer-actress, “the house is way too big for her,” says the source.

Representatives for Affleck, 51, and Lopez, 54, have not commented on reports that they are selling their home, which TMZ first reported on June 8. According to The Wall Street Journal, the pair bought the $61-million-dollar mansion back in the spring of 2023 after they got married in July 2022.

The 38,000 square-foot home is located on five acres of land. The mansion has “12 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, a 12-car garage and a pool, plus a sports complex with basketball and pickleball facilities, a gym and a boxing ring,” as the outlet reported in May 2023.

Sources told PEOPLE in May that Affleck has been living in a rental home a few miles away from the Beverly Hills mansion while he films his movie The Accountant 2; Lopez has been living in their marital home while rumors have swirled around the state of the couple’s marriage.

[From People]

“Neither of them have been happy with the $61 million house” is crazy considering how long they were house-hunting. They easily viewed dozens of available homes for MONTHS in the Beverly Hills/Bel Air/Hollywood Hills/Los Feliz neighborhoods. They also did a lot of work on this Beverly Hills mansion once they bought it. And after all that, they still hated it? This mansion has become a symbol of why Ben and Jen are at odds within their marriage too – why did they even buy it in the first place? Who convinced whom?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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59 Responses to “Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez ‘are still friendly & see each other every few days’”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    No one has better Resting Despair Face than Ben Affleck (coming from me with epic RBF). Even more so than Sad Keanu.

    Still hoping those two figure it out.

    • Abby says:

      This made me laugh out loud. His faces kill me. Beyond unhappy resting face, all the time.

    • j says:

      Hhaah! I feel like his face screams “Oh no. I picked the wrong Jen”

      • Blithe says:

        Really? I mentally captioned the picture of Ben with Jen G: “But Mommmmm!”
        and “Here we go again….Patience. Patience.”

    • Snuffles says:

      The only person I’ve ever seen Ben be all smiles with is Matt Damon…and Tom Brady. That’s when his face lights up.

      • Snoozer says:

        Ben makes me think of the Marilyn Frye quote:

        “To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire… those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex.

        “Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.”

        –Marilyn Frye, The Politics of Reality

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Snoozer, 🎯

    • SIde Eye says:

      LOL There’s one of him sighing that’s a meme that says: “when the dogs hear you pulling up in the driveway” cracks me up when I see it.

  2. tealily says:

    Is this how it’s going to be? Maybe they can still pull it together.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      ikr? It doesn’t seem like an unfixable situation…? I think he’s just not the type to go to a million events and he’s probably sick of showing up at all of hers. So don’t go to her events. Support her in private.

      As for her, maybe she can learn to focus a little less on the performance of love and more on the substance of it. Problem solved!

  3. Kane says:

    I assumed all this strife was for press. Jlo actually looks stressed so I don’t know.

    Is jen garner one of Ben’s managers? It would explain SO much.

  4. Kitten says:

    Ben looks exhausted and J Lo looks fresh and cute. I’ve really been enjoying her style in the recent candids I’ve seen…

    But I’m sorry 38,000 SF is just INSANE. I honestly don’t understand the appeal of mansions. How do you ever feel cozy?? How do you get around….are there elevators and moving sidewalks and shit? IDK..I just don’t get why anyone would want that but we live in a 1200 SF beach bungalow so our vibe is definitely Millennials’ First Home and not Rich Famous Person Needs 25 Bathrooms.

    • Matilda says:

      Good luck selling it especially after you are letting your PR team tell the world you never liked it and it was too big.

    • lisa says:

      I feel this, I downsized to the smallest house I could find but we dont have many small single homes around here so it is still too big, I love a cozy feeling house. also I lose my phone in the house all the time, god knows what I would misplace in that pile.

      • Ciotog says:

        My daughter watches these YouTube videos where the people live in giant McMansion houses…with no furniture. I know Ben & Jen have people, but 38,000 square feet sounds exhausting to live in, let alone furnish and decorate.

      • tealily says:

        When I was house shopping a few years back, we found this rattly old mansion in our (low) price range with giant rooms and two kitchens, obviously in need of some love. We briefly considered getting it (despite sounding like the beginning of a horror movie), but then I started picturing our furniture in it and there’s just no way it would have worked. My entire household would have fit in one tiny corner and I have no idea what we would have done with the rest of the place!

      • Kitten says:

        Man I didn’t even think of the phone! I have an Apple Watch that can ding my phone when I misplace it, but could you even hear it in a 38,000 SF house?

        @ Tealily–yes and furnishing the house (!!!) would be so expensive. And then you just have more rooms to clean. Maybe I’m just lazy lol?

    • Blithe says:

      It is insane — but it also might have fit their wishlists, which is different from finding a space that works comfortably for their life together. Maybe they imagined family holidays — and wanted each kid in their newly blending family to have their own spaces, plus room for adult extended family members who might not cozy up with each other to comfortably coexist. Instead of going to a resort for a family holiday, they bought the resort — and struggled to turn it into a home.

      I’ve lived in apartment buildings that had multiple members of interconnected families living in different apartments — often with the individual apartment doors open. That would be my personal ideal. Maybe a renovated brownstone with one big central family apartment plus several smaller ones. A nice mix of individual and family spaces. Maybe the Bennifer version of this would be a compound with a Big House and a few smaller ones? Architecture and real estate really do impact interactions and relationships in meaningful ways. I hope they can find properties that work for them without adding more stress to their relationships.

      • Kitten says:

        Yes the town that I live next to has a large immigrant population (mostly Honduras and S. America) and it is VERY common for 12 people (including extended family members) to live together. I always thought that sounded like a nice way for everyone to contribute and get a piece of the pie when they sell the house. Plus it would be really helpful for people who are raising kids to have several adults sharing the load. But even then, those houses are like, MAX 3000 SF. It’s the shear size that of their money pit house that I just cannot get over. But as you said, maybe this initially seemed like it suited their unique situation…but then that changed.

    • Somebody Nobody says:

      Does her entourage actually live with her? That’s just so … needy. Why not have a normal mansion and an office space somewhere else?

    • Becks1 says:

      I feel that way about people with any house over maybe…..2500 sq feet? We live in a 1500 square feet rancher and I can’t keep it clean and we have more space than we need (we do have a full but unfinished basement though.)

      I have friends who live in 3k sq ft houses and they’re looking for bigger ones because the current house isn’t big enough. and I get it if you have a bigger family. But some of these people have one or two kids.

      I see some of these mansions in hollywood and I just think – well, maybe they have a lot of houseguests?? lol. To each their own I guess.

    • Jayna says:

      When they bought it, I thought the home was awful. I called it soulless. Most people do make fun of it calling it a hotel. And it looked right into the massive 5,000-square-foot guesthouse from all of the front windows of the home. What a view. LOL

      If I thought the hotel-sized lobby was bad on the ground floor, another feature was even worse. The primary suite is 5,300 square feet. Yep. You heard that right. Five thousand three hundred square feet. Someone purchased it in 2016 for $22 million to flip it. It was listed in Forbes back in 2018 when the real estate guy who bought it said they updated it, created the huge primary suite, and built that massive guest house across from the home and other smaller buildings, and put it up for sale for $135 million. Obviously, it never sold for that. At some point, it was listed for $75 million. Then it dropped to $60 million, and Ben and Jen bought it.

      • Kitten says:

        OMG Jayna–it is HIDEOUS!

        But a 53000 SF suite is…I don’t even understand what that would look like??? I’m picturing a 5,000 SF house but just all open–no rooms? IDK…again, I just don’t understand the appeal.

    • Aurora says:

      Overall it doesn’t look like a savvy purchase, and most likely they will loose more than a couple of millions if they offload it.
      But I think it’s all about space use. They could have tweaked the mansion into a cozier ‘house within the house’ for them, the twins and a couple of guest rooms for every day use, and a separate larger portion that would accomodate offices or remain closed unless they had family gatherings, etc. It’d imply a few additions and a very smart use of hallways, accesses etc, but it should be doable with their $.
      If they couldn’t manage to do this or still don’t like the overall setup (I can’t picture myself making a run through a 5000 sf suit to reach the toilet with an upset stomach) then they will loose like, a lot of money.

  5. Jaded says:

    Their house is 38,000 square feet. That’s the size of a small country and they’re not happy with it? SMH…

    • Sarita says:

      That house is a monstrosity. Ben doesnt wear designer clothes and his cars arent flashy.
      That house was JLo’s dream for them. I have a feeling they love each other but have very different ideas of happiness and how that looks to them long term.
      That can seem negotiable at first but it’s really not if they can’t even find a home that feels like home to both.

      • Shelby says:

        I totally agree. That house screems JLo. I read gossip tabloids before they were married and they were house hunting, and more than one occassion Affleck snapped and sent his source to tabloids to vent his frustration at JLo with her endless house persuit. But like one Redditor described, he was a pushover but at the same time was very conscious of his masculine image. So he would let himself be persuated and even pestered and constantly compromised, but the moment he felt that his ego or masculinity identity was tainted or threated, he would snap in a very spectacularly ugly way. I think this contributes most about the woes in both of his marriages. He lacks effective communicating skills (a typical shadow of someone’s parents nightmare marriage) and when in confrontation, he internalises and gets wound tighter and tigher, until he snaps. This is made worse by JLo’s personality traits who likes taking advantages and constantly in the move and likes moving goal posts. If they can’t solve this difficult difference, their marriage will fail sooner or later.

      • Kitten says:

        This is easy for me to believe. That was always the joke when they go together the first time: he’s a schlub and she’s glamorous. I wonder if this house has just become a reminder of how different their tastes are..

  6. The Hench says:

    “They’re still friendly and see each other every few days,”

    Let all of us aspire to a marriage that successful….

  7. girl_ninja says:

    Maybe they should consider couples counseling during those days that they do see each other. Finish that monstrous house and try to sell it.

  8. JoanCallamezzo says:

    I think Ben was done a year ago. If the divorce slows down it’s for JLo to catch up and save face. She wanted that mansion and he couldn’t stay and work it out. They’re still newlyweds and they’re getting a divorce. Unreal.

    • Lindsay says:

      These two are such a reminder that getting married quickly after relationship reconnecting is a bad idea.
      I definitely aspire to the concept that if it broke down the last time and no work was done to explore why, that it will absolutely happen again.
      Both of them have so much baggage’ and If JG is as wise as she comes across, she’s relieved he isn’t her responsibility.
      And not just all of this, but JLo is experiencing very dramatic social changes and her existence has been turned completely upside down.
      Regardless of her celebrity success and whether anyone still likes her, she still needs emotional support.
      As if Ben would ever be able to do this.

  9. Kokiri says:

    I was looking through pictures of that house, the outside space is beautiful (the land, not the house space)
    It looks like a hotel in the making, like they will rezone it. All these patio chairs lined up like at a resort.
    Great pool though.

  10. Sarita says:

    There’s photos of Ben shit faced in the backseat of a car again so we will see a lot more of him with Garner is my guess.
    She was the only one who could clean him up for years.

  11. Gem says:

    Ben’s mother is cool with everyone. Both set of Jens and has spoken very fondly of JLo in the past. I think Ben and JLo are trying. With the giant spotlight on them, it isn’t easy but they are doing their best. Hopefully, they make it.

  12. Andrea says:

    Jen G, you’re a great person but what’s with the white ankle socks pulled up over the leggings? Definitely a fashion don’t

    • Ameerah M says:

      Not really. People do this all the time. I live in a large city and this is a pretty standard look.

      • Lens says:

        They support your legs if you do that box jumping she does. Her trainer Beth nicely from the limit all wear them.

    • Abby says:

      Apparently that’s how you can tell a millennial (no show socks) versus Get x (show the socks over leggings). I hate it personally, I lived through crew socks once and I don’t want to do it again.

  13. Beech says:

    I googled “how many feet in an acre” and the answer is 43,560:feet. Huh. How do they find each other in the house, text?

  14. Get Real says:

    The house is too big now? It expanded somehow since they bought it?
    Please. All this talk of reconciliation is just PR. They’re done. Or rather, he is. She’s clinging on for dear life

    • Jayna says:

      I think it’s over on Ben’s end. It’s just going to end slowly on a public level until Jennifer is ready to pull the plug and they do a joint announcement. There is no way Ben, now that he’s moved out into his home, is going to combine households again, and Jennifer Lopez doesn’t like to be alone.

  15. Sienna says:

    Most true luxury properties have been custom built to fulfill the whims of a very personal style, making resale tough. I get looking at a ton of them before pulling the trigger.

    Ben seems to like a quieter lifestyle and a house like that needs a ton of help inside and around the home. I get why they would want to downsize. If they are working on their relationship they don’t need extra eyes on them inside their home.

    • Jayna says:

      They were in escrow on three other homes before this one and bailed each time. The home Ben bought after his divorce was in his preferred area, the Pacific Palisades area He bought it for $19 million in 2018 and in 2022 sold it for $28.5 million. He made right under a $10 million profit on that home in a short time period. It was a beautiful home.

      Not so much this home. They are going to lose money on the sale of this home.

  16. Meija says:

    He always looks absolutely miserable.

  17. Carolnr says:

    I read an article about them selling the mansion. It said Ben never liked the house because it was too far from his kids. It said JL said the house was “too big for HER”, (NOT THEM) Neither one of them wants this house now. JL was quoted as saying she loved staying home ( in this house) cooking & baking & something like chilling out on the patio with friends drinking Deola’s (I know I am saying that wrong),-but her brand of cocktails) She didn’t miss a chance to promote her brand like always. But she did not mention Ben/ my husband being a part of what she loves. JL’s source also said that she loves Ben but if their marriage does not work out, she will come out on top…

    • Truthiness says:

      JLo’s source says if the marriage doesn’t work out, she will come out on top? Lmao is the source Benny Medina?

  18. Carolnr says:

    @ Jayna
    I agree! There were rumors that JL wanted them to possibly try living in NY as a fresh start. ( I think saw something about them house- hunting in NY- there were pap pics) Ben would never move away from his kids. I think JL seems like she is more comfortable living in NY. I think JL feels embarrassed that they are struggling in their marriage after less than 2 years & on top of that she cancelled her tour. It has been reported that JL has also been looking at homes. Is she looking in CA or NY?

    • Jayna says:

      I don’t buy into that rumor. She knows how much he loves his kids. He would never move away from them. Hell, he likes to live in the same vicinity as Jen Garner (within a mile) to make it easier as far as the kids going back and forth and pickups, et cetera.

      Maybe Jennifer was looking at places in NYC to have them buy a place together as an investment and for when either of them are in NYC (she did film there earlier this year), locking him in even more financially with her and thus harder to break up.

      LOL I’m such a cynic.

  19. JFerber says:

    Maybe Ben would truly be happier with a man. Has he ever explored this possibility, I wonder? Or would it have ruined his career and lost him movies, like the unfortunate Matt Bomer? Oscar Wilde: “When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.” This works so well for this incredibly fortunate yet most miserable man.

    • Jayna says:

      Ben will always have his ups and downs in feeling at peace in his life and content.

  20. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Stop pushing for a revival. The relationship is dead. Determination is a great quality, Jen is determined to make this work to keep face after this whole love declaration for Ben. But this is no longer determination, this is stubbornness and pride. It’s a vile flaw and it’s always about proving others wrong, because dont fck with jlo. It’s a joke. This shows how emotionally immature she is and how her decisions are ridiculous

    • Jayna says:

      She loves him and is hoping to work it out. I agree that it’s probably over because Ben realizes it will never work. They both contributed to the deterioration of the marriage because of who they are as individuals and their big lives and the baggage they bring into a relationship in their 50s. But you can’t tell someone how to react to something ending and hoping to reverse course. I wouldn’t call it being immature. Nothing is easy about this for either of them or their children.

  21. SIde Eye says:

    Completely off topic. Ben’s mom is pretty. I had never seen her before. I am such a sucker for all white or all silver hair. It looks so good especially at the length she is wearing it. Mine is gray in patches so I’m not there yet. I have total hair envy right now.