They’re speculating about Princess Kate at Trooping (update: she’s going, new pic)

Update by CB: Kensington Palace has released the photo above of Kate on the official Instagram page for the Prince and Princess of Wales. CNN reports that the photo was taken earlier this week in Windsor. The caption to this post is signed C and includes an update on Kate’s health. Kate wrote that she has good days and bad ones, essentially. She also thanked everyone for their support and said her treatment will be ongoing for a few more months. Kate plans to attend Trooping this weekend. She wrote, in part:

I’m looking forward to attending The King’s Birthday Parade this weekend with my family and hope to join a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet.

I am learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty. Taking each day as it comes, listening to my body, and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal.

Thank you so much for your continued understanding, and to all of you who have so bravely shared your stories with me.

[From Instagram]

You can read more on the post. Kensington Palace is finally getting some of the messaging right around Kate’s illness. We’re glad to hear that she’s ok and will be venturing out as she can. Best wishes to her for a safe and quick recovery.

Trooping the Colour is tomorrow, Saturday, June 15th. We won’t have coverage on Saturday unless the Princess of Wales really does pop out on the balcony. What are the betting odds on that happening? I’ve said this whole time that Kate wouldn’t appear at Trooping, but I also said that I believed it would be a very big deal in the international media when Kate missed Trooping. I thought it would mark six months (almost) without a credible sighting of Kate in public, and there would be international pressure applied to get some answers about her whereabouts and condition. But I have to admit, the Windsors have thrown enough bullsh-t against the wall, they’ve managed to defang the “Kate Missington” issue. Currently, the head of the Royal Rota, the Mail’s Becky English, is basically arguing that if Kate turns up to Trooping, it will be the biggest and most exciting story ever… and if Kate doesn’t turn up, it will be a non-story. English is obviously parroting the palace-issued talking points.

A royal expert has said a ‘big question’ remains as to whether the Princess of Wales could appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony at Trooping the Colour on Saturday. Rebecca English, The Daily Mail’s Royal Editor, suggested to this week’s Palace Confidential that an appearance from the royal at this weekend’s event in London, should not be completely ruled out amid ‘persistent rumours’ she might appear on the balcony.

‘What’s very interesting, is that when I’ve asked both Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace about it this week, it’s been not saying a word,’ said the expert. She continued: ‘I mean look, if she is there. Fantastic. People will be delighted to see her. If she isn’t, don’t read anything into it because she never said she would be. I think it will be a bonus.’

Earlier in the show, Rebecca had explained how the King, 75, who is also undergoing cancer treatment, is set to attend Trooping the Colour.

‘It’s great that [the King] is going to there,’ she said. ‘Queen Camilla will be there, we’ll have Prince Edward, Princess Anne, Prince of Wales on horseback, we’ll have all the pomp and pageantry, but it’s just going to be in a slightly more comfortable way for him. For me, actually, the big question is whether the Princess of Wales will be there on the balcony afterwards, that is a rumour that just hasn’t gone away over the last few weeks. She’s made very clear, “look when my doctors say I’m ready to dip my toe back in, I will happily do that”, but it’s certainly been a persistent rumour. I spoke to somebody a few weeks ago and said “what do you think?” And they said, “I wouldn’t count on it”. But it hasn’t gone away, and what’s very interesting, is that when I’ve asked both Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace about it this week, it’s been not saying a word… I think watch this space.’

[From The Daily Mail]

There’s something else happening here, which we should discuss: Buckingham Palace understands that people are genuinely concerned about whatever is happening with Kate, and the palace is EXPLOITING that concern to hype Trooping the Colour. They want people tuning in to the Trooping coverage specifically to see if Kate turns up. Like, this is sweeps week on a TV show and you’re stunt-casting a mystery guest star and you want people to tune in. The Windsors were always a soap opera, but this is especially tacky even for them . It’s a typical reality show tactic too. The cliffhanger season finale, the teaser trailer for La Dramática Casa de Windsor: will a fur-clad Kate show up to Trooping, throw a drink on Camilla and slap Rose Hanbury? Tune in to see!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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491 Responses to “They’re speculating about Princess Kate at Trooping (update: she’s going, new pic)”

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  1. Theoriginalrose says:

    I think she’ll show her face. She’ll either be in a carriage and / or be on the balcony and then sign off for the rest of the year.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Personally I think she wont. the monarchy is now strongest without her it was said. The palace has been clearing rumors really fast: example confirmed she is100% not in texas. They know if she’s going to trooping or not, it can’t be a last second thing where that morning she wakes up and all of a sudden wants to be there. These clowns are afraid the low presence number at the event, thats why they all wanted to be on their horses to put on a show, and they need the people who will show up for kate to bring the crowd up as if it was for them.

      • Megan says:

        My husband just got annoyed with me when I said, “so they say,” in response to him telling me she will attend tomorrow. I’ll believe it when I see it.

      • Carrot says:

        I think all this time, the reason there’s been so little seen or heard from any Kate outlet is Charles’ horrible jealousy. I think he gave orders basically saying Kate’s cancer can’t outshine his very much more important and royal cancer

        I expect no more than a wave from behind the curtain of a balcony door

      • Jenny says:

        It’s interesting that KP finally provided an update immediately after the Houston story. Kate may very well have been in Houston for a second opinion or a particular procedure–hence the sudden reappearance to show that she is in GB. I don’t understand why people are so up in arms about that possibility.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jenny if you read through the comments from yesterday, you’ll see that no one is “up in arms” over the possibility of Kate being in houston. Many of us were just saying if she did go to Houston, no one would know. Her nurse of all people would certainly not have blabbed about it. I don’t think its impossible that she went somewhere outside of the country for treatment.

      • Hanna says:

        She won’t be there

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I don’t think she’ll be there because there’s no way in hell that Camzilla and her insecure nursling, Chuckles, will allow anyone to overshadow them on this day. No way will Kate make her triumphant return from her heroic battle with cancer with her three loving children and supportive husband by her side (that’s the rota rats and derangers speaking) on Chuckles’s big day. No way, no how.

      Chuckles is already an afterthought on most days (especially if the tabloids publish a photo of Meghan/the Sussexes they’ve been saving for this day). I just can’t see him permitting Kate to return on his day.

    • Agnes says:

      She won’t be there because she’s in Houston at MD Anderson, remember??? /s That’s what all the KP plants were claiming this week, anyway. 😉

      • SussexWatcher says:

        No, no, Agnes, she WAS there and that’s why they can all talk about now.

      • Agnes says:

        We all know where she really is: “resting” in the lower back 40.

      • Jais says:

        Too soon @agnes. Too soon. 😂

      • Yes, she was on Houston getting ice cream, but she’s too sick to ride in a carriage. Why do you people not get this! /s

      • DDDDC says:

        WithTheAmerican: don’t forget, skipping down the hallways of MD Anderson, having a good belly laugh with her RPOs! What abdominal surgery?

        Sure, the royals love to draw attention to themselves when in public spaces by engaging in fits of laughter with their RPOs. Truth is, they usually like to remain incognito. See W&K travelling to Norfolk by public train before Charlotte was born.

      • DDDDC I haven’t recovered from the insane fanfic of yesterday. Catherine The Great Goes to Houston for a Super Secret Everyone Knows mission!

        Source: my sister’s friend’s aunt and me myself and I, top specialist.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “because she’s in Houston at MD Anderson, remember???/s”


      • blueberry says:

        KP plants? The story (I’m talking about the original one not the hyperbole) was completely plausible but people flipped out because there was no way she’d go that far and to the States. Rumors start and sometimes they are wrong but that doesn’t make them some deep conspiracy.

      • DDDDC says:

        WTA: LOL. I never believed that story for one minute.

        @blueberry: I suppose she could travel to the USA, but as WTA mentioned, there would be no protection from the Super Injunction. Look how sycophantic the so-called Royal Reporters are *laughs*. IMO, They are literally a joke to their profession because they merely “report” what they are told by the palace. There is no independent verification or fact-checking. No wonder they are so touchy. But this is the way the monarchy has lasted for centuries.

        But then I haven’t believed anything else either.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      I honestly don’t think she can. I don’t believe she’s in a position where she’s able to be seen (for whatever reason, be it coma, breakdown, very seriously ill, in Houston, etc.) because if she was, she would have shown her face already – either to quell the tide of speculation, or to steal attention from Meghan.

      • ML says:

        Same. They’re spread so thin and she’s technically one of the most popular royals. If they could have shown her, they absolutely would have.
        And, no, she’s not dead or simply lazy. And her absence isn’t due to just a divorce.

    • The Robinsons says:

      Kate and the kids won’t be there.

    • Lau says:

      Honestly I’m starting to think that it’s going to be only Charles and Camilla on that balcony tomorrow.

    • swaz says:

      She will be in the window with a large hat impersonating her sister in law 🤣🤣🤣

    • ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

      She absolutely will not be there. They know it. And are using speculation about her to sell papers. It’s her or the Sussex’s.

      • ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

        If KATE shows up without looking ill, then she and Charlie never had cancer. And there plan to bounce back after the racism claim will have worked.

      • Anna M says:

        Yes, they are just announcing her appearance to draw the crowd. Also, since Meghan has been wearing a lot of beige lately (at the recent polo even and Nigeria), Kate is suddenly dressed in beige near a tree like Meghan, even in sickness she’s cosplaying Meghan. She was into red and white suits when Meghan wore those and was copying Meghan. And now she’s in beige under a tree. It’s like her stylist is dressing her in Meghan’s latest colors.

    • No she won’t be going and yes this is just them trying to make sure people show up.

    • SarahLee says:

      She’s going. Just confirmed via statement about 10 minutes ago.

      • zinjazin says:

        Lets hope that she is able to show up.
        But I will believe it when I see it.

      • Alice says:

        Called it. She’s just having a really loong and good summer. All these crazy ideas about her being unable, in coma, and else are not taking into consideration that Kate wants to do nothing if possible. That’s her time, now,

      • Nic919 says:

        Lots of similarities as to how the HG situation was handled. It was used as a cudgel to anyone who questioned why she had the version that permitted her to fly across the ocean to Mustique.

    • BQM says:

      CNN and others are officially reporting she and the kids are attending.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      I have just read that she is supposed to be riding in a carriage with all three of the children. Sounds a bit much as she suffers from carriage sickness.

    • Princessk says:

      She is going in a carriage with the kids and she will be on the balcony.
      Someone has forced the situation. I also think that she will attend Wimbledon.
      So Kate will definitely upstage the King on his official birthday tomorrow, but l suppose he didn’t want to pose alone on the balcony but l guess the other usual suspects will be there.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think she may have been the one who forced it – I think she wants to go to Wimbledon and was told no unless she did this first.

      • Lady D says:

        @Becks1, DING DING DING!! That’s exactly why she’s going to Trooping. She wants to go to Wimbledon.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. JFC, these people.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I agree with @Becks1; now that we know (maybe we know?) she’s alive & somewhat well, we know she really wanted to be at Wimbledon, but even she couldn’t miss the utter effrontery of doing that & nothing else all year, cancer treatment be damned, so stupid carriage ride it is.

      • DDDDC says:

        Hate to say I told you so, but I called this earlier. Wimbledon was her goal. She would not miss that even if she came on a stretcher.

    • Barett says:

      I wish it wasn’t such an editorial photo. I wish she seemed more relatable. It seems quite a lot to have to stage looking good and w chemo is that another hairpiece ?. If so it’s a lot of maintenance in terms of look and image. I am sad for her and hope she recovers. Wealth helps w treatment and physical rehab, dieticians but it can’t buy health 100% bc cancer and many diseases suck.

    • Jenny says:

      @Becks1 – I actually agree with you. I was questioning why some people think that a Houston visit (even if only at one point during her recovery) was totally out of the question.

    • Carmen says:

      According to one Twitter poll, 99% of the respondents think that pic is an AI image.

      The palace’s credibility is shot to hell. Nobody believes anything they say anymore.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    How angry will Charles be that he’s being upstaged by a woman who is not even there? Watch out for flying pens…

    I don’t think Kate will be there, I don’t think it will be a huge deal if she’s not there. I think it will be an issue if George, Charlotte and Louis are not there with their dad after being on the balcony for so many previous years.

    Any speculation whether William will not be on the balcony? He skipped Easter and was late for the coronation. If he can’t produce all three children, is it better for the continuation of the coverup for all of them to skip it?

    • equality says:

      He’s been upstaged by Meghan when she hasn’t been there. So will he put out all the anti-Kate PR like he does with H&M? Doubtful. She, after all, is the daughter he never had.

    • ML says:

      I think that KC will have no issue with people tuning in if K isn’t there—he might have even had a hand in this strategy. I would be surprised if K does show, but in that case, he’s decided to look “fatherly” towards his “almost daughter.”

      The kids should all be there—if they aren’t, then that will be one of the biggest stories from Trooping this year. W and the kids “need” to show up.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        ML – I agree that the bigger story will be if Charlotte and Louis are absent after ALSO not having been seen since Christmas. They’ve been attending for years so there’s no reason they shouldn’t be there this year.

      • ShazBot says:

        Yes ML!! That, to me, is for sure the bigger story – why William wouldn’t or couldn’t bring his kids to Trooping. If all is going well with their mother, surely they can do the thing they’ve done for the last 2 years? It’s not like it’s a new or scary experience.

    • Ginger says:

      I don’t think Kate will be there and I don’t think it will be seen as a big deal, like you said. I think it will be a very big deal if all three kids are missing. I’m more curious if the kids will show up. We have only seen George this year, which is odd.

    • Nicole says:

      I don’t think it will be a big deal if Kate isn’t there; I don’t think she will be, and I don’t think people expect her to be there. What I think will be a HUGE deal is if none of the children are there, or if it’s only George. Then the conversation will be – can William not handle all three children? Is the ‘spare’ treatment already beginning? WHERE IS KATE?

      If I’m a betting person, my money is on this scenario: William and George are the only Wales seen tomorrow; the story will shift to “Where are Charlotte and Louis?”

  3. ML says:

    KP has been severely incompetent around the whole K issue, but they actually have been fairly clear about her not showing up for Trooping since May.

    So yeah, this is gross behavior from BP. KC is clearly concerned about having paltry viewing numbers and wants to avoid any idea that his holiday is in trouble.

    • Jais says:

      Although RE is asking KP too and they are also choosing to be silent. So they’re also drawing it out. They obviously know by now whether she will be there or not and are choosing to stay silent rather than give answers.

      • The Hench says:

        Or, actually, neither KP nor BP do know whether she will be there because they are taking it day by day and her MH is still not robust enough to put her on display.

        Because, if it was, I think they’d want her as much back out there as she usually is. She’s the most attractive thing in their royal window display.

      • Jais says:

        That’s an interesting possibility. But if it was that day to day, then surely it’d be better to just say no let’s not do this until she’s fully well. But again these are the Windsors.

      • Maybe they’ll roll her by a window under heavy sedation like they tried with the face turned away in the car photo. Hair up, hat on, face away.

        Frankly I’m bored from the K real housewives of Windsor drama and won’t be watching tomorrow. If she shows up, good for her. I’ll read about it here.

      • ML says:

        Eh, RE’s job is to sell papers/ get clicks. We’ve heard from multiple sources and “friends” that K isn’t going to show up until autumn at the earliest to possibly next year. That doesn’t sell as well as making it seem as though KP is being cagey about Trooping.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Kate being properly out for the first time will certainly push up viewing figures. It’s nice to see the children are all OK.

  4. Zapp Brannigan says:

    If there is an increase in viewers due to this hyping Schrodinger’s Princess two things will happen. First KC fluffers will tell him the nation is simply overjoyed to be seeing their King doing King things, and secondly Bulliam will be convinced that the plebs don’t care for Kate and he can proceed with divorce without incident.

  5. Lady Esther says:

    Team She Won’t Be There, but I feel almost sorry for the courtiers that have to produce the most wicked wedding reception seating chart of all time with this year’s Trooping balcony!

    I do think Lady Gabriella will be there because there needs to be some young pretty blond glam. I think William will bring only George. The rest will be a mishmash of working and non-working royals and their children for the cuteness factor, including the York princesses, Zara, Peter Philips etc so that they can crow that they are specifically excluding H&M and Andrew without even a fig leaf excuse. Camilla’s children and grandchildren definitely!

    • equality says:

      The cousins weren’t there last year, even behind the scenes. Either Charles is really bright enough to realize that including everyone except H&M adds to his racist look, he wants all eyes on him or he is sticking to his “working” royals hype about the obvious exclusions.

    • Tessa says:

      It would not be a good look for William if he only takes George. Mr school run would look like he’s favoring George and raise questions about where the two youngest are

    • Eurydice says:

      Charles doesn’t like to admit he’s wrong, so I don’t think he’ll give up just yet on the slimmed down monarchy. Plus, if he starts inviting non-working royals he’ll have to explain why Andrew isn’t there.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      To have Camilla’s children there without a hint of royal among them seems highly unlikely to me, unless of course there is a cuckoo.

    • The Hench says:

      That damn balcony is turning into the royal equivalent of Agatha Christie’s ‘And Then There Were None’….

      • Christine says:

        Seriously, could this be more of a debacle? Here’s my question, they are all up on an effing balcony, how do any of them know who is getting the most attention? Of course the answer is cheering, which means Chuck will definitely be escorting Kate onto the balcony. It’s the only way they are going to be able to assuage his temper tantrum at being upstaged on a balcony.

        I really need the palaces to read the last sentence I typed, and take in how far the British monarchy has fallen. It’s insane that your king is territorial over cheers from a crowd.

  6. Proud Mary says:

    Seeing that pic of her in the green monochrome, me thinks : The day Meghan was the first to wear monochrome in that family will go down in history, because I believe it was the beginning of KittyKat’s downfall. It was the catalyst for her fever-brained obsession with copying Meghan’s entire wardrobe: camel coat, check; Aquazurra heels, check; monochrome red, white, green, check. I think Bulliam cutoff her clothing allowance—he preferred her in the 12-year-old girl outfits. And KittyKat had a fit. She thought the POW title meant more clothes, but little did she know. Add this to the list of whys for their physical fights.

    • Nic919 says:

      During the years Meghan was part of the balcony, Kate was more aggressive than usual trying to claim the center stage, especially when some of the royals are on the horses and the spouses are on the balcony. One year Kate even centred herself over Camilla, who is the higher ranking woman when the blood royals aren’t around.

      • Christine says:

        I will never forget that QEII made two balcony appearances during the Jubbly, the second one to take balcony photos that center her with William and George. Kate was the nearest to her in the photo the day before, and William was all the way on the other end. She was not going to miss a chance at her photo next to QEII on that stupid effing balcony.

    • It turns out Kate’s been copying the way Meghan stays out of the limelight and makes a splash when she shows up.

      • Proud Mary says:

        I beg to differ. Meghan is a private citizen who has been simply living her life, and shows up when she has projects. Kate is not a private citizen, she is the POWs and the future queen. Moreover, there’s no scheme on Meghan’s part to stay out of the so-called limelight and make a splash by showing up in a (1) frankenphoto, (2) farm stand video, (3) a bench cancer announcement video, (4) showing the back of her head in the backseat of a car with her husband, (5) showing up in a five-tired car with her mother, and (6) the latest whatever that is of her looking away from the camera. Since when have you seen Kate Middleton in a photo without her wide mouth gaping grin? And looking away from the Camera? So please, let’s set the record straight.

      • Oh gosh, I was kidding about her copying Meghan and wanting the love MM gets, which I suspect they wrongly ascribe to her not being around constantly.

        It wasn’t meant seriously, in no way do I think they are the same and I have never written anything here that would suggest I do!

      • Anna M says:

        I won’t be surprised if she was copying Meghan’s out of limelight way as you say but let’s just say she’s not well as we were told, quick recovery to her. However, if you squint at her attire, the photo set up and the whole vibe, it screams Meghan!. So, even in her illness she’s been taking notes or maybe someone has been taking notes on her behalf on Meghan’s wardrobe and overall beige vibe.

  7. Eurydice says:

    It was similar just before Easter – that her return would be a “big bang.” But now it’s even more gross. They want us to respect her privacy, but they’re using her for clicks and views.

    • Jais says:

      This. They are fueling speculation.

      • Becks1 says:

        yup. Does this mean she’s not as sick as some of us had thought, if BP will use her presence/absence in this way? Unfortunately, no, because this is not a normal family and they don’t operate normally.

        But BP is definitely using this to increase interest in Trooping. It would be so much easier to just say “the princess of wales will not attend due to her current health issues” and then that would be that. But this “will she/won’t she” is fueling speculation and its not good.

      • Jais says:

        That’s why I get so annoyed when the rota talk about all the online bullying about where is Kate. I’m like y’all are the bullies fueling peoples’ questions. And then you have the audacity to chastise people. And the Palaces are just as deep in the game-playing.

      • Liz says:

        She won’t be there because she can’t be. All the hype is to create the illusion she’s capable.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s their game, always. Leaking everyday against Harry and Meghan, but claiming you can’t trust Harry and Meghan to keep your secrets. Decrying breach of KittyKat’s privacy, but using her illness for clicks. Hypocrite, thine name is British Royal Family.

    • Exactly. It’s gross voyeurism now, but that is Kate’s speciality. Maybe she’ll show up with a skirt that blows up in the wind and we can get back to regular Kate Middlebum coverage.

  8. AuntRara says:

    It’s hard to imagine that C-Rex would willingly let someone else upstage him on this scale on his Very Big Day. At this point, Kate popping up on the balcony at Trooping would be akin to Meghan showing up at his coronation in her wedding dress or something. He must know that if she actually showed in front of live cameras people would forget that he was there at all.

    • Agnes says:

      Wouldn’t it be GLORIOUS if Kate DID show up on the balcony for some fur-clad beyotch-slapping (lol) and Meghan hard-launched ARO Saturday?

      • Christine says:

        That would be hilarious. Oh no, did I upstage your fake birthday party? Meghan doesn’t appear to have a petty bone in her body, so she would never, but it would be funny.

  9. SueBarbri33 says:

    I doubt we will see any of the Wales family at Trooping. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m starting to think that all of this shirking and double-talk and all of these disappearing acts are part of William’s plan to essentially boil the monarchy down to its essence. He has never wanted this job–he wants to be rich and powerful, but he has clearly always hated all the pomp etc. I think William is going to reshape the monarchy in his own image, and since his image is that of an empty suit, all of these parades and goofy traditions are going to fall by the wayside. QE2 and Philip were able to keep William on side, but now that they’re gone and he has the duchy money, he’s going to turn PoW into a part time job.

    • Tessa says:

      William likes to play dress up he will continue events where he can wear fancy outfits. At that disaster of a Caribbean tour be played dressed in that uniform standing up on a land rover

    • SussexWatcher says:

      He’s already turned being PoW into a part-time job. It’s almost a no-time job for him! He’s flat out told us he will work less than anyone before him and now says he’ll be a work from home king.

      I hope the people of the UK and CW countries wake up and abolish this clown show. Take all of his land and associated monies back and just leave him with his titles and an allowance. I’m sure that won’t happen in my lifetime but I’d love to see it and the temper tantrum that would follow.

    • For sure. Not even part time, but sporadic sports and film appearances only. I can see that, he and Kate hiding out in Norfolk and various castles, deigning to see the public but once a year.

    • blueberry says:

      I think that would actually be a smart move. All these parades remind people that the royals cost them. Having things more low key (but not low budget!) would dampen the republican talking points. But can his ego survive without the adoration?

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    They have been playing games with the mysterious cancer diagnosis of both Chuck and Kate from the beginning. They are using it to excuse a lot, and truthfully it has gotten so blatant I have lost interest in their cancer or prognosis because I don’t think they would ever tell the truth at this point. We could have the doctors affidavits in our hands and they would still lie about everything. I am keeping my fingers crossed that today is the product launch for ARO, the petty in me would love that🤗

    • Lady Esther says:

      I’ve been patiently waiting for the ARO launch as well – “late spring” indeed, she’s got one more week! – but there is no way they’d do it on a Friday, they want a week’s worth of press coverage so it is likely to be Monday California time at the earliest…

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I’ve been thinking about the ARO launch as well and started to think it’ll be on July 4. Which, that’s not spring anymore, but might fit in with the American theme and also the Sussexes now being free and independent of the UK and that monstrous family.

      Hopefully we’ll find out in the next week (or American Independence Day). Come on, Princess Meghan, feed us!!

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        But what about the name being hi-jacked, used by someone else, I would have thought that she would have to sort that out first.

      • Tina says:

        Beginning of summer holidays seems like a weird time to launch a business (but i’m not an expert so correct me if I’m wrong). I think it launches in the fall with the cooking show at this point. Although no matter when she launches she is guaranteed publicity so maybe the normal rules don’t apply here.

    • ML says:

      Part of me wonders whether there’s been a truce? Thaw? In the Montecito-KP relationship. Tom Sykes, W’s mouthpiece, has seemed gob-smackingly understanding of the Sussexes recently. I also get that the Sussexes could just be collateral in the fight between KP and BP.
      In any case, I could see Meghan taking a look at what’s happening with her in-laws and postponing the launch a bit out of compassion. Possibly.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        ML – I think it’s already been postponed. We’re almost at the end of spring (when we were told it would launch) and the most obvious time for the launch would have been after all of the jam marketing. So I think that she has already pushed it back and is waiting for after Trooping.

        Meghan really is too kind. Me? I’m petty so would have planned it for today, Trooping be damned! Happy birthday, Chuckles, here’s a jar of jam!

  11. First comment says:

    Whatever happens, I hope we’d be spared any blurry photos or photos from afar… I couldn’t stand a new round of “it’s Kate”, ” it’s not Kate”. And I also hope that it would be the real Kate and not a look alike…

    • Jais says:

      That’s my wish as well. No blurry photos that start an endless debate. I’d actually love to see her show up if she can. Show up and clearly be her. That would be great fr. Saw the clip on Twitter of RE talking about this with Richard Eden and he said he though she would show up if she felt well or confident enough. The confident part was an interesting phrasing.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    And basically she is hyping a possible appearance based on “rumors that won’t go away”, even though the palace has told her “Don’t count on it”. This is what passes for journalism these days in Great Britain. Such hard hitting stuff!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Right?! And the rumors that won’t go away – being fed by the rota rats themselves at times – are just randos on the internet and social media. They really can’t call themselves journalists or even reporters. They’re stenographers and sycophantic mouthpieces. They’re an embarrassment.

    • Becks1 says:

      What I love is how this is a DM article citing a royal expert…..who is the DM’s royal editor. Like these people really do just talk to hear themselves talk and then they quote themselves endlessly.

  13. Mslove says:

    It seems like Keen isn’t that sick, if they’re using her to hype Trooping. It would be in bad taste to use a seriously ill person in such a way. Anyway, I hope she shows up & steals the spotlight from Chuck & his strumpet.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Kate and her brood have been front and center with Harry and Meghan relegated to the shadows out back . This would be a chance for Charles to step up and fill the balcony with all the lovely children in the family ..they don’t have to be ” working ” royals . I mean Kates kids are not working . Andrew has dishonoured himself too badly to even show his face . Let’s have Isla and Savannah Philips, Mia and Lena Tindall , Edward with Lady Louisa and her brother, lovely Lady Margarita Armstrong Jones named for her grandmother Princess Margaret..and , dare we hope, Prince Harry and his little ones . Meghan too but the girl has been too traumatized by balcony scenes before . If William and his invisible wife and kids are not showing up , surely the balcony is freed up for those who are worth looking at . All of Anne’s children and grandchildren were a beautiful sight at Stephanie Philips wedding two years ago ..Stephanie being Mark Philips daughter from his current marriage , also an equestrian and half sister to Zara and Peter . Anne does it right , keeping the family united . It was even more charming because Kate’ s lot weren’t around trying to hog the limelight . No Beatrice or Eugenie either..I think it’s more decent for all the Yorks to keep a low profile considering what their father has done . Plus sorry to say , Sophie , Fergie and the York girls are not very decorative if Charles wants to window dress his balcony . Camilla is a necessary blot on the landscape but even she knows how to keep a step behind Charles and doesn’t upstage brides by wearing white or making grand entrances too late .

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Iolanthe, please don’t put Harry and his and Meghan’s children on the balcony. It would be cruel to do that so that the bm could annihilate the children.

    • Jais says:

      Except the Windsors are the definition of bad taste😂. But yes you’d think that’s the case right?

    • Proud Mary says:

      Since when have the Windsors abstained from any action because, “bad taste?” Even KittyKat herself participated in the most shameless display of public salivation, in the immediate aftermath of Betty’s death. They are cheesy, crass, and uncouth (behold, for e.g., Charles on D-Day in military garb and Willie with his chocolate medallions). But they are desperate right now. Charles is unpopular. Whatever goodwill he may have acquired after his cancer announcement, seems to have dissipated; and he doesn’t have a popular Queen to compensate. Camzilla is pretty much dead weight, a drag on the monarchy. All music to my ears.

      • Nic919 says:

        Yes, let’s not forget Kate doing the school run in pearls the day after the Queen died. She’s rarely photographed doing the school run but they caught her that day and not in a ponytail and jeans. Of course she was not happy about being sidelined in going to Balmoral, so she needed to make herself seen.

        Which makes this absolute disappearance since December unlike her actions anytime prior to that.

      • BQM says:

        Charles at least had a few years active duty on destroyers. And is CIC of the armed forces. Edward is really the one who looks silly.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    I agree that the Palace is stringing people along so they tune into Trooping. But when she doesn’t show up KP will say that that she was never expected to show up and that there’s no update. The pressure for her to appear from the press and stans is intense. I think the children will be brought out though. They will probably be in the same carriage as Sophie.

  15. Agnes says:

    “The palace is EXPLOITING that concern to hype Trooping the Colour.” Really sick. Please, somebody, Abolish the Monarchy. These machinations and social media manipulations are just disgusting. Proof of Life for Kate, or she’s no longer alive. My bet is none of the three kids will be there, and she won’t be either.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Agnes, they really are bad at the whole PR thing. If she’s not there with all 3 children, the American media isn’t going to swallow whole what’s reported in future.

      King Snubby is determined to be known worldwide. Well, he is. He doesn’t have a very good reputation and if this is just a ploy to up the numbers for Trooping, his reputation just takes another hit.

  16. Digital Unicorn says:

    She won’t show – Chuck isn’t going to want her appearance pulling focus from him and Camilla. We’ll be lucky to see William there – I think we’ll see the kids on the balcony with him, promoting his ‘sexy single dad’ narrative that they are desperately pushing for him. *puke*

    • Becks1 says:

      This is what I think will happen. I think only George will ride in a carriage, and I think all three will be on the balcony with William.

      If what’s been going on over the last few months is in any way related to a possible divorce, then this is his big moment to star as the single dad of the year.

    • Harper says:

      I agree. If Kate was going to show at Trooping, they would have rolled out a bona fide albeit casual appearance beforehand, giving the hysteria a day or two to die down. Then Trooping can proceed with its own spotlight and be as regal and klassy as they like, with CRex and NeighNeigh front and center.

      I do think we may see Willy and George and Charlotte tomorrow, but not Louis. I feel Charlotte might be wrangled into doing a dutiful smile and wave but Louis is a no-go. Can’t have him walking around saying Mummy won’t wake up.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Yeah, having her “reappear” at Trooping would totally take away attention from Charles and he is not interested in that.

        Whether Charlotte and Louis show up is anyone’s guess.

    • Nic919 says:

      I know many are saying that her appearance this year would take attention away from the king, but looking at last years photos with her in bright green and the rest in uniforms and in red, it’s clear that Kate had no issue taking attention away from the king at his first trooping of the colour.

      My guess is that the kids attend but she does not. As soon as she makes an appearance there will be higher expectations for her to do more. And they have basically said she won’t be seen until after the summer at the earliest.

  17. Tarte Au Citron says:

    KC3 was livid about Kate going to the Chelsea Flower Show and getting a ton of publicity for it.
    AS FREAKIN’ IF she’ll be allowed attend this thing.

    these people (BRF and Media who yank their chains) are so pathetically obsessed with “overshadowing”. This messaging could have been nipped in the bud, like many other issues; I find it strange that it persists. It is boring, like a TV show that gets dragged out for too many episodes.

  18. blueberry says:

    So how does this thing even work? There’s a parade of troops and then the royals ride in on horse or carriage? Then they pop out at the balcony and watch the air show?

    I’m very interested to see if the kids are there and hoping they are to stop some of the wild speculation I’ve seen about them

    • Eurydice says:

      The parade goes from BP to the parade ground at St. James Park and then back to BP. I think only Charles is part of that parade and, when he gets back to BP, he joins the rest of the family on the balcony to watch the air show. I think.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I went decades ago. The parade is one way, from the Horse Grounds to BP. The actual Trooping of the Color happens at the Horse Grounds. It’s trooping, parade, balcony with flyover, done.

  19. TN Democrat says:

    I doubt Charles would allow Kate’s first event in nearly 6 months to directly compete with one of his bigly moments of the year. He is a jealous, petty little man after all. It will be interesting to see how the trooping is covered by the rota if any of the Wales kids miss this event. The recent birthday pics of Charlotte and Louis looked Frankenphoto-ed to the extreme. At some point the repetitive stories about Harry aren’t going to satisfy the rota and the press will turn. Will-not doesn’t have whatever if takes to survive a fullblown, unceasing press attack the way other family members have, especially the Will-not initiated smears Harry has lived through for years.

  20. Interested Gawker says:

    Proof of life.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Has anyone verified if this newly released photo is NOT photoshopped?

      How come I haven’t seen any UK media talking about this on socials, just USA Today with the story?

  21. Liz says:

    Just saw a Reddit post that says there’s an announcement at 6 pm tonight. Maybe Trooping is cancelled?

    • Becks1 says:

      I cannot imagine them cancelling trooping the night before.

      Maybe after all this they’ll announce that she is, in fact, in Houston, lol.

      • Becks1 says:

        I will laugh so hard if this is about Houston, LOL.

        Someone on the Reddit thread said that they’re calling for storms tomorrow in London so maybe it is about postponing the Trooping?

      • BQM says:

        They’ve done so several times, once even the day of, but it was always weather related I think.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Reddit also said that Kate was in Houston. What would be the reason for cancelling Trooping?

    • Chloe says:

      @Liz do you have a link to that post

    • Royal Downfall Watcher says:

      Interesting! 6pm UK time?

      • Liz says:

        Says she’ll be attending Trooping

      • Becks1 says:

        Huh, okay, did not expect to see her at trooping.

        omg they released a picture of her peaceful under a tree LOL.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        I’m actually shocked Chuck allowed this without an earlier announcement and short appearance beforehand.

      • Becks1 says:

        @TigerMcQueen I am as well. I wonder if her condition still is pretty touch and go and maybe she didn’t know until this week whether she would be attending because she didn’t know how she would be feeling?

      • Harper says:

        This is surprising. I hope she does show up because if she doesn’t this will feel like another ploy.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Becks, that could be the case.

        A part of me would also not be shocked to one day find out this announcement was made by KP without prior approval by BP. If it was made without their signoff/knowledge and with very little notice before hand, BP can’t turn around and say ‘no she won’t be there.’

      • nic919 says:

        I know they finally needed a photo, but would they really if she attended in person? This seems like an elaborate way to say she was going tomorrow. But it is back to form in terms of taking the spotlight from Charles.

        William is noticeably not in the photo and KP was reached for a statement from the Prince.

      • Becks1 says:

        @TigerMcQueen I was actually thinking the same thing, and it goes along with what @nic919 says after you – that this is an elaborate way to announce her attendance and it shifts the focus to her in a major way. I wonder if Charles didn’t know about this, or only knew there would be an announcement and not a picture, etc.

      • Jais says:

        Alright, I’m laughing @becks1’s observation that Kate just released a peaceful under a tree pic. Healthy enough to copy keen at least. Good. I hope she’s getting better. And @tigermcqueen and nic919, Im gonna laugh some more if the pic and announcement blindsided Charles and Camilla. Fr hope all is well. And still no respect for KP or BP and how they play games.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        People have been doing the “will she, won’t she” dance for weeks. Then it was announced by Rota rats that she wouldn’t be there – or anywhere in public- for the rest of the year.

        But Cluck needs ppl interested in watching him in Trooping.
        No one on the balcony worth looking at, no one tuning in.
        Cluck’s chasing ratings.
        I’ll bet you a batch of cookies this is BP panicking and dragging out Huesa, telling her to “be a good soldier”.

        Camilla must be kicking the door to her stall down in jealousy, can you imagine? She’s gonna be upstaged by Wiglet Christ Superstar.

        Wonder how soused Cloppy will be on the day?

      • Christine says:

        Good grief, she just cannot help herself. Peaceful under a tree.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Hmm, by my calculations, 6PM in England is…7AM where I’m at & I’m typing this at nearly 630A. Drat! I’ll have to wait until I’m at work to check! And I actually have to go in to an office now! Gah!

  22. VilleRose says:

    It would be a much bigger story if Harry and Meghan showed up unexpectedly but you keep telling yourself that Becky.

    I think my biggest question will the kids be there? I am convinced Kate’s not showing up but I’m wondering if they are just going to trot out George and leave Charlotte and Louis behind as usual.

    • VilleRose says:

      So never mind I was wrong lol! I’m glad she is doing okay, but the months of silence were very concerning. I also think that’s a weird picture to announce her “return” but anyways. I’m surprised Charles is letting her attend but I guess the 6 pm rumors of an announcement were correct. I liked her statement, it’s the most relatable she’s ever sounded.

  23. Jaded says:

    Well CNN just posted this so it appears she’s going to show up for Trooping?

    • Elizabeth says:

      Vanity Fair also posted that she’s going to appear at Trooping.

    • Nic919 says:

      A whole statement and photo was done for this. This is back to form for her.

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah, I think we can all take off our tinfoil tiaras at this point, lol. She say she has a few more months of treatment so that explains the whole “not until 2025”.

        I actually really liked her statement. It’s one of the more personal things we’ve gotten from her over the last decade.

      • Granger says:

        I like it too. And it’s about time.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        I like the statement, though some of it sounds almost American. As in it’s open and casual (?), and she’s never ‘spoken’ so openly, and I usually find the way she communicates stilted.

        And though I’m not ready to put my tinfoil tiara away yet (mainly because I think they’ve lied about the timeline and extent of her illness), I’m not saying the announcement is shady…just that whichever American typed up that letter also wrote this and she signed off on it.

      • Becks1 says:

        @tiger I wonder if this is how she talks more in real life, and what we usually hear is her trying so hard to sound posh and royal that she ends up sounding stilted?

        I am sure this was reviewed and edited but it is still different from the usual KP communications, even different from the letter a week ago, so I think this is more her than what we usually see.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Becks1, she doesn’t talk like that in real life. Spare showed how she is like. She was clutching the couch because her sister-in-law dared to speak about her hormones. This is American way, probably the work of some American in the office.

      • Becks1 says:

        @sevenblue but even then, she sounded more…..well, human, I guess, when Harry described her white knuckling the chair. I think when she tries to put on the fake accent and talk like she thinks a princess should talk, she sounds stilted and fake.

        This isn’t informal, this isn’t something that wasn’t vetted and approved. But it does sound more natural than what we usually hear from her and I’m fine leaving it at that 🤷‍♀️

      • Christine says:

        I think they had a photographer to do new pics to release for George’s birthday, and she had herself a little photo shoot as well.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Why all this faff?

      Have. A. Press. Conference.

      A real, honest to goodness


      No Murdoch interference but, for pity’s sake KP could hand pick the rest and have their precious Rebecca English there too. It never had to come to this at all.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I think all the “the British monarchy is in decline” articles and social media posts finally got to Mr. Shiny Hat.
        She’s getting the “be a good soldier” routine from BP, to prop up Cluck’s ego.

        And yet, like others have said, the scripted statement feels very… American.
        Jason Knauf, is that you?

    • A well done statement and a great photo. I can’t help but wonder if she didn’t get “refreshed” during her downtime, but at any rate, very good news that she is okay.

      And as we’d all knew, she is not in Houston. (Where are the “medical/Houston/St Regis/sister experts now?’

      • Agnes says:

        That was … odd. I am relieved that I can go back to sudoku and coffee in the morning instead of scouring the ethers for clues. So glad she is alive and upright.

      • Becks1 says:

        It is a great photo, but I’m laughing because it just seems so similar to photos from H&M. I guess she can’t help herself, lol.

      • Jais says:

        Becks1, you said peaceful under a tree upthread and I lost it. She really can’t help herself. Although in this case, she’s alone. But the reference is there. I’d kind of wished that she’d come back with some originality but hey Harry and Meghan are the blue print. It’s like someone listened to advice and got a real photographer.

      • Agnes giving I can’t wait to forget about her energy, and I feel it too.

        Becks oh yeah, the M and H tree photo the media flipped out about and tried to claim was fake. Surprise! Trees are ours H and M!

      • Seraphina says:

        I still want to wear my tinfoil tiara –
        She is pictured “peaceful under a tree” because if she didn’t comply with showing up – her title would be gone – peacefully under a tree.
        I too laughed out loud when I read that comment. And my husband was like, WHAT IS SO FUNNY?

      • Wagiman says:

        I was literally thinking the same (about the dozens of Houstonites they’re friends and relatives, @withtheamerican.

        Pic is clearly shady (not tree shady just dodgy). We’ll see.

  24. Liz says:

    BBC new photo and statement says she is getting better and hopes to be at trooping. I’m actually glad especially for her kids if she is ok and mildly astonished too!

    • Becks1 says:

      I’ve been telling you all she’s not dead LOL.

      • She also wasn’t in Houston, surprise surprise! Lol

      • Interested Gawker says:

        If she wears a veil or a N95 mask I still call high possibility for disfigurement!🍻

        “She also wasn’t in Houston”

        They astroturfed that rubbish on purpose!

        Never forget KP are:

      • Becks1 says:

        Nothing else makes sense, WiththeAmerican. NOTHING ELSE. LOL yesterday was a bit of a day, wasn’t it? I feel like we’re going to remember that one for a while here, LOL.

      • Becks1 that was a wild ride! Totally disappeared, even the one who claimed she’s been commenting here for a decade but got hacked and lost her user name. Lol. My skepticism has been rewarded 😆

        InterestedGawker, they totally did that on purpose, it was so obvious it was coordinated campaign. LYING NORTH KOREA ROYAL RACISTS

      • Agnes says:

        Becks1, you can say toldyaso tomorrow when we’re all 100% sure it’s her and not Gabriella Munro Douglas again 😉

      • Becks1 says:

        I can believe that KP put out that Houston story but…….why? Just to see how far it traveled? Just to make this announcement that much more of a surprise?

      • Becks1 says:

        @agnes LOL! It will definitely be her. By announcing it ahead of time they’ve just ensured that even more cameras will be focused on her and they aren’t going to be able to get away with something like a grainy video, especially if the kids are there.

        BUT I will take the loss if it turns out i’m wrong lol.

      • Jais says:

        After yesterday’s Houston thread and then this late Friday announcement, I can’t stop laughing. I’m sorry but KP playing all coy with no comment all week when it seems they were clearly planning for her to go to trooping. Wild. Why did all these people want us to think she was in Houston?

      • Eurydice says:

        Omg, this is what I get for doing some work instead of being glued to the internet. I’m glad she’s not dead and relatively OK. But what a bizarre choice to put the world through all these unnecessary speculations.

      • nic919 says:

        While I always agreed with you on this point, I can also say that an astrologer I follow on Twitter, who nailed the Diddy arrest and some other events, also stated that Kate would get better and be back by 2025.

      • Harper says:

        Considering Huevo’s visit yesterday to MI6, I can see a set-up for a “credible threat” calling off Kate’s much hoped for appearance tomorrow. Sorry. I’m still in conspiracy mode folks. Can’t turn it off that fast.

      • K-Peace says:

        Becks— This does absolutely nothing to “prove” that Kate isn’t dead. This fake-looking photo is suspicious AF. Something seriously stinks here. I highly doubt Kate is going to show up tomorrow. If “Kate” does show up, “she” will be wearing a mask or be obscured by something. (In other words it will be a Kate lookalike.) It has been WAYYY too easy to just shut this shit down, long ago, and they haven’t. There’s a reason for that.

    • Agnes says:

      Haha, Harper, I have whiplash myself. But I am seriously glad that *it appears* the BRF hasn’t offed another expendable woman.

    • Seraphina says:

      @Eurydice – same here. Went to get work done and BAM! This major news hits. UGH.

  25. Flower says:

    Lol just got a ping from my phone news app saying she will be there.

    Objective achieved – KP must know they cannot carry on like this…. I wonder if it will be Kate or a double?

    • LOLikes says:

      @flower Kate/Double?? I felt that the market video was a rehearsal for a double.

      • Flower says:

        @LOLikes would they really take that risk when the worlds media will literally have their cameras trained on them tomorrow?

        EDIT : I think the BRF and Chuck wanted more coverage over Trooping hence this nonsense will she won’t she debacle.

      • LOLikes says:

        I think they are arrogant enough to try to pull that off with the double. I simply don’t believe anything they say so as per the cancer video I’m basically side-eying everything.

      • ArtFossil says:

        Come sit by me, LOLikes.

    • Lucy says:

      If the kids are there, they aren’t doing a double. There’s no way any of them, especially Louis, can be around a double for a public event.

      I guess, if the kids are there and there’s a double, we’ll know in about 10 seconds. And if the kids aren’t there and “she’s” a double, we’ll know in about 30 from how the rest of the family interacts. So I don’t think so. This isn’t a her and Willy only event, there’s too many ppl involved and none of them can actually hide anything from their face or body language.

  26. ArtFossil says:

    Statement by Kate, photo by Matt Porteous (!) and confirmation Kate will be at Trooping.

    • The photo credited “ A new photo of the Princess of Wales, taken by photographer Matt Porteous on the grounds of Windsor Castle earlier this week.”,

      So, she has hair here and looks good. People have been rather forcefully saying she wasn’t able to provide the regularly expected of all public people photo updates because she has no hair.

      Why haven’t we gotten any kind of photo update for the past 6 months?

      • Becks1 says:

        Honestly, this is one of the better pictures of her so yeah, now I’m wondering why there hasn’t been any kind of photo update. Was she really so sick during the Nigeria tour that she couldn’t pop around Windsor for a photo?

      • None of it makes sense now, Becks. She looks great here.

        While there are a lot of illnesses that are silent and not visible, there’s no reason based on the info they’ve given why she couldn’t have sat for a photo.

      • nic919 says:

        So the troops get a misspelled letter but there is a photo and press embargo to announce her return. This is definitely fashion show at a funeral Kate back to form.

      • Becks1 says:

        @nic919 that’s one of the things that’s cracking me up here – this is such a Kate move. She’s back CBers!! lol.

  27. Jean says:

    At this point, it’s only the Sussex squad that care about Catherine’s whereabouts. Isn’t it time to move on from this situation? So tiring

    • Becks1 says:

      Well, if she’s at Trooping, that will silence a lot of the conspiracy theories – no more demands for proof of life, no insisting she’s dead, no insisting she’s in Houston, no insisting she’s in a coma, etc.

      We can go back to talking about her extreme love of buttons, LOL.

      • Interested Gawker says:


        May buttons and actual accountability for KP’s ridiculous handling of this mess commence.

        And the big question:
        Do her eyebrows match now…🤔

      • Snaggletooth says:

        Late in the day but my basic feeling is: hooray now let’s forget this whole squalid affair. Screw her tradwife, Kopykeening, busy working ass. I will never not feel like this was an absolutely disgusting farce, just playing in peoples’ faces and being disgustingly snide and coy toward the public. Sure seems like Kate was complicit, if not spearheading the whole thing. Bye Felecia.

      • seaflower says:

        is it bad I automatically started looking at the photo in detail for signs of photoshop?

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Snaggletooth: you likely won’t see my comment, but I completely agree with you. They treated the public with nothing but contempt & I (a nobody, to be sure) will never forget that.

        @seaflower: I do that anymore as well! Remember, North Korea levels of disinformation!

    • ArtFossil says:

      @Jean: I care about the lies on top of lies on top of lies by these publicly funded “public servants.”

      • Agnes says:

        Yes, it was anger over the lying liars who lie that made me follow this story so closely.

    • Tam says:

      Yes cause the spouse of the future British king and mother of the heir who has been mia for 6 months is of no ones concern at all. If she was just a “Katie” and not “Catherine” no one would care. Sussex squad ain’t the royal rotas who’s been reporting this for 6 months.

    • CatMum says:

      and yet, here you are, posting about it.

      at least the Sussex Squad cares (about someone they don’t even like). you’d think her many fans would as well but I guess not?

      I hear it’s going to rain. Team Mother Nature if so!

    • kirk says:

      @Jean – Since when does the Sussex squad care about Catherine’s whereabouts? Haven’t seen evidence of that, but I only read other people’s Xwitter stuff and have no accounts. The Sussex supporters posts I’ve seen only talk about the vastly different britmedia treatments of Meghan as compared to Kate. Uno – always good to beat up on the uppity half-black American actress, as opposed to kidgloving the perfectly precious K.

    • Annalise says:


      You’re absolutely right, only the Sussex Squad cares about Kate’s whereabouts, and that is ONE of the many truly TRAGIC aspects to this. Kate’s own stans are happy to eat up William’s absurd bullshit.

      As for Trooping, it’s a ploy to get the biggest possible crowds there, and when Kate DOESNT show, they’ll say “Oh she WANTED to come but she JUST didn’t feel up to it. Sorry!” And then they’ll use the crowds to “prove” how popular the royal family still is

  28. Interested Gawker says:


    The farm shop video still needs formal retraction to acknowledge the fraud that it was and KP needs to admit just how many fake photos they passed off to the press over the years and Kate still needs to arrange a live, real press conference to confirm her health situation and condition witnessed by individuals and media not beholden to the BRF.

    • ArtFossil says:

      Agree with you, Interested Gawker.

      Kate’s statement says “My treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months.” Nicely ambiguous.

      Do I believe Kate had/has cancer? Nope. Do I believe she is undergoing chemotherapy? Nope. Do I believe her photo ISN’T manipulated? Nope. Do I believe anything that comes from the palaces? Nope.

      • Liz says:

        D’you think she’ll be at Trooping Artfossil?

      • ArtFossil says:

        @Liz; 50-50.

      • Julianna says:

        Thank you @ArtFossil and @Interest Gawker.

      • LOLikes says:

        Great PR strategy! It’s now non-stop coverage of her and Buckingham Palace has released a statement. It worked! The world is glued to watching trooping the colors which otherwise was going to be missed and ignored. Gotta hand it to them. They got this one right.
        And I still don’t believe anything they say!

      • SussexWatcher says:

        ArtFossil, yeah I’m still in semi-conspiracy mode unless she shows up tomorrow and it’s clearly her. IMO her statement does 2 things – hypes up the (up to this point) who cares Trooping. Now everyone and their uncle will be tuning in to get a look at the real, live Kate. No more fake skipping through farm stands or clearly manipulated photos.

        But the second thing her statement does is leave an out for her to NOT attend tomorrow. It was full of I have good days and bad, I’m only doing things when I feel up to it, I may be back I may not be back, etc.

        So they’ve now given us proof of life with the photo and implied she’ll be there tomorrow but also left room for her to bow out because she finds she’s just not up to it when she wakes up tomorrow morning. And that’ll leave Chuckles and his mistress queen front and center.

        Anyway, that’s me in my tinfoil tiara speaking. I guess we’ll all find out I’m 24 hours.

      • Feeshalori says:

        If she truly does appear, then Charles must have caved in because you know he wouldn’t want to be upstaged under normal circumstances. This guarantees all eyes will be on that crumbling balcony and if she doesn’t show up, then everyone was deliberately tricked into watching for her appearance and Charles remains the center attraction after all.

      • seaflower says:

        I automatically started looking at the photo in detail for signs of photoshop/AI. Habit now.

    • Becks1 says:

      If she’s at Trooping tomorrow, that will be the “proof of life” people have been demanding of her and Charlotte and Louis. She doesn’t need to hold a press conference, not even Charles did that.

      While they clearly approved the farm stand video, it was never officially from KP so they’re not going to do anything to formally retract that and they’re NEVER going to admit how many altered pictures they have released over the years.

      We need to be realistic with our expectations, LOL.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Charles didn’t have to; he was seen in public interacting at a one on one with the public. He stood on a stage with performers in front of a verifiable event in a theatre full of people.

        Kate can decline interaction with the public in her convalescent period -that is her right, but a cancer center and hotel, abroad, were dragged into the maw of this ridiculousness. That was amplified by bots and bad actors online in a concerted effort to turn ‘Where’s Kate’ into circus that is becoming as destructive as William making society wedding that should have remained low key so hyped up in the BM it ended up being the target of protesters looking for attention.

        The only person who can draw a line under all this foolishness IS KATE. William has made a dog’s dinner out of it all. If Princess Catherine intends to scurry off and ‘disappear’ again she needs to act like a responsible adult once and for all. She can talk to that guy Harry got interviewed by for Spare or some other hand picked journalist one on one but it would be better to have international news like Reuters, DW, the Americans on hand to get it straight from her mouth and/or her medical advisor and let EVERYBODY have that moment verified and dealt with once and for all.

        This week proved that internet and social media manipulation was rife over pushing those Houston rumours aggressively to the detriment of two named international companies. This is not and never has been some ‘Stan war’ to lay at the feet of ‘the Sussex Squad’ most of the people interacting with these rumours don’t follow the royal at all. KP is making their drama a worldwide nuisance and the quickest, easiest remedy to lay to hand is a press conference. Whatever stubborn reason an ambulatory and functional Kate has been denied such a simple solution to remove herself from out of control speculation KP FUELED THEMSELVES does not reflect well on the next in line to the throne.

      • Becks1 says:

        But if she’s at Trooping that’s proof she’s in England, its proof the kids are fine (which I always thought anyway), and its proof that she’s not dead or in a coma. KP probably thinks that’s sufficient and that’s all we’ll get. And there’s also a HUGE difference between a press conference (which Harry has never done AFAIK) and a carefully arranged interview. I don’t think we’ll do either, but she is never, ever, ever going to do a press conference. Can you imagine what a disaster that would be under the best circumstances for her?!!?

        I also think we’ll see her at Wimbledon, and then won’t see her again until maybe October, heck maybe even December for Christmas events.

        Like I said, we need to temper expectations. She’s not going to do an interview and I don’t think we will ever find out the real story about the last 6 months.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Can you imagine what a disaster that would be under the best circumstances for her?!!?”

        Denied embiggening for six months and framed for the Frankenphoto all this time? LOL, you want to see Chelsea Flower Show on steroids!? Catherine, I learned at the knee of MaMidds, POW would absolutely come through with a pity me press event letting the doctor do most of the talking and blinking winsomely. An edited interview could be even more fluffy and tailored to her own pace to be exactly what she needs it to be.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate couldn’t handle basic questions about whether or not she had seen Lili and that’s when she was healthy. That woman will never do a press conference. She doesn’t have the depth for that.

    • nic919 says:

      I will go there, but that photo seems to obviously confirm that her jawline absolutely does not look like the woman in the farm shop video.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        O.K.?! We had a roulette wheel of multiple ‘Kates’, a The Sun produced video even TMZ had to disavow, a KP issued photo killed by the news wires and a clear attempt to flood the internet with BS this week but conducting a normal, traditional press conference to halt all of this lunacy is totally beyond the pale, whaaaat?!

      • Julianna says:

        Right. An entire clown show but it’s absolutely OUT of the question that she should or would do a NORMAL press conference. I just can’t believe all of this. I really can’t.

  29. manda says:

    patiently waiting for coverage of the photo release today (just now? just now-ish?) and the announcement that she’ll be there….

    • Becks1 says:

      They updated this post to include that.

    • Tessa says:

      This looks like an old picture. She did not write that text imo.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        this was my initial thought as well.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Tessa – internet sleuths have already matched the exact outfit to the one she wore when the whole family had the outing to see planes (sorry I’m not remembering the exact place they went – I think military planes?). The only thing different is she had a chain and belt buckle visible in the planes photo but not in the ‘not out of the woods’ photo. But those could have easily been photoshopped out.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “the one she wore when the whole family had the outing to see planes”

        Oh boy, and they invoked this phrase too, but… Maybe we aren’t out of the woods after all…

    • minnow says:

      Right, this is the first place I checked when I saw the news come in.

      I’m confused by that statement and, “I’m not out of the woods yet.” So…They’re abandoning that whole “preventative chemo” story?

      • Tessa says:

        I wondered about that too.

      • ArtFossil says:

        Yeah, that jumped out to me. So did she lie about “preventative chemo” Is she lying now?

      • Oh ArtFossil, good question. The statements don’t add up.

      • Becks1 says:

        It’s possible her body is not responding to the chemotherapy the way the doctors anticipated, or they’ve had to alter the course for other health-related reasons. But I always sort of figured the March video was downplaying her condition.

      • Eurydice says:

        Adjuvant chemo doesn’t prevent cancer, it chases down cancer cells to prevent a recurrence. How long it takes depends on the type of cancer. It’s at least 6 months for colon cancer. If she started in February or March, she wouldn’t be done until August or September at the earliest.

      • seaflower says:

        Or it’s a colectomy that needs to be reversed.

  30. YankLynn says:

    “It is understood that the royal’s appearance on Saturday is also not an indicator that she is returning to work full time.” Ok that made me snort laugh. Because she’s never worked “full time” in her entire life and even less after marrying into the royal family. These people are so out of touch. I don’t know how modern Britains put up with it. They’re maybe reading that statement in the newspaper on their commute home from actual full time jobs today. British parents who can’t be off for the whole summer, whether they need medical treatment or not, don’t find the Wales’ behavior and lifestyle galling ?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Max Foster on CNN is reporting that her appearance tomorrow is conditional on how she feels. That makes sense if she has “good days and bad days”. But if there’s still a chance she might not appear tomorrow, the statement should have included that possibility. Otherwise, if she’s a no show, it will once again look like palace games.

      And I was also taken aback by the sentence “I’m not out of the woods yet.” No one has yet acknowledged that she might be in the woods.

      • I don’t think the issue keeping her out of the public eye is cancer related. They’ve given themselves sooo much wiggle room here, it could be anything.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        And all of this could be handled in a responsible manner by having a vetted press event tailored to her health needs and unambiguous proof that stops all of the speculation in its tracks.

        It’s not a surprise that KP is repeating the same series of actions they’ve relied upon through this entire saga. Each previous time was capped by a KP stunt that featured a fraudulent image as proof that no one need fret over Kate or the children anymore. Over, and over, and over. Is this the time KP comes to Jesus and actually moves forward with no scams for a change? I should hope so. Kate is the only person who can stop all her husband’s rubbish from ruining her reputation and making this period an arch embarrassment for her family and the royal children. Kate needs to claw back her reputation from William’s malicious behaviour. He should be made to let Kate speak for herself and let there be a proper end to “Where’s Kate” rather than shunting her away again and prolonging the agony for another absurd round.

      • DDDDC says:

        Agreed, it’s all smoke and mirrors to gaslight and deceive the public.

  31. Tessa says:

    Kate or a double could show up in a large picture hat and wave. If it is Kate will she show up for wimbledon.

    • Lizzie says:

      I believe she is showing up for the Trooping because she, and the rest of the Middleton clan, want to go to Wimbledon, and it would look bad if she hasn’t shown herself at “work” before then. Trooping is perfect first outing-+she doesn’t have to get to close to the public or make small talk, answer questions.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        That’s a good point about her family and Wimbledon. The one thing that will redeem her mother after the bankruptcy is supporting her daughter. No one will question Carole attending Wimbledon or other prestigious events like the races if she is there with sickly Kate.

    • DDDDC says:

      100%, I predicted it. With her parents too. They had to hide last year given the scandal of their finances.

  32. sparrow1 says:

    The photo is nice. The sentiment of the attached message is nice, too. I say this as someone who was told today it’s possible I have all sorts of abdominal/bowel complications. I’m blindsided. Lots of tests ahead and just, here we go. It’s not enough to be epileptic, apparently!

    • Becks1 says:

      I’m sorry to hear that @Sparrow1. Hope you’re able to get the treatment you need!

    • ArtFossil says:

      Sending you light and love, Sparrow.

    • nic919 says:

      Hope that it can all get resolved soon for you. Just no franken photos 🙂

    • Liz says:

      Wishing you strength Sparrow 🫶🌟

    • CatMum says:

      so sorry to hear it, Sparrow. wishing you well!

      • sparrow1 says:

        Thank you, all of you, for your kind messages. I’ve always had IBS. An epileptic with IBS for years! I’ve been in a lot of pain over recent months, however. I was in A&E a week or so ago. I’m seeing a consultant very soon. I’ve had to go private because the NHS offered me Sept. I’ve dragged the date forward by months. The NHS really is on its knees. Lots of tests to get through and lots of just being totally fed up and blah. No frankenphotos, promise!!!! x

    • Eurydice says:

      Oh, too bad. I hope everything works out positively for you!

    • Jaded says:

      Oh Sparrow, I’m so sorry. Wishing you the best outcome!

      • DDDDC says:

        So sorry for anyone who is suffering from serious health challenges. My best friend’s father had bladder cancer at an elderly age, also lung problems, which was suspected lung cancer. Several years on he’s doing great and looks really healthy. So, I hope that is the case for others.

    • ML says:

      The photo of K under a great big tree of life with that message was well done. I decided to reply under you comment, Sparrow1, because I wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you and sending you strength and hugs. I hope they find what’s wrong and are able to get you back to feeling healthier. Stomach issues are miserable—it took years to find out I had celiac disease, and I know how it is to feel sick. Good luck with everything!

    • Jean says:

      Wishing you all the best sparrow! Get well soo

    • SussexWatcher says:

      So sorry to hear that, Sparrow. Sending healing energy your way.

    • Flower says:

      @Sparrow sending you love and light for your upcoming tests.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, @sparrow1, I am so sorry to hear that! Goshdarnit! You probably won’t see this comment, but I do wish you the very best.

      • sparrow1 says:

        I’ve seen your comment, BeanieBean! Because I came back in thinking perhaps people would be talking about Kate’s first appearance today and it might be under this post. I wonder if you’ll see this. Thank you for your best wishes.

  33. Penny says:

    A couple of days ago the BA flight from London to Houston got as far as Newfoundland, then made an abrupt about turn back to London. No reason given. William then spent the afternoon at M16. No reason given.
    Are the two connected?
    Any decent journalists still out there?

    • Julianna says:

      Which flight are you referring to?

    • Harper says:

      @Penny thanks for bringing this up! I googled it and it looks like the plane turned around for “minor technical issues.” Why wouldn’t they try and land somewhere nearby instead of turning around after flying five hours? Feels like they made Kate get off and come to Trooping.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Hear me out. Maybe William went to MI6 to pick up KateBot 2.0. 😂

    • nic919 says:

      Gander Newfoundland would be the last stop to deal with any issue before they have to cross the Atlantic. It is not unheard of for transatlantic flights to stop there if they think there are any issues with the plane.

      and of course when 9/11 happened all the flights coming in from Europe landed there.

  34. sevenblue says:

    OMG. “where is Kate?” chaos will finally be over. Thank you Lord!

  35. Barbara says:

    She looks….fine? I don’t see any signs that she’s ill or undergoing some traumatic treatment. She 100% looks like she’s always looked.

    • Becks1 says:

      I thought the same, so I think it will be interesting to see live video of her tomorrow, no touching up, etc.

    • she actually looks better than she has in a long time. Photoshop probably, but even her hair and whole presentation is better.

      • JP says:

        Could be the angle of her face looking up, but I immediately thought her skin looked tighter.

      • jP, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all over a facelift, with a dollop of mental health challenges on top.

        She was looking so rough in unphotoshopped pictures and since her looks are all she is contributing, that would be a priority to fix.

        Google Danish photos of her Feb 2022 for what she looked like sans photoshop.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I agree she looks just fine. Of course, if the photographer was any farther away, he would have needed a telephoto lens.

      • Brassy, it is far away and soft focused.

        And weirdly, we can tell it’s her! Don’t tell the professional photographer who got paid to take video of someone who is very much not Kate and could only show a potato at the farm shop for all of the cash.

      • DDDDC says:

        WithTheAmerican: I posted something similar below, not sure if it landed. I don’t believe the diagnosis, never have, and think that this has been a strategy so that Kate can do whatever she pleases, for whatever reason. A facelift could be it, and/or just having a rest.

        She likely did have something wrong with her abdomen related to her diet, but it’s been stretched and exaggerated beyond all reason and sense.

    • Yes for someone who had chemo not a lock on her head is missing. I have had chemo and lost all my hair the cold cap could not promise no lose of hair and was very expensive so I declined. She says she has good days and bad days so let’s all see if that bad day comes tomorrow and she doesn’t appear. Will believe it when she actually attends an event.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        Could she be wearing a wig?

      • My friend who is dealing with two different cancers used the cold cap for the breast cancer and it didn’t work.

        It was a lot of work, too, ahead of the chemo.

        I’m sorry you lost your hair during chemo, Susan.

      • With the American: I’m not. I had long brunette hair that I had to color monthly. I rocked bald for awhile because I did not like the wigs even the human hair ones. I now rock platinum blonde which hides the grey hair and I rock it short because it would take a long my time to get long.

      • Wigs can be so hard. The best wig I ever wore was for a movie and it cost est $12,000 at the time, because each hair strand was put in individually. That was 10 years ago, can’t imagine what it would cost now.

        It really sucks how expensive it is to get a decent wig. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the platinum.

    • manda says:

      I’m glad someone else pointed this out. Is it really possible to be undergoing chemotherapy treatment for abdominal cancer and look so good? I’m not a doctor and would love for one to weigh in

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Manda – I’m not a doctor either but she does look in shockingly good health for someone who has been too sick for 6 months to be seen in public, let alone do work of any kind. And for someone going through such grueling chemotherapy that she’s “not out of the woods” yet.

        I was never one of the folks who believed this was all some sort of divorce holdout, but I’m starting to wonder if they had it right. Maybe a soon to be divorce is what Willy’s trip to see MI6 was about?

      • paintybox says:

        It’s possible. I had a friend with a rare bladder cancer (which took her life) and during her chemo, post-surgery, she had at least a couple of years where between treatments she could turn out looking beautiful and healthy in appearance. She did wear wigs. I hope Kate recovers fully – team Meghan but hope Kate makes it.

  36. TN Democrat says:

    This is shocking because her appearance will massively upstage Charles at what could one of his only troopings. Lort. Let the petty press games begin as Charles (teamed with Camillla) and William go after each other and (hopefully) leave Harry alone. Narcissists never change. They just change targets. Think she will wear a too small mask and pose for the rota like she did at PP’s funeral service?

    • drgnflyathome says:

      RIght?? Kate will be cover of every paper – no one will even know Charles is there. It’s going to be the flower show all over again. This is going to be fun. Camilla knows revenge is a dish best served cold, but I’ll be expecting a few press games in the next few months between BP and KP, especially as W&K go into their months-long summer vacation.

      • Eurydice says:

        Charles could upstage Kate if he acts as if he was really happy she’s back – like playing the gracious host and welcoming her back to the balcony. Then the BM would trip over themselves to say how generous and kind and loving he is.

    • Princessk says:

      Charles is a great actor and he will make a big thing of smiling at her on the balcony and make it look like they are one great big happy family. Whereas l believe that Camilla and Charles cannot stand Kate and William and are furious at the lack of work from them both pre and post Kate’s diagnosis.
      Charles is inwardly seething but as l said he will put on a show. Harry is the preferred son he had to jettison for the sake of the monarchy.

  37. Beach Dreams says:

    What I’m getting from this latest announcement/update is they can’t keep track of their lies, including Kate herself. Cancer “HAD been present” and she underwent “preventative chemo” but now she’s “not out of the woods yet”?? Whatever supposedly ails her isn’t cancer. I’ve thought that for a while, but doubly so now. Let’s see how the clown show goes tomorrow.

  38. Rapunzel says:

    Pic is clearly a callback to the pregnacy announcement H&M did. & why noone else in the photo with her?

    Statement also does not confirm she’s going to trooping. It says she’s “looking forward” to it. It also says she has good and bad days. Could be setting up trooping as a bad day.

    I’m in “wait and see” mode.

    • Liz says:

      Very wise

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Yup, that’s exactly what I wrote above – that she could wake up tomorrow and not feel up to it. And by that point Chuckles will have gotten all of the publicity for the Trooping that has been lacking.

      And I agree the photo is bizarre – arms and legs crossed, a solitary lonely figure. Shouldn’t she be surrounded by her children or perhaps her “birth family?” Where is her loving and supportive husband? It’s wild that they haven’t appeared together ONCE since Christmas. Not leaving the hospital, not in the Frankenphoto, not in the bench video, and not here. And I get that she’s copy-keening the peaceful under a tree Sussexes, but she just looks awkward and alone. The only thing they got right was making sure Big Blue is front and center.

  39. Advisor2U says:

    So, was this mounts-long absence from work all about Kate refusing to work due to divorce negotiations … that are still ongoing?
    And have they pressured her to show up at Trooping by giving in to some of her demands? Hmm.

    • nic919 says:

      If she wanted to attend Wimbledon at all, she would have to attend Trooping. But you are probably not wrong on the other stuff. The lack of William in this is noticeable. What husband doesn’t at least show up in the photo.

  40. Ben says:

    Even while dealing with a chronic illness Kate was forced to cooperate or her parents would be thrown to the wolves. They gave her a sample of that with the news about her parents shady business debt in the last days. Silly woman. The crown swallowed Diana whole and spit her out. Then tried to do the same to Harry, then to him and M (to which Kate participated) and Archie (don’t forget when an appliance caught on fire on his bedroom while on tour) . She thought she would be an exception.

  41. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Again, the conspiracy theories about her being dead are gross and off base. Everything that she has done is in line with someone fighting cancer and not wanting to be seen in public while doing so.

    Multiple things can be true. Kensington Palace comms are absolute garbage, and this woman is/was sick with cancer.

    Can we please stop with the conspiracy theories now?

    • I have had chemo and hair does not grow back that quickly and that healthy looking in the amount of time. Cold cap doesn’t promise no losing of hair. It took months for my hair to be a short buzz cut so the long beautiful locks don’t scream I have/ had cancer. It doesn’t look like a wig either so the conspiracies may continue unless she gets out on that balcony but the I have cancer does not track.

      • Aurora says:

        Imo there’s much more to Kate’s health than what’s being told. Without begrudging her right to privacy, communications have been handled terribly. She’s going in that balcony to try clean up the mess. She’ll have to interact with the kids and other royals in a very convincing way to abort the ‘fake Kate’ comments.
        But not everybody reacts the same to chemo, and not all treatments lead to the same reacting. Let’s not invalidate others’ experiences!

      • Cloudsurfer says:

        Not everyone who has chemo loses their hair. A very close to me loved one had chemo for metastized colon cancer and hair loss was not one of the side effects for that type of chemo.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “Kensington Palace comms are absolute garbage, and this woman is/was sick with cancer.

      Can we please stop with the conspiracy theories now?”

      Can KP stop throwing accelerant on what should have been a story that couldn’t possibly get to this point if they had been honest?

      KP’s comms were not just a matter of being all thumbs they committed FRAUD! Even before they got busted for the Mothering Sunday photo, the news wires looked back and found historical examples of the same kind of fake imagery, it wasn’t even the first time they did that.

      The Sun paid money for that farm shop video and the editor said on the record KP knew about those fake photos and video. They didn’t lift a finger to retract it to this day!

      The cancer video was not filmed when and where they claimed it was, edited when they claimed it wasn’t and was AI and digitally manipulated under BBC Studios rather than BBC News.

      William and his pals prolonged this situation themselves, the bots they hired went doolally this week and crashed themselves into a whole other country’s media. It is not being a conspiracy theorist to demand accountability on a woman who hadn’t been seen nigh on six months behalf after a parade of undeniable LIES extending all this.

      • Julianna says:

        Thank you @Interested Gawker

      • And like clockwork, after I accepted this photo and the claimed timespan from KP, Getty:

        “ EDITOR’S NOTE: This Handout image was provided by a third-party organization and may not adhere to Getty Images’ editorial policy.) Getty Images provides access to this publicly distributed image for editorial purposes and is not the copyright owner. Additional permissions may be required and are the sole responsibility of the end user. (NO USE AFTER TUESDAY DECEMBER 31, 2024)

        In this ***undated*** handout photo issued by Kensington Palace, Catherine, Princess of Wales stands under a tree in Windsor, England”

        Doesn’t mean it’s not real, but their claim it was taken in the last week might not be accurate, etc.

    • K-Peace says:

      GoodwitchGlenda— No. No, we can’t “stop with the conspiracy theories”. As i’ve been saying for months, i don’t believe Kate has cancer, and what’s going on regarding Kate, is NOT at all what the Palace has been telling the public. So i will keep speculating about the truth until there’s hard proof that Kate is alive & ok. This obviously edited (or rather likely straight-up FAKE) photo doesn’t clear up anything.

  42. CC says:

    She’s “not out of the woods yet” and they release a photograph of her literally in the woods. I can’t.

    • Becks1 says:

      This is how we know its Kate. She’s the most literal person there is, lol.

    • ArtFossil says:

      The jokes (and conspiracy theories) just write themselves.

    • Jais says:

      Didn’t even think of it that way but lordy you’re right😂

    • SunnyDays says:

      @CC I literally cackled

      That and the blatant copy Keening of the under-the-tree shot, it gave me the warm fuzzies. I don’t want Kate to be unwell, I just want her to be unhinged.

    • Amy Bee says:


    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, this is the Kate I know and love. Looking forward to seeing her wear something green and leafy tomorrow.

      • Iolanthe says:

        Was thinking exactly that ..she is posed ” out of the woods ” and you can’t see the wood for the trees .

    • Seraphina says:

      This dawned on me too. Why in the world would they use that statement with that picture. Good Grief. I guess there was no road called Recovery Rd so that she could pose beside it and say: I am on the road to recovery.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @CC, LOL. Awesome. I’m cackling way too hard. Thank you.

      For scientific purposes only, try doing that crossed leg stance, arm thing and face looking upward, on flat terra firma. just saying. Unless, you are leaning against the tree and/or are sporty Kate=Simone Biles.

      Then try doing it on terra not so firma. Like in a wooded area. So natural. /s

  43. Liz says:

    I still feel something way off here. She’ll probably say tomorrow is an ‘ off’ day and can’t make it..

  44. TheOriginalMia says:

    She looks good. Healthy. The statement struck the right tone. I don’t believe for a second she had cancer. I think she’s been MIA for mental health reasons. No way someone undergoing 6 months of chemo is going to look as good as she does. Trooping will tell the tale of the tape.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      K here looks much as she has recently, very thin and a bit aged in the face. And you know the photo is photoshopped in ‘acceptable’ (aka, it’s not a Frankenphoto) ways to make her look as good as possible. It’s very likely she has had months of chemo, as there are ways to hide the physical impact it can have on the body (and not everyone experiences these impacts, even those undergoing extensive rounds of chemo).

    • SarahCS says:

      Mental health still gets my vote if there is an actual illness (vs divorce negotiations), the wording of the message sounds human and like someone who has been doing some work on themselves.

  45. Kateee says:

    Oh my word I cannot wait. Just the body language between her and William?! Should all be quite telling. Assuming she attends.

  46. We know Chuckles doesn’t like to be upstaged does anyone else think she is using this as leverage to get what she wants from the divorce?

    • May says:

      Am I the only one thinking that Buckingham Palace was not briefed on this statement through Kensington Palace? If Kate wants to make a big splash and show up Charles on his big day that would be the way to do it. It would be harder for Charles to now say: no, Kate, no balcony for you!

      • Feeshalori says:

        I commented upthread that Charles might have given in to Kate appearing at Trooping to draw in the viewers and crowds because he normally hates being upstaged at his big moments. But it could be that KP threw the gauntlet down with this announcement and it’s a surprise to Charles.

      • anotherlily says:

        I get the impression this has taken Buckingham Palace by surprise. I doubt if the King is genuinely pleased that Kate will be there. The photo and the statement ensures that Kate will be the main focus of media attention tomorrow.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        If Chuck wanted to draw in viewers/crowds, he could have announced ahead of time that the kids would be there with W. That would have done it, but not draw nearly the attention that K being there will. I just have a hard time believing he’d agree to have her on the balcony or attend the Trooping without a prior appearance somewhere first.

        And the way this was done? A fairly last-minute announcement coordinated with a new photo and social post tells me it’s all KP behind this (BP would have simply sent out a media advisory and that’s all IMO).

    • Jais says:

      It’s the Chelsea Flower showdown all over again. What to call this? The Trooping Showdown? A Trooping Surprise?

      • May says:

        LOL, tomorrow is going to be ALL about Kate! Unless, of course, Charles is able to convince her that she will not be feeling well tomorrow 😉🤧

      • sera says:

        Could they be using this to draw viewers in and then claim at the last minute she is having a bad day and not show up? Would they be that stupid????

      • May says:

        I am thinking Charles did not want her on the balcony and that this message / announcement was a surprise to Buckingham Palace. I also think Charles is not beneath telling Kate, notwithstanding the announcement, that she cannot appear on the balcony tomorrow. So, if she does not show up, it may be Charles putting his foot down! If BP was surprised by this announcement, I could imagine Charles being really pissed – good PR be damned!

      • Feeshalori says:

        @sera, that would be the good old bait and switch tactic, similar to a store advertising a false product just to draw customers in. I believe anything at this point, so yes, I do believe they’d be that stupid just to increase their viewership. But they may yet surprise us, although I have a wait-and-see attitude about Kate appearing. Like May says, if this took Charles by surprise and he doesn’t want her stealing his thunder making this her first appearance, he could well put the kibosh on her and torpedo those plans.

  47. aquarius64 says:

    I saw the news on CNN and then I saw the picture the first thing I thought was are they sure the picture is legitimate. KP’s shenanigans is why the conspiracy theories breed. Kate getting treatment in the US was the last straw. BP made the announcement Kate and the kids will be on the balcony and the carriage parade, so the men in grey are still cleaning up KP’s mess. And she and the kids will be scrutinized. Foster on CNN stated the extended family will be on the balcony. So non working royals will be there too?

  48. BlueToile says:

    Kate: See, I can be peaceful under a tree, too!

    Honestly, it doesn’t matter what this wackadoo family does for their oh-so-important Trooping. They are in severe decline and it’s always one step forward, three steps back. This may work for them, but by next week they will screw themselves over again.

  49. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Well, if this photo is the real deal, why isn’t it in the newspapers? I know that KP is facing additional scrutiny of their photos, but they need to have a photo that the AP, etc., accept as real. Publishing it on the sm just makes me suspicious.

    Do we now rule out that she lost her hair due to chemo?

    • It was on multiple papers that I saw. So they’re committed to it, says it was taken in the last week. (They refuse to ever be specific, which is so weird, just name the date like every other photographer does)

    • Saucy, you’re right, because KP submitted this to their Instagram, and the papers took it from there, it is not verified.

      The papers only scrutinize the photo if it’s submitted to them to be released by them, which is how it was always done until Kim Jong Un fake photo.

      So yeah, this is in papers but that doesn’t make it verified. It looks legit to me, but I was fooled by her other fake photos and videos.

  50. Tashiro says:

    Well they will look like right fools if she doesn’t show. Are they stupid enough to put this out there with no intention of her being there? I think Kaiser is right, more ppl will tune in. I won’t 😁 I’ma depending on y’all to give the 411😁

    • Vixxo says:

      So basically “we don’t think we will draw crowds so quick bring Kannot out”

  51. JFerber says:

    The note from Kate is definitely not written by Kate. Not her style. Too lucid. They are pretending she wrote it. This bodes badly for the “yes, she will appear tomorrow” squad. IF she shows up, no one will ever be able to prove it’s her. She’ll be behind a window, veiled, all the way in the back with little face showing, etc. How infuriating and insulting to both her and the public.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      She’s going to be there in a carriage with the children and then on the balcony. Makes you wonder whats really going on BtS as we were told up and down that she wouldn’t be seen again till Autumn and now we’re getting the same slow roll out they did for Charles – copy kenning again!!!

      Am glad that she seems to be doing better but again, for her preventative treatment to be going on for this long asks more questions than it answers. Makes me think its to do with MH.

      • Princessk says:

        Kate has been pushed into making an appearance.
        The media have been saying for weeks that a balcony appearance is something she can definitely cope with and KP need to do something to stop the rumours.
        Charles has very little influence over William and Kate but the media does. Willy and Katie know that the media are holding back on the truth and they have to cooperate.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I don’t think she wrote it either. “The world of difference for William and me” doesn’t sound right at all. Neither does “I’m not out of the woods yet” after preventative chemo.

  52. Julianna says:

    I’ve been wondering the same…

  53. Amy Bee says:

    It is good to finally get an update on her condition. She looks quite well all things considered. I just hope she wasn’t forced by the Palace to go to Trooping.

  54. First comment says:

    I’ve told you all yesterday that William looks pretty calm

    • First comment says:

      I’ve told you all yesterday that William looks pretty calm and peaceful was obvious that a solution to the problem and the mess provoked six months ago was found. Because there was definitely a problem (I’m still doubtful it was cancer) and KP and Lee managed to wrap it up and turn it in their favor despite the initial numbness and chaos .. Congratulation KP
      for managing finally successfully her come back… Prepare yourself for all the stories about St Catherine and William and Saint family. A complete restart. Who was the royal racist again?
      Side note: Whoever believes that this message is written by Kate, I’ve a bridge to sell him…the message has all the typical PR points made by a professional in the communications field…No way Kate wrote it…

      • Julianna says:

        @First Comment. Thank you. And yes I saw your comment about him suddenly looking calm. I still don’t believe she has/had cancer. And yea she definitely didn’t write that letter.

      • DDDDC says:

        I predicted that this would happen so that she can attend Wimbledon – with her parents – without scrutiny or criticism. It also got those damaging headlines re Middleton finances off the pages.

        The mystery has been solved. She’s been milking whatever has been going on with her to have an extended holiday forever. I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing was concocted by William to ensure Kate never has to work again if she so chooses. She’ll just do whatever she wants, including Wimbledon and other glamour events.

  55. Vixxo says:

    So basically “we don’t think we will draw crowds so quick bring Kannot out”

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Exactly this energy. Cluck chasing ratings, with wife Cloppy chewing the curtains in the background.

      Oh! Found this headline in the Spanish press – “The great effort Kate Middleton is willing to make for her children George, Charlotte and Louis: Kate Middleton is going to make a great effort for the upcoming “Trooping the Color” parade, a measure to facilitate the well-being of her three children”

      Is it true TMZ broke this story? Because they were in cahoots with the Sun, another Murdoch rag, over the Farm Store video nonsense.

  56. Snuffles says:

    Ummm…I’ll wait until tomorrow and we see her actually LIVE, CLEARLY and not obscured by something.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Yeah… “look forward” to attending is not definitely attending, especially since the statement stressed good days and bad and how she listens to her body.

      I’m not entirely convinced she’ll be there. This statement was carefully worded to provide an out.

      But if she doesn’t show up now, or there’s no clear photo…. all hell will break loose. We’ll see tomorrow. But I’m putting nothing past them. The outfit in the pic even looks like it’s from an old event, so IDK how much I even trust the photo.

      • Julianna says:

        I don’t trust the photo either… Her pinky literally blends into part of the tree trunk. And there is weird editing going on with the right arm. I haven’t really looked to hard at it though because if she doesn’t show tomorrow…

    • booboocita says:

      Yep. If she appears on the balcony and the media get a clear, in-focus shot of her, I’ll believe she’s back. If all we see is a shadowy figure at a window behind sheer curtains, wearing a big hat, then it’s just more BS from the palace.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      If she wears a dark veil over her face or gets photographed through a window I will shriek.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        Oh my gosh, if all the photos are pixilated, dim and blurry, it will be the end of us all.

        I was completely uninterested in the Trooping until now, so good job I guess?

        Has anyone started a pool on the button count for tomorrow? Kate’s had six months to prep for her glorious return outfit.

      • Jais says:

        Please no grainy unreliable pictures. This whole debacle has made them worldwide liars. Frankenphotos and farm videos. The damage done to the wales reputation has been immense.
        @pinkosaurus, my button prediction is 10😂 and bets on if she’ll draw inspo from something Meghan’s worn in the last 6 months. That’ll show she’s truly back.

      • Jais I know, I can’t do it again but people are already pointing out she wore this shirt and jacket last year in the summer.

        Noooooo I can’t watch I’m so over this clown show.

      • Jais says:


      • Agnes says:

        OH NO, why did I open Reddit and Twitter. Getty Images once again has *questions*. It was such a relief to think we could all stop saying WTF. WTF.

  57. L4Frimaire says:

    Good, now the ridiculous rumors can stop. Don’t know why they were being so weird and lying. Ignoring all this.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Funny, is this just what people like you said after the frankenphoto, farm video ,and after the bench video. So, was that her in all three images? Each tie this happen, I recognize new people like you posting here. This is just a photo. When I see a live appearance by her, where she’s actually speaking, I will know its time, as you say to stop the “ridiculous rumors.”

      • Interested Gawker says:

        This! The simplest answer they keep refusing to use it! Every new turn and fake scenario was heralded as ‘now the rumours can be put to rest…’ This is the umpteen go round! Kill the rumours for goid. Shut me up already! What’s stopping them? They had at least four other chances to get it right before now. THEY WERE LYING.

        How is it crazy to have her in a situation every can agree is really real and features Kate with no faff or scams?

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        The appearance at Trooping, assuming it’s not obvious body double again, will finally be an actual reliable proof of life. Why they needed that photo when she’s appearing tomorrow anyway is strange to me 🤷‍♀️

        Also looking forward to having them put speculation around Charlotte and Louis to rest.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I have a cynical wait and see attitude about Kate’s supposed appearance tomorrow as well. And we’re talking the real Kate here, no hats with obscuring brims or pixelated images or hovering behind a dense curtain. This could just be to whip up crowds and viewership on what would have been a snooze occasion. It could be just bait and switch at this point now, and the palaces will still never stop playing their games.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The new photo has been demonstrated to be an AI fake.

      • Julianna says:

        The new photo definitely appears to be AI. I briefly looked at it and there is weird editing going on with her right arm. Her right pinky blends into a tree trunk. And the pixels of the plants sporadically have sharp and then dull contrast. She better be on that balcony in an unambiguous manner. This is absolutely insane.

      • Jais says:

        @Lfrimaire isn’t new. Has been around a while. Longer than me although I haven’t even been here that long. These ridiculous rumors won’t stop though until both the palace and the rota stop playing games. Which is probably never. You’ve got an opaque institution known for lying. And people reacting to that. I’m just like please let her show up tomorrow for real bc I’m gonna lose it if this is another photogate😂. If trooping conveniently gets rained out tomorrow…

      • ML says:

        Proud Mary, L4Frimaire isn’t a new poster. They used to make comments more frequently.
        I think they might be referring to the more extreme rumors (ie, dead, Houston which is far away, beaten up, etc). L4Frimaire then seems to indicate that the RF was weird, cagey and lying if I understood their comment correctly.

        Anyway: Amazing that Getty has slapped this photo with a warning. How on earth can they not simply take a picture of K and leave it alone by this point??
        For some of you on the health and hair: I also think she looks great at this distance. I will say that if she has chemo at least a half week before needing to get out, then that would explain her “good and bad” days chemo-wise. Not all chemo causes hair loss—some do and some don’t, but chemo means different “chemicals” to “poison” different tumors. And presumably she has had surgery and physical therapy since the winter. Also, in addition to a mental health component (? Really common with nasty physical illnesses to deal with trauma/ depression. My FIL wound up in therapy after his stem cell transplant.), she has essentially the best and most care a person can get. Private nurses, access to the best, newest, most expensive care. I still believe that she has genuinely been very ill.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Lfrimaire isn’t a new poster. They;ve been posting here for years, I’m certainly more familiar with their name than yours.

  58. CM says:

    She looks very well rested and healthy!! Maybe part of this break was for her mental health. I hope she recovers fully and that she does better things w her fame. Kate 2.0

  59. Molly Polly says:

    I suspect that this is a studio photo of her combined with a natural shot from outdoors. If the depth of field/aperture is such that the left/right edges are blurry the top/bottom of the tree bark would be slightly out of focus as well.

  60. Oh come on. says:

    Despite the extreme tilt of her head in this photo, her right eye and the right side of her face seem to be drooping. I think the Celebitchies who thought she’d had a stroke are probably right.

    • ReturnoftheMac says:

      This. That’s why it’s not full on. I think she’s had extensive rehab, but isn’t quite there yet. Her mouth is downturned on that side as well.

  61. Kathalea says:

    Ahww that must’ve cost Willnot a hefty sum. Or was it daddy who paid for it? Either way it’s not money they’ve worked for

    Oops, I think they did IT again. She looks must brighter than the background.

  62. blueberry says:

    Reddit is already ripping this to shreds, but I think it’s just heavily enhanced (typical stuff) but not manipulated as in it’s another cut & paste project. I am a bit curious as to why she’s not looking directly at the camera. My theory was that some facial effects from a stroke could be behind the PR disaster of the century. Either way, we will see more of her (or not!) and go from there.

  63. Square2 says:

    I’ve commented on Celebitchy posts more than once (but has been deleted by mode?) about that she was not really “missing” like some people who are missing & no one knows where they are in the world. It’s just us NOBODIES who don’t know where she is/was and her conditions.

    You could disagree with what I wrote or simply ignore me; but some of you took issues with my bad spelling & typos? Totally not cool. Good-bye.

    • May says:

      I do hope you continue to comment in the future. We need a multitude of viewpoints here. It makes it more interesting! If bad spelling and typos were not allowed or otherwise considered bothersome, I would never be allowed to post!

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Square2, I agree that it is just us nobodies who have no idea where Kate is (taxpayers, etc.) but that also includes almost all the staff at KP as well, and also any friends as she was only seeing her immediate family. That’s a lot of nobodies.

  64. Ali says:

    Kate will show up at The Balcony , only for a brief sighting so , she doesn’t take away the fanfare of manchild’s so called 🎂. He will have a PDA to show how warm and caring of a 🤴 he is .

    They controlled the narrative since beginning about her official sighting ( Proof of Life) by taking the agency away from Ministry of Defense about them listing her presence at the Trooping to sell tickets .

    Now Palace wants to use Kate as a prop for their own manufactured Bread & Circus .

    I must say, , it’s super tacky yet well oiled execution . Old school tactics !!

  65. blueberry says:

    Reddit is already ripping this to shreds, but I think it’s just heavily enhanced (typical stuff) but not totally manipulated. I am a bit curious as to why she’s not looking directly at the camera. My theory was that some facial effects from a stroke could be behind the PR disaster of the century. Either way, we will see more of her (or not!) and go from there.

  66. Jean says:

    Luv this for her! Get well and stay strong

  67. Tara says:

    I, for one, have waited long enough now that I can confidently wait until Monday to look at celebitchy or another source – instead of giving them the attention they want.

    It’s similar to an experience I’m having with Sp*t*fy right now – I canceled my paid subscription to see if I’d miss it. Only to find out that they are intentionally trying to drive you crazy with the free subscription (and into a paid subscription). I will never go back to a paid subscription, even though I’ve learned that I miss it. But this extremely manipulative behavior is sinister and cannot be rewarded. Besides, I’m a product and brand strategist who tries to uphold ethics.

  68. Bklne says:

    (To the tune of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”)

    🎼Is this the real life?
    Is this just fantasy?
    Caught in a landside
    No escape from reality
    Open your eyes
    Look up to the skies and see

    🎵I’m just a mean girl, I need no sympathy
    Because I’m easy come, easy go
    Little high, little low
    Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me (to me)

    🎶Trooping …
    The carriage ride …
    Standing on the balcony, will I be there? Well, we’ll see!
    Summer, here comes Wimbledon,
    If I don’t do this I’ll have to stay away

    🎶Mama, oo-oo-oo
    Don’t mean to make you cry
    If there’s no proof of life this time tomorrow
    Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

    🎶Too late, my time has come
    Sends shivers down my spine, body’s aching all the time
    Goodbye, everybody, I’ve got to go
    Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

    🎵Mama, oo-oo-oo (the wind blows)
    I don’t want to die
    I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all

    I see a little silhouetto of a man
    Chuck da Turd, Chuck da Turd, am I stealing your thunder?🎵

    Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening me
    It’s Camilla! It’s Camilla!
    It’s Camilla! It’s Camilla!
    It’s Camilla! She’s a killer! Gotta go, oh-oh-oh🎶

    I’m just a mean girl nobody loves me
    She’s just a mean girl from a grift family
    Spare her her life from this monstrosity

    🎶Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
    Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
    (Let her go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go
    (Let her go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go

    (Let me go) will not let you go
    (Let me go) never let you go
    (Let me go) (never) let you go (let me go)
    No, no, no, no, no, no, no

    🎵Oh, mama mia, mama mia (mama mia, let me go)
    Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me
    For me

    So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye
    So you think you can love me and leave me to die
    Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby
    Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

    Oh, yeah, oh, yeah

    Nothing really matters, anyone can see
    Nothing really matters
    Nothing really matters to me

    • Duch says:

      Brilliant! “Mean girl from a grift family”!

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening me
      It’s Camilla! It’s Camilla!
      It’s Camilla! It’s Camilla!
      It’s Camilla! She’s a killer! Gotta go, oh-oh-oh🎶

      I’m just a mean girl nobody loves me
      She’s just a mean girl from a grift family
      Spare her her life from this monstrosity

      If there’s no proof of life this time tomorrow…



      You are a star! LMAO!

    • ArtFossil says:

      Wonderful, Bkine!

    • Princessk says:

      Absolutely brilliant!!!
      Choking myself with laughter………

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Absolutely fantastic!

    • Mslove says:

      Awesome! I am dying laughing.

    • Bklne says:

      Post hoc edit (can’t believe I missed this the first time 🤦‍♀️):

      The first line was clearly meant to be “Is this the real Kate? Is this just fantasy …”

      And the official title is “Missingtonian Rhapsody” by Kween 😜

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Missingtonian Rhapsody” by Kween


        I can see Kate in her Eurovision glory, tickling the ivories of the gold piano, belting this out!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Five stars and multiple thumbs up @Bklne.
        The carriage ride …
        Standing on the balcony, will I be there? Well, we’ll see!
        Summer, here comes Wimbledon,
        If I don’t do this I’ll have to stay away

        So many good things from you.

        I can’t say for sure, “recollections may vary”, thought I may have requested you to do a version of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Thrift Shop Song involving Kate. No The beginning of that video will always remind me of Kate’s glamour shot photo shoot at Prince Philip’s funeral. CAN’T explain why. What? What?. What?……………..

      • Bklne says:


        Yes, my recollection matches yours, you did ask about it, and after watching the video I see the connection! 🤣🤣🤣

        It’s a genre of music I just am not very familiar with, though, so I don’t feel as confident about parodying it. Maybe I can sit with it a while – or maybe this can inspire some other Celebitches who are better versed in Macklemoreand Ryan Lewis’s oeuvre than I am? 😉

    • Lucky Charm says:

      @ BKLINE, You are brilliant!

    • BeanieBean says:

      👏👏👏. Standing O!!

  69. Athena says:

    She certainly looks good for someone who has been going through a difficult time and receiving chemo. Head full of bouncy hair, still has all her eyebrows and eyelashes, wearing tight jeans although the rumor was she needed additional abdominal surgery. I feel like a damm fool for giving a rat’s behind about this woman. How does she go from that pale ghost in the video a few weeks ago to this well rested person?. Those stupid jeans she on are not even the current fashion. We’ve been played.

    • Unblinkered says:

      KM choosing to appear at Saturday’s Trooping will absolutely dominate the headlines at the expense of the ongoing General Election campaigning during which the RF keep a low profile & don’t make waves, and at the expense of Charles by pulling focus.

      I also feel for all the vast majority of cancer sufferers out there who can’t ‘allow themselves to take much needed time to heal’ as their jobs don’t permit it. While wishing her well, her statement might be seen as condescending. Would that we all could allow ourselves time to heal – six months off on full pay would be great.

  70. Pax says:

    Long time reader, first time posting. I see alot of misinformation floating around about cancer, which many have already addressed, but having cancer currently I feel obligated to also address. You can have a cancer tumor removed but if they find it in lymph nodes, you don’t know for sure it’s gone for possibly years. It doesn’t mean the cancer is definitely gone. Preventative chemo is still chemo and can still suck, and there’s all kinds that cause all kinds of symptoms. I honestly have no idea if she’s got cancer, and find so many of your conspiracy theories interesting and often valid, so keep on! I just wanted to correct some of the incorrect info that sometimes accompanies those conspiracies.

    • May says:

      @pax, hugs and best wishes to you. I think a lot of people, myself included, think that her statement strongly implied that there were clean margins around any cancer found and that, as she says, the treatment is preventative. Also, I could not imagine her not having nearby lymph nodes biopsied (she’s going private on this and has the money to have it done). If she did and there was evidence that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes then that indicates that she likely still has cancer. However, that is not what her initial statement said. There was no indication in her statement that she may currently still have cancer. The chemotherapy she was to get was preventative. Of course, there is always the chance that a few cancer cells are floating around but you could say the same thing after a full course of chemotherapy. In which instance, you would never be done with treatment!

      I had that very same thing done, in other words, no indication of cancer remaining yet still receiving preventative therapy. In my case, a lump was felt on one lobe of my thyroid. A biopsy was done on just the one lobe which indicated cancer. Under the normal protocol at my hmo, I would have just had that lobe removed and if the margins were clean and no lymph node involvement they would just then take a wait and see attitude with no further therapy involved. My surgeon and i, however, decided that it was best that if the on the table biopsy showed cancer in one lobe the rest of the thyroid should be removed. He also knew that I was interested in radioactive treatment if there was cancer, even though that was usually not authorized. So, the on the table biopsy indicated cancer so the entire thyroid was removed along with some nearby lymph nodes that were fished out of my neck. While the full biopsy indicated that there was vascular involvement within the thyroid bed, and cancerous tumors in both lobes, it had not traveled to the lymph nodes. So, I was technically cancer-free. My surgeon, however, pushed for my getting radioactive therapy as well to ensure that there were no remaining cancer cells left. I received two treatments over about an 8 month period. This was NOT the normal treatment under my circumstances and was entirely preventative. At that time, most insurance plans would not have paid for the further treatment that I received. But Kate can afford to receive any and all preventative treatments she wants. But that does not mean that she has any discernible, or likely, cancer cells.

    • ML says:

      Pax, best of luck and hoping for you to beat cancer. Hugs!

  71. JFerber says:

    Pax, I wish you the very best.

  72. SamuelWhiskers says:

    *buys bucket of popcorn*

  73. aquarius64 says:

    Christopher Bouzy came out non the X app that Kate’s new photo has been edited. If AP says the same, rut roh.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I was waiting for Christopher Bouzy’s take. So, weird inexplicable photoshop changes…. 🤷‍♀️

      Why do they need to issue an edited picture if she will be in front of hundreds or thousands of cameras tomorrow at the Trooping?

      • Tara says:

        A) because she wont be seen tomorrow
        B) hide the suspect in plain side

        But – if those are edits and they are all on this horizontal line – this indicates head or body was replaced. I feel the legs have her proportions but the pose with crossed legs irritates me somehow. Isn’t it against protocol…?

      • Interested Gawker says:


        Getty isn’t dealing with KP’s BS, just tossed it in the ‘undated/3rd Party/may not adhere to our guidelines’ pile and called it a day.

    • Lauren says:

      I noticed the weird line across the neck as soon as I zoomed in

    • Unblinkered says:

      Isn’t it in the region that a tracheotomy scar would be.?
      Can’t believe she’s been stabbed in the neck, so it looks like operation scar(s).

    • Thena says:

      Does anyone at KP even bother zooming in and looking at the picture before posting it?

    • Elvira says:

      He’s wrong. He is zooming in on the low res image, hence the blur etc. It may be slightly retouched, as most editorial images are, but not much more than that. You can tell very little from the low res image. I looked at the high res in photoshop, and there appear to be pretty typical adjustments, if any at all.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Elvira, have you personally challenged Christopher Bouzy yourself on his claims? Maybe you should? I personally look forward to his response. Christopher Bouzy wouldn’t have posted what he posted if he didn’t have backup, like friends in that arena. Which, it’s pretty obvious, he does.

    • Getty and AFP put those disclaimers on the photo and cited it was undated. They don’t have access to anything more because KP only submits photos via social media after being busted for propaganda like North Korea with the fake mothering day pic.

      I have also seen professional photographers talk about the lighting and use of fill tool suggesting the photo of Katie might have been placed into the woods photo. And the top outfit is from last summer.

      So, maybe an old photo. Who knows, these people are so weird.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Thank you @WithTheAmerican. Shocking info. /s

        I will not watch the Trooping nonsense in real time. Look forward to the takes from Celebitchy. Heads up, if you are watching in real time, save it to an external source. Like a removable disc drive The BRF has editing override.

      • DDDDC says:

        I am a novice and even I can see that it’s fake. Other photos I personally couldn’t tell. Look at her jeans leg and the background. It looks indeed like she’s been dumped into the background. That was my first thought.

  74. Lauren says:

    I official don’t care anymore, I no longer think anyone is going to tell the truth about what has been going on and I have no interest in being lied to. Unless the Windsors do something worthy of Late Night TV I will be limiting my royal watching to the other royal families. Speaking Maxima has been slaying on the trip to the US

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I agree, I wish we were getting more Maxima coverage. They really made the rounds doing neighborhood walkabouts, etc.

    • AC says:

      Looks like we have a disclaimer note from Getty images.

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      Hi Lauren and welcome to my world! I haven’t cared for the last 6 years, especially the last 6 months and it’s so relaxing :). I will say watching the hysteria and reading the conspiracy theories has been pretty entertaining. If you’re interested in other royal women, I’ve been enjoying the Court Jeweller, it’s pretty in-depth about various royal jewels but so far it’s been the only site I’ve found that covers the European and Scandinavian royals as well as the British royals.

  75. Tessa says:

    And like the announcement of months ago William is nowhere in sight

  76. Brit says:

    Well this announcement is exactly twelve weeks since the bench video so, as long as she is seen at Trooping (even if only through a window like H&M were in 2022) that buys another three months of no-shows!

    The next twelve weeks takes us to September 6th, just in time for a Franken-family photo to mark George’s first day at a new school, which will buy another quiet period until the Carol Service or Christmas Day walkabout at Sandringham… and so on

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It occurred to me recently that this might actually be what KP wants out of all this. Maybe they really are just going to phone in their ‘royal duties’ with faked imagery and call it a day. No one is calling them to account for it and they are unrepentant scammers getting what they want out of this arrangement so maybe this is a preview of what they want William’s reign to be…?

      • I said the same thing before this announcement and I think it still holds. No matter if she is really sick or has MH issues, neither of them have ever worked and they don’t intend to. They’ll show up for the glamours fun bits and forget the rest.

        This photo was put up on social media and isn’t dated, it’s basically a FU to anyone with questions. And that’s how they will rule. This is what they always wanted, and now they have it.

      • Princessk; says:

        KP has been under pressure from the media for Kate to show herself in public.
        I also suspect that they are striking a deal with the press, led by the Fail and that English woman they are close. The papers need photos and l suspect Kate will be going on a secret holiday with her family to get some sun and so she will do Trooping, Wimbledon and possibly Ascot and media will let her holiday in private.

      • Liz says:

        Very succinctly put IG. They’re not bothered or blown away by well wishes from the public. They’re grifters who want to do as little as possible and are disdainful the way they take people for fools.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think this is exactly the plan. She’ll show up at Wimbledon, then we won’t see her for a few more months, then the Christmas concert.

      I think there was something going on. I’m not sure what, cancer, mental health – something. but based on how she looks today (and I know you can’t always tell when someone is sick, but if she was going through a course of chemo that was so rough she couldn’t even be photographed for months I would expect her to look…..well, a little different), I don’t think her sickness is why she’s been hiding for 6 months. I think the initial reaction many of us had, that this was about her being lazy more than anything, was probably the correct reaction. She has never wanted to work and now she can work one day every 6 months and no one can criticize her for that in her mind. And William also has a “get out of work” card to use. Those two are never going to work regularly again.

  77. AC says:

    I think they saw how no one cares about CC being the only ones at Trooping based on SM engagements. And the popular posts the past few days with literally millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes are the ones that portray that family very negatively.
    Maybe they’re at the point of Desperation – as they are seeing themselves as being irrelevant/a complete joke to majority of the public.

  78. Elo says:

    Nope- look at the ankle on the leg that’s crossed behind. This photo is fake AF and if she is seen tomorrow, I expect it will be a brief glimpse of a look alike. No children except maybe George.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      For someone allegedly going through chemotherapy, her hair here sure looks long and thick and healthy! Especially considering what it looked like last year with all her horrible wigs. In sure she’s going through something, but it sure isn’t cancer treatment.

    • DDDDC says:

      I’m no photoshop/AI/digital photography expert, but even I can see that the photo is fake. It’s so blatant.

  79. Dee says:

    There’s a black line from the hem of her jacket to the ground.

  80. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Well, it’s 10.24am here in London and Trooping is due to start in 6 minutes. (Which I’ve never watched before.) See you on the other side!

  81. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Well it’s obviously her and it’s obviously the kids, all alive and well. Hopefully this will end the conspiracy theories.

    I never bought into the dead or abroad conspiracy theories (as I’ve said many times) but I still something shady went down. Even if it was just KP being terrible at PR and lying about certain things (ie the faked mother’s day photo).

    • equality says:

      Maybe, but there is still the big question of why they found it necessary to put out a cobbled-together picture.

  82. Supersoft says:

    Saw the pics on the daily fail page. They do look good but now it seems they lost Willie? My bet is still on some illness combined with separation negotiations.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      William was riding with the troops, which is one of the duties of the heir. That’s why he wasn’t in the carriage. Charles would have been on horse too, the only reason he’s not is his health. William rode in the carriage when he was second in line, but now he’s PoW he has to ride.

    • Nic919 says:

      George was sitting between them in the car.

  83. Cassie says:

    She looks pretty darn good for someone been undergoing cancer treatment .

    Absolutely been played the whole time .

    • Hannah1 says:

      someone who is “not out of the woods yet” who has several more months of treatment (?) to go

    • ML says:

      Yeah, I’m not sure what to think. I think she does look tired in some pictures, but if she’s lost weight, she seems to have regained it, which is good. Her re-wear from 2023 isn’t swimming on her. However, she’s got more color than her kids on her face, neck, hands and legs—that seems weird with cancer?? If she’s been incredibly sick these past few years, I could understand that if she’s gotten whatever it is treated, she’d seem healthier, but she does seem healthier than at Christmas. I don’t understand why she didn’t do any unaltered photos, or thank medical staff or open cards with KC.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        She looks like she had a spray tan to help her look more healthy, and the makeup is piled on. I don’t blame her because she is probably pretty pale and wan looking under all that. Just wanted to give a take about the coloring.

    • Unless all of the pics were touched up, it looks like she had a facelift. She looks miserable getting into the carriage.

      I don’t think the kids have been with her, because they are all brunettes again and I say that as someone who has not been on board with the divorce theories or her taking off with the kids theories (not because I think they’re happy, they’re obviously in hell).

      Beautiful kids, and Kate’s outfit was surprisingly good (looks like a good Meghan copy), miserable family. Not the big comeback the Kate stans predicted. Internet is not broken and she is not even trending for me on X. Meghan is trending, though.

      • Nic919 says:

        So an original theory looks to be correct. The video shows a fresher look which can’t be photoshopped. I think that explains the total blackout until mid March. Could be a few things at play but chemo tends to make one look tired and drawn. She doesn’t. And jawline is tighter than ever.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I’m sure the British rags will have Kate on the top of all their issues tomorrow so the royals can enjoy that with breakfast, as per Harry they review a stack of tabloids for their own coverage every morning.

        Meanwhile, Meghan is trending higher because Nacho Figueroa posted that he received ARO raspberry jam number 2 of 2. Pretty exclusive for Harry’s brother from another mother. Even when she’s not posting directly, Meghan breaks the internet.

      • Pink: Raspberry jam! That’s what I asked for! Now that’s something to troop for:-)

        Nic: we will probably never know the truth, but I agree it was a combo of things.

  84. Normal_Islander says:

    It’s her but she looks about 15 years younger. I’ve also seen some comments about a scar over her eye that wasn’t there before, on her outer left eyelid, and I could spot it even in the low res pics. Nah, this isn’t over, the speculation isn’t going to die down.

    • atlantababe says:

      15 years younger????? 😂 no she does not, she looks really frail and thin and it shows on her face. if anything she looks older.

  85. Unicornlady1 says:

    She looks very fragile to me. And a bit out of it and lacking in confidence, have they got her on something? I think nervous breakdown/coma is more likely

  86. Unicornlady1 says:

    And Princess Charlotte doesn’t look at her

    • Nic919 says:

      Honestly if my mom dressed me like that I would be mad too. A 9 year old girl would have thoughts about outfits and that’s not a choice any of them would make.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Seriously, that child is getting too old to be wearing Sound of Music dresses (credit to @Cassie for that). She’s maturing into a lovely young girl and that outfit is so juvenile on her. I hope Kate isn’t trying to emulate Sophie by dressing her daughter in old-fashioned outfits as well.

  87. Tessa says:

    Kate looks frail

  88. LOLikes says:

    Now it’s raining! She does look very fragile and has it ever rained on trooping? Talk about “rain on My parade.” Oh I just love this for them 🙂

  89. Jean says:

    Happy to see her alive and well. Goodluck Catherine

  90. atlantababe says:

    she looks like always and as thin as always. so no way was she getting some treatment for an ED. but at least the conspiracy theories can finally b put to rest.

  91. Tara says:

    Well I just used google images search to not click on sources, but from what i can see I now think it was a huge face lift. She looks not happy, though. But flawless – no more wrinkles, youthful skin.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Tara- yes, I agree that she looks no thinner than normal, she’s been painfully thin for over a decade. It’s the smoothness of her face that is striking, and how taut the skin looks around her jaw. I think she’s also had her veneers done. She looks great but it’s clearly the work of the best cosmetic surgeons and dentists we can afford!

      • Feeshalori says:

        I thought her teeth looked different as well, they’re not as large and obtrusive as in the past.

  92. Cassie says:

    George looks miserable and poor Charlottes dress is straight out of Sound of Music .
    Looking at full length photos , yes Kate does look quite frail and very thin .

    I hope she is happy being where she wanted to be .

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, full length and from the side, she looks much thinner, her legs aren’t as toned anymore and her head looks huge in comparison to her torso.

    • Nic919 says:

      Dressing Charlotte like that is a crime. They need to stop pretending it’s the 1930s. There are formal outfits for girls that age that don’t call back to the Hitler youth movement. But then we know they love colonizer get up.

      • Tessa says:

        Kate dresses those children like they live in victorian times.what exactly is keen trying to prove.

  93. Harper says:

    She looks absolutely fine. Not tired; same weight. Dismounted the carriage unaided. Still looks pained to be in Willy’s presence. Charlotte looks like a vonTrapp.

    Kate’s white and black outfit immediately took me back to Meghan’s white and black Ascot dress so it felt like nothing had changed. Why did she hide for so long?

  94. MY3CENTS says:

    Sorry to say she looks the best she has in years. Her face looks a lot younger, I don’t know if its filters, makeup or she’s had something done.

    • Nic919 says:

      We circle back to one of the original theories. Make up doesn’t tighten a face. Intervention is required.

    • First comment says:

      All the photos are very much edited…perhaps, that’s the reason?

  95. Underhill says:

    Well that’s it. That is Kate, and I was wrong. She isn’t on a slab after all. I don’t mind being wrong, the children haven’t lost their mother. And I can letgo of the mystery. And with it the entire damned family.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Underhill, it took more than 6 months for KP to manage to produce Kate. I wonder if the mystery of what actually happened will ever be disclosed because I have never seen such incompetent PR clownery.

  96. Mrs. Smith says:

    I’ve held off on commenting because I honestly don’t know what to make of any of it. I was concerned about K since December with all the weird messaging, fake photos and videos and lies from KP. Not to mention K and the Midds were completely absent for 6 months with not one photo in all that time. None of this adds up or makes any sense. And her appearance today is good news (she looks fine and healthy…and no different than when we last saw her), but it’s confounding, too. Like WTF happened/is happening? Six months worth of shenanigans—why? Ultimately I guess it doesn’t matter, it’s back to business as usual now that the palace machine has a fresh start. The clown show came full circle and now we are all back where we left off. 🙄

  97. Mslove says:

    It’s too bad Chuck was overshadowed on his big day, lol.