Billy Ray Cyrus, 62, believes Firerose only married him for his money

I can tell that many of you guys are tuning out the Billy Ray Cyrus-Firerose drama, but I’m really enjoying it. Billy Ray married this very obvious grifter last year after knowing her for maybe a year? I was never clear on just how or when they met, but it was at some point in 2022. They got engaged in the fall of 2022 and then married a year later. So it wasn’t a complete whirlwind – they were probably together, all told, for about two years. Well, Billy Ray filed for divorce a few weeks ago and he’s already letting people know that Firerose has been running up his credit cards. Now People Magazine has an exclusive about how Billy Ray thinks Firerose hustled him. No sh-t, Sherlock.

There’s more than meets the eye with Billy Ray Cyrus’ split from Firerose. A source told PEOPLE that the “Achy Breaky Heart” singer, 62, is separating from his wife — whose real name is Johanna Rose Hodges — after seven months of marriage because “she isn’t the person he thought he married.”

“He believes that she married for other reasons but love,” the insider said. “He believes she married him so he can take care of her financially. They’ve had drama and trust issues about money.”

“He wants her out of his life,” the source added. “They have a prenup. He’s disappointed right now, but surely will turn it around quickly. He tends to be a very positive guy.”

Cyrus’ representatives and Firerose’s lawyers did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.

This comes days after Cyrus filed an emergency motion in a Tennessee court seeking a temporary restraining order that would keep Firerose, 37, from any “unauthorized” use of his personal and business credit cards and accounts.

[From People]

The thing is, it’s not the worst accusation you can make about Firerose or any woman – oh, she married a much-older man for financial security, so she would be taken care of. Many women do that, and many men understand that some 30-something woman wouldn’t have anything to do with their 60-something ass if he didn’t have money. That being said, my guess is that the situation with Firerose specifically is a lot more complicated. The weirdness around her age (no one has really gotten receipts of her age), her curiously empty background, her general sketchy vibe, it all points to the idea that she’s a con artist who targeted a wealthy, aging country star and he fell for it.

Photos courtesy of Billy Ray’s Instagram.

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52 Responses to “Billy Ray Cyrus, 62, believes Firerose only married him for his money”

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  1. Cheshire Sass says:

    Duh! –

    • Matilda says:

      LOL! I came on to say the same thing. There is no fool like an old fool.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      IMPOSSIBLE! Why would she marry for the millions!!!

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      LOL I read that and was all YOU THINK???

    • goofpuff says:

      lol these old men are so deluded. DUH of course she married you for the money.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        I mean, they are, aren’t they? It’s not like he married her for her personality and witty intelligence (not saying she’s not full of personality etc., just that he didn’t marry her for it). But OMG the pearls these old men clutch when they find out their much younger trophy wives married their old asses for piles of money.

  2. tealily says:

    I’m completely along for the ride on this story, thank you for continuing to post! I really hope more about Firehose’s background comes out as this all goes down. And maybe some non-filtered photos. This is the most fun gossip trainwreck we’ve had in a while.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      The filters on top of plastic surgery make their photos look like those optical illusions. You look at it long enough and something starts spinning.

    • Megan says:

      She should have set her sights on Miley. She’s way richer.

    • BeanieBean says:

      True! There’s nobody to root for, they’re both idiots. No children getting hurt, just two dumb self-involved adults.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yes to all of the above, I’m a few days late catching up on my gossip and I am very much enjoying this story. More coverage please!

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    Would there be some other reason to marry him? 🤔

    When I see Firerose, my brain translates it to Firehose. So, yeah, he’s getting hosed.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    I keep reading her name as Firehose.

  5. Anonymous says:

    We all believe this, Billy Ray. Had you asked beforehand, I’m sure every resident of planet Earth, aside from Firehose, would have told you.

  6. LolaB says:

    Billy Ray is giving Young Gandalf.

    • Chaine says:

      Yesssss! I was getting a vibe that I couldn’t place from him and this is it! He did dabble in acting. Perhaps there is a role for him in the LOTR universe!

  7. Anonymous says:

    ‘No, really?’

  8. Ameerah M says:

    Did someone finally convince him to run a background check on her?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      That’s my impression too. Because why would she suddenly pull the plug on a long con? She had him on the hook after a year or so of HARD work, so I don’t think she was going for a credit card haul.

  9. Grandma Susan says:

    Whatever he thinks that hair is doing for him….it’s not.

    • ChickieBaby says:

      Agreed! But this is just one more in his history of horribly bad long-hair styles. Maybe if he cut it all off, he could get more air to his brain and it might work a little better and he could deduce things quicker.

  10. DragonWise says:

    The important part of the headline is “62!” I love the shade for Captain Obvious! 🤣 Did she think she loved him for his moobs and saggy nuts?

  11. Rapunzel says:

    Some men be idiots. Thinking they’re such a catch of course a woman young enough to be their daughter actually wants them for something other than money. Delusional.

  12. sevenblue says:

    It is the audacity for me. These old men get with women at the age of their children, then get surprised that they are not in love with their old ass. Pick someone your own age if you want an equal partner in life.

  13. CommentingBunny says:

    *insert Pheobe gif*


    • bettyrose says:

      ** Comment Award **

    • Bananie says:


    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Awesome comment! Don’t mind me, I’m doing a deep into Rupert Murdoch’s marriages. 5? All about love for that despicable creature. The woman love, love loved him-then divorced him because he certainly awesome. Yeah, Billy Ray needs a good shaving and a lesson in how now to be a dumb*ss.

  14. Eurydice says:

    Oh yes, I want to know more. If she’s a con artist, this can’t be the first time she’s done it.

  15. BlueNailsBetty says:

    This is ridiculous. Obviously she didn’t marry him for his money….she married him for his money and his fame.

  16. ariel says:

    Maybe this is a stupid question- but if you have decided someone married you for your money and you file for divorce- wouldn’t you cancel all the credit cards they had access to?

    Also, like when old men date teens- its hard to talk the teen out of it b/c the older man tells them they are different than others, special, old soul, etc.

    I assume this is true for older men with money who attract young, beautiful grifters. I’m sure they believe it is love, and that the woman would be there with or without the money, that age is just a number and they have a once in a lifetime connection.


  17. 3Gatos says:

    Shocking news! Simply shocking! Love is dead.

  18. Barbara says:

    She definitely didn’t marry him for his hair care products. And please, she looks an awful lot like his ex-wife, did HE really marry her for love or because he wanted another Saw-faced bleach blonde he could post on Instagram to make Tish jealous?

  19. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I’ve grown rather bored with the royal gossip of the last several months so I’m really enjoying this and am loving Kaiser’s coverage of it!!

  20. Flamingo says:

    I’ll take ‘No Shit Sherlock’, for $500 Alex.

  21. Mina_Esq says:

    And the sky is blue. But anyways, why is this a problem if true? Women used to almost exclusively marry for money and security. Isn’t this what men say they want?

  22. JFerber says:

    Am I wrong to be enjoying the hell out of this?

  23. Andrea says:

    As a 43 year old woman, I would only date someone 55-65 if they were fairly good looking for their age AND had a lot of money. I certainly would not be marrying some beer bellied surly plumber. If he was a janitor, does he think she would have love his soul? Please… There is no fool like an old fool as someone stated above.

  24. HeatherC says:

    Man if these two crazy kids couldn’t make it, what hope is there for the rest of us?

    • Nóinín says:

      Whaaat?? She married this grizzly, old coot with two ex-wives and six kids for his money – Say it isn’t so!!

  25. Katie Beanstalk says:

    Didn’t he get famous again because of Hannah Montana?

  26. Maria_ says:

    prrrffff XD lol