Prince William isn’t happy about his father opening Balmoral to tourists

At some point this month, King Charles and Queen Camilla will decamp to Scotland and they’ll likely spend two months or more at their Scottish residence, Birkhall. Charles has made it clear that he has no desire to give up Birkhall, which is supposedly more “homey” than Balmoral Castle. Still, Charles will spend some time in the main castle, and the rest of the family is still expected to trudge up to Balmoral for their annual summer visits too. This year, the family will have to dodge tourists within the castle though. For the first time ever, King Charles is opening up selected rooms within the castle for tourists. Roya Nikkhah at the Sunday Times was seemingly the only journalist to get an advance private tour of “seven of its more than 100 rooms.” After QEII died, Charles started redecorating right away and he began plotting a way to open up the castle to make money. Keep in mind, Balmoral IS private property (like Sandringham). This is not some kind of “public land.”

As the “heart of the castle”, where the royal family gather for pre-dinner drinks, the drawing room is also where the King has put his personal touches on a home associated for so long with his mother. He has changed the carpets back to “hunting Stewart tartan”: the green, blue, yellow and red check pattern that Victoria would have had fitted originally. He has also hung new chintz curtains with a light tartan stripe, with matching sofa covers.

From Monday until August 4, “golden ticket” holders can wander through the private quarters of Balmoral for the first time in groups of ten. All 3,400 tickets — priced at £100 — for the “bespoke” 45-minute tour sold out within two hours of going on sale on April 2. Some of the visitors will come from as far afield as the US, Australia and New Zealand. Previously, tourists were allowed to visit only the castle’s 55,000-acre grounds, for £17.50 a ticket, between April and July. The ballroom was the only interior space open for annual exhibitions.

James Hamilton-Goddard, Balmoral’s visitor enterprise manager, who has been working with the King for two years on the project, said: “When the family are here, they’re not here to sit in their castle. They’re here to enjoy the outdoors.”

A royal source told me [the king] wanted “to bring people in to connect with the institution. He recognises it needs to keep evolving, and in the modern era people want to be able to access their palaces. He embraces that and sees them as public places more than private spaces.”

Friends of his son have told me, however, that Prince William did not instantly warm to Charles’s vision of the public wandering through the rooms that his children, George, Charlotte and Louis, have the run of each summer. But the King has the final say.

A friend of Charles said he isn’t as sentimental as William: “With the exception of Birkhall [the home he shares with the Queen on the estate], he feels like everywhere is temporary accommodation, rather than his place of nurture. It is to do with his upbringing, I don’t think he ever stayed in one place for more than three months at a time, so he regards them more as lodgings than home. He by nature is someone who opens doors to people, not closes them.”

The King, who is currently at Birkhall with his wife before Holyrood Week in Edinburgh this week, has kept a close eye on the Balmoral project, visiting on Thursday to inspect the new signage in the gardens. He is expected to visit again in the coming days for a final check. Hamilton-Goddard says: “It’s a big deal. The King wanted it to happen; we’ve made it happen.” Proceeds from the tour will go back into the estate and after the castle closes to the public on August 5, the royal family will begin their summer break in mid-August until the end of September.

[From The Times]

“He feels like everywhere is temporary accommodation, rather than his place of nurture…I don’t think he ever stayed in one place for more than three months at a time.” That made me so sad. That reveals more about Charles’s mindset and rolling-stone personality than anything else. Even before he inherited the vast real estate empire of the crown, he couldn’t stay in one home for longer than three months? Yikes. As for William’s chagrin at the tour scheme… William really wanted to dictate that no tours should be allowed because HIS children spend about four or five days at Balmoral every year? William and Kate barely spent any time on the Balmoral estate even when QEII was alive. They put in perfunctory appearances, usually only for a long weekend or something. Besides, I’m pretty sure they don’t stay in the main castle either.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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54 Responses to “Prince William isn’t happy about his father opening Balmoral to tourists”

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  1. equality says:

    The usual. It’s okay for Charles to use his titles to make money.

    • Libra says:

      Yup. Rules for me and thee.

    • Jan90067 says:

      On his PERSONAL property…. this doesn’t even go into the coffers. HE is banking the profits PERSONALLY.

      “One rule for me, another for THEE!”
      ~KCIII, The Hypocrite King.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Chuckles can open his private property for profit and is lauded, while Meghan and Harry are vilified in the British press for earning their own way and making jam. Also, should he be opening the crown properties to the public more broadly? Because, you know, they “own” them?

  2. SURE says:

    Off topic but the photo at the top of this article is probably my favourite of WanK.

    • Sarah Westwood says:

      Same! His true character

    • Beverley says:

      Yeah, his disdain for her jumps off the page. Of course, she seems more idiotic than usual in this moment.

    • Unblinkered says:

      He looks genuinely concerned at her behaviour.
      It’s entirely possible that some of those engagements that the two of them have done, or just KM, may not have ended well.

  3. Lau says:

    William is probably afraid he’ll have to do actual work if they allow visitors inside one of their countless properties.

    • Megan says:

      William own Tam-Na-Ghar, a cottage on the property. Perhaps he uses that for private trysts and does t want any prying eyes at Balmoral.

      • Lau says:

        Good point lol.

      • Lady Esther says:

        You know, that raises some questions…How did the Queen Mum “own” Tam-Na-Ghar so that she could bequeath it to William? Did she own anything in her own right, as a married-in? I thought that famously she had no money when she died and QEII had to in fact pay off her debts?

        After the King, her husband, died wouldn’t all of his properties have gone to QEII following the “monarch inherits monarch to avoid taxes” scam? I don’t know when that came into law….

        The Queen Mum stayed in Royal Lodge, Marlborough House, Birkhall and that Scottish property I forget the name of….but did she actually “own” them?

      • equality says:

        They were probably given to the QM and to PW in the same manner that QE “gave” FC to H&M as a wedding gift.

      • Jais says:

        Good question @lady Esther. My understanding is that only thing the queen ever owned that was hers alone was the nickname Lilibet🙄

      • BQM says:

        Tam na Ghar’s lease was gifted to William by the queen mum shortly before her death. It’s managed by the Crown Estates.

    • Isabella says:

      I’m liking Charles much more than William at this point. So sick of hearing Will use his kids for an excuse to do nothing. Sounds like he wants to keep every smidgen of the royal prosperities for himself.

      When he is king, he’ll just roam around, spending money, doing the occasional zoom call. The public will barely see him let alone any of the royal properties.

      Opening up Balmoral to the public is smart.

      • Jais says:

        Well, I’m not a Charles fan either but I agree that William is in the process of creating a role in which he does very little in comparison to his father or grandmother.

  4. Tennyson says:

    Balmoral is private property purchased with public funds.
    Victoria and Albert kept complaining they were broke, but actually amassed a small fortune of state funds to build themselves a nice portfolio of holiday residences.

    • Lady Esther says:

      And the staff at Balmoral are paid for by taxpayers, just as with the other “private” RF residences. It’s called “household staff” which also includes office staff, for all of their royal residences whether public or private and there is quite a bit of RF budget attributed to it.

    • Kokiri says:


      How can anything they have be privately owned?
      The stole everything they have & steal to keep it all going.

      Abolish it all.

    • BQM says:

      Balmoral was purchased by Albert for Victoria after they’d rented it. They bought Birkhall at the same time. Albert used some of the money , GBP500,000, left to the queen by a Chelsea man named Neild. Balmoral was bought for GBP32000.

  5. Miranda says:

    “[Charles] by nature is someone who opens doors to people, not closes them.”

    Charles evicted his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren from their secure UK home. He didn’t just close that door, he slammed it so hard it came of the hinges. Kind of a metaphor for the monarchy as a whole these days, really.

  6. Tennyson says:

    Prince William has his own property on the Balmoral Estate. It’s called Tam-Na-Ghar and it used to be Queen Mum’s. It’s a 5-bedroom with reception rooms etc.

    Don’t forget that family has access over 3,000 rooms.

  7. Cathy says:

    “Balmoral is mine Harold! Mine!”



    Echo fading away…
    “Mine Harold! Mine!”

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    Doesn’t surprise me that Charles would try to make money off the public using his personal estates. Charles has always been a greedy man, the bags of cash story will never be forgotten. Also I had to laugh because Willy once again is angry and doesn’t want to share, nothing new or shocking about that.

    • Anna says:

      Honestly- does he need more? What’s he going to do with it? Buy more of what?

  9. Oh come on. says:

    These taxpayer-funded grifters are charging the public £100 a head to tour a few rooms in their gigantic house.

    And apparently the public is eager to be fleeced that way?

  10. Eurydice says:

    Whatever, he can shut it down once Charles is gone.

  11. Berkeleyfarm says:

    This really is trying to make fetch happen.

  12. Jais says:

    None of them look good, but William’s opposition really doesn’t look good. I’m assuming there will be no guests when his children are visiting so what does he thinks going to happen? They’ll get cooties leftover from the commoners that visited weeks before?

  13. Amy Bee says:

    William has his own house on the Balmoral Estate and he will stop crying about this when he’s shown the accounts at the end of summer. In my opinion, visitors should get to tour the house for free, the Windsors make enough money from the estate as it is.

  14. Digital Unicorn says:

    I don’t have a problem with this if the money is going in the upkeep of both the castle and the estate – they might not be using their own money to refurb it but at least its not the taxpayer.

    HIs big thing is making the estates support themselves – he takes that after his father who famously made the Windsor estate self sufficient.

    Peggy can SFTU – he’s just salty Dad has done it before him. And anyway a lot of the estate is open to the public due to Scottish land laws. There are private areas and the open places – how do u think there are all these stories about hikers coming across the King and QE2.

    • blueberry says:

      I listened to a podcast episode about Right to Roam and it was fascinating to my American brain.

  15. Tursitops says:

    Kaiser could have ended that headline after the fourth word.

  16. BeanieBean says:

    As I said on another host, boohoo for William, cry me a river. Too bad, so sad.

  17. tamsin says:

    I think Charles has said he might turn over Balmoral to the Scots or make it a national heritage site. He said that while his mother was still alive. He would still be able to benefit from the rental of the land and estates on Balmoral. It would relieve him of the obligation to invite all the relatives for a holiday at the castle. Charles doesn’t seem to have any need to create a sense of family. He is splendidly isolated with Camilla and her offspring. believe the Queen did a lot of official entertaining there as well. She had prime ministers and governors general visit.

    • Jais says:

      Ok, saying it would relieve him of the obligation to invite relatives to the castle made me laugh. I can honestly see that factoring in.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Charles indeed said that in a newspaper report in the 1990s, I believe, coupled with his complaining that Balmoral cost 3 million pounds per year to run (at the time…one can only imagine how much it costs now). He was happy with Birkhall which has its own vast estate grounds, seldom reported upon but apparently the same acerage as Balmoral.

      Therefore he saw Balmoral as a white elephant needing lots of expensive renovations and upkeep that he’d be glad to be rid of in the name of “giving it to the Scottish people” while still keeping Birkhall. I guess the current situation of opening it a bit more (a couple more rooms, with some refreshed curtains and cushions LOL) and charging for it is the best he could get away with considering the British government’s desire to preserve it? No one in the BRF seems to like or want Balmoral for itself since QEII died….

    • Unblinkered says:

      Fine, if Charles prefers Birkhall to live in but in that case I’d say Balmoral Castle should be opened extensively to the public with some sort of museum / exhibition created celebrating the lives of The Queen and Philip. They did a lot for the UK, and there’d be huge interest in visiting the Castle and its exhibition. V&A, who largely created it, should feature too with all the subsequent sovereigns

  18. Jferber says:

    Did William also want to live in Balmoral as a single man in addition to his 47 other mansions? Sheesh. Greedy bugger is Wilbur.

  19. bisynaptic says:

    What does he want the money for? Isn’t he getting enough, already?

  20. Elisabeth says:

    “The king is someone who opens doors not closes them” – I like that but what about Harry then? that is a closing door, no?

  21. PrincessK says:

    Charles just like his mother cannot stay in one property for more than 3 months because otherwise the staff who look after those places and the royals when they visit would lose interest and the ability to fulfill their roles.

  22. Bread and Circuses says:

    Between some of the comments Harry made about how the institution works, and the fact that Charles is “streamlining” out royals and opening up new revenue streams, I have to wonder if the monarchy is pretty damned cash-poor.

    As far as these things go, Charles is a genuinely thrifty guy (e.g. he has his suits mended) due to his environmentalism, so I think he’s of the right mindset to decide to quietly get The Firm’s finances in order while he’s in charge.