King Charles faced another loud ‘Not My King’ protest in Edinburgh on Wednesday

On Wednesday, Prince William flew up to Edinburgh to attend an Order of the Thistle service as part of Holyrood Week. The “Holyrood Week” activities were limited to two days, partly because of Britain’s Thursday election and partly because the working royals really don’t give a sh-t anymore (if they ever did). After the Thistle service at St. Giles’ Cathedral, William posed with his father, stepmother and uncle for yet another very awkward portrait in Scotland. Remember the portrait Charles, Camilla, William and Kate took last year in Scotland where they all looked like White Walkers? Well, at least in this one, they got some appropriate lighting.

The Order of the Thistle is basically the Scottish equivalent of the Order of the Garter – an order of chivalry and prestige in which you have to wear heavy velvet robes and chains. At this year’s service, Queen Camilla and Prince Edward were both welcomed into the order. It’s a bit awkward because Edward received his father’s “Duke of Edinburgh” title last year, so this honor feels a bit late. The palace said it was a gift for Edward’s 60th birthday. It also feels notable that Camilla hadn’t been given the honor before now either. QEII did like to withhold certain things from certain royal women, so maybe that’s it.

Anyway, funny story – those republican protesters waited until William turned up in Edinburgh to stage their latest “Not My King” protest. While it was directed more at Charles, Republic didn’t stage any protests before this Wednesday service at St. Giles’ Cathedral. This reminds me so much of last year’s Scottish coronation, where Republic’s protest was so loud, their chants could be heard within the cathedral. It’s surreal to hear the chants as the band plays “God Save the King” too.

Something else I’ve been thinking about is how huffy and mad these people are about Prince Harry receiving the Pat Tillman Award for Service, and how often they claim that *they* are the real public servants because they do their royal work grimly and without thanks or awards. When literally, they’re always giving out awards, titles, honors and orders to themselves. Was it necessary that Edward and Camilla be inducted into the Order of the Thistle? Really? Speaking of, Kensington Palace made another dumb fancam.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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45 Responses to “King Charles faced another loud ‘Not My King’ protest in Edinburgh on Wednesday”

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  1. Cassie says:

    Do they actually realise how ridiculous they look , surely they must feel a bit embarrassed dressed like that .

    • Anance says:

      I don’t think they do. Wearing those robes and hats is one of their meaningless honors.

    • Jais says:

      I think William might feel embarrassed. His feather is drooping off to the side in the group pic. Where’s his valet😂

    • Kittenmom says:

      Willy does seem to feel embarrassed when they dress up in these costumes. He never looks at ease.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      They should feel embarrassed to give and receive honors from themselves to themselves. It’s ridiculous. These chin ups like to play dress up and make believe they are something, but deep down – someone like Cowmilla – knows she is the mistress tampon queen and all she did was mistressing and tamponing with a dude with a big destiny and lots of cash. There is no value to the feathers and velvet cape in the situation

    • Jenny H says:

      They look like cockatoos .

  2. ML says:

    Go Republic! Good luck in your quest to become a more egalitarian country.

    That one photo of KC where a page (?) is holding the back of his cloak makes it look like the thing is way too big and KC hasn’t grown into it.
    Somehow having W, KC, QCC, and PE together looks like PE is replacing K. This might not be true, but the visuals are striking.

    To the CBers from the UK: Congratulations on your new government! I hope that things improve for you all.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Thanks ML. Very amused Tories tried to smear Starmer of wanting to work a ‘four-day week’ and being lazy because he likes to keep Friday evening clear for his wife and wifes. RW press happily lept on “laziness” of Keir when no one bats an eye at PoW barely working at all to spend quality time chez kids and her indoors! but then PM does run the country and PoW is just symbolic and as such only dresses up in fancy clothes to wave at the peasants when FORCED to!

      • Fortuona says:

        Well seen as the SNP vote fell into the tank ‘ Not My King ‘ aint going to get what they want and the SNP wanted to keep Chuck anyway
        And they would have to scrap what we have as the Constitution as it is all tied to the Scots Crown if you watched the handover last year as the same family has been 1st Among Equals for 700 years and GenPop then started 5 Wars to kneecap Charles I and then to stick the crown on his son ,to take it off his brother because he and his son tried to change the religion of the country by torturing his countrymen/women and they placed laws to make freedom of the Kirk was point 1 of what Chuck had to do before he could actually get his hands on the English Crown

  3. Lady Digby says:

    i loved the timing of another ANOTHER congratsfest to themselves after all that pearl clutching from the Fail about PH getting a real award. They all look like fatuous, over stuffed and over dressed and full of themselves so I am glad they got soundly booed for their presumption at awarding themselves more meaningless awards. The family that grifts together stays together, what, what!

    • Proud Mary says:

      I’m actually getting used to the fake outrage over all things Harry and Meghan. That stuff is so predictable. I have the feeling that Harry is telling people in advance to expect and be prepared for the meltdowns from salt island.

    • Fortuona says:

      These awards were never going to Harry anyway . Billy got because he is heir , Anne got the Thistle because she in popular in Scotland , RandyAndy does not have it and Eddie only got it because he inherited his Dads title . As for Cam she aint the 1st as Mary QOS gave it to 2 of her 3 hubands and one had syphalis and got blown up with the help of husband 3 who also had syphalis , killed his wife to marry Mary and died in a Danish gaol

      And the Garter only goes to peeps once there 60+ execpt the monarchs OH and the heir

  4. Tessa says:

    They all look ridiculous. Charles has pages holding the train of his robes.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    Is that Roses son holding the (Not My) King’s robe, again? Regarding the protests, I love that they don’t have Betty’s popularity to hide behind any more. If those protests had been done during her time, the palace would have used the media to shut it down because, “the poor queen.” And lastly, seeing Camzilla smirking in that silly outfit looking like the Cat that ate the cream — all her rewards for the evil she did to Diana. I’m sorry, but I truly despise that wench.

    • Anance says:

      As do we all.

    • Liz says:

      Same here. She has the cheek to be a domestic abuse campaigner after what she did to Diana. Taking over her home and sneering that she was paranoid.

    • kirk says:

      I swear Republic is really missing a trick by not selling a Not My Queen t-shirt. I’ll bet they’d get more $$$ and public support if they did.

  6. Tessa says:

    Camilla just has to smirk at the cameras

    • Cali says:

      Smirking is Camilla’s default expression. Just like befuddlement for Charles and scowling for William…

  7. Oh goody another costume event.😴😴

  8. Amy Bee says:

    The caption on that KP’s tweet doesn’t match the video. All they showed us was William and his relatives. According to Becky English, the royals rarely accept awards because their reward is being of service to the country. At least she was honest when she admitted that the royals do accept awards. I remember when there was a big fuss in the press and amongst royalists when Sophie went to DC to collect an award from Hilary Clinton a few years ago.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, it matched the sentiment, all right. William is congratulating himself & his family.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Wait, isn’t that their job? They are being rewarded with billions of pounds in assets and cash, and yet, they deserves awards for, what exactly, taking a selfie with Taylor Swift? Collecting bags of cash from middle eastern despots? Nice work if you can get it.

  9. HuffnPuff says:

    Looks like whomever edited that video got in a little dig with that rose. lol Imagine congratulating people for getting this “honor” by including a video not of the other honorees but of themselves. These people get it wrong every single time.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I saw that rose & thought, shouldn’t that be a thistle? What a stupid, stupid bungle.

  10. Aerie says:

    After months of being shackled to brave daughter Kate’s sick bed, the Middletons have wormed their way back into Wimbledon society. And this quartet of the apocalypse continue to demonstrate how clueless they are with every public appearance. The Royal Shakespeare Company can only watch in horror.

  11. Nerd says:

    I thought that they were going to avoid working during the election cycle? Or were they just making sure that doing actual work to help people didn’t disturb any of their dress up and give themselves honors and awards time?

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    British democracy got a shot in the arm yesterday. Then there’s this. Democracy and monarchy cannot continue to coexist uncomfortably forever. Congratulations to Republic for reminding everyone of this fact.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    There is no elegance, glamour or excitement left in that family it all looks gloomy and old.. love that the ugly souls are being booed at every event that people actually bother to show up for. I hope the yellow sign crowd continues to grow.

    • Liz says:

      I’m Scottish and live not far from Edinburgh. I don’t know a single person who would bother going to see them.

      As they look like a bunch of pantomime dames it’s kind of apt they get boo’ed and hissed.

  14. Eurydice says:

    So, basically, they’ve given themselves an award for breathing in Scotland.

  15. Tursitops says:

    Imagine thinking that dressing up in costumes, attending church and having your photo taken is a real job, worthy of adulation and a salary.

    One can only have fontrum for them and for their obliviousness.

  16. bisynaptic says:

    They celebrate the men and women who have contributed so much to life in Scotland, by giving themselves prizes! 😁

  17. Feebee says:

    Something about the page outfit just smacks as sooooo ridiculous. Or maybe it’s the fact there is a page at all (ditch the train Charlie). No, it’s definitely the outfit. It’s 2024 ffs.

    The tweet says congrats to the knights and ladies but the video just shows the royals faffing about. They really make everything about themselves. They don’t get it like Harry gets it so while they get mad at Harry for picking up awards for service, they should be looking within. LOL I know I’m asking a lot.

  18. BeanieBean says:

    That video! He’s congratulating himself & his family! Whoooboy, what an idiot!

  19. Giddy says:

    Silly people wearing silly outfits thinking that they are special. They don’t look special, just stupid. The only thing I admire is the incredible needlework and craftsmanship that goes into those robes.

  20. Serenity says:

    Haha I went to the comments on that behind the scenes video and a user by the name of Lou-Bug Windsor said (and I quote) “Dayumm … Prince William is hot 🔥”. There is so much ICK in that, I think it’s on me. Ewwwwwwwww 🤢🤮🤮

  21. Oh come on. says:

    Love this journey for them. May a chorus of “Not My King” resound wherever they go.

  22. bumbles says:

    Self aggrandizement is so pathetic. So, when will the abolishment of the monarchy happen already?