Prince William attended the EURO quarterfinal in Dusseldorf on Saturday

Prince William flew to Germany again over the weekend. He was in Germany just after Trooping the Colour to support Team England at the Euros, in his capacity as the Football Association President. It continues to speak volumes to me that William conveniently forgets about his FA responsibilities when it comes to traveling to support the women’s team, but here we are. William flew to Dusseldorf to attend the EURO quarterfinal between England and Switzerland. England won in penalties, so they will face The Netherlands on Wednesday. I would assume that William wants to fly out to Dortmund for that too. This is what people saw when England won:

Yeah. There are a lot of people saying it’s a bad look for William to make it the highest priority to travel around to attend football matches while his wife is still receiving chemotherapy. But I would argue that the timing of everything William and Kate have done in the past five weeks has all had a purpose. Kate had to make her announcement and appearance at Trooping the Colour because William wanted to attend EURO matches in Germany. Kate also had an ultimate goal, which is “attending matches at Wimbledon.”

Something else egg-related was announced over the weekend: William is doing a two-part documentary on his silly Homewards program. He launched Homewards last year, and it was a typical keen scheme, with more hype and promises than funding and planning. Homewards is basically just William banging on about how he’s the savior of homeless people because he threw £3 million at six different halfway houses in the UK. The money comes from the Royal Foundation and William centered himself throughout the launch last year. As you can imagine, he’s centering himself in the documentary too. It’s called Prince William: We Can End Homelessness. There promises to be a lot of keenery about the “ambition” of his project too. Sigh… I guess docu-series are totally okay nowadays, right? But it was crass and a slap in the king’s face when it was the Suss— you know what, nvm.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Prince William attended the EURO quarterfinal in Dusseldorf on Saturday”

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  1. Molly says:

    He’s so… alone. Friendless.

    • Emme says:

      My immediate thought when I saw the photo in the media of him leaping up with a clenched fist ready to throw a punch and with that snarl on his face was, so that’s what Harry saw just before Willy punched him to the ground. I can never not see that now.

      • Minnieder says:

        I thought that as well.
        As for the crotch clutch, does he have a constant aggressive boner he needs to hide?!?

      • Normal Islander says:

        My first thought was “Poor Kate”.

  2. Aerie says:

    Something else egg-related

    I spit out my orange juice. Thanks for the laugh to start the day!

  3. Lia says:

    Shame on you William!! Flying to every game just because you feel like it and want to use this privilege. We don’t want you here!
    Even our politicians/ministers in our own country didn’t fly/drive to the stadiums each time when Germany played and just stayed in Berlin to watch at the “public viewing”.
    Also, how it is possible that England, one of the worst teams in the whole European Championship, made it to the semi-finals… Unbelievable. With so much stupidity (always booing opponents and their anthem, fans behaving badly in the host country, bad manners of the players,…) to be so lucky is also a mystery to me.

    Scotland, we loved you!! You’re are always welcome here!

    • Tarte Au Citron says:

      How I loved the Scottish-German memes. :))
      A pity our Irish Green Army didn’t qualify, you’d have amazing pan-Celtic music parading around Germany!
      It is sad that some English fans take the opportunity to be horrible whenever they travel for tournaments.

      • Lia says:

        We would have loved to have you here too!
        The 2028 European Championship will take place in the UK/Ireland and I’m looking forward to visite Ireland and Scotland then!

    • Innie says:

      Sorry Lia, our half of the draw was much the weaker one. If it’s any consolation, even if we manage to beat the Netherlands on Wednesday there is no way we will beat Spain (I’m assuming) in the final. If France sneak in we’d have a better shot, but it’s still unlikely.

    • Tarte Au Citron says:

      This weekend I noticed a job advert here for UEFA UK/Ireland board director roles for the next tournament. Not gonna lie, fellow Celebitches, I am SO tempted to apply. :))

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Am glad to hear that the Scottish fans were welcome (am Scottish) – they seemed to be enjoying themselves anyway and they generally have a good rep where ever they go. My favourite thing about Scotland playing in the tournament was in the lead up to the first game where they were playing Germany and the local commerce minister In Stuttgart I think) made a point of saying to the media that there was enough beer for the fans after reports that a few bars ran out – so they shouldn’t worry.

      When the Tartan Army comes to your town – the golden rule it to make sure you have enough beer!! Even thou we will bring our own we will still drink you dry along with a sing song.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    Given the stories about his temper, that’s definitely not a memeable picture that I’d want out. And this is their MO, whine, complain, outrage at literally anything the two in California do, completely copy it and explain why it’s appropriate and innovative when you do it.

  5. Laura D says:

    The presenters on the Beeb seemed surprised at how aggressive our heir was in his celebration of the England goal. In fact the word “aggression” was used to describe his celebration. Normally when the camera catches a celeb celebrating it’s all fun and laughter but, with William it was obvious the guys in the studio really didn’t know how to react.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Taken out of context it could be a frightening picture.

      • Laura D says:

        @sunnyside up that’s why I think the presenters (like myself) were a little taken aback because it seemed to take ages for him to smile/laugh about the goal. He did the initial air punch but, there was no real joy after the punch. If he’d been Joe Bloggs celebrating like that in the stands we probably would be saying something along the lines of “he’s a wrong un.”

    • Hypocrisy says:

      His reactions are very triggering.. he is a very angry man but there seems to be something darker there too.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    “But I would argue that the timing of everything William and Kate have done in the past five weeks has all had a purpose. Kate had to make her announcement and appearance at Trooping the Colour because William wanted to attend EURO matches in Germany. Kate also had an ultimate goal, which is “attending matches at Wimbledon.”

    This. This. This.

    That’s why it took so long for her to be seen in public. They went word, by word, line by line and event by event with their attorneys about what they get. And her tacky parents were finally allowed to be amongst the elite again. So damn grimy.

  7. Fran says:

    Why in the blazes did he not take the kids with him? It was a 6pm match on a Saturday.

  8. Cassie says:

    That second photo is quite confronting ,imagine him in full rage mode ,he would be frightening .

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Cassie agreed the absolute fury on display made me wonder if this is exactly what he looks like when outraged in private. Roaring with a wide open mouth, swinging his fists, red with anger and bearing his teeth in rage! I bet he is one scary dude when crossed!

      • Debbie says:

        In that case, I admire Meghan all the more for telling this oaf (will all the unearned privilege and centuries of precedent behind him) to get his finger out of her face. Good for her.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      It is pretty scary–a not very nice look behind the curtain.

  9. Digital Unicorn says:

    As we can see he is only interested in male football – he can fly to Germany more than once for watch the mens team but can’t be bothered to do sod all for the women. Priorities!!!

    As for Keen, her parents have been at Wimbledon in the Royal box so I expect we will see them and her siblings there this week before her big appearance to hand out the mens final trophy on Sunday. Like Pegs she has no interest in the women’s game so she won’t be at that.

    The UK got a new government – can’t we get a new Monarchy or get a Republic????

    • Tessa says:

      And of course spin will be on how heroic keen is going out to present thst trophy

      • SURE says:

        And unfortunately the spotlight will be on her more than the tennis players. She will know this and I just hope she prioritises the players and decides not to attend the finals.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        @sure – Keen prioritises herself at all times, she upstaged the King at his own coronation and did it again at his official birthday parade. If she can do that to her King and FIL then of course she will do it to tennis players.

  10. Tessa says:

    Those photos of huevo are priceless
    William of the many mansions talking of the plight of the homeless is the height of hypocrisy

  11. Amy Bee says:

    I’ll just say that Harry soft pedaled William’s aggressive behaviour towards him and Meghan. As for the docuseries, William has only become interested in doing media projects after Harry got his Netflix deal. He had no interest when Harry doing them as a working royal. He was barely in the one that was about their mother.

  12. Becks1 says:

    why does he always put his name in titles of his docuseries? Remember his nature one – Prince William: A Planet for Us All where he talked about being the first royal to be an environmentalist or something? I only ever saw it on the splash screen for discovery plus when I tried to watch Diners Drive Ins and Dives, lolol.

    I think he is a really good example of what happens when you are surrounded by yes-men and live in a huge bubble. It comes across as so completely tone deaf for him to insist he’s going to end homelessness as he regularly helicopters between one of his three homes (three homes that we know about) and prattles on in the press about how he should have Royal Lodge as well. And yet he keeps going.

    As for the Euros – I was not surprised to see him there, and I’m sure he’ll be at the semis this week. And like we’ve been saying, obviously there is a difference between Germany and Australia in terms of flying time from the UK. But you will not convince me that if the men’s team had been in the finals of the World Cup, he would not have flown there immediately. and I think that’s the sticking point for many of us.

    • equality says:

      In his nature one he took credit for changes at royal estates that were done by Phil and Charles. He also took credit for ivory trade ending in China because he ONCE mentioned the issue, while the UK and US governments had been working on it for years. I’m sure this will be more of the same where he steals credit from someone.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Its a narcissistic thing – to slap their name on everything gives me the attention and authority that they crave. Its like the little brat at school who puts his name on everything – its about control and ownership. Trump does it as well so what does that tell you about Peggy.

  13. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I imagine that this is what Harry saw just before landing on the dog bowl. It’s even more frightening knowing that William was there to confront a heavily pregnant Meghan.

    • Jaded says:

      Even more disconcerting when you wonder how his Missus got the scar on her left eyebrow.

      • Oh come on. says:

        @Jaded ikr! Is the media just gonna pretend we can’t all see that massive scar? What the Hell happened to open up her face like that? If she genuinely had an accident, why won’t they say so?

    • ArtFossil says:


  14. Lady Digby says:

    IWilly hulking out here shows why the ostrich like RF avoid confrontation with him. He is going to be King , come hell or high water, so rather than incur his wrath RF and hangers on just placate him. I am grateful that I had the option of voting out the Tories on Thursday but all I can do about FK is join the republic to campaign against the abolition of the monarchy.

  15. Eurydice says:

    Funny how the only time we see William “working” is when it’s in a documentary.

  16. Nanea says:

    BTW, British media:
    this is the same venue where the very successful Invictus Games, organized by the Better Brother and his team, took place last year.


    And yes, Bulliam the Incandescent really looked like a ragey egg. Too bad no one ever bothered to teach him any kind of down regulation strategies to help him cope with potentially stressful situations and the resulting emotional outbursts in public settings.

  17. Lauren says:

    Wasn’t this documentary supposed to come out last year? Or maybe it was the year before? Either way I swear this is the second announcement of a documentary focused on Williams work with the homeless that will be released later in the year

  18. Jais says:

    Football president seems to be William’s favorite part of the job.

  19. Lau says:

    I wonder if England reaches the final (as a French person : groan) he’ll bring George along to copy Queen Letizia who brought her daughter to the Women’s World Cup final.
    Also the title of that documentary … I laughed. They could have just called it “Me, Me, Me” and it would have made no difference. I’m already cringing at the thought of the content of that documentary.

    • NikkiK says:

      I don’t see England beating Netherlands and if they do somehow manage to do that, I really don’t think they’ll beat Spain or France. France has the best defense in the game and the most expected goals, but have been struggling to score but hey, they are in the seminal so something is working. With all the shots and shots on target the French have had the scoring floodgates should open up eventually. My hope is it happens in the semifinal and final.

      • Lau says:

        I hope you’re correct. Watching France being unable to score any goal and still managing to end up in the semifinal is an insane experience.