Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck have ‘deeper issues’ beyond J.Lo’s extreme fame

Jennifer Lopez posted these photos to her social media on Saturday. After posting them straight to Instagram and Twitter, she also posted one to her IG Stories and used Sabrina Carpenter’s white-girl-summer anthem “Espresso.” Don’t get me wrong, I love “Espresso” and it’s a legit bop. It’s fun and it expresses the kind of confident, sexy, fun attitude which I love to see in all women (“I can’t relate to desperation/My ‘give a f–ks’ are on vacation”). That being said, it’s like… J.Lo is 54 years old and she’s trying to bait her husband on the other side of the country to chase after her. She’s not slick!! But maybe it’s working? J.Lo’s Hot Estranged Wife Summer in the Hamptons has cooled down the temperature on the divorce talk, but “sources” are now saying that there are still “deeper issues.”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s marital problems have nothing to do with her status as a superstar, according to a source.

“The idea that Ben thinks Jennifer is too famous and that he didn’t know what he was getting into with the attention on their marriage isn’t true,” a source tells PEOPLE, adding, “There are deeper issues.”

Lopez and Affleck’s two-year wedding anniversary came and went earlier this week as they spent time apart. She was in the Hamptons, on outings with Affleck’s 18-year-old daughter Violet and friends, while he was on the opposite coast in Los Angeles.

Neither Affleck, 51, nor Lopez, 54, have publicly commented about any issues in their romance.

[From People]

Y’all know I root for Bennifer but enough is enough. They’re rich, crazy and deeply flawed 50-somethings. Can they just f–k and make up, for goodness sake? Are they just addicted to the drama at this point? They’ve only been married for two years and they don’t have children with each other – what is this “deeper issue” which cannot be solved with money, sex or time?

The Mail also had an exclusive about Bennifer, but there’s no big reveal in the article. J.Lo hopes to reconcile with Ben, she was happy to spend time with Violet Affleck because she wanted to show Ben that she gets along with his kids, and Jennifer is committed to putting her career on the back burner more often to allow her marriage to thrive.

Do you think she got her lips done?

Photos courtesy of J.Lo’s social media.

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72 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck have ‘deeper issues’ beyond J.Lo’s extreme fame”

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  1. TN Democrat says:

    Some people are meant to f@#$ and not meant to marry.

    • Midnightsun says:

      jlo is a bulldozer that wonders why everything behind her is smashed. She’s not able to compromise in a relationship, she wanted that $60M dollars house even if he hated, that album and film he wasn’t uncomfortable her doing ? She didn’t care. There is a moment in the Doc he’s excited and showing her some camera and her answer is ” I don’t care” and he answered back “I know” I thought it summed up pretty well the dynamic of this relationship. She took and took and it was always about HER and her needs.

      • Mcali02 says:

        And Ben is so easygoing and no issues at all. 🙄 Stop with the misogynistic Jlo hate.

      • kirk says:

        What? She doesn’t care? Thought I’d successfully avoided the doc, but now I’m going to watch just to confirm she’s as bad as I thought. Having heard his Howard Stern interview, I was kinda stunned about how damaged, yet entitled, he was. But she sounds way worse. Hey People, it’s not that she’s too famous, it’s that she’s too indiscreet and self-absorbed; can’t believe she publicized his love letters to her.

      • Gabby says:

        It is not misogynistic to describe what she is doing, and the negative side of it. Ms. Lopez’s behavior has crossed a few lines. There are no innocent victims in this.

      • Lindsay says:

        You are so right, midnightsun.
        She really believed she had her Director/Producing husband on lock to keep the JLo show going as she moves into her later years.
        But Ben began to see her manipulative drive and plan to mold him into providing for her.
        And that nothing was in her soul aside from stale, driven narcissism.
        He witnessed her cruelty and meanness towards service staff and the very limited time she spends with her own children.
        He’s trying to get out slowly so she won’t raise hell, but he needs to recognize she won’t make it easy.
        And every day she waits the more desperate she looks and becomes.
        I bet Benny is pissed that he has to babysit her, constantly.
        Benny, Elaine, her glam squad, videography and various other personal assistants.
        JLo is about JLo and this will not change.

      • Nopeynope says:

        She’s treated service staff like this since the start of her career (according to Reddit) and so that’s decades before Bennifer 2.0 and during Bennifer 1.0. That wasn’t the issue for him. Mostly, it was the fact her risk-taking ended up damaging their power-couple thing. He’s as thirsty as she is, but in a different way. He wants the power and cred but to be famous in a more reticent way.

  2. E.A says:

    My only view is that I’m tired of women being blamed for relationship failures, like Meghan of course J-lo has faults but its really terrible how people are treating her online if Ben doesn’t smile 24/7 its tiring no money relationship is worth this scrutiny for these men

    • ShazBot says:

      Normally I’d agree, and we all know Ben has a plethora of his own issues, but we also know JLo is high drama and neediness, we’ve been watching for 25 years.
      I’d be willing to bet that the issue is Jen is WAY more maintenance and attitude than she was the first go around when she was younger and more of a “cool girl”, and maybe Ben has more patience and time for it back then too, but they’re realizing just how much they’ve both changed in 20 years and he thinks it’s not something you can ignore, or that he wants to.

    • Mika says:

      Agree. This coverage with so sexist. Ben Affleck has also has a history of being high drama (the Phoenix tattoo anyone?!?!?) And self destructive (remember what Gwyneth and other Jennifer have said) and guess what? He bought that house too. I think a lot of people are going to look back at this coverage in a few years and regret it.

    • Holly says:

      I don’t think you’re allowed to say that Meghan has faults on this blog.

      • E.A says:

        everyone has fault, my fault for Meghan I don’t think she should’ve given her life for Harry. he’s simply not worth it. That’s always been my unpopular opinion, I’m not even Kate fan but I don’t envy any of their lives.

    • Christine says:

      Well said. Ben has been problematic for decades. Heaping all of the blame on JLo is disturbing, and exactly the world we live in now

    • SpankFD says:

      It’s extra embarrassing to be an emotionally-stunted idiot when you have so many advantages towards becoming self-aware & self-actualized. Ben and Jen have all the time, money, opportunity, advice, etc. needed to invest in social-emotional development. How is it they still don’t have their $#!+ together when so many people with far fewer privileges manage?

      Personal evolution is a worthy goal regardless of gender.

  3. Sunshile says:

    Jlo is living her best life ok ?! And she’s happy and smiling ok ? You’ve got it Ben? ! Also the issues are not being worked out because Ben has checked out. She’s hanging on for dear life but he made it clear he’s done

  4. GoldenMom says:

    Rooting for them at first, now just exhausted by their drama. Can you imagine being in a room with them both?

    Lips definitely done. That upper lip is something.

    • Alix says:

      Lips and boobs.

      • Meredith says:

        Yes, definitely boobs as well as lips. And fresh Botox. She looks very refreshed and perky. It’s all extremely well done.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      I KNEW it! I thought those lips looked extra!

    • SpankyB says:

      She’s coloring way outside the line on her lips. You can see her natural lip line.

      • Jayna says:

        This! J-Lo doesn’t blow up her lips. She does just what you said. Her lips are natural. For photos, selfies, et cetera, you will see that she has a technique they do to give the illusion of fuller lips.

  5. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    That is some major face tuning. Lips tune also. But it’s just small face filters and lip filters, I think.
    Jlo/Ben is doomed, they’re rich, crazy, in denial, and wanna keep face because they got the greatest love story to ever end within 2 years of mariage. The hamptons and violet are not gonna change anything.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The only reason Jennifer’s putting her work on the back burner is her recent projects flopped. If they’d done well she’d be out touring right now. I don’t like Lopez, she’s disingenuous and wants adoration at all times.

  7. LadyE says:

    No idea what Ben thinks of it, but I think that his kids are smart, interesting people and if they choose to make statements by hanging out with JLo that’s a pretty strong endorsement to me. They aren’t being used/tricked by JLo, this is quite clearly their choice and I think it says something very positive about JLo. Makes me think she’s gotta be a pretty good person, despite all the media stories. Honestly, makes me like her more.

    • Sunshile says:

      A pretty good person because she’s nice to her stepkids?
      Personally I judge people with how they threat those they deemed inferior to them, like waiters, drivers etc and by all account jlo has been pretty terrible to them

      • LadyE says:

        No, weird how you completely inverted what I said? Because her stepkids like her and I respect THEM.

      • Gabby says:

        Isn’t there a requirement that employees are not permitted to look her in the eye?

    • Jan says:

      Tell that to ARod’s children.

      • LadyE says:

        Excuse me? By all accounts, JLo was a very loving (almost) stepmom to ARod’s kids and I’ve never seen anything of her mistreating them or them disliking her, quite the opposite. ARod is a piece of crap and I’m not about, despite whatever your doing here, to trash JLo for the demise of that relationship.

    • Glamarazzi says:

      I think she’s just more fun – we’re going to hang in the Hamptons at the beach! While Ben is doing his hangdog thing just working in his office. One lifestyle is just more enticing to kids than the other.

    • SIde Eye says:

      I tend to agree with you. Look, she has a lot of issues (one of them is her top lip right now) but she’s probably a very cool stepmom. Imagine all her funny crazy industry stories, the fashion tips, the shopping and travels. I don’t mean this as a dig at all, but it’s almost like having a new big sister, like she has the same mentality as an older teen (this is not a dig, I say that to say she stayed young acting that’s not necessarily a bad thing (except when it comes to jumping into marriages/engagements/relationships) but in terms of interacting with teenagers, that’s a great thing).

      I bet she’s a lot of fun to be around and even though her personal life is on fire, she probably gives awesome advice about crushes, etc. I can 100% see why his kids like her and why Jen Gardner is probably sad this didn’t work out. I also noticed JLO brings a lot less entourage (or so it appears) around the kids when she’s interacting with them. So she is probably more present.

      I wish they hadn’t rushed into everything and had just lived in separate houses. My guess is they are both very hard to live with – Ben especially.

    • Lens says:

      Of course she’s sweet as pie I’m sure to Ben’s children since they are related to the man she wanted to impress as being a good stepmother. And of course they will reciprocate her friendliness to them. But it’s how someone treats service people is indicative of their character.

  8. TikiChica says:

    I agree that they “should” be able to work this out. Why can’t they live in two separate sides of a mansion?
    In any case, regarding that picture, I can’t tell if it’s filters, makeup or fillers, but she looks like a totally different person. I wouldn’t have recognised her at first glance.

  9. Libra says:

    You can’t make someone love you. You can’t stay married to someone who wants out. Wake up and smell the coffee. Move on, JLo.

    • Jan says:

      Breast implants.

      • Libra says:

        Or a built in push up bra.

      • Alix says:

        Yep. The line of demarcation is very clear.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        No that’s just a really good bra, I am 57 and had to invest in better undergarments but the result are worth it.
        I agree that enough is enough and they should both step back and just deal with it or end it quickly and quietly and hopefully leave the rest of the world (including their children) out of it. Ben’s daughter spending time with her stepmother is a wonderful thing and shouldn’t be soiled for tabloid news.
        As for her lips, something is different, not sure if it is an extremely talented makeup artist or a little filler🤷🏼‍♀️.. either way she looks gorgeous I forget sometimes she is only a few years younger than me.

      • Chaine says:

        This isn’t the day I expected to be a JLo breast truther but that rigid dent on her right hand side weird between the collarbone and top of her cleavage is not the look of a push up bra.

      • paintybox says:

        @Chaine – or @ JLo breast truther- 😂 – me neither, not today! I had to scroll up and look. My 2 cents, I think she used makeup to create more cleavage. It doesn’t work in real life but it can work reasonably well in a photo.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t think they would be selling their house and living on different coasts if the marriage wasn’t over. I just think they’re waiting until the end of summer to announce the divorce. I’m going to predict that the announcement comes out over the Labour Day weekend. I was really rooting for them but maybe they weren’t meant to be married.

  11. Barbara says:

    It looks like she told whoever did them that she wanted Angelina’s lips.

  12. Giddy says:

    There’s such a thing as a crazy, wild, falling in love romance. Then there’s such a thing as a richer, deeper love that all that tempestuousness and romance can ripen into if you’re lucky. Some people are addicted to and only capable of that first romance and aren’t mature enough to achieve that later stage. My guess is that one and maybe both of them are romantic addicts.

    • Jaded says:

      I totally agree Giddy. I call it “being in love with love” and some people just can’t move beyond that stage. Pity because that’s when a loving relationship deepens into something more satisfying than just great chemistry. They both seem to be classic love-bombers and that type of *love* is addictive but it doesn’t last. If there’s nothing beyond that to sustain the relationship it withers on the vine pretty fast.

  13. Carolnr says:

    Someone on another site said that Ben is in escrow for a house near JG & his children. Just Ben…

  14. teecee says:

    Are the issues his multiple instances of sexual assault, some caught on camera? Or his numerous addictions? (Don’t tell me the gambling thing is “no big deal”…)

    Honestly, men can do anything and be forgiven, but if a woman is even a little “annoying” or “extra” it’s off with her head.

    • Kokiri says:

      It’s true.
      He’s highly problematic but he’s more quiet about it so he routinely gets the pass.

      I’m tired of both of them.

      I recently rewatched Armageddon. He’s whiny. His voice grates.
      Great movie tho.

    • Maggie says:

      Well Jblow’s mom enjoyed gambling with Ben, so it clearly didn’t bother her.

  15. Snoozer says:

    They should have just kept living separately and been boyfriend / girlfriend. They’d be in a much better place now. But they had to prove a point and get married. You’re so set in your ways by the time you’re in your 50s. Living with someone new is a BIG ask. It’s bound to put strain on the relationship. If they want to save their relationship they should live separately. Keep the hot spark alive!

    • Keaton says:

      I think you nailed it @Snoozer
      They should have just kept dating. The relationship would probably still be going strong. They’re clearly still hot for one another and have fun at times. But marriage? Not for this duo. Hell I’m not sure if either should marry anyone else to be honest.

  16. Kokiri says:

    Spending time with Violet to show Ben she, Jlo, gets along with his kids is NOT a good reason to spend time with her.
    At all.
    It’s using Violet in a horrible way.

    I really hope, for Violet’s sake, that’s not what jlo was doing.

    Deeper issues, like they didn’t know each other when they finally married and now maybe realize they have zero in common?

  17. Kateee says:

    Can’t she just text him? Or is this for the ego boost of 10m people saying “wow you look amazing” ahead of her birthday?

    I wish she had fought back sooner against the “workaholic oversharer” narrative. And better, because “nuh uh, we had ‘deeper issues'” isn’t changing any minds. Though I guess it could be a threat to Ben that she will burn him?

  18. Alla says:

    I don’t know what plastic surgery she has done in the past but that’s a popular snapchat filter. Try it and you’ll look the same 😉

  19. Talie says:

    The problem this time around is that they have kids who have become intertwined in this, so it’s not like they can just throw in the towel without a lot of thought. Why they didn’t think this through is beyond odd considering their ages, but hopefully the kids show them the way forward.

  20. K8erade says:

    Ben Affleck is an overgrown manchild who treated Jennifer Garner more like a mother than a wife. He’s surly, he’s private and while I think he’s okay as a dad when he’s sober, I also think he’s way too set in his ways. His PR has always been very contrived. I feel for him on the alcoholism and addiction level. He can’t help that but I also think his behavior isn’t that different from when he’s clean and sober and when he’s in active addiction. He doesn’t engage in sober behavior.

    Jennifer Lopez is all about Jennifer Lopez. She jumps from relationship to relationship with little break in between. She’s more PR machine now than human. The world revolves around her as far as she’s concerned but then on top of that, she cares way too much about what other people think. I don’t even think she’s that great of a mother because she always comes first and drags her kids into her relationship messes and I think she’s kept their lives really unstable.

    It was never going to work. J.Lo’s PR machine was always going to wreck Ben. On the flip side, Ben’s manchild behavior was always going to be a problem.

  21. Maggie says:

    Oh please Ben isn’t fooled by hilariously photoshopped pics of her🤣

  22. Oswin says:

    People always want to ralk about how flawed Ben is (and he is, deeply), but the idea that an Oscar winning actor and director can’t cope with JLo’s fame and career is ludicrous. The common denominator in her string of failed relationships and marriages is JLo herself. Maybe she should spend more tine reflecting on that and renovating her behaviour than trying to act like a 20-something on a hot girl summer. At least Ben is acting like a father and settled at this point. She’s just a mess. A rich, narcissistic mess.

    • Mel says:

      Say this again and again. I believe that Ben is a mess, but ALL of her relationships go up in smoke and she is the common denominator. I think she’s in love with love and has big feelings , needs and desires around that love. I think she picks messy men and becomes frustrated when they don’t “tighten up”. Frankly, I think she’d be happier by herself , have flings, come and go as she pleases, especially as her kids get older. She never gives herself a breather, I wish she could see that she does NOT need to be in a relationship all the time.

  23. Goldie says:

    But it was Ben’s supporters who pushed the narrative that “J.lo is a famewhore and Ben can’t deal with all of the attention.”
    I never really bought that, because he was papped all the time long before he reunited with Jennifer.

  24. Lynne says:

    They should just quietly go their separate ways. Paps take photos? So what. No comment.
    But…….I don’t think that is possible for her.

  25. Eowyn says:

    So…she’s using social media to show us and prove how low-key and off the radar she can be??

  26. Truthiness says:

    I heard a rumor many months back (roughly when he moved out) that JLo wanted their Greatest Love Story to be capped by having a Greatest Love Story baby. I wonder if there was any truth to it, whether Ben bolted at the idea of starting over with a new baby/babies while struggling with addictions, work, and being a present father for the kids he already has.

    • Meredith says:

      Unless JLo has frozen eggs somewhere, a Greatest Baby wasn’t ever really in play. And frozen eggs are a real long shot compared to frozen embryos.

    • Lauren says:

      I can see some truth in that because I am sure JLo would give anything to have Ben’s baby in combination with the big house that did not make sense for two people who are about to become empty nesters. I could see JLo wanting to have the life she did not get to have with Ben 20 years ago. As for Ben, I do not see him wanting more kids at this point in his life.

    • Mel says:

      She’s 54, a BABY???? I doubt this is true.

  27. Anonymous says:

    “Hot Estranged Wife Summer in the Hamptons” …too good.

    Who else went to see who wrote that and was like, of course it’s Kaiser.

  28. Mel says:

    Can we please stop infantilizing women so we’re always victims? Look these are two insecure , high needs. People. He drinks/gambles to soothe his insecurity and she is big EXTRA and demanding. They are not compatible. They never were and instead of accepting it and just having a fling they made a huge mistake and got married. There is something wrong with both of them, it’s not just him, it’s not just her it’s BOTH of them. Marriages break up because of issues with the two people in that marriage.PERIOD.

    • eos says:

      Ben and JLO are two opposites trying to force a relationship that is not meant for marriage.
      I recall an interview where Ben literally shuddered with distaste talking about his round one relationship with JLO. There was also an Andy Cohen JLO interview where she was asked if she’d go back to P Diddy or Ben and she shook her head with disgust and rejected both. There is also a Barbara Walters interview of both online where Barbara asked point blank “Who wears the pants in the relationship”. Ouch! Talk about emasculating someone. The rumor was JLO was a controller.
      Most women have a diminished view of men who have major weaknesses. There are media stories where JG would call on JLO for help with Ben. I don’t think JLO’s respects Ben. Imagine being snapped at by your partner on a televised public event. They should be done, but who knows. He is an addict, she is persistent if nothing else. The drama may continue.

  29. Cheshire Sass says:

    My two cents, they both tried to recreate a time in their lives that was magical and lovingly intense to them but it ultimately burned out because they are two very different people. You can’t go back after 20+years, expecting to rekindle the same feelings, They have 20+ years of experience apart that has shaped who they are today. They fed into a fantasy of their past hot connection while dimming the reality of that relationship that ultimately failed and without addressing why it failed, the bond was already tenuous.