Matt Healy’s fiancee Gabbriette Bechtel got an ‘It Girl’ profile in British Vogue

A few months ago, Matt Healy proposed to his girlfriend of less than a year, a woman who goes by Gabbriette Bechtel. She’s a model, muse and internet personality. She seems to be involved in music as well. I thought she had the look and vibe of someone who was raised outside of America, but no, she’s a California girl who grew up in Laguna Beach and desperately wanted to be Parisian and goth-arty. I get that, honestly. Gabbriette is getting so much attention now that she’s engaged to Healy, so much so that British Vogue recently did a huge profile of her. They’re calling her the It Girl of 2024 or something. All of this because she’s engaged to Healy, right? Some highlights from British Vogue:

Biographical details: Gabbriette Bechtel (26 years old, Leo, 5ft 4in, based in LA) doesn’t have: 1. Famous parents. 2. Eyebrows (after she’s washed her make-up off). 3. Inhibitions.

Gabbriette is part of Brat Summer: She’s also one of the heroines of Brat summer. Its mastermind, Charli XCX (real name Charlotte Aitchison), is engaged to Healy’s bandmate George Daniel and has been a keen supporter of Bechtel ever since she booked her to play a zombie in one of her music videos in 2016. Bechtel is now so “It”, when making Brat, arguably the album of the summer, Charli looked to her for lyrical inspiration. The result? “360” – a track and accompanying music video that put a new-wave generation of women in the spotlight: among them the comedian and filmmaker Rachel Sennott; model and Gucci favourite Alex Consani; Vogue make-up artist Isamaya Ffrench – and Gabbriette.

She does cooking videos on Instagram: “It’s just the way that I’m comfortable being on the internet. If I were super-composed and overthought everything, I would drive myself absolutely insane. That’s just not the way that I want to be put out or perceived.”

Her teen years: Raised in Laguna Beach by her Mexican mother and Swiss father, Bechtel – a talented ballerina – was a straight F student who excelled at extracurricular theatre. “I went to school in cheetah-fur coats and red lipstick, and then went home and would be on Tumblr.” The teenage Gabbriette, circa 2007, was aloof – quietly poring over Alexa Chung’s Francophile style and obsessing over Seventeen cover stars, including The Hills’s Lauren Conrad. She’d often flick through beauty trade magazines while folding foils for her hairdresser mother. “I was gothy Parisian meets Orange County. I cut short bangs because I wanted to look like Joan Jett, or a trad punk Jane Birkin in the ’80s.”

She’s bringing back skinny brows: Gabbriette kickstarted the skinny brow revival from her parents’ Laguna Beach bathroom in 2019, reaching for her mother’s tweezers after watching a ’90s romcom (“something like Notting Hill”) in a bid to appear more womanly and less baby-faced. Amid a timeline of oversized, fluffy and microbladed brows, portraits of Gabbriette exuded the screen-siren mystery of Greta Garbo. “I didn’t have the thick hair to be like Cara Delevingne or Bambi Northwood-Blyth,” she says.

Her relationship with Healy: The couple are poised to move into their new Hollywood Hills home, complete with large kitchen island, where Bechtel can’t wait to test new recipes. It’s also a place where she one day hopes to gather with her family. “When I have kids, it’s going to be: dinner every night – no phones – to celebrate the smaller things and recognise people’s happiness,” she says. There’s also a big backyard with lots of room for Splinter the rat, and closet space for her collection of late ’90s/early 2000s Margiela. The latest addition? An original spring/summer 1996 screen-printed dress that Healy gave to her for Christmas.

She loves love: “I love being in love,” she says after she hangs up the phone to her fiancé. “When I thought that I was in love before it was just me being a person of service to somebody else.”

[From British Vogue]

I enjoyed this? She seems fun. Obviously, there’s tons of material here which made me roll my eyes, but she’s actually putting this sh-t out here with a straight face, or at least that’s how I perceive her. She managed to sit down with British Vogue and still remain largely mysterious. Of course, I think the mystery is actually that she’s not that deep as a person. She’s just hyper-focused on aesthetics, or as we used to say, deep as a puddle.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Gabbriette’s IG.

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23 Responses to “Matt Healy’s fiancee Gabbriette Bechtel got an ‘It Girl’ profile in British Vogue”

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  1. Gabriella says:

    I think you hit the nail on the head- just not very deep. I still side eye anyone associated with that gross man though.

  2. KS says:

    I’m seeing too much of her. I feel like people’s desire to stick it to Taylor Swift in some weird way is overshadowing what a garbage dump Matt Healy is

  3. Kitten says:

    Extremely eyeroll-y, insipid, vapid. rich OC girl. Average looks but daddy is a billionaire with connections so modeling contract it is!

    *YAWN* so utterly boring.

    • Flamingo says:

      Now I get why he got engaged. I thought it was just to one up Taylor. But rich daddies, help when music careers go south.

  4. Lucía says:

    I have to be honest, I really like her look AND her cooking videos. I think she has trained to be a chef? Not sure, though. Also, Lisa Rinna’s daughter stole her whole aesthetic.

    • girl_ninja says:

      And she stole this whole aesthetic from Kate Moss, Gwen Stefani, Angelina Jolie et al from the 90’s.

  5. Josephine says:

    I guess I’m too old for this, but I don’t get celebrating this do-nothing, be-nothing, say-nothing vibe. I do enjoy fashion but it don’t feel like she is contributing anything? It feels like women are under attack and so undervalued despite there being so many women doing amazing things. There is a place for everyone but not sure how we are pretending this person is the one we want to advance as being IT.

  6. Kat says:

    I am so embarrassed for anyone who buys into this.

  7. Miranda says:

    Did she just go to a plastic surgeon and say, “I wanna look like an Instagram filter 24/7”?

    • Minnieder says:

      I think she sounds exhausting to be around, the CONSTANT name dropping alone!

  8. ariel says:

    I do believe people should dress how they want, but the pic of the two of them reminds me of Haley and Justin Bieber, how she is gorgeously dressed to the nines and he, just rolled out of bed and put on dirty clothes from the floor- and its all good. Be who you are, and don’t try to change your partner- b/c that is not a thing that works.

    But it makes me think of Clueless and Cher’s assessment of most boys her age in that movie.

    As if.

  9. Digital Unicorn says:

    I like some of his bands music but there is something ‘unclean’ about him – the ick factor is strong, alongside the arrogance and smugness of your typical nepo baby.

  10. Eva says:

    I thought it was georgia may jagger.

  11. Ash says:

    She’s drop dead gorgeous, but I can’t imagine a marriage lasting with that guy.

  12. Emily says:

    I actually like her and think this is who she is (not an act). I find Matt fake though and she is good for the image he wants to project.

  13. Chaine says:

    I literally never heard of her until I read this post, and I’m already finding her totally exhaustingly boring!

  14. Lili says:

    Mmm i only clicked on this article because of the name Bechtel, which is a huge construction Project management company, still did’t get if she is related and i can’t be bothered to dig further lol. Is this Matt’s i’m not racist because my Girlfriend is part Mexican. His Mum is a Huge supporter of Meghan and understands the media focus on both her and Harry since She has been hacked by the BM. I suppose it is too much to expect our Children to be better people. Good luck to them both

  15. Melody says:

    I really like her. I found her a while ago thanks to her cooking videos. She seems very sweet and genuine.
    She’s creative and arty/gothy but I agree with @Emily, it seams to be just who she is.
    She’s been working in the industry for long now, so she’s not where she’s at thanks to Healy. She’s in the public eye right now thanks to Charlie XCX. They are friends and she is mentioned in the lyrics and participate in the video of « 360 » which is a huge hit.
    She is 26 and I wish I had accomplished as much as her when I was 26 myself.
    I’m shocked by the most of the comments above, that I personally found very shallow.

    • tealily says:

      I like her too. I’ve been getting into Brat lately, and I have to say I had an idea of who Charli XCX was in my head, but there’s so much more to that album than I expected. She’s very introspective. By association, it makes me think there must be something to Gabbriette too. I really like the women lifting women vibe of the whole thing.

  16. Meredith says:

    Maybe I’ve been out of school for too long, but how is it even possible to be a straight F student? As long as you showed up to class and weren’t disruptive, you’d at least be a D minus student at my school. And I’m pretty sure “showed up, wasn’t disruptive” was literally the only requirement to get an A in things like Art and Gym. Wouldn’t that level of failure mean that you got held back or kicked out?