‘Sources’ claim Prince Harry is no longer looking for real estate in the UK

Last year, King Charles evicted the Sussex family from Frogmore Cottage. Since then the eviction (post-coronation), Prince Harry has visited the UK three times and he’s stayed in hotels every time. For one of those visits, last September, he requested a room in Windsor Castle, a request which was denied by his father. The reason for much of the “where will Harry stay” conversation is about Harry’s security, which he needs and which the British government and King Charles are unwilling to give him when he visits. Which is why it made zero sense that Harry and Meghan would suddenly want to buy real estate in the UK, given their long-standing security issues in the country. Still, that’s exactly what one of those “royal experts” claimed, that Harry wanted to find a “permanent home” in the UK so he could visit more often. Now they’re saying that those plans are on hold.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have put their rumored UK house hunt on hold while they continue to figure out their security situation, according to a report.

The Duke of Sussex, 39, was reportedly eyeing properties across the pond where he and his wife, Meghan Markle, could keep for visiting instead of having to check into hotels each time. But it seems as though his search for a UK abode has been put on the back burner for the time being over mounting security concerns for his family.

“Harry really does want to spend more time in the UK but doesn’t feel comfortable doing that until the security issues have been ironed out,” a source told the Express.

“He and Meghan planned on looking for a part-time home near Windsor this year and hoped that the appeals process would be heard before the end of July so that they could properly start their search. However, the court process seems to be taking its time.”

[From The NY Post]

A few months ago, Katie Nicholl’s sources told her that the Sussexes have no plans to visit the UK at all this summer or for the rest of the year. They’re busy, they have their own projects and they don’t need to be constantly dragged back to the UK whenever the left-behind Windsors invent some event which the Sussexes simply *must* attend. As for the security issues… the security issue was the whole reason why the story made no sense in the first place. Besides, Charles has made it abundantly clear that he wants nothing to do with Harry, Meghan, Archie and Lili.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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28 Responses to “‘Sources’ claim Prince Harry is no longer looking for real estate in the UK”

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  1. I don’t believe he was looking for real estate in the UK because he doesn’t have protection or the ability to pay for it because Chuckles and his friends at ravec don’t want him to have it. It is the thing that Chuckles uses to control. Chuckles will never give up that control.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      And Charles will never not look like a horse’s ass (no apologies to Camilla) for being petty to the point of trying to control Harry over the security issue.

      Everything Chuck is doing is making people look at 1997 more closely. If he doesn’t want that, he needs to make nice with the Sussexes and apologize publicly to them.

  2. Flower says:

    My God they need to leave it alone.

    This level of harassment should be illegal – there is no public interest here.

    Kier Starmer should be ashamed of agreeing to cull Levenson 2 because it’s badly needed.

  3. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t know if it’s just me but there’s a distinct desperation that seems to be coming from the British media in the past few weeks about the Sussexes returning. I don’t know if it’s Charles being out half the amount that he used to, and also not being much of a draw. Or if it’s Kate being gone for most of the year and even when she returns sporadically it not driving a news cycle for more than a day, but I have literally seen articles saying it’s not good for Britain that Harry and Meghan are successful and doing things on their own. I feel like they have these spurts every now and then where they realize that they screwed up, but there’s just something very distinct about it in the past few weeks that seems like legitimate fear. Maybe it’s just me though.

    • Julia says:

      I think the penny has finally dropped that W&K will never step up and the press has backed themselves into a corner. They have elevated them so much in their war against Harry and Meghan that they can’t criticise them now. So they are left with boring Charles and Camilla, some other working royals that nobody cares about and lazy W&K. The Sussexes were great business for the UK media but they have driven them out. So are destined to repeat the same tired storylines for the next 10 yrs until George is old enough to work.

    • Tina says:

      Totally agree. I remember seeing a clip of Tessa Dunlop talking sometime last year and she basically said that William knows he can do whatever he wants and there’s no one (family or media) who can hold him to account. The wales will continue to do the bare minimum. I have no idea what the truth about Kate’s illness is but I don’t think she will ever return to the weekly engagements so the media might only see her 10-15 times a year at certain events. While the wales have used their kids when they needed to I don’t think the media will ever get the access they had to William and Harry as they grew up. So the media will continue to starve and be forced to shill for the stale and pale Windsors.

  4. Tursitops says:

    MY sources claim that YOUR sources are inveterate liars who know nothing and are full of crap.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Exactly! Was Harry EVER looking for UK real estate? I think it was only wishful thinking.

    • Beverley says:

      Say it again @Tursitops. Harry made it clear that when the Sussexes have something to announce, they will announce it themselves.

  5. Em says:

    The Sussexes literally confirmed to vanity fair that they weren’t looking for property in the UK, we all know that would be a disaster because there will be at least one drone positioned there all the time. They should focus on the wales and leave the Sussexes alone

  6. Afken says:

    This is then clearly up the mess they made. They were never looking for property in the uk because of they were no one would know. The press were still harping on about them at Tyler perrys when they’d been in montecito for weeks. If they were house hunting, the British press of all people would be the last to know.

  7. Jan says:

    I like that they’ve to debunk their own lies. A property in Windsor, LOL.

  8. Proud Mary says:

    I’ve got news for those alleged “Sources”. HE NEVER WAS LOOKING FOR HOMES IN BRITAIN.

  9. Friendly Crow says:

    Ahhhh yes. Let’s buy a home darling! To spend half the year!

    You know that country that we lived in? But escaped from, like one would flee an abuser? The one where we had a home and it was stolen from us? The one where my father and brother did everything that they could to make us miserable and to ruin both of our mental health? With the press doing their bidding and trying to destroy everything we loved? The country that refers to our children as primates and won’t stop the constant barrage of hateful racist coverage of every single thing we do?

    I thought that would be the spot!

    🙄😂🤣 ….. I’m gonna do with no.

  10. ohwell says:

    The tabs made up a lie, peddled the lie and are now debunking the lie.

    The Sussex stories are tiresome.

  11. Kingston says:

    “Since then the eviction (post-coronation), Prince Harry has visited the UK three times and he’s stayed in hotels every time. For one of those visits, last September, he requested a room in Windsor Castle, a request which was denied by his father.”

    ^ This never happened.

    Prince Harry knows better than to allow himself to be at the mercy of those people when he knows what they are capable of. So he would NEVAH! allow himself to be vulnerable while in their clutches/on their property (such as: fall asleep…….when they could incapacitate him; or eat…..when they could poison him.)

  12. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, that story was never believable and this one is not either. I think Harry might go over for the Wellchild Awards but that’s about it.

  13. Pebbles says:

    They had to retract their own made up story because Harry told everyone on ITV that he won’t bring his wife (presumably children as well) to that country due to threats and security concerns. Any idiot can deduce from there that he was not looking for houses in a country he won’t bring his wife too. He made them look like fools and now they have no choice but to clean up the lie to save face to their readers.

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    No one and I mean absolutely no one in Prince Harry’s camp is talking to that Nichols woman.. she must suffer from Trumpitis where she spews fantasies as if they are reality..

    • kelleybelle says:

      She totally ruined the reputation of Vanity Fair for me. I ditched my subscription years ago. Known, proven liar.

  15. bisynaptic says:

    It would be hilarious if the Sussexes were to buy something in Ireland. 😁

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Any where that is close but not on UK soil would be wonderful..

    • Feebee says:

      That would be funny. Or the other neighbor. Could you imagine Meghan doing a cooking show from the French countryside (with so much produce that’s harder to get in Brexit Britain now). Swanning through Paris or relaxing on the southern beaches?

      So close and yet so far.

    • Shoegirl77 says:

      I’m absolutely here for them buying a holiday home here and rocking up every so often even if it’s just en route to other parts of Europe which ensures no need to stopover in the UK ❤️☘️

  16. MikeB says:

    If it hasn’t come directly from H&M then there is no validity to the story.