Jobson: Prince William refused to protect Kate during the Mother’s Day photo fiasco

For days now, I’ve been rolling my eyes at the excerpts from Robert Jobson’s latest royal tome, Catherine, The Princess Of Wales: The Biography. Jobson deals in revisionist history and outright fiction, and he openly does Queen Camilla’s dirty work. Most of the “tea” has been lukewarm, if not outright stale. But I chanced upon this section and I found it fascinating. Keep in mind, the bulk of the book – allegedly a biography of Kate – seems to be the Sussexes and Prince William. But Jobson has some interesting information about the Mother’s Day frankenphoto fiasco back in March, and how Prince William thought nothing of tossing his cancer-stricken wife under the bus.

Meanwhile, Catherine unexpectedly became the centre of a media storm. Her absence from the public stage had already fuelled frenzied internet conspiracy theories by the time she released a family photo to mark Mother’s Day, which she’d digitally edited.

The doctored photo sparked a furore, leaving the fragile princess saddened and deeply embarrassed. Naively, she’d edited the best shot taken by William at least three times to make the family look better – yet people had immediately noticed something was wrong with Princess Charlotte’s sleeve.

Even the White House press secretary mocked the royal couple, giving the U.S. press corps assurances that no images by them would ever be doctored. Despite the clamour, the Palace refused to release the original photo, which only sparked further fevered speculation. Close sources say that it was Prince William who refused to budge.

His PR team suggested he and Catherine issue a joint statement to help deflect the blame from her. The initial prepared statement used the words ‘we’ and ‘our’, but the prince decided not to release it. After all, it was his wife who’d manipulated the snap and nothing to do with him, and if the Press found out that he was covering for the princess, the speculation would only grow. When the statement was finally issued, it came from Catherine alone.

Then came her deeply shocking video announcement that she had cancer and had started preventative chemotherapy. Two pillars of the monarchy were now facing serious medical challenges that would impede their royal duties, in Catherine’s case for months. The Sussex-shaped void in the Royal Family has never loomed so large, yet there is no question of them stepping in to help. William remains adamant about that.

As for King Charles, he’s let it be known that he’ll never shut the door on his second child, though there seems little chance of a meaningful reconciliation for now.

…The ‘Harry problem’, as it’s known among Palace staff, continues to plague the King. ‘What worries His Majesty, and his top team,’ says a Palace official, ‘is what is going to happen when all the money runs out.’

[From The Daily Mail]

First of all, the “what is going to happen when all the money runs out” issue is hilarious because the Sussexes are living in a beautiful Montecito mansion and they have millions in the bank. They have created generational wealth in four years. The Windsors are clinging to their cracked-out fantasy/dream/hope that at some point, the money will run out and Harry will come crawling back to them. They’ve been banking on that for years. It’s never going to happen.

As for the stuff about Kate and the statement… William is a complete piece of sh-t. That whole Mother’s Day frankenphoto fiasco was a sh-tshow from start to finish. I don’t even believe – I never believed – that Kate was the one who edited the photo, nor did I believe that William took the photo. He wouldn’t even fall on his sword in a minor way to protect his wife with cancer in a PR snafu. Please don’t let the clownshow of the first six months of 2024 be forgotten.

Photos courtesy of Kensington Palace.

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122 Responses to “Jobson: Prince William refused to protect Kate during the Mother’s Day photo fiasco”

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  1. Aimee says:

    And here is another pathetic man throwing a woman under a bus. Kudos gentlemen!

    • Tessa says:

      And all this for pursuing him for 10 years.

    • Honey says:

      Re: the question of the money running out for H/M & future generations – Charles is an immensely wealthy man (private wealth) or he was as the Prince of Wales. The monies there is nothing to turn your nose up at. I’ll take it over my bi-weekly paycheck any day. However, if he was concerned with the money running out or of protecting the generational wealth of his younger son and family then he could have and still can put money in trusts for them.

      William & the photo: no real comments other than that was just horrendously bad and utterly ridiculous by all of them at KP—Willam, Kate, the entire team.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        @Honey I don’t think that Chuck is really worried about would happen to Harry’s family if H&M ran out of money. I think that comment is made specifically to shade them as unsuccessful and paint them as people who are desperate and would come begging for help. This way they can paint everything H&M do as them being money grubbers

  2. Xantha says:

    The reason why conspiracy theories were being bandied about during that time was because KP were being so weird about Kate’s absence. Not being upfront about what was ailing her, not producing the original Mother’s Day photo when asked, the body doubles.

    KP were being weirdos and that set the stage up for conspiracy theories.

    • Jais says:

      It’s also the whole “Kate” or whoever trying 3 times to make the family look better. Yeah, no. It was killed bc it was pieced together and her face was likely pasted on. It was not about editing to make it look better. It was about creating a false image that was supposed to be assuring people that a public figure was okay. It was propaganda and it was fake.

    • Flow says:

      And not to mention that they lied that wh didnt have cancer. Thats why a lot people dont even believe that she has câncer even today

  3. Zapp Brannigan says:

    I am certain when the money runs out that H&M would consider offering a small loan to Charles and Co, or house him in the staff quarters 😛

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, that was my first thought, too.

    • seaflower says:

      At an appropriate rate of interest and repayment term of course. Or they could evict a royal or two from their castles/country piles.

    • Kadie says:

      @Zapp Brannigan If the money is jeopardized can’t the left-behinds just send Michael Fawcett to the good Bin Laden’s with some Samsonites:)))))

    • Judles says:

      They are talking about Harry and Mega money not the King! 🙄 King Charles is a Billionaire and so is Prince William!

  4. No he didn’t protect her and I am still of the belief she doesn’t have cancer and maybe that’s one reason why he didn’t admit it was him and let her take the brunt of the fallout. Peg like his dear old dad is not a responsibility taker. He will throw who ever is closest under the bus. Harry wasn’t around so Can’t was his victim.

    • Anita says:

      She could also have cancer (it’s possible), but she was absent because of something else, I am sure of it.

      • I have had cancer and it looks like she jumped on the cancer bandwagon to cover for things and that is a rotten thing to do. Of course this is just my opinion but I’m sticking with it.

      • Nano says:

        I too think it’s something other than cancer. She looks too good, too rested. I thought William had done something during one of their fights by accident and she needed facial plastic surgery. Or something like that.

      • Jaded says:

        @Nano – precisely my thinking. This whole Kate missing/Kate has cancer thing is a cover-up for William’s involvement in her sudden disappearance and the subsequent mishandling and blatant lying about it from KP and the tabloids. The heir must be protected at all costs, no matter what horrible thing he did.

      • PrincessK says:

        Money for the Sussexes is an important factor. The main reason is the huge security bill they will have to pay for the rest of their lives which will increase as the children grow older.
        But why is Charles saying that.

      • PrincessK says:

        I want to know why Thomas Kingston committed suicide and why there has been zero speculation and silence in the media who usually make as much as they can of such stories.
        When it is mentioned the word suicide is omitted.

    • Ali says:

      I agree with Susan. Don’t believe it and never did

      • Monc says:

        Anyone I have know who suffered with cancer went on to say.. I have prostate cancer, I have pancreatic cancer (sadly this great woman passed), I have skin cancer… they went on to expand in the type of cancer … Kate’s “I have cancer..” video…. purposefully vague…

        Your cancer is that guy you chased and married …. Got it…

  5. Eleonor says:

    When the money runs out I can see him at Dancing with stars or stuff like that !

    • sevenblue says:

      lol. Who went to American Idol? Wasn’t it the new King of England? It is the BRF who is desperate with all their wealth and palaces. Both Harry and Meghan are smart people with their money. Meghan was a millionaire before marrying Harry. You worry about your own money.

      • Tessa says:

        I am always incredulous at the spin that harry and Meghan are running out of money. She has money of her own he has earned money from various projects in addition to his inheritance from his mother. they have financial advisers that can assist them. I think they are doing great

      • sevenblue says:

        @Tessa, when they left the firm, the narrative was they are gonna be poor, living in a sh*tty apartment. When that didn’t happen, they just changed the narrative that “they are gonna be broke any day now”. It has been years, they have got multiple jobs, still the same narrative, because they can’t let the british people think that H&M have a better life away from BRF. They are supposed to be miserable out of UK. Even if it isn’t true, the tabloids and derangers are gonna repeat it over and over until everyone believes it. It is straight from Nazi’s propaganda.

      • Megan says:

        Between his mother and great grandmother, Harry inherited nearly $35 million. The money is never going to run out.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        I don’t think Harry was necessarily “smart” with his money before the marriage, because he had no money to control in order to learn.

        Meghan, OTOH, is smart with money, and the various companies she’s invested in over the years have been mentioned several times.

        Hollywood stars going bankrupt is common enough that Meghan, who has been behind the scenes for most of her life, learned that lesson, and so turned her pay from mid-tier cable show into a source of wealth. (Suits is good, but it wasn’t Friends money.)

        She got Harry in a position that he has his *own* money, and so now he has a chance to learn. But it was her money and connections that allowed them to escape.

      • PrincessK says:

        35 million is not a lot when you have to pay for the best 24 hour security for a whole family for the rest of their lives.

      • Cali says:

        Completely agree with PrincessK Says.
        It’s a big financial hit to have to pay for top of the line security. The problem is exacerbated by the relentless lies and propaganda about them which makes crazy people feel like Harry and his family deserve to be destroyed.
        As long as the Sussex’s are fed to the wolves by his family and the British media the threat level will remain intense and the cost of security will be staggering.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I want to know what happens when the British people finally realize they are being conned and cut off the public funds. That is where the BRF concerns should be. The lack of crowds during their pomp parades is rather alarming.
      This book is 314 pages of recycled tabloid articles with an extra dash of Sussex bashing just like most Royal biographies since the Sussex’s marriage. No one wanted to read those (i looked up the sales) I imagine this book will be the same. I am looking forward to reading the reviews I expect they will be hilariously brutal.

      • Lindsay says:

        Hypocrisy, we can look to the ever thinning MAGA crowd for answers.
        Their beliefs are so tightly wound around their egos to the point that their messiah could kill someone on live television and they would justify his action and still support him.
        We always have a segment of society who will go down with the ship!

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Eleanor: It’s like people don’t realise that Harry gets paid for his position at BetterUp and that his book made a lot of money for Penguin Random House. Not to mention Meghan has her own money, believe it or not she wasn’t a gold digger.

      • Libra says:

        @amy bee; the money Meghan earned before marriage is long gone. She supported Harry, bought furniture, clothes and food, then spent to pay back the renovations on her home at Fr ogmore, ( which was taken and probably not paid back).

      • sevenblue says:

        @Libra, you don’t know that Meghan spent all her money that she earned for years. Surely she made investments. When you have money, it is easy to make money from that.

      • Jaded says:

        @Libra — Harry wasn’t flat broke. He inherited around $10 million from his mother, he was earning around $50K per annum during his military service and the Queen Mother left William and Harry a trust fund, so no, he wasn’t depending entirely on Meghan to fund everything. Meghan bought a sofa for Nott Cott, and bought most of her own clothes. That plus groceries, etc. didn’t burn through upwards of $5 million which is what she was then worth, conservatively, and she didn’t get stuck with paying back the renovation money on Frogmore.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jaded, Do we know Harry was paid during his military service? He talked about not having a bank account, credit card all his life. How would he get paid if he didn’t have bank account? Maybe, since he was part of BRF, he wouldn’t get salary from military? Queen Mother inheritance is also unconfirmed. Harry said he didn’t get inheritance from her before. He only confirmed Diana’s inheritance.

      • kelleybelle says:

        There is no way you would know such a thing, Libra. She’s been investing for years and has multiple income sources. I don’t believe it’s long gone for a second.

      • C says:

        I’m fairly certain Meghan would not impoverish herself paying his costs, lol.
        Getting to $5 million in the first place requires financial knowledge.

      • Jaded says:

        @sevenblue — a little snooping showed that Harry did indeed receive a salary from the military as an active member. The BBC reported in 2002 that both William and Harry were beneficiaries of a trust fund left to them by the Queen Mother. Harry will receive approximately $8 million on his 40th birthday. Most of the BRF use Coutts as their bank of choice, including the late Queen. He said he shopped at TJ Maxx at their annual sales so he certainly must have had cash or a credit card, I can’t recall reading in Spare that he didn’t have either. Maybe he had his security carry the cash and cards and pay for his items?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jaded that has never been confirmed beyond the reports about it. Harry certainly never mentioned a word about it in spare when he talked openly about the money left to him by his mother. I think if he knew he was getting 10-15 million or whatever when he turned 40 he wouldn’t have been as worried about using his mother’s money to cover security costs.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jaded, I agree with @Becks1. Harry recently said he didn’t receive inheritance from Queen Mother. I don’t think even BBC reports are reliable for royal news (BBC also reported/lied Meghan bought some million dollars bathtub to Frogmore with public money). Harry clearly said in Spare that Meghan had to buy furniture with her credit card because he didn’t have one. He mentioned that money was always controlled by his father. Maybe his security had some kind of expense card paid by Charles to buy clothes for work.

        If he had money from military service, that would give him some kind of financial independence. I don’t think he got that money personally. He never mentioned it in Spare while talking about his financial situation if I remember correctly. His family made sure he would never be able to leave the cage. Without someone like Meghan who knew how to make her own money, the escape wouldn’t be possible.

    • equality says:

      Appearing on DWTS is still a lot of actual work, more so than royal “work”. No reason to sneer at those who do.

      • Judles says:

        Have you tried Royal work? It’s not just cutting a ribbon! Meghan told Oprah that she found the work incredibly hard.

        Anyway they, including Jobson are talking about The King being worried about what will happen when Harry and Megs money runs out. Obviously not the King’s. Hilarious that people would even think it! Both King Charles and Prince William are Billionaires

    • Judles says:

      Who? Harry? They’re talking about when Harry & Meg’s money running out not the King’s! King Charles and Prince William are Billionaires. The King has the Duchy of Lancaster and Prince William has the Duchy of Cornwall!

  6. Cam says:

    Even if money ran out, the last thing Harry would do is turn to them.

    • equality says:

      They were in a money crunch when they first left and Charles withdrew security and didn’t run back. I think the fear is more that he will release the other memoir pages and not any sort of worry about H&M.

      • Chaine says:

        Yeah they worry if the money runs low Harry will be like “now let me release another memoir where I tell you all the REAL inside scoop that I didn’t write before because my granny was still alive then.”

      • AuntRara says:

        Exactly! They’re not up at night worrying that he’ll “run out of money” and come crawling back to the family. Their past behavior has shown that they’d love nothing more than to punish him publicly and privately. Their real worry is that he’ll “run out money” and publish another book that goes much deeper.

    • Tessa says:

      The money won’t run out.

    • Tarte au Citron says:

      They never learn… like, how many financial scandals have the Yorks had because they were always broke and had to make nice with oligarchs in return for favours.

  7. equality says:

    It doesn’t really matter who doctored the photo. Normally, the RF would have blamed some nameless employee, but PW wouldn’t do that for Kate. For all her PR she puts out about how protective he is, he wouldn’t do what he does all the time and lie. That is significant. Either she knows the truth that he doesn’t care or she confuses being controlling with being protective. The White House didn’t make any snide remarks about KP. They answered a question by a reporter about putting out photos.

  8. 809Matriarch says:

    I finally figured Willy’s foolish insistence on having the rota hammer the world with his being ADAMANT that Harry and Meghan be banned from helping them out. He knows that HARRY is ADAMANT that he will NOT come back in any way, shape, or form, to return to that repressive system.
    Willy is embarrassed and angry that the 🌎 now knows something about his nefarious ways and that Harry will no longer help white wash his violence and dishonesty. I’m sure he was furious at the “truth bomb” released about that FORGED joint statement clearing him from bullying them out.
    Oh and the concern about when the money runs out. All I got to say is DREAM ON.🤣🤣🤣

  9. Kokiri says:

    We know.

    And hasn’t that been the biggest problem all along?
    Kate had her share of bad press, & was told that she had to suck it up & take it, nothing could be done.
    But along comes Harry who actually does it, & puts the entire RF family as horrible people who regularly throw their family to the wolves.

    William will never defend her. About anything. He only speaks up when he thinks HE might look bad, but Kate will always be fair game to toss aside.

    I’m not certain she really understood how replaceable & irrelevant she is (after producing the kids which was her only job requirement), until Harry did what she was told was impossible.
    So she can’t turn on the RF because she’s in it now, she turns on Meghan.
    Such seething envy.

    Oh well Katie! Enjoy your crown!

    • Tessa says:

      Diana after she had heir and spare did her duty for Charles then he was done with her. Kate should have noted that

      • Carol Mengel says:

        I think about how Diana struggled to lose weight for Charles and he was the only man in the world not looking at her. Now we have Kate, who before her cancer, seemed to basically starve herself so she would look good for her husband and he couldn’t be bothered with her anymore

      • Kokiri says:

        So true.

        Why Kate thought she’d be different is both sad & pathetic.
        Harry has always been right: the firm will do anything to protect itself, including death. Kate has zero protection.
        Thank goodness Meghan is safe (ish).

      • The Duchess says:

        @Kokiri – because Kitty is a typical pick-me type of person. She thought if she could be a doormat, throw her youth and career prospects down the river, and be a nasty, stuck-up mean girl, then she would never fall victim to the married-in curse. I think she has been going through a rude awakening for the past 18 months. Her clothes budget has been slashed, her family’s reputation is in the gutter and her husband has been throwing her to the wolves since she’s been on strike. The cancer card won’t work forever.

    • Nic919 says:

      This is the source of her jealousy of Meghan. Meghan has a husband who loves and respects her and no title makes up for that.

  10. sevenblue says:

    The white house press secretary didn’t mock anyone. She was asked if the administration edited official photos, because the royal rota and the british media was spreading false narrative that it is usual to edit official photos released to news agencies. She answered no, we don’t do that. How is this mocking?

    No surprise that Will refused to protect his own wife. Nobody believes it is Kate editing and publishing photos to news agencies. They have a big team and the wife of heir is doing this work alone? They think we are all stupid.

    • SarahCS says:

      It’s mocking because they ALWAYS have to be the victim in their narrative. He knows the readers won’t fact-check anything he says.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Apparently, giving an honest answer to a question, is mocking per the British Media of unrepented liars club.

  11. Tessa says:

    I doubt William took that picture. All the spin that he is the devoted husband is so bogus. And there is no harry problem it’s the Charles and William problem.

    • equality says:

      That’s part of the problem and what makes this guy a liar. Nobody took the picture because it was a mashup of several pictures.

      • SueBarbri33 says:

        Yep, my main takeaway from the photo fiasco has always been that none of those people in that photo were together. I believe that’s what set alarm bells ringing.

  12. KeKe Swan says:

    Gawd, what would it be like to be one of the richest families in the world, riding around in gold carriages, but too cheap to patch a roof (buckets collecting rainwater in Buckingham Palace) and obsessively worried about having another mouth to feed (Meghan)? To be so obscenely wealthy and so weirdly fixated on lack and scarcity has got to be some kind of mental illness…

    • seaflower says:

      They don’t use their own money to repair the castles and palaces. Heaven forbid! That’s why the peasants are taxed.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Expecting Meghan to work for them but not providing her with work clothes.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    William threw Kate under the bus for sure. He wanted to dump her and this was laying the groundwork for cause: Kate damaged the reputation of the Crown. Something came up to take that off the table.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      He’s been laying the groundwork for a divorce for the past few years – IMHO its not completely off the table but its delayed. I think they used the diagnosis to stave off any proceedings or a public announcement. Both Kate and Ma have been looking somewhat smug recently – they may have one this round but if he wants out of the marriage it will happen at some point. He might not have his fathers support on it just yet but who knows how long that will last. She will not be QC, he will try and divorce her before he takes the throne as I can see him being a bachelor King – there has been a lot of work put into pushing that narrative..

      • Chrissy says:

        Since we recently saw Carole and Mike at Ascot being, imo “fake” chummy with William, my guess is that she’s holding something big over his head until she and Kate get what they want. Hmm, I wonder what that could be!

  14. Amy Bee says:

    William is a terrible person.

    • Becks1 says:

      Honestly, we can say this on pretty much any story about William and it would fit perfectly.

    • Gabby says:

      And he’s married to a terrible person. Oh how they deserve each other.

      • The Duchess says:

        It’s a match made in heaven, but he still wants out. What a sad little man he is.

  15. Inge says:

    He really is an insensitive ahole, but then again K knew who she was marrying yet everything for the title.

  16. Jay says:

    “After all, it was his wife who’d manipulated the snap and nothing to do with him.”

    And there it is – “nothing to do with him”. Can you ever imagine your partner throwing you under the bus like this? And on Mother’s Day no less, while you were recovering from major surgery? If ever there was any doubt that the Wales are not a team and very likely not even living in the same place, this is it. It really confirms what Harry has been saying all along: that William will use everyone around him as a human shield to protect himself from blame. If Kate thought that maybe she was the exception to the rule, she now knows better.

    I think Chuck is a terrible and selfish person, but I don’t think he would ever throw Camilla to the wolves like that.

    • seaflower says:

      I can see Kate posting anonymously on Reddit’s AITAH thread to work out if she is AH, only to have everyone to tell her that her anonymous husband is the AH and to divorce him.

    • ShazBot says:

      Yeah I actually REALLY want to know the thinking behind the next part ““and if the Press found out that he was covering for the princess, the speculation would only grow. “
      This says to me that William was WELL AWARE of the speculation that he did something to Kate and he actually thought if he also took responsibility for the frankenphoto, that the press would see that as evidence that he is guilty? That’s very interesting because if he was trying to show the world he DIDN’T do anything to his wife, he could have shown public support to her, which he has not done at any point. Maybe that theory was closer to the mark than I thought.

      • Jaded says:

        I think back to his behavior at the investiture shortly after Kate was *hospitalized*. He was weaving back and forth, his eyes were blinking and half closed, he dropped the medal, he was a mess. Looked like he’d been on a 3-day bender. Then he suddenly became a pariah and wasn’t seen with any member of the BaRF for months, nor did he do any meaningful public appearances. That speaks to me of his involvement in something so serious that it forced Kate into hiding for 7+ months, fake photos, AI enhanced videos, etc. Plus his lack of public support for Kate. He just can’t be arsed because he knows that as the heir, the royal wagons will circle around him despite him being such a horrible excuse of a human being.

    • Rnot says:

      Kate isn’t William’s Camilla. Charles threw his first wife to the wolves. Like father, like son.

      • Chaine says:

        So true, is it not Jecca that was his first love, if she was willing he’d ditch Kate again in a heartbeat

  17. Becks1 says:

    Its interesting to me that the official story is still that he took the picture and Kate touched it up, when it looks like the picture was a complete frankenphoto. I guess they have to stick with that since the official release said the picture was taken by the Prince of Wales.

    But it wasn’t just a heavily edited picture. It wasn’t just touching up hair and smiles. It was a complete fake of a photo which is why they couldn’t release the original. MAYBE the four were actually posing just to get the dimensions right and then completely different pictures were layered on top, but even that I doubt.

    Part of the problem with that picture besides the fact that it was completely fake is that Kate looks very good in that photo. She looks healthy, happy – for someone who was (at the time) supposedly less than 2 months out from major abdominal surgery, she just looked….really good. It didn’t match the narrative that she was too sick to work. And then the clothes were just too similar from the clothes from the November video so people started asking questions.

    Anyway, all that said – he completely threw her to the bus and honestly, hearing how he even edited the statement so that it was just from HER, and not him and her (when he allegedly took the picture) is disgusting.

    • Jay says:

      Exactly – Jobson is sticking with the ridiculous party line that Kate was “just trying to make her family look good” and that all the hubbub was over some minor change to Charlotte’s sleeve. Uh, no. It was more than touching up a sleeve – there’s a whole copied and pasted Kate head right in the centre! Not to mention those weird hands. It’s giving 2005 Kardashian xmas card.

      But Jobson trying to justify that William let his wife take the blame is a new detail, right? Why would he think that his involvement would somehow make the story worse? That seems like a very thin excuse to me.

  18. Brassy Rebel says:

    These royal sycophants, like Jobson, know so much more than they are willing to say. Obviously, they’re afraid of losing their sources. But there’s a pile of money awaiting the first one to really spill some tea.

  19. Lady Digby says:

    The Torygraph review has a priceless opening to its review of said biography.

    Catherine, The Princess of Wales, by Robert Jobson, is grimly fawning, embarrassingly written and devoid of insight into the real woman!

    • Amy Bee says:

      More like pot calling kettle black since the book is no different to what the Telegraph writes about Kate on a daily basis.

      • Jais says:

        Fr. How many times has a Telegraph writer like Tominey written that Kate never puts a foot wrong. So that’s pretty freaking rich.

  20. Proud Mary says:

    I’m sorry, but initially I did not believe that it was Kate who concocted the Frankenphoto fiasco. But that was because I believed then that she was too ill to do it. Following her re-emergence, I am now convince that she was the culprit.

    • kirk says:

      I’ve never had trouble believing it was Kitty who did the editing. For years now they’ve been telling us she’s the super keen photographer. The press corps photogs have grumbled that she’s taken away some of their work by shooting her own kids. She even took photos of QueenConCam for a County Life (?) spread. I kinda recall a shot of QCC with pole growing from her head that could have used some editing. My favorite Kitty editing job is an American Gothic presentation of Betty and Phil standing in front of one of the castles.

      • windyriver says:

        She may be super keen, but she’s not especially good. I do believe she’s taken the kids’ pictures attributed to her over the years, and those have some common, obvious signature issues: in particular, very shallow (too shallow) depth of field. You can see that same problem in the picture of Camilla for Country Life; I can believe Kate did that photo also

        With this Mother’s Day mishmash – the question of editing aside, I don’t believe Kate took whatever the base pictures are that were used. There’s an underlying skill there she just hasn’t exhibited elsewhere. And I sure as h3ll don’t believe Will took anything unless he pressed the shutter after someone else who knew what they were doing (not Kate) set it up. So my question is, not just, if Kate did the editing, and if not her, than who – but also, who actually took the pictures that were used to put this together.

  21. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    It must be a blow to Kate, realizing after all her hard work chasing William, that he’s happy to throw her under any bus to save himself. Seeing the immense love and respect that Harry has for Meghan, must eat at Kate on a near daily basis. In the space of a year, Kate’s been outed as 1 of the royal racists, had major surgery where cancer was detected, had conspiracy theories swirling around her and a husband who doesn’t give a toss about her and I believe is one of those guys who abandons his wife when she’s ill. And while her 2 appearances went okay, it really seems that nobody is missing her on the royal scene. I wonder if all that she sacrificed for the goal of being queen consort is worth it or is understanding of her worth to this family, especially her husband, is starting to dawn in her incurious mind?

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      To someone like her and her family its totally worth it, watching her parents mug it up at Ascot and then Wimbledon tells u that its worth it to them. They will never let Kate leave that marriage willingly and will do whatever it takes to stop William from divorcing her, including going to Chuck for his support.

      Would William, as heir, need his father permission to divorce? I imagine not but I guess he’d need his support.

      • Tessa says:

        If William wants out he will get out of the marriage.

      • RRN says:

        @Digital Unicorn: It is believable that the Wales don’t have a perfect marriage like what they try to portray. But divorce is a stretch. They are never going to divorce. The whole move to Windsor was to make things work by giving it space. And by the looks of it, it seems to work and fool the public, even if the Wales relationship is hanging by a thread.

        Another royal divorce is hard to swallow. William has carefully built an image of a loving husband and a caring, hands-on, goes-on-a-schoolrun kinda dad. The Wales have crafted an image of a lovely family with the help of the british media. No way they are going to undo that. If william wanted a divorce, there’s nothing stopping him. He doesn’t want to. It’s working out for them and their audience laps it up.

      • Becks1 says:

        William is crafting the image of a caring, hands on, school run, SINGLE dad. Theres nothing in his public behavior that shows him to be a loving husband and that is starting to get noticed more and more.

        I dont know if there will be a divorce. But I don’t think the current situation is working for William (who can’t stand to be around her in public) and I think he wants a divorce. Whether he’ll get his way or not remains to be seen.

      • C says:

        I don’t think he’s happy and I don’t think it would be difficult to divorce her if he really wanted to but I do think even he knows it would be stupid to do it. I’m not arguing Kate is beloved but she is a known quantity that enough people like, she’s glamorous enough for the firm and her presence gives his real activities the domestic cover he needs.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is already a precedent of a Prince of wales divorcing so never is not a word I would use. And this is going to be decided by what William wants. He has been telegraphing his intense dislike of Kate in public for years now. The kids are brought out as buffers when they have to play happy family, but even there he barely looks at her except for like five seconds so the photographers can get a photo and pretend that isn’t a separated couple.

        William as single dad has started and the school run mentions are a part of that

  22. Wls198 says:

    I don’t know if this is still on the subject but looking at Kate sitting alone that bunch they are trying to dig at Meghan’s book The Bench.

    • sevenblue says:

      They started to take photos under tree too after H&M’s photos. Both Will and Kate are obsessed with H&M. They are trying to copy their every move and failing. All I saw there was a lonely woman sitting on a bench unlike Meghan’s bench bringing family together, her husband was nowhere around. They reported that he wasn’t even there while she was shooting the cancer video.

  23. Brassy Rebel says:

    When British taxpayers realize they are being scammed and shut off the financial spigot, Charles had better hope that Harry takes pity and loans him a few pounds.

  24. Lau says:

    The Windsors are too used to behaving like grifters every day of their lives so of course they keep thinking that the Sussexes are going to run out of money. They just don’t know how to make money in other ways than through grifting.

  25. ariel says:

    The money running out comment made me think of Andrew. He has expensive tastes, no thought of actual philanthropy, no work ethic, total entitlement, and if he left, no matter the settlement he got from the crown- the money would definitely run out. Constant bailouts and schemes are part of his life.

    They have zero understanding of the Duchess of Sussex as a successful actress and entrepreneur- her “Tig” thing was a big money maker for her. And they have no idea who the man Harry grew up to be is. He is so foreign to him.

    • sevenblue says:

      The same thing also happened to Edward & Sophie when they tried to work outside of BRF. QE2 had to pay all their debts and bring them back because they were humiliated with debts and Sophie getting caught talking shit about BRF with a hidden camera. That is why they thought the same thing is gonna happen to H&M. They never saw anyone getting successful financially after leaving, because the media makes sure that they are not.

      • Lizzie Bennett says:

        Was Sophie ever successful? I thought she ran a successful PR firm for many years before she married Edward? I got the impression she wanted to work for the firm more than continue her business.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Lizzie Bennett, there are reports that she was successful, but it could be from her own sources. A successful PR person wouldn’t get caught talking sh*t about the most powerful family in the country, her own in-laws.

    • Rnot says:

      Not just the Yorks. The Queen Mum constantly overdrew her accounts and had to be bailed out by her daughter. The family is very accustomed to undisciplined spending. Meanwhile, Meghan had to work for her money and they made Harry live on scraps. I’d be shocked if Harry and Meghan haven’t got their financial future locked down, because their physical safety depends on it. The Windsors and their staff are genuinely stupid.

  26. Mario says:

    Yes, compared to the family money and holdings — concentrated into King Charles and Prince William’s vast wealth + the sovereign grant — Harry and Meghan’s millions feel scarily close to being broke, lol. But here’s the thing: Harry never had access to that money and wasn’t ever going to!

    Beyond his inheritance from the Queen Mother and Diana, much of which was locked up (and reportedly, still to be released to him) he was set to effectively live where, how, and off what KC and PW wanted to allow, as Anne, Andrew, and Edward do. He may not have their riches, but he no longer requires their permissions and approval and that’s the real freedom. And his lifestyle is as good or better than it was as the spare, so I think he’s fine: financially and otherwise.

    • Julia says:

      Harry has said he did not receive an inheritance from the Queen Mother. Why do people keep referencing claims about locked up money without any evidence? It’s falling for a tabloid narrative that is faintly ridiculous. Why would the QM lock up money in a will like that? It would be pointless.

      • sevenblue says:

        It is the propaganda that BRF took care of Harry. They left him inheritance in cash. Harry only confirmed his own mother’s inheritance. People believe the propaganda because it was repeated for years by multiple royal reporters who are the PR arm of BRF as we learned.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Julia, with you. Whatever the QM had automatically went to QE2. Sure, they say this that and another thing-it doesn’t add up mathematically. A BRF/BM House of Lies. The history of the BM/BRF lies is extensive.

  27. Hypocrisy says:

    A family that has lived generationally on the public purse calling a self made millionaire a gold digger is literally the height of hypocrisy.. the fact that some people believe this shows mental illness walks among us daily.

  28. QuiteContrary says:

    Kate is so boring she’s not even the star of her own biography.

    As horrible as William is, I don’t feel sorry for Kate. He was horrible when she met him and she still chased him.

  29. monlette says:

    I don’t believe for a minute he took that photo. Unless he inherited his father’s art genes, in which case he would be playing it up left and right.

  30. Joy says:

    Boggles the mind that Jobson is talking about H&M $$$$ in a book about princess kate. That’s how boring Kate is. Still, very weird.

  31. Jayna says:

    I think what many want most in life as a woman from your partner is to know that your partner has your back and is protective of you. William is a very weak man.

  32. Vixxo says:

    Jobson is struggling with his mortgage payments. Smh

  33. BeanieBean says:

    I cannot imagine my mother editing family photos to make us ‘look better’; she loved us just as we were. Those poor kids (who live in several fancy homes & will lack for nothing in terms of food or material items, but still).

  34. Over it says:

    William is a world class D. Him and Kate deserve each other. She is an ice princess so I feel no sympathy for her. She knew what she was getting with him but being queen was more important to her and her mama than the love, protection and respect from a good man.

  35. Cottage Cat says:

    William gets a heck of a bashing on here, but, remember, he tried to let Kate and her family down lightly, more than once when he ended it. There was a point at which he saw these bounty-hunters for what they were. Each time, Carole turned the thumbscrews a little harder.. Visits to Uncle Gary’s Casa de Bang-Bang, etc.