Donald Trump on Kamala Harris: ‘She’s got a fresh way about her… She’s very nasty’

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign could not have gotten off to a better start. In her first week as the presumptive nominee, she raised $200 million, 66% of which came from first-time contributors. 170,000 volunteers have signed up to work on her campaign as well, all across the country. Harris has been attending fundraisers and rallies in a steady clip, and those events are getting higher turnouts and raising more money than the campaign projected. VP Harris has coattails – Democrats in House and Senate races are also seeing surges in fundraising and support. So, obviously, Donald Trump is trying to brand her a “nasty woman.”

While the “nasty woman” label was already embraced in 2016 – when Trump said the same thing about Hillary Clinton during one of their debates – the culture has shifted to the point where Generation TikTok has already made fan-cams for Kamala Harris set to Tinashe’s “Nasty” (“I been a nasty girl, nasty” and “Is somebody gonna match my freak?”). Trump calling Kamala “fresh” is something new though – it’s hilariously dated. That’s what an elderly man would have said about a flirtatious secretary in 1962.

Speaking of, Trump is still terrified to debate Kamala Harris. VP Harris and her campaign are having so much fun with it too:

Vice President Kamala Harris is committed to debating former President Donald Trump on Sept. 10—whether or not he shows up. In a statement first shared with The Hill, Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler said that Harris will attend the ABC face-off that Trump had previously scheduled with President Joe Biden.

“As Vice President Harris said last week, the American people deserve to hear from the two candidates running for the highest office in the land and she will do that at September’s ABC debate,” Tyler said. “If Donald Trump and his team are saying anything other than ‘we’ll see you there,’—and it appears that they are—it’s a convenient, but expected backtrack from Team Trump. Vice President Harris will be there on September 10th—we’ll see if Trump shows.”

[From The Daily Beast]

The thing is, while I know Kamala Harris will wipe the floor with Trump in any debate, I’m also just… not looking forward to it. I remember the Clinton-Trump debates and while Hillary absolutely “won” those, I hated that she had to stand there and debate a madman like they were equals. Here’s Trump trying to backtrack on debates in an interview on Fox News yesterday:

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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59 Responses to “Donald Trump on Kamala Harris: ‘She’s got a fresh way about her… She’s very nasty’”

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  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    He is both terrified and mystified. She’s got them all shook.

    • ella says:

      Elderly Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, an Oxford Graduate, called Kamala a ding dong and became angry when interviewer Neil Caputo said name-calling is not the way to win in November, but Kennedy became angry and continued to use the word ding dong 8 times. 8 times.

      Neil Caputo and Republicans under 70 are trying hard and failing hard to stop the boomerang misogynist comments that hit Republicans right back in the face. In other words move ‘left’ in your messaging and not far right elderly misogynist. It works.
      Democrats need to apply this strategy as well.
      Tony Blair said when your opponent moves right, YOU move right, too. It works.

      • Debbie says:

        Eight times? Good God, he must have sounded like broken chimes. Even for Louisiana that’s excessive.

      • IdlesAtCranky says:

        @Ella – is it just me, or is that a dog whistle?

        Ding dong, the Witch is…

        Not so subtle death threat? Or just paranoia on my part?

      • 80sMercedes says:

        @Idles – I think that’s paranoia on your part. The guy is from Louisiana, and as a fellow Southerner, it’s just part of the lexicon. I call people ding-dongs all the time – mostly as a placeholder when someone is generally ridiculous. I have actually referred to Trump and Vance as ding-dongs as well because I’m trying to use less of what my kids call “mom’s driving language”. (It will never work.)

  2. Projection!! He is nasty. He is uncouth and uncivilized. She is a breath of fresh air and he is very afraid of her and as well he should be!

  3. OriginalMich says:

    It was only a matter of time before he resorted to his tried and true insult for women. Kamala is in good company on that front.

    Re a debate, it was painful watching Hillary be loomed over and stalked around the stage. Given how Kamala shut Pence down when he talked over her in the VP debates, however, I don’t think she would put up with it. I think she would shame Trump on the spot if he tried that with her and it would be glorious.

    • Megan says:

      As a former prosecutor, she knows how to handle a hostile witness. Trump stands no chance against her and he knows it.

    • DK says:

      I think Hillary was trying to balance all the expectations a woman/she in particular had to deal with at the time: be intelligent but not “condescending” (all too easy for smart women to be deemed as such by fragile men), be “likeable,” etc.

      I don’t see (sure hope not!) Kamala bothering with that crap. She saw it didn’t work for Hillary no matter how good she was at it.

      So I hope she just goes in there and tears DonOld a new one, using all her badass prosecutor skills, likeability be damned.

      It does frustrate me though that DT lost the debates to Hillary badly but still won the election, and then Biden “loses” one debate to Trump and gets kicked out of the running.

      These debates have become mostly meaningless.

      Still, I’d love to see KH clean the floor with DonOld. Just for the spectacle of it!

  4. equality says:

    Well, here’s something else that Tominey can say Meghan and Kamala have in common. This is DT’s go-to for any woman who doesn’t think he’s all that. They should put out t-shirts. Carmen Cruz (mayor of San Juan) wore a shirt that said “nasty” after being attacked by DT.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    “Nasty” is the word he uses for strong, outspoken women. (same word he called Meghan, because of her appearance on the Larry Wilmer show in 2016). He only respects mute, docile women like his wife. The guy is so disgusting. I have no respect for anyone who supports him. Someone once gifted me a really beautiful expensive item once. I re-gifted the item after I learned the person supports trump. I have no space for people like that.

    • Anna says:

      If I may correct: he only accepts mute, docile women like his wife. He doesn’t respect any woman. He sees them only as sexual objects, even his own daughter.

    • NotSoFast says:

      Same thing he called Hillary in 2016. This man is a joke. I am on board with taking the scary out of him. We do not need to give him that power. Yes…he is a real threat, but there is no better way to hurt him than to mock him for the orange, pathetic clown he is.

  6. Tursitops says:

    I repeat my earlier assertion: Kam IS fresh, because she is smarter and savvier than her predecessors. Dems STILL haven’t learned the power of confrontation on the facts.

    Every time that Humpty Dumpty says “I will do X”, Kam the Ram should shoot back “They why didn’t you do it when you had the chance?” Another option would be “Must be that you were busy attacking women’s human rights and grifting for money from selling THE BIBLE, so you decided that X wasn’t important.” How about “Did you not do X because you were moving classifiied documents, engaging in adultery, then paying off to cover up your crimes?”

    Turn saying the quiet part out loud back on them. Dems to this point have had a fear of speaking truth to power. She is not similarly burdened. They are ALL about to mess around, find out.

  7. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Be our retribution, Kamala! Show him what nasty means!

  8. Michael says:

    He wants to call her “uppity” so bad. It will do well with his base but he will lose even more moderates and swing votes. The GOP is flailing trying to come up with a plan to stem her momentum while they are also running out of time. I was very surprised at the positive response to Biden stepping aside. I hope it will continue into November

    • Megan says:

      Racism comes so naturally for Trump it’s only a matter of time.

    • Nicole says:

      Nah girl. He wants to call her the N word really bad. He’s an old school racist. He wants her to know her place and not question challenge him. That’s what makes it extra delicious for this Black girl 😉

      • Aurora says:

        You nailed it. He is one verbal incontinence outburst away from calling her ‘uppity’ and ‘straight outta Compton’. F*ck Saur🍊n.

  9. Kitten says:

    *YAWN* They’re trotting out their greatest hits. It’s all so boring and uninspired and in the end, very self-sabotaging. Women are so fucking angry right now and we’re not here for Trump’s predictably misogynistic bullshit. The GOP must be telling him at every turn to try to refrain from racist attacks but make no mistake, Trump will let the mask slip eventually.

    The attacks they’re leveling against Kamala just show that they don’t have shit on her.

  10. Kate says:

    Time to break out my nasty woman shirt from 2016 I guess.

  11. Jais says:

    Is calling someone fresh really a diss though? Outlast would like a word.
    Ain’t nobody dope as me
    I’m just so fresh, so clean
    So fresh and so clean, clean.

    • ML says:

      Trump also isn’t a fresh perspective. He’s old and rotten.

    • joanie says:

      I’m 70 today and I’m going with Cool and the Gang – “She’s fresh, fresh, exciting. She’s so exciting to me!”

    • Blithe says:

      Well, it was in 1962. That’s where Trump is stuck: when women were publicly deferential— at least to his face, and his dad could make millions from federally supported racially segregated housing.

    • mblates says:

      it’s weird, i’ve only heard fresh used as a negative towards men-like when they make a pass at a woman (another antiquated phrase!). i’ve never heard it applied as a negative towards a woman. also, as a gen-xer, i’d love for them to break out some janet jackson (ms. jackson if you’re nasty).

      • BeanieBean says:

        Interesting, I never thought about that but you’re right, it was always the guy getting fresh with a girl, not the other way around. Different insult terms used for women, no doubt; e.g., ‘fast’, and so on.

      • Mairzy Doats says:

        As a kid, we were warned not to be fresh to our elders, since it was considered disrespectful to speak out of turn.

      • Mayp says:

        The term “fresh” can mean a lot of things. That someone or something is refreshing, that they are a flirt, or that they are disrespectful. I think Trump is using the latter definition.

        For example, back in the day, when a child talked back to a parent, they would often be called “fresh”. Ever heard the term: don’t get fresh with me!!?

        I think he is saying that Kamala Harris doesn’t know her “place.”

  12. ML says:

    The debate is supposed to be a-spilt- screen, like CNN’s. Unlike with Hillary Clinton, where both candidates were in view from more of a distance, Trump would need to be in view at all times from his own place. This worked to his advantage with Joe Biden, but this is why he’s freaking out.

  13. Rnot says:

    When you have to explain an insult it’s just as bad as having to explain a joke. Fresh? Anyone under 50 is going to be far more familiar with the Fresh Prince of Bel Air than the obsolete/antiquated/archaic definition of that word.

    Hilariously, there are 6 positive definitions of the word before you get down to “sexually presumptuous.” So most of the world heard him call her: new, different, free of preservatives, full of energy and vigor, appearing bright and healthy, not salty, cool and strong, pure and cool, and having recent experience.

    • BeanieBean says:

      😏. I watched so many black & white movies on TV when I was a kid, from the 30s, 40s, 50s. I don’t remember the era, but so many movies would have a scene where a guy kissed a girl & then she smacked him in the face for being ‘fresh’. trump is such a dummy. An evil, vile, lying dummy.

  14. Jacques says:

    Apparently, a Professor who taught Trump at Wharton said; “Donald Trump was the dumbest go*dam student I ever had.” This is not at all surprising, considering he is so blatantly and gleefully stupid.

    Yes, stupid pig of a man, she is the freshest of the fresh. He on the other hand, is a stale, contemptable, rotting piece of old meat covered in maga’ts.

    • lucy2 says:

      Not surprised. He’s coasted through his life based on money and connections, no actual intelligence, skill or abilities. And I so badly want to watch him get his a$$ kicked by a strong, smart, capable, hardworking, and awesome black woman.

      • Jacques says:

        100% this!! The only thing he works at is being a grifter and a thug. He also excels at being a felon. I imagine this running through his square head: “So many charges, just so many charges. Probably more charges than any other President. People say it’s the most, more than anyone has ever seen. Can you imagine? The most felonies folks. The biggest and the most is pretty incredible…pretty incredible. They will try to tell you it’s bad…oh yes, so bad. I’m here to tell you they are telling you fake news. It’s fake, folks. Felons are the best, really, if you think about it, so really I’m the best felon…and don’t you want the best? You deserve the best and I will deliver!”

        Stupid, stupid man.

  15. Roo says:

    Let’s face it. “Uppity” would be the “nicer” side of what he really wants to use. And his base would not care if he that used that word, the N word, out loud.

  16. Wednesday Addams says:

    She’s going to win, and win bigly!!! #landslide

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    I will never forgive the media who pander to this misogynistic racist who is an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon.. can the court revoke his bail please?

  18. MsIam says:

    So the opposite of “fresh” is what stale, past its expiration date, needing to be thrown out? Sounds about right for you DonOLD. The bar is in Hell for the Party of Family Values, I guess.

  19. Louisa says:

    Oh how original Donny. She must be shaking in her shoes….

  20. Elsa says:

    If you are a woman who doesn’t like him, you are nasty. I hate that word. But I’m embracing it now.

  21. freddy says:

    “Fresh” may have been an insult in 1962 (during Trump’s youth), but “Fresh” in 1992 ( during Kamala’s youth) it meant ‘Cool’ or ‘bad-ass’…so yet again his attempt at name-calling falls flat.

  22. Gabby says:

    Kaiser, how about some Celebitches for Kamala shirts? I’d buy several.

    • Blithe says:

      I’m also hoping for a tee with pictures of the checks that Trump wrote for Kamala’s AG campaign. Running to check Etsy lol

  23. BeanieBean says:

    I watched that short Ingraham clip. What did he say? He never completed a sentence or finished a thought. Weird.

  24. olliesmom says:

    Nasty. Where have we heard that before? He calls all women that intimidate him nasty.

    Isn’t describing someone as fresh a compliment and a good thing?

    What does fresh slang mean?
    good and attractive or stylish
    US slang. good and attractive or stylish: You’re looking fresh! fresh shoes. SMART

  25. LOLikes says:

    When I hear tRump calling especially WOC “nasty girl” I always think of the Vanity 6 – Nasty Girl (1982) song written by Prince. I really see it as a compliment. Bring it On!

  26. Maggie says:

    So Donnie thinks Kamala is “fresh” and “nasty?” Has he heard what his wife said about Christmas and Stormy?🤭

  27. Feeshalori says:

    She’s fresh and he’s expired, well past the “use by” date.

  28. martha says:

    That’s Miss Nasty, Donald.

    “fresh” – the “uppity” of women and children..

  29. JudyB says:

    He uses “nasty” because he has a limited vocabulary and cannot think of anything else to say that will not get him into horrible trouble with women.

    Somehow, I am a phone list of repub donors, even though I have never voted for or donated to a republican. This means that even though I block them, I am getting almost daily requests for money from them, and the requests are getting to be enjoyable. The latest one is titled “Shock & Despair” and points out that Harris has raised $200M while the House GOP has had trouble raising $1M, so they are asking you to click on a donation site. It is signed “Newt”.

    And isn’t pointing out your failures a funny way to raise money???

    Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

  30. TN Democrat says:

    A tangerine with a terrible combover who has been married 3 times and cheated on each wife doesn’t get to call anyone nasty. Vote blue and stay united Democrats!