Donald Trump: Childfree people are ‘just as good’ if not ‘a lot better’ than parents

I still remember when John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. My first instinct was dread – that McCain’s gambit might work – but then soon after, I felt nothing but relief. Palin made a horse’s ass out of herself at every turn, and she went down as one of the biggest cautionary tales for presidential candidates. Well, Donald Trump didn’t get that memo. McCain choosing Palin looks positively brilliant compared to Trump choosing JD Vance. Vance gives Trump nothing but financing from Peter Thiel. Vance doesn’t help with fundraising, Vance brings zero enthusiasm and the (racist) base hates Vance and his Indian-American wife. Republicans have a major case of buyer’s remorse. Since Vance entered the national stage, the Trump campaign has been on the back foot, trying to deal with all of the crazy sh-t Vance has said for years. It’s gotten so bad that now Trump (!!!) has to provide cover for his VP candidate:

Donald Trump on Monday defended his running mate’s claims that “childless cat ladies” had destroyed American values, but also said he believed adults without children were just as good as parents. JD Vance’s 2021 comment that Vice-President Kamala Harris and other Democrats were “a bunch of childless cat ladies miserable at their own lives” resurfaced after Trump selected the Ohio senator as the Republican vice-presidential candidate. In a Fox News interview on Monday, Trump said that Mr Vance “likes families”, but Trump also said he did not place a higher value on parenting.

“You know, you don’t meet the right person, or you don’t meet any person. But you’re just as good, in many cases, a lot better than a person that’s in a family situation,” he said. Trump said Mr Vance was simply trying to show how much he values family life.

“He grew up in a very interesting family situation, and he feels family is good. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong in saying that,” Trump said. “All he said is he does… like I mean, for him, he likes family.”

Asked by Fox News television host Laura Ingraham on Monday whether he could vouch for Mr Vance as an “excellent pick” for the November election, Trump said: “He’s got has tremendous support, and he really does among a certain group of people – people who like families. That does not mean that people who aren’t members of a big family… he’s not against anything. He loves family, it’s very important to him.”

[From BBC]

I cannot stop laughing about this. “You know, you don’t meet the right person, or you don’t meet any person. But you’re just as good, in many cases, a lot better than a person that’s in a family situation.” So true, I’m a childless cat lady (according to Vance) and yet, according to Trump, I’m “just as good, in many cases, a lot better than a person that’s in a family situation.” Yes!! Trump is making the bold decision to go in the other direction and talk about how childfree people are probably better off (many such cases) than parents. He’s talking about himself too – someone said that Trump is stuck with another idiot son in Vance, and he probably wishes he was childfree right about now. You know his idiot sons convinced him to pick Vance as well (LMAO).

Photos courtesy of Avlon Red, Cover Images.

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71 Responses to “Donald Trump: Childfree people are ‘just as good’ if not ‘a lot better’ than parents”

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  1. Good lord that word salad sounds like something Palin would have come up with.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Lol Susan Collins! This is just the gift that keeps on giving.

      two piss poor assumptions here: 1) child free people have never miscarried or had fertility problems, or run into an endless sea of obstacles trying to adopt;

      2) no one wants to be child free by choice. I love how they all seem to assume that child free people are just looking to meet the right person but have had no luck – like no one would ever choose to be child free or single on purpose! You just wake up every day praying the right person shows up at Hannaford for you to marry or procreate with you so you cook, clean, do the lion’s share of the housework, raise the kids on your own as a single married person, and then mommy bang your partner at least 3-4 times a week and take care of him after a 70 hour work week so they don’t feel neglected because, they have needs that should come before a toddler’s! If only that special person were at Market Basket but instead, it’s just a sea of locusts out there in the produce section eating all the butternut squash. Just a sea of disappointment.

      What jackasses.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        👏 to Side Eye. You pretty much summed it up.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @SIde Eye: I love what you just wrote!

      • Mayp says:

        I will add a third assumption. That fertile women that want children will necessarily have a child. Some women feel that they make what they consider to be a very responsible decision, whereby if the situation into which they would bring children is not ideal (to raise a child) to forgo having said children.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Thank you HuffnPuff (love ur name) and Beanie Bean.

        Mayp thank you for your excellent point! You are so right!

    • Lulu says:

      Showing my age here, but I grew up inspired by Mary Richards on the Mary Tyler Moore show. I do have a child but never felt I either should or needed to.

  2. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    I think the genie is already out of the bottle on this one, Don-old.

  3. Krista says:

    Wait, do I actually agree with Donald Trump?

    • olliesmom says:

      I know! In what world am I now living in?!

      I always figured that I would be sent to the camps for being a Democrat and voting Democrat my whole life. I never thought it would be because I’m a single never married woman who loves cats!

      How long before DonOLD dumps Maybelline?

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Stopped clock is right twice a day. Behold!

  4. Tessa says:

    I think of Sandra bullock whose first marriage was a disaster. She was well r i d of him. But she adopted her two children and became a single parent and she met the love of her life.

  5. Tessa says:

    Vance is even more of a loose cannon than Palin.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      The idiocy of all this is that Vance’s obnoxious comments were fairly recent, and we have this thing called The Internet where you can search any public figure (including a fledgeling US Senator) and read any of their previous comments with very little effort.

      Yes, Donald, even some guy on his couch (reference to Donald’s 2016 debate comment to Hillary) can vet a potential VP candidate, and apparently do a better job, than your own PR team apparently could do.

      Giving Vance the green light indicates to me that Trump’s handlers can do very little to prevent Trump from making decisions based on his own whims or hunches or the advice of his incompetent sons. That’s frightening, actually. Do we want to give him access to military secrets, etc, AGAIN?

    • Jacques says:

      Oh, the ignorance keeps pouring out of Vance’s mouth (or whatever he is calling himself these days).

      His latest attack on childless women is this offense statement in 2020: “I worry that it makes people more sociopathic and, ultimately, our whole country a little bit less — less mentally stable. And, of course, you talk about going on Twitter. Final point I’ll make is, you go on Twitter, and almost always the people who are most deranged and most psychotic are people who don’t have kids at home.”

      He is a pathetic, mewling, stupid, man.

  6. KeKe Swan says:

    Mindlessly repeating “he likes family”? The cognitive decline is real.

    • Orangeowl says:

      I think Trump may be declining, but him repeating that is just his garden variety ignorance, shallowness and lack of compassion. Unlike say, golf, he doesn’t give a sh^t about this topic and this is all the commentary he can muster up about it.

    • olliesmom says:

      Says the man that has kids with three different women.

    • Melinda says:

      The cognative decline is worse than Joe Biden’s! Trump is old and clearly has dementia. Who is the old man in the election now, Donald Trump ?!

  7. Kokiri says:

    Can trump dump Vance? He can pick a new vp?

    • ML says:

      Kokiri, From what I understand after asking the same questions: Yes, but it’s tricky.
      (If this is correct) Vance needs to resign—they can’t just toss him. Then they either need to reconvene the RNC or a smaller version thereof and figure out how to agree on a replacement. This must happen by August 7, due to the laws in Ohio. And yes, Vance is a senator from Ohio. Plus, the argument the Republicans had for Biden was his age-related decline (Vance doesn’t fit that bill) and that the Democrats staged a coup (if they do this with a young, healthy politician is certainly reads more as a coup).
      So, agreement to leave from Vance, quick agreement on a replacement, convening to nominate the replacement and having this done as smoothly as possible by August 7. Tricky.

      • Well if they only have until August 7th then I bet Kamala won’t pick her VP till after the seventh.

      • ML says:

        Susan Collins, the RNC was in July, so a bunch of scummy Republicans in Ohio (the States organize voting in each state, even for federal elections) decided to lock in their ballots by August 7–before the DNC. Kamala Harris also needs to announce her VP candidate by then. It’s just a case where the Republicans did not foresee their own veep candidate, especially one from the state that made this dumb law, being the problem!

  8. equality says:

    And then there are the many who are parents and really should not be. DT actually managed to state the obvious here and, I bet, is so proud. Too bad he can’t grasp a few more obvious facts.

  9. bisynaptic says:

    Vance is a liability. Will Trump axe him, eventually? I think Harris’s VP might be a factor in his decision.

    • Kitten says:

      I don’t think he will because it belies this notion that Trump has the best political instincts, which is obviously debatable. But it would make him look really fucking scared of a Kamala ticket and also, make his leadership and decision-making qualities open to a ton of criticism.

      I hope he stays because the contrast of Walz (or any of the other potential VP picks) becomes much more stark.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Trump won’t publicly fire Vance but I can see Vance stepping down due to “wanting to protect his family” (lol).

        That would create the opening the GOP think they can fill. Too bad for them that allllll of their contenders are just as awful as Vance and will get ripped to shreds (finally!) by Dem voters and journalists.

      • Twin Falls says:

        “He’s got has tremendous support, and he really does among a certain group of people – people who like families..”

        I think this is why Trump picked him and will stick with him. It’s all about the base/fundamentalists bankrolling Vance.

    • Fabiola says:

      I doubt trump will dump Vance. People that vote for trump are voting for trump only. They don’t care who his vice president is.

  10. ML says:

    At the end of the day, the person who chose Vance as Trump’s running mate was…Trump.

  11. KeKe Swan says:

    Tessa, I had a miscarriage in college and became infertile. The amount of grief I’ve gotten over the years from strangers, boyfriends and MY OWN FATHER about my childlessness —mind you, nobody asks why. They just tell you “you’re not a real woman” … I’m glad JD Vance is illustrating how common this prejudice is.

    • ML says:

      Keke Swan, I’m so sorry for your loss—It’s heartbreaking and far more common than people realize (also still births) because no one talks about it. It’s miserable to hear that so many people doubled down on you for it. 💔
      And to anyone childfree by choice: good for you for knowing what you want!

    • Lightpurple says:

      Keke, so very sorry for your loss and the cruelty you have had to endure.

      Chemotherapy for breast cancer destroyed my reproductive system. People say the most vicious and ridiculous things, like they own our bodies

  12. Debdowner says:

    lol, for once—I definitely believe that Donald Trump finds nothing wrong with childfree people because he doesn’t like children or families.

  13. sevenblue says:

    OMG, I laughed at this article a lot. Imagine Trump is cleaning YOUR f*ck up. I can’t believe Trump found someone who is worse politician than himself.

  14. Sarah says:

    I’ve mentioned on this blog before that a good friend of mine used to work for the Trump Org. She actually worked for Don Jr. I can say without any doubt both Dons prefer childless workers that are available at all hours of the night and don’t have to take their kids to appts.

  15. Becks1 says:

    It’s very telling when Trump has to clean up someone else’s insulting remarks – usually it was Pence trying to clean up after Trump. That says a lot about who he picked.

    Did they not vet this guy at all? these clips aren’t from that long ago and they surfaced almost immediately. That team is beyond incompetent.

    • Kitten says:

      They vetted him and tried desperately to discourage Trump from picking him but at the end of the day, Trump does what Trump wants and they all fall in line.

      I’m sure an angry call to Don, Jr has already occurred but Trump still owns this terrible decision. He listened to his dumb son and his coke-addled brain instead of his GOP colleagues and advisers.

    • ML says:

      Personally, Trump probably bet that Biden would be the only presidential contender who he would need to beat. Agent Orange’s main concern was to motivate his base, and from that standpoint, the upside of a Trumpy Vance was better than being constrained by an annoying normal-ish veep. Joe Biden put our country first, something Trump’s lizard brain has difficulty understanding, and gave us Kamala Harris💙

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    I just can’t believe he is even a viable candidate.. I hope the downfall of his campaign continues, no one can sit this one out. Hopefully they all start to turn on each other.

  17. Flamingo says:

    If Donald has to run interference on crazy. You know it’s bad. But he is also stubborn and doesn’t want to look like he made a mistake with JD. He will 100% dig his heels in and keep him on the ticket.

  18. Brassy Rebel says:

    Trump trying to explain how much Vance loves family is hysterical to me. For his part, Trump doesn’t give a 💩 about families. They may be a match made in heaven. You know Trump must be seething that he had to do clean up on aisle 9 for his running mate. I just hope he doesn’t get disgusted enough with Vance to dump him. He really is the gift that keeps on giving.

  19. Lucy2 says:

    Lol at him trying to scramble and undo that damage. He’s not smart enough to do anything other than keep saying “he likes family“.
    I’m trying to keep a level head and not get too excited or confident, but holy crap are they scared, I’m going to let myself enjoy that.

  20. Kitten says:

    For a myriad of reasons, fewer people are having kids–more so than any other time in American history. It was always idiotic and short-sighted to alienate an entire group of voters but this is par for the course with the Rethugs.

  21. Jais says:

    And yet Vance said what he said. Trump can try and walk it back and may not even agree with what Vance said, but at the end of the day, that’s the VP pick. And he’s a cheeseburger away from being the president if trump wins. No thank you. Vote Harris 💙

  22. OriginalMich says:

    Do these weirdos really think that only Democrats become childless cat ladies? Do they really think that Democrats don’t have families they cherish?

    Just once, I would like someone to ask the follow-up question about how America has become “unfriendly” to families. Vance and others keep putting that out there, and no one ever asks for examples of what they are talking about.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Exactly OriginalMich! It’s just like their manufactured war on Christmas. It just doesn’t exist. But these people love to think they are part of some oppressed minority cause others are asking for equal rights. They are master gaslighters. Our families are under attack! Christmas under siege! And here comes a migrant caravan coming to shoot up our Christmas trees and take jobs from the Blacks and commit crimes! Maybe he should have done something about Covid when he had a chance instead of being a science denier he killed off the demographic most likely to fall for this Fox News dumbf**ckery.

    • FYI says:

      Here is an example of how much Trump — the man they’ve put up for president three times in a row — feels about family:

      (In case you hesitate to click, it’s Trump totally dissing his own daughter at the RNC.)

    • Orangeowl says:

      Right? And the fact is Republicans are sitting on legislation that helps families because they don’t want a Dem administration to get credit in an election year! They hypocrisy is, as always, astonishing to me. I’m glad they are finally feeling on the defensive for once.

  23. FYI says:

    Maybe many women are child-free because our culture is filled with idiotic, misogynist, man-babies like these two. Who wants to parent with these cretins?

    • Side Eye says:

      Exactly! Imagine waking up next to one of these two: Jabba the Hut McRib eating sex predator and Mr. I’m sorry you’re not White but you’re a breeder so you have value. He loves families though (Insert all the eye roll emojis).

  24. Lau says:

    Does Vance know that being a childless cat lady also comes with sometimes crazy expenses ? Like, I’m not comparing it with having children of course and I decided to have my cat but bro must know that having a pet is just plain expensive.

  25. Mslove says:

    I know a few single men with cats, are we blaming the downfall of civilization on them too? Or is it just the ladies?

  26. Lulu says:

    I’m so glad Vance is sucking all of the oxygen out of trumps campaign. I can’t even imagine how mad trump is that vance is getting attention instead of himself. Still, I hope trump drops vance from the ticket. If trump gets elected, I don’t want to have a prospect of vance being a heartbeat away when trump is old, fat, and already declining.

  27. catJ says:

    Tiffany Trump doesn’t have children…. what about that Mr. AD-Vance????
    What about nuns and priests? They don’t have kids,,,, so, they shouldn’t vote??
    It’s all so ridiculous and I wonder how many childless/free Repubs think this is okay to be spouting off this stream of unconciousness that affects an awful lot of voters in the U.S.
    There is no justification to vilify constituents with a lifestyle that is different from your own?
    Who could possibly say this was logical, and, what else didn’t he say??
    Donald, your picker is off, you can’t seem to do anything right, and you are welcome to this loser of a vp candidate!!

  28. Jeffrey York says:

    Trump is a ‘Case in Point’ for not having children.

  29. Jacques says:

    Could their message be any more convoluted? One says childless women are crazy cat ladies and sociopath’s, while the other states we are; “just as good, in many cases, a lot better than a person that’s in a family situation.” Their alienation skills are impeccable.

  30. Jayna says:

    I’ve been watching a lot of women with cat videos mocking Vance. Here is a macho-looking, childless man with his cat joining in to support childless cat women to vote blue. I loved it.

  31. Nope says:

    Fertility does not equal sanity or capability

  32. Silent Star says:

    I just love the idea that Trump has become shackled by “another idiot son”! 😆