Are the Republicans scared of saying Jennifer Aniston’s name?

Jennifer Aniston has been filming The Morning Show in NYC in recent days, and here are some photos from that filming. At one point, her character gets oil thrown at her by “protestors.” I don’t watch the Morning Show so I have no idea about what the plot is supposed to be beyond “this character cries outside of the New York Public Library” and “she’s doing a live shot in a white sleeveless blouse.” TMS shoots their exteriors, from time to time, in New York but the bulk of the filming does happen in LA.

Meanwhile, Aniston has been in the news recently because she used her IG Stories to push back on JD Vance’s whole deal, especially his “childless cat ladies” comments. Vance responded to Aniston – not by name – in his Megyn Kelly interview, saying: “Hollywood celebrities say, ‘Oh, well, JD Vance, what if your daughter suffered fertility problems?’ Well, first of all, that’s disgusting because my daughter is 2 years old. And second of all, if she had fertility problems, as I said in that speech, I would try everything I could to try to help her because I believe families and babies are a good thing.” As I said over the weekend, Vance has a long history of extremist hostility towards reproductive rights, from abortion to IVF. He’s part of a ticket which would make it very difficult – if not impossible – for people to access fertility treatments or reproductive care. And calling Aniston “disgusting” isn’t going to win him any support either.

In LaineyGossip’s coverage of Aniston and her politics, Lainey mentioned that Aniston might be getting some pushback from her core supporters – middle-aged white women – for talking about Vance. I looked through Aniston’s recent Instagram posts and I don’t know if she’s deleted comments or whatever, but it’s all positive over there. From what I’ve seen in the right-wing media, they’re actually terrified to say Aniston’s name, as if they fear alerting even more people to Vance’s out-of-touch statements on women. Before now, I wouldn’t have said that Aniston has a big political base, but maybe she does.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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18 Responses to “Are the Republicans scared of saying Jennifer Aniston’s name?”

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  1. Jais says:

    Well, Vance called Jennifer Aniston’s words disgusting bc his daughter is 2. Which is stupid and purposely overlooking her point. Republicans in many states are trying to get rid of IVF so her point stands. And Vance is probably against IVF too. Is he trying to say he’s not now? Or is he just side-stepping the issue like the coward he is?

  2. Becks1 says:

    As a middle aged (sob) white woman who basically grew up with Friends, I haven’t seen any negative pushback to her comments whatsoever. I have a bit of an echo chamber on my social media but I do have friends who are more conservative than me, friends who think celebs should “shut up and act”, etc – and no one has said a single negative thing.

    I think she has a much bigger base of support than a lot of people realize and I think this is rattling the Rs because they really cannot afford to lose suburban white women and in some states, some counties, comments like this from JA are not going to help them.

    I also think it helped because she put the issue out there very clearly – you are actively working to make it HARDER for people who want to have children to have children, and then you’re going to turn around and mock those people who don’t have children!?!

    • Seraphina says:

      I agree that they totally under estimated her base and it’s coming back to haunt them. Jennifer also is half Greek and I am sure the American Greeks will stand behind her as well. Not a good look to keep attacking her. They really are weirdos. 🤣

      • Deens says:

        Sadly a lot of Greek Americans are disgustingly pro-Trump. I’m surrounded by them and it’s mortifying. I don’t think defending Jennifer Aniston will change their minds.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I haven’t seen negative push back on Aniston from middle aged women at all. I have seen that even Republican women, including Trump voters, have taken great offense at Vance’s statements. Vance’s statements may actually serve to wake some of the white women who just vote Republican because they’ve always voted Republican (or because they’re “tired of woke” commentary about the racism they’re sure doesn’t really exist because they’ve *cough* “never seen” it themselves) to finally understanding that being a white woman who celebrates Christmas won’t protect them for what the GQP has in store

      • kgeo says:

        Nailed it. They could just write off Trump’s comments because everyone was covering down for him, and ‘oh, that’s just how Trump talks’. Now you have his running mate who doesn’t have that ‘reasonable’ veneer to hide behind.

      • Kelly says:

        I’m a middle aged to old woman however you want to look at it (62) ex-Republican now a moderate Independent DOG LOVER. Vance is an idiot, and should be looking over his shoulder. The more he tries to dig out, the more he tries to transfer blame the worse he and the Republicans look and that’s saying something.

        Honestly think this is a turning point. I mean Trump is even half-heartedly apologizing for the trash coming out of his own VP’s mouth.

        Jennifer Anniston did a great job summarizing his insults and potential danger.

    • sevenblue says:

      Also, the tabloids speculated for years about Jennifer getting pregnant and we learned recently that she had problems getting pregnant. There are a lot of women who experienced the same thing: both conservative and democrat. So, she was coming from somewhere real and common. No one would have a problem with that.

  3. Flamingo says:

    Jennifer always stays pretty vanilla. So the right identifies with her and left identifies with her. So when she goes off roading with an opinion the other side doesn’t agree with. They feel betrayed.

  4. VespaRed says:

    So what he responded with is… weird and creepy?
    I am loving the new democratic tactic of calling this stuff out.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      JA wasn’t suggesting that his 2 year old wants to be pregnant. JD took it there. What she was asking (and most of us frankly) is to think of others. It’s something that Republicans and Libertarians are incapable of doing though. One day, his daughter may need to get help. Will it be there for her? His good enough wife may need help. Will it be there for her? (The answer to the wife question is absolutely as long as blue states are safe).

  5. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    I feel like her core demographics would be the same demographic that Republicans would need to win over.

    They’re middle aged white women – both with and without children – in the suburbs. They most likely vote. And this is one of the issues they care about.

    Vance reminds me of every guy that has tried to tell me that I would be unfulfilled if I didn’t settle down and get married. It comes across as so condescending and arrogant to me.

  6. Lady D says:

    They are afraid to say her name. There is no way they want an energized massive female fan base dumping on them. Not Jennifer’s, Beyonce’s, Taylor’s or even the must be massive amount of fans the Kardashians have. The carnage women could wreak…

    • Kelly says:

      They are so jealous a” little blonde girl” is now a billionaire with more power and money than they could ever contemplate making without stealing.

    • seraphina says:

      And yet here we are in 2024 having to fight for our rights.

  7. frankly says:

    So, JA making that comment warrants a “she’s disgusting!”
    But a bunch of racists attacking his wife gets, “I love her even though she isn’t white, and also she is a good mom.” Are the racists not disgusting, JD? Why not call out the disgusting racists?

  8. Jegede says:

    Going by some hilarious tweets, it’s smart they avoid mentioning Aniston’s name.😁😁
    “attacking Jennifer Aniston is the fastest way to lose literally every suburban Gen X vote in America.”
    “My information on white peope is very limited. I only know what I learned growing up around suburban white women and I know they love Jennifer Aniston more than they love their husbands.
    The titanic is on its way to the iceberg.”

  9. ML says:

    Jennifer Aniston is:
    -Essentially nonpolitical
    -Was left in the dust for another woman
    -Fertility struggles
    -An ex on friendly terms with BP
    -Rachel from Friends
    -Beloved by People Magazine’s core audience

    Gosh, why don’t Republicans want to insult her? Hmmm. The reason no one wants to mention her name is because that will show up in search results linking them to this for a really long time.