People: Prince William ‘ignores’ Prince Harry’s texts, calls & messages

I’ve seen a lot of angst from the Sussex Squad about People Magazine’s cover story this week. For what it’s worth, my reading of the story is that it’s not a hit job on the Sussexes OR the Windsors. While People Mag is trying to play both sides, they make it pretty clear that King Charles does have the power to ensure the Sussexes’ security. People’s sources also make the Sussexes’ case for why they left the UK, why they signed onto commercial deals and what Harry’s legal cases have been about. My read: this is part of the Sussexes’ pushback on Buckingham Palace’s flagrant campaign to position Harry as “refusing to bring his children to the UK to see Charles.” The details about Charles refusing to speak to Harry on the phone and refusing to answer Harry’s letters? Those details come from a son who is sick of his father’s bullsh-t. Now, this part of the story? Who even knows.

Prince Harry’s relationship with the royal family is at a breaking point. Sources tell PEOPLE in this week’s exclusive cover story that while calls and letters to his father, King Charles, go unanswered, Harry’s attempts to connect with his brother, Prince William — through texts, calls, and messages — are similarly ignored.

The rift with Prince William is “very bad,” says a royal insider, but it’s not “irreparable.”

William, 42, and Harry, 39, last presented a united front with their wives, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, when they met mourners outside Windsor Castle after Queen Elizabeth’s death in September 2022.

In May 2023, Harry stayed on the sidelines at the coronation of King Charles and sat two rows behind his brother William and his family. Meghan remained in the U.S. for Prince Archie’s birthday.

It’s been widely reported that the brothers’ rift began in 2016 when William expressed concerns about how quickly Harry’s relationship with Meghan was moving. In his memoir Spare, Harry revealed the complexities of his relationship with William, which, despite a public image of closeness, was marked by tension. Harry described William as both his “beloved brother and arch nemesis,” recounting instances of verbal and even physical altercations between them.

[From People]

I don’t buy that Harry is constantly trying to contact William, but Harry probably tried to get in touch (via text, my guess) when the Princess of Wales’s cancer video came out. Don’t confuse “texting an angry egg” with “reconciliation attempts” though. Harry said s-p-a-c-e and he meant it. Besides, William has spent the past two years rage-briefing that he never wants to see or speak to Harry again and that he’ll only speak to Harry at their father’s funeral.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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18 Responses to “People: Prince William ‘ignores’ Prince Harry’s texts, calls & messages”

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  1. Noor says:

    I agree that it is most unlikely that Harry would contact William. People magazine is in damage control mode. Having written the earlier article on Charles ignoring Harry’s calls, they feel the need to balance that article by now asserting that William too ignored Harry calls

    • Kathleen says:

      I am not buying any of this. When the Sussexes want to say something, they do it in person and on camera. There is no middle man.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Exactly. This is more made up garbage using unnamed “sources” in an attempt to sell a tabloid rag.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Bald prince william is for sure ignoring text messages from Harry, but the texts Harry sends probably has nothing to do with William and most probably something like: happy birthday George & Happy birthday Charlotte.
        LOL i dont see why he would try so hard to contact william. lol harry ‘s a good husband, a good father, a good son and a good UNCLE!!

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    I personally would love to see Prince Harry apply for his citizenship in the states and return to England for the 2027 games with an American Passport. I would not blame Harry one bit if he chose not to attend Chucks funeral. There is nothing to be salvaged with that family.

  3. Proud Mary says:

    The real reason they’re not speaking? William is jealous of Harry. Don’t over think it folks.

  4. sunnyside up says:

    If it is true that William doesn’t answer when Harry tries to connect then it is time that William grew up, he sounds like a petulant schoolboy.

  5. Em says:

    Egg is so desperate to be included in the conversation, I don’t think Harry pays him any attention at all

  6. Tina says:

    In reading Spare I was touched by the love that Harry has always felt for his father and the way that Harry understood how his family and the Institution had damaged Charles even as the heir. It actually soften Charles in my eyes (briefly lol I’m back to loathing hm). In reading Spare it was also very clear that Harry’s feelings for William are much more complex and in reading between the lines the last couple of years in the UK were very difficult for Harry and Meghan largely because of William. The secrets that the BM were almost giddy that Harry would reveal in Spare IMO were all about William. The 400 extra pages are IMO largely about William. So no I don’t think Harry is contacting William. The media wants the Sussexes to be desperate to be invited back into the fold. Such nonsense.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree, Spare almost made me feel sorry for Charles, and Harry’s love for him was clear. If he was going easy on anyone in that book, it was Charles. He left a lot unsaid about William which I think said a lot, you know? But reading between the lines it was clear that William was Harry’s biggest issue to happiness within the Firm.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    I’m going to guess this stale tea was put forward by KP. I have a hard time believing that Harry is calling or texting William anymore and according to Harry they barely kept in contact when he was a working royal.

  8. Becks1 says:

    My guess is that Harry has tried to contact William once or twice – maybe when Charles announced his diagnosis, maybe when Kate announced hers – and William ignored those attempts and that’s it. I don’t think Harry is texting or calling William on a regular basis.

    I thought Spare made it perfectly clear that Harry was unhappy in the royal institution and that William refused to even consider why he was unhappy in an institution that revolved around him, William.

    I always think of Harry’s relationship with William as similar to my relationship with my late sister – we were not close at all and I did not want to be close to her (she was….problematic.) but I wanted to be close to “a sister”, you know? Just not that one. I see people who have good relationships with their sisters and their BFFs etc and I’m always a little sad because I never had that, but I was never going to have that with MY sister.

    I think Harry is like that with William. He probably does want a relationship with his brother and wants to be close to him…….but not with William.

  9. I seriously doubt Harry send messages or calls. He said they are space and I believe him. This is just Peg being a turd and putting lies out there about Harry. Harry lives rent free in Pegs egg shaped head.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Why in the world would Harry be calling and texting William? I can see a “get well soon” when Kate had her surgery and after her cancer speech, but after that what? Honestly, it’s like the press doesn’t read its own archives.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed @Eurydice he’s probably texted Willy about their father and Kate but Harry does not want to be within punching distance of Basher either publicly or privately ever again.

  11. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Oh, isn’t that sweet? Billy Idle wants to be known as King Snubby II.

  12. Chelsea says:

    Note that unlike the Charles stuff which People claimed came from a source close to Harry this stuff about William is coming from a “royal insider”. They’re not even pretending Harry’s camp is saying this because while I do think Harry does (unfortunately) attempt to reach out to his father I very highly doubt he’s reached out to William recently and they knew the Sussexes wouldn’t be happy if they tried to attribute this crap to them.

  13. Jaded says:

    Harry’s relationship with William is not at a breaking point. It broke the day William clocked him and shoved him onto the dog’s bowl.