Hobbies have so many benefits, but what even counts as a hobby?

I frequently rely on the phrase, “Everyone needs a hobby!” when I’m confronted with an activity and/or behavior that I find baffling and don’t know quite what to say (case in point: David Arquette’s mission to rehab the image of clowns). But scientific research shows us that we humans do indeed need hobbies! They greatly improve our minds, bodies, souls, and investment in the economy community. Yahoo Life spoke with three experts — marriage and family therapist Sandra Kushnir, clinical psychologist Alison Tarlow, and psychologist Peggy Loo — about what constitutes a hobby, which kinds are the most beneficial, and the many perks you get from cultivating them:

Confidence & mindfulness: “Mastering a new craft or achieving a physical milestone fosters a sense of accomplishment, boosting overall confidence,” says Kushnir. Practicing hobbies that require focus or intensity, such as painting, running or rock climbing, “can induce a flow state,” explains Kushnir. “This immersive experience promotes mindfulness, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.”

Improving brainwork & preventing burnout: It’s no surprise that challenging hobbies stimulate the brain; this in turn can enhance cognitive functions. “Learning a new language or picking up knitting can improve memory, problem-solving skills and overall mental agility,” Kushnir says. Hobbies can provide a much-needed break from work and other stressors. Whether you’re ducking out to the garden, taking some time to freewrite or heading to a weekly pottery class, these activities offer a respite form the daily grind and work wonders to prevent burnout.

Processing emotions & mood-lifting: “Nonverbal forms of expression such as art, music or dance can be powerful tools for processing emotions and trauma,” Kushnir explains. These activities can’t replace traditional “Talk therapy” — and certainly can’t replace necessary medications — but they do provide a different, complementary avenue for healing to be used in tandem. One benefit not to be overlooked is that hobbies can be just plain fun. Finishing that woodworking project or nailing that new guitar riff can elevate your mood and provide a sense of accomplishment.

The most helpful types of hobbies: “I tend to think of hobbies as similar to self-care practices: They should evolve as you do, and meet your needs wherever you’re at,” says Loo. “If you’re in a high-stress and busy time of life, hobbies that allow you to slow down and take a break for yourself might feel great. If you have a lot of energy without an outlet, hobbies that are active or more social might suit you better.” Hobbies that are physical, social, creative or any combination of the above tend to have the biggest payoffs. Those that lead us to join a social group, such as a running club or a craft circle, are creating “opportunities for socialization that might counteract isolation and loneliness,” Tarlow says.

Hobby is in the eye of the beholder: “Hobbies are deeply personal and can vary widely from person to person,” [Kushnir] says. “Anything that brings joy, stimulates creativity or adds value to life can be considered a hobby. Whether it’s reading, watching films or more traditional activities like painting or playing sports, the key is that the activity resonates with you and provides personal fulfillment.”

[From Yahoo! Life]

Anything that brings joy, you say? I do believe these experts have just given me the go ahead to count eating as a hobby. And I DO. It’s one I engage in with vigor, tenacity, and a voracious appetite to expand my knowledge in the field. In between my dedication to the art of eating, I’ve managed to find pockets of time to delve into other, less gastronomic hobbies. More than any other activity by a longshot, it’s always been painting that plugs me right into the “flow state.” Around 10 years ago I was in the throes of severe depression, so I decided to rekindle painting as a self-care practice (though I didn’t consciously use that terminology at the time). I opted to focus on watercolors; they are quite unforgiving once a drop lands on the paper, and I thought it would be a good, metaphoric way for me to learn how to make peace with the way things unfold. What I hadn’t anticipated was how completely engaged I would become in the process, to the point where all the excess noise in my head was drowned out. It made me think of Al Pacino saying: “There is no such thing as happiness. There is only concentration.” Everyone needs a hobby in life, it might even be the making of it.

Photos credit: Cotton Bro, Leeloo The First, Miriam Alonso, Pok Rie and Tim Douglas on pexels

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16 Responses to “Hobbies have so many benefits, but what even counts as a hobby?”

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  1. Tulipworthy says:

    I do agree that everyone does need a hobby.

  2. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Not everything is a hobby: i heard someone say, my hobby is watching netflix and another considered scrolling social media a hobby… um ok, whatever makes you happy. I took over gardening during the pandemic and it stuck. When winter comes, i plan everything for next summer. Weirdly, it’s very exciting. I also saw a beautiful handmade quilt I wanted to buy, but it was over 3K, so I made one myself, similar to it, with the old pyjamas of when my children were just kids, it felt like the greatest accomplishment. I’m gonna sew covers for the couch too – similar to Benny Blanco’s couch on OpenDoor AD on youtube, hopefully this week.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I love quilts & always enjoy a quilt show. A friend of mine is part of a quilting group–she has her own frame at home–and I’m always agog at the skill & thinking that goes into quilting. As someone who has always had to get up early, I exercise in the morning in front of the TV & found a quilting show on PBS. It was quite fascinating! Not enough to make me want to try it, but I do admire people with that skill.

  3. UpIn Toronto says:

    I recommend a hobby! Mine even got me onto a reality show. The think what’s great about a hobby is that it serves a great need for mental escape and you can many times find a human, in real life, community that goes with it. My hobby of miniatures carried me through the pandemic, was a fulfillment of a childhood wish and gave me a direct way to mentally get out of my job. Now the only problem is containing how BIG my little hobby became

    Hobbies are the best, highly recommended

  4. Lady Keller says:

    I would love to have a hobby. Unfortunately I have a husband who believes my purpose in life should be to support him in his hobbies.

    When I was younger and before children I did have hobbies. I will say that I felt a lot of pressure to monetize my hobbies. Oh, you like baking? You could make custom birthday cakes and sell them. You made a painting? Are you going to set up a Facebook page and sell them so you can make money? Why dont you teach other people to do your hobby? I can only imagine it has gotten even worse in the last decade for anyone that creates anything. Can we please normalize having a hobby and just doing something for the soul purpose of enjoying it.

    • AuntRara says:

      YES. The pressure to monetize hobbies is so frustrating. I go bird-watching every day now, but I used to be an obsessive knitter. And I did make some really intricate and cool stuff. But I can’t count how many times people (even strangers!) would let me know that I should be making money from it somehow. And I’d have to politely explain that I didn’t want to attach pressure to something that was meant to be relaxing and joyful for me. And I’d also explain that the things that made my finished projects desirable would make them EXPENSIVE if I turned them into products of a hypothetical business. There’s this hat that I made featuring garden gnomes pulling carrots in the sunshine in their little red boots. I loved making it. But if I was going to start cranking them out for strangers, I’d have to charge over $100 for the materials and several hundred dollars for my time and energy. I don’t know anybody who is going to spend upwards of $300 on a knitted hat, no matter how whimsical! And then if my hobby becomes a side business what will I do to relax now that I have no free time for myself??

    • Emme says:

      @Lady Keller, I had a friend whose husband was obsessed with golf to the point where she rarely saw him.
      She decided if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em……joined his golf club, had proper lessons and it turned out she was a natural and fantastic golfer! She rapidly by-passed the husband who ended up in a major sulk and abandoned the game. SHE became obsessed then 😂😂😂

  5. SpankyB says:

    I’ve had a lot of hobbies throughout the years. My problem is once I learn how to do something I get bored and start looking for a new hobby. So I guess my true hobby is learning how to do things. It can get expensive, I have machinery and tools for all sorts of activities.

    • Lady Keller says:

      I know someone like this. His wife makes him sell his supplies and equipment from his old hobby before he can invest in a new one. He doesn’t get all his money back but it helps fund a new hobby and keeps the house from getting cluttered.

      I’m envious of anyone that can have multiple hobbies. Good for you for continuing to learn and grow.

  6. Tuesday says:

    I’ve had the urge to pick up crochet again but haven’t had time to get my supplies out. I should.

  7. Nanea says:

    I always love to hear from people who have hobbies that are a bit uncommon, like collecting penguins or making soaps.

    Our hobbies are mostly seasonal.

    Gardening mainly happens in spring, summer, fall. Same with sailing and cycling longer distances than the daily tours for shopping or getting to the train station. Painting or baking mostly is for the months spent inside. There’s always been a piano around the house since I was a kid, but sometimes weeks can pass by without me practicing.

    Right now one of my hobbies is procrastinating, while actively trying to avoid the noise/interference from outside, otherwise known as consuming news. I’m done with so many things that I can’t actively change — like war, violence, corruption, (health-related) conspiracy theories.

  8. duchess of hazard says:

    Everyone should have a hobby. The drawback is, it can get expensive. I was an avid knitter for a while, and then an avid fanfic writer (the research aspect of that alone… wow). Now, I’m just trying to get a B1in German (CEFR level) and then turn to Spanish.

    I also want to pick up playing the fiddle too.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m reminded of a hallmark card I saw once: ‘Life was hard for the pioneers, then somebody would get out a fiddle & make it all worse.’ 😉

      • Wagiman says:

        Beanie, I was staying in a hotel recently and there was a busker right out front – daily – playing the flute. It was unbearable! I had to move. Freaking flute all day is ghastly.

  9. Thelma says:

    What a fascinating thread!