Mail: Why does Duchess Meghan wear such long trousers from smaller labels?!

The British media is mad at the Duchess of Sussex. They’re always going to be mad. They’re always going to make up reasons why they’re mad at her, usually twisting themselves in knots and telling some really bizarre lies about her. Currently, they’re mad that Meghan was invited to a women’s summit in the Hamptons and she regularly socializes with wealthy, powerful people who want to help her in all of her endeavors. But instead of crying about “why does Meghan have such cool friends,” they’re pretending they’re mad about her pants. Literally, the Mail devoted an article to a stylist talking about Meghan’s pant-length and what wide-leg trousers say about Meghan and then there’s a bizarre turn about whether Meghan gets designer freebies.

Meghan Markle wears clothing from smaller brands that is ‘not possible to alter’ and is ‘too controversial’ for bigger fashion houses, experts have claimed. The Duchess of Sussex, 42, has often opted for floor-length garments over the past six years – most recently wearing a pair of £360 trousers to a business summit in the Hamptons over the weekend. For the occasion, the mother-of-two – who is preparing to launch her lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard – paired the beige linen trousers with a matching single-breasted waistcoat, which is also by the Australian brand St Agni.

Speaking to FEMAIL, celebrity stylist Rochelle White claimed Meghan’s trousers were potentially a sample pair from St Agni and therefore not possible to alter to her 5ft 6in frame – either because they have to be returned or because they’ve been given to the stylist rather than directly to Meghan herself to keep.

The expert said: ‘I know that wide leg long trousers are in fashion and trend piece right now. They have been dominating instagram and runways, so I think she likes the style. They are great at cinching the waist but adding leg and depth to an outfit. They can also be flattering and comfortable and not so restrictive. But the Duchess could also be working with either a designer, fashion house, or stylist where it might not be possible to have alterations done so that they are more fitting to her leg length. So, as a result they are longer.’

What’s more, fashion expert Giorgina Ramazzotti has also claimed that while Meghan has worn Dior and Givenchy in the past, she could be seen as too ‘controversial’ a figure to get free samples from some major fashion houses. Giorgina said: ‘As a celebrity and actress before joining the royals, Meghan would have been very used to a world in which everything is given on loan for photoshoots, an appearance or borrowed from wardrobe as part of her character in Suits.’

‘Celebrities rarely have to part with cold hard cash in exchange for fashion items. Often items are given as gifts, given on loan for special events, or the star is given a heavy discount to shop the brand, and whilst Meghan wasn’t a well-known actress before meeting Prince Harry, she would still have been given freebies – albeit from smaller brands. When she joined the royals, she quickly found out that loans and gifts from designers were forbidden, and the star was no doubt given an allowance to dress – something I’m sure she was glad to throw out of the window when she left the royal fold. It can be noted that Meghan rarely wears big designer brands such as the French fashion houses Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Saint Laurent etc. These brands are very careful with their image and getting loans from them for lesser or controversial stars (as Meghan, in some circles, now is) is like getting blood from a stone.’

What’s more, the stylist argued that the Duchess favours floor-length trousers and skirts as she is trying to channel an ‘old money’ aesthetic. Giorgina explained: ‘Meghan tends to favour minimalist, understated luxury; simple separates, neutral colours, and classic tailoring – think Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy meets 21st century style – and her latest look from St. Agni encompasses all this to a tee.’

[From The Daily Mail]

So, fresh off of complaining about the cost of Meghan’s clothes, jewelry and purses, the Mail is now saying that Meghan never wears major designers because those designers won’t get her freebies. Not only that, but small brands give her samples which she can’t alter? All because Meghan wore too-long trousers at an exclusive Hamptons summit… and she constantly wears too-long trousers, as one of her style signatures. She loves a long trouser length, just like she loves gold jewelry, lots of bracelets and a cute purse. I would imagine – I have for some time – that Meghan gets TONS of freebies and designers send her stuff constantly. She makes a point of highlighting a lot of lesser-known brands and female-owned brands. She makes a point of boosting smaller labels on purpose.

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63 Responses to “Mail: Why does Duchess Meghan wear such long trousers from smaller labels?!”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    Why does Meghan have the gall to be so comfortable in her own body?!?! Why does Meghan?!?!? Whyyyyyy???

    These obsessives are soooo boring. I’m glad for the stance that the Sussex’s have taken in that Meghan nor their children will never set foot on that island.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      That’s all they’ve got this week…Meghan’s pants are on trend, could be from a woman-owned design studio, and she favours neutrals? That’s a lot of column space to devote to a mother of two who is launching her own food brand, which they actually mentioned. Thanks for the promo!

  2. JDLS says:

    Wasn’t she wearing Ralph Lauren in her most recent pics for CBS morning?! If Ralph Lauren is considered small to them, they need to get out more. These idiots are really trying to dig up any negative thing they can. I think it kills them that Meghan and Harry look happy, chic, and normal.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Maybe they’re upset that she’s picking styles which look great on her, but would look like absolute ass on Kate when she finally gets around to copykeening her again.

      Or they’re upset that Meghan’s single-handedly tanking the UK button industry. Who even knows at this point. The Rota are all loons.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    Wow. The desperation and projection is off the charts for Meghan. Love what she wears because it is so her prior to meeting her love. I can only imagine the amount of freebies she receives. They act as though she does not have a tailor who could alter her clothes if she so chooses, suggesting that because she does not, it is either loaned to her or are sample clothes.Those gutter rats need to get a life. She does not care about them. She wears designers, unknowns and mix and mingle her style. She has always leaned towards sustainable fashion.

  4. Lau says:

    Just wait until Kate reappears (in like a year maybe, who knows at that point) wearing too-long pants and single-breasted waistcoat. The DM will be saying this is the highest point of fashion that anybody has ever been at.

    • Shanta says:

      Lol…..I was just about to say that. Kopy kate will eventually strike…… Again

    • sevenblue says:

      Didn’t she already wear long pants? When Meghan first started wearing them, I remember Kate wore black long pants for an appearance.

      • Lau says:

        I have absolutely no doubt that she already did. She can’t help herself, she MUST Copy Kate.

  5. Lulu says:

    The fatigue at criticism directed at women, hem length (?!), hair styles, makeup, number of or lack of children, job or lack of job, mother working outside the home or not working outside the home. There is no end it. We need to stop the conversation, ‘Quit being obcessed with me wierdo’ might do it.

  6. Hey Mail why does your lazy princess wear so many buttons? And why does she copy most of Meg’s looks. And why do you let her get away with doing close to no work for the amount of money she is paid by taxpayers. This is the princess you should be worrying about.

    • MsIam says:

      I was going to say the same thing about the buttons until I saw your comment, lol. But yeah, why don’t they ask about multiple custom-made coat dresses in rainbow colors at taxpayer expense? But no, gotta focus on Meghan’s trousers, it’s of national importance evidently.

      • Christine says:

        Like her TWO designer white coronation looks, both of which were impossible to see because they were covered with a tacky…robe? cape?

  7. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I was browsing the St. Agni site and all the pants hang long on the models, it just seems to be their style. While I personally love a pant that skims the ground, if they drag the ground that kinda bugs me. But I believe that Meghan could wear a paper bag and make it look like high fashion, she just has that effortless, elegant way about her.

    • Danbury says:

      Ya me too I hate it when pants drag on the ground. But otherwise she looks great!

    • sunnyside up says:

      It must be her choice to wear them like that, this idea that small houses won’t allow them to be altered to fit makes no sense. They give samples to famous people to advertise their wares and will want them to look their best. Fashion houses can always made another pair to fit the models properly.

  8. Wagiman says:

    A lot of her clothes are from previous seasons (not this one but a lot) hence it makes the entire freebie/paid to wear bs argument a bit silly. Derangers say constantly she’s paid to wear things but they’re never in stock.

    They’re ethical people, they support smaller businesses, and women-owned businesses. That’s all I know for sure.

    • Christine says:

      This. God, these people are so tedious when they try and cover for the fact that all of the taxpayer royals are soaking up free holidays for the summer.

  9. Shanta says:

    Meghan has her own style…. But… I live for the day when she wears something other than beige. I would love to see her wearing colors again… Blues…greens..Burgundy for fall. Maybe some orange….. That outfit would have been the s in Orange…. Just my thoughts. I understand that we all get in “seasons”….. I wore black for the longest time. But I for one will be glad when she colors up.

    • Chaine says:

      Me too! She was absolutely stunning in the green dress with the floral cutouts she wore last (?) year.

  10. Jais says:

    I mean I would hem the pants some bc I’d be stepping on them all day. But Meghan knows what she likes so respect. She looks great in the long pants and she always carries herself well no matter what she’s wearing.

    • booboocita says:

      Meghan looks well in just about everything she wears because she carries herself well. No slouching, no round shoulders, head held high. I don’t know if it’s yoga or pilates or what, but her posture is perfect. She always looks like she’s gliding, not striding.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes her posture is really exquisite.

        I saw a comment on X a few weeks/months ago, from someone who tracks (as part of their actual job) the impact of celebrities on brands and what sells out, who sells things the fastest, etc. and he was like, its 100% Meghan Markle. Anything she wears or carries has a HUGE boost in sales as soon as she’s photographed in it, almost regardless of the price. And she’s the #1 person in terms of that boost. So I don’t think brands are refusing to lend her clothes because she’s “controversial.”

      • Christine says:

        That part was 100% wishful thinking. Imagine being gullible enough to believe that designers aren’t throwing themselves in front of Meghan’s path to get her to wear their clothes. I do not want to meet the derangers that dumb, it would just make me sad.

  11. Asdf says:

    It’s because they are indirectly pointing out that she is short. Long pants elongate. This seems silly in the states but height is a big deal in Europe.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Kinda sorta. The excerpt claims she’s 5’6″, which I don’t think is accurate.

  12. KC says:

    While I would never waste my life writing whole actual “news” articles about Meghan’s pants, er, trousers, and I think she can and should wear whatever she wants, I really don’t care for this trend. But it irritates me equally regardless of who wears it. It just looks messy and impractical to me. Like you couldn’t be bothered to hem your pants. But also, I’m middle-aged and still use an iron and top sheets so I’m probably not the target audience. Meghan, you go wear your pants as long or as short as you want.

    • Canadian says:

      Agreed KC 🙂 and same re the iron, etc. I don’t care for the look on anyone, particularly those who have very slim frames like Meghan and Victoria – the fabric overwhelms and I can’t get past imagining dragging the hem of a very expensive item all over the sidewalk, grass, floors in public spaces …. These articles are all clickbait and obviously it works because here we are 🙂

    • Christine says:

      Okay, but are top sheets really not a thing anymore?

      • sunnyside up says:

        Not with duvets. You would still need them with old-fashioned woollen blankets.

  13. Ameerah M says:

    I too wear long trousers – I love em’. Just like Meghan. And I love that she wears clothing from smaller brands. Not only is it more sustainable but it shows that she understands her power and that by wearing these brands it immediately gives them a boost in sales and publicity.

  14. CityGirl says:

    These people need to find something useful on which to focus. It’s scary to think how much hate they spew and how much morons absorb….And then the audacity to spew even more hate because of rightful security concerns.
    I mean this poor woman can’t even wear her pants too long without throwing the mail’s earth off it’s axis

    • sunnyside up says:

      What annoys me is their readers seem to swallow everything they read hook line and sinker.

  15. Jayna says:

    There are long trousers that work like she’s worn many times and she looks great, but then there are long trousers like here that are so overly long and bunched that it just looks messy.

    More than anything, it’s her beige era that’s boring. It’s neverending. Another day, another shade of beige. Except, I do love her in the beautiful shade of camel that she has worn in cooler months, which some call beige, which I refuse to accept that it is in the beige category. LOL

    • Cat says:

      I would kill myself, with the long pants. The beige color bothers me as well, yet she always looks comfortable. I am almost 70, and wear black quite a bit now. Maybe preparing for my own mourning! Kim K seems to rarely wear ‘color’ as well.
      I read somewhere that Kim.does it because she wants more attention to her face.
      I find Megan refreshing, and not the ‘stick up her a$$’ like the royals, or the K clan as well.
      I admire her, and hope they have a wonderful life.

  16. jill says:

    This article is so dumb. It doesn’t even seem like the stylist is criticizing Meghan other than suggesting she ‘might’ be controversial (ahem, only in England). We know she has worn items from bigger labels and they may have be gifted or she may have bought them or she may have already had these items in her closet. Who tf cares? Is there really nothing else for them to write about? Also, with the pants thing, Jennifer Lopez wears pants like this all the time. Victoria Beckham has worn pants like this a million times. I mean, she’s definitely not alone in this trend so um, I wonder why they would single her and her alone out on it? These dumbasses are not subtle at all.

    • Dutch says:

      Reminds me of the time when conservatives went bonkers when Obama had the gall to wear a tan suit that one time.

      • Christine says:

        I was trying to figure out how long ago that was the other day. There’s a whole round of photos of Kamala with Obama and Biden on social media, all three in tan suits, and I can’t for the life of me remember when it started. They are really never getting over that tan suit and it’s hilarious.

  17. CLOVE says:

    Are they serious? Michelle Obama, Zendaya, and Law Roach all have worn small labels, and that is how those designers became famous. When she wears Dior and Givenchy or any high-end designer, they complain.
    It must be a slow news week in the UK.

  18. Anna says:

    A woman went out privately and wore what she liked. Article-worthy incident.

    The truly cannot handle that she doesn’t care for their opinions. Criticized million times for too long pants and she still wears them. Meg is true to herself and whether we like her fashion choices or not – it is her personal style. Not stylist’s or her mother.

  19. Hypocrisy says:

    I hope everything she wear is gifted to her, she certainly sells out the items fast enough. Maybe they should be more concerned with the wardrobes that the public pays for, she isn’t even British and she left your country almost 5 years ago after only 18 months. Let her be.

  20. Honey says:

    The very long pants are not my taste and look, to me at least, untailored and messy. However, they are quite in and trendy now — see them on celebs a lot. And Meghan has repeated them enough that she must feel they are on brand for her. We at this site all have diverse opinions on fashion and that’s ok.

  21. MsIam says:

    You know for all of the folks complaining about the beige, it reminds me of what I heard other celebrities do. They wear clothes in the same color over and over so they always look similar and it makes the photographs from the paparazzi less valuable. Just a thought. I remember Diana saying that photographers would complain when she wore the same dress too often because it made the pictures harder to sell.

    • Shoegirl77 says:

      Yeah, this is definitely a thing. Daniel Radcliffe has mentioned doing this in several interviews.

  22. GMH says:

    It’s silly season, with the welfare royals all freeloading in Scotland and kissing up to the king . What else is there for the tabs to write about other than pant leg lengths afterall?

  23. bisynaptic says:

    Are they saying Meghan can’t afford to alter her clothes? And that all the designer stuff she wears isn’t really designer? Last time I checked, she was wearing a lot of Dior.

  24. HeatherC says:

    Personally not a fan of the overlong trousers. But wow she always looks great.

    That’s the BM’s problem. She consistently looks like a bag of money when she should be looking like a Dickens street urchin in rags and a face covered in ash. Too bad.

  25. Mina_Esq says:

    OMG they are saying that a rich woman would rather wear unhemmed pants to a professional event than pay $400 full price for them? Hahahahah Tell me you are grasping for a story without telling me you are grasping for a story.

  26. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t get this article. Meghan was wearing smaller brands when she was working royal. Meghan wore Dior to the Jubilee and every time Harry wears a suit now it’s from a designer brand so that stylist is making up things.

  27. theotherviv says:

    The title of this post made me laugh out loud. Thank you. The Daily Fail really asks a lot of kindergardener questions.

  28. Moniquep says:

    This article continues to push the narrative that Meghan was given a clothing allowance before she left the unroyal cesspool. Harry told us otherwise in spare.

  29. TN Democrat says:

    She really does live rent free in their heads. Hasn’t Keen also copy-kkkeened this look? Where are the similar articles about Kkkate copying Meghan’s style?

  30. Proud Mary says:

    I’m the same height as Meghan and I always buy “tall” sizes in pants. Long pants just make’s my legs look longer, I think. But, seriously, a whole article devoted to Meghan’s. . . . pants. Obsessed!

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    I just envy Meghan’s ability to walk in long trousers — I am far too klutzy!
    She always looks incredible, and, as noted above, her posture makes whatever she wears look elegant. She has the bearing of a true queen.

  32. Joy says:

    And yet I saw the rf fans and synchophant comments and headlines praising this monstrosity:

    *edit b/c I was missing several words

  33. Noor says:

    Some sections of the British media and personalities as well as the royals must be very satisfied thinking that they have succeeded in making Dior and other big houses shun Meghan as too controversial. Remember the Dior ambassador mess earlier.

    It is up to Dior and other big houses to prove the media wrong. But they probably fear to do so.

  34. Mel says:

    She doesn’t work for you, you don’t pay for her clothes. Mind your business.

  35. Allison says:

    She does it to wear high heels to make her look taller. Duh. Mysterious solved.

    I do it as well. Holy Fukc people are stupid

  36. Susie Q says:

    I do like Meghan, but the actual fit of her clothing has always been ‘off’. I’ve never understood it, as she had the knowledge from being fitted properly on Suits. So, it’s a choice. And hems so long they are dragging on the ground is a bad look no matter who you are.

  37. Well Wisher says:

    That time of the year for pounding………

  38. Betsy says:

    Does anyone know what search term I’d use for the white shoes worn by the gal on the left? They look like aqua shoes from the 1940s and I love them.