Royalist: The Sussexes’ Colombia tour shows ‘utter contempt for the king’

I’ve seen some claims that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s trip – some would say “royal tour” – to Colombia will happen this month. People Magazine hasn’t confirmed that, and neither has I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens this month, but I’m also waiting for a real confirmation from their spokesperson or the Colombian government. If they use the same method as the Nigerian tour, they’ll only confirm the dates at the last minute, as a way to screw over the British media. The British outlets are desperate for Sussex content and they’ve probably already applied for visas to Colombia. Anyway, yes, there’s still a lot of hilarious “angst” about how the Sussexes will travel to a country which ensures their safety. Colombia will give them VIP security… and Britain will not. Which is why those palace courtiers are still throwing hissy fits:

The news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are undertaking a quasi-royal tour of Colombia hasn’t gone down brilliantly among Windsor loyalists.

One former courtier told The Daily Beast: “I’m afraid it shows the utter contempt they have for the king and for very long-established ways of doing things. Royal tours have always, always been about diplomacy, building bridges and reinforcing friendships on behalf of Britain. This tour may well have the noblest intentions, but it is clearly not being carried out on behalf of Britain, and yet they still basically portray themselves as British royals. It shows you exactly why the royals want these two kept as far away as possible.”

It is certainly true that the trip to Colombia later this month casts an interesting light on exactly why King Charles III, as many believe, is failing to use his influence to get Harry the automatic protection in the U.K. that he so desires.

The idea of Harry and Meghan doing their mini-foreign tours (as they did in Nigeria earlier this year) is disruptive enough for royal planners, but the idea of the couple being able to touch down in the U.K. and carrying out visits to wherever they wish without running it past the palace is the stuff of true nightmares for the king’s aides.

On social media there is far from widespread understanding that Harry and Meghan are any less royal than, say, Prince William and Princess Kate—Harry and Meghan are celebrities in their own right.

Of course the couple will be kept safe during the tour, but Colombia seems an unlikely choice for travel as it is well known for having one of the highest murder rates in the world. Only this week, sources close to Harry were telling The Daily Beast that the family needs automatic police protection in the U.K. restored—and blame the king for not delivering it.

[From The Daily Beast]

“I’m afraid it shows the utter contempt they have for the king and for very long-established ways of doing things” and “It shows you exactly why the royals want these two kept as far away as possible.” You cannot have it both ways. Either Harry and Meghan are in the institution and they follow the king’s commands and abide by his rules, or they are outside of the institution and they can do things their own way. Pick one and stick with it, I dare you. The anger isn’t just towards Harry and Meghan either – these “Windsor loyalists” are pissed that other countries refuse to shun the Sussexes. King Charles absolutely wants to force Nigeria, Colombia, America, Canada, Kenya, The Netherlands, Germany and every other country to marginalize, ignore or snub the Sussexes. It’s painful to Charles and William that other countries see Harry and Meghan as global humanitarians, VIPs and A-listers.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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110 Responses to “Royalist: The Sussexes’ Colombia tour shows ‘utter contempt for the king’”

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  1. 😂😂😂Utter contempt for the King? I think not. He was invited for his charity end of discussion. Harry lives his life and does his work period. He doesn’t live his life being dictated to by Chuckles or the gutter press. Harry left salt isle years ago and he hasn’t looked back.

    • swaz says:

      Maybe the King is upset that Meghan and Harry are the only working royals 🤣🤣🤣

      • Jais says:


      • Becks1 says:

        I definitely think this is part of it. They’re working while the other royals are hiding (sorry, attending soccer games and Wimbledon) – and their work is also just better. Their trips to other countries are better than what W&K do. Their charity work is better. Their foundation is better. etc.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Nice one.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Nailed it!

        The only one showing contempt is the King, his Wife, his Heir, his Heir’s Wife, his courtiers, and press minions.

        Cry harder, salty bishes.

      • Hninzi says:


      • Agreatreckoning says:

        +++ @swaz. Awesome

        “Royal tours have always, always been about diplomacy, building bridges and reinforcing friendships on behalf of Britain.”
        LOL, William & Kate, the inactive PoW’s, previous Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, were fired on live TV. It was like an SNL sketch only better. Jamaica said eff off.

        So many laughs with the others. Was Camzilla building a bridge when she and Chuckee Cheese went to Uhuru Gardens? Building bridges inside a car.

      • kirk says:

        🤣🤣🤣 is right! The problem is they’re no longer doing anything “on behalf of Britain.” Not sure what else Chuck could do to them at this point, but the stick is obviously not working and there’s not near enough carrots to entice them back into that mess.

    • Gabby says:

      I cannot speak for the Sussexes, but I certainly have utter contempt for the king. The bitter, evil tampon earns it every day. UK citizens, you have my sympathy.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I think we all are seeing the Kings utter contempt every day as his minions blabber on endlessly about how gauche H&M are. They are not visiting these countries for the purpose of the Monarchy as they were told NO to half in/out 5 years ago so they can dream on…… They are just pissed that THEY are not being invited. Kind of sucks that his son as PoW is pulling in £24M a year and not pulling his weight, and never will.

  2. Dee(2) says:

    “On social media there is far from widespread understanding that Harry and Meghan are any less royal than, say, Prince William and Princess Kate” first off this isn’t true, the constant hissy fits has made it clear to everyone on the planet that they are not ever representing the British royal family. It’s a weird point too because the only difference between the two couples is that one is a”working” royal couple and the other isn’t. The real issue is that one couple is successful outside of the royal ecosystem and the other isn’t successful inside the Royal ecosystem. They can’t claim success off the backs of the Sussexes, so they try to pretend that the heads of a charitable organization going to countries where they have connecting goals with organizations on the ground is totally not the same as what Mackenzie Scott, or the Gates foundation, or Lilly Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation has been doing for years, no it has to be they’re trying to pretend to be connected to the BRF because everyone knows how super popular they are worldwide.

    • Nic919 says:

      Most people can tell that they aren’t doing royal tours because they have a specific purpose in mind when they visit and don’t act like they are on vacation visiting the peasants.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Harry comes in as the dude who is invictus and the veteran, who’s priority is protecting wife and children, going against british media for being illegal hackers idiots like they did to his mother. Meg comes in with a kind and strong voice for women, people of color, animals. They are the Rocky Balboas of the royal
      World, who doesnt love that? Lazy Prince william & Lazy Kate can’t go nowhere without their titles. Imagine them loosing their titles tomorrow, like, what now? Who the fck is going to invite them for a tour and for what? Criquets. Of course the BF need to keep them away! Loosers!

    • The Hench says:

      Also – they are not ‘less’ Royal. Harry is as Royal as William and Meghan as Royal as Kate. They may not be as senior in the hierarchy but H&M are a darn sight more senior Royals than anyone else except C, C, W & K and the three children as of now.

      • kirk says:

        An American podcaster (re: Parents Network) admitted he knows nothing about Harry and Meghan other than they’ve been fighting with the royal family for ~ 8-10 yrs, and doesn’t know who’s who on the other side or who’s good or a ‘dik.’ He assessed their “royalness” at this stage as “virtually zero.”

    • BeanieBean says:

      You know, I read that sentence several times & still don’t understand what he was trying to say. And after all the replies to your comment, I am none the wiser. These DM writers cannot write a their way out of a paper bag.

  3. Jks says:

    Seems like South Korea has shown interest in hosting Invictus! I imagine an invite to Korea at some point.

    And as things are right now in the UK, they should reconsider Birmingham hosting Invictus.

  4. Libra says:

    On what planet does a 40 year old man need his father’s permission to go on a business trip? What childish claptrap!

    • Christine says:

      It’s laughable! “Woe is me, my adult son is successful all on his own merits! Won’t someone protect me from the sheer audacity of my son and his wife working to make the world a better place?”

      Super kingly.

    • Debbie says:

      I’m still trying to understand how a Sussex tour anywhere poses a problem for the palace planners, as they wrote above. The palace planners have nothing to do with the Sussexes or their upcoming tours.

      • JudyB says:

        I agree that it makes little sense for the planners to be upset, but with H&M, they are losing business, so to speak, so their jobs are likely in jeopardy. I can envision them sitting at their desks waiting for someone royal to go somewhere so they have something to justify their office work!

      • Eurydice says:

        The problem for the planners is that every royal “event” should get PR according to the pecking order, with Charles being on top. Even something so uneventful as Charles going to Balmoral should be most important. That’s why Kate’s surprise at the Chelsea Flower Show was such a thing. And now, with the planners not knowing when and where H&M will pop up, I can see why they’re so jumpy.

  5. Eurydice says:

    ” it shows the utter contempt they have for the king” – and if it does, what’s wrong with that?

    And the security argument is so disingenuous – it’s not about which country has higher rates of violence, it’s that H&M have been personally threatened in the UK and not in Colombia.

    • Nic919 says:

      Considering how England has race riots where non whites are randomly being attacked by domestic terrorists, it’s pretty precious to say Colombia is less safe than the UK.

      Even the president of Colombia pushed back on the racist UK press, which by the way has a large role in why so many people blame immigrants for their lower status in life. Instead of blaming the rich and the royals who literally take taxpayer funds out of the government coffers.

      • Christine says:

        Exactly this. They love to toss out the amount of taxes each person pays for the royals, per year, like it’s some sort of badge of honor, and such a pittance they are all happy to pay for their national mascot. They leave off the part where it adds up to over £86 million, and goes up significantly next year.

    • Chaine says:

      I follow a travel mom-influencer who has taken her whole family including young kids to Columbia several times. It is an affordable vacation spot apparently and everything she has shown on her stories makes me want to go there!

      Every country and every city has spots that are less safe, if you are worried about safety just avoid those parts of the country.

      • Get Real says:

        You do understand that she’s paid for those trips and her content and is only going to showcase the positive, correct?
        This is why tourists go missing

      • Gennessee says:

        Hey @Get Real, I’m of Colombian descent. Most of my family still lives there.

        Heck, not only that, I have my own home there that I use for my yearly vacations and that I make available to my friends when they want to make a trip out there. No one is paying me. In fact, I’m the one investing in the country via real estate and my tourism dollars.

        I can assure you that every city in Colombia is just like every city in the US and the UK. There are areas where you can walk late at night and be safe and those you should avoid.

        Then again, we don’t have mass shootings or violent white nationalist or KKK rallies like the US and UK.

    • sunnyside up says:

      They have been threatened by the same sort of people who are leading the riots now. i.e the racists.

    • KeKe Swan says:

      The king won’t talk to Harry. How precisely is he supposed to inform him of his movements or “ask his permission” for anything?

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Well said!!! I guess Chucky will have to read it in the paper like the rest of us as he blocked his own son from contacting him. How petty do you have to be at 70+yo to block your child?? My children have never been blocked and Chucky is only 10 years older than me.

  6. Laura D says:

    Where to begin! Well, given the week long rioting by the far right in England I think it’s a bit rich to imply the UK is less dangerous than Colombia at the moment (Malaysia has put out a travel warning to their citizens.)

    The King and his Heir could have sorted all this out a long time ago but, chose not to do so. I don’t understand why they’re concerned about this tour as it’s not overshadowing any of their projects. This is one of the BRF’s holiday periods so, it wouldn’t be clashing with anything they’re doing at the moment. Unless of course, the real problem is that H&M out working is highlighting how little the BRF does since QEII passed..

    • Nic919 says:

      It is dangerously for anyone who isn’t white to go to England right now. And the family that is supposed to unify the nation has remained hidden.

      • Jks says:

        Many if those proud ‘patriots’ are royalists. Their moms and grannies are probably at home writing hate filled posts about Harry and Meghan all day.

      • Jais says:

        What could that family even say about the race riots? They’ve modeled how to treat outsiders which is to terrorize them as they did Meghan. It would be disingenuous and hypocritical for them to say anything.

      • Nic919 says:

        Of course the Windsors can’t speak on race because they are the leaders in weaponizing race against their own, including the weaponization of white tears by the invisible princess.

      • sunnyside up says:

        The Windsors are the only firm in the country which is exempt from the race relations act, the late Queen refused to sign the act unless she was exempted and the King has inherited that exemption.

      • Christine says:

        I would really love an insider account of the meeting where QEII managed to get the monarch exempted from the Race Relations Act in perpetuity. How do you even word that proposal, and why would anyone think it was a good idea?

    • KeKe Swan says:

      The BRF has no connection to Colombia. Why are they pressed?

    • Yvette says:

      @Laura D … Agreed. The sad thing is, as we’ve all said before, this is the kind of attention and star power the Sussexes could have brought to the Royal Family is they’d been allowed to do so. Queen Elizabeth II seems to have been the only one who truly understood what Harry and Meghan could bring to the family, but by that time Charles was superseding his mother on nearly everything.

      And what the heck is this ‘rival court’ crud they keep throwing out there? Are they that insecure in their positions for Harry and Meghan to come and go as they please in England? With the way the palaces leak against them, not sharing their travel plans in advanced seems to be the only helpful security feature left to the Sussexes when they travel to England.

      • JudyB says:

        They are no doubt afraid that H&M might get medieval outfits made that mimic the ridiculous costumes that Charles and the Wales wore to his coronation. H&M might get dressed up and wander around the various castles and UK cities and confuse the public as to who is who.

        The public might riot and accept the “rival court” as the real royal family since the current one seems to be in hiding.

        How scary!

      • Yvette says:

        @JudyB … LOL! There is water all over my keyboard. 🙂

  7. Agnes says:

    The entire rational world has utter contempt for the King, and has since even before TamponGate. There is nothing to admire or respect about CRex, or the institution that enables him to be a terrible human.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    No one deserves the contempt more imo.. so go Prince Harry.. Chuck might want to call off his hate campaign and address the terror happening in the streets of his country caused by stoking hate and racism. He and his firm have played a very big hand in allowing papers to go after Duchess Meghan.

    • StarWonderful says:

      The BRF and media minions’ hate campaign and racism against Meghan are partly responsible for the racism and anti-immigrant violence now playing out all over England,

      • Christine says:

        Oh, yeah, the British royal family and media are definitely to blame for stoking hate against immigrants.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I can’t help wondering if Farage and Johnson hadn’t used racism to win the referendum whether Meghan would have had an easier time. Stirring up racism is dangerous and all to easy.

      • GTWiecz says:

        I’m not surprised. So much immigrant hate from the British on social media. Immigrants and trans people seem to upset a lot of people. Just like conservatives in the U.S.

  9. equality says:

    I guess this is showing KC and PW exactly how much influence they have outside of the UK. It must be stinging somewhat.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I really think that that’s the biggest part of it, outside of the jealousy. They really thought that if they said Harry and Meghan were persona non grata the rest of the world would just fall in step. That hasn’t happened, so now it has to be the ridiculous idea that people are ” confused” and think that they still represent the British royal family. Because it can never be due to their narcissism, the fact that people find Harry and Meghan more interesting and aren’t intimidated or threatened by the possibility of not having the BRF’s favor. The entire world isn’t David Beckham.

      • Christine says:

        Word. Their circle of sycophants is getting smaller and smaller.

      • Formal Gumby says:

        @Dee: you hit the nail on the head. 100%. I never thought about it quite that way, but all of this hoopla and fussing from the British royal family & squad seems to be tinged with absolute incredulity that the public or other countries didn’t simply *believe* what the BM told them to. Like… British royal family & squad gave H & M the scarlet letter, sooo… why have people not fallen in line in ex-communicating them??? How dare their decree not be multilaterally believed/followed.

    • swaz says:

      This is exactly the problem that’s why there’s so much distraction.

  10. bisynaptic says:

    LOL They’d better get used to it. 😂

  11. Tessa says:

    Charles own behavior alienated them.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    Given the rioting going on in the UK now undermines the claims Colombia is a dangerous country.

    • Jks says:

      Colombia should issue a travel warning for the UK. Malaysia and Nigeria already have.

      • Mayp says:

        LOL, I wasn’t aware that two countries have already placed in effect travel warnings to the UK! The US should as well …..but, but “special relationship.” 🤢

        It is interesting that the Daily Mail has removed, or made it hard to find, the articles on Columbia being such a dangerous place for the Sussexes to visit. I guess even the DM realized how ridiculous it looked, lambasting the Sussexes’ trip to Columbia in light of the riots going on in the UK.

      • Athena says:

        The U.K has a level 2 warning on U.S. State Department website. Level 1 is go and have a good time. Level 2 is well if you insist, level 3 is I would think about that if I were you, just be careful.

  13. Kokiri says:

    Oh yes?
    Which King would that be?
    One from Nigeria? Probably not, huh?

    They always forget there so many other royal families, kings, & that Meghan is a Princess onto herself.

    Such arrogance & conceit.

  14. Noor says:

    Charles and William as well as the Firm cannot stand the thought that Harry and Meghan are global icons and have earned their VIP status not tied to the British Monarchy.

  15. MsIam says:

    These folks are crazy. We just heard that the palace (Charles) refuses to take Harry’s calls or answer his letters. And there was no denial from the palace on that. Now they are mad because Harry didn’t go through “proper channels” to arrange this visit? Well which is it, you want NOTHING to do with the Sussexes or do you want to micromanage and control their every move? Sorry not sorry, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too Charles.

    On another note, dont you just like how he UK media ignores how Sofiesta was in Colombia in December? And somehow she came back in one piece? /s

  16. GrnieWnie says:

    The royal family is basically telling H&M “you are less than, but you aren’t acting like it. Act like it immediately!” And all H&M are doing is accepting invitations to attend events that bring attention to the causes they care about. They’re not pretending to be part of the BRF as they left it so publicly. But the institution itself just can’t handle the thought of H&M’s not putting themselves in the institution’s desired place.

    I mean, welcome to the modern era. You’re an impotent institution with no role in the current age.

  17. Morning says:

    I would not be at all surprised to hear that Harry was in contact with the British Foreign Office before agreeing to the Colombian visit. I thought there were terms and conditions placed on the type of work he could do when he left the senior royal job because he is still, of course, a royal prince in the line of succession.

    • MsIam says:

      The British Foreign Office previously said they were not contacted or involved with the Nigerian trip so I assume that would be the same case for this Colombian trip. The Sussexes are not representing Britain or the royal family. And the only restriction I am aware of was not using the HRH designation. There was a “one year review” period but that is long over.

    • one of the marys says:

      That’s an interesting point. I wonder if any terms and conditions are traditional or actually legal or only customary. Charles seems to be able to do what he wants regards to evicting them, pulling security, funding etc

      • Kingston says:

        Jeebus Christus!

        There are no “terms and conditions” on Harry or Meghan for living their life and earning their bread AS THEY SEE FIT.

        What part of: the british royal institution has no control over H&M and therefore NO SAY in how H&M live their lives and earn their living?

        Fkng ‘ell!

    • sunnyside up says:

      And when it is about Invictus he talks to the MOD.

    • Becks1 says:

      The only “term or condition” is that they agreed to not use HRH and not use the word “royal” in any of their branding.

  18. Jais says:

    If Charles and William could put Harry and Meghan under house arrest, they would. Basically they want them to never leave the house or speak ever. They pretty much did that to Meghan for months while she was in the uk. I’m so glad they’re far far away.

  19. DeepfriedDallasite says:

    This is the same problem that Charles had with Diana post divorce. He tried to dim her shine while they were married, when that didn’t work he and Horse tried to drive her crazy. Post divorce the shone was brighter and he absolutely couldn’t stand it, combined with the fact he couldn’t control her. Good on Harry for getting them the hell out of there and as far away as possible.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Times like these is when I wish Diana were alive. She would have told us a lot more of what she witnessed. And she’d support Harry and Meghan all the way.

  20. Lau says:

    Kind of insane of the British media to still plow on with the whole “Nigeria and Colombia are so unsafe as countries” given the racist sh*tshow that was the UK throughout this weekend. Also the royal family didn’t write so much as a tweet about literal racist riots because it’s not worth interrupting your holidays I guess.

    • sunnyside up says:

      That would mean admitting that racism is bad when they have been called out for being racist themselves.

      • Lau says:

        Totally, but you would think that Charles who is so eager to be portrayed as this open-minded king when it comes to different cultures living together would actually give enough of a damn to tweet that racists hitting and screaming at people because they’re not white is bad. William is always so quick to tweet about what happens in other countries as well. They are utterly clueless.

      • StarWonderful says:

        The BTF are part of the problem.

  21. Giddy says:

    “It’s painful to Charles and William that other countries see Harry and Meghan as global humanitarians, VIPs and A-listers.” To me this is the crux of the matter. H&M are respected and sought after worldwide, while we hear nothing of countries wanting William to visit. This will continue when William succeeds his father as an ill-tempered, unloved monarch.

  22. Amy Bee says:

    The Palace can’t be upset about this. They had a chance to have control over Harry and Meghan when they offered to be half in and they stupidly and arrogantly rejected it.

  23. Pebbles says:

    It will be VERY interesting to see the narrative they spin if they get official invite to South Korea which I’ve suspected is due in time. They can’t scream about safety or encroachment on commonwealth soil so they’ll have to find something else to cry about.

  24. Proud Mary says:

    Do they have any idea how ridiculous this sounds? Carrying for children’s mental health, in an age of social media bullying, constitutes “utter contempt for the King”? These people are so bonkers!

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    I thought this part was interesting: the trip to Colombia “casts an interesting light on exactly why King Charles III, as many believe, is failing to use his influence to get Harry the automatic protection in the U.K. that he so desires.”

    I mean, we know it’s true, but it’s good to see it again in print. This is a problem of Charles’ own making. He could fix it if he wanted to, but he’s so peevish and petty he won’t. He deserves contempt.

    • GTWiecz says:

      I also think Charles became king too old. He’s now set on his ways and must want to take naps instead of dealing with world issues. I don’t think he has cancer but age does weigh on us.

  26. Smices says:

    Did they get worked up like this when Beatrice and eugenie went to Saudi Arabia recently? Or is it just Harry and Meghan who have to get permission to leave the country for business?

    • Christine says:

      The utterly depressing truth is probably that Beatrice and Eugenie do get palace permission before they do anything.

      It’s why these people are never getting over the Gall of Meghan. Harry, too, obviously, but they only really blame Meghan.

  27. Honey says:

    I don’t recall that Meghan and Harry have referred to this trip using the word “royal.” That appears to be the media drumbeat. If M & H have publicly called it “royal”, that’s not cool, in my opinion, but I don’t think they have.

  28. Nanea says:

    The king of the Left-Behinds deserves utter contempt and then some, for the way he’s been treating his younger son for ages, even before Harry met Meghan. And it only got much worse afterwards.

    The Derangers, sycophantic press included, can’t stand that H&M are successful without funding or the palace machinery supporting them. So, instead of finding a way for criticising anything they do, they go after the charities while yelling “gold-diggers” and “grifters”, completely ignoring the fact that the Middletonedeafs are everything they accuse the Sussexes and the Squad of.

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the 🐀🐀🐀 and adjacents like Daily Beast, P6 and similar will be made redundant rather sooner that later. Constantly spewing hate can’t be healthy, and supporting welfare billionaires shouldn’t be profitable or rewarded in any way.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Something I never considered before which has become clear to me in recent years: the RF is a right-wing institution.

  29. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It’s interesting that this is the second article that mentions that King Snubby could give H&M appropriate security. I’m thinking the bm is not happy that Harry will pop into the UK when necessary, but Meghan and the kids won’t be going near them.

    I keep thinking that the trip will be closer to the Summit/Conference in November. Inviting H&M because it dovetails with Archewell’s work was a great idea. More people are aware of it and I’m looking forward to discovering how these countries will go forward in the online spaces filled with hate and bullying.

    The Sussexes will bring a lot of attention to Columbia, and I hope that it will mean more tourist dollars for them. It sounds like a beautiful place to go and explore. Yes, there are places you shouldn’t go, but what country doesn’t have that?

    King Snubby, if this is you and not just the bm writing to make money, you should stop. This makes you look like an idiot.

  30. Rnot says:

    If you don’t want to be treated with contempt, then don’t act contemptibly. It’s just that easy. If you want respect, act respectable.

  31. L Williams says:

    Harry and Meghan are going on a business trip to Colombia.Colombia veterans went to last Invictus Games. This trip is in support of Archwell Foundation and initiatives that Harry and Meghan support. But the narcissist sycophants on Shutter Island don’t see it that way. Nothing pisses off a narcissist more than when they are ignored. They whine and complain and try to pick a fight to get attention. But the world eventually catches on to their games. So in the couple of years I hope H& M travel the world in support of their business interests.

  32. Kingston says:

    H&M continue to have absolutely perfect timing!

    It is so satisfying that everyday we get to see the evidence of just how everything they do and say – both about their experiences on Shithole Isle that led to their ‘Look-Back’ projects and the timely and successful launch of those projects, to all their current and future endeavors – have almost eerily and preternaturally redounded and are redounding to their benefit.

    From the timing of their “fleeing” england for Canada that fateful November, 2019; to their fleeing Canada just in time before Covid with the help of Tyler Perry who had preternaturally lain the ground work for just such a timely escape when, out of the blue, he had made contact with M at the start of her journey into UKHell, in which he had seen how things would unfold; to being in America for the duration of Covid, during the quiet of which they were able to purchase their forever home for a real estate steal, find their footing and start building their life in America.

    And since then, they just seem to be always steps ahead of all their critics and detractors. These days we, especially Squaddies who have been in the trenches and have battle-scars on behalf of H&M, can now sit back and watch, point and laugh as the archaic leftovers run and stumble and fail in their campaign to keep H&M down.


    – H&M have a joint interview on one of America’s biggest networks, to formally launch their latest project, which is followed by global media reports. And the leftovers and their puppet masters have a collective melt-down which translates to: ‘why cant you just disappear into a very quiet, hidden life so that your light and beauty dont eclipse the poor dumbfucks you left behind on Shithole Isle.’

    – Colombia announces that H&M have been invited by the govt to visit. And the leftovers and their puppet masters have a collective melt-down which translates to: ‘why cant you just disappear into a very quiet, hidden life so that your light and beauty dont eclipse the poor dumbfucks you left behind on Shithole Isle.

    – Nigeria announces that H&M have been invited by the govt, thru the MoD, to visit. The leftovers and their puppet masters have a collective conniption which translates to: ‘why cant you just disappear into a very quiet, hidden life so that your light and beauty dont eclipse the poor dumbfucks you left behind on Shithole Isle.

    And these are just the 3 latest examples. Lets not forget that this has been occurring every month since January 2024 with the Bob Marely movie premiere in Jamaica. Followed by the flawlessly executed one-year-to-go Invictus Games event in Canada in February. And the launch of sussexDOTcom PLUS the soft-launch of ARO digital media (website and IG) in March. And there are still 5 months left in the year, with, as we all know, a plethora of H&M projects and products to be unveiled.

    Will those fuckers on Shithole Isle be able to cope?!!!???


    • sammi says:

      Great word …preternaturally………….! And very good succinct appraisal of the situation.

  33. Flower says:

    Royal Rota : The Sussexes’ Columbia tour shows ‘utter contempt for us the UK Press’

    ^^ Fixed it for you.

    These headlines are so yamn inducing by now and boil down to one thing – access.

    The UK press are left locked out begging for scraps and footage from bystanders on twitter – lmao

    Let the salty tears run !

  34. Berkeleyfarm says:

    If he is fussing about what his financially independent son is doing a continent and an ocean away rather than providing comfort and leadership to his people during a time of national crisis, he deserves all the contempt.

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    When you see articles like this, it just makes sense for the Sussexes to go about their business in whatever country they want to. This is ludicrous. Charles ices them out, takes away Frogmore and denies security, but he’s moaning about them doing the work they said they were going to do.

  36. Lavendel says:

    When the London Windsors travel, they do it to show off themselves and the monarchy – when the Sussexes travel, they do it for the people and their needs.

    • GTWiecz says:

      And indirectly, giving clout to the underserving royals, because not everyone follows royal stories or have interest in it, so they somehow still like Harry to that institution.

  37. Well Wisher says:

    Navel-gazing is unacceptable especially for royal planners, once that becomes a profession, they lose reality on what really matters….

  38. Well Wisher says:

    It is a myopic vision of the royals and their handlers that incriminate them in terms of their treatment towards the Sussexes….
    These invitations are meant to acknowledge Harry’s work that capitulate him and his wife into international statesmanship….
    It is not a rival court, quite the opposite…