The British tabloids are attacking Christopher Bouzy & the Sussexes’ Parents Network

Christopher Bouzy is not a “Sussex pal” and he’s not making a living by talking about the Sussexes. Bouzy founded and operates Bot Sentinel and Spoutible, and he’s a data-driven analyst on social media, politics and culture. Bouzy was included in the Harry & Meghan Netflix series because he was speaking about the online hate campaign against Meghan, which Bouzy documented with data. This year, Bouzy also got attention from the British tabloids because he was one of several high-profile people questioning the weirdness of all of those faked and staged photos of the Princess of Wales, and his analysis was basically like “none of this makes any sense and we’re being lied to.” Which was true.

Well, now the British tabloids are once again attacking Bouzy because of his “connection” to the Sussexes and because he’s never bought what the British media is selling. They’re making this about the Sussexes’ new Parents Network initiative, as in – the Sussexes are trying to help parents who have lost children to online harm, but the Sussexes are “hypocrites” because Bouzy was mean to Kate! And mean to the lying British tabloids! That’s seriously the argument being made here:

A royal expert has slammed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for ‘not practising what they preach’ after their CBS interview on online safety on social media – hitting out at their links to tech entrepreneur Christopher Bouzy, whose online trolling of the Princess of Wales went as far as stating she was ageing as fast as a ‘banana’. Speaking to FEMAIL, commentator Richard Fitzwilliams suggested that the Sussexes move to talk about protecting children from online harm and bullying was hypocritical, given the Brooklyn-born Silicon Valley star who featured as a talking head in their Netflix documentary has become ‘notorious’ for his cruel remarks on the Waleses.

Christopher had previously aimed personal attacks at Kate, William, King Charles and Queen Camilla, including comments about their appearance, writing once that the Prince of Wales ‘looks like a balding Muppet’. And shortly after the death of the Queen in September 2022, he said that critics of Meghan wanted to paint her ‘as some sort of harlot’, adding: ‘King Charles cheated on Diana and his mistress is now Queen Consort. All Meghan did was marry the man she loves while being black. Just stop.’ Christopher was thrown into the spotlight by the release of Meghan and Harry’s Netflix documentary, in which he claimed there is an agenda against the Duchess driven by ‘hatred and race’.

Within 30 minutes of Kate’s video announcing a cancer diagnosis, he was fuelling the fire surrounding conspiracy theories about in a rant to his 350,000 followers on X. ‘I am sorry to hear Kate has cancer, I hope she has a full recovery. But it is also clear that all three earlier photos of her were fake, and the palace tried to cover it up,’ he wrote. ‘The palace lied, and the British Press happily helped them lie. The countless ‘conspiracy theory’ headlines, while knowing a lot of what was being said was true. This is really some North Korea/Trumpian type of propaganda.’

Royal expert Richard added: ‘The launch on CBS of The Parents Network, to help those with the hashtag #NoChildLostToSocialMedia, a group of parents who have experienced the suffering which can be caused by social media, is undoubtedly an important step towards tackling a significant issue of contemporary concern. It followed a pilot by Harry and Meghan’s Archewell Foundation and is linked to their forthcoming visit to Colombia.’

However, he remarked: ‘You often judge individuals by the company they keep,’ hitting out at their links to Christopher and Omid Scobie – ‘whose latest book, Endgame, was involved in a disgraceful row over unproven allegations which has never been satisfactorily explained’.

[From The Daily Mail]

The Mail did an exhaustive compilation of all of Bouzy’s comments on the Windsors and it was like they were playing his greatest hits – Bouzy’s comments were right on the money across the board, from the British media’s royalist propaganda, to the chaotic palace messaging around a missing princess, to his petty jabs at the Waleses. Two things are happening simultaneously. One, the British media actually wants an excuse to publish all of Bouzy’s criticisms of the royals, just to be sh-tstirrers. Two, they also want to say that anyone who “sides” with the Sussexes has somehow been radicalized by the Sussexes and that they’re all on the same “team,” and that the Sussexes are responsible for what data-driven analysts say about everything.

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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54 Responses to “The British tabloids are attacking Christopher Bouzy & the Sussexes’ Parents Network”

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  1. equality says:

    Having someone appear in a show doesn’t equal being besties, unlike say some of the pedophiles that the royals kept company with.

    • Miranda says:

      I was going to say the same. I mean, if they wanna talk about keeping bad company…

    • Over it says:

      Camilla Christmas lunch with Jermey Clark son and piss Morgan is an excellent example of the company those people keep. I would rather attach myself to Christoper than the company the Windsors keep.

      • PC says:

        Harry and Meghan’s initiative is about the online bullying of children, like what the British Media and the derangers practice in regards to the Sussex children. There’s plenty of evidence about that if the royal rota cares to write about the subject. They are the ones who need to check themselves about the company they keep and encourage.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ Over it – That was the first thing I thought of too!
        Also Tampon King with Saville and Andrew with Epstein. Do they really want to go there?

    • Man they really are just as you say stirring sh*t with this new attack against the Sussexes. What they should be doing is attacking their lazy leftovers and king about saying nothing about the race riots that are happening in their country. The Sussex attacks are not going to cover for that. It just proves what a racist family the royals are and how jealous they are of the work and charities that the Sussexes support. They will go after anyone who they think are the Sussexes friends.

  2. Wagiman says:

    I’m sooooo angry. Like, I’m really really angry. But I also know no one I know cares and will never care because that’s life. It takes all my effort to say nothing. Regardless of age, the Brits and Australians are all the same

    • Kath says:

      Huh? What on earth has Australia got to do with any of this? We have gutter Murdoch press like the US & UK, but a good proportion of us despite the royals and support H&M.

  3. Lili says:

    i think its quite telling how they are just carrying on as usual and cannot see the cause and effect in the wider context of whats going on in the UK, because the national psyche is they are better than every one does not mean there shouldn’t be pause for reflection. Harry has paused and is changing course. why do they think no one should be on H&M’s side or have a different point of view

  4. Cassie says:

    They are just scraping the bottom of the barrel now and it’s absolutely unforgivable .
    Anyone vaguely associated with the Sussexes is attacked .
    I have never seen a hate campaign like this before in my life .

    It’s never ending and so cruel .

  5. girl_ninja says:

    This is what they do. They deflect from their trash behavior because they are racist misogynists. The thing is Bouzy doesn’t play that, and he’s consistently throwing their trash right back into their ignorant faces.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The reality is that the tabs aren’t attacking Bouzy because of an association with H&M.

      They’re attacking him because Bouzy is calling them out on their shit, _with undeniable receipts_.

      They attack Harry because he calls them out on their shit, _with undeniable receipts_.

      Brit tabloid media is losing control of their game, and they’re freaking out, and desperate to suppress knowledge of their abuse, and to make their victims cower again.

      How was it phrased in the book, Dance of Anger? “You’re changing … and that’s making me uncomfortable… change BACK OR ELSE”

      Tabloids are experiencing a narcissistic extinction burst. British press: seek help. Genuinely seek help. Y’all are not ok.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Weak. The British press are really trying very hard to find something to criticise Harry and Meghan regarding this project but nothing’s sticking.

    • Mimi says:

      This line of attack is quite bizarre. Bouzy said some “maybe” nasty shit about grown ass people … so the Sussex’s campaign (which doesn’t involve Bouzy at all) to help CHILDREN is somehow bad? Make it make sense.

  7. Over it says:

    Well I think Christoper is my new favorite person. Balding muppet. Lmao. And yes Christoper, say it again for those all the way in the back, Chucky did cheat on Diana and then married his concubine and then had the audacity to be crowned in a church of god with her. Where is lightning when you need it.
    Meanwhile all Meghan did as he rightly said is married the man she loved while being black.
    Also more people should ask if the Windsors claim to be so dedicated to service to the people, why are they stealing the people money to perform a service that the people never get. All this long vacation while the regular folks have to work.

  8. Goldenkatz says:

    They just want a reason to publish his criticisms while claiming he’s wrong to make them. Calling William balding muppet isn’t something tabloids can do— it’s all bowing and scraping. But if they want to publish someone else saying it…,

    • Etha says:

      Exactly!! They inwardly love trolling William.

    • sunnyside up says:

      And the tabloids do it all the time, to Harry and Meghan, this person said, that person said, so alright, now we know that this person or that person is a racist, or at least will say anything for their thirty pieces of silver.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah I think they’ve been looking for an excuse to use some of his comments about the Windsors so they’re going with this angle. They definitely did not have to include the “balding muppet” line lmao.

  9. Eurydice says:

    I love how they gleefully repeat all of Bouzy’s criticism. But I also love how they can’t deny that the Parents’ Network is a good thing.

  10. Noor says:

    If Harry and Meghan are responsible for Bouzy. then Camilla is responsible for Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan.
    Charles, William and Kate responsible for Richard Eden Sarah Vine , Jan Moir and many other royal rota reporters, as well as royal biographers like Tom Bower

    • Proud Mary says:

      I’m sorry, but Bouzy is neither the same as Morgan nor as Clarkson. He’s not spend years, on a highly rated TV show, trashing Kate on a daily basis, as Piers did to Meghan, nor has he written multiple articles abusing Kate, like Jeremy did to Meghan. And yes, Camilla IS responsible for both, by ding of her association with them.

    • equality says:

      Actually there is more of a connection with Cam and co. than there is with H&M and Bouzy. H&M haven’t been taking Bouzy out to eat constantly.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Noor, I doubt there is any connection between Bouzy and H&M. He is the one who used the hate toward Meghan to show how the spread of hate starts with very few accounts. He then explained the results. That’s what his company does. Yes, he was in Harry and Meghan, but that was to explain what he found–just the facts. I don’t believe there is a relationship at all.

      I just think this is more about the bm and brf than anything else. I have to say that the bm REALLY enjoys quoting negative statements about the brf whenever possible. Interesting.

  11. Jais says:

    Yeah, no. Bouzy wished Kate a full recovery and it’s not his fault a fake picture was created. Even the guy from AP compared it to North Korean propaganda. Was he a bully too? Royal rota reporters can GTFOH with this take. The royals are fully funded by the people and yet they’re lying to the peoples’ faces. I’m glad bouzy called out the lies.

  12. MsIam says:

    Cry harder bitches. I believe the Fail are the ones funding Scammy Sam’s lawsuit so I hope they end up with more egg on their faces about that.

  13. Amy T says:

    Suitcases full of cash for titles, anyone?

  14. aquarius64 says:

    Christopher Bouzy is a black man who dared criticized the BRF. Dr. Shola is a black woman who criticized the royals. Omid Scobie is a POC who did as well. There are white presenters who have come for the Windsors and don’t get as much heat. See a pattern here? I also think it’s why Charles hasn’t said anything about the riots in the UK: it opens them up to hard questions about Meghan:s treatment by them.

    • Angelica+Schuyler says:

      Yes. you have hit the nail right on the head. The other thing is that Bouzy backs up his assertions with data. They hate that he comes with receipts of their fakery. How dare people of color not show the BRF deference and just accept their lies and BS!

  15. Amy says:

    Christopher Bouzy is the reason I stopped reading the British trashloids, Elizabeth what’s-her-name (the woman who has/had an IG account about royal dressing) and finally understood we were being fed a load of malarkey. He has used lawyers in the past — hopefully he will do that again if necessary. He has done a public service and fought to make social media safer for all.
    Side note: anyone here on Spoutible? It’s better than Twitter but seems less active.

    • Sarah says:

      I am. It’s very quiet but I like it.

    • Beana says:

      I’m on Spoutible, too! Quiet but without the junk. I don’t mess with X.

    • StarWonderful says:

      Yes, I’ve been on since the beginning and think it’s a great alternative to the site formerly known as Twitter. It’s easy to navigate (similar to Twitter) and safe for community discourse! Any bots and questionable accounts are dealt with immediately.

  16. B says:

    Its always projection with these people. The left behind royals are friends and partners with the worst people because they share common values and interests so they try to tar the Sussexes with the same brush. The left behind royals used their pet media to create multiple conspiracy theories around Meghan and her children. They waged and continue to lead an unhinged smear campaign against her so they level that same accusation against the Sussexes. Its always projection.

    In short the Sussexes debuted a new initiative. The left behind royals are jealous and mad because they continue to exist and thrive and *check notes* help people so they send out their attack dogs. You would think they would use their pet press to install calm in the country during this turbulent time but no they pump out more hate and use their resources to attack a couple who moved to another country 5 yrs ago.

  17. Nerd says:

    Bouzy was in the Harry and Meghan documentary over a year and a half ago where he gave factual evidence of the lies and racial abuse that Meghan experienced at the hands of the royal rats and online trolls. Harry and Meghan would have no say in what he says or does prior to that or after that because he isn’t their friend or their employer. Whereas the royal rats, Jeremy Clarkson, Piers Morgan, Camilla Tominey, the Arbiter father-daughter duo, Angela Levin, the confederate that is friends with Camilla and moved next door to Meghan’s father, Jabba who writes approved autobiographies, the one who gets dog treats and many others have actual relationships with the left behind royals and have made blatant attacks and threats towards Harry, Meghan, Archie and Lilibet Diana. Having Bouzy report in a documentary, which again was over a year and a half ago, with information that he attained from doing his job of acquiring data of online trolling and bot usage is as far as their connection to him goes. Harry and Meghan have no connection to anything he says prior to or since that documentary, which again was over a year and a half ago, because their connection to him was purely on a professional level regarding his company’s research.

    Bouzy has every right to say whatever ge wants to say about these people because these are the same people who attacked him and his family on social media, through articles and physically by revealing his address for personal attacks. They went too far and how he responds to that is their fault and no one else’s.

  18. slippers4life says:

    Quick! Someone’s using math to uncover our and the brf’s bull sh@#! To the DARVO machine!

  19. Grace Yancy says:

    HE’S SUCH A “KAREN” ABOUT THESE THINGS!😅🤣😂😂🤣🤣😅🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😅😅😅😅🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂

  20. Ameerah M says:

    I have my issues with Chris over other topics but he has always been spot on about the UK media and the Sussexes.

    • Rapunzel says:

      I’m genuinely curious: what issues do you have with Bouzy?

      • Ameerah M says:

        @Rapunzel Bouzy and I have talked via social media for years and I took issue with some statement he has made about certain current events.

  21. Shanta says:

    *Sits back and waits for CB to roast them like a fat chicken*…..Chris can take care of himself.

  22. Lau says:

    Well if Kate hadn’t authorised doctored photos of her to be published in the first place there wouldn’t have been people like Christopher Bouzy taking a look at them and say that they looked weird. The tabloids should just admit that they were just waiting for an excuse to go after him because he participated in the Sussexes’ documentary and save us all some considerable time.

  23. yupyup says:

    True then true now. ‘looks like a balding Muppet’. lol

  24. yupyup says:

    I’m kinda glad they are reviving the last 2024 for the Waleses. Keep reminding the world what we all saw and witnessed.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    Christopher Bouzy does an excellent job of knocking down the racist monsters in the British media. The rota fear him and their fear is showing.

  26. Nano says:

    The English royal family is starting g to sound and act VERY maga-like. Nothing but hate for anyone who dares disagree with them. Sick.

  27. Lady Digby says:

    Marina Hyde has an opinion piece about the inciters of the ongoing riots.
    Where are the brave inciters of Britain’s race riots? From Tommy to Elon, they’re far, far away | Marina Hyde

    The riots are the result of hatred being whipped up by media for decades. One of the worst culprits, the Daily Mail is singled out on account of their online version as the comments reflect years of hateful and racist BS. Harry told us how frightened RF is of them and former PM Boris seemed to factor them in during his tenure as leader which is worrying. British tabloids need to take a long, hard look at themselves at how they have created such a febrile landscape that has erupted into rioting. Do they want blood on their hands?

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Lady Digby, the bm don’t care. All they care about is money. That’s it. We’ve been seeing that in the US media and I’ve just stopped watching most of the msm. If that’s how they’re choosing to make money, leave me out of it.

    • Cara Aponti says:

      Excellent article by Marina Hyde.

  28. AC says:

    Bouzy has been focusing more on US politics these past few mths. The BM can’t move on as they’re desperate for clicks.
    The UK has their own problems . The world is watching and they ain’t looking good with the racism and arrogance/snobbery to those they colonized. I was living in Europe for 6 mths – had no interest in going back to that island. There’ll be more people who would take their tourism money elsewhere too. Not good for a country becoming more stagnant, having one of the worlds worst housing crisis, has the western world’s top homeless problem and low wages.

  29. Lavendel says:

    Yes, the Royal Family’s long-standing close connection to a man named Jimmy Saville should be re-examined. The Sussexes have never surrounded themselves with fraudsters, paedophiles and corrupt politicians.