King Charles ‘has asked for daily updates’ on the violent hate crimes in the UK

King Charles has not said or done one single thing around the white nationalist riots spreading across England. It started when a Welsh-born man staged a horrific attack on a Taylor Swift-themed dance class for children. Three little girls were murdered in the attack. Misinformation spread, and white nationalists used the moment to violently assault every Black and brown person they saw, plus there’s widespread arson and a huge amount of civil unrest, rioting and looting. This has played out for over a week, a week in which Charles has been enjoying his summer holiday in Scotland. Over the weekend, he even had fun at the Highland Games. The palace seemed more concerned over the Sussexes’ announced trip to Colombia than the violent white nationalism on display in England. The fact that this is also happening while Charles, Camilla, William and Kate actively ignore the Olympics is also just… weird. But I digress. It looks like some vacationing courtier realized that it looks bad so this is what was released:

The King has asked for daily updates on the evolving situation after unrest around the UK, Sky News understands. He is said to be engaging privately in the issues it has generated.

The King has a record of involvement in issues around community cohesion and interfaith dialogue.

It comes as thousands of specialist police have been mobilised tonight amid fears of further unrest. The trouble began after the stabbing of three young girls in Southport last week and amid false rumours the suspected attacker was an asylum seeker who had arrived by boat.

Many businesses have chosen to shut early in case the gatherings again descend into serious violence. A list of immigration solicitors’ firms and advice agencies was shared in chat groups as possible targets, with the message telling people to “mask up”.

The prime minister and senior police officers have warned the full force of the law will be used to swiftly punish any offenders.

[From Sky News]

The thing is, out of everyone in that horrid family, Charles legitimately is the only one with any kind of history in interfaith dialogue and outreach to immigrant communities. Which is why his silence has been so notable. He’s all about a photo-op in a church, mosque or temple, but when Black or brown folks are being targeted in racist hate crimes across England, he’s silent as the grave. Peter Hunt is openly criticizing Charles as well:

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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50 Responses to “King Charles ‘has asked for daily updates’ on the violent hate crimes in the UK”

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  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    The monarchy is useless. End it.

  2. Tessa says:

    So he wants updates. Does nothing. His heir does nothing.

    • Eurydice says:

      Exactly, this. One could say I also get daily updates just by reading the news. What’s the point if he isn’t going to do something with those updates? As for William, the global statesman, he’s done a great job so far in bringing peace to the Middle East.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      he’s asking for updates. Ya, like lazy kkkhate has been asking for reports in bed for her useless shaping us campaign. For what? I’ve been asking for daily updates on the weather.

    • sunnyside up says:

      There is nothing he actually can do, apart from condemning it, difficult for him to condemn racism when he did nothing to condemn the racism of his own DIL and grandson which drove them out of the country.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        When the bare minimum of giving the impression of sympathy and compassion from the king to his people cant be done – we’ll the people protesting “not my king” and “down with the crown” are 💯 right. Useless kimg/useless monarchy

    • LRB says:

      For daily updates he just needs to watch the news. The footage is astonishingly awful, I am so ashamed of my countrymen. This, to me, proves that the royal family very much IS racist. The King should be out and about on the streets talking to people, not hidden away in Scotland. I can only assume Willi and family are in Mustique.

  3. He is silent because he doesn’t think it’s wrong what is happening. The racist colonizer that he is will do nothing.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      He’s silent because the “interfaith communities” under threat aren’t the type to roll up to BP with suitcases of cash from the Middle East.

      Only money talks with that one.

  4. Jais says:

    It’s as if he’s only ever been about the photoshop-ops and actually has no idea what to say or how to react. He and his heir look bad for this. The monarchy looks like a hollow joke. The head of state is not a unifying force.

    • Lexistential says:

      I feel so stupid for believing those dumb photo ops. I really admired Charles for making those interfaith gestures and approaching race and relationships from there.

      Pffft. Thanks for nothing, Chuck. The silence speaks volumes.

  5. Roseberry says:

    I thought the head of state always got daily updates in the famous Red Boxes! They’re just stating the obvious to make him seem busy and concerned.
    Across the country last night an estimated over 25, 000 people turned out in towns and cities across the UK in anti-racist protests to reclaim the streets and town centres, it was thankfully a night of peace and calm.

    • Avonan says:

      Yes, @Roseberry! Those counter-protests were very heartening.

    • SarahCS says:

      Thank you, he gets the boxes and could read/watch the news like the rest of them.

      Our (Bristol) Sainsbury’s Local shut early last night because they’d been advised there was a risk and in the end it turned out to be a huge counter-protest (that came nowhere near us) and on the BBC there’s a great picture of a lady in a folding chair holding a ‘grannies against fascism’ sign. I love living here.

  6. Jks says:

    He’s waiting for the right moment to swoop in and take credit.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t understand why republicanism doesn’t seem to have a larger population in that country. And I’m talking BLM/women’s March sized protests all the time. I can get apathy, because of course there’s tons of voter apathy in the US. But you have really high inflation, extreme difficulties in accessing medical care ( even if it is free), clear wide spread corruption amongst the police forces, and you’re being told what? To give ovations to a woman that’s gone to two parties this year because she’s had medical issues like hundreds of thousands of other people in that country? That you shouldn’t question why she doesn’t have to do anything but give her money to buy 25 versions of the same green dress that cause $5,000 a piece? That you’re not supposed to expect more then to be” kept up to date” by a sovereign that just spent hundreds of millions of dollars to have everyone watch him put a gold hat on his head, and is currently chilling at a castle in safety so he can shoot and fish? To have an heir that’s a landlord over huge swathes of land, but is supposedly concerned with ending homelessness? It’s just mind boggling that minor egg throwing is all they’ve gotten.

    • blueberry says:

      Perfectly said, Dee! Even if they felt like doing away with the monarchy would be too complicated, at the very least keep them on a tighter budget and dampen their weird influence. “Daily updates” what an insult.

  8. Becks1 says:

    Not daily updates!! Is there no end to how far Charles will go to protect his citizens and his country?? He’s even willing to get daily updates while on his month-long vacation!!!

    • Jks says:

      Too busy holding summits about Harry and Meghan’s trip. Priorities.

    • Nic919 says:

      I checked out the comments under the Peter Hunt comment and some professed constitutional law expert tried to say that Charles can’t do anything expect on ministerial advice. That’s bs. She’s acting like Charles can’t ring up Starmer and say that he wants to speak on this issue. He can and when other issues more directly affect that family, they sure as hell speak to the PM and cabinet about it. He simply wants to look like he cares but not do anything.

      And William has pronounced on solving Middle East peace and homelessness but can’t say a thing about the riots? He’s not hamstrung in any way to speak on it. But he has shown he is fine with sending immigrants like his sister in law out of the country.

    • LRB says:

      Three or more months long vacation. Unlikely to be seen much before October, then 2 months off over Christmas, another over Easter.

  9. Maxine Branch says:

    Can not call out his base. They are demonstrating the intolerance he has shown within his own family.

    • Amy Bee says:


    • Hypocrisy says:

      Chuck has built his Monarchy on a targeted racist hate campaign coordinated with the tabloid media, so i absolutely agree it would be extremely hypocritical for him to say anything but being hypocritical is what the leftovers do best. It truly is a nasty look to sit back and watch your country burn while you holiday.

    • sunnyside up says:

      And the media are still running anti Meghan stories while criticising race riots.

    • SarahCS says:

      There was a great cartoon in the Guardian yesterday showing the sandwich boards outside an newsagent with all the typical anti-migrant headlines and the last one in the line mentions the riots. Yes, I wonder how we got here.

  10. equality says:

    Shows how KC really feels and how his handlers really feel. You would think he would have some advisors who would see the need for at least a statement condemning the violence or sympathizing with victims.

  11. NotOscarW says:

    And has said nothing so as not to offend his constituency of white nationalist racist in the vein of those who hate Meghan for being black, smart and hard-working, which made the Monarchy look bad, all but for the Queen who commended Meghan for her hard work, impressed that she flew to Morocco while heavily pregnant and in the latter stages of her pregnancy with Archie

    • JENNIFER says:

      Thank you. I habe scrolled way too long for this comment. These are Charles’s constituents, the one’s he courted with his daily hateful leaks about Meghan.
      The courtiers should have said nothing. He never condemned the racist and xenophobic attack against her which have made the monarchy very popular.
      But people refuse to join the dots of events with the actions of the royal family and the British media.

  12. Tursitops says:

    Look, he’s asking the guy whose job is to put toothpaste on his toothbrush how things are going, what more do you want?

  13. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    The problem for Charles and the monarchy is that British Nationalists (I.e. racists) are the monarchy’s core demographic so speaking out against racism, misogyny, xenophobia, Islamophobia, etc will only turn the monarchy’s sole supporters against them.

  14. aquarius64 says:

    Any condemnation by Charles is hollow considering how the BRF treated Meghan. Piss Morgan named him and Kate as the ones who make comments about Archie’s skin color. On that point alone Charles has no credibility. He’s yet to explain himself on that score. There’s also the fear that the white nationalist section of the population would turn on on the BRF if condemned. The Windsors don’t want to suffer the fate of the Greek Royal Family or be the Romanovs 2.0.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Kate Williams said just about the same thing on Times Radio as Peter Hunt has tweeted. Charles’ inaction just shows that his interest in interfaith dialogues and ethnic and immigrant communities is a sham and a myth and yes he was one of the royals who voiced concerns about Archie’s skin tone.

  16. Lau says:

    Maybe he’s trying to go full Nero as Rome burnt. So far it’s a success, Charles !

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    Good for Peter Hunt, though he gives Charles too much credit.

    Charles can’t even take care of the racists in his own family. Or control his own racist impulses, apparently.

  18. Lauren says:

    Charles should probably be more worried that some of the white nationalists are leaving comments about their annoyance with his silence

  19. Lizzie says:

    Is Charles worried the rioting might come to him and his forever vacationing family?

  20. Beverley says:

    What a dilemma! Poor Charles, one of the infamous Royal Racists, is shrewd enough to know that it would be disingenuous to speak out against racial violence and unrest because he himself resents and disdains Black and Brown people. He cannot be bothered with his own mixed race grandchildren because their grandmother is Black. What a stain of the line of succession, he must bemoan the fact his mother allowed H&M to get married.

    To address the race riots, to call out rampaging people, to speak out against collective punishment goes directly against Charles’ deep seated beliefs that he is the epitome of white excellence and the Head Gatekeeper for white entitlement. It’s such a dilemma for Chuckles – trying to hit the right tone of disapproval, while simultaneously dog whistling to his fellow bigots/subjects to put those “not really British” people back in their place.

    Group (collective) punishment seems to be all the rage these days.

  21. B says:

    Its funny how that family is all about photo ops to boost their public image but when they claim they actually did something that helped someone THATS private. Private donations, private visits, and private messages of support that no one can corroborate.

  22. Jks says:

    Daily Fail has called its readers ‘thugs’ on the front page. After all these years of inciting racist hatred.

  23. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I saw that SarahCS above wrote “on the BBC there’s a great picture of a lady in a folding chair holding a ‘grannies against fascism’ sign.”.

    This is what the people in the UK need to understand. Fascism has been spreading worldwide. The US is getting ahead of it with first Biden and now Harris as President (yes, she will win). What we need to know is that it will take a couple of decades before we won’t have to be so vigilant. It didn’t disappear after WWII, and it’s not going to disappear now.

    I hope the counter protesting in the UK gets bigger and bigger.

  24. Over it says:

    I don’t know what you all expect from chuck , he is keeping with his usual routine. Ignore racism. After all how would it look if he suddenly cared about these black and brown people when he had let it be known for so long that he doesn’t care about his black daughter in law or his mixed race grandchildren. Chuck is just being chuck

  25. LDMiddx says:

    Charles cannot be a unifying influence for the nation, when he can’t even unite his own family. So far he has managed to alienate half his immediate family – his first wife, one of his sons & daughters-in-law.

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde; to alienate one family member may be regarded as a misfortune, to alienate two (or more) looks like carelessness. At the very least.

  26. HuffnPuff says:

    He’s not saying anything because he like many white people equate this with name calling. Remember their handling of Meghan? They said the harassment she received was no worse than anything they went through and that she needed to toughen up like the rest of them.

    A lot of white people don’t realize that those words are hateful not just a taunt and the words are usually the precursor to violence.

    And commenters are right when they point out that KFC can’t say anything now because that would be admitting that he misjudged what his DIL endured and continues to endure.

    • Iolanthe says:

      There’s a last straw that breaks a camels back..I think we are a millimeter away from people saying enough and ending this charade . Who are these anyway disconnected and so discompassionate that they might as well be living on another planet. In other countries and in other times they were executed , imprisoned, exiled ..obviously nobody wants a violent revolution but what will it take to say stop , enough , we don’t want this costly fancy dress parade while the country is in dire straits .

  27. blunt talker says:

    King Chuckie cannot say or condemn the riots because it calls into question his silence about the abuse and slander of the Sussex family-if he did not say anything about Archie being compared to a monkey he will never say anything-to call an innocent baby something like that really burns me to my core self-that was an incident that the royal family should have slapped down immediately-the rot is from the head down-they can no longer say the UK doesnot have racial problems or that racism does not exist. If Charles or William don’t say anything-I will take it that they agree with rioters-If they don’t want people of color in their country they should have said so many many years ago-they should provide safe passage out of the UK for all persons wanting to leave for fear of losing their lives-this will not go away soon-this is festering and simmering below the surface. Harry was right about getting his wife and children out-God bless him and his family.

    • Beverley says:

      For all of her closeness with Harry, Betty didn’t condemn the mockery of Prince Archie either. Her silence – followed now by Dogsh*t Charlie’s – speaks volumes. Apparently, royal children get no protection or solidarity if they aren’t fully white. And if royal children don’t have Charles’ backing, the POC being terrorized in the streets have no hope that the white monarch will speak up against the violence.

      White supremacy is one hell of a drug!

  28. AOC says:

    Were oligarchs or sheiks being targeted by the racist thugs no doubt both Willie and Chuck would be incandescent with rage and rush to condemn these attacks. Since these poor immigrants and poc don’t have bags of cash to contribute towards the royal coffers the silence is deafening.
    When will people realise that they only care about themselves and care nothing about the working people who are bled dry by them.