Nancy Pelosi on Pres. Biden: ‘I’ve never been that impressed with his political operation’

The reason Nancy Pelosi has been making TV appearances and giving interviews this week is because she’s shilling for her latest book, The Art of Power. Almost no one gives a f–k about this book, and yet Pelosi is still on a really high-profile promotional tour. That’s because everyone knows that Pelosi publicly and privately shanked President Biden in the back after his awful debate performance in June and everyone’s dying for the gossip. It wasn’t just her public statements and her lack of discretion when discussing the state of play within the Dem caucus – it’s that she didn’t even have a plan for what came next, other than “open mini-primary in July/August” and “throw Kamala Harris out with Biden.” What went down was political malpractice from Pelosi and many Democrats, and while everyone is on the Kamala Harris bandwagon now, it could have easily blown up into something really awful. All of which to say, Pelosi is still talking, this time to the New Yorker. Some highlights:

Before Biden’s debate, she was supportive: “In fact, earlier in the day, when I was with the members, they were, like, Oh, how’s it going to be? ‘Trump will be so awful,’ I said. ‘Don’t worry about it. The Joe Biden of the State of the Union is going to show up. It’s going to be great.’ In fact, I didn’t even want him to be in a debate. . . . I said, [Trump’s] doggy doo-doo. You’re going to get doggy doo-doo on your shoe. It’s not a good thing. You can’t. We’re just talking shorthand here, right? You can’t do that. But [Biden] was going to do it. He felt great. And I had confidence in him. I didn’t think it wouldn’t be good. I just didn’t want him to be seen with that guy. And then that happened, and I think everybody was stunned. It was stunning.”

What she said on Morning Joe which changed everything: “It’s up to the President to decide if he’s going to run. We’re all encouraging him to make that decision, because time is running short. . . . He’s beloved, he’s respected, and people want him to make that decision. I want him to do whatever he decides to do, and that’s the way it is. Whatever he decides, we go with.”

She loves Joe Biden: “Here’s the thing: I’ve known Joe Biden for over forty years, since I was chair of the California Democratic Party, and I love him so much. I think he’s been a really fantastic President of the United States. I really wanted him to make a decision for a better campaign, because they were not facing the fact of what was happening…. We couldn’t see it go down the drain, because Trump was going to be President and then he was going to take the House. Imagine! Imagine how that would be! Well, we don’t have to imagine. We saw.”

She hated Joe Biden’s political operation: “I’ve never been that impressed with his political operation. They won the White House. Bravo. But my concern was: this ain’t happening, and we have to make a decision for this to happen. The President has to make the decision for that to happen. People were calling. I never called one person. I kept true to my word. Any conversation I had, it was just going to be with him. I never made one call. They said I was burning up the lines, I was talking to Chuck [Schumer]. I didn’t talk to Chuck at all. I never called one person, but people were calling me saying that there was a challenge there. So there had to be a change in the leadership of the campaign, or what would come next.” Her goal, she added, was simple: “That Donald Trump would never set foot in the White House again.”

Whether she thinks her relationship with Biden will survive this: “I hope so. I pray so. I cry so. I lose sleep on it, yeah.” Do you think he’s angry at you? “I don’t know. We haven’t had a conversation. But . . .I think he’s in a good state. I mean, I think he did a remarkable thing, bringing home all these prisoners. Oh, my God, that was so masterful. . . . But my understanding is that he’s good. And the thing is that his legacy will go right down the drain if what’s-his-name ever [returns to] the White House. Whether it’s the planet, whether it’s fairness in our economy, whether it’s the safety of our children . . .”

[From The New Yorker]

“I think he did a remarkable thing, bringing home all these prisoners,” which he was negotiating and masterminding while Pelosi was going on TV to knife him in the back. She also says that she told Democrats to wait until the NATO Summit was over… only she did not wait and neither did Democrats. As for this: “I’ve never been that impressed with his political operation. They won the White House. Bravo.” Like… the Biden-Harris ticket won the most votes in American history in 2020. They created an effective plan to bring Rust Belt voters back into the party, shoring up Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. They won GEORGIA. The campaign’s outreach to the Latin-American community shored up Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. What did she not find impressive about Biden’s political operation? She was mad that his poll numbers were down after weeks of his own party publicly attacking him? What’s especially crazy about her disrespect for Biden’s political operation is that the exact same operation now belongs to Kamala Harris. Kamala is surrounded by Biden’s campaign staffers and the Biden apparatus. How long before Pelosi gets the urge to do political malpractice again?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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62 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi on Pres. Biden: ‘I’ve never been that impressed with his political operation’”

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  1. JanetDR says:

    All of the respect that I had for her has gone down the drain. I have zero interest in her book.

  2. DK says:

    She is just doing so much damage every time she opens her mouth:

    To party unity ( look, we are all loving having an exciting Dem ticket, and we are all grateful to Pres. Biden, so just stop harping on about it and highlighting the disarray you contributed to!); and

    Honestly, to her legacy. Keep talking, and this – the backstabbing and manipulation – will end up being what we remember about an otherwise long and accomplished career.

    Her effort to take credit and make this all about her is…making it all about her in the worst possible way.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I’m not impressed with her operation, so there. Doesn’t she have anyone who will tell her to take a seat (or all the seats) because this is not a good look? Madame VP and Coach Walz are strongly on upswing with this team behind them and feeding disunity in the party right now is just unforgivable.

  3. Nanea says:

    Way to destroy your own legacy, Nancy, while at the same time damaging the organisation inside the Democratic Party!

    Bravo! Absolutely brilliantly well done.

  4. Kokiri says:

    Wow what.
    I never made a call, people called me.
    And so? The results are the same. What is trying for here? Redemption?

    The audacity.

  5. equality says:

    Imagine if she didn’t “love” him.

    • Giddy says:

      Yes! Her great love for him helped to end his Presidency. I’m so glad that Dark Brandon showed up and made sure that the party would be united behind Kamala. Biden outwitted the dear, loyal, loving Pelosi.

    • Looty says:


    • KgS says:

      She’s a hater. She would have been thr biggest opp against Madam VP Harris if Biden had stepped aside earlier. She’s a jealous, delusional woman. She has been one of the biggest road blocks to Universal Healthcare in this country. She’s 83! Retire and get out of the way of progress!

  6. Sarah says:

    She needs to retire. I truly don’t understand why all this crap she is spewing at Biden she doesn’t get can be said about her, and honestly while ultimately Biden stepping aside was right, she didn’t support Harris. The way she is going about this and talking is disgraceful.

  7. CJW says:

    I am so disappointed in her. She needs to retire and STFU!

  8. TN Democrat says:

    Gawd. She is just awful. The Democrats have to win this election and everytime she opens her mouth, she creates division and feeds the magats agenda. She is no longer the head of House Democrats and should no longer be given a national platform. Her lack of leadership has a third of the country deeply entrenched in the magat cult. The current Democratic strategy seems to be working and this shrill white woman needs to step aside and let the younger generation lead by black ladies lead the nation away from her failings.

  9. Agnes says:

    I think Kamala has Pelosi’s number, and won’t forget this episode. Kamala is going to win, and with Walz is bringing more energy and excitement to the game than Biden-Harris 24 would have. But Pelosi didn’t do anything but shiv and advocate for chaos. Any success belongs to Biden and Harris, NONE of the other “Democratic Elites.” I hope Nancy and George Clooney have fun doing tequila shots together. I would not return either of their calls lol

  10. Avonan says:

    The Trump-motivated bludgeoning of her husband by that far-right wingnut seems to have adversely affected Nancy’s once uncanny political instincts. My guess is that her fear of another Trump presidency, commingled with a real loathing of the man himself, had her more than jittery about winning the White House. Do I think Biden could have overcome his abysmal debate performance? Absolutely. But not without the unified Democratic apparatus behind him. The beauty in the outcome of the Harris nomination is that Biden and his team, his “political operation,” obviously outmaneuvered the splintering Democratic leadership with diplomacy, savvy and chutzpah, uniting a full retinue of delegates around Harris in record time. Thank you, Joe!

  11. ML says:

    I like NP, AND this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Why does she want everyone to know that she never thought highly of Biden’s political operations Right Now? Is she desperately sending a message? Or, as this seems to be the case, is she bragging about herself? Normally, her political instincts are good, so Wtf is going on there?

    • ML says:

      Actually, the guy that wrote the article, David Remnick is the editor of The New Yorker.
      A LOT of (white guys) were butt hurt the 1. KH got the nomination and 2. TW was chosen instead of JS.

      Given that The New Yorker seems to have a critical article on Kamala Harris as well (Paywalled) by Jay Caspian Kang, I don’t know if we should be blaming Pelosi as much as questioning wtf is up with The New Yorker. NP’s political instinct is usually good and this article is unhelpful for the Democrats right now. I think this was published because some (guys) didn’t get what they wanted.

      • Looty says:

        Super perceptive comment

      • C says:

        The media is getting more conservative. You will find very surprising viewpoints these days in The New Yorker, Newsweek, The New York Times, NPR. It doesn’t change the fact that she has always been like this, frankly.

    • SarahLee says:

      The one thing I agree with her about is that the Biden campaign was nothing but malaise. No activity. No energy. No appearances. Just nothing burgers. But as soon as the top of the ticket changed, those same people kicked into gear! I think the truest thing Nikki Haley said was that the first party to dump their 80 year old will win.

  12. BlueSky says:

    Biden outmaneuvered her and she’s pissed about it. I don’t think Harris or Biden are taking her calls nor want her input and advice. She’s been frozen out and she’s mad. This all blew up in her face.

    • Sarah says:

      I think you are 100% right, she didn’t get what she wanted in VP pick, she is out of the inner circle and she’s throwing fit

      • michel says:

        Well said. She needs to step back and retire gracefully. She is not needed with the new Democratic party.

    • s808 says:

      This is basically it. She got what she wanted in Joe dropping out but he outwitted everyone (Obama & Clooney to name a couple of people) by immediately endorsing Kamala. My main reason for being against him dropping out was that they had no plan! I haven’t forgotten that they did NOT want Kamala and that they wanted an open convention with too little time before the election. Joe squashed all that with no input from any of them. I’m sure she’s salty about it.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Yep. She’s mad she’s not the kingmaker she was led to believe she was. And reading what some are saying on social media, she’s never been a fan of Kamala because Kamala didn’t go to her to be mentored. There’s a lot of things going on with Pelosi that dances towards racism honestly that I just am gobsmacked she’s saying this crap out loud to people and she thinks she sounds good in it.

  13. Newt says:

    Because Joe is a gracious human, he’ll probably not ever speak ill of her publicly. Now, will he be inviting her to the BBQ? No. Will he ever trust her again? No. And Kamala shouldn’t either and I bet she doesn’t. Nancy is 84 years old and she just forced out an 81 year old Biden. 🤔

    She’s had an admirable and storied career to this point, but I’ll never forgive her and the others for how they handled this situation. Was it the right thing? Ehh…..maybe? I still think he’s more than capable, but I support Harris/Walz 100%.

    This will be NP’s legacy in my own mind. And she better not mess with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

    By the way, did Clooney ever make a sizeable donation to the Harris campaign? 🤔 He f***ing better have. Asshole.

    • Agnes says:

      It’s been Crickets from Clooney. I really believe he wanted to run himself. The Democratic Reagan. As if. Eye rolls till I vomit. May Harris-Walz and their team form a wall against that loser that lasts for decades.

  14. K8erade says:

    I lost respect for Nancy in 2016 after she was part of the operation that shoved Hillary Clinton down our throats. She’s out of touch with voters, and has been for awhile. She seems to think she’s far more important and integral to the Democratic Party than she actually is.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      K8…The Democratic BASE wanted Hillary….Which is why she WON the primary…and the popular vote

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Nah fam. We voted for Hillary fair and square.

      • K8erade says:

        I remember. I was there. We definitely voted for her because we didn’t have a choice. But I complained about it the entire time and refused to donate that year. I wanted Bernie and I genuinely think we could’ve won 2016 had Bernie been on the ballot in the general election but the Democratic elites insisted it be Hilary and people like Nancy Pelosi shoved her down the base’s throats and fearmongered. Personally, Hillary never should’ve won the primary. I still blame her for Trump getting elected.

  15. Tessa says:

    She needs to back off. Biden is great she should stop making spiteful comments.

  16. LeonsMomma says:

    While I do strongly question Biden’s choice of Mitch Landrieu as head of Infrastructure whatever (if you have been to the mess known as the new New Orleans Airport, the one approved and set forth by Landrieu, except when it was approved there was no direct way to get there), I do think Pelosi is pissed off she is out of the loop now because of her treachery. She couldn’t let go of the power, could she have (and now has a tainted many a legacy among Democrats).

  17. Kp says:

    Nancy et all are all so mad that the guy who they all tried to bury as too old played them all and got the person he wanted as nominee. They all thought they would pick the shiny white guy not realizing that people do not want that anymore. People are yearning for someone to excite them, which is childish in a way but true. And it is interesting to note that Bill and Hillary were also working with Biden to help freeze some plans by supporting him publically and buying time to get things lined up. The Nancy/Obama wing got played by old school dems. It had been fascinating

    • Lolamd says:

      This is interesting. I didn’t know that Bill/Hillary were working with Biden. I love the Harris/Walz ticket. I was furious when Pelosi, et all were not supporting Biden. And don’t get me started on Clooney. I feel hope with Harris/Walz.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Hillz and Joe are old friends of long standing. I remember some clip where he seemed to whisper something naughty/dishy in her ear and her eyes lit up.

    • StarWonderful says:

      Bill and Hill worked behind the scenes to keep donors and support for Biden. When Biden announced his stepping down from the ticket and support for Kamala, the Clintons were among the first to endorse her. I love that!

      • Aidee Kay says:

        Hillary had huge support and still does. Won the popular vote by 3M. Decades of disinfo against her by GOP and Russia did not stop ppl from voting for her by a clear sweeping majority.

  18. Walking the Walk says:

    As I have been saying for weeks now, this showed a lot of Dems butts to the voting public and a lot of them are going to be shocked when they get primaried in the future. And there’s a ton of Dems who have been frozen out by Biden and Harris and I don’t blame them. They have enough to deal with, with the terrible press, but you go around doing this crap. I wouldn’t want you around me either.

    Also the media is just awful again times a thousand, look at how they covered Trump’s BS press conference and none of them covered Harris yesterday.

    • poppedbubble says:

      100% super hard agree with everything you said except the part about the media and Trump. Before Biden stepped aside we were screaming that all the media did was focus on Biden and his age while ignoring Trump who is almost as old, clearly mentally unfit, while spouting dangerous rhetoric. Now they are covering Trump and it is not flattering. I’m happy about it. I also think they are doing a good job of covering Harris. Showing all of her campaign stops, most if not all, or at very least clips of their stump speeches, showing the crowd’s enthusiasm etc.

      What I’m getting aggravated with is that much like the British media getting antsy when they don’t get a direct line to the royals, the US media is getting mad that Harris hasn’t yet given an interview so they’re making up “why won’t she give interviews” stories, which Trump and his cronies are latching onto. I’m like, No need to give an interview now. Wait until after the convention, maybe post debate even. She has momentum on her side.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    I’m just loving that the centrists are realizing that Nancy isn’t the great politician they thought she was. She needs to step aside too.

    • Kitten says:

      Right? I’m reading through the comments like “you’re just figuring this out NOW?”
      But yeah better late than never.

      Nancy was an adept vote counter–one very specific and useful skill– but beyond that, she was never the political genius that everyone thought she was. Also, we need to ban lawmakers an their spouses from trading stock because what Pelosi and her man have been doing is absolutely disgusting.

  20. Muggs says:

    Let me borrow a quote from Joe…”will you shut up, man?”

  21. AA says:

    Ugh, go home, Nancy. She’s 84. It’s time. And yeah, I’ll never forget how she shanked Joe.

  22. Lau says:

    From a non-american point of view I feel like Nancy Pelosi is still a bit bitter because she has been replaced as the minority leader of the house. She seems like all of these politicians of a certain age who just can’t comprehend that in politics change is necessary, just look a Moscow Mitch. Maybe she thought that Biden needed to go because she had been pushed out herself.

  23. Bridget says:

    To Kaiser’s point it is insane that she would insult Biden’s campaign staff like this when they are the ones running Harris’ campaign now. According to the press there have been a few new advisers brought on the last couple of weeks but there bave been no mass firings, the HQ is still in deleware; its the same campaign but with a younger more vibrant face. What kind of party ‘leader’ trashes their team’s campaign in the middle of an election like this especially when the campaign is doing such a good job??

    I saw people on twitter praising Nancy when Walz was announced but Nancy did NOT want this. She did NOT want Kamala; she wanted a chaotic convention just like Obama’s dumbass. Gratefully Joe is a real leader and made sure to immediately endorse and his apparently unimpressive political operation immediately shored up the support for Harris that she needed and Harris has risen to the occasion and navigated us through tbe storm.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Yeah I am seeing that she was angling for Newsom, but Newsom wasn’t playing with this. Newsom expressed loyalty to Biden and has stated that he would not stand in ’28 because he was loyal to Harris. Newsom and Harris have a good relationship.

      Honestly I have been struck by “this might be an old SF grudge”. Different “clans” in the SF apparatus. (disclaimer: ex resident of SF here, was around when Pelosi was first elected, used to live in a building owned by the locally famous Hallinan family, met Terence Hallinan who was County DA then and who was the guy that Harris defeated for her first public office).

    • Jais says:

      Exactly, Bridget! “What kind of party leader trashes their team’s campaign in the middle of an election like this especially when the campaign is doing such a good job???” I’m genuinely flabbergasted at why she is saying this out loud right now. She can think what she wants to herself but there is no reason to be saying this publicly in the middle of the campaign. No reason. She says she just wants to make sure trump doesn’t win so it’s about time for her to take her own advice. Speaking publicly about these rifts while the party is trying to beat trump is not helping!!! Like, duh. What is she doing?

  24. Berkeleyfarm says:

    I say this as someone who was living in Nancy’s district and participated in the special elections that got her in congress in the first place. (I was a mere slip of a girl then.)

    I know she’s old school machine tough and never forgets. (I sure as shit underestimated her early on.) But I think she’s sending her legacy up in smoke.

    It’s time to let the next generation take over, Nancy.

  25. Kateee says:

    I wish Nancy Pelosi would shut up and go away, for sure, and she is arrogant as hell. It just isn’t the time for this. That said… she isn’t wrong? Biden farmed decades of on-the-ground relationship building to get him across the post in 2020. He wasn’t doing any visible campaigning in 2024. There wasn’t any kind of messaging except “We aren’t Trump.” Biden thought he could let the work speak for itself. That strategy might have worked in yesteryear, with an informed electorate, but it was not right for this moment in our history. And they refused to pivot (whether it was arrogance or simply the realities of the physical limitations of an elderly candidate) until after he did so poorly at the debate, and by then it was too late. People were terrified Donald would win. I don’t know how you all felt, but for me, the Doom had absolutely set in.

    If Kamala Harris is using the same political operation, you would never suspect it because her campaign is immaculate. She is visible, the message is clear and engaging without becoming doom-and-gloom, there is genuine enthusiasm for her candidacy. Perhaps it was an issue with the operation’s leadership: Joe was fine to be more passive, Kamala knows better. Dunno. Just ready to vote for my first lady president.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Doom set in because the press said it was doom and now the press is ignoring how bad Trump was yesterday in his press conference and yelling that Kamala hasn’t talked to them and what is she hiding. As soon as others like you and freaking Pelosi realize it would not have mattered if Biden was flawless in that debate it would be better for all concerned.

      And here’s the second ugly secret. They didn’t want Biden because Harris would have run in 2028 and they wanted her out of the way. They had no choice but to back her after the grassroots went with her hard. There are still donors who said the Dems can take their money now, but refuse to provide additional donations because their white man dream team got taken down by Biden.

    • Truthiness says:

      Kamala picked up a lot of Obama people to add to the staff she inherited from Joe. It’s not just Biden people. She did it before choosing Walz. I was a bit relieved that they added people who are very used to serving a black president.

  26. Is that so? says:

    “I never called one person” but I spoke with everyone. #cleanhandBrutus

    Love Biden’s political jiu-jitsu by giving his full throated Endorsement to future President, Kalama Harris

  27. paintergal says:

    News flash. Pelosi has always been like this.

  28. Lemons says:

    Nancy, ma’am…So many things have happened on your watch that at this point, I could care less what you have and have not been impressed by.

    Your biggest opponent is a literal a–l fissure and the Dems have just figured out how to effectively take the wind out of his sails in the last 100 days of the election cycle. You have no legs to stand on! So please take several seats!