Jennifer Lopez’s inner circle never liked ‘triple-A a–hole’ Ben Affleck

A few months ago, we heard an interesting story which I believed at the time and still believe now. Apparently, Leah Remini, one of Jennifer Lopez’s oldest friends and closest friends, was never a fan of Ben Affleck. Leah is Leah – of course she’s going to speak her mind, and she told Jennifer Lopez that Ben is an a–hole who would break her heart again. Instead of taking that advice to heart, J.Lo cut off Leah and married Ben (and Leah wasn’t invited to the wedding). Crash cut to this year, J.Lo and Leah are friendly again after Leah was like “I told you so” and J.Lo was like “give me a break, Leah, I get it now.” Apparently, there were a lot of people in J.Lo’s inner circle who felt the same way as Leah too. People like Benny Medina, Jennifer’s long-time manager, advisor and Svengali.

Ben Affleck was never a favorite within Jennifer Lopez’s trusted inner circle — but they went along with the relationship anyway — including the “Argo” star’s once-most vocal critic, Benny Medina. Lopez’s longtime manager’s disdain for Affleck dates back to the star couple’s failed engagement in the aughts, we hear.

“The two of them can’t stand each other. They don’t get along and there’s still bad blood,” a source told Page Six.

Medina was instrumental in making Lopez — who famously began her career as a dancer on ’90s sketch show “In Living Color” — an A-list global superstar. But she parted ways with him in 2003. Sources told us Affleck was a factor in that decision at the time. Lopez then rehired Medina a few years after she and Affleck called off their engagement in 2004, and the showbiz whiz has been one of her most trusted confidantes ever since. However, he’s apparently been mum on Bennifer 2.0. Another source told us that this time around, Medina “kept his mouth shut” about their rekindled romance and marriage.

“His attitude was, ‘I’m gonna say nothing.’ [There] was no, ‘Good for you,’ but also, [he] wasn’t negative,” the source claimed. “He knows her and he knew she was going to marry him no matter what, so what’s the point?” the source told us.

Bennifer 2.0 did, however, fracture Lopez’s friendship with longtime bestie Leah Remini, whom she met via her ex-husband Marc Anthony. A source previously told us that Remini encouraged Lopez to think about the reason they broke up in the first place before she jumped back on the love boat with the “Gone Girl” star.

“Because he is selfish and not fully committed as a partner. J.Lo was so mad she cut off all ties,” they claimed. (Lopez did not invite Remini to the wedding). The two reconnected this year, with Remini offering support amid Lopez and Affleck’s alleged marital woes according to the source.

“No one, except [Lopez’s] mother, likes Ben Affleck. He’s a triple-A a–hole,” the second source said.

The insider pointed to the couple’s current situation. Sources recently told us “The Town” star has been holding off filing for divorce from Lopez so as to not humiliate her further, but it’s too little too late. “She’s furious. He has humiliated her. He was the one who initiated getting back together,” a source previously told us. Our second source added, “This was definitely not on her bingo card. She would’ve scratched someone’s eyes out if they told her [they’re] splitting up less than two years in.”

[From Page Six]

I seem to remember some vintage gossip that Marc Anthony didn’t like Medina either, but that was mostly about Marc wanting to “manage” Jennifer’s career himself. Those were some really dark years for Jennifer professionally, and when she got back with Medina, he spent years getting her career back on track. I also wonder if Medina was skeptical of Jennifer’s involvement with Ben’s Artists Equity. As in, Medina probably didn’t like or appreciate that Ben was getting more involved in Jennifer’s career. Anyway… yeah, I absolutely believe that Jen’s inner circle despises Ben, especially nowadays.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, Instagram.

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51 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez’s inner circle never liked ‘triple-A a–hole’ Ben Affleck”

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  1. Tessa says:

    I think ben was more a rebound after a rod. Jen probably thought of the the relationship with ben too unrealistically and did not think of the negatives about the relationship.

  2. Sarah says:

    I mean I don’t think Ben is great but from what I’ve heard from anyone and everyone who’s had to deal with J Lo she is a monster. So thinking these are two toxic people.

    • Tessa says:

      Ben after his relationships with younger women after his divorce from garner may have idealized his prior relationship with j lo and maybe thought it would work out. They both rushed getting back together.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      They are both people with toxic behaviours who rushed into a marriage with unrealistic expectations of each other – I think they both saw an opportunity to recapture the past and it didn’t work out.

    • Mel says:

      This, I don’t know why folks are so determined to make him the Devil and her some kind of saint when it’s obvious that they are BOTH problematic AF.

  3. Oakley says:

    I think Benny Medina is the last one to complain about his downfall back in 2003. He was caught stealing money from JLo and that was reported by the New York Times:
    That’s why JLo let him go in the first place. He should feel grateful that he wasn’t arrested, charged and sent to prison.
    I was actually surprised that JLo later called him back. But then again JLo is all about money. Medina was the only one who can help to hustle her career back after she was married to Marc Anthony. I remember she had a few lull years in her career post 2004 until she was made a judge in American Idol.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      She said at some point that her lull years were the result of being a single mum. I’m sure that was a factor, but Sceletor also wanted to direct her career more towards music instead of movies and South America more than North. I remember her putting out more Spanish language music at the time.

      • Oakley says:

        If she meant single mum years, she was talking about post Marc Anthony, I don’ t think her career was in lull any more. She picked up her music career again by working with Pit Bull. They released the hit single Dance Again (?) in 2012 where she met Casper Smart. She then made her movie career come back with that stalker thriller in 2014. Afterwards, she did a few year stint in a police procedural before making Hustler in 2019, in between the years, she completed a successful Las Vegas residency. And in the near 10 years between 2010 and 2020, she has been playing a seductress for Affleck by releasing songs about him, sometimes playing nostalgic and manipulating guilty in single Papi and album AKA, later playing the scorned lover in I ain’t your mama, Medicine, and In The Morning.

  4. Denise says:

    To all the people calling J Lo toxic, drama queen and selfish, Ben had a wife that was opposite. Jen Garner was the epitome of a caring, selfless wife who feeds homeless and is very wholesome. She didn’t work out for Ben either. She was the ashes out of which his Phoenix has risen.
    Nothing makes that man happy. Not a wholesome white wife, nor a successful producer, nor fiery Latinas. Wasn’t he with Gwenyth as well? That didn’t work out either. A whole array of different women and it’s never him that’s the problem?

    He lovebombs his women and they fall for it. After that he’s out. He paints them all as demanding, drama queens, unreasonable and he’s a poor, easy going man that’s only happy in the company of his friend Matt.
    When will he take responsibility?

    • LoryD75 says:

      That’s the image that Jennnifer Garner portrays now, but she divorced her first husband Scott Foley after having an affair with co-star Michael Vartan. Then fast forward to her all of a sudden eloping with Ben Affleck and being four months pregnant before Vartan knew what was happening.
      I’m not a Jenn hater nor a Ben defender. These are all just messy people who have made bad decisions. They ALL use the media to cultivate a persona; some are just better at it than others.

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        I think the lesson here is these people should all stop dating people they meet at work. Messy. And that Matt Damon is Ben’s real soul mate.

      • Lens says:

        I agree Jen was very messy in her early Alias fame years (there was all kinds of gossip at the time about her and affleck’ during the daredevil shoot then the Electra shoot) but the difference is (according to people that know her or have run across her) she seemed to mature out of all that after her kids, who became, from all information I’ve seen, her priority. Ben and jlo in the other hand are still messy going from rebound relationship to rebound relationship. I think she saw Ben as a reputation savior after her humiliation with ARod’s cheating and the whole world seemed to be in love with their love and that was a huge ego boost to both and they basked in it. Snd rubbed their exes nose in it.

      • Anonymous says:

        People seem to forget how messy Jen Gardner was. I stopped watching Alias cause their relationship ruined the show.

      • Sigmund says:

        I mean, the Scott Foley stuff was what, 24 years ago? And her oldest kid with Ben is 18. So, if the worst mistakes she made were 20 years ago, that’s pretty good.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      FTLOG even Scott Foley said this mess about Garner cheating on him wasn’t true. And if you are harping on something she did 20 plus years ago and acting like she hasn’t changed that’s on you.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        Didn’t Foley admit he didn’t handle her rise in fame as well as he should have? As for Vartan, I loved them together, but it wasn’t meant to be. She got lovebombed by Ben and that was all she wrote.

      • LoryD75 says:

        I’m not harping. I’m saying is that they each work hard at cultivating their public personas, Garner included. During her divorce from Ben, she loved a good pap walk at the farmer’s market. Ben’s convos with her lately in public have pap walk written all over them. She is complicit in how he presents himself to the public and loves being presented as the good girl to JLo’s bad girl.

      • Jaded says:

        @LoryD75 — no she didn’t orchestrate the pap walks. She was going through an ugly, contentious separation and divorce, Ben was bottoming out on alcohol, gambling and infidelity, so of course she was being hounded by paps 24/7. So what if she went to a farmer’s market? So what if she went to church? She wasn’t out flashing some new arm candy guy or hitting the clubs and bars. She was trying to live as normal a life as possible for her kids and it worked. As a result her kids seem well-adjusted and happy, and Jen deserves all the kudos for that, not some sneering insults without a shred of merit.

  5. Blue says:

    Affleck should have stuck with the things he had reservations about initially; maybe if Jennifer Lopez didn’t need to live every moment so publicly, they’d be somewhere else. (I think they would have ended up here but maybe they could have lasted longer.) A. Rod really matched her a lot.

    I watched some of the Greatest Love Story doc the other night and Benny Medina comes off sort of bland whereas Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, Lopez’s agent, is more thoughtful and substantive in her comments about Lopez and her career. I’m not impressed with him — I think he nurtured some of Lopez’s worst instincts to his own gain. She’d tried to work with other agents in the past and they’d said they couldn’t work with him.

    I did, in the end, understand why she wanted to do that documentary in her mind, just not the way to go about it.

  6. Kokiri says:

    The more these 2 play to the media about who is to blame, the more I respect how Gwen & Chris did it.

    Again, while these 2 are briefing against each other about who is to blame, have neither thought what it’s like for the kids to read all this?

    Team kids.

  7. Cheshire Sass says:

    Imminent divorce may not have been on JLo’s BINGO card but it was sure on everyone else’s. Star crossed lovers who are the definition of love is blind.

    • MsIam says:

      Hard agree with this. I think those two are the only ones who didn’t see this train wreck coming.

      • Anna Nonymous says:

        Same! They looked ridiculous for falling in to a serious relationship and marriage with an ex. An ex is usually one for a reason. Not that people don’t decide to try again. I side eyed the lack of long term time spent together in the past or present. It takes years to really get to know your Spouse. Such as what are they like under stress? It looked all very performative. Which fits with her pattern.

  8. Car says:

    I don’t feel that Ben was a re- bound after Arod. Ben was the ” one that got away”.
    I believe she suffered real heartbreak after they broke up the first time. I believe she is experiencing real heartbreak now. I believe that JL really thought ( at first) they were going to reconcile. Now that she knows they are done, sadness has been replaced by anger. They seemed to have blended their families well & I think that is what made her hope that they could repair their marriage..

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree- I think J Lo is devastated and I don’t blame her. People don’t seem to be taking into account the real power differential that exists between the person who got dumped vs the person who did the dumping. She clearly never got over him leaving her at the altar, but she had never indicated that she wanted to get back together with him or even talked about him.

      HE was the one who pursued her, HE was the one who did that magazine interview where he talked about how amazing she was (when she was still with A Rod). HE was the one who proposed to her. She may have idealized him, but let’s be real – most likely HE assured her that things/he would be different. Remember, they dated for about a year before he proposed – we all saw the pap shots- I don’t buy that JLo changed SO much after they married.

      So yeah, him pulling the plug after such a short amount of time – over things that were known well before he proposed – with someone who he knew was coming into the relationship emotionally vulnerable (ARod had publicly cheated on her for chrissakes!)…He’s a 50-something man with daughters – he ‘s an asshole.

      • Jules1967 says:

        100% agree. As well as Ben being the pursuer in the reboot of the relationship, he would sign all his emails to her with Not Going Anywhere. Apparently it’s also engraved inside her engagement ring. Of course she’s devastated because not only did he go some where , he did it in record time .

        They really should’ve had serious conversations about how much they would share about their lives with the public prior to getting married. It seems like Ben went along with it but just couldn’t tolerate it any longer and pulled the plug. Just like the first time : 100% jerk. He should’ve left her alone. What he’s done is exceptionally cruel. JLo is not perfect but she didn’t deserve this.

  9. Amberil says:

    I mean i wouldn’t like a man who left my friend at the altar and badmouthed her for years. I’m totally team Ben is an asshole for the way he’s handling this break up but Jlo’s entourage should be the last talk they’re known to be terrible and they have a huge responsibilities in the terrible reputation she has. Also they depend financially of Jen and practically live with her and Ben clearly wasn’t having any of that

  10. Ameerah M says:

    J.Lo’s inner circle ain’t all that great either – specifically Benny. The man has been accused of SA.

    • Mil says:

      So was Ben’s brother. And so was Ben himself. In a parallel universe, they would be bffs.
      Everyone sux here but Lopez the least. Garner is messy, ask Regina King. These people have skeletons, but JLo’s are out in the open.
      Goop was right about him. She is entitled brat, but she knows Hollywood.

  11. Eurydice says:

    I don’t know – to me Ben is so ordinary, such a basic a-hole, that I can’t see how he can be the love that got away for one of the biggest drama divas on the planet. She’s supposed to be a global superstar, an entrepreneur, a savvy businesswoman, she’s 55 years old, for heaven’s sake – hasn’t she learned anything from a life littered with failed relationships? If the two of them didn’t have pots of money the whole thing would be so D-list.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      +1 on ordinary basic asshole.

    • Libra says:

      She is all those things you mentioned, eurydice ,in addition, I believe she is a starry eyed romantic at heart, somewhat naively believing in the fairytale love story. Love bombing someone like this is like catnip; she just can’t resist the promise of being adored and wanted. Never mind the warnings, she follows her heart and tells her head to take a hike.

      • Aurora says:

        Everybody is giving JLo a hard time for being a romantic when it comes to relationships. I think it would be sad becoming so jaded that you can’t appreciate and enjoy tokens of affection.
        Problem I see is that she allows for that exhilaration to take over, even as part of her brand. Maybe bc she’s always engulfed in work, she couldn’t manage a larger gap between personal/ proffessional, or even contemplate her SO more realistically.
        In Ben’s particular case, her gut was obviously telling her that he wouldn’t be there for the long run. As proven by the ‘not going anywhere’ thing. Instead of taking a step back and date casually, or just dump his 4ss… She agreed to marry him (some say she actually pushed for it), and plannned most of her work schedule for the next couple of yrs around him. She virtually created a hostage situation where he’d be entangled to her bc of common projects.
        Ppl who call Ben a triple arse can’t be wrong. But if they’re not good friends like Leah or Fonda, but those who reportedly swarm her house 24/7 and amongst other yesman behaviour encouraged her to produce and put out her ridiculous movie… I don’t see how they’d be equipped to rightfully judge on Jen’s choices.

      • Eurydice says:

        After 4 marriages and 5 public romances, “starry-eyed romantic” starts to look like “blindfolded delusional.”

  12. UpIn Toronto says:

    I think they all are a-holes!

  13. Lindsay says:

    Ben love bombed her and did all of the actions she loves-the over the top courting, loved up pap shots, engagement ring/wedding demonstrations, the creation of co-producing money making projects and life long promises of forever and ever love and devotion.
    But we all but heard his screeching breaks.
    They are both wealthy, flawed attention seeking Hollywood players that we plebes are entertained by.
    They’ve also each harmed their children with their globe galavanting sexcaspades.
    But she was in it to win it, and he is simply a statistic as the time frame for love drunk is about 18-24 months.

  14. Mcmmom says:

    If I remember correctly, Leah claimed she didn’t go to the wedding because she was dropping her daughter off at college. So, that means she told JLo he was a mistake, JLo got mad and cut her off, Leah handled that with utmost discretion and is back to support her now that the inevitable did indeed occur? That’s a good friend – Leah is worth a thousand Bens

    • Lauren says:

      Yes, Leah did not support the Ben/Jlo reunion and stepped back from her friendship with JLo. Once it was clear that the relationship was over back in June, Leah was there to support her.

      JLO’s relationship with Leah seems to be the healthiest relationship ever had. Leah appears to not be afraid to call JLo out on her BS or tell her when she is doing too much. Leah has her own life, family, and career, so she is not reliant on JLo like her other entourage. JLO should find out why her relationship with Leah works and apply that to a romantic relationship

      • Golly Gee says:

        Leah is so strong. On top of everything else that she has going on in her life, she’s constantly being harassed by ScientoIogy and is in an ongoing court battle with them, but she has a big heart and depths of strength to support her friend.

  15. Amberil says:

    A good friend to go straight to the medias to do a “I told you so” while her friend is already publicly embarrassed

    • Golly Gee says:

      Was she actually quoted or was it a “source”? Leah has a lot of integrity. Don’t believe everything you read.

  16. LOLikes says:

    Is there any truth to Affleck divorcing JLo because of s_x tapes of JLo and Diddy being sent to Affleck and he was appalled. I’m asking because I heard this but is there any weight to it?

    • BarbieDoll says:

      @LOLikes: A Big Fat “YES” + 100000000000000000000%

    • Lindsay says:


    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Oh FFS! A-hole men! A dime-a-dozen. 🙄🥱

      If BA truly cared about JLo, instead of only selfishly caring about himself and being a Triple-A a’hole to boot, such a mistake by JLo in her youth, being taken full advantage of by another freakin’ selfish a’hole, would not be the major reason for a break-up. But it is a convenient excuse when you don’t actually care for your SO, and you are an a’hole user yourself!

      Let’s be real. It’s not like JLo was found cheating on BA because he was shown sex tapes involving a horrible ex from her past! OTOH, BA purposely cheated on JLo in the past. Plus, he ain’t faithful to her in his heart anyway. I hope for JLo that she will devote time and money to getting herself psychological counseling to work on resolving her ‘need-a-man all-the-time every time’ syndrome. If she can repair this neediness and feel sufficient unto herself first and foremost, maybe then she might be able to meet someone who truly cares about her for herself, and no other selfish a’hole reason, without pressing herself.

  17. LOLikes says:

    @Barbiedoll Thanks for your quick response. I always knew her relationship with Diddy would come back and bite her in the a$$. Wow I feel kind of bad for her 🙁

    • Jaded says:

      When the Diddy/Puffy/Sean/A-hole sex-trafficking stuff first came out I thought geez, I wonder how this is going to affect JLo’s reputation…looks like it has.

  18. East Villager says:

    What will be very interesting is when their upcoming movie, “Unstoppable” comes out next month. Ben’s a producer, J. Lo’s a star, and it’s rumored to be very, very good – Oscar-worthy. They’re going to have no choice but to deal with each other then!

    • Lens says:

      As just the producer he doesn’t have do on camera publicity. That’s for the director and stars. He is a producer of the new instigators Apple TV movie by Matt and casey and I haven’t seen him do publicity on that or even seen him go to the premieres.

  19. Izzy says:

    So she dumps her brilliant business manager and then her best friend, for a guy with a terrible track record in relationships. What a pick-me girl.