Princess Mette-Marit’s 27-year-old son Marius Borg was arrested for assault

Norway’s Crown Prince Haakon married Mette-Marit when she was a single mother to son Marius Borg Høiby. Marius’s father is a convicted felon (drug charges) and the father and Mette-Marit were never married. The whole thing was controversial at the time, but Mette-Marit was welcomed into Norway’s royal family despite her “lowly” status. Prince Haakon helped raise Marius. Haakon and Mette-Marit welcomed two children, who are in the line of succession. Marius is currently 27 years old and he’s sort of a wannabe celebrity in Norway, appearing on reality shows and getting nepo-jobs, all while his mother claims that he wants a private life. Well, five days ago, Marius was arrested for assaulting a woman.

The eldest son of Norway’s Crown Princess Mette-Marit is under suspicion for causing bodily harm and criminal damage, Oslo police said Wednesday. Marius Borg Høiby is the stepson of the heir to the Norwegian throne, Crown Prince Haakon, and is the son of Mette-Marit from a previous relationship. He has no royal title or official duties.

On Sunday, officers responded to a disturbance in downtown Oslo and a man in his 20s was briefly detained. Police have confirmed it was Borg Høiby, 27, who faces preliminary charges of bodily harm and criminal damage, one stage short of formal charges, and was released.

Details were unclear but police said there was “a relationship between the suspect and the victim.” In a statement, officers said they “currently do not have information that the victim has suffered serious injuries.”

The case was top news in Norway where the royals are popular. Norwegian news agency NTB said that Mette-Marit had postponed a planned trip to attend the Olympic Games in Paris while her husband Haakon traveled to the French capital. The reason for the postponement was not given.

[From The AP]

According to People Mag, Marius was actually held in custody for 30 hours. I have no idea if that’s normal in Norway, but I like that – if you’ve been arrested for domestic violence, you should be in custody for longer than a day while the situation is investigated and statements taken. People Mag also said that the victim was treated in the hospital for a concussion. Mette-Marit has seemingly canceled her planned trip to Paris for the Olympics, but Prince Haakon is already in Paris, and he spoke to media outlets about his stepson:

On Aug. 6, Crown Prince Haakon, 51, addressed the Norwegian press for the first time following Marius’ reported arrest in Oslo over the weekend, allegedly connected to an incident involving a woman in her 20s. Marius, 27, is Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s son from a previous relationship before she married Crown Prince Haakon in 2001.

“It is a serious matter when the police are involved in the way they are, but at the same time, it is not right for me to go into the details of the case,” Crown Prince Haakon told reporters, according to the Daily Express. The royal was in Paris for the Summer Olympics, and he added that Crown Princess Mette-Marit, 50, stayed home despite being originally scheduled to join him in France.

“In our family, as in all families, it is sometimes important to be there. This time it was me who went while she stayed at home,” Crown Prince Haakon said, according to the outlet. Crown Prince Haakon continued with the trip to the Olympic Games without his wife, first stepping out at the sporting competition on Aug. 6, where he watched an equestrian final and sat with Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Alexandra of Hanover at another event.

[From People]

I mean… he’s 27 years old. It’s not like they can send him off to some military academy or make this go away because he’s a minor. Let him tangle with the law. Let him go to prison, it sounds like that’s where he belongs. I’m already seeing stories online, on various discussion boards, that there have been a lot of rumors about Marius and his behavior before all of this. Allegedly, he has a reputation as a careless and violent little sh-t who loves drinking, drugs, fast cars and hurting women.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images and Instagram.

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15 Responses to “Princess Mette-Marit’s 27-year-old son Marius Borg was arrested for assault”

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  1. Kokiri says:

    I don’t know anything about the Norwegian legal system. I do know this isn’t the first time he’s done this, it’s just the first time he’s been caught & arrested.

    I hope for peace of mind for his victim(s).

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    This reeks of a spoiled brat who was never given any boundaries as a child who has grown up to be a violent narcissist who is cashing in on his royal connections to live a life that he feels entitled to – who does it remind you of?

    Admittedly I don’t know much about the Norwegian royal family but there has been rumours of her own bad behaviour and that she’s always wanted a ‘royal’ role for her first born. If children show bad/toxic behaviours it’s often because they are seeing that behaviour at home, usually from a parent. He’s learned that behaviour from someone.

    • Tina says:

      Norwegian here. That is not my impression. The kid may be a dick, but the parents have always been very protective and kept the kids out of the public ete as much as possible. I have never heard rumors about her waiting a royal role for him, only the opposite.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Thanks for clarifying – as I said there were rumours that I had read about but even thou they protected the children from the public eye, we don’t know what went on behind closed doors where he’s seen that behaviour and emulated it. Maybe it comes from his father or his peers but it hasn’t been checked – hopefully this serves as a wake up call for him to get professional help.

      • Megan says:

        @Digital Unicorn The man is 27 years old and clearly has anger management issues that may be fueled by drugs or alcohol. Let’s not assume his step father beat his mother because the offspring is an asshole.

    • Chloe says:

      Digital Unicorn: he’s 27 years old. Hardly a child. And idk if his father is out of jail but i get the impression he mostly grew up with his mother and stepfather. They don’t seem like an aggressive bunch. My guess is that he probably keeps the wrong company with fellow rich kids that have absolutely no idea where they want to go in life.

    • Couch Potato says:

      Another Norwegian! Not even Magnus’ younger brother, prince Sverre, is expected to have a royal role. They’re both expected to live “normal” lives. The CP couple are not known to be agressive, more dorky and follow up their children closely. As @Chloe mentioned he’s probably keeping the wrong company. The CP family live in an area with quite a few rich (and some far from rich) people, where keeping the facade is very important. Many are nice people, but there’s quite a few, especially younger men, who think they’re demi gods. Alcohol, drugs and partying are common in that group.

    • Gah says:

      At some point we will stop pathologizing parents (and in this case mom) for the bad behavior of their offspring.

      Having been in the mental health field for a long time I’m pretty much 80% nature and 20% nurture. This is based on seeing long term outcomes of early adoptions into amazing homes. Kids come out how they come out. It’s both arrogant and reductive to assume behavioral modeling has such a massive impact. It doesn’t if the kid is wired for addiction and sociopathy.

      This immediate assumption that there’s something wrong in the family is gross and misogynistic.

  3. Em says:

    Another monarchy would have covered it up

    • bisynaptic says:

      Glad to see they’re not.

    • Couch Potato says:

      That would be the start of the end of the monarchy. Norwegians can accept a lot, but not that kind of cover up.

    • Murphy says:

      No they wouldn’t. This guy is not an heir, the British royals would let a guy like this be their ultimate scapegoat every chance they got.

  4. one of the marys says:

    If his mother hopes for a course correction perhaps she should let him face some consequences. However at 27 is it too late?

    • Couch Potato says:

      He’ll very likely get consequences. If his rumored drug us is correct, he might get to serve his time in a rehab facility.

  5. Marina Karina says:

    Jails in Norway are better than Club Fed.
    Maybe the parents need to cut off his allowance and give him the option of therapy and school, or “you’re on your own” now.
    If you can’t afford to hang out with the rich & naughty…