Royalist: Duchess Meghan’s ARO launch is being managed by Netflix

In April, the Duchess of Sussex “soft-launched” her American Riviera Orchard brand by sending jam-baskets to her high-profile friends, friends who then showed off their baskets full of lemons and homemade strawberry jam on social media. Thus began the Great Jam War of 2024, with the British monarchy even trying to ride on Meghan’s jam-covered coattails. The last time we even saw an ARO jam bottle was back in June, when Meghan sent Nacho Figueras some jam and homemade dog biscuits. The timing of Nacho’s basket – just before Trooping the Colour – caused the Princess of Wales’s friends to throw a huge f–king tantrum, because Meghan’s jam stole Kate’s thunder. Still, there has been no move to actually launch ARO or allow anyone to actually purchase ARO products. We’ve been dying to buy jam, especially if the jam has special monarchy-destroying properties. Alas, ARO’s hard launch is now being tied to the debut of Meghan’s Netflix show, and according to the Daily Beast, Netflix has basically taken over ARO:

No ARO jams for a while: Assumptions easily made back then, including that Meghan Markle’s jam would soon be available to buy, have long since fizzled out. And now, sources in the entertainment world in Hollywood have told The Daily Beast that the date of the entire launch of American Riviera Orchard, when her jam and other products are expected to start being sold online and shipped to stores, is contingent on when Netflix screen her new cooking and homemaking show.

Netflix is taking over: A report in the Daily Mail Thursday said that the brand and TV show may not be launched until May next year, adding that Meghan has been ordered to correct “irregularities” in her applications made to the U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office. The report also claimed that Netflix have now taken over “all executive roles” at the brand and are “delivering deals with wholesalers, designers, growers and retailers.”

Netflix’s schedule: One source, a senior entertainment executive, told The Daily Beast: “Everyone has to abide by Netflix’s schedule these days. They are by far the biggest player in town.” The source added there was “literally no point in Meghan doing anything” until Netflix were ready to act.

Royalist contacted branding experts to chime in: New York-based branding expert Norah Lawlor told The Daily Beast: “From a strategic and branding perspective, if you suggest you are going to launch something but then four months later nothing has happened, the world moves on. Fortunately for them there has been so much going on in the world in the last four months that they could probably relaunch it and no one would really notice. The bigger question is whether they have a real team on it, and whether that team has been able to negotiate the retail channel partnerships to get this into stores. Meghan was in the Hamptons recently at a women in business summit; you have to wonder whether she was actually getting business advice, or if she was more concerned with projecting an image of a smart and savvy businesswoman. American Riviera Orchard poses similar questions: Is it really going to be a business, or is it an image-driven add on, designed primarily just to project an image of a serious businesswoman?”

Another branding expert speaks: Warren Johnson, a veteran PR and marketing consultant who has worked with global consumer brands including Unilever, Sony, Disney, Adidas, Tinder and Nobu, and is the eponymous boss of W Communications, told The Daily Beast that Meghan and her team could actually be playing a very smart game by being patient with the launch. “If you are going to produce a product, be that jam or anything else, you want to try and establish demand as forensically as possible before you produce a damn thing,” Johnson said. “It’s a whole lot easier to accelerate your retail listing if you go and see the buyer at Whole Foods and say, ‘We’ve got a million Instagram follows.’ You’ve got an established audience. To allow some anticipation to build is not a strategy I would disagree with, especially as it has enabled her to test her credibility, and see if she gets laughed out of town as a jam maker before risking a penny. Personally, I’m not sure the world needs more jams, but maybe I’m wrong.”

[From The Daily Beast]

There’s an attempt, by Royalist, to paint Meghan as lazy or lacking in follow-through. I don’t think that’s the story. The story is that Meghan can get attention any time she wants and that whenever she hard-launches ARO, the headlines and free media will be there. Now, I absolutely believe that much of this is being dictated by Netflix. My guess is that Netflix is trying to recreate what HGTV/Food Network has done with many of their stars, which is build a food/lifestyle empire around a popular cooking/home reno show. Think about the kind of empire-building of Chip and Joanna Gaines, or Rachel Ray or Bobby Flay or Martha Stewart. Netflix sees dollar signs with Meghan and they want a big piece of her brand.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red, Backgrid and Cover Images.

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35 Responses to “Royalist: Duchess Meghan’s ARO launch is being managed by Netflix”

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  1. Nanea says:

    I had no idea Netflix is a management company now!

    The things I learn from those absolutely bored reporters that are royal-adjacent and have nothing else to write about.

    While I believe in a tie-in, I doubt Netflix — as a content production and distribution company — will oversee the roll-out, as I’m sure Meghan has business contacts who are much more qualified in managing a lifestyle brand/business that may include food, which requires safety procedures, packaging etc.

    Let’s wait for the trifecta of Fail, Scum, Torygraph to chime in!

    • Wow the stupidity continues with that bunch. She runs her own stuff period. Now if this was one of the lazy leftovers yes they don’t do their own stuff because they are lazy and it would cut into their doing nothing time.

    • the Robinsons says:

      Meghan, has more professional acumen and work ethic, in the tip of her pinky finger, than the British rags and the left behind royals combined.

    • the Robinsons says:

      That’s telling them! Give it to ’em.
      They think everyone is stupid, and will gobble up their lies.
      Well, not all Americans are DJT Maga sleepwalkers. Nor are all UK citizens Brexiteers.

    • Honey says:

      I think your comment is spot on, Nanea. I can’t imagine Netflix is managing a luxury home goods brand — a content tie-in and well-promoted lifestyle show is much more likely.

    • GoodWitchGlenda says:

      I don’t think Netflix will oversee the roll out, but it makes sense that the roll out is waiting on the show to premier, since the show can act as a commercial for the products.

  2. MsIam says:

    When the Daily Beast is citing the Daily Mail as a source, you know they got nothing. I don’t believe this. WME has a whole division that works to launch start ups, I’m sure they have more input into ARO than Netflix. It makes sense to launch the company and the show around the same time though, so I’m sure there is some coordination there.

    • Yvette says:

      @MsIam … I came here to say the same. There is no way Meghan would have a top-tier Management firm like WME and not have them involved in every aspect of ARO.

      I’m sure Netflix is handling all particulars of Meghan’s cooking show, but there is no way MWE isn’t handling everything else. Like Homey the Clown … Ari Emanuel don’t play that. 🙂

  3. Wagiman says:

    This is spending a lot of time claiming M doesn’t know what she’s doing in as many ways as possible. They are butt hurt. Cry harder, losers.

    • Julia says:

      A claim that would have more credibility if we didn’t know that Meghan was signed to a professional management agency. Pretty sure WME knows what they are doing. Also Meghan has already run a successful lifestyle blog, the Tig. It’s not like she’s just some royal who has never had a proper job. Tom Sykes is a washed up would be aristocratic who has to scrape a living writing ridiculous columns for the Daily Beast, what would he know about success?

      • Wagiman says:

        Exactly. Plus they’ve been essentially running multiple successful businesses since 2000.

        All this fixing her errors, wanting to be seen as successful etc. Of course she was networking in the Hamptons, that’s why everyone was there. And people wanted to network with her. She’s already successful. Their need to denigrate her is strong.

      • Wagiman says:

        * Ooops! Running successful businesses since 2020

    • aftershocks says:

      Exactly @Wagiman. We know that Royalist is just grasping at straws and whining with their toothless jab at Meghan, “Is ARO designed primarily just to project the image of a serious businesswoman.” 🙄 Not even worth debunking, as they are clearly thinking of Kate Middleton and her faux CEO-embiggening by the BM! 🤦‍♀️🥱

      What I hope is that these toothless naysayers will have their nonsense speculations upended once again with the successful launch of Meghan’s Netflix cooking show later this year or early next year rather than in May of next year.🤞🏽Preferably, the show will be ready this fall, and the ARO launch could conceivably happen in March, well after 2025 Invictus in Vancouver. ✨️ But, oh yeah, first we have the Colombia visit to look forward to! 🤌🏽

      • Wagiman says:

        Absolutely looking forward to Colombia! 🇨🇴. (I hope the flag is correct!)

        Cooking shows are often autumn /winter things so that makes more sense timing wise than almost summer..

      • aftershocks says:

        For sure @Wagiman! I can’t wait for Meghan’s Netflix cooking and lifestyle show.👏🏽 🍴✨️

        That is indeed the flag of Colombia! 🇨🇴

  4. Ameerah M says:

    Well if it’s a series on Netflix then it makes sense that the timeline for launching it would be up to Netflix.

  5. Jay says:

    Why mess with what works? Ina, Martha, Rachael, and Giada all used cooking series to launch their cookbooks and homegoods brands. I don’t know if the launch in the spring was intended to be followed by the series but got delayed, or what. History has shown us that Meghan will usually wait until something is perfect before sending it out to the world. While I am sure that Netflix is a factor, it could also be her decision.

    But I am fairly sure of two things: 1. Meghan’s fans will wait and 2. I can’t wait to see her in her own series! She is just luminous.

    • Jais says:

      Those two things are true! I’m patiently waiting and trying to save money😂. And I can’t wait to see the series. I’m not much of a cook but maybe I’ll give something a go after watching.

    • Giddy says:

      I can’t wait to see her series, and I want to buy the jam!

    • ariel says:

      Me chilling out in New Orleans- waiting like- TAKE MY MONEY ARO!!!! I am ready to buy something.

  6. Laalaa says:

    Everytime I see any ARO typing, I want to scream because I can not read these pretty font letters, too many curved lines!

    That said – I don’t get what the issue is. She is a powerhouse. She knows this. Netflix knows this. They need time to make everything happen, and when they launch, it will be a huge hit.

    • Lexistential says:

      I also think the ARO calligraphy font is too busy and and hard to read.

      BUT, I love Meghan’s silence and those tabloids have NOTHING on her plans. She’ll be ready to launch when she’s ready to launch. (Logo critique aside, I’m impatiently waiting to buy the jam too. Praying she makes a strawberry rhubarb.)

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t get it. One week it’s these series are make or break or Netflix is done with them. Next week it’s Netflix is controlling everything and in constant contact. I’ve realized that the Sussexes tend to have busy fall seasons going back as far as 2021 and the UN trip. So I expect the cooking and polo show to come out between October and November. I’m looking at it like a movie release. Announce the cast of the movie, few months later announce the teaser, few months after that do a trailer, few months after that movie comes out.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Didn’t the British press say that it was over between Harry and Meghan and Netflix? Now, they saying Netflix is doing the launch for Meghan’s business? Tell me you don’t know what’s going on without saying the words. Anyway, I doubt Meghan will be launching any food items in the first year of the business.

  9. B says:

    The olympics, Tory govt overthrow, labor now in charge, riots and domestic terrorism all happening simultaneously but for the UK media all roads still lead to Meghan. They still must discuss Meghan.

    • kirk says:

      Meanwhile Kitty is staying totally out of sight. The longer she stays gone, the more assured she is of receiving a standing ovation just for showing up in public for a few minutes. She doesn’t even have to say “Early Years” to get a standing ovation. Meanwhile Tom Sykes has got to keep up his end of the contract dissing Meghan so BRFCo will appear glorious by comparison. Tom Sykes knows zilch. The supposed “experts” he’s contacted also know zilch about Meghan’s plans. Can’t believe people actually $upport BRFCo. Even when they say they don’t care about “working” royals, they’re fine squandering the public fisc to make sure their lives are eeezay. That numskull Jerry Vine was talking about what Meghan was having for breakfast the other day, using historical footage of her and recreating her birthday breakfast for his show. Yet the Vine folks are all kid-glovey about Kitty & Klan.

  10. RRN says:

    I think ARO might be launched along with the netflix series. Just because the launch schedules have to be coordinated, that doesn’t mean Netflix is in control of the brand launch. It is a streamer, not a brand management company. WME is for Meghan to get deals, not a PR firm.

    “From a strategic and branding perspective, if you suggest you are going to launch something but then four months later nothing has happened, the world moves on.” Okay this bit is true. I understand her critics have it for Meghan, but a very small part of the criticism is valid. I also understand Meghan is in a tough spot. She isn’t allowed to fail, go through growing pains of launching a company or a brand, make errors, be imperfect – all of which is a part and parcel of the journey. The Instagram could have been launched when other things are in place. This pre-launch gave the media and the derangers enough shit to spew. Having said that, I also do not know how else she would’ve implemented this when she’s in a tough spot. Because whatever she does is wrong, apparently.

    • Magdalena says:

      But she didn’t “launch” anything. A space-saving Instagram was created and she sent some jam to her friends, which some of them opted to post on social media. That’s it. Everything else those tabloids have written has been craven speculation, They are hoping that she or someone in her orbit will contact them to respond to their lies, giving them more things to write about. And they’re pissed that she’s paying them dust.

  11. Reign says:

    For me the whole concept of Meghan being “ordered to correct irregularities” and how cannot run her brand is about the UK media playback.
    The need for her to be viewed as both a micromanaging control freak in their private lives and a peon of the Hollywood world is without friends or advocates is very interesting.
    In my opinion that is a mirror of her sister in law, a powerless woman shunted to the sidelines trying to take control of the narrative after her family accepted an agreed to terms and conditions separation.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    People who are paid by the word to fill a tabloid aren’t exactly known for their business acumen otherwise they wouldn’t be paid by the word. Maybe they should concentrate on negotiating a better contract for themselves instead of showing their ignorance for a few extra sentences.

  13. Yvette says:

    @Kaiser … I suspect you might have some damage with Jonathan and Drew Scott, The Property Brothers. 🙂 They have, however, built an empire worth $200 million. More than Chip and Joanna Gaines ‘and’ Bobby Flay, with a networth of $50 million and $60 million respectively.

    Granted, Rachael Ray and Martha Stewart are in a different class. Rachael has a networth of $100 million (as does Jonathan and Drew Scott, with an equal split of their empire) and Martha Stewart has a networth of $400 million.

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    Who launches a product line during the summer anyway?

    Unless it’s for sunscreen and bathing suits, that is.

  15. Tessa says:

    The derangers are going on about this once again.

  16. Chiclit says:

    I read somewhere that the first product might be rose wine. I would expect that to be launched in the spring, right? So May next year actually tracks…I would hope that tv show, podcast and products are all integrated and coordinated. But seriously would buy the wine right now.