Ben Affleck is doing well, ‘he thrives when he’s busy & he’s been working nonstop’

A lot of you guys have complicated opinions about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. Not only that, you guys seem to have a lot of theories about who is briefing what and why. Having been a gossip consumer for decades, I feel like this is one of the rare situations where we can just take stuff at face value and assume that the gossip is flowing steadily from Jennifer’s camp and Ben’s camp. If a report says that Ben is over it and Jennifer is mad about it, I believe it and it’s probably coming from both sides. If something seems like it’s obviously Ben’s perspective, then it probably came from his people, and vice versa with J.Lo. Two months ago, I would have said that there was more nuance and gossip gamesmanship, but now, as we can see clearly that the marriage is over and that Ben said sayonara, all of these reports and gossip items are coming from both sides. J.Lo is pissed and it’s spilling out. Ben is a selfish a–hole and he doesn’t care who knows. It is what it is. Well, People Mag has a piece on Ben’s perspective these days:

Ben Affleck is spending significant time working this summer, as rumors continue to swirl regarding his marriage to Jennifer Lopez.

A source tells PEOPLE that Affleck, 51, has not yet moved into the home in Los Angeles that he recently purchased and is still living in the rental home in Brentwood, Calif., where he was staying in May, when sources first said that he and Lopez, 55, were living separately.

“Ben’s doing well. He thrives when he’s busy and he’s been working nonstop,” the source says. “The kids are still off from school. He spends a lot of time with them, too.”

Affleck and Lopez’s marriage has been the subject of significant public scrutiny since May, though the pair put on a united front at his daughter Violet’s high school graduation that same month. The couple, who married in 2022, have spent much of the summer apart after Lopez canceled her tour and subsequently spent much of the past two months on vacation in Europe and in the Hamptons, New York. Lopez recently returned to L.A. and began searching for a new home after they listed the Beverly Hills mansion they purchased together in May 2023.

“It hasn’t been the easiest summer for him either,” the source adds. “He’s just trying to stay focused and make every day as good as possible.”

[From People]

“He thrives when he’s busy and he’s been working nonstop” – I remember back at the start of the year, when I thought Bennifer would be forever, I looked at Ben and J.Lo’s work schedules for this year and I was surprised by how they were both booked up like crazy. This was back when J.Lo thought she was going on tour as well (a tour which she canceled). All of which to say, Ben has been working a lot this year, and Jennifer was supposed to as well. He’s probably using work as an excuse for why he can’t engage with Jen or work through their bullsh-t. “It hasn’t been the easiest summer for him either” – my dude, you left her. I’m not surprised that Ben is trying to milk some sympathy for himself though. He’s done it before.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Backgrid.

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28 Responses to “Ben Affleck is doing well, ‘he thrives when he’s busy & he’s been working nonstop’”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    File the paperwork already 🙄

    • Lauren says:

      Yes, please because both of them are being ridiculous at this point.

    • yupyup says:

      Why? and let her get all the post filing good will and sympathy. He is playing the “you get the upper hand and headlines by filling Jlo” and its really ” YOU get the headlines!”

      I think Jlo is playing too but still hurt though. She shouldn’t have to take the hit on her own.

      • Karmaflower says:

        Divorce Chicken? Really? Are they both 12?

        One thing I learned in therapy is that throwing yourself into 24/7 work is an unhealthy coping strategy. It isn’t sustainable long term. The bigger thing I learned in therapy is that I only have control over me.

        So, best of luck to the parties involved, and the people in their immediate orbits (especially the kids).

  2. yupyup says:

    Let’s not pretend the world didn’t exhale when she cancelled her tour. I do think this is trying to trigger Jlo nothing like poking at a wounded leo that was emotionally neglected as a child like emotional neglecting and trying to make her feel rejected. I think this is about seeing in Jlo comes out swinging to look like the crazy one by reacting. Its been working so far with all the “she is pist ” and “she didn’t know he was buying a house” stories coming out. I wish she had stayed in town and not gone to Italy and all that stuff. It did not translate like a mature woman trying to work on her marriage. Ben you suck.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Cancelling the tour was a good call. Ben sucks yes. Anything coming out as Ben is over it and busy working so hard is a message to everyone that he isnt at home doing nothing, drinking, taking drugs and/or gambling. It’s also a shady-read-between-the-lines to Jlo/Jlo’s team that he doesnt have time for that sht. Oh boy, is that greatest love story never told is going to spin 180 degrees and I want to see how she’s gonna name her next album. This story would be gold for taylor swift.

  3. Sue says:

    Can anybody confirm if this is the longest roll out of a celebrity divorce that has ever happened? Because it feels like it.

    • yupyup says:

      Angie and Brad.

      • Erica says:

        Yup yup

        That is not what Sue is talking about. She is asking if this is the longest a celebrity couple has taken to file for divorce.

        As for what you are talking about, No Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are the longest to finalize their divorce

  4. Supersoft says:

    I can’t help it but I feel sorry for these two. Ben is not capable of being in a real relationship. Everything is just somehow on puberty level.
    And Jlo needs too much confirmation. At least that’s what it looks like.
    Maybe they will make it at round three being 80.

  5. Amberil says:

    Ben is selfish. For him as an addict it’s all about the chase then he gets bored. The fact that he didn’t even try to work things out after 2 years of marriage and a blinded family ? Jlo has all the right to be pissed

    • Agree says:

      Agree, how does he not even try to fix things after only two years? It seems crazy to me. Makes it seem like someone else is in the picture for him. His kids are all still hanging out with Jlo, so they really seem to like her. I hope they can all maintain a friendship in-spite of everything that happened.

  6. MoxieMox says:

    I’m actually glad there’s been a bit of a breather post-tour cancellation just because the momentum was feeling like a JLo pile on. Now it seems with a little distance people are recognizing that this is a two person problem, and Ben shares the blame.

    • DK says:

      Yep. IIRC, a few months ago his camp was spilling “JLo is a workaholic and that’s what ruined this relationship;” but now his camp is all “Ben thrives with work and has been working nonstop”?!

      Not only was it a JLo pile-on, it’s been gender- and race-coded as well, with a whole lot of sexism and racism in the anti-JLo undercurrents and double standards.

      I’m glad it’s becoming clear what a d-bag he is too

  7. Weniam says:

    Do you think their break up has something to do with one of her exes?

    • Flamingo says:

      Or rumorville his, a one Ana de Armas…. I wonder if he is telling her, he isn’t going anywhere also.

      • Amberil says:

        There are rumors about him and ana de armas ?

      • Eloise says:

        I saw that rumor also.. i hope for Ana’s sake it’s not true, although the timeline does match up… if it is true, Ben will get a lot of heat, and I doubt that relationship lasts.

      • Carolnr says:

        @ Flamingo
        I don’t believe it. In a People article (from April 2023), it said that Anna was dating ( a guy from Tinder). It said she broke up with Ben in 2021 because their relationship was ” complicated”
        Gwyneth, JG, & now Ana have all used that adjective now to describe Ben.
        Ana did not want to live in LA & Ben couldn’t & still can’t because of his children..

  8. Lindsay says:

    They have a movie to promote, so this is a significant issue.
    I stand by my earlier assessment he’s wanting her to file.
    I get they are both dysfunctional but she is the epitome of a woman scorned.

  9. Carolnr says:

    The ring game is dumb. Ben bought a house in his own name only that is clearly ” his taste.” None of us really know ( & may never know) what really happened in the marriage) JL has a movie our where Ben was a producer, so I think they are trying not to have a divorce announcement distract from the movie.
    Violet Affleck clearly is keeping in touch with JL ( before she goes to college) as she was seen wearing a dress JL wore (& was papped in) for a Valentine’s dinner
    with Ben..

  10. Chickadee says:

    I think they are just waiting for either the DNC or Labor Day Weekend to file. Yawn

    • Flamingo says:

      Perez Hilton was convinced they would file right before the 4th of July holiday. Honestly, I think Jennifer will file when she is ready. Regardless of the best timing. I get couching it around holidays to lessen media exposure. But she has to come to terms with the fact the marriage is in name only at this point. He isn’t coming back.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Now that it’s bad and they are clearly broken up and it’s no longer a secret why would she rush to file? They have a prenup, and they only got that 1 house to sell. Knowing that he is working on movies, she might not be filing so having this story linger on makes bad promo for his projects. Anyway, let things roll out of control.
      And why is he waiting for her to file, if that’s what he wants, he should do it himself. Dont blame her. Grow a backbone

      • Lauren says:

        JLO has a movie coming out and will be premiering at the film festival produced by Ben and the production company as well as another one. Going by your theory the bad promo will negatively affect come as well.

        Any movie Ben is going to be in is most likely coming out in 2025.

  11. Lili says:

    No sympathy for you Ben, she didn’t Lie, cheat ,steal your money. the thing is you weren’t worth her time since you couldnt step up, she’s a busy lady whom you pursued and love bombed

  12. Mel says:

    These two are so exhausting. Just stick a fork in this thing and let it be done.

  13. Baily says:

    This is the fault of both Jlo and Ben. They are grown adults. I honestly think a long separation is a good idea. No need to rush anything. Neither one of them needs to be looking to date other people obviously lol.