Politico: Tim Walz looks authentic & normal in flannel, camo & hunting gear

We’ve linked to coverage of Tim Walz’s camouflage-heavy aesthetic before, but I’m pleased to see that Politico recently devoted a guest column to it. Derek Guy (also known as the menswear guy on Twitter) wrote the piece right after the Harris-Walz camouflage baseball caps sold out within minutes. Basically, Guy’s argument is that Walz’s average-Joe style is a huge plus for the Harris-Walz campaign and, even more than that, it works because this is just who he is authentically. He’s a hunter, he’s a fisherman, he knows his way around an engine and he probably keeps jumper cables in his trunk. He is a midwest dad archetype. Some highlights from Politico:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ announcement of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate has introduced an unexpected issue into our high-stakes political discourse: casual wear. Walz’s progressive governing record and successful deployment of the term “weird” against Republican opponents were both factors in Harris’ decision. But so was his potential appeal to working class voters in the “Blue Wall” states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

That’s where Walz has a fashionable — or perhaps helpfully unfashionable — advantage: With his flannel-lined LL Bean barn coats, scuffed work boots and woodsy camo caps, Walz is one of the few male politicians who looks normal in the kind of unpretentious clothing many voters prefer to wear themselves.

Walz’s remarkably unremarkable look displays a rare talent that few of his contemporaries share. Despite America’s long trend of dressing down, male politicians looking to earn everyman cred via casual clothing often fumble.

At a Harris rally held just a few days after Walz popularized the now viral “weird” charge against Republicans during a Morning Joe interview last month, the governor showed up in a pair of Carhartt work pants, rugged work shoes and a camouflage cap decorated with the U.S. Special Forces crest (“De Oppresso Liber,” or “To Free the Oppressed”). While touring Dutch Creek Farms in Northfield, Minnesota, with President Joe Biden, he wore a tan canvas, corduroy-collared LL Bean barn coat with blue jeans and a ball cap that read “Minnesota Grown.” At Democratic Party retreats, he sports quarter-neck zip fleeces under what appears to be a buffalo-plaid Filson Mackinaw Cruiser, a classic among Midwestern hunters and outdoorsmen.

When the Harris campaign rolled out a video shortly after the VP announcement — showing Harris and Walz engaged in an obviously orchestrated phone call — Harris was shown wearing a navy suit while Walz was dressed in a black t-shirt, tan chinos, camo cap and white sneakers. The choice to put Walz in casual wear, and introduce woodsman camo campaign merch shortly after the announcement, suggests the Harris team is keenly aware of how clothing impacts the governor’s blue-collar brand.

But beyond branding, Walz’s avuncular outfits are visually successful because they are culturally coherent — teaming workwear with workwear, rather than mixing suit jackets with jeans, as DeSantis was wont to do. They also rely on classics from American heritage labels, such as LL Bean’s barn coat, Carhartt’s utility pants, Filson’s Mackinaw and Red Wing’s work boots. But most of all, they possess a quality that style writers have spent generations trying to dissect: authenticity. Walz grew up in small town Nebraska, where his high school graduating class included about 25 students. He earned his bachelor’s degree from a small public state college before going on to serve in the Army National Guard and then working at Mankato West High School, where he taught geography and coached football. His hunting get-ups don’t look contrived because he’s an actual hunter.

[From Politico]

Yes, that’s exactly why it works – it is authentic and it comes across that way too. Walz’s clothes are clean but well-worn, as if he’s had most of those pieces for years (if not decades). His hats always look like he picked them up from the back of his pickup truck. Even the choice for VP Harris to call Walz “coach” in her speeches reflects an awareness of what it is that Walz brings to the ticket. She’s not saying “Governor Walz” or even “Tim.” She’s calling him “Coach Walz” and there’s already campaign placards with a “coach” theme. She’s going to send him to Wisconsin and Michigan in full camo with a whistle, I swear to God.

Photos courtesy of Walz’s IG.

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62 Responses to “Politico: Tim Walz looks authentic & normal in flannel, camo & hunting gear”

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  1. seaflower says:

    I love Derek Guy (@dieworkwear on twitter). His take down of the Tate bros laughable alpha male style was perfection.
    He’s right about Walz – he’s the real deal outdoors man that Don Jr and RDS can only hope to be.

    • Roo says:

      You mean white go-go boots Desantis? 😂

      • lucy2 says:

        Anytime DeSantis is mentioned, I picture those sassy white boots.

      • seaflower says:

        Haha! yes.

      • bananapanda says:

        He did a really good analysis of DeSantis and Gaetz’s attempts to go less formal – basically don’t pair a suit jacket with chinos/jackets. You need a less formal material like cotton/linen with a softer shoulder for the jacket.

    • Al says:

      @seaflower I agree. Derek is the best. Love him on Twitter. He gives such valuable advice on tailoring, fit, form, function. Even though he focuses solely on men’s clothing (he knows his lane), his advice is generalizable.

      And yes, his takedowns are beautiful especially because they’re evidence-based.

  2. Mcmmom says:

    MCMDad used to be a big hunter (now he mainly fishes) and he says you can always tell who owns the stuff vs who just bought the gear to look the part (he and his friends used to call the camo cosplayers “Orvis”). My mom has LL Bean boots that are at least 50 years old. My niece is a welder and swears by her Carrhartt overalls and of course, Red Wings steel toes are a staple for “dirty job” uniforms. We all know that candidates communicate through their wardrobes – this is a refreshing message.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I’ve been looking to buy some welder clothes since we live in a wild fire prone area. Our road was just deemed “unsurvivable” if we needed to get out while there was an active fire.

      We are working on fire mitigation up and down the road as a community. But the idea that we might need to be able to clear a fallen tree or branch while escaping is very much present in our minds.

      Hence the clothes. The carhart overalls seem to be deeply loved by the welding community.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Just know that the US Forest Service tells its firefighters NOT to wear steel toe boots.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    In the photo above in which he is wearing Buffalo plaid, there are Sen. Amy Klobuchar to his right and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan to his left, both also wearing Buffalo plaid. Lt. Gov. Flanagan has said that Coach Walz gave her that jacket. I’m guessing he gave one to Amy too.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I wonder how long it will be before he has Kamala decked out in Buffalo plaid. 🤔

      • Mimi says:

        It would not look authentic on Kamala, so she won’t wear it. He’s an excellent choice to counter what the Magats call “coastal elites”. Madam VP impresses me with her political prowess every day.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I think it would look very authentic on Kamala. She would rock it.

    • martha says:

      I love the (verified) story that Amy Klobacher’s mother took the a hot dish (casserole) over to the Walz house when their daughter Hope was born.

  4. Nanea says:

    Ever since Politico was bought by the ultra-conservative German publisher Axel Springer, itself a part of the questionable KKR conglomerate, I lost all hope. In fact, many articles now have a very discernable right-wing spin.

    And then there are glimpses of the old Politico, bright spots like this contribution by Derek Guy.

    That said, I was Team Walz ever since his *weird* comment.

    We’re not going back.

    • ML says:

      Nanea, it’s scary how much the regular news has shifted to the right as well. I no longer read Politico (though I do scan their headlines now and then). I don’t want to have a sneaky “Fox media “ treatment done to my brain!

      I love TW and how he helps and complements KH! It drives me a bit crazy that he’s taking a lot of heat right now in a way that JDV is not (schooling, military, clothing, past remarks, governing vs Project 2025).

      This man can wear camouflage. 🪷💙lfg!

    • Mil says:

      Almost all major outlets are in the hands of right wingers. Almost by design… kudos to Meidas Touch, BT Cohen and Luke Beasley.

  5. Kittenmom says:

    Best part of the first photo…TW is not going to shoot that sweet dog in the face.

  6. Nicole says:

    Fun fact: The Harris Walz camo hat is already sold out in the merch store.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I was able to pre-order the camo hat for October, which is actually perfect timing for fall/pre-election. If you want to support the ticket, I recommend checking out the campaign’s merch section. They have some great stuff! I also bought my husband a “Coach” shirt (because he also coaches – nice subliminal support for when he’s at practices to show a man openly supporting Harris/Walz).

  7. Bumblebee says:

    I thought it was interesting that this article ‘complimented’ Walz for his working class wardrobe while mentioning the most expensive brands. These are high quality brands, you buy a few and wear them forever. Mentioning brands, over and over and over again, it’s like he’s the richest guy in town who just wears Carrharts to fit in, but buys brand new every year, so you know he doesn’t work for a living. Not a compliment.

    Edit to add…I don’t think he’s like that. Just thought I’d point out what right-wing mid-west people would get when they read this. Since others have mentioned Politco’s political bias.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I have to disagree. These are heritage brands and the initial purchase can be pricey, but they last forever and blue collar/working class people are going to own a lot of these things, or even have them passed down in the family. Just check out the stands at a Bills or Packers game in the winter and it will be a sea of Carhartt bibs. There are lots of brands of safety shoes but Red Wing are super common on job sites. It’s an investment like a good hammer for builders.

      • Dee says:

        This. My farmer brother doesn’t splurge on anything, but he buys Red Wing boots.

      • Mcmmom says:

        I totally disagree (and agree with Pinkasaurus). Every single person I know who wears steel toed boots in the oilfield wears Redwings. There is nothing “fancy” about them and the companies I know would provide workers with a stipend. Small towns in the Pandhandle have Redwing stores. Same with construction – it’s a monopoly for Redwings.

        As I said, my niece is a welder and she wears Carthartt because they can withstand open flame. That’s what they all wear.

      • AMB says:

        It’s not about the brands. It’s about what you can get at Fleet Farm.

      • BeanieBean says:

        My first pair of field boots were Red Wings; comfortable from Day 1, no breaking in. I’d get them re-soled from time to time, and the RW store I get them from stocked extra soles in my size, as I was the only woman with those boots (they stocked mainly men’s sizes). Wore the heck out of ’em, then they got a little too much play in the ankles & I switched to Danners. Also a great boot.

      • Mcmmom says:


        My first (and truth be told, only) pair of steel toed boots were Dr Martins. I already had them and then realized they would work in the field because of their steel toes. They were a great boot – very comfortable and equally appropriate in the city or the oilfield. It’s a rare shoe that will protect your feet AND make a nerdy girl feel slightly counter cultural, too.

    • goofpuff says:

      If the right-wing midwest people think that, then they definitely aren’t the working class who would need those items for their work otherwise they would know that isn’t the case.

      Politico is not going for the working class right, he’s going for the middle class surburbs white.

  8. Noor says:

    Walz is the quintessential American Joe. the perfect pick as Kamala’s VP

  9. Somebody Nobody says:

    It looks authentic and normal because it is his authentic and normal. He’s not cosplaying.

  10. Libra says:

    I am betting that somewhere in his wardrobe is a camo long sleeved tee shirt with frayed cuffs and neck that is thin from multiple washings. I am also betting that said shirt has been tossed into the laundry room waste basket multiple times and he has fished it out. Do not separate a sports person from their comfy old clothes.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      @Libra, have you been peeking at my husband’s holey old shirts I’d like to toss? 😂 Coach Walz is 100% authentic and completely relatable. Just another outstanding decision from our future Madame President.

  11. Jais says:

    Picking a running mate who come across as authentic in comparison to Vance who comes across as the exact opposite was a wise choice by VPHarris💙

    • SarahCS says:

      There’s a brilliant compilation (Buzzfeed??) of people comparing Walz and Vance and it’s amazing. Things along the lines of Walz is the guy who checks if you’re ok at the bar, Vance is the weird guy you’re worried about. All amazingly accurate.

  12. TN Democrat says:

    Walz just seems like such a good, steady man. He represents all the good dad/granddad energy that got corrupted by Rush, Rupert and tRump. He represents the man that would mow your yard if you couldn’t, would randomly leave tomatoes and squash from his garden on your porch and protect you from the school bully. Magat cost many of us contact with good guys because so many of them went down the batcrap crazy hateful conspiracy holes.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      There was a great article in New Republic (sorry no link 😔) that made the case that political ideology should no longer fall on a conservative-liberal spectrum with Walz on the ticket. He is actually communitarian as opposed to libertarian. The Republicans trying to brand him as a whack job radical are so 20th century. Communitarian is what you describe, someone who is neighborly and always ready to help out. It would be a real positive sign for this country if we got back to communitarian values and left behind the right wing libertarian values in which it’s everyone for themselves.

      • Yup, Me says:

        Especially since many of those libertarian “every man for himself” folks are hella dependent on their wives (and other women) for free labor and a whole host of other people for their basic survival.

        It was always a delusional fantasy, never real.

      • tealily says:

        I love that! I think a lot of people learned about the power of community over the COVID years, and continue to amid the constant onslaught of natural disasters and the huge union successes of the past couple of years. Good look, libertarians, we’re stronger together!!

        ETA: found the link! Thanks!! https://newrepublic.com/article/184758/tim-walz-moderate-radical-leftist-wrong-question

  13. Giddy says:

    Everything I have learned about Tim Walz has just made me love him more. My husband is a rancher and has those same wardrobe pieces; items that are soft from so many washings but still serviceable. His Red Wings have been re-soled twice and are usually by the door. So Walz feels like someone I know, or who I could run into at the store. That sense of familiarity and also what appears to be an innate kindness has me firmly in Walz’s corner.

    • Amanda says:

      It’s his smile…and I mean that in the most non-sexual way ever, his smile makes me smile! He has the kindest face 💙

  14. Kirsten says:

    This goes back a little farther at this point, but these are all the kinds of things that democrats used to make fun of Sarah Palin for when she was the VP candidate on McCain’s ticket.

    It doesn’t really matter if a politician is folksy and outdoorsy — what matters most is that they can govern well (I think Walz can do that) and that they’re advocating for policies that support the majority of Americans and make attempts at increasing the overall well-being of the populous.

    • Mcmmom says:

      No, we made fun of Sarah Palin for her soap opera family, for hunting from a helicopter, and for not being able to make a coherent point.

      • Barb Mill says:

        Sarah Palin is one of the first to start with the nastiness. Calling Obama a Muslim and saying he pals around with terrorist are just an example of things she would say. She really started a lot of the hate speech that divides us today.

    • tealily says:

      We made fun of Palin because she seemed disingenuous. Walz doesn’t.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Huge difference: Palin would brag about moose hunting & then make some snotty comment about what wimps non-hunters/democrats were (there’s no real logic there); while Walz would probably trade pheasant recipes with you.

  15. lucy2 says:

    It’s refreshing to see both of them on the ticket being their authentic selves, and thriving for it.
    There was a guy here I knew before he became a politician, who was as big money, “coastal elite” as they come, but ran for a GOP seat and swapped out his extremely expensive foreign car for a big ol’ ‘Merican truck. It was so laughable, his attempts to seem relatable. So inauthentic.

  16. Eden75 says:

    I like this man. If he wants to come up to Canada, we would happily take him.

  17. Caribbean says:

    VP Kamala is brilliant in her choice…I heard some were saying that her choice of VP will tell how she makes decision…true Dat. BUT, I am seeing some of those same people are trying to act like Coach just got on the ticket on his own and it was not a clear critical thinking choice by VP Kamala …Vote 💙💙💙Love VP & Coach

  18. Mina_Esq says:

    I love that the VP is also being true to herself. She is a lawyer from Oakland, and she embraces that. These two radiate trustworthiness. Also how funny is it that Coach Walz’s retort to people pointing out that he looks so much older than his true age – he said something along the lines of “you don’t supervise school lunchroom for 20 years without losing your hair”. He’s just a confident, kind, funny Midwestern Dad.

  19. Anna says:

    Of course he has RED WING shoes. Red Wing is a beloved Minnesota company dating to 1905.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Weirdly enough, I didn’t realize that. I say ‘weirdly’, because I knew there was a Red Wing, MN, and that is where the famous Red Wing pottery is from. Didn’t even occur to me the boots might be from there, as well. Well done, Minnesota!

  20. tealily says:

    I saw some haughty comment online about how the suit he was wearing at their first event sure looked well-tailored. As if his job doesn’t require him to wear suits and the camo was some kind of put on. And as if her candidate doesn’t wear suits, or his poorly tailored suits are some kind of badge of honor. Yes, there is power in clothing and Walz is dressing for impact, but in no way does this come across as anything but genuine.

  21. Anna says:

    Have they ever heard about dressing for the occasion? Was he supposed to wear hunting gear to the campaign events or meetings as governor? Or suits at home? Or coaching? I understand one excludes another…