Kamala Harris’s crowd sizes are destroying what’s left of Donald Trump’s sanity

A week ago, we talked about Kamala Harris’s crowd sizes, which are massive. So massive that Donald Trump was basically having a nervous breakdown about her crowds and that was before she announced Tim Walz as her running mate and they barn-stormed their way through a half-dozen swing states. The Harris-Walz ticket is extremely popular, and they’ve already filled arenas, stadiums and airport hangars. What’s hilarious is that VP Harris and her team know that the images of packed stadiums are destroying what’s left of Trump’s sanity. The Harris campaign started a Truth Social account and they only follow one other account: Donald Trump’s. The Harris-Walz’s campaign only posts about crowd sizes on Truth Social. They also post the same stuff on Twitter too, like this:

As Empty Wheel points out, this has become Donald Trump’s most recent obsession and his people are desperately trying to appease the old man by creating AI photos to “prove” that Harris isn’t really getting those crowds. Empty Wheel even suggests that Trump’s sad little press conference last Thursday was called because Trump was so mad about Harris’s crowd sizes and the whole point was Trump angrily insisting that he’s always had the biggest and best crowd sizes. Trump got so enraged about crowd sizes over the weekend that he posted this completely unhinged rant on Truth Social:

Narrator’s voice: the crowd actually did show up. It wasn’t AI. Those are real people in swing states who are enthusiastic about voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. These are the kind of delusional rants which should become a referendum on Trump’s intellect and cognition. But instead, after posting manipulated images and throwing out caps-lock lies, Trump then abandoned Truth Social (??) and came back to Twitter. It looks like his campaign staffers are doing the tweeting through, so I’m sure Trump will still Truth-Social into the void.

Please don’t share any of these tweets about crowd size, you’ll hurt Donald Trump’s little baby fee-fees.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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49 Responses to “Kamala Harris’s crowd sizes are destroying what’s left of Donald Trump’s sanity”

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  1. That’s all he cares about because he is a narcissistic fool. He only care for himself. He doesn’t want to be president he wants to destroy people who in his mind have said and done bad things to him. He wants to stay out of jail. He sees he is losing and like the 2020 campaign he started with if he loses it’s because the election was rigged.

    • Megan says:

      Kamala is killing it, but never, ever trust the polls. Make sure everyone you know gets out and votes.

      • Andrea says:

        Agreed, we relied too heavily on polls in 2016, some people thought it was a slam dunk and sat out. VOTE!!!!!!

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        And checks their registration first! Lots of “voter roll purges”.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Blow it away Kamala!!!!!!! Crowd size is how you hurt the moron weirdoes

  2. Ann says:

    Delusional Trump is acting like Delusional Hitler in the bunker in 1945. I’m at the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if he collapses and dies before November. The Republicans deserve every bit of chaos they sowed.

    • molly says:

      This, this, THIS!

    • Andrea says:

      Several astrologers are predicting a hospitalization ailment in October.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        would those be some of the tiktok “astrology girlies”?

      • Lindsay says:

        Andrea, I’ve got a just a smidgin of my ancestors visions and I’ve been getting these same symbols.
        Not saying I’m right or that I know, but it’s a persistent thing.
        Like a fall, grass, sidewalk, concrete etc..
        The last time I had this experience, the bad man was dx in March ‘22 and gone within 6 weeks…🤞🏽

      • Andrea says:

        @Berkeleyfarm No, I read several people on reddit claiming it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’ve heard a few times some clips from last week’s fiasco at MAL wherein he kept repeating he had the biggest crowds, the biggest ever, more than anyone, more than MLKJr, and I thought….???? I mean, this is what he’s spending time on? This is what he’s obsessing over? And it is an obsession.

      As for last night, what was he trying to say about Idaho & Iowa? Was it their education systems? Their… I dunno, I’m still not clear. Do they have Rep governors? Was that what he was trying to say?

  3. Lala11_7 says:

    I 💙 That VP Harris & George Conway & Lincoln Project & Voters are BASICALLY running a PsyOps game plan on him which is DRIVING him EVEN MORE INSANE than he ALWAYS was. Someone on Twitter called him a “Size Queen” 😂🤣😆🤬

    • Bananie says:

      YES YES YES! We love to see it! This is so genius and such a long time coming… Dems on the OFFENSE with Kamala and COACH!

  4. goofpuff says:

    i love this.

  5. Agnes says:

    He looks more and more like that orange parade blimp parody of himself wearing diapers, everyday. I can’t wait until I no longer have to read about him every. single. day.

    • Lady D says:

      The only thing I want to read about him is the length of his incarceration.

      • AMB says:

        Or an obit. That would also work for me.

        (You’re all thinking it.)

      • Bellaluna McKenzie says:

        Or his obituary. I’m at this point.

        Seeing his name alone just raises my blood pressure and I’m not yet 40.

        It may be wrong to day and/or think, but it would be a huge relief to at least have him gone. Followed by Elno.

  6. Giddy says:

    He is decompensating in real time, raging over Kamala’s crowd sizes and teaching a master class in malignant narcissism.

  7. Beverley says:

    All this foaming at the mouth and gnashing teeth over crowd size can’t be great for your health, Babyhands Cheeto Face. All this hand wringing and screeching could cause collapse…or worse. All this because you can’t bring out bigger crowds than a Black woman?

  8. Mina_Esq says:

    Hahahahahah I didn’t realize that the campaign joined Truth Social and only follows Trump. That is hilarious! Veep straight up hired a gen Z kid to troll Trump on socials over crowd sizes. I love that they’ve leaned into trolling because it works on him and his fragile ego. Gotta do what you gotta do to save America and, by extension, the world!

    • Mcmmom says:

      I know – I am almost giddy. Following one person, just to make sure Trump knows exactly what you’re doing and why you’re doing.

      I mean, seriously Madame Vice President – you’re so, so good.

  9. Tursitops says:

    Muppet look-alike or not, I love Michael Steele.

    As for the Dump, live by the crowd size, die by the crowd size. What’s so delicious about this is that Kam and Tim aren’t even focussed on that metric, yet they are STILL clanging the Dump over the head with it like some Looney Tunes cartoon. The dems are talking about issues and responding to needs, while the Dump is losing his wig over the number of people who aren’t at his events.

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

    • Mina_Esq says:

      I also love that they are reclaiming patriotism at their rallies. I hate that I roll my eyes whenever I see a car with a bunch of flags because I know the type of person that’s driving that car. Reclaim the flag!

  10. Kitten says:

    I love that they keep trolling him about this.

    And it’s actually good that he refuses to acknowledge the level of enthusiasm for this ticket. Yeah bro, just assume these huge crowds are fake and you have this election in the bag. Don’t bother doing any campaign events in swing states–everyone hates Kalama and Walz and you’re gonna win this thing, little buddy!!!!

    Just let the crazy old man set himself up for massive disappointment in November.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m a little worried that he’s just a little too sure of having someone help him stuff ballot boxes and/or claim the election was ‘fake’ again & he’ll attempt another takeover.

      • Feeshalori says:

        That’s my concern, too, that he’s uncaring about the campaign at this point because he figures he has the election in the bag with election interference and corrupt election non-certifiers in key states. I really hope the people who need to be on top of this are prepared for this likelihood and will stop it.

  11. ML says:

    On a serious note, over on MSNBC Jen Psaki pointed out that Agent Orange’s meltdown over crowd size is actually a gaslighting campaign to brainwash his followers into not believing what they see and hear. It’s setting up another January 6.

    So, enjoy him getting unhinged about how many people show up for VP Harris, BUT SHOW UP TO VOTE!

  12. Seraphina says:

    The smarter of the two will use mental agility to win over strength. And thus we have Kamala-Walz campaign engaging in psychological warfare. Worker smarter, not harder!!!

  13. FancyPants says:

    On the one hand, I still don’t like equating crowd size with support or votes. On the other hand, I do love that he is so mad about all the Harris/Walz rally turnout! We must ridicule him nonstop until we win (and then some more!). BTW what was the context for that top picture?

  14. Lindsay says:

    Gosh, I hope he doesn’t trip on a sidewalk while suffering a TIA.
    But if so, I hope we see white foam oozing out.
    Sorry not sorry

  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    George Conway talked about how he is laying the groundwork to claim that the election was stolen. In that post about AI generated crowds, he accuses her of cheating and that she should be disqualified because she is a cheater. It’s easy to dismiss him as crazy and self sabotaging, but, make no mistake, there is always method to the madness. “And they’re even worse at the ballot box.” That tells us to get ready for trouble after the election.

  16. FYI says:

    On that fakata “interview” with Musk — hilarious how they can’t even get basic technology to work — he actually compared Kamala’s appearance to Melania’s. “She looks a lot like a great first lady, Melania. She’s a beautiful woman [meaning Kamala].”

    Y’all, there are not enough puke emojis.

  17. martha says:

    Remember those old clown banks? You’d tap his head and his tongue would pop out.

    (you’d then put your coin on the tongue and the clown would swallow it! Creepy fun for all ages.)

    But, seriously – double and triple check your vote-registration – particularly in states with Republican legislators and election offices.

  18. Jais says:

    Love this for him. Crowd size is amazing. And getting everyone out there to vote is key. I don’t care if the polls say Harris is ahead. We gotta vote vote vote and I hope she not just wins but by huge margins!

  19. Traveller says:

    That headline made me LOL!