Royalist: Prince William’s facial hair will reopen the ‘Beard Wars’ with Prince Harry

After so many years, you would think that Prince William, his palace courtiers and his friends would have some awareness about how pathetic it is to continuously mention Prince Harry. While the “mentions” are never flattering for Harry, the sheer fact that William and his allies can’t keep Harry’s name out of their mouths is more revealing of William than Harry. It’s especially funny because William tries to maintain the hilarious feint that he cannot defend himself against Harry’s “attacks,” all while William regularly trashes his brother off the record. I’ve long believed that one of the biggest issues of King Charles’s reign is that the entire family seems to base a lot of their words and actions on an audience of one: Harry. They don’t even understand how f–king bonkers they look to everyone else. Well, as we discussed, William has a vacation beard. It’s gross and it makes him look like he just crawled out of a two-week bender. The beard is a reminder that William has been on vacation for a full month and that he’ll be on vacation for two more months. But according to William’s “friend,” the audience for the beard was one person alone: Harry. William thinks that he just restarted the Beard War with his brother.

Prince William’s new vacation beard, displayed in a short clip to mark the closing of the Olympics, is being seen by friends as a “new installment of the beard wars” with Prince Harry. One friend of William’s told The Daily Beast: “It was a slight surprise to see William do a public video with the beard. It’s an unexpected new installment of the beard wars.”

The phrase refers to the bad-tempered argument about Harry’s beard between William and Harry that fed into the collapse of their relationship in the tense run-up to Harry’s wedding. In his memoir, Spare, Harry explained how he first ­­grew his beard while on an expedition in the South Pole and had come to rely on it as a “Freudian security blanket,” saying it made him feel “calmer.” Harry wrote that he asked his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, who was reputedly not overly keen on beards, for permission to keep it for his wedding to Meghan Markle, and that she “understood.” But he said that when he told his brother, William “bristled” and said it was inconsistent with military rules—relevant as he was getting married in uniform—and precedent.

Harry then said, “When I informed him that his opinion didn’t really matter, since I’d already gone to Granny and got the green light, he became livid. He raised his voice.” William accused Harry of putting Elizabeth “in an uncomfortable position,” saying she had “no choice but to say yes.” Harry said the argument “went on, in person, on the phone, for more than a week…At one point he actually ordered me, as the Heir speaking to the Spare, to shave.”

Friends of William have long disputed Harry’s characterization of many events in his book but point out that William is in no position to publicly refute Harry’s claims. The “beard wars” are no different. One source, a former courtier who worked in the palace at the time of Harry and Meghan’s wedding, told The Daily Beast: “What the courtiers got so annoyed about with Harry is that over and over again he approached his grandmother personally to get special treatment and then he would turn around and say, ‘Well, Granny said so, so there.’ He was no great respecter of the line between monarch and grandmother, between the institutional and the personal.

“The beard was a case in point. It was a ridiculous argument but ultimately, William was right, frankly; he shouldn’t have gone and put his grandmother in the position. That was why after the split, people went to great efforts to block him from seeing her, because they were terrified he would wheedle concessions out of her.”

A senior publicist who has previously worked with the royal family told The Daily Beast: “William and Kate are always very keen to present themselves as normal, and normal guys, when they go on holiday, don’t shave for a week or two. Their whole brand is about being normal, being just like us, so coming out in a craggy beard and a polo shirt while on holiday is much smarter than putting on a suit and tie. They have perfected normal as brand image.”

[From The Daily Beast]

So… does Kate also stop shaving on holiday? Does she grow out her leg hair and her pit hair? Does she grow out a ‘70s-style bush? Questions for another time, apparently. Yes, there’s nothing more normal-guy than growing out a greasy, sleazy-looking “beard” for a video supposedly praising Olympians (who you ignored throughout the games) and then immediately briefing your media allies: THIS WILL MAKE HARRY JEALOUS! Harry’s not jealous. He’s had a beard for more almost a decade. And all of this fussing over Harry’s beard at this point is hilariously out-of-touch. William shows up with a beard and suddenly everyone is… mad at Harry?? “He was no great respecter of the line between monarch and grandmother, between the institutional and the personal.” IT WAS FACIAL HAIR NOT A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

Photos courtesy of KensingtonRoyal and Avalon Red.

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114 Responses to “Royalist: Prince William’s facial hair will reopen the ‘Beard Wars’ with Prince Harry”

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  1. s808 says:

    All of these people, reporters, courtiers and W alike, need jobs so they can find something real to care about. This is incredibly childish.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      The Lazy Wales are lazying so bad that to find something to talk about, they recommended Baldy to keep the beard so they can start pitting the brothers on the beard, since there is nothing to say about Lazy Waity Katie. Meg said it: they were encouraged to dress like Diana. This is just the same strategy applied on Bald Willie.

    • swaz says:

      Why can’t they tell us that the friend of William that’s speaking is William 😍😍

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        What the courtiers rather pointedly leave out of their rant, is that:

        1) William also went straight to Granny about keeping a beard for *his* wedding. She told him to shave it because it looked like ass then, just as it looks like ass now.

        This is the real source of the saltiness, and why he believes H got “special treatment”.

        2. Simple facts: Cluck and Huevo have stupid looking beards that never fully grow in. Hazza clearly got his beard growing skills from Prince Philip.

        Huevo hates that Harry can grow a full beard and look like a Filthy Rich Viking, while Huevo looks like a Temu Ben Affleck who failed rehab and spent his first month of vacation using up the last of his peruvian party powder from step-brother Tom.

        Womp womp. Huevo, I hope you and your courtiers will one day realize, every time you all try to vilify H in the papers, you’re really only broadcasting your own collective mess. Everyone who reads your screeds views you all as contemptible, morally bankrupt, supremely idiotic, and general failures at life. Every time the palace turds try to bring H&M down, H&M just shine brighter for the comparison!

    • kelleybelle says:

      Yep, totally back in the schoolyard.

    • BeanieBean says:

      The palace minions are mad about Harry going to straight to The Queen. They’re mad that he didn’t go through them. Their egos are damaged but even more so, if anyone in the family can just go straight to the monarch, what are they there for? Will they get to keep their jobs? They enjoy being gatekeeper & Harry knew how to go around, over, and through those gates.

    • curious says:

      W & K’s normal seems to be more lies and more fakery. Harry seemed to be close to his grandmother, what is so wrong about him asking her permission for things. The palace cowards who hide behind closed doors and anonymity are very quick to criticize H & M but never anyone else. W & K appear to be very emotionally immature. and need to grow up.

  2. equality says:

    So they want to make it seem like PH about the “beard wars” and then basically say that PW was right? The poor little courtiers, granny took PH’s side and they couldn’t handle it. How dare he speak to her as if she were related and not the monarch. (s) And “normal” people I know shave on holidays, except maybe if they are camping.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      William and courtiers were power tripping over facial hair – and are angry that Harry went over their heads. What a sad and pathetic existence to still be mad about this very minor thing many years later.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      A one-sided “war of the beards”. Guessing William didn’t appreciate being made fun of on SM with the word salad of explanation from “friends/courtiers”. LOL

      OMG! How grandiose and sneaky of Harry to speak to his Grandma without going through proper channels. lol These people are effin weird. Also, it chaps some a$$es that Harry and QE2 had a special relationship. Looking @ you Eggo, Chuckie and Khate (and others).

    • Minnieder says:

      Beard Wars is so damn embarrassing, given the state of the people in the UK (looting, rioting etc)

  3. Noor says:

    so weird. tis the silly willy season for beard war

  4. Roo says:

    Oh, Egg, if we all just agree to say (not believe, just say, and only once) that you are the beard-iest, most athletic, most accomplished and best looking (gag) brother, with the bestest wife, will you please, please go away and stop talking? Because it would definitely be worth it.

    • Eurydice says:

      If only, but he needs to have it said over and over, 24/7, 365, for the rest of his life.

  5. ML says:

    Use sun protection! It definitely helps against skin cancers. Do not bake yourself like the royals seem to have done above.

    • Blujfly says:

      It really is shocking and wild how tan they are. Kate is already ill and displays all sorts of signs of sun damage. Willam is less pale than she is but is still quite fair. I am there age and no one I know tans like this anymore. They really are utterly weird. They have access to the best euro sunscreen, use it.

      • Nic919 says:

        They are of the age where not properly using sunscreen in your 20s shows up and it’s clear kate spent a lot of time tanning in her 20s, especially since she never worked. Plus Carole and Pippa also have bad skin and over tanned so there is likely some fake baking in that mix too.

        You can always tell who in their early 40s used sunscreen earlier in their lives and who didn’t. William doesn’t have skin quite as bad but he likely also didn’t fake bake.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Kate’s “illness” is undetermined at this point.imo She supposedly has cancer and going through some type of treatments. Girl is so scared of cancer that she’s tan.

        I’m guessing, her “thinking” is, “What’s a bit of skin cancer compared to my other “cancer?”. The lies.

      • Iolanthe says:

        I have seen the Wisteria sisters aka Kate and Pippa time and again ,out shopping , and they were the colour of mahogany , also skinny as paper cut outs and as weathered as old wood ..this was before she married . Whether it’s fake tan out of a bottle or the result of a tanning salon , not a good look , then or now.

  6. Tessa says:

    William is really off the wall. There are images of William from some years ago and looked awful and he had more hair then

  7. Boxy Lady says:

    I have maintained this position for a long time: Harry’s close resemblance to a young Prince Philip, especially with the red beard, greatly contributed to QEII’s warm feelings for Harry.

    • Lau says:

      Oh for sure. That’s also partly why Andrew has always been her favourite child I believe, he’s the one that looks the least like her and the most like Philip.
      Both of my grandmothers do that for my sister and I because we both look like the opposite side of the family.

      • blacktoypoodle says:

        Andrew looks like Lord Porchester. Take a trip down that rabbit hole.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Andrew does not look like Philip at all. Porchy? Yes. Harry looks like Philip. William only does when he’s wearing And, in my younger years, lots of guys looked good in sunglasses. When the sunglasses came off was a different story.

      • Lau says:

        Sorry, I honestly completely forgot about Lord Porchester (hilarious name, sorry about that too) and you are both so right. BUT it also kind of confirm the theory that QEII loved Andrew the most because he looks the least like her side of the family.

  8. Jan says:

    Cain needs therapy in the worst way, Unable looks like a broken women.
    Folks this is what hating and gaslighting do to you.
    Harry is living his best life, enjoying his many jobs, other than earthquakes, Cali has been very, very good to him.

  9. Dee(2) says:

    Good grief. Normal people don’t get angry that other people can have beards. He’s an eternal three year old. And give me a break. He wasn’t ” upset” that Harry put the queen in an untenable position, he was upset because he decreed something and was overruled. I’m SO glad they got out of there, and the other cousins, if they have a lick of sense will be making connections and investing their money now because when this guy is in charge, good luck.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Harry’ stories about his brother really made it seem like William is mentally stuck in toddler-hood.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s just so ridiculous! The heir to the spare ‘ordered him’ to shave! It’s all so very preposterous!!😆🙄

  10. aquarius64 says:

    Of all the silly, immature, unhinged mess William had a press minion to spout. Confirm to the public William is 42 years old, going on 12. He’s one heartbeat away from becoming head of state, head of nation, head of the Church of England, head of the UK armed forces and this is how he wants to be presented. William is Trump with a title.

    • NotTheOne says:

      So much so. Who thinks this is a rational argument? Harry didn’t go through the right channels, otherwise known as, you, a grown man, did let me tell you what to do because I am the heir and you are the spare?

    • BeanieBean says:

      He is very trumpian. He’s the bestest prince to ever go princing!

  11. Digital Unicorn says:

    Pegs is but hurt that Harry looks damn fine with his beard whereas he looks like he’s been on a weeks long coke bender with his.

    He (William) really picks some weird hills to die on.

    • Chrissy says:

      Prove positive that he has wayyyy too much time on his hands. Won’t some tell him that this is a really bad look for one of the most privileged people on earth?

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    It’s coming up on five years since they escaped that family.. this is just beyond pathetic now. A king and Heir that are still leading a racist hate campaign while the country is rioting and no one is safe in the streets, but sure beard wars are what the public wants to know about 🙄.. the rot starts at the top..

  13. Tarte au Citron says:

    This fool equates his stupid beard with a war? Ukraine and Gaza will be cool with that, I’m sure.

  14. Laura D says:

    Why is it a “war” with Harry, both King Felipe and King Frederik have beards – it really isn’t a big deal. If anything it goes to show how tight a leash QEII had over William. It might not have been as tight as it should have been but, William obviously listened to her. The more we see of William and Charles since QEII passed it’s becoming clear she alone was responsible for somehow keeping the whole mystique of royalty together.

    ETA: No matter how many scruffy beards or low key jumpers they wear W&K will never be “normal.” They are next in line to the throne and because of it enjoy immense privilege at the expense of millions of citizens in the UK. If anyone believes that they have a “normal” life then I have a bridge to sell you!

    • ArtHistorian says:

      William has rarely worn a beard. He did not wear a beard when he and Kate’s engagement was announced and I very much doubt that he was ordered to shave a beard that he did not wear before his wedding. It is not about Harry being allowed something that William was denied but all about William trying to exert power over hit younger brother.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And if beard-growing during vacation is a Normal Joe kind of thing to do, William’s is going to be down to his knees in no time.

  15. Ash says:

    At least they admitted they were keeping Harry away from his grandmother, they did manipulate Lizzie, and William is jealous of Harry and doesn’t have a life. I’m glad they confirmed everything Harry said.

  16. Miranda says:


    If QEII had genuinely taken issue with Harry’s beard, she would’ve made her wishes known. She did so, on the advice of her courtiers, plenty of times. And God forbid he should approach his grandmother like AN ACTUAL GRANDMOTHER.🙄 These people genuinely do not realize how utterlly absurd they sound, do they? What audience are they even playing to? Who would be so scandalized by the thought of a grandchild having a close, informal relationship with his granny?

    • Jan90067 says:

      Honestly, I cannot even *begin* to fathom a family that has to WRITE to each other rather than just pick up a phone and *directly* talk to each other. Time and again, we have been told so and so wrote to “dear mama” or “dear papa” asking for x, y, z. Then again, I can’t fathom a mother (and a father), who leaves their kid(s) for “work” (waving) for 6 month trip and SHAKES HER FIVE YR OLD’S HAND when they return. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  17. Agnes says:

    Egg’s “beard” looks like moldy bread. He’s so fugly, no facial hair can save him.

  18. BQM says:

    Prince Michael of Kent served from 1963-81. As soon as he retired he grew a beard. Which he has worn since then while wearing military uniform in reserve and honorary positions. Google will bring up dozens Of photos. Either he got permission from the queen, like Harry, in which case this is all so much made up bs or no one cares in which case this is still a nothing burger.

    (Charles, Philip and Andrew had beards while in the navy but the navy allows them unlike the army.)

  19. Jais says:

    William getting mad bc “Granny said so” is really interesting. Sounds like granny was the only one willing to give Harry shelter from his brother. Otherwise William would pull rank. Imagine saying to someone “ I order you to shave your beard.” What a weak heir with weak hair. Throwing his weight around over a beard. At the same time, getting permission to have a beard is absurd and makes the monarchy’s hierarchy and rules seem absurd. Which they are.

  20. Ad says:

    Seems rather disrespectful to imply that Elizabeth wasn’t capable of saying “no” to a beard if she had a real issue with it.

  21. Proud Mary says:

    He’s given up on being a “global statesman?” I guess he’s finally figured out that he just can’t compete where he doesn’t compare. Now it’s on to this really silly one-sided “war”, as if he’ll ever look as good half as Harry. Please. Stop.

  22. Amy Bee says:

    This is embarrassing. But what’s not being said here is that part of the problem between Harry and William is that William was always jealous of the close relationship Harry had with the Queen. Another thing when press used to complain about Harry having a beard with his military uniform they were actually speaking on behalf of William.

    • Jais says:

      You know what? Much is said about Harry’s relationship with QE but there is almost silence in regards to the relationship bw William and QE. I’m guessing the relationship was non-existent or really bad. But it’s just curious how they don’t even try to fluff it up or make up more details about how close William was to granny. Like they don’t even try to lie about it which makes me think it was really that bad. I could see QE just absolutely not tolerating for wanting to be around William at all.

  23. Jay says:

    Well done to the “senior publicist” who observed that they should NOT do an Olympic video in full suits and ties. Whatever they pay you, sir, it’s not enough!

    I didn’t even want to comment on that patchy mess on The Other Brother’s chin yesterday, as there was so much else going on, but if THIS is the result of two weeks of growth, that is a sign to just give up. This ain’t it for you.

  24. Nanea says:

    Sorry, Bulliam, not a good look.

    The beard itself isn’t good, but neither is that tantrumy beard war.

    And running to friend Sykes to complain — or have your “people” do the complaining — is the equivalent of stomping your foot on the balcony.

    That said — aren’t people ashamed to publish this?

    ● Their whole brand is about being normal, being just like us, so coming out in a craggy beard and a polo shirt while on holiday is much smarter than putting on a suit and tie. They have perfected normal as brand image. ●

    Normal would mean working regularly for a salary, normal would mean going back to work after having been sick — not making it known via decree that events will only be attended henceforward if they spark joy.

    The Lamebridges of Ales (and stronger stuff) are the antithesis of normal. They’re snobby, entitled, incurious and unintelligent.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Loving your observation that both will sparingly attend events that bring THEM joy like Euros and Wimbledon! What is so refreshingly normal about only turning up for “work” when it suits andcyou are in a good mood?

    • Inge says:

      ‘normal’ is not a 3 month holiday when you’ve done F all in the first part of the year

    • Lady D says:

      I feel sorry for the incurious. How do you go through life with no imagination?

  25. Chelsea says:

    Crazy of that courtier to straight up admit that they deliberately tried to keep Harry from his grandmother thus essentially confirming that the story Harry told in the Oprah interview about how his meeting with his grandmother in January 2021 was dashed by the palace at the last minute was true. They tried for years to claim that wasn’t true and that Betty was the one who wanted to take a hard approach with Harry and now are admitting it’s all bs just because the heir is still pissy his brother looks better with a beard than him and is superior to him in every way. Womp womp.

    • Inge says:

      I think it might have been rather refreshing for Elizabeth that Harry was happy to see his grandmother and didn’t just see her as the monarch.

      The rest was probably just jealous of their bond.

  26. Eurydice says:

    The British press and William’s “friends” must know they’re painting him as barking mad.

  27. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Trying to distract attention from the fact Kate isn’t wearing her rings anymore?

  28. Inge says:

    Thanks, that made me laugh.

    Also the reminder that Willy threw a week long tantrum over a beard….. how pathetic

  29. Louise177 says:

    William looks like he didn’t shave, not a beard. It’s hilarious that people told him he looks good.

  30. Gabby says:

    WHOOPS! Did that idiot really intend to reveal this: “That was why after the split, people went to great efforts to block him from seeing her…”

    They thought they could control Harry by blocking his access to TQ and now they are trying the same with KC3. Only Chuckes is a weak coward who cannot find a way around it like his mother did. It’s their loss, Harry will survive and thrive and succeed regardless.

    I wish Harry had recorded the “I order you as the heir” conversation with William, because it is probably f-cking hilarious.

    Oh and Kaiser, you and Waity are not close enough to discuss her body hair. She is waiting for your apology, while digging her fingernails into the armrests and gnashing her teeth.

    • sunnyside up says:

      What a unkind thing to do to granny.

    • Jais says:

      They really did. Remember in Spare when Harry was just sitting by the Queen at the sandrigham summit and they freaked the f-ck out? They all could have gone and sat by the queen but they didn’t. They didn’t care to until Harry did it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      @Gabby: ‘Oh and Kaiser, you and Waity are not close enough to discuss her body hair. She is waiting for your apology, while digging her fingernails into the armrests and gnashing her teeth.’ 👏

  31. Lady Digby says:

    Shaggy and Scooby don’t are briefing about beard wars and yet ran away faster than an Olympic track race winner when faced with stepping up as heir for his own father and King?

  32. Mina_Esq says:

    Not to be an AH, but normal women continue to work after they fall ill because normal people don’t get subsidized by taxpayers or spoils of colonialism. Normal couples don’t take 3 month vacations. Normal couples don’t throw tantrums when they don’t get access to a fourth mansion. W and K’s whole normal cosplay is soooo tired.

    Now that I’ve got that off my chest, my fav part of this whole commentary is the bit about Harry treating his grandmother as a *gasp* grandmother. How dare he? Lol

  33. Tina says:

    Why does the Daily Beast write this stuff? I’m not American but used to subscribe during the Trump years as they did some good reporting. I know its been sold (I think anyway) and I’m guessing its now owned by some billionaire right wing man but honestly who clicks on Sykes stories? I really don’t get it. Why pay for articles like this?

    • Libra says:

      Same here @tina. Daily Beast used to be a fun read but now it’s quite pro Trump pro BRF ; anti Kamala anti Meghan and Harry.

    • CreoleTomato says:

      American here.
      The article below about the Daily Beast’s new Chief Content Creator -Joanna Coles, former BM and royalist- might explain some of the change to the Daily Beast. It’s not just Sykes. Especially interesting to me is how the staff dislikes her and her ideas and how they resent the changes she’s trying to bring to the DB. See the following excerpt from the article about ARO and her obsession with it: “Coles- announcing two new jobs that would show what sort of stories she wanted to prioritize. Effective immediately, she would hire a Chief Lauren Sanchez Correspondent and a Chief Fruits and Vegetables Correspondent, based in Montecito, California, to cover Meghan Markle’s American Riviera Orchard, which she was “completely obsessed” with. (The Beast would later publish six stories on Markle’s jam in as many days.)” The article says a great deal more about Coles.

  34. Over it says:

    Lord knows I am no medical expert or in any way qualified to say this, but to a regular person like me when I read these dumb Sss stories from William, Charles, Kate and Camilla and the institution and Windsors, and Their butt kissing press, all I am left to think is that these people are off their rockets. 5 cans short of a six pack, co-co for coco pops. The elevator doesn’t reach the top.In other words, f nuts. You can’t tell me that they are so many people suffering in the uk and the commonwealth and charles and William own wife supposedly have cancer yet William wants to beef with himself about Harry beard, because let’s be honest, Harry is paying William dust and getting on with his life and being happy and doing good. Meanwhile William is stuck on obsessed. Kate is stuck on pathetic. These people really should go outside and touch the f grass.

  35. Lady Digby says:

    Who’d have thought that Willy was petty about Betty and boring about beards AT THE SAME TIME? And rage, rage until the dying of the night about his own brother in relation to both gran and beards? Wish Shaggy would multitask at something positive and productive like solving homelessness?

  36. KASalvy says:

    All I keep seeing is Will trying to look like Mike Tindall.

  37. Magdalena says:

    “That was why after the split, people went to great efforts to block him from seeing her, because they were terrified he would wheedle concessions out of her.”

    They’re actually saying the quiet part out LOUD??? Time and again, they prove that Harry was RIGHT. They DID, exactly as he said, go out of their way to prevent him from seeing his grandmother, including that time the Queen invited him and Meghan to Sandringham, telling them that she was free “that week” (so she in all likelihood would have spent the entire week with them) then the courtier snakes got wind of it and TOLD HER that she was busy that week, then called H’s contact and stated that he was NOT to go to Sandringham.

    These vipers always end up telling on themselves.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      They are vipers.

      Maybe QEII wanted a relationship with her grandson — she certainly seemed to appreciate H&M’s work ethic and Harry’s warmth. I’d love to know what she really thought of the lazy do-nothing Waleses. But she had power — she should have used it to grant Harry more access to her.

      Also, it amuses me that the screengrab of W&K bears their message to British Olympians: “Well done on all you’ve achieved.” When W&K have achieved NOTHING.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s just a beard. What kind of concessions were they afraid of – that she’d let him wear stripes with plaid? This stuff is so minor and petty. Was no one concerned about her concessions to Andrew? Like paying the settlement to Virginia or paying off the Swiss chalet?

      • HuffnPuff says:

        Imagine being a grown man and having to ask your family if you can have facial hair. I get it’s tradition or precedent or whatever but still.

  38. sparrow1 says:

    Is that really what it’s come to for W&K? They will have to come back at some point. This year can’t drift into next. If slimmed down monarchy means getting rid of their pointless projects, what else will these two have but tabloid chat about her hair and his beard. Because, let’s face it, William has not much else but beard battles to confront Harry with! He can’t go to ‘war’ against Harry on any other level. He has no work ethic, and nothing like Invictus. If his idea of commitment to sport etc is to turn up to the men’s football only and release some video piffle about well done team GB…well, good luck, William.

  39. Shanta says:

    So lizzie acted like an actual grandmother towards Harry……. I’m glad that someone in that family did

  40. Anonymous says:

    In his quest to solve homelessness, it appears William decided to look as homeless as he can.

  41. Lynwall says:

    I am shocked that they actually believe that this is a story that they should be discussing in the public sphere?
    What is the actual aim? A message to Harry…that can be seen by normal people who will see that the heir as mentally unstable?
    This is how he comes across. As 42 going on 10 with a need for some serious serious therapy.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Kate always looks desperately hung over. That’s all I got.

  43. sparrow1 says:

    “Their whole brand is being .,, just like us” A brand approach to being like other people?! How inauthentic and therefore totally not us. I’m going to tell Mr Sparrow, stop all that with making coffee, we need to work out our brand, you know, so we can be like the neighbours and the neighbours think we’re like them.

    • Eurydice says:

      I’d ask, “since when has this been their brand”? What about the parade of $3,000 coatdresses, the helicopters all over the country, the umpteen homes, the holidays for half of the year, the 50+ staff members, the golden gowns at movie premieres? The only change is Kate got sick and William decided to stop working. Now he grows a beard, she wears one of a hundred Breton tops and suddenly they’re “just like us”? Seriously?

  44. Kelly says:

    William & Kate need to hire a professional PR team instead of the discount Yes men they seem to have. Someone to say, “This is a bad idea.”

    Of course, that would mean paying for professionals instead of assuming that proximity to the BRF is a boon and a resume padder. The BRF is cheap.

  45. vpd4 says:

    This sh*t is so tiring. Almost 10 years of this. I only pay attention when Harry & Meghan are doing something. Like going to Colombia.

  46. HuffnPuff says:

    Harry could care less what the hobo prince does. In terms of public opinion and who wears it better, Harry wins every time. It make the hobo Prince look less eggheaded but the growth pattern makes him look a bit dodgy hence his new name hobo prince.

  47. Nerd says:

    These people need lives. They rehash childish one sided arguments over and over. They should be exhausted since any work seems to be too much for them. Maybe it’s only work that has impact that is too much for them but either way they need to find lives.

    They have told us for years leading up to each royal wedding that it is the Queen who makes final decisions about what can or can’t be worn or done at royal weddings. They specifically said that Harry had gotten the Queens required blessing to wear his beard at his wedding. So them trying to make this a “Harry went to granny to get his way” type of thing is preposterous and childish. Harry did went the same channels as William did in asking the Queen for permission to wear a beard at their weddings and the Queen rightfully told Harry yes and William no. William looked like he was wearing a prop beard prior to his wedding and like an actor playing the part of an orphan with dirt spread on his face in the most recent video. There is no beard war and if there was we all know that just like in life, Harry would win.

  48. Saucy&Sassy says:

    A beard war? The bm is desperate.

  49. Oh come on. says:

    While we’re all wondering that PW thinks he can order a grown man to shave his beard, let’s spare a thought for the idea that a grown man’s grandmother can order him to shave his beard.

    Nothing is normal about this family or this monarchy. Lizzy was weird af too. Make them all private citizens: monarchy is a bust.

  50. Shoegirl77 says:

    If I didn’t know what a terrible human being he is, I’d almost feel a bit sorry and very tired for Workshy Willy. What an exhausting existence, no wonder he doesn’t want to work. It’s a full time job existing solely out of pure hatred and envy for someone who’s out living his best life and doesn’t even acknowledge your pathetic efforts at imitation.

  51. therese says:

    Here they are just admitting that they blocked Harry from seeing his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, and probably not for the reasons they say.
    Also, I’ve thought for a while that Harry is not talking to William or possibly taking his calls, or simply by going on about his business, is why William is wigging out, because he is a controlling bastard. It’s like the childish Heir is saying, no I disliked you first. No, I’m the one that isn’t talking to you. He had plans to take Harry down during his bachelor party and shave his beard. That is a degree of violence and violating boundaries, with no concern for the feelings of Harry, who stated his preference and why. And William just did not care. His only thoughts were for his self and his desires and needs and what he did or didn’t get on his wedding day. No thoughts or cares for Harry whatsoever. Didn’t care if he ruined Harry’s wedding day, or made him feel bad. No thoughts of being a supportive brother. All about himself.
    And if he is trying to look more butch: yeah, he needs it. He’s a rather delicate looking dude.

  52. therese says:

    @ Magdelena, sorry I didn’t reference you. You expressed the thought that the Palace staff finally told on themselves.

  53. ohwell says:

    I really do not understand the sycophantic media around Will and Kate. Will and Kate barely do anything of note. They are praised for the most juvenile and unremarkable things. What access will the media receive by remaining on their knees?

    Why would Skyes write such a stupid article on Wills facial hair?!?

  54. Katja says:

    Ah yes, just like the common man! Most average men grow out their beards during their annual three-month paid summer vacation! Rather!!

  55. Alaqaday says:

    I’m just amazed he’s not trying to spin this as being inspired by his close personal friend Tay Tay’s boyfriend’s facial hair. (Although I suspect Kelce can grow a full beard in about a day and a half.)

  56. bisynaptic says:

    “He was no great respecter of the line between monarch and grandmother, between the institutional and the personal.”
    — It’s almost like they don’t understand how a royal family works.