Nancy Pelosi: Kamala Harris ‘makes us all so proud. She brings us so much joy’

Last week, Nancy Pelosi was on what can only be described as a legacy-destroying book tour. During her many book tour interviews, Pelosi described how and why she knifed Joe Biden in the back; how she was unimpressed with Biden’s political operation, an operation which won him the White House and an operation which has been inherited by Kamala Harris; and most importantly, Pelosi let it slip that Harris never kissed her ring in California, she never wanted Harris to be the nominee and that she (Pelosi) absolutely wanted an open primary with 100 days left in the election cycle. There’s political malpractice and then there’s whatever the hell Pelosi is doing. Pelosi has also made it clear that the Bidens have completely cut her off and President Biden isn’t speaking to her. But Kamala Harris is the nominee now, which is why I believe Harris’s people took Pelosi aside and said: play nice until the election and we’ll deal with you later.

Speaking of, Pelosi took part in a major San Francisco fundraiser for Harris on Sunday. After Harris and Tim Walz barn-stormed their way through the swing states, Walz went home to Minnesota and Harris flew to California for a Bay Area fundraising swing. She apparently raised $12 million at the event and Pelosi did her best to make nice publicly:

Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi and California governor Gavin Newsom attended the event in San Francisco at the Fairmont Hotel, where nearly 700 people had purchased tickets that cost at least $3,300 and as much as $500,000.

“This is a good day when we welcome Kamala Harris back home to California,” Pelosi said of the former US senator, attorney general and district attorney from the state.

“She makes us all so proud. She brings us so much joy. She gives us so much hope,” Pelosi said at the fundraiser. She went on to describe Harris as a person of “great strength” and someone who is “politically very astute”.

[From The Guardian]

The “politically very astute” thing is something Pelosi only realized three weeks ago. She had no idea that Harris was capable of wrapping up the nomination in a day, nor did Pelosi predict that Democrats would be happy and eager to fall in line behind Harris. President Biden and VP Harris BOTH outmaneuvered Pelosi.

The look on Kamala’s face is incredible – she’s seriously not trying to laugh out loud as Pelosi furiously eats sh-t in front of the camera. Pelosi’s team is limiting the replies too.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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16 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi: Kamala Harris ‘makes us all so proud. She brings us so much joy’”

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  1. JayBlue says:

    Who’s kissing whose ring now, Pelosi?

    • Agnes says:

      Hahahaha. Note that Pelosi didn’t look at Kamala once while she was waving her arms around spouting political platitudes.

    • Felicity Fox says:

      Ezra Klein just did a fascinating interview with Pelosi on “The Ezra Klein Show.” He asked her about the plethora of Californian politicians who become nationally known. She says a lot about the California (San Fran, in particular) politics/politicians. I found Pelosi somewhat hard to follow—my sense I was that her brain is so loaded and works faster than her mouth. But the interview was very interesting.

      • kirk says:

        My estimation of Ezra Klein has dropped considerably since I found out he was one of the bros stabbing Biden, and in favor of an open primary process at or near DNC. He used to be someone I’d look out for when he was a nobody, couldn’t get people to talk to him, and had to read arcane, detailed surveys and reports in order to come up with a story.

  2. Yes it looks like Kamala is giving her just enough rope to hang herself with and she is doing a great job of hanging herself.

  3. Noodle says:

    Nancy Pelosi cannot speak without these sweeping arm and hand gestures. I’m not against using hands to speak when it’s a particularly important part of a speech, but she looks like a goose flapping her wings.

  4. K.W. says:

    Maybe I’m just naive, but being from the SF Bay Area and being familiar with both of them for decades, I genuinely believe that Pelosi DOES like Kamala Harris and probably IS thrilled she is the nominee and getting such support. If she didn’t think Harris could gain support so quickly… frankly, no one did. Even those of us who supported Harris replacing Biden if he stepped down were bracing for big fights among the factions. During Harris’s time as VP, there were numerous occasions where whispers came from certain quarters that Harris should be replaced by Pete Buttigieg, and if Biden won another term in 2024, it was predicted none of the other Democrats would stand down and support Harris as his successor in 2028, including Gavin Newsom.

    What happened in the past 3+ weeks has been a wonderful, much-needed surprise, and it appears Nancy Pelosi thinks so as well.

    • Agnes says:

      I think Pelosi admires her as another successful woman, but I also think she looks down on Harris. Pelosi spent years and years running her privileged Pacific Heights machine; Harris will always be an Oakland parvenu in her eyes. Nancy’s surprised, and the surprise isn’t altogether pleasant. I love Kamala’s non-verbals. She says a lot without saying a thing.

    • KTB says:

      @K.W., yep, I think Nancy P is thrilled. I don’t think anyone could predict how quickly Harris Walz would gain traction so she was predictably nervous and I think she honestly hated being tasked with pushing (her friend) Biden to rescind his nomination. Now, I think she is 110% percent for HW. She is a Democratic superhero who has had to do all the behind-the-scenes political heavy lifting for decades and has also been made out to be the Republican scapegoat. She’s political genius and I think she sees that in Harris, as well. Watching McCarthy and little Johnson try to do her job has been…well…hilarious.

  5. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    This is not going to matter after the election.

    Either Harris/Walz wins and everything that got them there looks providential or … we lose and there are bigger issues.

    So go vote and check your voter registration.

    Pelosi is 84. If she has to take the heat for pushing Joe out (which was the best course of action at the time), it’ll preserve the leadership that’s coming up. While a lot of you fuming about it for whatever reason, she comes across as a shrewd politician doing her job to people in the middle and independent.

    There’s not going to be some reckoning about this after the election. The old guard will quietly retire. New guard will step in.

    • C says:

      It’s worth examining because this is factionalism within factionalism at its finest. Pelosi was an okay speaker but she’s made it clear to others she is the Machine and they need to go through her which is part of the power structure of the Democratic Party that needs to be reformed. It’s the same status quo nonsense that made her bang the drum in support of the last anti-abortion Democrat and the same kind of attitude that made Ruth Bader Ginsburg refuse to step down. And she is very much hated by a lot of “middle and independent” voters, so let’s not pretend her endorsement is what’s going to oil this machine. She worked well but took a dangerous gamble in how she wanted this to play out if she truly didn’t want Harris at first, and now needs to step aside and just support Kamala which it appears she is doing and I hope she will continue.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      No there will be cause the number of Black women who are highly fed up with Pelosi and other Dems is a lot. And there’s still talk that even with those who knifed Biden in the back, may come up short in the election cycle because they are ticking off Dems. See Sherrod Brown, Jon Tester, and Collin Allred. And there’s other Dems out there right now saying Trump getting back in power won’t be a big deal. Dem voters are voting out most people who didn’t vote for big Biden wins. There’s other messiness afoot with APAIC, but people thinking that Pelosi and others won’t have a reckoning haven’t been paying attention to the many Black grassroot organizations who are fed up with the Dems being focused on billionaire donors.

  6. Luna says:

    Agree that we need to focus on the election and not spend energy amplifying scandal. Pelosi seems to be on board now and will help. Kamala just looks very happy and pleased.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Pelosi has her flaws, as we all do. And Nancy Pelosi is the greatest Speaker of all time. Passing Obamacare, mitigating Trumo damage, and leadership that saved lives during the insurrection are just a few exampkes.

    Biden isn’t perfect either. But in the end, Diamond Joe is a selfless hero who saved our nation twice, once in 2020 by winning and once in 2024 by passing the baton.

    Kamala Harris is a visionary, historic leader who has given many of us hope in what seemed to be our darkest hour. She is an incredibly talented leader who is also going to be the first black woman to win the Presidency (as well as VP in 2020) and help save our democracy.

    No need to pit them all against each other. Critique their ideas and actions and leadership qualities all you like, but no more manufactured drama. The stakes are too high. And they all deserve better treatment.

  8. bisynaptic says:

    Speaking of people who should retire…