Brad Pitt & George Clooney joke around at Chateau Miraval for GQ’s cover story

George Clooney and Brad Pitt cover the latest issue of GQ and British GQ. The interview took place at Chateau Miraval, the French estate half-owned by Brad and half-owned by Yuri Shefler. GQ shot the cover and editorial there too. As it turns out, George and Amal have a place in the south of France nowadays too, and their place is only nine minutes away. Amal and the Clooney twins took a tour of Miraval and Amal wanders over mid-interview and “gives Pitt a hug” and talks up the estate. So… that’s what this is really all about. The Clooneys are saving Brad Pitt’s reputation. They’re saying, look, we love the guy, we love his French estate which is definitely not part of several multijurisdictional lawsuits and there are absolutely no French authorities conducting raids on the property because of Pitt’s poor record-keeping, money laundering and tax issues. The Clooneys are also saying: our kids love to hang out with Brad, they don’t care that his own children don’t want anything to do with him because of his violent abuse. You’d think all of this would give a rich backstory to the GQ profile. You would be wrong. Angelina Jolie’s name is only mentioned once, in passing, by GQ and never by Brad or George. Some highlights from GQ:

Clooney on being 63: “I remember when I was 20 years old and I heard somebody died at 63? I’m like: They lived a good life.”

Clooney on why he’s back to being an actor for hire: “The main reason is that it is a year on the road to direct, and now my kids are of a certain age. We’re not going to uproot our kids out of school and run around. Before that, they could just come with us and we would all go. But that’s different now. So now I’m going to just probably focus on other things, like acting.

Brad on working less to spend time at the chateau: “Well, now I’m doing one movie in a year and a half. No, I’m still kind of on the same trajectory. I feel the same. I’m really just trying to enjoy the people that I love around me and just living. [He gestures out at the vineyard.] I don’t know how to not sound cheesy about it, but just the air is fresh and the grass is green and I’ve just kind of become that guy a little bit.

George is surprised he still works: “I remember I talked to Damon about this 25 years ago, when he first hit with his movie and won the Oscar. I was like, “Just know that if you get a 10-year career, playing at that level, it’s an absolute jackpot.” Nobody sustains it much longer than that. So yeah, I’m surprised that I still have the work.

Clooney on getting fewer calls: “The phone stops ringing if your decision is that you want to continue to be the character that you were when you were 35, and you want a softer lens. But if you’re willing to, say, move down the call sheet a little bit and do interesting character work, then you can kind of – you have to make peace with the idea that you’re going to die! I will walk up to people and they’ll be like, “Oh, you’re older than I thought.” And I’m like, “I’m 63, you dumb sh-t!” It’s just: that’s life. And so as long as you can make peace with the idea of change, then it’s OK. The hard part is, and I know a lot of actors who do this – and you do too – who don’t let that go and try desperately to hold onto it.

Clooney on his real friendship with Brad: “Yeah, man, we’re friends. We’ve been friends for a long time. And it’s fun because we also check in on each other every once in a while, which is an important part of this. Things get complicated in life and you always have to make sure everybody’s OK.

Brad on his friendship with George: “George is probably the best at understanding, seeing the chessboard and the potential moves. I’ll call George on numerous occasions when things get bumpy.

George on Quentin Tarantino: “Quentin said some shit about me recently, so I’m a little irritated by him. He did some interview where he was naming movie stars, and he was talking about you, and somebody else, and then this guy goes, “Well, what about George?” He goes, he’s not a movie star. And then he literally said something like, “Name me a movie since the millennium.” And I was like, “Since the millennium? That’s kind of my whole f–king career.” So now I’m like, all right, dude, f–k off. I don’t mind giving him sh-t. He gave me sh-t. But no, look, we’re really lucky we got to work with these great directors. Director and screenplay is what keeps you alive. And I learned that after doing some really bad films. You can’t make a good film out of a bad script. You can’t do it. You can make a bad film out of a good script. You can f–k it up.

Brad on talking about how he was in AA: “Yeah, that was really cool. But you know they came down on me for that? AA did. They were like, “It’s anonymous.” I was like, “Well yeah, but if I want to…”

[From GQ]

So much of the interview is just variations on these excerpts – two 60-something men talking about how old and famous they are and trying to joke around about everything. There’s no depth there – George isn’t asked about his recent ratf–king, Brad isn’t asked about anything personal involving his kids or Angelina. In fact, I’m sure it was a prerequisite for the dual interview: you’ll get Brad and George on the cover but you can’t ask them anything real. They’re promoting Wolfs, btw. Don’t watch it. Do the mute challenge on all of this.

Cover & IG courtesy of GQ. Additional photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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59 Responses to “Brad Pitt & George Clooney joke around at Chateau Miraval for GQ’s cover story”

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  1. Seraphina says:

    Keeping on the topic of over exposed: these two are over exposed as well.

  2. CL says:

    Definitely won’t be watching whatever dreck they’re putting out.

  3. Ameerah M says:

    Apple, who is producing Wolfs have dropped it from a wide theatrical release to a limited release and then direct to streaming. LOL.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      George and Brad are ruined for me forever. They have only themselves to blame. Shame on Amal and George for both dragging their children into this also. I don’t subscribe to apple streaming and I wouldn’t waste my time or money on these two ever again. Once a fan, they both disgust me now.

    • SarahCS says:

      Ha! I saw at trailer for it at the cinema recently and it did not look good (even parking my dislike of them). I think with different leads it might work as the concept looked fun but they both look bored rather than the world weary characters they’re supposed to be. The trailer was super low energy.

  4. Mil says:

    Stolen cover. Jude Law and Ewan McGregor did it better. And have actual bond- they were roommates.

    Edit: better actors as well

    • NotTheOne says:

      I always heard that these two weren’t really friends, friendly but not friends. And I think it shows in the photos. George has a well-known group of friends. Wonder what happened to facilitate this POS cover?

  5. Beana says:

    Yay, another way to save money -passing on seeing any movies that either jerk is involved in making.

  6. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    An interview at Miraval? They could have done this anywhere, but it needed to be here. Well, looks like they took the opportunity to make it a free promo for a property that’s gonna be on the market soon!

  7. Lau says:

    Speaking as a French person I can assure you that if there is anything fishy about Pitt’s management of Miraval then the French financial authorities will NEVER let go. Those guys go after politicians from mayors to ministers and even former presidents. Even if the punishment never fits the crime (they rarely/never go to prison) it is a very humiliating experience. I look forward to them coming for Pitt, this will be extremely entertaining.

  8. Agnes says:

    Oh wow, my two favorite douchebros in one place. How appropriate for them to be all wet because they are both washed up. YAWN.

    • @debbye says:

      Never saw the hype in either one of those men. Neither can act Clooney is real nepotism. Have not watched anything Pitt has been in since the plane incident. Quit watching Depp after Amber and dropped ego nut Cruise after Nicole. These are just as bad if not worse than Weinstein

      • WaterDragon says:

        @Agnes & @debbye: Totally agree on ALL counts, especially Cruise.

      • Agnes says:

        Brad Pitt is a pretty-boy hillbilly who slept his way to stardom and George Clooney is one of the original Nepo babies. Johnny Depp is cesspool scum. None of them has a sense of humour. Blecch.

      • Elle says:

        I actually think both are talented actors, especially Brad. George is compelling (as an actor) but I think Brad is very talented. Probably letting Legends of the Fall and Seven skew my judgment and I was young at the time. That being said, I could name ten other actors that I think are very talented whose movies I don’t watch because of their personal lives, and I could name ten actors that I don’t think are as talented but I like them so so I watch their movies.

        I’ll keep watching whatever Keanu and Hugh put out.

      • StellainNH says:

        Neither actor have much a range. They always play the same role. I have always found them boring.

  9. JanetDR says:

    Wow, like Clooney wasn’t already on my sh*t list?! Now, it is permanent.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I respected Amal. And assumed that if she was with George that he was probably a better person than I knew.

      Pitt is a violent abuser. The fact that Amal hugged him during this interview – the fact that this interview is being presented as being “deep” – I like fresh air and grass. I’m that guy. That simple life guy! – it’s all so gross. The fact that George – who in the past has said that they aren’t close like the media portrays – is now doing his best to act like they are close and always have been and to clean up Pitts past with some bro love – he’s repulsive for that.

      And George’s and brads idea of a friendship is so weird. “We’ve been friends for years. And on rare and unique times – we will talk off of the set, to check on each other.”

      A friendship for the ages? Jane Austen kept in better touch via letter with the people she cared about.

      Also. Amal and the kids are touring miraval? And they live down the road? But this is their first time here?

      These people are so weird. It’s such a performative and bizarre interview.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I am thinking completely differently about Amal after this interview. I respected her for her professional accomplishments. Many women don’t care for all of their spouse’s friends so I wasn’t going to hold any of GC’s support of Brad or election ratf*ckery against her if she stayed out of it. However it’s clear she’s 100% in on supporting and covering up Brad’s unrepentant abuse and DV.

      • Peanut Butter says:

        For years, Amal has always been excellent at managing and cultivating her carefully curated image, both professionally and in terms of what she has allowed to be shown about her family life. These various aspects of her public-facing life have seemed congruent until now. While I can believe she and Pitt may be friends privately, I’m shocked she’d allow herself to be publicly shown embracing a man who abused his kids and ex-wife.

      • Anna Nonymous says:

        I agree. I used to be a fan of Brads in the 90s and even 2000s. Reading the painful account of exactly what happened on that plane gave me flashbacks to my own spousal abuse. When an unstable spoiled man baby drinks and rages it’s like a toddlers anger. Selfish self centered aggressive terrifying traumatizing horrifying screaming yelling pounding loudly on the plane to the point that the kids were screaming and crying through the planes bathroom door pleading with their Dad to not hurt her and asking if she was okay? No wonder they all want nothing to do with him. I can understand why. The fact that they have cut him off, given his extreme wealth, fame, social currency that could help them in any career they choose says alot. If any kid established any tie with him he would do anything and everything to be able to grand stand on that. The fact that they won’t touch him, his fame, his money, his name, as if he never existed? Master class level shade. He needs validation and they are starving him of it. It actually paints a pitiful picture of a waste of a man, a waste of a father. All those kids, and he can’t be bothered to care, to change, to really be whoever and whatever he needs to be to reestablish trust. He just fights their Mom in court, hurting the one person that has shown them safety, love and support. How can a man that has it all be so stupid? So shallow? It’s your family that matters, your nurturing of others, not box office, not roles, or earnings. These two look ridiculous, out of touch, boring, bored, shallow, lame and self absorbed. Snore 😴

    • Jais says:

      So he endorses BP but took his time to do a one sentence endorsement of Harris after taking out a whole article about Biden. Cool cool.

  10. Agatha says:

    Clooney has beef with Angie dating back to an incident when she didn’t want to travel with his escort at the time. So I see this whole Brad fest as revenge for whatever that was. I don’t think they really were besties all this time. And who knows what Angie’s objection was. Perhaps it was in defense of the woman and the nature of that relationship.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Ohhhhh I don’t remember this! I do remember George laughing at her about her Oscar leg thing.

  11. Lindsay says:

    Brad out here reminding everyone of how he benefits from one of the most powerful societal machines.
    White men still enjoy all the power, yet I notice the creeping strategy of women to unsurp this grossly unfair arrangement.
    It reminds of the historical strategy by my ancestors when they surrounded the enemy on all sides.
    I know who I’m rooting for 🏹

  12. Sue says:

    George: “Things get complicated in life and you always have to make sure everybody’s OK.”
    I hope he checked on Brad’s ex wife and their children to see if they were okay after Brad terrorized, and probably, traumatized them.

  13. Feebee says:

    Why does George sound so defensive? Or maybe it’s just me. Of course the kids are at the age where it’s harder to pack up for a year to follow him round. The stuff about not playing the same characters you did at 35… someone calling him old etc I dunno.

    I’ve never heard of their current project so it won’t be hard to mute it. They both sound like they’re unhappy they need to rehab their images. Brad because of Angelina and George because of Biden… I mean who hasn’t abused their family or helped f**k over a President, eh?

  14. girl_ninja says:

    They’re both so yesterday and so unfortunate. I wonder if George ever even checked with either of BP’s ex wives? Especially Angelina and the children!

    • Jegede says:

      Well he’s tight with Aniston since their NBC days -Friends/ER , so I don’t think he needs to ‘check on her’.

      And as others have said Clooney and Jolie weren’t exactly besties.
      Then there were the many rumours about Angelina & Amal tension.🤔🤔

      • Erica says:

        Those were not rumors but were tabloid BS. Angelina & Amal have never met, so how could there be tension. Pitt and Clooney weren’t at each other’s weddings, so instead of taking it as they may not be as close or that Pitt and Clooney are beefing, the media did what it always does was put women against women. Remember when Beyoncé and Jay-Z weren’t at Kanye’s wedding. The media made it about Beyoncé and Kim not liking each other and an imaginary feud.

      • Jegede says:

        Clooney and Pitt weren’t at each others wedding cause there was tension btw there relationship at the time.
        Clooney’s ex Stacey Kiebler (sp) happily catted about Angelina to some tabs, so yes I can believe it, despite them all cheesing together for photogs. Maybe it passed on to Amal?
        One can declare whatever they decide is tabloid BS and that’s fair enough.
        But this GQ photo session proves to me there was a kernel of truth there.
        All players know the game and how it will be interpreted.

      • Erica says:

        When were they all cheesing together for photos? That wasn’t at the premiere? The only thing I can find about Stacey Kiebler and Angelina came from Star magazine and US Weekly, neither are credible sources. Again, what does this have to do with so called “tension” between Angelina and Amal, who have never met or Clooney being an abuser apologist?

  15. lucy2 says:

    I realize they’ve been friends a long time, but doing all this publicly and at the property in the middle of this massive lawsuit, is NOT a good look for George and Amal.

  16. Ciotog says:

    I remember Clooney giving an interview a while ago, saying he wasn’t going to become that guy with multiple houses. Well, he now owns at least four (LA, Lake Como, London, and France) and sure seems to have become that guy. I’m sorry, have aging white actors ever had trouble getting roles? Because the privilege inherent in saying you’ll age truthfully as an actor goes totally unacknowledged by him.

    • Nanea says:

      The Clooneys also own an apartment in New York City, in that new One Hundred East 53rd street building.

      That said, I hope this movie tanks and Apple will see the numbers aren’t good. Pitt and Clooney have more money than sense, and it’s about time people in Hollywood and elsewhere realize their movies haven’t been successful for some time.

      Not looking forward to that F1 movie’s press tour either, as the rehab of BP will continue, despite the irony of having a known drunk play an F1 driver. I would have watched it with anyone but BP. I’m sad for co-producer Lewis Hamilton, as he has achieved so much, but having BP involved was a risk he should have been warned off of.

    • NotTheOne says:

      And that’s why he’s still acting. Upkeep ain’t cheap!

  17. Erica says:

    The way Clooney has been acting lately, I’m not surprised he is an abuser apologist. Clooney was scabbing during the actor strike ( it wasn’t a coincidence that his wife received an “award” at the same film festival on the same day his movie was showing ) after the reports of Fran had given Clooney a warning, he got a whole bunch of his actor friends to donate money to the strike. while at the same time trying to sabotage the strike. It’s the same thing he did with his NT article about Biden. Clooney put in more effort in his NT article than in his support for Kamala.

  18. elle says:

    Celebrity has given George the impression that he speaks for all of us or the world looks to him for direction. Neither is the case.

  19. ariel says:

    I am bummed they both turned out to be- the ick. Obviously pitt on a much higher level of gross than clooney for me.
    That whole terrorizing your children and physical and emotional abuse while they are locked in a plane over an ocean for hours on end- which he followed up with coming up on a decade of financial abuse.
    But clooney – who thinks he has his successful wife’s gravitas in political/world affairs and caping for wife beater pitt- just, yuck.
    They have ruined the modern Oceans movies for me. I really liked those movies.
    Now- the ick factor is insurmountable .

  20. JustBitchy says:

    I can’t respect Amal now.

    Also Brad is a dog and every dog has his day.

    • Marie says:

      I don’t know about anyone else but when I watch the trailer to Wolfs I get Mr&Mrs Smith vibes! Like they took the script and tweeted it a little and George plays Angelina. So weird. Even the scene with Matt Bomer and Angie and Brad where she hits Matt over the head with the phone there’s a similar scene in Wolfs trailer. Am I crazy?!

  21. Chaine says:

    I’ll say this for Brad, his facelift is top notch and has settled really nicely. He looks decades younger than George, not three years. In that lake shot,George is giving octogenarian Cary Grant.

  22. therese says:

    I truly dislike their schtick, which by the way isn’t funny.

    You can’t yuck it up if you’ve fucked it up.

  23. tealily says:

    They are both in a good position to go be rich somewhere and mostly disappear from the public eye, yet here they are, insisting on making garbage movies no one wants.

  24. Lisa says:

    Never will watch either again. Clooney lost me with his political bs, this is the nail in the coffin. He’s supporting a domestic violence abuser, he’s lost all credibility. His wife has too, guilt by association

  25. Marie says:

    Brad has to know his children will see this article and how deeply it will hurt them…it’s wild to me!!!! He has a lot of Capricorn in his chart and will do ANYTHING to get ahead. Not a diss on capricorns just his Capricorn placements make that abundantly clear!!

    I can’t say I’m mad at George re Biden as I think it pained him to say what he did having just hosted a benefit for him I believe he saw a change in Biden he couldn’t help but address and for me KH has been a shot of hope for the party!! I am disappointed in George’s choice with this interview location!! How George as a parent thought it’s ok. And their schtick is so tired!!!! They haven’t changed it for 20 years. 😫🤮

  26. Uh oh no says:

    These dudes are gross to me

  27. ElleE says:

    Julia Roberts has been quietly circling the wagons for Brad since the year of The Plane Incident.

    She pops up like Clooney to intro Brad, and to let herself be photographed with him just enough to make it clear that he is part of the clique, inside their circle.

    They all go way back & they genuinely like Brad, they crew like an upscale Adam Sandler – type entourage. Even though it’s Brad, I like to see the loyalty.

    • Anonymous says:

      All scumbags stick together. Pitt, Clooney, J Roberts, M Damon, Affleck brothers, Paltrow, Aniston are all guilty of very problematic behaviour. All part of the CAA cesspool.