Isaac Hayes’s family threatens to sue Donald Trump for using his song at rallies

Last week, the marvelous Celine Dion’s team released a hilarious statement regarding the Trump campaign’s “unauthorized use” of her song “My Heart Will Go On.” In an amazing mic drop, the statement ended with, “…And really, THAT song?” LMAO, chef’s kiss. Celine isn’t alone. Other artists who have come out against MAGA Central using their songs include Adele, Elton John, the Village People, the late Sinéad O’Connor, and Prince’s, Tom Petty’s, and George Harrison’s estates. Why he even tried it with Sinéad is even stupider than playing a heartbreak song about people dying on a sinking ship.

We can now add the family of the late Isaac Hayes to this list. Since at least 2022, the Trump campaign has been playing his song “Hold On, I’m Coming” at his rallies. His family is not happy about this and are threatening to sue Trump for using it. They also want $3 million in licensing fees in back royalties for usage.

“It has come to our attention that you or the campaign have authorized the illegal public performance of the song on multiple occasions during various rallies for your political campaign without authorization from the copyright holder, despite being asked repeatedly not to engage in such illegal use by our client,” said the letter from the family’s attorney James Walker.

“Hold On, I’m Coming” was released in 1966 by R&B duo Sam & Dave. Hayes, who died in 2008, wrote the song with David Porter. According to Hayes’ family, the song has been played 134 times by the Trump campaign in the last two years.

The letter from Walker said the requested $3 million payment “is a very discounted fee” for the number of times the song has been used. It warned that the family will seek a much higher payment, including attorneys’ fees, if they take legal action against Trump and his campaign.

“The normal fee for these infringements will be 10 times as much if we litigate, starting at $150,000 per use,” it said.

The family also requested that the campaign release a statement on its social media accounts noting that they did not have authorization from Hayes’ estate to use the song.

Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

[From ET Online]

Considering Donald Trump’s entire brand is ripping people off while demanding everyone else pays their “fair share,” I doubt they’ll be paid, but, good luck! The Trump campaign still owes several cities money for security and what not from previous rallies over the years. He did a rally in the *checks notes* conservative bastion of Asheville, NC (/sarcasm) on Wednesday night and since they know how it goes, they made him pay the $82,000 in auditorium rental fees up front. Poor little Donnie, being still held accountable for his actions. Wait, hold on, I can’t type that without laughing. Everyone, take a moment out of your day and laugh with me, right here, right now. It’ll be good for the soul. As YG and Nipsey Hussle said, “F-ck Donald Trump.” You know at this point, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles (his campaign managers) are singing that one over and over again in their heads.

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Photos credit: Starstock / Avalon, David Rogers London Features / Avalon

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4 Responses to “Isaac Hayes’s family threatens to sue Donald Trump for using his song at rallies”

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  1. bisynaptic says:

    The Chef is suing Donald Trump! 😂

  2. BeanieBean says:

    I didn’t know Isaac Hayes wrote that song! Huh. I hope the estate is successful in collecting, but they’ve got a long line of folks in front of them.