“Jordan Chiles released a statement about her bronze medal” links

Jordan Chiles released a statement about her bronze medal being taken away. She had to leave social media for a week because of the bullying & racism. [Hollywood Life]
Jana Duggar, the oldest daughter, got married at the age of 34. [Starcasm]
Saoirse Ronan wore Louis Vuitton in Edinburgh. [RCFA]
The trailer for The Monkey, adapted from Stephen King’s short story. [OMG Blog]
Meet “Instagram hottie” Florent Manaudou. [Socialite Life]
What’s up with Marvel’s Kraven the Hunter? [LaineyGossip]
What’s happening in the Senate races? [Pajiba]
Elizabeth Banks IS business-cocktail. [Go Fug Yourself]
Penn Badgely has wrapped on You. [Just Jared]
Scott Bakula was doing Chevy commercials in the ‘80s. [Seriously OMG]
The internet loves to compare and contrast Tim Walz & JD Vance. [Buzzfeed]

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21 Responses to ““Jordan Chiles released a statement about her bronze medal” links”

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  1. Sarah says:

    My heart breaks for Jordan, and I am so glad they are fighting to keep her medal. I just hate what Fig and that awful Nadia did to her, to lie and cheat to steal someone’s medal is just disgusting. But this statement was pure class and I am sure this will be corrected and Jordan the only true winner will be given her medal and an apology.

    And hopefully all involved in this plot against her are banned from the games for life.

    • Sassy says:

      If I ever see nadia in person, it’s on sight!!!

    • kirk says:

      Looks like Nadia C is shocked!, just shocked! I tell you that people have said racist crap about Jordan Chiles. At least she’s been pretending to be shocked — for the last few minutes anyway. For my part, I still haven’t figured out why Romania seemed to think the US inquiry was 4 seconds too late. Or at least they acted like they seemed to think it was 4 whole seconds too late.

      • Bad Janet says:

        She sure wasn’t shutting it down on her pages. She was happy to let Romanian fans say that it was rigged to get an all black podium

        She also misled people about Voinea and her OOB deduction. Watching the video, it looks like her TOES went out of bounds. Nadia posted screen shots of her heels staying in bounds AFTER she grabbed her toes outside the mat.

        Jordan’s coaches, Cecile and Laurent, used to work at Bart Connor Gymnastics – Bart Connor is Nadia’s husband. I don’t know what terms they left on, but that is suss.

        Nadia is not in my good graces anymore.

  2. Sassy says:

    When I tell you that I have lost all respect for Nadia Comaneci, I mean just that. She refused to call off all the racism towards Jordan until after Romania got the bronze. Then, she did it half heartedly. She even liked tweets saying that Jordan only got the medal because she’s American. Then, she accused the American gymnasts of cheating, instead of blaming the judges. All of this helped fuel the racist attacks against jordan

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      I’m old enough to remember the stories of Comaneci cozying up to Romanian and Russian dictators back in the day – and then trying to soft sell it when she moved to the west….

      • Sassy says:

        Well that explains it. I had no idea she cozied up to dictators

      • Mil says:

        This is not true. My mom is a big fan. She was forced to be cozy with the son of Romanian dictator and escaped. She was in her teens then.
        Of course, I do not like what was done to Jordan.
        A bit OT, but all the sportswomen who lived under dictatorships must be envious of American female athletes.

      • Mia4s says:

        Whoa hold up a second. She deserves the call out for her behaviour here but let’s not start pretending young women like her had actual choices under that dictatorship. Good grief we don’t need to add misogyny to this mess.

      • Aerie says:

        Nadia was 14 at the 1976 Olympic games. She didn’t cozy up to any dictators, if anything she was trafficked. You may not like her but it’s irresponsible to bring up ‘stories’ about a teenage girl to discredit her current actions.
        There are limits.

      • Bad Janet says:

        No no no. We can criticize her for what she is doing now. She was not at fault for the stuff that happened to her under a literal dictatorship. Last year, a book all about the insane stuff she went through in Romania was released, including how she literally escaped and defected by running through the wilderness under the cover of darkness to get out. The Romanian government stalked her and treated her like a meal ticket.

  3. Flamingo says:

    She won it by earning it, give it back to her! But at the least, no one can ever remove the first picture of a gold, silver and bronze podium of all black athletes. Jordan was part of. It’s a powerful picture.

    • kirk says:

      That was really a great picture, and Jordan was the one who suggested it. There was a depressing column in LA Times today about the corrupt IOC, “Keep your medal! Olympian Jordan Chiles should slam door on misguided IOC.” The IOC demands spectators when the Olympic flag is raised and Olympic anthem is played. In the 3rd floor of LA City Hall, they’ve already removed a South Korean model ship and Japanese shrine to make room for the Olympic flags (why?) And apparently 11 Chinese swimmers were allowed to compete in Paris despite failing an earlier drug test?

      The IOC founded CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) sounds like a ridiculous joke for refusing to allow US appeal on spurious 4-second infraction raised by Romanians. Yet they took their sweet time, allowed Russians dawdle time to handle drug tests, allowing doped Russian to skate at 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, then spent 2 more years allowing multiple appeals by Russians, before finally ruling against them, setting up a 2-year late medal ceremony for US figure skating team to get 2022 gold medal in Paris in 2024!

  4. Truthiness says:

    Gutted for Jordan, such a great floor ex. Sometimes I absolutely despise the gymnastic world, like when they downgraded Simone’s difficulty on her double yurchenko pike or her 2019 dismount on bb, saying that it was for “everyone’s safety.”

  5. pottymouth pup says:

    I have a correction to one of the comparisons in the Walz and Vance comparison article. One of them was:

    “6. “Tim Walz is the guy you share a beer with. J.D. Vance is the guy that drinks your beer if you get up and go to the bathroom.”

    and, to be honest, when I read “Tim Walz is the guy you share a beer with. J.D. Vance is the guy that” my first thought was JD Vance is the guy who puts a roofie in it

    • CatMum says:

      and this is why we always take our beer into the bathroom! if it’s out of sight for even a moment, ditch it and get a freshie.

      I’m serious. don’t get roofied. watch your drink. watch your friends’ drinks.

      because it does happen, and it’s horrible! I’m (fortunately still living) living proof. it was AWFUL and once it happens you can’t go back in time. watch your drink. watch your friends’ drinks. in my case, it was my first drink of the night. it could have been a lot worse.

    • Luna says:

      Suspect a lot of folks had the same first thought

  6. Giddy says:

    Jordan’s statement is all class, all grace, at a time when she has been greatly wronged. I hope she prevails, but regardless she will be remembered for the way she has handled herself in very difficult circumstances.

  7. TN Democrat says:

    1. Get your man, Cheryl! 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 2. Scott Bakula aged like fine wine. He is possibly more handsome now. Quantum Leap will always be one of my favorite shows. 3. Vance is weird. Balz to the Walz. Vote blue. Most of the deep red states really aren’t. Hope is in the air. 4. Happy weekend!

  8. hexcellent says:

    Kraven isn’t an MCU film. It’s a Sony Spider-Man Universe film. Dumb, I know. But it’s not technically a Marvel movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony%27s_Spider-Man_Universe#Films