Duchess Meghan ‘spoke Spanish perfectly’ during a trip to a Colombian school

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On Friday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited a school in Bogota, Colombia. The focus for the school visit was to highlight “the importance of social-emotional well-being in education.” According to People Magazine and multiple other sources, Meghan spoke in Spanish to the kids in the classroom. One of the teachers told People: “She spoke Spanish perfectly with one young woman. She just went right into Spanish, which was a revelation — and it was very good.” Meghan has been fluent in Spanish for much of her life, especially because she worked at the American embassy in Argentina at one point. She apparently told one student, “You’re the same age as my son Archie” in Spanish.

Fashion notes: Meghan’s blazer was Loro Piana, her slingbacks were Chanel (she’s worn those so many times) and she also wore that pair of butterfly earrings which once belonged to Princess Diana. Harry gave Meghan those earrings many years ago, right after their wedding, but she doesn’t wear them that often. I think they’re sort of special-occasion earrings for her.

Meanwhile, the British media is breathlessly covering this tour, in spite of the fact that they screamed for weeks about the “danger” the Sussexes would face in Colombia. The Mail and other outlets sent reporters and photographers to Colombia to try to get any kind of access to the tour (hilariously, the Colombians are not playing). The same thing happened during the Invictus Games in Germany and The Hague – suddenly, all of the royalist reporters were crawling all over the Invictus events. As for this tour, the Mail even started a live blog. They’re still insisting that the Sussexes are irrelevant and their coverage is dedicated to mocking Harry and Meghan, but the whole thing is an exercise in desperation and literal clout-chasing for the Brits. The Mail is also talking a lot about Colombia providing security for the Sussexes. Like… pick a struggle, either Colombia is a hellhole which is “too dangerous” for H&M, or criticize them for the “excessive” security measures undertaken by the government.

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64 Responses to “Duchess Meghan ‘spoke Spanish perfectly’ during a trip to a Colombian school”

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  1. Savu says:

    🥹 Diana would’ve loved this.

    • She really would have! I noticed people on Twitter were saying, before Meg even left for Colombia, that it was a lie that she spoke Spanish. Well she again proved their disinformation to be wrong.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        It’s been wonderful watching derangers suddenly offered big helpings of humble pie in the form of video receipts of Meghan speaking Spanish. The levels of delulu sputtering, lol!

  2. Jay says:

    Damn, she looks great in that brown blazer! What would we call that – tobacco brown? Whiskey brown? Anyway, it’s luxurious.

    Also love the handholding, big smiles, and warm hugs – this is what a Sussex visit brings to the table. It never looks like a chore for them! Just like when they were in Nigeria, it makes me think about putting Colombia on my travel wishlist!

    • Giddy says:

      Their warmth and sincerity are becoming legendary. You will never see a Sussex wave at children who are behind a chain-link fence.

    • Debbie says:

      And no waiting in the car like Camilla did during her tour with Charles.

    • CatMum says:

      I just love the pic of her holding hands with that adorable little girl with the glasses on one side and Harry on the other. EVERYONE wants to hold Meghan’s hand! I know I do! *heart eye smiley emoji*

  3. equality says:

    If someone is “irrelevant” the media doesn’t cover them at all, no matter where they are. Did the DM people bring security with them since it is so dangerous there?

    • Amy Bee says:

      I have no doubt that the DM hired some former SAS man to provide security although the places that Harry and Meghan are visiting are not crime hot spots. A guy on GB News had a moment of clarity and admitted that.

    • vs says:

      Exactly…. Sophie was there and the British royal rats didn’t cover her visit….that ladies and gentlemen is irrelevance!
      Charles, egg and bones will kill for this amount of attention!

      • Christine says:

        It’s hilarious that Sophie was just there, with zero coverage, and these freaks still have the nerve to call the Sussexes irrelevant. I mean, you are the ones who decide who you cover, and you didn’t cover Sophie. For all I know, Edward was there too, but he gets even less coverage than Sophie’s almost non-existent coverage from these people who are claiming Harry and Meghan are irrelevant.

    • Izzy says:

      That’s right. We learned that when Sofiesta and Eddie went on their Caribbean tour and no one noticed until they gave someone the gauche, arrogant gift of a photo of themselves.

  4. aquarius64 says:

    If the Sussexes are so irrelevant why bother to deploy your “reporters” to cover their events? Is it because the left behind royals you are required to praise to the skies due to the invisible contract don’t make you any money? I love Meghan broke her Spanish skills; it drives home the point Kate brings nothing to the table that would be useful as a future queen consort.

  5. Oh come on. says:

    Love the warmth and connection they bring to interactions with normal people.

    • Fabiola says:

      They have a beautiful and natural connection to people which is what will, Kate, Charles and the rest of the family lack

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    The British media are being called out in the worldwide press now, very openly and I am loving every article I read. This trip has been a beautiful experience to see, I absolutely love the VP she and all the people are just beautiful. I love seeing countries with the Sussex’s. I wish they would do a travel show, I know I would be a super fan, but if not that a book with all the details and photos of these trips would be a welcome addition to my library.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      A travel show would be amazing!

    • Christine says:

      I have been rooting for a show of Meghan driving Harry all over the U.S. in an RV, to the most uniquely American places. Roswell, NM would be high on the list. Kind of like a tour to meet his new country, in all its weird glory.

      Kind of like Oprah making Gayle go camping in a national park with her.

      • Karmaflower says:


        That would be so phenomenal! For us. I have nightmares of H&M in a decked out retro camper being followed by paps. They couldn’t do it in obscurity & then show us about it after the fact. I wish so much that they could!

      • Christine says:

        They would be able to film the entire thing before it was even announced! They move around under the radar pretty much constantly!

  7. Over it says:

    Those pictures with Meghan and those little girls made me melt . You can tell when children know you are a good person

  8. ML says:

    They do “royal” visits much better than the BRF, don’t they? You definitely feel the Diana vibe with Meghan! I love that she spoke Spanish and the Colombians commented on it.

  9. Midnight@theOasis says:

    I’ve been loving all Meghan’s looks on this tour. But can we also acknowledge and give a shout out to Haz. Harry’s been looking quite dapper in these pictures.

  10. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    If I’m not mistaken, Meghan also spent a semester abroad in Madrid. I love the little girl with the glasses who would not let the Duchess out of her sight the entire time. She was just smitten with Meghan.

    • koko says:

      She is freaking adorable. Kids know, they just do, you can’t fake that kind of connection.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        That little girl is precious!! And both Harry and Meghan are naturals with kids … like Diana was.

    • Jais says:

      What a cutie the girl in glasses was. I saw a pic comparing her to Meghan wearing glasses when she was little and another comparing the little girl to mirabel from encanto. Cuteness overload.

    • Giddy says:

      That darling girl was so happy to get to be around Meghan. I have never seen a picture of Kate that could begin to compare, but Diana possessed this same magic appeal.

      • Christine says:

        The video of the little cutie leading Meghan by the hand to show her something while the entire big group was walking along was adorable. She just had to show her new bestie something cool!

  11. sunnyside up says:

    Such happy pictures, lovely to see.

  12. Brandee says:

    I am in Cartagena on holiday and yesterday the city was abuzz with royal fever. The people here were so excited that Megan and Harry were coming. They are loved internationally and as far as safety goes, there were dozens of people clearing a route for them in a busy district and we saw many police or military on the roads. It is so hot and humid here- I don’t know how Megan continues to look so polished and radiant! Colombia is definitely Team Harry and Megan.

  13. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Out of morbid curiosity, I went to the DMs royal section, and I’ll be damned if the first like 10 posts aren’t about H&M and this trip.

    Not a great sign for the BRF if that many posts are dedicated to the no longer “working royals”

    • eos says:

      The BRF no longer have draw on their own. They are irrelevant to the media unless Harry and Meghan can be mentioned in the article.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Although the British press scream that Harry and Meghan are not royal they still cover them like they are. I saw one guy on GB News talking about them not going walkabouts and nobody lining the streets. Another man was saying that Harry and Meghan are selfish because they’re not representing Britain but themselves. It’s not a royal tour and they’re visiting people and organizations that share their ideals and causes. They not representing the Government or the Crown and the press, royalists and even some fans are having difficulty accepting that. It’s been interesting to watch.

    • Jais says:

      It’s just funny bc the truth is that the vp invited them to highlight issues important to both her and the Sussexes. That’s really all that matters. And yet the BM gonna BM.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Why on earth would they do a walkabout? They aren’t politicians trying to get votes. They are there to meet as representatives of their foundation to develop partnerships. For all the British media complains about them setting up a ” rival court”, they really just have no frame of reference on how to cover them as philanthropists and business people and not royals doing tours on behalf of a foreign government. I don’t know if it’s because they are trying to keep them shackled to Royal life to justify their obsessive coverage, or if they just legitimately don’t understand they aren’t working royals. I’m trying to imagine Mackenzie Scott out there glad handing a line before a charitable dinner.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Dee: The British press who went down there are also complaining that Harry and Meghan are not giving them access. They’re not tax funded or as you said politicians so they’re not obligated to talk to the British press or to let them into their events. It’s like the press are not getting that they lost privilege when Harry and Meghan left.

      • kirk says:

        Yes, “they are trying to keep them shackled to Royal life to justify their obsessive coverage.” What part of “you weren’t invited” are they having trouble comprehending? Doesn’t matter whether it’s a private lunch, a school tour, a special performance, or whatever — you weren’t invited.

  15. vs says:

    The little girl with glasses was glued to Meghan…she behaved exactly like I will if I am ever given the chance to be close to Meghan. I will go to IG25 just for a chance to see her

  16. Swaz says:

    That was a beautiful weekend 😍😍

  17. Pix says:

    I am obsessed with her blazer. I’ve been looking g for a camel blazer to add to my fall wardrobe and now I want one even more.

  18. Kittenmom says:

    This is one of my favorite looks I’ve ever seen on her. Not sure why. It is so simple, yet so perfect. Professional, yet stylish, and not over the top in any way. Chef’s kiss!

  19. tamsin says:

    BM seems to be going on and on about the “ring of security” around the Sussexes. I read that the vice-president of Columbia has had at least two assassination attempts on her life, so I imagine that the security is doubled to protect their own official. This focus on security by the BM might make people infer a few things that they would rather not have them think. At the bottom of this, you have two black women on an a tour to bring focus to Columbian culture and to discuss important global and societal issues.

  20. Kimberly says:

    Working Royal Sophie visited Colombia 9 months ago with barely any coverage from the British Media. Now, the BM has reporters interviewing Colombian taxi drivers for scraps of information to make stories about non-working Royals H&M. The BM continues to ask why Meghan doesn’t visit the UK. First, respect her as these other countries do. Stop attempting to stifle her intelligence. Stop the effing racism. The British expect subservience from women; you will NOT get that with the DoS. Black women expect her to thrive, not just survive…

  21. Henny Penny says:

    The Royal Family has a real crisis on their hands, but it’s of their own making. Philip and QEII understood how precarious and outdated royalty is in the modern world, but they found a way to stay both relevant and relatable while remaining aloof and “royal.” But now they are gone.

    Charles chose Camilla over duty—and the mother of his children and a Queen that could have helped him—because he’s petty and insecure. But no matter how many diamonds and furs they throw on that woman, Camilla is incapable of acting right in public. She can’t even act right at a memorial service for dead soldiers where anyone with even the minimum of home training would know how to behave.

    Who’s going to invite them anywhere after watching Camilla openly mock performers, act like a spoiled child refusing to get out of a car for an event, and haughtily slapping away the offered hand of France’s First Lady during a solemn ceremony honoring those who died saving her country from the Nazis? They are an embarrassment.

    And William hates the people so much that he can no longer hide it. I believe his hatred of the people was born the day of Diana’s funeral when he was forced to comfort the crowds while his father and grandmother ignored own grief. He doesn’t want to touch the people because he despises them. And Kate has served her function and brings nothing further to the table. They can’t even attend events in their own country with doing something cringey or embarrassing.

    So the four majors can’t or won’t go anywhere because nobody wants them and they don’t know how to act.

    And instead of reporting the truth to the British People, we get five front page articles splashed across British newspapers screaming about how unimportant the only people worth reporting on are. While the country is literally on fire. It’s insane.

  22. Lily says:

    She spkoe perfectly in spanish mumbels can’t even speak in english

  23. paintybox says:

    How to tell everyone H & M are massive global VIPs: literally spend all your pathetic time trying to convince us how unimportant and irrelevant they are. Sure, that works.

  24. aquarius64 says:

    Here’s Meghan speaking in Spanish. https://x.com/GlowanneLee/status/1825234739613102538?t=c6v3Vzd3rv7AoXLROdRggQ&s=09 Drives home the point Harry chose to marry a woman who’d be an asset and William chose to marry a woman who’s a liability.

    • vs says:

      One should feel sorry for William. I wonder whether part of his anger at Harry is because Harry went for a woman of substance. I don’t know what W was looking for in a wife but omg did he choose a dumbo who can barely speak English!

    • aftershocks says:

      Meghan sounds so lovely speaking in Spanish. There seems to be a somewhat deeper register to her voice in Spanish, unless it is just a technical quirk of this recording. I understand some Spanish words, so I got the gist of what Meghan was saying. She thanked everyone for their hospitality; said how much she and Harry are enjoying their visit to the amazing country of Colombia; she praised V.P. Márquez, calling her ‘mi amiga’; Meg explained that she could speak only a little Spanish due to her former stay in Argentina. She seemingly apologized for not speaking in the Colombian dialect, and not being able to speak fluently, despite her delight and enjoyment of communicating in Spanish. Then she said, ‘ahora Inglais’, ‘now in English…’

      • tamsin says:

        Megan sounded lovely and I agree that her voice sounded deeper when she was speaking Spanish. I was just able to catch the gist of what she was saying thanks to a couple of university classes. It was charming and humble.

    • therese says:

      Oh.My.gosh!!! Thank you so much for that. I wanted to see her speaking in spanish, and it is very well done. And her accent is perfecto tambien. The little girl with glasses made my day. So, so sweet. It reminded me of Meghan walking beside Yulia Paievska in her wheelchair, holding her hand. Now I am picturing myself in fall and winter with a caramel colored jacket, and my hair in a bun. Just need to find one.

  25. Cassie says:

    They just radiate love , happiness and joy .

    Looks like everyone had a wonderful time .

    Keep doing what you do Harry and Meghan , you absolutely shine !!

  26. Kelly says:

    This must burn Kate given she can barely mumble in English.

  27. blunt talker says:

    a press with good credentials do not write about irrelevant things or people-they have weak press cred-instead of promoting the royals in the UK who work for the crown-they spend their time writing about a trip Harry and Meghan went on -they do not work for the crown=what is the purpose of these articles-all their articles should be about the Uk royals and other pressing items in the UK-Harry and Meghan have their own interests which they have a right to pursue-other countries with similar interests invite them because of these interests-the Uk media looks stupid and weak following a couple who has left the UK over 4 years ago and pursuing interests that has no connection with the UK-anybody who can read knows you cannot work for family to pursue only your interests-so following the Sussexes makes no sense whatsoever.