BBC: How dare the Sussexes refuse access to us after we barged into Colombia!

Some would say that Sussex fans are “wallowing in negativity” when we keep abreast of what the British media is saying about Prince Harry and Meghan. While I do think people should be more careful about amplifying negativity and hate, I also think that it’s perfectly reasonable to keep our eye on what the hell those salty people are saying. The British media has desperately tried to influence American and international coverage of Harry and Meghan for years, and what sucks is that sometimes they’re successful. What starts as a lie or smear in the Daily Mail will suddenly turn up in Deadline or People Magazine. All of which to say, I’m still reading through the British coverage of the Sussexes’ Colombian tour. It’s clear that the British media is beyond furious that they don’t have access to Harry and Meghan and they can’t order the Sussexes to give them the access they crave. The Telegraph ran a piece demanding that the Sussexes spoon-feed briefings and content to them, all so they can “independently scrutinize” Harry and Meghan. Well, the BBC ran a similar piece with even more details about how little access they had to the Sussexes in Colombia.

A stately welcome: Prince Harry and Meghan may no longer be working royals. But on their tour to Colombia, they still received a stately welcome. They were there on the invitation of the country’s vice-president, Francia Márquez. That also meant they received a heavy government-backed security operation throughout their trip. They no longer get this in the UK, something they have argued to the UK government and Royal Family that they should, especially given they have been targeted by threats and abuse in the past.

The lack of crowds? Events involving members of the Royal Family don’t draw quite the same crowds in South America as they may in other parts of the world. There were modest groups of people at some events who stopped to try to catch a glimpse of the couple. One Venezuelan tourist in Bogotá, Jacqueline Romero, told me: “I saw them close; I thought my heart was going to come out. Since I was a child, my grandmother educated me about royalty. I never imagined I would find them visiting Bogotá like me.”

Controlled events & controlled media access: At another event at a percussion school on the beach, though, most of the people enjoying the sunshine seemed unfazed – despite the heavy armed military presence and gaggle of journalists. That may be, in part, because much of this tour – including the events – were very private and controlled. These strict controls are often very typical of all royal tours too. The couple and government only allowed their own videographers and photographers into most of the events which they say was to make sure events were represented “accurately”. Footage was released daily, with no sound. They took with them only one “pool” reporter from Harper’s Bazaar who released daily updates to the media about what they were doing, copying in their spokespeople and publicity team. The BBC chose not to rely on this material alone, as we could not be present to verify what was said and described, but we were able to attend the summit and watch some events from the sidelines.

Why did Harry & Meghan go to Colombia when they’re worried about press intrusion? Prince Harry and Meghan have been explicit about their concerns about press intrusion on their lives, particularly from British tabloids. They have received threats online and had many legal battles with newspapers about invasions of privacy. But as a result, some royal watchers did raise questions like: why do such a high-profile visit which seems, in part, about publicity too for both the hosts and the guests? For Prince Harry and Meghan, this was about promoting their campaigns to make the internet safer, and some of their initiatives like a new parent’s network to support parents of children who had suffered harm online. It is also about maintaining their influence and visibility on the world stage, and showing they can still attract audiences with global leaders.

The security: While there was certainly a big buzz in local media about the visit, there was some criticism too about the cost of the heavy security presence accompanying them. Crowds of armed military lined the streets in vast numbers, in part because Ms Márquez herself has had threats on her life. The Sussexes have said they fear doing similarly high-profile events back in the UK after suffering violent threats online and because they no longer receive the government-funded security they did as working royals.

Sussex International: This second international tour in just a few months, though, suggests perhaps international campaigning is where their focus may now turn instead. The invitation from government figures like Ms Márquez, who come with their own security operation, suggests a future model for how the couple could work safely and on their own terms outside the royal structure.

[From BBC]

“The couple and government only allowed their own videographers and photographers into most of the events which they say was to make sure events were represented “accurately”. Footage was released daily, with no sound.” The thing is, everyone would justifiably take issue with this if it was any royal couple doing a royal tour on behalf of the government. But because Harry and Meghan are two private-yet-high-profile citizens, who gives a f–k? It’s like, oh, Bill Gates controlled media access when he did an event with a government official in India. Okay, and? “They took with them only one “pool” reporter from Harper’s Bazaar who released daily updates to the media about what they were doing.” That’s because the British media barged into Colombia uninvited! There was never supposed to be a traveling royal press corps attached to this visit! And this convoluted whining and hissy-fitting from the British media is about concealing the fact that the British media wants the Sussexes to be “royal” enough that they can demand access, yet they want to mock the Sussexes for not doing a royal tour.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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64 Responses to “BBC: How dare the Sussexes refuse access to us after we barged into Colombia!”

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  1. Julia says:

    Why would there be crowds for closed events, surrounded by security? Harry and Meghan were not doing walk abouts, there was nothing to see. People aren’t going to stand around to see blacked out cars go past.

  2. sunnyside up says:

    Unfortunately since the Tories put a true blue Tory in charge of the BBC it has become less impartial, in fact they have ruined the BBC as a reliable news source.

    • Chloe says:

      I don’t understand this whining when the welfare royals also run a tight ship when it comes to media control and access. Anyone not towing the line gets disinvited from engagements.

      • Jais says:

        And in that case, as they are tax-funded heads of state, an argument could be made about the events not allowing the press. That’s just not the case with Harry and Meghan. They are not working royals as the bbc and the rest of the BM make sure to let everyone know.

      • Becks1 says:

        Right? the whining about one pool reporter – first, has the BBC never heard of a pool reporter before? Second, has the BBC never heard of the royal rota before??

    • Laura D says:

      Exactly @sunnyside. Let’s not forget that the BBC’s flagship political programme allowed the editor of the Sun to tell everyone that they had “nothing against Meghan.” Then was allowed to use an article which was several years old to prove her point . What makes the interview so disgraceful is while Laura Kuenssberg was allowing Victoria Newton to wax lyrical about how well they treated Meghan the rest of the world were up in arms about the vile Clarkson article. Any journalist worth their salt would have been thanking their Journalist God for gifting them the editor of the Sun onto her programme at the same time the biggest story of the weekend was breaking in real time. Instead Kuenssberg said absolutely NOTHING about the article. She didn’t even subtly hint to viewers that there was an article printed that weekend resulting in IPSO receiving an unprecedented amount of complaints.

      Kuenssberg isn’t a journalist she’s a Tory mouthpiece who allowed a Murdoch editor to go unchallenged about an article which was causing a global outcry. Kuenssberg was been allowed to get away with that type of shoddy “journalism” because of Tim Davies’ leadership. The BBC is no longer impartial it’s slowly being manipulated into a propaganda tool for right wing parties and their think tanks.

      • Jais says:

        Thank you for being all of this up @Laura D. Laura Kuenssberg offends me so much. Kaiser has a thing about Laura Dern being her nemesis and fr I think Laura Kuenssberg is my nemesis. The bias is so very clear, not hidden at all. It’s strait-up playing in peoples’ faces.

      • Isabella says:

        The BBC has sucked for years. Nothing new here

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    Cry harder gutter rats, you blew it. The most charismatic couple left at your urging taking their charisma and work ethic with them.

    • curious says:

      Why don’t the BM and BRF concentrate on MR and Mrs perfect, the do-little leftovers. They have become nothing other than gossip spreaders and writers focussing on the next sensationalist story that they create. Where are all the wonderful and beneficial things that the BRF do for the commonwealth. Empty words and token gestures make up the BRF. They are sliding quickly into obscurity, at the same time their narcissistic self importance is on full show around the world. Two adulterers are King and Queen and head of the church, then there is the next in line with his “mattress”, ex yacht worker, determined stalker, grifter, public mumbler, flasher, attention demanding narcissistic mean girl. Absolutely nothing to admire about either couple….. Buying thousands of bots and rewriting history does not change the truth, it all comes out eventually..What if real journalists and authors wrote the truth about the BRF, the stories would be mind boggling.

  4. TheFarmer'sWife says:

    The BBC’s article gives them away. It was not a royal tour, but they wanted it to be despite the years of negative coverage they’ve given to Harry and Meghan. Two private citizens were invited to tour, meet, speak and bring focus to a non-commonwealth country. The heavy security, like what would be expected on a royal tour, would always happen for any couple this famous. What is not getting through to the journalists? You can’t write negative hit pieces multiple times daily and expect H&M to be happy to see and speak to you. Plus, it speaks to the British media’s desperation for something royal to write about. And that’s sad. There must be so many amazing British people doing extraordinary things to change their country for the better; how about you write about them in a wonderfully positive and uplifting way? Crazy idea, I know, but it could work!

  5. one of the marys says:

    H&M have been very clear that the British media played a role in everything that went down. They’ve been clear in stating they won’t communicate with particular entities. The British media continue to pretend they don’t understand why they’re not accommodated. They’re baffled by H&M actually sticking to their resolution and not cooperating or working with them. H&M really are breaking new ground

  6. Lady D says:

    Do you think there is any press on that island that regrets how the Sussex’s were treated? Did any of them learn anything?

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      Nope, not a thing is ever learned in the British media, especially the BBC. See the handling of Jimmy Saville in years past and Huw Edwards currently.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Lady D: I don’t think they’ve learned anything but I do think that they regret telling the Palace that half in half was not to be accepted.

    • Tennyson says:

      No, lady D, even the guardian, a leftist newspaper who was sympathetic to Meghan 5 years ago, now write articles, ranging from biased to nasty. They all do, but Bylines which ran a special number last year.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Byline Times has been very sympathetic to Harry, AFAIK.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        With the internet and especially social media, all these publications lost tins if money in subscriptions and sales. So they all became right wing tools or gossipy tabloids to make money. We’re seeing it in the U.S. and other countries too. It’s very disappointing about The Guardian.

  7. Oh the gutter press is having a pity party because they barged their way into Colombia and then were not invited to any of the events 😢😢. So sad too bad cry harder gutter press. You’re getting what you deserve.

  8. Jais says:

    This article is embarrassing. For the bbc. Harry and Meghan are not tax-funded royals. They owe the bbc nothing. Whining that they weren’t allowed in to private events for private citizens is shameful. They act uneducated.

  9. Smart&Messy says:

    They are so beautiful and happy. I love these pictures. I love what they both wear. Meghan has such a unique style. As for the British press… hahahahhaha

  10. Amy Bee says:

    Cry more! It would seem at least the BBC has come to the realization that Harry and Meghan are no longer working royals and don’t have to answer to the press or can chose who they want to give access to. I would suggest that the rest of the British press go back to what Harry and Meghan said they wanted as half in half out royals. They would see that it was exactly what they have now in terms of the relationship with the British press.

  11. BlueSKy says:

    Don’t hate me, but just something to consider. While I am a fan of Harry and Megan and appreciate that they took back their lives on their own terms from an archaic monarchy…I also question whether going on what could be perceived as a quasi diplomatic trip to Columbia is wise, even if they were invited to do so. At best, they are private figures now and have no formal power to negotiate or alleviate any of the countries issues. At worst, they could be being used as political pawns. Well intentioned or not this is starting to look like when wealthy and connected billionaires like Musk get involved in international affairs with Russia/Ukraine but have no elected power or democratic role in being there. They should absolutely build and promote their business ventures, but I don’t know that involving countries with large social and territorial inequalities is the ethical way to go. While it’s true that the British press is being awful to them, I think that this is potentially distracting from larger questions about the role that wealthy but unappointed/unelected individuals are playing on the world stage in an increasingly unstable global environment.

    I could be wrong, but just something to consider. I am open to other viewpoints.

    • Mimi says:

      I don’t know any couple more subjected to concern trolling than Harry & Meghan. In what way could this be considered a diplomatic trip? They are not representing any government or political cause. Their purpose is humanitarian, if anything. People will have to accept that H&M are not going to hide in the house under the covers so that others don’t feel threatened. Expect more international trips to be in their future.

      • BlueSKy says:

        I used the term “quasi diplomatic” which means it looks like a diplomatic trip but is not. A diplomatic visit involves meeting with heads of state and governmental officials, the provision of security services, and the provision of forums for the promotion of strategic interests (in this case internet safety). All of these things happened on this visit, but they are not formally representing any country. If this is concern trolling, trust me I am trolling Elon Musk even more. I hope they do go on all sorts of international trips in the future…just not ones that use government resources of a country whose people are in need.

      • bisynaptic says:

        I don’t think BlueSky is concern trolling. S/he might be raising issues that you don’t think are valid, but that’s a different argument.

    • Julia says:

      Firstly it’s spelt Colombia not Columbia. Secondly this was not a diplomatic trip, nor did they involve themselves in politics or government issues. They went to highlight causes they are interested in. The concern trolling is not necessary. They have nothing in common with Elon Musk!

      • BlueSKy says:

        As noted above, it had a lot of things in common with a diplomatic trip. Politics don’t have to be the reason for a diplomatic trip, they can be for the promotion of humanitarian interests and causes as well. This is why there are, for example, UN Goodwill Ambassadors. I think of people like Angelina Jolie who has used her celebrity to draw attention to causes and has done same great work in that role. If Harry and Megan would like to pursue being appointed as such I would whole heartedly support that. My concern is what happens if every well connected and wealthy celebrity tries to involve themselves on the world stage? It would be chaos even if they are people we like and they support causes we agree with, and I do actually like Harry and Megan!

      • Joy says:

        “what happens if every well connected and wealthy celebrity tries to involve themselves on the world stage?” well good luck w/ that is what I think. There is not one celebrity on the planet who has the draw Meghan (especially) and Harry have. Also, M&H haven’t invited themselves to these countries. So there’s that big point.

    • tamsin says:

      The Sussexes collaborate with various entities on helping to solve various societal problems such as on-line bullying, the lack of opportunities for women, etc. They are not negotiating peace treaties and trade deals. They are not trying to affect the political outcomes of countries for their own gain. They are humanitarians and move in the world as such. All their visits align with the interests of the Archewell foundation, the Invictus Games Foundation, and Harry and Meghan’s charitable interests. They are invited by governments, and they deal directly with governments on the basis of the parameters mentioned. They occupy a rather unique position, in that the royal titles definitely gives them a certain cache, but they are respected and invited because of the actual work Harry and Meghan have done and influence they have as a result of it. Their work has clearly good outcomes. Meghan is very anchored as an American, and Harry as a British royal, but thanks to circumstances they are as an entity, becoming citizens of the world. They have the clout they have because they both approach issues from a humanitarian and an apolitical perspective.

      • BlueSKy says:

        Thank you Tamsin, this response makes more sense to me…especially in regards to their collaborations with international entities such as the Invictus Games. It is genuinely not my intent to cast negative aspersions and I think they are well intended…but I do think it is wise to consider the roles that high net worth/high profile individuals are currently playing on the world stage on a case by case basis.

      • TwiceShyNan says:

        Curious what bluesky had to say in the not current time when Princess Diana was hugging children with AIDS and walking through mine fields—

      • Simba's Mom says:

        The fact that she spells Meghan’s name as Megan tell us all we need to know about BlueSKy. Just It’s gaslighting, and just like trump, no more benefit of the doubt.

      • Bluesky says:

        @TwiceShyNan. Good question! I was much younger at the time but my recollection of Princess Diana’s situation was that she maintained many of her duties after the divorce, so it would make sense that she continued on in some official capacity (which does serve a diplomatic purpose for England). However, I was a young teen at the time so my understanding of the particulars may be flawed. I will say though, we live in a very different world now than in the 1990’s with the internet and rise of the billionaire class…where it is possible to assume power and influence through might (as opposed to the consent of the people). As such, I think it’s a good exercise to evaluate actors on the world stage and how they have gained authority and for whom they act. Nothing more and nothing less…and nothing meant personally towards Harry and Megan.

      • Bluesky says:

        @Simba’s Mom…Nope! I am just really bad at spelling!

    • Becks1 says:

      @bluesky, ugh, sorry you are being attacked for your comment. I understand your general point. I’m just not sure what the answer is for people like Harry and Meghan, who are global philanthropists, who want to make a difference on the world stage, and who are invited by governments to visit. I don’t think this is the same as Elon Musk but if he was invited by a country to visit, what would we think then?

      We need to stop jumping on everyone who has a comment that isn’t 100% H&M cheerleading. BlueSky is a long term poster with thoughtful comments.

    • MinnieMouse says:

      Elon Musk gets involved because governments have ceded too much actual military control to him – he runs the satellites in Ukraine, for example. There is absolutely no correlation to a couple accepting an invitation to raise awareness of causes, and to suggest otherwise is to go looking for trouble where there is none.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        She also mentioned security. It’s very common for every type of celebrity (like a singer having a concert) in South America to have police security on top of personal bodyguards. Rio de Janeiro spent a lot on Madonna’s concert at the beach when it comes to police protection.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “My concern is what happens if every well connected and wealthy celebrity tries to involve themselves on the world stage? It would be chaos even if they are people we like and they support causes we agree with, and I do actually like Harry and Megan!”

      You reside in that very world right now. Celebrities and wealthy people all around the world do this work. H&M are stewards of their own foundation and a sport event for wounded service people. Networking for their causes and extending themselves as goodwill ambassadors are a perfect fit -Meghan did similar trips before she even met her husband and her husband, of course, has his mother’s example before him in bringing her celebrity to highlight good causes and encourage positivity and empathy by doing so. That isn’t chaotic in the least.

      • BlueSky says:

        I think it would be useful to formalize their efforts with something such as an official UN Goodwill Ambassador appointment so their efforts are coordinated.

      • one of the marys says:

        Interested gawker summed up my thoughts pretty well. Also H&M seem to be upfront and transparent about their goals. Not all wealthy people will advertise what agenda they’re supporting.
        I don’t think the UN role is right for them at the moment. I think they have to build their foundation and they have a lot of autonomy

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Who do they need to coordinate with?

        Harry is “His Own Ambassador” as founder of IG, H&M have their Archewell Foundation together and have other media projects going as well. They don’t need to be under the aegis of an international organization to do their projects. They can and do liaison with the people and organizations they want to work which includes the UN and NATO too.

      • Joy says:

        @BlueSky, Harry and Meghan are already formalized with their foundation, Archewell. They don’t need to coordinate w/ the UN etc. They have their foundation already.

    • bisynaptic says:

      @BlueSky, you raise valid points. For better or worse, we live in a world where wealthy celebrities have an outsized influence on government policy and on society, in general. Meghan and Harry can be commended for pursuing issues that are less purely self-serving than they otherwise could (cough!—Elon—cough!), but, at the end of the day, they are two wealthy people promoting an agenda that happens to be important to them. The way out of the distortion that extreme wealth creates in society is to reduce wealth/income inequality. That solution is political, found in political organizing/campaigning and at the ballot box.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      None of the themes they discussed there included politics or criticism of the country. Online abuse, especially of minors, is a worldwide issue. Harry’s Invictus involvement is global, not limited to Colombia or anti- war or anything. It’s just brining purpose and a social presence to injured and disabled veterans. So no, it doesn’t resemble a state visit at all.

  12. Over it says:

    Who knew people who like to scream that you are irrelevant would get their knickers in a knot because you won’t acknowledge their existence

  13. Debbie says:

    I’m sorry but what? “The BBC chose not to rely on [the press pool] material alone as we were not present to verify what was said and described.” Aren’t these the same people who unquestioningly posted the Wailes’ FrankenPhoto after months of suspicious videos and downright false other pictures or reported sightings when Kate was taking a timeout? And, where was this hunger for verification after Charles’ suitcase full of cash scandal, or Andrew’s Epstein episodes and his settlement with Virginia? All of a sudden, the BBC wants to be seen as journalists? Hah!

    • Julia says:

      Exactly and it’s very disrespectful to the Pool reporter who works for Harpers Bazaar, a respected publication. Especially disrespectful since they will accept pool reporting from the royal rota which includes tabloid journalists from the Sun, Mirror, Mail etc…

      • Jais says:

        Absolutely. Bianca Betencourt was chosen by the Sussexes to come with them on this trip. She’s a female reporter who is Afro-Latina Ana writes about culture for Harper’s Bazaar. And? They’re acting like she’s something less than bc she’s a culture writer. The bbc better put out a similar caveat for every damn thing they report on of which they were unable to personally eye-witness. Which would be a lot of their reporting.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Debbie, and what about the fact that the rr gives everyone else what they video or photograph? How do they verify that for accuracy?

      • Jais says:

        Exactly. Did the bbc report on the fact that Camilla bizarrely and rudely sat in her car rather than attend an event during the Kenya trip?

    • Mavsmom31 says:

      Exactly! My immediate thought was is this the same BBC that Harry threatened to sue after they ran a headline sourced to the palace courtier than QE2 didn’t approve of the use of Lillibet?!? Not a royal family mouthpiece wanting to fact check people!?! Also, they gripe about tax payer backed security for the Sussexes but say Marquez would have required security anyway. Make it make sense. Finally, why are they giving air to bogus information about invasion of privacy? I have lost all respect for this “news” organization.

  14. Square2 says:

    The BBC & other British Media are acting like that white South Afican, owner of X/Twitter, complaining & suing companies that refused to advertise on X. People, you reap what you sow. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it!

  15. Kelsey says:

    Remember in January 2020 when the British tabloids all swore up and down that they were done talking about The Sussexes and they weren’t going to “give the irrelevants any attention”?


    I guess rent’s coming due again for the Salty Isle reporters, and that August balance forward ain’t helping them any!

  16. Feebee says:

    They are obsessed with “government-funded” security. Not happy to only deny it on British soil but they get their knickers in a twist over how other governments fund security for guests like how dare they?!

    We look at the British, the press once again in this case, and wonder who TF do they think they are?!

  17. Lavendel says:

    I think this whole confusion arises – apart from the fact that people want to make money without doing any real journalistic work – from the fact that Prince Harry, his wife Meghan and their children together are, of course, part of the closest royal family. And their travels are not quasi-royal, but royal. They are part of the royal family . That doesn’t mean they represent the monarchy – but they show that people who are part of that family are able to work, to succeed, to be respectful, to be compassionate and authentic, to do good. Without all the officialdom of the monarchical hierarchy and this company. Simply as family members. That these London palace people have failed to give these two great people a decent dignified place in their company is bad and embarrassing enough, but that it was not even possible to give the King’s second son and his family a respected, dignified place in the Windsor family befitting a royal son with a proper permanent protected residence is disgraceful. And most shameful of all is that this king’s son had to flee the country because his family did not protect him and his wife. Quite the opposite. And it is very strange and certainly not normal for a family to behave like the Windsors.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      Thank you. You just expressed my disbelief at how they treated them and continue to do so, while no one in that entire island questions it. It’s mind-blowing.

  18. bisynaptic says:

    Gotta wonder what kind of “education” Jacqueline Romero, the Venezuelan tourist, got from her grandmother.

  19. AC says:

    The BM think they are still the IT thing when in reality they are just a declining empire as their country. No one GAF what they’re saying. Even Columbia is telling them to GTFOH.

  20. Kim says:

    Beatrice and Eugenia just went on an international non royal trip, but no complaints from the Beeb there.

  21. Shoegirl77 says:

    So NOW the BBC are worried about veracity? After the bench video done in their name??