Oprah made a ‘childless cat lady’ reference at her surprise DNC appearance

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Real talk: it didn’t even occur to me that Oprah Winfrey could or would show up at the DNC in Chicago. Oprah lived in Chicago for decades and her eponymous talk show filmed in Chicago. She’s more closely associated with Chicago than most of Chicago’s politicians. Oprah also has a history of political endorsements, especially since 2008. She had not given her endorsement in this election year, but she decided to fly to Chicago this week. She was added, at the last minute, to the primetime DNC schedule and she spoke after Bill Clinton. She endorsed Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, obviously.

Oprah’s whole thing (nowadays) is that she’s a registered Independent and she’s encouraging her fellow independent voters to GOTV for Harris-Walz. She quoted Congressman John Lewis (and likely Rev. Martin Luther King Jr): “No matter what ship our ancestors arrived on, we are all in the same boat now.” Healing divisions, the same divisions Donald Trump seeks to enforce. She said: “Values and character matter most of all. In leadership and in life. And more than anything, you know this is true, decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024.” While I think this is a good line and it’s important to remind people that Trump is indecent, vile, grotesque, racist, misogynistic and disrespectful, as we’ve seen for years now, that’s why his supporters like him.

Her best line was mocking JD Vance though: “When a house is on fire, we don’t ask about someone’s race or religion, or who their partner is… We try our best to save them. And if the house belongs to a childless cat lady, well, we’ll try to get that cat out, too.”

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21 Responses to “Oprah made a ‘childless cat lady’ reference at her surprise DNC appearance”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    I didn’t know Oprah was a registered independent. Good for her. I’m a proud democrat and if we want to have a democracy in four years and ever after, then we have to vote for Kamala Harris.

    If Oprah still has influence then I’m glad that she used it for this election. I’m not a fan of hers but I respect her as a businessperson and the good that she HAS done. I don’t want to hear about how she’s responsible for Phil or Oz. Those are grown men and she cannot control what they’ve become.

    Vote Kamala Harris folks and if you can volunteer for her election.

  2. Mil says:

    I agree that calling out Vance was the best part. It is Oprah, she knows how to hold people’s attention, but it was not groundbreaking. That one comedian whose name i forgot, Black man who does not age, he was fantastic.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Was it Keenan Thompson? I only had time to watch Coach Walz speech last night, I’ll have to catch up on that one today. Any other speeches worth watching?

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        I had to head to bed for an early flight and left right after Oprah, but poet Amanda Gorman was spectacular as always and I heard MD Governor Wes Moore was also fantastic (I am also partial to PA Gov Josh Shapiro who did a great job)

      • AmyB says:

        Yes, Keenan Thompson was terrific with his huge book of Project 2025 🤣

      • Mil says:

        Yessss, loved him. He was hilarious but talked about p25.

      • Traveller says:

        Agree MD Governor Wes Moore was absolutely fantastic.
        His speech affected me similarly to when I first heard the young Barack Obama speak at the DNC.
        I am left feeling that there is so much depth in the future of the democratic party with speech after speech from the younger democrats that was intelligent, compassionate, clear, on-point, and showing them to be supremely capable.

      • MsDarcy says:

        MD governor and he PA governor were amazing. As was Pete Buttigieg. I thought all three speeches were more inspiring than Walz, but I get that Walz is trying to appeal to the folksy crowd.

  3. Lolo86lf says:

    Donald Trump’s supporters like his vile, grotesque, xenophobic, misogynistic personality because they are also all those horrible things. But it will not matter on November 5 because he is going to lose the election yet again, this time to Kamala Harris. A woman of color is going to defeat him at the ballot box and I cannot wait to savor the moment.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Yes, I cannot wait until he loses against a woman, and a black asian american makes it 1000% better. However, once the stats come up with little chance of him winning, he will be too much of a coward to keep in the race, he will drop out vs losing face, and find a bogus reason. Mark my words.

      • Mimi says:

        No, he won’t. His Magats have put MAGA election boards in place throughout the country. He thinks they will steal the election for him (and they will try). He will also not be phased by bad polling–he won against Hillary that way. He is in.

      • Kitten says:

        @ Mimi – Yeah people should really listen to today’s The Daily pod, “The Republican Plan to Challenge a Harris Victory”.
        They have the mechanisms in place and a plan already. As I have said before, it’s a mistake to assume that an attempt to steal the election will look like Jan 6th when the GOP has already come up with much more viable alternatives. We really shouldn’t be sleeping on this, guys–vigilance is paramount.

  4. Agnes says:

    Yes MAGA is basically an Asshole Liberation Movement. All the worst qualities worn like a badge of honour. Upside down world has been so tiring. My favorite line of Oprah’s speech was, “Choose common sense over nonsense.” I’m glad so many famous articulate people are turning out for Harris-Walz, and I’m glad they have such genius ad people producing their videos.

    • Flowerlake says:

      One of the things I’ve seen said several times during the DNC is how well-spoken literally ALL the speakers are, be they politicians or celebrities.
      The speakers for the Democrats sound intelligent and make excellent points, do it with a smile and in a witty way.

      It’s like a novelty after all the kindergarten level nicknames from Trump. That clown show was “interesting” to the press when he first did it as it gave clicks, but most people are bored with it now.

      • Agnes says:

        Yes Flowerlake, it’s been truly amazing to hear all the smart people being smart! Evil is ignorant, as Trump has proven.

    • Traveller says:

      “Choose common sense over nonsense.”………………………….agree 100% – that was a great line. Another one that resonated with me is “there are those that will tell you books are dangerous and assault weapons are safe”.
      Her speech was powerful – her message strong and clear.

  5. Seraphina says:

    Proud Independent here. She speaks truth. One of the reasons I chose to be independent was I don’t believe in blind faith to a party. it’s the person best suited for our country at a particular time and place in history – and right now that is Kamala. I hope all Independents think this way.
    And as a poli sci major, I agree with the commenter on Twitter: the DNC is Coachella for Polo Sci majors 🤣

  6. Lau says:

    If the house was on fire JD Vance would definitely save the couch first.

  7. Chantal1 says:

    I’m glad I listened to the entirety of her speech as I’m not a fan. I was impressed as it was a really good speech with a fascinating and tear inducing history lesson. Not surprised she’s a registered independent but surprised the notoriously private Oprah acknowledged it. Also, she looked and sounded really good, as did Bill Clinton.

    I have been really impressed with the DNC convention. I expected it to be another snooze fest. The speakers have been great and uplifting while driving their points home. It was awesome to see Stevie Wonder and later, the always phenomenal drummer/singer Sheila E. and John Legend perform. It’s truly been wonderful to finally see the DNC bring their A game to this pivotal battle while also making it an enjoyable and must see viewing experience!.

  8. Flamingo says:

    To be superficial for a minute. I loved her suit it was custom made by Christian Siriano. It was intentionally purple to reflect and mix the republican and democratic colors red/blue.

    It was a great speech and uplifting. Nobody can yell Chicago like Oprah 🙂