The Beclowning: Despite widespread rumors, Beyonce did not attend the DNC

To be fair to everyone, we were all in the same boat last night, it wasn’t just the Beyhive. Casual Beyonce fans and politicos joined the Beyhive last night and we all convinced ourselves that Beyonce was about to strut on stage in Chicago and perform “Freedom” live at the Democratic National Convention. The evidence was there, it was not a mass delusion. There were reports of a mystery guest in Chicago. There was a roped-off area at the DNC and Dem organizers were being squirrelly. There were widespread social media rumors that someone major was going to appear on stage on Thursday night. Then TMZ reported that Beyonce would totally appear at the DNC. Then, shortly before Kamala Harris took the stage, the Hollywood Reporter published this:

A representative for Beyoncé says the singer will not attend the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

“Beyoncé was never scheduled to be there,” the Grammy-winning star’s rep tells The Hollywood Reporter. “The report of a performance is untrue.”

Rumors about the pop star attending and performing at this year’s DNC, celebrating Vice President Kamala Harris’ historic presidential nomination, have exploded online throughout the week.

On Wednesday, it was reported that Pink would be the headline act ahead of Harris’ speech. On Thursday, Pink — who performed “What About Us” with her daughter Willow — appeared to have moved up in the lineup, continuing to add more fuel to the fire about a surprise guest coming later in the night.

[From THR]

Yep. There was no Beyonce. Did we beclown ourselves? Did we really “delude” ourselves into believing that Bey would pop out? I don’t think it’s on us or on the Beyhive. I think there was an effort by DNC organizers to get people to tune in and so they egged on the Beyonce rumors. That being said, having watched four hours of DNC programming, waiting for Beyonce, I do feel like that probably wasn’t the original lineup? It did feel like people got moved around and there was supposed to be someone else on stage in the run-up to VP Harris’s speech?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, VP Harris’s social media.

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31 Responses to “The Beclowning: Despite widespread rumors, Beyonce did not attend the DNC”

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  1. Jan says:

    TMZ did confirm that Beyonce would be performing, OOPs! They did it again.

    • Jan90067 says:

      A DNC publicity rep (I *think* that’s who it was) just posted a emoji of a bee. Then, once speculation was running rampant, she backtracked and said, “Sorry, my son stole my phone”. So, people weren’t just making shizz up. They were stirred up on purpose, to create (if you’ll pardon the pun) a “buzz” and get people to watch the whole shebang.

      • Fergus says:

        I was on the pre DNC call with DNC organizers and they definitely said that Beyonce (and maybe Taylor Swift) would be on stage Thursday night. They also let us know that Harris/Walz would be in Wisconsin on the RNC stage on Tuesday night to troll the GOP and that turned out to be true! So who knows??? lol

  2. Neeve says:

    Beyone is probably holding out on the National anthem at the swearing in or possible President Kamala and her husband’s inauguration dance. She likes to make History.

    • Becks1 says:

      I would love to see her sing at the inaugural ball like she did for Obama’s, I think that would be really significant if she performed at the first Black president and the first Black female president (and obviously just the first female president overall.)

    • Nanea says:

      An inaugural ball honestly sounds more plausible than showing up for the DNC.

      And having TMZ, now a Murdoch entity, having *that* scoop exclusively…

    • ML says:

      The inauguration is January 20, 2025, which is also MLK Day. This would be awesome!

    • M says:

      I hope not. I really don’t want to see her caterwaul her way through it and have everyone pretend she’s amazing. A good performer? Sure. But not a great singer.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yikes! ‘Caterwaul’? That’s the word used to denigrate Aretha Franklin. Now what do these two women have in common? 🤔

    • mightymolly says:

      I have no doubt that Bey and Tay will both perform at the inauguration, but we need them sooner to help us make sure that inauguration happens. The stakes are so high. Democracy itself is on the line here, and they can have a major impact on this election. I don’t want to hear one word about celebrities being left out of politics. Reagan was a celebrity. TFC a reality star. and Oprah very much swung the 2008 election in Obama’s favor by encourating suburban white women to vote for him. Anyone who has any line to Bey or Tay, please do what you can to get them involved. I’m sure the DNC is calling them hourly.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    The enthusiasm level has been through the roof since Biden stepped back and endorsed VP Harris, and its sustained and growing with this absolute banger of a convention. Next up is the first Harris/Trump debate. This has been such a brilliant strategic campaign, I wonder if they are planning to bring out Beyoncé and Taylor Swift in the next few weeks to keep the campaign in the headlines and have a new surge of joy and enthusiasm (and donations) coming in wave after wave until November.

    • Meghan says:

      My just turned 8 year old son is just so excited that we FINALLY have a woman nominee for President. Bless him, he was too young for Hillary. I cannot wait to early vote for Kamala!!!!!

    • mightymolly says:

      Please please please let that be the case. I know Tay is worried about terrorism and the safety of her fans. And with good reason. The terrorist attack at Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert was a sobering reminder we’re never entirely safe. But terrorism is how freedom is stolen from us. I would personally contribute to Tay’s security (not that she needs a cash infusion) to get her on the campaign trail.

  4. girl_ninja says:

    I’ll be honest, Beyonce is that girl, but I didn’t care if she was there or not. I wasn’t interested in any mega star appearances, I just wanted to see Kamala Harris the next President of the United States of America accept the nomination and give her speech. And she did just that.

    I do think that Bey could have released her statement about not appearing at the DNC an hour before she did. And it proves AGAIN that TMZ is trash, they are owned by Fox so…

  5. Visa Diva says:

    Its better Beyonce wasn’t there, if she had attended the story today would’ve been about Beyonce’s appearance and not Kamala’s speech.

    • Dee says:

      Exactly this. I think Beyonce’s appearance would have stolen a lot of Kamala’s thunder.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree. We didn’t need a special guest, the star of the show was Kamala Harris.

      At one point people were saying it was Beyonce, Taylor, and Bruce Springsteen, LOL.

    • Amy says:

      Agree 100%. Beyonce would have stolen the show and the narrative. It would have been absolutely foolish for them to invite her, tbh.

    • Fabiola says:

      The night was about KamalaHarris not Beyoncé. I’m glad Beyoncé didn’t turn out. That’s all people would talk about and the republicans would use it to say that’s the only reason people showed up.

  6. Izzy says:

    Whoever started that rumor should be banned from ever attending a Dem party event. That was ridiculous.

  7. ariel says:

    It never made sense- Queen Beyonce, or there were also rumors Ms Swift might be there- okay those probably were less DNC rumors than they were Swifties wanting it to be.
    But frankly – last night was Vice President Harris’ night.
    And no offense to even the most beloved politicians, but both Mrs. Carter and Ms. Swift are WAY bigger deals than any politician. And if either were there, today’s news would have been more about them than our future president. And that is not good strategy. And right now the dems are KILLING it with strategy.
    I am hopeful for our country for the first time since Hillary lost in 2016.

    Beyonce already gave her unofficial endorsement- she licensed a song for the campaign.

    Taylor who literally JUST finished the April-August leg of her massive tour- i hope she was in her pajamas in her bed in Kansas City, eating snacks, drinking wine, relaxing, and watching it on tv. Let her enjoy her down time.

  8. Flamingo says:

    I love that Beyonce’s team sent a cease and desist letter to Trump team to stop using her music. And gave her blessing for the Harris/Walz team to use Freedom. Which has become Kamala’s anthem and was used last night. Fantastic and powerful song.

    So, in sense Beyonce was there last night just in a different way.

    Agree with everyone else. Last night was all about Kamala. And I think the democrats learned not to send out every movie star and A list singer to tell the middle class how to vote. And only had a few performances with John Legend, Marin, The Chicks and Pink. All so well done. I am so bummed it’s over. The energy was electric in Chicago.

  9. Agnes says:

    My favorite tweets from The Rumor last night: “Maybe the surprise guest was the friends we made along the way,” and “Be the special guest you were waiting for.” Hahahaha. Anyway, a big concert with BeyoncE, Tator, and Dolly would have distracted from Harris’s amazing, and serious, speech. But I bet one is coming.

    • Flamingo says:

      I remember the rumor about a Beyonce / Taylor Swift concert in support of Kamla. But a Dolly / Beyonce / Taylor concert. Honestly, i would lose my mind. It would be on the level of the Concert for 9/11. (which Destiny’s Child performed at) I was so grateful to go that night. A co-worker got tickets from their boss and had an extra one, that I lucked out and was invited. Best night ever.

  10. Clove says:

    I fell for the rumor and kept saying when are they going to bring Bet out. It may not have been at the DNC, but I bet at some point or another she will show up with Kamala.

  11. butterflystella says:

    I never thought Bey or Tay would be there in person. Lol, Bey gave permission to use her song & Taylor has been out of the country…

  12. VilleRose says:

    The mystery guest was probably Oprah. She was a last minute addition from what I understand and her presence wasn’t announced until the day of. It makes more sense for Oprah to be there given how many years she spent in Chicago working on her talk show than Beyonce anyways?

    I didn’t know this rumor was buzzing around though I did notice the inclusion of Beyonce’s song Freedom several times during the DNC.