Ben Affleck’s gal pal Kick Kennedy once told a disturbing whale story about her dad

Over the weekend, Page Six gave us an interesting exclusive, a piece of gossip which put Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s split in a different context. We know that Ben and J.Lo genuinely seemed to fall apart significantly early this year, especially when Ben seemed over it completely at the This Is Me… Now premiere. Usually, J.Lo is the one who lines up a jumpoff for the end of her relationships. But according to Page Six’s sources, Ben was spending time with Kick Kennedy in LA.

Ben Affleck has been spending time with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s 36-year-old daughter Kick Kennedy amid his divorce from Jennifer Lopez. A Hollywood insider tells Page Six they have been spotted at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel and other hotspots.

The nature of their relationship remains unclear. Kick declined to comment, while Affleck’s reps did not immediately respond to Page Six’s request.

[From Page Six]

In case you’re wondering, Kick is Robert Kennedy Jr’s daughter from his first marriage to Emily Ruth Black. His second marriage was to Mary Richardson (who died by suicide in 2012) and his third and current marriage is to Cheryl Hines. Given all of the sh-t Robert Kennedy and his brain worm are up to these days, you would think that most people would avoid anyone immediately related to him. Not Ben though. Anyway, people have been trying to figure out what Kick’s whole deal is. She’s being billed as an actress and socialite, and she has five small credits to her name. Back in 2012, she got a big profile in Town & Country, where she was really trying to break into acting. It was in that profile where she shared this disturbing story about her father:

Kick’s taste for the extreme was fed by her dad’s eccentric environmentalism. Exhibit A: When she was six, word got out that a dead whale had washed up on Squaw Island in Hyannis Port. Bobby — who likes to study animal skulls and skeletons — ran down to the beach with a chainsaw, cut off the whale’s head, and then bungee-corded it to the roof of the family minivan for the five-hour haul back to Mount Kisco, New York. “Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet,” Kick recalls. “We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”

[From Town & Country]

If she was six years old at the time, this was pre-brain worm. I hate that I know the chronology of the brain worm, but I do. Robert Kennedy didn’t get the brain worm until 2009-10. I truly hate that the “Bennifer split” gossip is now connected to the “2024 election cycle has a guy with a brain worm” gossip.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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62 Responses to “Ben Affleck’s gal pal Kick Kennedy once told a disturbing whale story about her dad”

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  1. Flower says:

    Reading the story about Kick’s parents is just horrific. It likely never be clear who the real aggressor was, but RFK’s recent actions don;t leave much doubt.

    Maybe Ben Affleck has finally found his perfect match given the history of his own father.

    It feels like Ben is circling the drain and in a few years time JLO may realised she dodged a bullet.

    • Amy says:

      I can’t get RFK Jr’s behavior toward Mary Richardson out of my head. Horrific.

      • Mayp says:

        💯, @amy

      • AmyB says:

        I have to be honest; I never did a deep dive into RFK Jr’s history until recently and finding out about his second wife’s suicide (and the journal he kept which detailed all the women he f**ked) made me sick. AND that is in addition to his damn worm-eaten brain, and his stunt of leaving a dead bear cub carcass in Central Park years ago, as some stunt. WTF! That man is insane, vile and disgusting!

    • Isabella says:

      The real aggressor? What??

  2. Nic says:

    Two things…. 1. I don’t think anyone need worry about KK. She’s been trying to make herself happen for a while starting with the appropriation of her great aunt’s identity, and what better way to get attention than to insert yourself into the narrative of a highly publicized celebrity split. Just look at the ink spilled with her name across multiple outlets. 2. I suspect the breakup has less to do with KK than with Ben’s fragile ego. He and JL split the first time around not long after the failure (and public ridicule) of their joint venture, Gigli. This time around, he appears to have started to distance himself after the ridicule they encountered with This is me… now. He seems to have been all in for both, but like Justin Timberlake is very quick to sacrifice women to deflect taking responsibility for his own poor judgement.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      THIS. As expected, Ben couldn’t take the public & financial failure of her projects (that he had a major hand in), and is now soft launching his new, much younger girlfriend. Who of course also looks like a younger version of his first wife. At least she’s not the nanny or the typical 20 year old model.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        I was surprised she is 36, she looks a lot younger to me. Given the controversial nature of RFK, Jr, especially now that he’s endorsed Trump, it seems weird that Ben would want to be anywhere near anyone in that family.

    • fwiw says:

      Kick’s mom is Emily, not Mary. RFK Jr impregnated Mary before he was divorced from Emily.

      I have never read anything suggesting Emily had problems–other than marrying a heroin addict. They met in law school at UVa. She was from Indiana. Petite, pretty, nice. Supported him through his rehabs & arrest. I wish she had kept their two kids further away from that family.

    • Megan says:

      KK wants to be famous. Who knows what the nature of their relationship may be, but it’s certainly generating the publicity she wants.

  3. Ariel says:

    I know y’all are more twitter than threads people but rfk he’s brain worm has its own threads account- and it’s really funny.

    I feel like the media has been complicit in covering Kennedy rich white male crimes and evils at about double the rate they protect regular rich white man mfeasance.
    For 2 full generations.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Lol you’re making me want to join Threads now just to follow the brainwork account.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        Threads is not bad, getting more robust by the day. The only way it will get better and attract even more important voices is if more people sign up! I would love to see it fully replace Twitter one day.

    • lucy2 says:

      I love Threads! I never much cared for twitter, I always got depressed when I’d go on there, but threads is much more liberal and fun.

      Not at all shocked Boston Ben is circling around a Kennedy.

      I sort of know someone who sort of knows her, and is…not a fan.

      That whale story and the bear story…it’s like the prelude to finding out someone is a serial killer.

    • Anne says:

      I LOVE the Brain Worm’s Threads account!

  4. Nic says:

    She kind of looks like Ben… or one of his kids.

  5. Abby says:

    Every time a story comes out about RFK jr I brace myself. And every time it’s so much WORSE than I expected. It’s wild that there are people I know IRL who actually think he would have been a good president. Just by good judgement measures, he’s awful.

    He reminds me of Connor Roy.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Ha, Connor Roy is a good parallel although I find RFK, Jr much more menacing. I honestly am at the end of my rope with him. The era of Trump has been one of unending stress, fear and uncertainty and he could have just kept his head down instead of trying to make a harrowing election even more so. I despise what he’s done. I’m not even consoled by the fact that his family seems to feel the same.

    • Mil says:

      If he wasn’t a Kennedy, he would be treated like Alex Jones. Cos that’s what he deserves, but his last name makes him somehow valuable to the American people..:. It is like US version of the BRF

  6. Tessa says:

    Her nickname kick is after her great aunt Kathleen Kennedy who was nicknamed kick. She married into the Devonshire family but her husband was killed in the war.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Then she died in a plane crash with another older British aristo she was planning to marry. They were flying in a storm to the French Riviera to meet her father and get his approval.

      • Tessa says:

        Her boyfriend that she wanted to marry lord fitzwilliam who was separated from but not divorced from his wife insisted on the pilot taking off . There was an approaching storm and the plane crashed. Kick had been trying to get permission from her father to marry fitzwilliam after his divorce came through.

      • SadieMae says:

        It’s a really sad story and definitely underlines how awful Joe Sr. and Rose were as parents. They cut Kick off completely (not just financially but the whole relationship) when she married a Protestant. Her siblings were ordered not to speak to her (I think JFK sneaked in a visit when he was in the UK during the war). And of course her parents were furious when, after being widowed, she started seeing another Protestant (and a married one to boot).

        When Kick died, Rose said of the crash that it was God looking down at Kick and saying, “NO!” Just imagine a mother saying that about her own child who had just died tragically! That family is messed up on so many levels…

      • julie jules says:

        Shameful the way they treated Kick.

        This family seems to enjoy turning on each other. But that’s the moral guideline of the day – don’t agree with my political/moral/religious standards? Off with your head!

  7. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    JFC why does RFK Jr have a thing for putting dead animals in or on his car? Who does this? Nobody. Unless you’ve hunted it and plan to eat it. (And don’t tell me he was really going to eat old road kill baby bear.) If my husband tried this, I was would say no f*cking way, and then get him to a psychiatrist.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      According to him, he eats road kill all the time and keeps a freezer full of it. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      • tealily says:

        Side note: hm I wonder how he got a brain worm?

      • BeanieBean says:

        Saw an episode of Doc Martin where that occurred. You’re really risking your life when you do that, as you don’t know how ‘fresh’ it is.

    • Lau says:

      You gotta love how they’re calling him an “environmentalism” before adding another horrendous story about that guy and various animals.

    • Matilda says:

      When I was a teenager a whale washed up on the beach next to the house we where renting for our summer vacation and it ruined the holiday because the smell was so awful and prevalent that you couldn’t escape it. So I can’t imagine having a whale head on top of your car, leaking inside with your family there. Proves the worm is not the reason for his insanity.

  8. SIde Eye says:

    I know people see some semblance of Jennifer Gardner but in my opinion I think not on Kick’s best day. Kick is pretty and generic – there’s nothing memorable about her other than these my dad is a wing nut stories. She could be any woman in your hot yoga class. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that before you come at me. She IS pretty. But not on Jen Gardner’s level. Jennifer Gardner is stunning. Kick would be the Walmart version of her. I don’t see a young Jennifer Gardner at all.

    I admit I am not a huge JLO person but I think she should be there when VP Harris is elected as President and hopefully she can score an invite to that Inauguration , not as a performer but just as someone who is part of that moment. And Ben gets to be brainworm adjacent while all of this is going on. If him and Kick even last that long.

    On a completely separate note (again I’m gonna get slammed here) I hope VP Harris selects someone other than Beyonce to perform at her Ball. She loves jazz and I’d love to see a Jazz band playing. It’s too bad Prince is no longer because she is a huge Prince fan. Beyonce has already performed at a Ball – she got to be part of that huge moment in history. I want to see Harris set herself apart in every way, including the artists she picks to perform at her Inauguration. I enjoyed President Obama in the White House, (Mitch McConnell fuckery aside), but I think I am going to love President Harris even more. For the record I admit I am really, really not a Jay Z fan at all – I get very bad vibes there, so I don’t want to see his face there and I’m sick of him period. So maybe I’m biased cause I don’t like Beyonce’s husband and find him super annoying.

    What a time to be even associated with RFK, Jr. And that story about the whale is absolutely psychotic and disgusting. RFK, Jr. has a disturbing history with animals.

    • Looper says:

      @ Side eye, your comments seem to always be on point!

      • SIde Eye says:

        Ah thank you Looper! I am long winded and not for everyone lol, so I appreciate you saying that. There used to be a poster on here named Virgilia and she would post these long comments – I so enjoyed reading them, then one day someone slammed her for going on too much. I was still lurking back then and not posting, I wish I had come on to defend her cause I haven’t read a fun post by her in a while. Anyway, that’s a long way of saying thank you (I did it again lol)

    • Mimi says:

      Beyonce would likely be there because of “Freedom” and how effective it has been as a campaign song, but she’ll likely add someone else, too.

      • SIde Eye says:

        You’re right Mimi. I just want the moment to be about President Harris and not Beyonce and Jay Z. I really hope someone else performs at the Ball. For the record I don’t have anything against Beyonce – other than we’ve been there, done that, and I’d love to see another artist perform there. I hope she sets a different tone than Obama (I did love Obama in the WH but not how Mitch stole a SC Justice and obstructed him at every turn – and I just want a different tone set that this time it will be different).

    • tealily says:

      She’s giving Parker Posey’s normie niece.

    • Aurora says:

      I so love the spirit of speaking about Kamala’s inauguration ball as a sure fact. Way to manifest good vives!
      Down with Trump!

    • Anonymous says:

      yeah Kick is very pretty but she is normal girl very pretty, not movie star gorgeous.

      Same with Jay Z. Super bad vibes from him always. Someday P Diddy stories and more will come out about him. Love Beyonce tho. Would like to see someone unexpected given the nod

    • For what it’s worth says:

      “brainworm adjacent ” ROTFL

  9. Lau says:

    “Robert Kennedy didn’t get the brain worm until 2009-10”, that we know of. For all we know, the worm could have been there for years already.

  10. girl_ninja says:

    Robert Kennedy Jr. should not be around people or animals! I mean that. He is unwell and unsafe.

  11. Nutella toast says:

    Read the 2012 piece and she says her family would only really be disturbed / disown her if she were suddenly republican. Whether intentional or not, she comes off as erratic and the crazy kind of “fun” in both that article and The Cut profile around the same time. As for age difference, she dated someone in their 50s years ago who then died related to drug addiction. It would be such a bad pairing if it were true, though I suspect it isn’t. Re: the whale…she said it was because her dad collected animal skulls and wanted to examine it, not eat it.

  12. Flo says:

    I have to comment on this story. First of all, why didn’t he wrap the whale carcass in a tarp for the 5 hour truck to Mt Kisco. Why did he feel putting the kids heads in a plastic bag was preferable to wrapping the whale carcass in a tarp. Was there no other adult who could have stepped in? Also, 5 hours from Massachusetts to NY and not one cop on the road??? Seriously, it’s just an insane story and I keep laughing about it. What the heck is wrong with this guy.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I had a lot of questions along those lines, too! Like, did he heft this thing on the roof by himself? Were there other adults? Was the other adult his wife??? I mean, if he had the kids & they were spending the day at the beach, I’m guessing mom was there. And on what planet would children with their heads covered in plastic bags not prompt a phone call to the police?! And why was that the preferred solution to the problem instead of, oh, I don’t know, rolling up the windows?

  13. Looper says:

    This has Ben and that lady Lindsay vibes to it, lots of ick.
    Kennedy “mystique” should be rebranded: Kennedy creeps.

  14. beff says:

    Do we need anymore evidence that he’s completely off the wagon? Gawd he’s addicted to so many things: alcohol/ durgz, gambling, chaotic relationships. Taking up with a known party girlie and trotting around LA is beyond the pale. In this light, I do feel badly for Jennifer.

    • Flamingo says:

      The only evidence, if you can call it that. Is part of him abruptly moving out of their mega mansion. That allegedly, never told Jennifer he even left. To renting then buying the house in Brentwood. Were the stories of he was doing private rehab in the home.

      Maybe that’s why Jennifer kept trying to wait it out and he could get the help he needed and would reconcile after. I still feel that he told her when she went to the home on his birthday on August 15 he was done. Which is why she filed pro per on August 20. She was done with him, and he jerked her around the last two years for no reason.

  15. Anonymous says:

    RFK Jr. fits right in with the Trump and the weird MAGAs.

    • Flamingo says:

      NGL I am secretly hoping Trump kicks JD out for RFK Jr. That will drive the undecided to Kamala even faster.

  16. tealily says:

    Dead whales, dead bears, I’m noticing a disturbing pattern here…

    • Jennifer says:

      He also eats rat eyes, per the Behind the Bastards podcasts on him. He has a looooooong history of being fascinated by dead animal corpses.

  17. Luna says:

    Is her mom alive? I can’t find anything about her searching Google. Amazing he married Hines 2 years after Richardson died by suicide. I wonder if he still is having tons of affairs, and if so, who would want to do that with him?

    • fwiw says:

      @Luna. Yes, her mom is alive, in her 60s. Saw somewhere that she practices law in DC. That *might* be her in the strapless peachy-color dress with Kit in one of the above pictures.

  18. BeanieBean says:

    I don’t know what kind of whale that was, but if it were one of the endangered species, that would have been illegal. And gross, of course. Somehow, an obsession with nature was quirky & fun when written by Farley Mowat (Never Cry Wolf, among others), but with Kennedy, it just seems bizarre & psycho.

    Also, I would hope they’ve changed the name of that island by now….

    • Carolnr says:

      Where is PETA in all this?
      ..oh yeah, that’s right, we are talking about the Kennedy’s…

  19. Flamingo says:

    I was looking at her Instagram she clearly has a relationship with her Dad. And just seems like the typical trust fund / nepo baby. Going from party to party and vacation to vacation taking pictures and not doing a whole lot with her life.

    I wouldn’t even be surprised if she planted this story to get her name in the news.

    There seems nothing remarkable about her except for pushing her Kennedy name and her co-opted nickname.