King Charles’ aides thought he should have sent Prince William to Southport

The Daily Beast’s Royalist column has an exclusive update on King Charles. Charles has been in Scotland for much of August, first at Castle Mey and currently at Balmoral. Or rather, Birkhall. Birkhall is Charles’s semi-private home within the larger Balmoral estate. Birkhall once belonged to the Queen Mum (Charles’s grandmother), and when she passed, it was given to Charles. He did the same thing last year, he stayed at Birkhall while the rest of the family stayed at the big house, Balmoral Castle. Even now that he’s king, Charles prefers the “smaller” and more comfortable homes he had/used as Prince of Wales. According to Royalist, Charles is mostly avoiding his family too. LOL.

Time at Birkhall: King Charles is spending most of his time on holiday in Scotland at his own home, Birkhall, and is not sleeping at Balmoral Castle with the rest of the vacationing royal family, the Daily Beast understands. The cancer-hit king is spending his days at his Scottish baronial-style manor with Queen Camilla by his side, recharging his batteries by painting and tending to his beloved gardens, a source told The Daily Beast.

The king sleeps a lot: The source said: “The king is sleeping a lot. He is not one to sit around doing nothing, so relaxing for him takes the form of reading, writing, painting, and gardening. He has always loved throwing on his wellies and getting out in the garden, that’s his happy place.” The source said they were unsure of what specific treatments Charles is receiving for his cancer while in Scotland, but said they understood the king had treatment when he was in London last week.

The others are staying at the big house: It is perhaps no surprise that although the king participated in a traditional formal welcome to Balmoral Castle last week, he has continued to base himself at Birkhall, while other royals, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, have been made welcome at “the big house,” as the castle is commonly known.

He’s not going on outdoor adventures: The king is not participating in lengthy days of shooting and fishing with his family, as he usually would, and as the late Queen Elizabeth always did, the source said, instead joining shooting parties briefly, if at all. The other royals have been out shooting grouse, a prized wild game bird which lives on the type of Scottish moorland which surrounds the castle, but the shooting has been “disappointing” across all of Scotland this year, with breeding affected by unusual weather patterns. Balmoral is no exception, another source said. “We have all been hit for six this year, including at Balmoral,” the shooting source said, “Balmoral has wonderful gamekeepers, but there is only so much you can do when you’re getting driving rain and snow in May. All the shoots have been very quiet. That won’t stop the royals going out and having a good walk and lunch in the hut of course, but it does rather take the shine off things when there are no birds.”

His decision to fly to Southport to visit with the community: Charles’ decision to interrupt his vacation to go to Southport was an important and appropriate act in recognition of the seriousness of what occurred there. However, some insiders last week told the Daily Beast that they fear the king’s determination to maintain a hectic schedule of events despite still having cancer risks derailing his recovery. One insider has now reiterated that fear to The Daily Beast, saying, “I actually think William could have deputized for Charles at Southport. I have tremendous admiration for the incredibly brave way Charles has conducted himself over the past six months but he is not well, it is plainly apparent just from looking at him, and things can go wrong very fast with cancer.”

Concerns about his October trip: Insiders urging caution over his packed schedule are increasingly nervous about a grueling overseas tour to Australia and Samoa planned for October. The Daily Beast’s source said, “He is the king and everyone understands he wants to get on and do the job. His bravery and courage in the face of what he is facing is amazing. But plenty of people would prefer it if he wasn’t going.”

[From The Daily Beast]

It sounds like these “sources” mostly wanted to complain about the grouse hunting. As for Charles spending the bulk of his time at Birkhall and the fact that he’s sleeping a lot… it is his vacation. I’m not defending the work-shy royals, but Charles is a 75-year-old man with cancer. He should be puttering around the garden and napping, so I’m glad that’s what he’s doing. The larger issue is this: “I actually think William could have deputized for Charles at Southport.” First of all, no, Charles was the one who needed to visit the community and speak to those people, just as his mother would have done. Second of all, Charles cannot get William to do a damn thing, much less deputize William to make sensitive visits to families who lost children. And that’s the bigger problem, isn’t it? Charles can’t trust or deputize lazy-ass William to do a damn thing.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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38 Responses to “King Charles’ aides thought he should have sent Prince William to Southport”

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  1. SarahCS says:

    “He sleeps a lot” is what we’ve started to say about our 16 year old cat with chronic kidney disease and a constant litany of other minor ailments. Hmm.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Pretty sure he isn’t long for this world there seems to be no expectation of remission or a recovery in any of the reporting.

      • EasternViolet says:

        Yes, that is also what I read into this article– grouse hunting aside — Charles is still getting chemo and is needing alot of recuperation from those treatments. I wonder if his trip to Samoa (and Austrailia?) is still in the cards?

    • Mavsmom31 says:

      I probably shouldn’t be laughing but yes it definitely sounds like the description of an elderly pet and not a head of state.

  2. Kristen from MA says:

    Boo hoo, we didn’t have any birds to kill. A tragedy. :/

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Evil egghead knows that if he doesn’t help his father, he will inherit being King that much faster. He’s the heir anyway, no matter what, so why wouldn’t he want it faster??

  3. I think Chuckles believes like his mother that he must be seen. Well he was seen but it was too little and too late.

    • Janine says:

      Also, like his mother, he believes that the heir is not suitable to perform any kind of job. Therefore, he would rather die while on duty than pass the crown and watch the monarchy fall.

      • Lizzie says:

        Any one of us could do ‘the job’. QEII just wouldn’t let go. William however is too entitled and lazy for anyone to tell him what to do.

    • Latine says:

      Yes. I also think chuck wanted to do solo walkabouts. The problem now is the new heir is basically a Jr Jr while he should be middle management at this point. Shouldn’t William believe “seeing is believing”. Unless he hopes George will be old enough to do most of the work when he becomes king.

  4. Nanea says:

    Charles’s visit to Southport was too little, too late.

    But having William go there would have been completely wrong, as we all know he doesn’t do statesman, or diplomatic, and is gaffe-prone — the way he quite often puts his foot in his mouth.

    That said, sleeping a lot in a situation like Charles’s, can also be a big sign of end-of-life exhaustion. Especially the way it sounds here, combined with those reports of Baldimort planning his shiny hat con-a-nation. The prince of Ales is not ready and will never be.

    • Megan says:

      I wonder if Kate is sleeping a lot, too. Both have been in treatment so long it seems like remission isn’t likely at this point.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        I’m sorry, Kate looks like the picture of health and I very much doubt this cancer. As for Charles, not telling what kind of cancer e has is very strange.

    • Jaded says:

      Most cancer treatments make you very fatigued. I’m currently undergoing chemo and have zero energy, I nap every day, I have to limit myself to the basics — get up, shower, eat, read, have a nap, make a simple dinner, in bed by 8:00. Even having friends over for a visit knocks me out. However I’m certainly not in “end of life” exhaustion, it’s chemo-induced and will go away once I finish next month.

      • therese says:

        @Jaded, have been wondering how you were. My prayers and thoughts are with you. If I were your neighbor I would bring you fresh homemade pound cake and a copy of my current read “The Eye of the Needle” about a Nazi spy by Ken Follett. Stay well.

  5. Eurydice says:

    It’s a huge problem. The press wants to dance around the question, but won’t actually ask it. They’re happy to write stories about Charles asking Harry for help, but won’t ask why not William who’s just sitting on the sidelines. We’re going into 9 months of whatever is wrong with Kate/Catherine and into a new school year for the kids and nothing has been resolved with the Wales.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed Eurydice and why all this scrabbling around the additional RF staff to “relieve the burden on W and K” ? Yes strength the chorus by all means but where is the lead actor? When Will becomes King he will have to lead from the front and no more hiding out or excuses. BTS there must be real panic at the prospect of him taking over the top job because there really is no hiding place for the monarch.

    • Becks1 says:

      I dont think I commented on it, but that’s why I had a different view on the whole “camilla is mad that Charles interrupted his vacation” story. I think Camilla sees William very clearly for who he is, including but not limited to being extremely lazy and entitled, and I think she was ticked that charles flew down from scotland for the visit and William was nowhere to be seen. I think we saw the same thing happen in …February? Whenever Camilla took that two week break that was weirdly announced because she was so “overworked” or whatever – I think she was ticked that William basically disappeared for almost 2 months while her elderly husband underwent a hospital stay and was undergoing cancer treatments and she was still making appearances.

      do I think camilla is lazy herself? Yes. But I think seeing the younger heir get all the attention and praise in the press while doing NOTHING ticks her off and I think we’re going seeing some pushback from Camilla over that. I think the “insider” who thinks william should have gone to southport is Camilla.

      Something is going on with the Waleses – either Kate’s cancer is a lot worse than they are letting on, or their marriage is a lot worse, or both. but there is a reason william has done 2 dozen events all year or whatever and its not just because of the school run.

      • Lizzie says:

        I worry this is the case with Kate. Willaim and Harry are very much alike in that they both resent sharing their personal lives with the rota. William could possibly be exceeding our expectations and privately making Kate happy and comfortable. I guess time will tell. Hopefully I am completely wrong, Kate is on the road to recovery and William is just f’ing off.

      • Tessa says:

        Where was William when Kate had the bench announcement. I don’t think he’s a devoted husband.

      • First comment says:

        Spot on @Becks1! “One insider has now reiterated that fear to The Daily Beast, saying, “I actually think William could have deputized for Charles at Southport”. One insider=Camilla. And also, would Camilla make those kind of comments on William’s absence if she knew that Kate’s health issues are pretty serious and getting worse? Food for thought 🤔

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Charles is the Head of State. He was the most appropriate person in the Royal Family to visit Southport.

    • Noor says:

      Yes, Charles should attend as King and visit the community in mourning. Camilla as mother of the nation and William as heir to the throne and a young father should accompany the King to Southport to provide support to the young families who have lost their children .

  7. JMoney says:

    Charles won’t ask William to do anything bc he’s scared of William. Charles is older and def more frail compared to his 40 year old son with rage issues. That’s why he kickstarted the process to remove Andrew from Royal Lodge – his son prob bullied him until he did it. And the other employees and staff can’t do anything bc Billy is the heir plus they’re prob scared of him too

    • one of the marys says:

      I think he didn’t delegate because he was afraid, rightly so, that William would f*** it up and they’d never live it down. You can’t be hungover and disrespectful with grieving families

  8. Jais says:

    Oh no! The grouse hunting isn’t going well? Say it isn’t so! Lolololol. Love this for them. Honestly though, I get the concern for him to traveling to Australia and wherever else. Imagine if he passes away while I’m another country.

  9. QuiteContrary says:

    I mean this sincerely: The people of Southport have suffered enough. Inflicting William on them would have been cruel.

  10. Gabby says:

    Chuckes isn’t with the rest of the family because he doesn’t really like them or enjoy their company. He also doesn’t want them to see all his medical routines up close. They need to stop talking about his “recovery”. There is no recovery.

  11. Murphy says:

    Yeah he should have sent him, but even KC3 can’t make William do something he doesn’t want to do. He listened to his Grandmother sometimes but yeah he’s not going to do something just bc his father tells him to.

  12. Lau says:

    My grandmother is a 87 years-old woman who had cancer and is now complaining daily because she can’t do her own gardening and growing her own food anymore. I know that Charles has cancer but please let’s not try to find him excuses because he needs to take a vacation from doing nothing the rest of the year. Also he was on the same lazy schedule before he got sick. It’s even worst when we talk about his healthy heir who needs to take a vacation when his only job seems to be being a bully to his brother.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Charles’ main job also seems to be being a bully to Harry. Like monarch, like heir.

      Thank the gods the spare got away. May the Sussexes all outlive them both.

  13. Kingston says:

    As her heir, the late betty was unable to get chuckles to do anything unless not doing so wd visibly reflect negatively on the monarchy. She told H (as he recalls in Spare): “Your father only ever does what he wants to do.”

    Now, with Bully being chuckle’s heir, chuckles is getting exactly what he gave to his mother the queen: nothing – if he doesnt feel like doing anything (unless such inaction calls for the intervention of the overseers of the monarchy whose job it is to whip the lazy entitled windsors into pretending to earn their keep.)

    • Tessa says:

      Charles made clear his coronation plans for decades now his heir is giving the same treatment to his father that Charles gave to his mother

  14. equality says:

    Everyone else is staying in the castle? I thought W&K had their own place on the grounds.

    • First comment says:

      I seriously doubt that William and Kate were ever at the castle this year… perhaps, William was there for a brief visit for the Balmoral meeting but it’s a big “perhaps “

  15. Libra says:

    Charles can ask till the cows come home but that doesn’t mean William will cooperate or consent to help out. I think both William and Kate are oppositionally defiant in addition to being work adverse. They are both very angry people but for different reasons. Refusing to work may be their preferred method of trying to stay in control.

  16. therese says:

    Did you mean it seemed like these sources mainly wanted to grouse about the grouse hunting? Ok, I’ll stop.

    I have been wondering if Bill is in treatment. I think he is. Forced to go or otherwise.