Kelly Ripa thinks she can communicate with wild dolphins

My mother records Live With Kelly and Mark everyday, so I catch the show here and there when I visit her for an extended weekend. Boy, do I wish I had been with my mother this week to watch Tuesday’s episode. Kelly shared a story in which she and husband/co-host Mark Consuelos are celebrating a friend’s birthday in a boat off the coast of Mexico (she said this was a few years ago). Wild dolphins swim up to their boat and… Kelly jumps in the water, shouting back to her human friends, “I know how to talk to them!” ‘Them’ being the dolphins. Folks, I felt proud about going to a high school that was known for offering a large number of languages you could select to study for the graduation requirement. Now I feel rooked that “Dolphin” was not one of them! Here’s more of Kelly’s dolphin tale, in English for convenience:

Kelly Ripa went on air on Live With Kelly and Mark to share a curiously funny story about her belief in her ability to speak with a marine animal.

The 53-year-old talk show host spoke on the Tuesday (August 27) episode of the morning show she co-hosts with her husband, Mark Consuelos, and went into detail about her quirky beliefs and what drew her to dolphins.

While on a boat off the coast of Mexico to celebrate their friend’s 50th birthday. The plan was sunset cocktails, but Kelly did not stick to said plan. Wild dolphins soon surrounded the boat and while some of Kelly’s friends were confused, Kelly immediately sprung into action… literally.

Before anyone could stop her, Kelly dove into the water with all of the wild dolphins, claiming, “I know how to talk to the dolphins!”

As Kelly and Mark discussed the incident on air, Mark could barely hold it together as he laughed and laughed at his wife’s storytelling.

“Our friend Brian was standing on the bow of the boat and he’s going, ‘Kel, get back in the boat. Those are wild dolphins, those aren’t trained dolphins,’” Kelly added.

Her response?

“In my mind, I thought I could talk to the dolphins because I’d spoken so fluently to them,” Kelly explained honestly to the audience.

While there’s no way to confirm if Kelly Ripa really does have a sixth sense or not, it’s easy to agree that this anecdote was a fun way to start the day!

Kelly and Mark have co-hosted Live With Kelly and Mark since 2023, when Mark replaced Ryan Seacrest as Kelly’s on air partner.

[From Just Jared]

If you feel like there has to be something missing from this reporting, some link that helps explain why Kelly believed she could commune with the dolphins, you would be correct. Apparently, Kelly had recently filmed a taped segment for the talk show on location in Miami, wherein she was taught to “speak” with the marine mammals. Check out this video if you’d like to hear Kelly’s impression of the whistle-clicky dolphin language she thought she’d become fluent enough in to chat with a real deal pod. Look, Kelly seems like a fun gal! And I can even believe that her intentions were purely good here, even if it sounds a scooch delusional to us now. But when you see dolphins in the wild, please leave them alone! As with many things, humans cause problems once they enter the picture. Interacting with humans affects dolphin behavior, which usually translates into them lowering their guards and becoming vulnerable to shark attacks. Help protect dolphins by leaving them to their frollicking, flipping, flaptacular selves. No matter how good your linguistic skills are.

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Photos credit: Darla Khazei / Avalon, Getty and via Instagram

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10 Responses to “Kelly Ripa thinks she can communicate with wild dolphins”

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  1. Mireille says:

    She probably thinks this story makes her cute and kooky. Her behavior, though, is reckless. She should not have engaged with those wild dolphins. If they feel threatened by her behavior, they could have acted accordingly to defend themselves, become aggressive. Kelly’s lucky that all she got was a “fun” anecdote out of this encounter.

  2. Jules says:

    Idiot. No words for this moron.

  3. Bumblebee says:

    Too bad there wasn’t an orca to bash their boat. Or a park ranger with a ‘stay back 200 feet’ sign’.

  4. Izzy says:

    My Lord, this woman is an idiot.

  5. Barbie1 says:

    She was just trying to make her audience laugh. She tells them funny stories everyday. She makes fun of herself on a regular basis. The hateful comments are a bit much.

    • Libra says:

      She’s so full of herself. I have never liked her, not from day one. Her biggest achievement is making Kathy Lee Gifford look good by comparison. She isn’t making fun of herself or telling funny stories, she’s ” humble bragging”. While channel surfing, I sometimes land on this show and am amazed that she is still on. I agree with @izzy, she is an idiot.

    • og bella says:

      Seriously! What the heck? I happened to catch this segment because I went into work late. I don’t particularly like Kelly, but guys, come on, the hate being spewed is ugly.

      She was just telling an amusing, self-deprecating story that flowed with the topic they were speaking about.

  6. Quincytoo says:

    Whilst it wasn’t the best decision she has ever made, I don’t understand the hate lash out on her.

    She often tells amusing stories of some silly thing she has done.

    It probably was a 1.5 Margarita din and she thought and did something that could have been dangerous.

  7. ChickieBaby says:

    She’s got it wrong…Dory can speak whale. Kelly speaks American (which isn’t really English, now). She should leave the “talking to the animals” schtick to the fish.

  8. BJ says:

    They both quit drinking cold turkey a few years ago, I read somewhere Kelly was drunk somewhere and decided to put the plug in the jug.

    Kelli owes her and hubs mega salary to Regis. I like when guests that work their tail off visit, thinking you get paid excessively for doing hardly anything. Now they over work out and watch their food intake. Now their spawn are in the entertainment biz lol!