Gen Z is mocking Millennials for making large purchases on computers instead of phones

Last week, my husband came home from work and told me that his Gen Z coworkers were making fun of some of his more Millennial traits, like watching TikTok videos on Instagram instead of the TT app. Our 10-year-old heard us talking about being “old” and started dropping phrases using Gen Z/Gen Alpha vernacular and I was just completely lost. My husband, who was more familiar because of his younger coworkers, had to explain it all to me. I responded using Millennial speak and everyone just rolled their eyes.

Each generation just has their own way of doing certain things, and so far, Gen Z has come for older generations by canceling skinny jeans, ankle socks, and side parts. There’s also the Great Top Sheet Debate from earlier this summer. I did not realize that this was controversial, but apparently, one of those things that we Millennials are now being made fun of for doing is making large purchases on our computers. I guess buying expensive items through your phone is all the rage nowadays.

Gen Z is at it again. First, they came for your skinny jeans. Then, they blasted your side parts. They even had the audacity to cancel your sweet, sweet ankle socks!

And now, they’re coming for “laptop purchases.”

In case you didn’t know, there’s a widespread belief that big purchases must be made on a laptop. Examples of “laptop purchases” are plane tickets, hotel rooms, expensive electronics, or furniture. For clarity’s sake, let’s say a “laptop purchase” is anything over $300.

As [one] person said, “The millennial urge to make a big purchase on a laptop instead of a phone is very real.”

Well, I’m here to tell you that Gen Z apparently doesn’t agree with the “laptop purchase” mentality. A tweet from Jessie Frazelle says, “Apparently, Gen Z is making fun of older generations for never buying big ticket purchases on their phone and always using a desktop.”

The generational divide is real.

“How are you gonna open multiple tabs and carefully cross-compare offers??” [one] frantic millennial asked. Another millennial said they needed a “real keyboard for this serious business.”

And [another] person straight up said the anti-laptop purchase mentality was “wrong,” explaining, “Sometimes, websites are not properly designed to show all of the information you need to make a purchase on a phone.”

Other millennials seem to agree with Gen Z. “I use my phone all the time to buy stuff,” this person said.

[From Buzzfeed]

Umm, I absolutely prefer to make big purchases from my computer. One exception is if I’m buying concert or show tickets. Even that is on a case-by-case basis, which is generally if tickets go on sale at a certain time and I just am not going to be around a computer and have no other choice but try to navigate Ticketmaster’s app on my phone. Like, how do you so confidently buy plane tickets or book a vacation without having multiple tabs open in a regular browser AND an incognito browser just to make sure that you’ve got the best price? Or don’t mess up something innocent like a date of birth and not notice on your tiny phone screen? I agree with the Millennial that pointed out that a lot of websites aren’t designed to show you all of the info you need to make a purchase through the phone.

Have I had to occasionally book a hotel room for a night through the Hilton Honors app? Sure, but it’s not my preferred method of doing things. Apps are for social media, playing music, and nosily looking at the inside of a house that’s for sale in your neighborhood. Bah, the thought of making a big purchase on my phone is honestly stressing me out right now. Team Laptop Purchases all the way!

Photos credit: Pavel Danilyuk/Mizuno K/Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels, Christin Hume/Unsplash

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86 Responses to “Gen Z is mocking Millennials for making large purchases on computers instead of phones”

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  1. Christine says:

    I’m GenX, and won’t even turn on one-click ordering on Amazon. My brain can’t fathom making a big purchase from my phone.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      You sound like what I posted below. I’ve finally come around (sort of) but that’s primarily because my husband who is an IT person gave me the WTF face and laughed when I was ranting about the phone not being secure.

      • Fabiola says:

        I’m gen x and don’t even have a laptop anymore. I make all purchases in my iPhone. I never thought that was a big No for some people. What does it matter? You do you

    • ariel says:

      I’m gen x too- i too won’t do one click buying- but i do purchase on amazon on my phone.
      But i am also one of the olds who is like- you don’t need an app for everything – STOP IT!

      Now, after i buy my plane ticket (which i look for on expedia, etc, then actually buy at the specific airline site) i download the airline app so i get notifications, etc of changes to my flight and have my boarding pass automatically there (which i also print out, just in case).

      Too many things have apps now.
      I do not ever want a lightbulb with no physical switch- you have to turn it on through the app.
      (my friend bought a house with some of those)- i find it insane.
      But again, i am over 50.

      • blueberry says:

        I once heard someone say; Just because we can do it, doesn’t mean we should. It was in reference to a cooker that could be turned on with an app. 🙄

      • Eurydice says:

        I remember a time when phones didn’t have enough storage for a bazillion apps. But I have to laugh about the app for the lightbulb.

        My building installed new washers and dryers in the laundry room. You can use a laundry card, a credit card or put money into an app. When I asked what was the point of the app, the 20-something in the management office chirped, “you can start the machine from your phone and the app will tell you when your laundry is done.” I can just walk across the hall, start the machine after I’ve put in my clothes and come back when the 28 minutes are up. When I said to her “the laundry company just wants to send out ads while having the use of everyone’s money,” she said “Oh, no, they’d never do that.” Poor child.

        As it is, one of the machines on my floor broke down right away and it took over a year to have it fixed.

      • Christine says:

        Don’t get me started, blueberry! I just bought a new car after driving my Volvo for 21 years, and I’m APPALLED that there is an app that can turn on my car and unlock the doors. What is this witchcraft, and how can anyone be sure their car isn’t going to be hacked and driven away? I’m so confused!!!

    • Barbiem_2 says:

      I claim xennial lol
      Didn’t know this was a thing. I don’t even own a laptop. What must they think if me… also I’m still stuck on the we can’t do the thumbs up emoji anymore..

    • SpankyB says:

      This Boomer is taking it even further and will only purchase from my desk top. 😉

      It’s my work computer set up with multiple screens, etc, so I’m not a complete Luddite. But my phone is used for checking the weather and texting. What?! I’m not old, you’re old.

      • Christine says:

        LOL! I feel you, I didn’t even buy a smart phone until 2016.

      • Harpervalleypta says:

        Genx here: team desktop!

        I have a desktop setup with 2 monitors from when I went back to grad school, and that’s the Spend Money computer.

        I bought my house through that desktop which absolutely horrified my Silent Gen dad. No going into the bank for all the mortgage paperwork? Horrors!

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Christine, my sister! I didn’t get a cell phone of any kind until 2013! And I still have the same model–upgraded a couple of times to an Apple 5SE. That screen is too tiny for me to do important stuff on it! I do have airline apps for travel, and will check eBay from time to time, but I try to have as few apps as possible on my phone. I have no socials, so that makes things easy. I do not like to read anything on my phone & I keep asking my friend (same age) who has a Samsung to please, please, learn how to send me the articles you think I might be interested in via email rather than text. And please don’t send me long texts!!

      • Christine says:

        BeanieBean, I knew I couldn’t be the only one!

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      GenX here too. I buy everything from the phone. The idea of doing something serious on the laptop seems to have been me a few years ago before covid. I have a mac I barely touch. It doesnt have a delete button. That drove me crazy enough I stopped using it.

      • BeanieBean says:

        No delete button? That’s weird. How old is it? I’ve got one on my MacBook Air.

      • ML says:

        Even beyond security concerns and sometimes the internet being simply better on a computer, Gen Z is a few decades away from discovering what happens to their eyesight when they get older.

  2. Indica says:

    I think quite a bit of it is that they’re (GenZ) more trusting of their phones. I’m on the ‘I don’t believe it until I check it from several angles’ train, I think they’re on the ‘the phone wouldn’t lie’ train.

    • Indica says:

      Replying to myself because this came in an email today. The article is from the Wall Street Journal:

      Gen Z-ers Are Computer Whizzes. Just Don’t Ask Them to Type
      Despite being known as a tech-savvy generation, many Gen Z-ers were not taught to touch-type. The U.S. Department of Education reported that the share of U.S. high school graduates who had taken a keyboarding course dropped to 2.5% for 2019 graduates from 44% for 2000 graduates. Many Gen Z-ers opt for iPads or other tablets instead of devices with physical keyboards.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Poor babies, can’t write cursive, can’t type on a keyboard.

      • Christine says:

        My Mom and I write notes to each other in cursive, because my 14 year old absolutely cannot read my Mom’s handwriting in cursive. He’s 50/50 on mine, but doesn’t even bother to try and figure it out because he knows he’s never going to crack his Grandma’s extremely proper cursive. It’s the new spelling words out loud before toddlers know how to spell!

  3. OriginalLeigh says:

    When did side parts get tossed out?!?!
    Must Gen Z take everything from us poor elderly millennials? 😂

    • Elle says:

      I have had a side part for 25 years, ever since my bowl cut grew out. I couldn’t have a middle part even if I wanted one, which I don’t, because my face isn’t perfectly symmetrical, but my hair refuses to lie that way. I’ll wait two more years for side parts to be trendy again.

  4. LadyMTL says:

    Xennial here, and it really depends on what I’m buying. If it’s something simple like books, skincare, or clothes then sure, I’ll use my phone. If I’m booking a vacation then I’m on my computer, because I’ll probably have 5 tabs open at once – comparing hotels, flights, and so on – and no way do I want to do that while squinting at my phone’s small screen.

    • Becks1 says:

      Xennial as well and I agree, it really depends on what I’m buying. I have bought plane tickets on my phone but its usually a cut and dry situation – we’re flying with friends so its these flights at these times from this airport. If I’m price shopping, I’m 100% on my computer. Its just more efficient.

      I wonder how much Gen Zers price shop for things like hotel rooms, flights, etc? Maybe they just go to expedia and call it a day?

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Well I won’t tell you what I am, lol, but this is generally me as well. I’ll hop on my Son’s battle-station-cockpit-of-a-computer when I’m comparing and using multiple tabs. Most of my orders, however, happen on the phone and tablet.

    • Lemons says:

      Totally agree! If it’s truly a big purchase, I probably have multiple tabs already open from having done a minimum of research on the product/service I am buying…I don’t see myself doing that from my phone unless I absolutely have to.

      If you’re using a phone…is it really a large purchase? What are you really buying? I need examples.

    • nutella toast says:

      I apologize if anyone says this down screen, but that will change when their vision starts going – they have the luxury of saying “phones only” because their eyes haven’t gone to crap. Just wait. It’s not even an app versus website thing for me – I want to see what I’m buying very clearly. I only have to wear mild readers, but even then…I’m not interested in a migraine while trying to buy plane tickets.

      • Christine says:

        This is an excellent point! I just recently had to finally stash reading glasses all over the place, and if I can’t find a pair, I am 100% not doing anything on my phone unless I take my contacts out.

      • BeanieBean says:

        There you go! Now we get to use the phrase, ‘just you wait til you’re older’! You’ll see! Sigh.

    • khaveman says:

      I understand many want to be solely mobile. I prefer to do desktop for major purchases so I can really see photo detail on some things, and do easier comparing from screen to screen. I prefer to “manage” that item on mobile once it’s set. Like travel, Amazon etc. BTW sounds like a lot of judgment being passed around. I don’t care how ANYONE shops. You do you. I’m gonna do me and what is best for my experience.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    I had to go back and read that top sheet debate thread and it made me laugh and laugh. I guess I’m so old (Gen X) that I didn’t even know there was a controversy! But my first thought was, wait until those young non-top sheeters are having hot flashes and then they’ll want something lighter than a comforter!

    Anyway – again, because I’m old – I’m totally team laptop for big purchases. My reasoning though is that a phone doesn’t seem as secure as a laptop. Which I know isn’t true but my brain can’t wrap my head around a phone being secure. Although I’m getting better now at believing it’s fine and do make purchases or use a banking app…but it still makes me nervous on some level lol.

    • JTh says:

      I also think phones are less secure than laptops. Security updates get rolled out faster via desktop platforms than via apps. Also possible that some security features are much less effective on apps.

  6. Arizona says:

    haha I am 35 and definitely do not feel like large purchases need to be made on my laptop.

  7. Eurydice says:

    Lol, I’m waiting for Generation “Mind Your Own Business.”

    • forrealztho says:

      SAME. I’m old enough to have seen these gen wars a couple of times, and old enough to feel neither inferior or superior to those older or younger than I am. Different strokes, whatever floats your boat, etc

  8. Skyblue says:

    I’m Gen-X and I do both. Shrug. I guess my question for the group is, am I the only one who finds Gen Z so beige? From high waisted mom jeans to middle parts and all the beige clothing?

    • Louise says:


    • Becks1 says:

      And so many of them dress the exact same. I know every generation has its uniform – but we were out in Denver last month and every single girl from maybe 15-23 or so was wearing high waisted jeans in the exact same shade, white crop tops, white sneakers, and their hair was either the beachy waves or the long straight middle part look.

      I honestly thought they were part of a cult or something. no one wanted to wear a black crop top? And these girls weren’t all together either – we saw groups of them at different locations. I could not wrap my head around it.

      • Becks1 says:

        OMG, I took my son out for a haircut today at a more hip barbershop than our usual Supercuts or Hair Cuttery – every female working there under 30 was wearing the white crop top, high waisted jeans and white sneakers.


      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes! That’s the outfit I see all the time! Cracks me up! And I’m seeing the crew socks with sneakers or whatever type of footwear, even in Hawaii where’s there’s absolutely no need to keep your ankles warm.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      As a Gen X-er whose closet is arranged in varying shades of beige, I feel personally attacked. Lol! However, most of those clothes are older than Gen Z…

      • BeanieBean says:

        😉 I’m varying shades of blue, which when paired with my standard blue jeans, means I’m in a Canadian tuxedo most of the time.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      What happened to us xers lol? It’s like we completely disappeared, as my babies used to say, discompeared.

  9. blue says:

    I’m with LadyMTL on this. I booked a trip yesterday using 8 open tabs to compare flights, hotels & rates on different sites.

  10. lisa says:

    gen x – only make purchases on my lap top, the lap top stays home where the phone goes everywhere

    but the primary reason is my aging vision. I need to blow some of these things up really big in order to see them. I could never on my phone.

  11. equality says:

    When people have small kids who borrow their phone to play on it, it makes sense to not have one click ordering apps and to make the process of ordering more complicated.

  12. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    I’m an older Millennial.

    I find making airline ticket purchases on my laptop way easier than my phone. You can see options better.

    But I use my phone (iPad sometimes) for most everything else. But that’s mostly due to my impulsive purchase drive when I have a bad day and the house has run out of chocolate. I also do a lot of returns via phone.

    • khaveman says:

      Keep in mind that for every site, the desktop and mobile version are different. Different options, different locations of key functions. It’s not always up to you as to what works/ is optimized.

  13. Lightpurple says:

    My computer has a much larger display screen than my tiny phone. I like to see what I’m buying.

    Travel websites and apps are annoying and often require toggling back and forth. I prefer doing that on my computer but, yes, I have done it on my phone, which is why I know I prefer my computer.

    Tickets for concerts and sports ? Definitely on my phone as I’m likely going to need to show them electronically to get in.

  14. Ameerah M says:

    I am a Xennial and it truly depends on the circumstances. I spend most of my day at an actual computer at work. So if I am making a big purchase just logistically I am usually at my work computer. It doesn’t make sense to me to pick up my phone to do that. However when I am not at work then I usually will just use my phone – but I’m not typically buying big ticket items in those moments. I’ve booked hotels, purchased my new phone and other tech items through my phone. Booking airline tickets I usually wait until I’m at work because I just like having the bigger screen.

  15. minnow29 says:

    Millennial here…just wondering why Gen Z is so obsessed with Millennials?? I have no idea why they are so fascinated with everything we do, and everything we wear (even our socks!) but it’s like getting a little embarrassing at this point!

  16. DaveW says:

    Ok, so where does a tablet fall in the mix? GenX’r and I use my iPad for almost everything personal and work related. And agree with others who noted the 1: text on a phone screen is too small for aging eyes and 2: it’s surprising how many websites are not optimized for mobile.

  17. Gail Hirst says:

    LOL I may be the oldest, foggiest person here…cause I don’t even have a laptop. ALL purchases are made on my PC!! My phone is for texting, news, weather, playing games, taking spontaneous pictures and emergency calls to BCAA if my car breaks down or I’ve locked myself out of it. Half the time I’m not even sure I know where my phone is! And yep, still have landline. When Rogers went down, I had people in my building lined up to use it LOL!

    • JanetDR says:

      Me too! Banking online, checking out options for trips or big purchases all on my PC.
      I use a tablet for smaller things and most of my scrolling, and my phone for a quick look at apps.
      I used to have a laptop but eventually they stop working because the charging port or battery or something else stupid, so I decided to get a new PC and I’m pretty happy with that. But then, I’m a boomer.

      • North of Boston says:

        This is me. I don’t do banking on my phone, I have minimum financial info on there.

        Not because I can’t figure out how, am intimidated by it. But because I am walking around with the thing all day, and if I lose it or break it, I’m scrod. Even if it doesn’t get hacked or whatever, it’s just too much of a hassle to try to reset everything. Or get it shut down.

        Also because I’m highly distractible, can be a bit scattered (hello possibly undiagnosed ADHD). Having to sit down at my laptop to do big things, or update passwords or whatever means I will pay attention to what I’m doing, think it through, can store details where I can find them if needed. Otherwise I’d likely be constantly setting/resetting passcodes or being befuddled by charges and stuff showing up on my doorstep because I did something on impulse while on my phone hanging out waiting for a friend or for an appointment and then forget it 5 minutes later.

        Laugh all you want young-ins, you do you, I’ll do me.

  18. LittlePenguin says:

    Team Laptop! Especially for things that involve travel! When you have to put in a 4 peoples info it’s easier and faster to have a full keyboard. And, you can double check it all because it is all one screen.
    These youngins’ can make fun of me all they want. I wear ankle socks year round, side part my hair (covers a bad scar on my forehead) and have a top sheet (because at a certain age you run hot) and you can’t take it away from me kids!

  19. FancyPants says:

    I bought flight tickets in the Delta app for the wrong dates in July- realized it 3 days before the trip, had to cancel and take the e-credit because it was too much $$$ to rebook it that close to the dates. Rescheduled the trip, bought tickets through the app with e-credit plus a little more… wrong dates again! I know that says more about how dumb I am than the app and there must be somewhere I’m supposed to press to “confirm” whatever date I selected on the pop up calendar, but I will be big-computer-only for flight purchases from now on!

  20. Abby says:

    yeah I guess I’m solidly a millennial here. I’ll buy smaller things like grocery orders, amazon, food, coffee, etc on my phone but for a bigger purchase I prefer my laptop. Like y’all said, I will have multiple tabs open comparing items and researching reviews. I also feel like it’s easier to miss an important detail or purchase the wrong thing on a phone. It’s much easier to accidentally tap the wrong button on a phone, or have the app time out. If I am spending big money, big screen all the way.

  21. Slippers4life says:

    If young people want to believe they dictate fashion trends that’s fine. Go for it. That’s no different than any other generation. But sorry gen z listen to your elders on this one. That’s how they get you kids to spend all your money.

  22. CL says:

    I’m GenX and only use my laptop maybe every other month. Everything else gets done from phone or iPad. I usually have several tabs open on both, so I don’t need a laptop for that. I have planned entire trips just using my iPhone. It’s not a generational thing.

  23. Inge says:

    GenX and I prefer iPads…

  24. MaisiesMom says:

    I order groceries on my phone but I would never book a trip on an App. I need bigger pictures, at least if I am choosing a place to stay.

    As for the fashion? I don’t care what Gen Z wears (or thinks). I wear what I like and is flattering to me. I agree that they all dress exactly the same, and it’s weird to me. Of course there were trends and staples when I was that age, but not everyone had the exact same haircut and it was OK to cultivate a personal style.

  25. girl_ninja says:

    The last decade of these battles between generations. For YEARS it was Boomers fighting with Millennials and then few years ago Gen Z telling Millennials they can’t part their hair on one side or the other.

    Gen X has largely been minding our own business until we wert dragged into it by Gen Zers about how we spent our childhood. I don’t understand all this policing of how one navigates technology or fashion. Let people live!

    • Christine says:

      My mind was blown on Twitter when I came across a tweet that said GenZ don’t use any punctuation in texts, and think they are being yelled at when their parents text with proper punctuation. My son and I went down a week long rabbit hole unearthing more and more bizarre things that our two generations absolutely do not understand about each other. It was fun, I highly recommend!

      He kindly agreed that my GenX ass could keep using punctuation without hurting his feelings. Bless.

  26. Vixxo says:

    Yah no. I need to see everything and the phone doesn’t show everything properly

  27. Cee says:

    I’m a Millenial and I 100% only use my laptop for big purchases because some apps/mobile sites are shitty and not very secure. The amount of times I made mistakes that cost me money are more than 1 so I’d rather be laughed at but secure LOL

    • Cee says:

      I’d also like to add some sites have so many ads that it’s impossible to navigate from a smartphone.

  28. Jess says:

    I’m 34 and yes I feel more comfortable making large purchases or something important on my laptop. I’m very a good typist and it’s easier that way for me with the larger screen and keyboard.

  29. Freddy says:

    Well, as a Gen X-er, I do all of my large purchases on my computer because all of my preferred website passwords are saved on it. I’ve yet to save passwords to preferred websites on my phone…there’s nothing I need or want that can’t wait for me to get to my home office and order it from my laptop. *will I get crap for using the term “laptop”? LOL

  30. KateK says:

    Xennial here. I haven’t had a personnel computer/laptop for 10+ years. Been doing everything on my phone for > a decade now!

    And I’ll keep my ankle socks thank you very much!!!

  31. theotherviv says:

    My kid did an internship in software development some years ago and came home speechless the day he learned that there are pre-set e-commerce systems where a product can have a different (higher) price when accessed by a mobile device or a Mac. This was something a lot of companies used/ tested for a while but apparently consumers became more aware and started comparing when possible. Pricing and cookies and IP cognition works by monitoring your shopping activity, just like reminders what’s in your cart. Gen Z will start paying higher prices for products bought via phone once the algorithm has figured out that you are not comparing prices.
    Whatever I spend money on, I want to see it on the largest screen possible and open 100 tabs to compare.

  32. Tennyson says:

    I remember the talks about sheets, Rosie.
    I laughed & am still laughing. I’m 72, don’t use sheets with the comforter and of course make ALL my purchases on my phone!

  33. Marion says:

    I watched a video also saying that the blazer-T-shirt combo is also giving millenial vibes…
    I’m gen X and I own my age: I’m NOT giving up my skinny jeans nor my blazers. Nevermind I look *old* to gen Z/ gen Alpha, at least I look good ♥

  34. Fina says:

    I am always quite amazed how trusting GenZ is with sharing their data. They do so much using apps. An app for this shop, an app for that one etc. Each of these apps then has access to your contacts, often to your geolocation (I.e. not only when you buy but constantly after) and to all sorts of other info on your phone.

  35. SamuelWhiskers says:

    I book flights on my phone because I travel a lot, and often very complicated travel involving many countries in one trip, and sometimes changes of plan mid-trip, and I usually don’t take my laptop on those trips.

    But everything else, yes absolutely big purchases are laptop purchases. I was looking for a new sofa and found a really amazing one (hot pink velvet, if you’re interested) while searching on my phone, and just automatically went to get my laptop and emailed myself the exact same link I’d just been looking at on my phone so I could hit “buy now”, when there’s no reason on earth I couldn’t have done that on my phone.

    Having said that, I’ve never heard of a “top sheet” before – like, literally never heard of it, except in use with like an actual blanket (which some elderly Brits do still use). But the sheet/blanket combo is instead of a duvet. I’ve genuinely never heard of anyone using a top sheet with a duvet – surely the duvet cover acts as a top sheet, and you wash your duvet cover every week anyway?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Is it just me or is each generation getting more and more stupid? Is it a rite of passage to find something , anything really, about an earlier generation to “cancel” just be cool? How about having a mind of your own and not shitting on those who’ve come before that aren’t even bothering you. Get a life.

  37. khaveman says:

    I understand many want to be completely mobile. I prefer to do desktop for major purchases so I can really see photo detail on some things, and do easier comparing from screen to screen. I prefer to “manage” that item on mobile once it’s set. Like travel, Amazon etc. BTW sounds like a lot of judgment being passed around. I don’t care how ANYONE shops. You do you. I’m gonna do me and what is best for my experience.

  38. DeltaJuliet says:

    I’m always telling my husband “I’ll do that Monday at work” because I don’t have a home computer anymore and there’s no way I’m doing a complicated transaction on my phone. My vision is terrible and I’m not that patient.